//Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/25 words - 1 min 生长[生長] shēngzhǎng to grow 三十[三十] sānshí thirty; 30 潮汕[潮汕] Cháoshàn Chaoshan, conurbation in the east of Guangdong 廣東|广东[Guang3 dong1] 钟情[鍾情] zhōngqíng to fall in love; to love sb or sth dearly (lover, or art) 苦尽甘来[苦盡甘來] kǔjìngānlái bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning 浓郁[濃郁] nóngyù rich; strong; heavy (fragrance); dense; full-bodied; intense 果[果] guǒ fruit; result; resolute; indeed; if really 食[食] shí to eat; food; animal feed; eclipse 材[材] cái material; timber; ability; aptitude; a capable individual; coffin (old) 演绎[演繹] yǎnyì (of a story etc) to unfold; to play out; to develop (a technique etc); to enact; (logic) to deduce; to infer 缺少[缺少] quēshǎo lack; shortage of; shortfall; to be short (of); to lack 百般[百般] bǎibān in hundred and one ways; in every possible way; by every means 滋味[滋味] zīwèi taste; flavor; feeling 夜市[夜市] yèshì night market 宵夜[宵夜] xiāoyè midnight snack; late-night snack 场所[場所] chǎngsuǒ location; place 少见[少見] shǎojiàn rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see 鲜[鮮] xiān fresh; bright (in color); delicious; tasty; delicacy; aquatic foods 榨[榨] zhà to press; to extract (juice); device for extracting juice, oils etc 果汁[果汁] guǒzhī fruit juice 入口[入口] rùkǒu entrance; to import 酸涩[酸澀] suānsè sour; acrid; (fig.) bitter; painful 微[微] wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2] 苦[苦] kǔ bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly 细细品味[細細品味] xìxìpǐnwèi to savor; to relish //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/50 words - 1 min 逐渐[逐漸] zhújiàn gradually 甘[甘] gān sweet; willing 珍藏[珍藏] zhēncáng collection; to collect (valuables) 小小[小小] xiǎoxiǎo very small; very few; very minor 私[私] sī personal; private; selfish 果实[果實] guǒshí fruit (produced by a plant); (fig.) fruits (of success etc); results; gains 来自[來自] láizì to come from (a place); From: (in email header) 公里[公里] gōnglǐ kilometer 之外[之外] zhīwài outside; excluding 尽管[儘管] jǐnguǎn despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 寒露[寒露] Hánlù Hanlu or Cold Dew, 17th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 8th-22nd October 雨量[雨量] yǔliàng rainfall 减少[減少] jiǎnshǎo to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower 位于[位於] wèiyú to be located at; to be situated at; to lie 汕头[汕頭] Shàntóu Shantou (formerly romanized as Swatow), prefecture-level city in Guangdong 榕江[榕江] Róngjiāng Rongjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou 平原[平原] píngyuán field; plain; CL:個|个[ge4] 灶[灶] zào kitchen stove; kitchen 镇[鎮] zhèn to press down; to calm; to subdue; to suppress; to guard; garrison; small town; to cool or chill (food or drinks) 气温[氣溫] qìwēn air temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 仍然[仍然] réngrán still; yet 维持[維持] wéichí to keep; to maintain; to preserve 度[度] dù to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences 山[山] shān mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; CL:座[zuo4]; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable 林[林] lín woods; forest; CL:片[pian4]; circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people); a collection (of similar things) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/75 words - 2 min 清香[清香] qīngxiāng sweet scent; fragrant odor 飘浮[飄浮] piāofú to float; to hover; also written 漂浮 橄榄[橄欖] gǎnlǎn Chinese olive; olive 成熟[成熟] chéngshú mature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2] 季节[季節] jìjié time; season; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 有着[有著] yǒuzhe to have; to possess 树[樹] shù tree; CL:棵[ke1]; to cultivate; to set up 龄[齡] líng age; length of experience, membership etc 棵[棵] kē classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc 打下[打下] dǎxià to lay (a foundation); to conquer (a city etc); to shoot down (a bird etc) 公斤[公斤] gōngjīn kilogram (kg) 左右[左右] zuǒyòu left and right; nearby; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence 杨[楊] yáng poplar 珍[珍] zhēn precious thing; treasure; culinary delicacy; rare; valuable; to value highly 等待[等待] děngdài to wait; to wait for 收获[收穫] shōuhuò to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward 青[青] qīng green; blue; black; youth; young (of people) 原产[原產] yuánchǎn original production; native to (of species) 中国[中國] Zhōngguó China 南方[南方] nánfāng south; the southern part of the country; the South 地处[地處] dìchǔ to be located at; to be situated in 亚热带[亞熱帶] yàrèdài subtropical (zone or climate) 期[期] qī a period of time; phase; stage; classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study; time; term; period; to hope; Taiwan pr. [qi2] 暖[暖] nuǎn warm; to warm 冬季[冬季] dōngjì winter //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/100 words - 2 min 霜冻[霜凍] shuāngdòng frost; frost damage (to crop) 独特[獨特] dútè unique; distinct; having special characteristics 气候[氣候] qìhòu climate; atmosphere; situation; CL:種|种[zhong3] 提供[提供] tígōng to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 绝佳[絕佳] juéjiā exceptionally good 环境[環境] huánjìng environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient 单[單] dān bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] 宁[寧] níng peaceful; to pacify; to visit (one's parents etc) 宁[寧] nìng would rather; to prefer; how (emphatic); Taiwan pr. [ning2] 酚[酚] fēn phenol 令[令] lìng to order; to command; an order; warrant; writ; to cause; to make sth happen; virtuous; honorific title; season; government position (old) 其[其] qí his; her; its; their; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it) 微微[微微] wēiwēi slight; faint; humble 苦涩[苦澀] kǔsè bitter and astringent; pained; agonized 随着[隨著] suízhe along with; in the wake of; following 不断[不斷] bùduàn unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant 咀嚼[咀嚼] jǔjué to chew; to think over 唾液[唾液] tuòyè saliva 消化[消化] xiāohuà to digest; digestion; digestive 酶[酶] méi enzyme; ferment 高分子[高分子] gāofēnzǐ macromolecule; polymer 碳水化合物[碳水化合物] tànshuǐhuàhéwù carbohydrate 分解[分解] fēnjiě to resolve; to decompose; to break down 甜味[甜味] tiánwèi sweetness 随之[隨之] suízhī thereupon; subsequently; accordingly 迂回[迂迴] yūhuí roundabout route; circuitous; tortuous; to outflank; indirect; roundabout //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/125 words - 3 min 外地人[外地人] wàidìrén stranger; outsider 若[若] ruò to seem; like; as; if 饴[飴] yí syrup 采摘[採摘] cǎizhāi to pluck; to pick 丧失[喪失] sàngshī to lose; to forfeit 生理[生理] shēnglǐ physiology 代谢[代謝] dàixiè replacement; substitution; metabolism (biol.) 表皮[表皮] biǎopí epidermis; cuticle 收缩[收縮] shōusuō to pull back; to shrink; to contract; (physiology) systole 水分[水分] shuǐfèn moisture content; (fig.) overstatement; padding 挥发[揮發] huīfā volatile; volatility 保存[保存] bǎocún to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing) 留住[留住] liúzhù to ask sb to stay; to keep sb for the night; to await (classical) 风味[風味] fēngwèi distinctive flavor; distinctive style 新鲜[新鮮] xīnxiān fresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon 制作[製作] zhìzuò to make; to manufacture 特有[特有] tèyǒu specific (to); characteristic (of); distinctive 冷盘[冷盤] lěngpán cold plate; cold meats 小菜[小菜] xiǎocài appetizer; small side dish; easy job; piece of cake; see also 小菜一碟[xiao3 cai4 yi1 die2] 当地[當地] dāngdì local 称之为[稱之為] chēngzhīwéi to call it...; known as... 杂[雜] zá mixed; miscellaneous; various; to mix 咸[鹹] xián salted; salty; stingy; miserly 粥[粥] zhōu congee; gruel; porridge; CL:碗[wan3] 受欢迎[受歡迎] shòuhuānyíng popular; well-received //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/150 words - 4 min 主食[主食] zhǔshí main food; staple (rice and noodles) 白粥[白粥] báizhōu plain rice congee 最佳[最佳] zuìjiā optimum; optimal; peak; best (athlete, movie etc) 搭配[搭配] dāpèi to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group 伴随[伴隨] bànsuí to accompany; to follow; to occur together with; concomitant 稻米[稻米] dàomǐ rice (crop) 谷物[穀物] gǔwù cereal; grain 香气[香氣] xiāngqì fragrance; aroma; incense 佐[佐] zuǒ to assist; assistant; aide; to accompany 刺激[刺激] cìjī to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant 食欲[食慾] shíyù appetite 浸泡[浸泡] jìnpào to steep; to soak; to immerse 苦味[苦味] kǔwèi bitter taste; bitterness 淡[淡] dàn insipid; diluted; weak; mild; light in color; tasteless; fresh; indifferent; nitrogen 纤维[纖維] xiānwéi fiber; CL:種|种[zhong3] 软化[軟化] ruǎnhuà to soften 使[使] shǐ to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth; envoy; messenger 彻底[徹底] chèdǐ thorough; thoroughly; complete 散尽[散盡] sànjìn to be totally dispersed (crowd) 需[需] xū to require; to need; to want; necessity; need 温[溫] wēn warm; lukewarm; temperature; to warm up; mild; soft; tender; to review (a lesson etc); fever (TCM); old variant of 瘟[wen1] 熬[熬] áo to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure 煮[煮] zhǔ to cook; to boil 变黑[變黑] biànhēi to darken 同时[同時] tóngshí at the same time; simultaneously //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/175 words - 4 min 原先[原先] yuánxiān originally; original; former 高温[高溫] gāowēn high temperature 尽头[盡頭] jìntóu end; extremity; limit 锅[鍋] guō pot; pan; boiler; CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1] 静候[靜候] jìnghòu to quietly wait 一味[一味] yīwèi blindly; invariably 搭档[搭檔] dādàng to cooperate; partner 入场[入場] rùchǎng to enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc 腌制[腌製] yānzhì marinated; to make by pickling, salting or curing 半年[半年] bànnián half a year 芥菜[芥菜] jiècài leaf mustard (Brassica juncea); also pr. [gai4 cai4] 发酵[發酵] fājiào to ferment; fermentation 产生[產生] chǎnshēng to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield 大量[大量] dàliàng great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous; generous; magnanimous 乳酸[乳酸] rǔsuān lactic acid 菌[菌] jūn germ; bacteria; fungus; mold; Taiwan pr. [jun4] 酸[酸] suān sour; tart; sick at heart; grieved; sore; aching; pedantic; impractical; to make sarcastic remarks about sb; an acid 爽[爽] shuǎng bright; clear; crisp; open; frank; straightforward; to feel well; fine; pleasurable; invigorating; to deviate 脆[脆] cuì brittle; fragile; crisp; crunchy; clear and loud voice; neat 大部分[大部分] dàbùfen in large part; the greater part; the majority 食材[食材] shícái (food) ingredient 组合[組合] zǔhé to assemble; to combine; to compose; combination; association; set; compilation; (math.) combinatorial 加入[加入] jiārù to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in 适量[適量] shìliàng appropriate amount 盐[鹽] yán salt; CL:粒[li4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/200 words - 5 min 进行[進行] jìnxíng to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute 调味[調味] tiáowèi seasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences 此时[此時] cǐshí now; this moment 烂[爛] làn soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 软[軟] ruǎn soft; flexible 糯[糯] nuò glutinous rice; sticky rice 绵[綿] mián silk floss; continuous; soft; weak; mild-mannered (dialect) 花生[花生] huāshēng peanut; groundnut; CL:粒[li4] 油[油] yóu oil; fat; grease; petroleum; to apply tung oil, paint or varnish; oily; greasy; glib; cunning 呈现[呈現] chéngxiàn to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate 乌黑[烏黑] wūhēi jet-black; dark 油亮[油亮] yóuliàng glossy; shiny 质感[質感] zhìgǎn realism (in art); sense of reality; texture; tactile quality 释放[釋放] shìfàng to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge 厚重[厚重] hòuzhòng thick; heavy; thickset (body); massive; generous; extravagant; profound; dignified 油脂[油脂] yóuzhī grease; oil; fat 质量[質量] zhìliàng quality; (physics) mass; CL:個|个[ge4] 上乘[上乘] shàngchéng first-class; best quality; also pr. [shang4 sheng4] 达[達] dá to attain; to reach; to amount to; to communicate; eminent 分钟[分鐘] fēnzhōng minute 产地[產地] chǎndì source (of a product); place of origin; manufacturing location 人们[人們] rénmen people 加工[加工] jiāgōng to process; processing; working (of machinery) 转变[轉變] zhuǎnbiàn to change; to transform; shift; transformation; CL:個|个[ge4] 口味[口味] kǒuwèi a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/225 words - 6 min 延续[延續] yánxù to continue; to go on; to last 品尝[品嘗] pǐncháng to taste a small amount; to sample 期限[期限] qīxiàn time limit; deadline; allotted time 回甘[回甘] huígān to have a sweet aftertaste 保鲜期[保鮮期] bǎoxiānqī shelf life; freshness date 醇[醇] chún alcohol; wine with high alcohol content; rich; pure; good wine; sterols 享用[享用] xiǎngyòng to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of) 美味[美味] měiwèi delicious; delicious food; delicacy 日常[日常] rìcháng daily; everyday 看似[看似] kànsì to look as if; to seem 平淡[平淡] píngdàn flat; dull; ordinary; nothing special 饮食[飲食] yǐnshí food and drink; diet 集[集] jí to gather; to collect; collected works; classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode 者[者] zhě (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...; (after a noun) person involved in ...; -er; -ist; (used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to sth mentioned previously); (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term); (old) (used at the end of a command); (old) this 似乎[似乎] sìhū apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly 钟爱[鍾愛] zhōng'ài to treasure; to be very fond of 枚[枚] méi classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc; tree trunk; whip; wooden peg, used as a gag for marching soldiers (old) 别具[別具] biéjù see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4] 地区[地區] dìqū local; regional; district (not necessarily formal administrative unit); region; area; as suffix to city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture-level city or county level city); CL:個|个[ge4] 橄榄树[橄欖樹] gǎnlǎnshù olive tree 大都[大都] dàdū for the most part; on the whole; metropolitan 米[米] mǐ rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier) 其它[其它] qítā other; the others; else; other than it; in addition to the thing mentioned above 专业[專業] zhuānyè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional 种植园[種植園] zhòngzhíyuán plantation //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/250 words - 7 min 果树[果樹] guǒshù fruit tree; CL:棵[ke1] 相比[相比] xiāngbǐ to compare 显[顯] xiǎn to make visible; to reveal; prominent; conspicuous; (prefix) phanero- 茂盛[茂盛] màoshèng lush 潮州[潮州] Cháozhōu Chaozhou prefecture-level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3]; Chaochou town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan 市[市] shì market; city; CL:個|个[ge4] 意[意] yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect; to anticipate 溪[溪] xī creek; rivulet 距今[距今] jùjīn before the present; (a long period) ago 周末[週末] zhōumò weekend 食客[食客] shíkè diner (in a restaurant etc); hanger-on; sponger 慕名而来[慕名而來] mùmíng'érlái to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a famous location 菜式[菜式] càishì dish (food prepared according to a specific recipe) 有关[有關] yǒuguān to have sth to do with; to relate to; related to; to concern; concerning 餐厅[餐廳] cāntīng dining hall; dining room; restaurant; CL:間|间[jian1],家[jia1] 使用[使用] shǐyòng to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of 产[產] chǎn to give birth; to reproduce; to produce; product; resource; estate; property 周围[周圍] zhōuwéi surroundings; environment; to encompass 林子[林子] línzi woods; grove; forest 百年[百年] bǎinián hundred years; century; lifetime 如今[如今] rújīn nowadays; now 依然[依然] yīrán still; as before 硕果累累[碩果累累] shuòguǒlěilěi heavily laden with fruit; fertile (of trees); many noteworthy achievements 肉质[肉質] ròuzhì quality of meat; succulent (botany) 紧实[緊實] jǐnshí tight; firm; dense; packed //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/275 words - 8 min 饱满[飽滿] bǎomǎn full; plump 上好[上好] shànghǎo first-rate; top-notch 佳[佳] jiā beautiful; fine; good 品[品] pǐn article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 炖[燉] dùn to stew 猪[豬] zhū hog; pig; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2] 肺[肺] fèi lung; CL:個|个[ge4] 随[隨] suí to follow; to comply with; varying according to...; to allow; subsequently 佐料[佐料] zuǒliào condiments; seasoning 骨[骨] gǔ bone 汤[湯] tāng soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled 盅[盅] zhōng handleless cup; goblet 登场[登場] dēngchǎng to go on stage; fig. to appear on the scene; used in advertising to mean new product 清洗[清洗] qīngxǐ to wash; to clean; to purge 切[切] qiē to cut; to slice; tangent (math) 切[切] qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4] 去除[去除] qùchú to remove; to dislodge 油腻[油膩] yóunì grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character 鲜味[鮮味] xiānwèi umami, one of the five basic tastes (cookery) 尽情[盡情] jìnqíng as much as one likes 洌[洌] liè pure; to cleanse 赋予[賦予] fùyǔ to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow 汤汁[湯汁] tāngzhī soup; broth 激发[激發] jīfā to arouse; to excite 成就[成就] chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about 润[潤] rùn to moisten; to lubricate; to embellish; moist; glossy; sleek //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/300 words - 9 min 开胃[開胃] kāiwèi to whet the appetite; appetizing; to amuse oneself at sb's expense; to tease 中都[中都] Zhōngdū Zhongdu, capital of China during the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), modern day Beijing 身影[身影] shēnyǐng silhouette; figure 或[或] huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or 养生[養生] yǎngshēng to maintain good health; to raise a child or animal; curing (of concrete etc) 民间[民間] mínjiān among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments 冬[冬] dōng winter 春[春] chūn spring (season); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life 赛[賽] sài to compete; competition; match; to surpass; better than; superior to; to excel 人参[人參] rénshēn ginseng 说法[說法] shuōfa way of speaking; wording; formulation; one's version (of events); statement; theory; hypothesis; interpretation 不论[不論] bùlùn whatever; no matter what (who, how etc); regardless of; not to discuss 满足[滿足] mǎnzú to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 健康[健康] jiànkāng health; healthy 讲究[講究] jiǎngjiu to pay particular attention to; carefully selected for quality; tastefully chosen 从业[從業] cóngyè to practice (a trade) 厨[廚] chú kitchen 同样[同樣] tóngyàng same; equal; equivalent 关键[關鍵] guānjiàn crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key; crucial; pivotal 坛[罈] tán earthen jar 之中[之中] zhīzhōng inside; among; in the midst of (doing sth); during 属[屬] shǔ category; genus (taxonomy); family members; dependents; to belong to; subordinate to; affiliated with; be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals); to be; to prove to be; to constitute 科[科] kē branch of study; administrative section; division; field; branch; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules; laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb; CL:個|个[ge4] 乌[烏] wū crow; black 外观[外觀] wàiguān exterior appearance; to view sth from the outside; exterior condition //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/325 words - 10 min 口感[口感] kǒugǎn taste; texture (of food); how food feels in the mouth 质地[質地] zhìdì texture; background (texture); grain; quality; character; disposition 大相径庭[大相徑庭] dàxiāngjìngtíng as different as can be (idiom); poles apart 核[核] hé pit; stone; nucleus; nuclear; to examine; to check; to verify 肉[肉] ròu meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; Kangxi radical 130 糙[糙] cāo rough; coarse (in texture) 糖[糖] táng sugar; sweets; candy; CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4] 含量[含量] hánliàng content; quantity contained 低[低] dī low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 不宜[不宜] bùyí not suitable; inadvisable; inappropriate 变为[變為] biànwéi to change into 另[另] lìng other; another; separate; separately 盐水[鹽水] Yánshuǐ Yanshui town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan 腌渍[醃漬] yānzì to pickle; cured; salted 接近[接近] jiējìn to approach; to get close to 梅子[梅子] méizi plum 料理[料理] liàolǐ to arrange; to handle; to cook; cuisine; art of cooking 味[味] wèi taste; smell; classifier for drugs (in TCM) 作用[作用] zuòyòng to act on; to affect; action; function; activity; impact; result; effect; purpose; intent; to play a role; corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization; CL:個|个[ge4] 类似[類似] lèisì similar; analogous 陈[陳] chén to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to narrate; to state; to explain; to tell; old; stale 皮[皮] pí leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty 快速[快速] kuàisù fast; high-speed; rapid 翻炒[翻炒] fānchǎo to stir-fry 爆[爆] bào to explode or burst; to quick fry or quick boil //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/350 words - 11 min 韩江[韓江] Hánjiāng the Han river in Guangdong 野生[野生] yěshēng wild; undomesticated 黄鱼[黃魚] huángyú yellow croaker (fish) 熏蒸[燻蒸] xūnzhēng to fumigate 清淡[清淡] qīngdàn light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored); insipid; slack (sales) 便[便] biàn plain; informal; suitable; convenient; opportune; to urinate or defecate; equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards 吸收[吸收] xīshōu to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest; to recruit 复杂[複雜] fùzá complicated; complex 甜[甜] tián sweet 幽香[幽香] yōuxiāng delicate fragrance 烹饪[烹飪] pēngrèn cooking; culinary arts 鱼[魚] yú fish; CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3] 不仅[不僅] bùjǐn not only (this one); not just (...) but also 带有[帶有] dàiyǒu to have; to involve 丝[絲] sī silk; thread; trace; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips; CL:條|条[tiao2]; classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc 形成[形成] xíngchéng to form; to take shape 丰富[豐富] fēngfù to enrich; rich; plentiful; abundant 味觉[味覺] wèijué sense of taste; gustation 体验[體驗] tǐyàn to experience for oneself 穿越[穿越] chuānyuè to pass through; to traverse; to cross 千年[千年] qiānnián millennium 念念不忘[念念不忘] niànniànbùwàng to keep in mind constantly (idiom) 唇齿[唇齒] chúnchǐ lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners; interdependent 诱人[誘人] yòurén attractive; alluring; captivating; to attract; to captivate 永[永] yǒng forever; always; perpetual //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep01/353 words - 11 min 驻[駐] zhù to halt; to stay; to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc) 心头[心頭] xīntóu heart; thoughts; mind 家乡[家鄉] jiāxiāng hometown; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/25 words - 1 min 单一[單一] dānyī single; only; sole 原材料[原材料] yuáncáiliào raw materials; unprocessed materials 纯粹[純粹] chúncuì pure; unadulterated; purely; completely 比例[比例] bǐlì proportion; scale 调[調] diào to transfer; to move (troops or cadres); to investigate; to enquire into; accent; view; argument; key (in music); mode (music); tune; tone; melody 调[調] tiáo to harmonize; to reconcile; to blend; to suit well; to adjust; to regulate; to season (food); to provoke; to incite 衍生[衍生] yǎnshēng to give rise to; to derive; derivative; derivation 截然不同[截然不同] jiéránbùtóng entirely different; different as black and white 繁复[繁複] fánfù complicated 念[念] niàn to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) 兄妹[兄妹] xiōngmèi brother(s) and sister(s) 排挡[排擋] páidǎng gear (of car etc) 餐[餐] cān meal; to eat; classifier for meals 经营[經營] jīngyíng to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate 小店[小店] xiǎodiàn small store 招揽[招攬] zhāolǎn to attract (customers); to drum up (trade) 不少[不少] bùshǎo many; a lot; not few 顾客[顧客] gùkè client; customer; CL:位[wei4] 来到[來到] láidào to come; to arrive 特色[特色] tèsè characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality 小吃[小吃] xiǎochī snack; refreshments; CL:家[jia1] 古稀[古稀] gǔxī seventy years old 景[景] jǐng bright; circumstance; scenery 美食[美食] měishí culinary delicacy; fine food; gourmet food 创造者[創造者] chuàngzàozhě creator 猪油[豬油] zhūyóu lard //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/50 words - 2 min 炒菜[炒菜] chǎocài to stir-fry; to do the cooking; stir-fried dish 首选[首選] shǒuxuǎn first choice; premium; to come first in the imperial examinations 动物[動物] dòngwù animal; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4] 浓香[濃香] nóngxiāng strong fragrance; pungent 主角[主角] zhǔjué leading role; lead 粿[粿] guǒ rice cake (typically made with glutinous rice flour and steamed) 极为[極為] jíwéi extremely; exceedingly 流行[流行] liúxíng (of a contagious disease etc) to spread; to propagate; (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular; fashionable 手艺[手藝] shǒuyì craftmanship; workmanship; handicraft; trade 配料[配料] pèiliào ingredients (in a cooking recipe); to mix materials according to directions 用量[用量] yòngliàng quantity used; usage; consumption; dose 及[及] jí and; to reach; up to; in time for 火候[火候] huǒhòu heat control; maturity; crucial moment 控[控] kòng to control; to accuse; to charge; to sue; to invert a container to empty it; (suffix) (slang) buff; enthusiast; devotee; -phile or -philia 谙[諳] ān to be versed in; to know well 均匀[均勻] jūnyún even; well-distributed; homogeneous; well-proportioned (figure, body etc) 包裹[包裹] bāoguǒ to wrap up; to bind up; bundle; parcel; package; CL:個|个[ge4] 厚[厚] hòu thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress 煸[煸] biān to stir-fry before broiling or stewing 炒[炒] chǎo to sauté; to stir-fry; to speculate; to hype; to fire (sb) 猪肉[豬肉] zhūròu pork 增加[增加] zēngjiā to raise; to increase 脂[脂] zhī fat; rouge (cosmetics); resin 类[類] lèi kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble 物质[物質] wùzhì matter; substance; material; materialistic; CL:個|个[ge4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/75 words - 3 min 爽口[爽口] shuǎngkǒu fresh and tasty 豆芽[豆芽] dòuyá bean sprout 既[既] jì already; since; both... (and...) 失[失] shī to lose; to miss; to fail 干爽[乾爽] gānshuǎng dry and clean; clear and fresh 碗[碗] wǎn bowl; cup; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 厌[厭] yàn to loathe 凝固[凝固] nínggù to freeze; to solidify; to congeal; fig. with rapt attention 大米[大米] dàmǐ (husked) rice 制[製] zhì to manufacture; to make 状[狀] zhuàng accusation; suit; state; condition; strong; great; -shaped 食物[食物] shíwù food; CL:種|种[zhong3] 各地[各地] gèdì in all parts of (a country); various regions 少许[少許] shǎoxǔ a little; a few 差异[差異] chāyì difference; discrepancy 因此[因此] yīncǐ thus; consequently; as a result 诞生[誕生] dànshēng to be born 形态[形態] xíngtài shape; form; pattern; morphology 品种[品種] pǐnzhǒng breed; variety; CL:個|个[ge4] 制品[製品] zhìpǐn products; goods 称为[稱為] chēngwéi called; to call sth (by a name); to name 之一[之一] zhīyī one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc) 小屋[小屋] xiǎowū cabin; lodge; cottage; chalet; hut; shed 周[周] zhōu to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all over; thorough; to help financially 累计[累計] lěijì to accumulate; cumulative //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/100 words - 4 min 百万[百萬] bǎiwàn million; millions 父辈[父輩] fùbèi people of one's parents' generation 学会[學會] xuéhuì to learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association 放置[放置] fàngzhì to put 下降[下降] xiàjiàng to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease 链[鏈] liàn chain; cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m); chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m); to chain; to enchain 淀粉[澱粉] diànfěn starch; amylum C6H10O5 磨[磨] mó to rub; to grind; to polish; to sharpen; to wear down; to die out; to waste time; to pester; to insist 米浆[米漿] mǐjiāng rice milk 凝结[凝結] níngjié to condense; to solidify; to coagulate; clot (of blood) 形[形] xíng to appear; to look; form; shape 泡[泡] pào bubble; foam; blister (i.e. skin bubble); to soak; to steep; to infuse; to dawdle; to shilly-shally; to hang about; to pick up (a girl); to get off with (a sexual partner); classifier for occurrences of an action; classifier for number of infusions 打磨[打磨] dǎmó polish; grind 浆[漿] jiāng broth; serum; to starch 桶[桶] tǒng bucket; (trash) can; barrel (of oil etc); CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 泉水[泉水] quánshuǐ spring water; CL:股[gu3] 便是[便是] biànshì (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 原料[原料] yuánliào raw material; CL:個|个[ge4] 最终[最終] zuìzhōng final; ultimate 观察[觀察] guānchá to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:個|个[ge4] 壁[壁] bì wall; rampart 程度[程度] chéngdù degree (level or extent); level; CL:個|个[ge4] 判断[判斷] pànduàn to judge; to determine; judgment 品相[品相] pǐnxiàng condition; physical appearance (of a museum piece, item of food produced by a chef, postage stamp etc) 历史[歷史] lìshǐ history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/125 words - 5 min 南[南] nán south 迁[遷] qiān to move; to shift; to change (a position or location etc); to promote 中原[中原] Zhōngyuán Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan, western Shandong, southern Shanxi and Hebei 移民[移民] yímín to immigrate; to migrate; emigrant; immigrant 陆续[陸續] lùxù in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit 祭祀[祭祀] jìsì to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors 面食[麵食] miànshí food made from wheat flour, such as noodles, dumplings, buns etc 果品[果品] guǒpǐn fruit 麦子[麥子] màizi wheat; CL:株[zhu1] 代替[代替] dàitì to replace; to take the place of 各类[各類] gèlèi all categories 单单[單單] dāndān only; merely; just 各种[各種] gèzhǒng every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds 客家人[客家人] Kèjiārén Hakka people 为主[為主] wéizhǔ to rely mainly on; to attach most importance to 所在[所在] suǒzài place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located 居多[居多] jūduō to be in the majority 发音[發音] fāyīn to pronounce; pronunciation; to emit sound 念[唸] niàn variant of 念[nian4], to read aloud 粄[粄] bǎn (Hakka cuisine) snacks made from glutinous rice flour (rice cakes, noodles etc) 沿用[沿用] yányòng to continue to use (old methods); to apply as before; according to usage 古老[古老] gǔlǎo ancient; old; age-old 手工[手工] shǒugōng handwork; manual 法[法] fǎ law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist 调制[調製] tiáozhì to concoct by mixing ingredients; to prepare according to a recipe; to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/150 words - 6 min 铺[鋪] pū to spread; to display; to set up; (old) holder for door-knocker 铺[鋪] pù plank bed; place to sleep; shop; store; (old) relay station 蒸[蒸] zhēng to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); finely chopped firewood (old) 屉[屜] tì drawer; tier; tray 沸[沸] fèi to boil 蒸汽[蒸汽] zhēngqì steam 迅速[迅速] xùnsù rapid; speedy; fast 一层[一層] yīcéng layer 粘[粘] nián variant of 黏[nian2] 晾[晾] liàng to dry in the air; (fig.) to cold-shoulder 置[置] zhì to install; to place; to put; to buy 片刻[片刻] piànkè short period of time; a moment 客家[客家] Kèjiā Hakka ethnic group, a subgroup of the Han that in the 13th century migrated from northern China to the south 分为[分為] fēnwéi to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide 根据[根據] gēnjù according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:個|个[ge4] 喜好[喜好] xǐhào to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference 豆腐[豆腐] dòufu tofu; bean curd 丁[丁] dīng fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; fourth in order; letter "D" or Roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 195°; butyl; cubes (of food) 萝卜[蘿蔔] luóbo radish (Raphanus sativus), esp. white radish 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]; CL:條|条[tiao2] 称[稱] chēng to weigh; to state; to name; name; appellation; to praise 晶莹[晶瑩] jīngyíng sparkling and translucent 剔[剔] tī to scrape the meat from bones; to pick (teeth etc); to weed out 透[透] tòu to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show 咬[咬] yǎo to bite; to nip 劲[勁] jìn strength; energy; enthusiasm; spirit; mood; expression; interest; CL:把[ba3]; Taiwan pr. [jing4] 十足[十足] shízú ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/175 words - 8 min 汁[汁] zhī juice 丰盈[豐盈] fēngyíng well-rounded; plump 咸淡[鹹淡] xiándàn salty and unsalty (flavors); degree of saltiness; brackish (water) 适宜[適宜] shìyí suitable; appropriate 喜爱[喜愛] xǐ'ài to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite 吃食[吃食] chīshi food; edibles 温度[溫度] wēndù temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 降低[降低] jiàngdī to reduce; to lower; to bring down 时机[時機] shíjī fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity 娴熟[嫻熟] xiánshú adept; skilled 刀工[刀工] dāogōng knife work (food preparation) 宽度[寬度] kuāndù width 厘米[釐米] límǐ centimeter 不易[不易] bùyì not easy to do sth; difficult; unchanging 现[現] xiàn to appear; present; now; existing; current 超过[超過] chāoguò to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip 三分之一[三分之一] sānfēnzhīyī one third 分布[分佈] fēnbù to scatter; to distribute; to be distributed (over an area etc); (statistical, geographic) distribution 世界各地[世界各地] shìjiègèdì all over the world; everywhere; in all parts of the world 外出[外出] wàichū to go out; to go away (on a trip etc) 香港[香港] Xiānggǎng Hong Kong 泰国[泰國] Tàiguó Thailand; Thai 新加坡[新加坡] Xīnjiāpō Singapore 仅[僅] jǐn barely; only; merely 消耗[消耗] xiāohào to use up; to consume //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/200 words - 9 min 揭阳[揭陽] Jiēyáng Jieyang prefecture-level city in Guangdong 揭东县[揭東縣] Jiēdōngxiàn Jiedong county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 塔[塔] tǎ pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuo4] 桐[桐] tóng tree name (variously Paulownia, Firmiana or Aleurites) 坑[坑] kēng hole; pit; tunnel; to defraud 乡[鄉] xiāng country or countryside; native place; home village or town; township (PRC administrative unit) 主要[主要] zhǔyào main; principal; major; primary 县城[縣城] xiànchéng county seat; county town 交界[交界] jiāojiè common boundary; common border 地带[地帶] dìdài zone; CL:個|个[ge4] 县[縣] xiàn county 商贸[商貿] shāngmào trade and commerce 往来[往來] wǎnglái dealings; contacts; to go back and forth 枢纽[樞紐] shūniǔ hub (e.g. of traffic network); hinge; pivot; fulcrum 城[城] chéng city walls; city; town; CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 际[際] jì border; edge; boundary; interval; between; inter-; to meet; time; occasion; to meet with (circumstances) 交通[交通] jiāotōng to be connected; traffic; transportation; communications; liaison 便利[便利] biànlì convenient; easy; to facilitate 萧条[蕭條] xiāotiáo bleak; desolate; (economic) depression or slump 普通[普通] pǔtōng common; ordinary; general; average 郭[郭] guō outer city wall 贤[賢] xián worthy or virtuous person; honorific used for a person of the same or a younger generation 丽[麗] lì beautiful 本地人[本地人] běndìrén native person (of a country) 一家[一家] yījiā the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/225 words - 10 min 清晨[清晨] qīngchén early morning 准时[準時] zhǔnshí on time; punctual; on schedule 自家[自家] zìjiā oneself; one's own family 后院[後院] hòuyuàn rear court; back garden; backyard (also fig.) 高汤[高湯] gāotāng clear soup; soup stock 生意[生意] shēngyì life force; vitality 临近[臨近] línjìn close to; approaching 迎[迎] yíng to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties) 客[客] kè customer; visitor; guest 偏爱[偏愛] piān'ài to be partial towards sth; to favor; to prefer; preference; favorite 更为[更為] gèngwéi even more 纤细[纖細] xiānxì fine; slim; tender 稍[稍] shāo somewhat; a little 冷冻[冷凍] lěngdòng to freeze; to deep-freeze 质[質] zhì character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2] 坚硬[堅硬] jiānyìng hard; solid 切割[切割] qiēgē to cut 凭借[憑借] píngjiè to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; sth that one relies on 经验[經驗] jīngyàn experience; to experience 毫米[毫米] háomǐ millimeter 常规[常規] chángguī code of conduct; conventions; common practice; routine (medical procedure etc) 十分之一[十分之一] shífēnzhīyī one tenth 鹅[鵝] é goose; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 富[富] fù rich; abundant; wealthy 含[含] hán to keep; to contain; to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/250 words - 12 min 蛋白质[蛋白質] dànbáizhì protein 氨基酸[氨基酸] ānjīsuān amino acid 充分[充分] chōngfèn ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full 渗入[滲入] shènrù to permeate 表面[表面] biǎomiàn surface; face; outside; appearance 残渣[殘渣] cánzhā remainder; filtered out residue; sediment; waste product; debris; detritus; rubbish 底[底] dǐ background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants; (math.) radix; base 细[細] xì thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal 粉丝[粉絲] fěnsī bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noodles; Chinese vermicelli; cellophane noodles; CL:把[ba3]; fan (loanword); enthusiast for sb or sth 更加[更加] gèngjiā more (than sth else); even more 韧[韌] rèn annealed; pliable but strong; tough; tenacious 滑[滑] huá to slip; to slide; smooth; slippery; cunning 独[獨] dú alone; independent; single; sole; only 在外[在外] zàiwài outer; excluded 定居[定居] dìngjū to settle (in some city, country etc); to take up residence 常常[常常] chángcháng frequently; often 不惜[不惜] bùxī not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth); not scruple (to do sth) 驱[驅] qū to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly 数百[數百] shùbǎi several hundred 一口[一口] yīkǒu readily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite 见证[見證] jiànzhèng to be witness to; witness; evidence 迁徙[遷徙] qiānxǐ to migrate; to move 繁衍[繁衍] fányǎn to multiply; to reproduce; to increase gradually in number or quantity 落地生根[落地生根] luòdìshēnggēn air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum); to put down roots 仿佛[彷彿] fǎngfú to seem; as if; alike; similar //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep02/255 words - 12 min 纽带[紐帶] niǔdài tie; link; bond 通过[通過] tōngguò by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over 记忆[記憶] jìyì to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4] 紧紧[緊緊] jǐnjǐn closely; tightly 相连[相連] xiānglián to link; to join; link; connection //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/25 words - 1 min 跨越[跨越] kuàyuè to step across; step over 相遇[相遇] xiāngyù to meet; to encounter; to come across 古代[古代] gǔdài ancient times; olden times 烹[烹] pēng cooking method; to boil sb alive (capital punishment in imperial China) 现代[現代] xiàndài modern times; modern age; modern era 生鲜[生鮮] shēngxiān fresh produce and freshly prepared foods 地道[地道] dìdao authentic; genuine; typical; from a place known for the product; thorough; conscientious 李[李] lǐ plum 映[映] yìng to reflect (light); to shine; to project (an image onto a screen etc) 生父[生父] shēngfù biological father 排档[排檔] páidàng stall (of market etc) 大多[大多] dàduō for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly 提前[提前] tíqián to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance 备[備] bèi to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip 几样[幾樣] jǐyàng several kinds 完美[完美] wánměi perfect; perfection; perfectly 排[排] pái a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 档[檔] dàng official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves; slot; gap; crosspiece; classifier for crosspieces; classifier for events, affairs etc; Taiwan pr. [dang3] 吸引[吸引] xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 腌[醃] yān to salt; to pickle; to cure (meat); to marinate 蟹[蟹] xiè crab 招牌[招牌] zhāopai signboard; shop sign; reputation of a business 螃蟹[螃蟹] pángxiè crab; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 入味[入味] rùwèi tasty; to be absorbed in sth; interesting 三分[三分] sānfēn somewhat; to some degree //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/50 words - 2 min 售卖[售賣] shòumài to sell 撒[撒] sā to let go; to cast; to let loose; to discharge; to give expression to 撒[撒] sǎ to scatter; to sprinkle; to spill 香菜[香菜] xiāngcài coriander; cilantro; Coriandrum sativum 芳香[芳香] fāngxiāng balmy; fragrant; aromatic (chemistry) 物[物] wù thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 达到[達到] dádào to reach; to achieve; to attain 峰值[峰值] fēngzhí peak value 晓[曉] xiǎo dawn; daybreak; to know; to let sb know; to make explicit 瑶[瑤] yáo jade; precious stone; mother-of-pearl; nacre; precious; used a complementary honorific 父亲[父親] fùqīn father; also pr. [fu4 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 打理[打理] dǎlǐ to take care of; to sort out; to manage; to put in order 浇[澆] jiāo to pour liquid; to irrigate (using waterwheel); to water; to cast (molten metal); to mold 勺[勺] sháo spoon; ladle; CL:把[ba3]; abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume) 浓[濃] nóng concentrated; dense; strong (smell etc) 腌汁[醃汁] yānzhī marinade (sauce) 普宁[普寧] Pǔníng Puning county level city in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 壳[殼] qiào shell; carapace; crust (earth's crust etc); also pr. [ke2] 破裂[破裂] pòliè to rupture; to fracture; to break down; (linguistics) plosion 瞬间[瞬間] shùnjiān in an instant; in a flash 舌尖[舌尖] shéjiān tip of tongue; apical 美妙[美妙] měimiào beautiful; wonderful; splendid 剔透[剔透] tītòu pure and limpid; (of a person) quick-witted 充足[充足] chōngzú adequate; sufficient; abundant 调料[調料] tiáoliào condiment; seasoning; flavoring 多重[多重] duōchóng multi- (faceted, cultural, ethnic etc) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/75 words - 4 min 融合[融合] rónghé a mixture; an amalgam; fusion; welding together; to be in harmony with (nature); to harmonize with; to fit in 过多[過多] guòduō too many; excessive 点缀[點綴] diǎnzhuì to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show 愿[願] yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire; hoped-for; ready; willing 错过[錯過] cuòguò to miss (train, opportunity etc) 泉港[泉港] Quángǎng Quangang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian 渔港[漁港] yúgǎng fishing port 食用[食用] shíyòng food product; to use as food; edible 追溯[追溯] zhuīsù lit. to go upstream; to trace sth back to; to date from 宋朝[宋朝] Sòngcháo Song Dynasty (960-1279); also Song of Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479) 沿海[沿海] yánhǎi coastal 保留[保留] bǎoliú to keep; to retain; to have reservations (about sth); to hold back (from saying sth); to put aside for later 有所[有所] yǒusuǒ somewhat; to some extent 差别[差別] chābié difference; distinction; disparity 层次[層次] céngcì layer; level; gradation; arrangement of ideas; (a person's) standing 奇[奇] qí strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually 特[特] tè special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex 蒜[蒜] suàn garlic; CL:頭|头[tou2],瓣[ban4] 尤其[尤其] yóuqí especially; particularly 无论[無論] wúlùn no matter what or how; regardless of whether... 出于[出於] chūyú due to; to stem from 鲜活[鮮活] xiānhuó vivid; lively; (of food ingredients) live or fresh 作为[作為] zuòwéi one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 市场[市場] shìchǎng marketplace; market (also in abstract) 海盐[海鹽] hǎiyán sea salt //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/100 words - 5 min 来源[來源] láiyuán source (of information etc); origin 弹性[彈性] tánxìng flexibility; elasticity 蛋白[蛋白] dànbái egg white; protein; albumen 胶原蛋白[膠原蛋白] jiāoyuándànbái collagen 变性[變性] biànxìng to denature; denaturation; to have a sex change; transsexual 溶解[溶解] róngjiě to dissolve 互相[互相] hùxiāng each other; mutually; mutual 链接[鏈接] liànjiē link (on a website) 稠[稠] chóu dense; crowded; thick; many 弹牙[彈牙] tányá al dente 胶状[膠狀] jiāozhuàng gluey; gelatinous; colloid (chemistry) 距离[距離] jùlí distance; CL:個|个[ge4]; to be apart from 一道[一道] yīdào together 工序[工序] gōngxù working procedure; process 醋[醋] cù vinegar; jealousy (in love rivalry) 平衡[平衡] pínghéng balance; equilibrium 杀菌[殺菌] shājūn to kill germs; to disinfect; to sterilize 保[保] bǎo to defend; to protect; to keep; to guarantee; to ensure; civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old) 状态[狀態] zhuàngtài state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 紧缺[緊缺] jǐnquē in short supply; scarce 限度[限度] xiàndù limitation; limit 海[海] hǎi ocean; sea; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]; great number of people or things; (dialect) numerous 产品[產品] chǎnpǐn goods; merchandise; product; CL:個|个[ge4] 温饱[溫飽] wēnbǎo to have enough food and warm clothes; adequately provided 盘[盤] pán plate; dish; tray; board; hard drive (computing); to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; classifier for food: dish, helping; to coil; classifier for coils of wire; classifier for games of chess //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/125 words - 6 min 碟[碟] dié dish; plate 饱[飽] bǎo to eat till full; satisfied 腹[腹] fù abdomen; stomach; belly 餐食[餐食] cānshí food; meal 摊[攤] tān to spread out; vendor's stand 宵[宵] xiāo night 经济特区[經濟特區] jīngjìtèqū special economic zone 城市[城市] chéngshì city; town; CL:座[zuo4] 集中[集中] jízhōng to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together 牛[牛] niú ox; cow; bull; CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]; newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]); (slang) awesome 田[田] tián field; farm; CL:片[pian4] 洋[洋] yáng ocean; vast; foreign; silver dollar or coin 西南[西南] xīnán southwest 角[角] jiǎo angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime); CL:個|个[ge4] 角[角] jué role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale 江[江] jiāng river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] 入海口[入海口] rùhǎikǒu estuary 淡水[淡水] dànshuǐ potable water (water with low salt content); fresh water 交汇[交匯] jiāohuì to flow together; confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads); (international) cooperation 海洋[海洋] hǎiyáng ocean; CL:個|个[ge4] 微生物[微生物] wēishēngwù microorganism 膏[膏] gāo ointment; paste; CL:帖[tie3] 繁殖[繁殖] fánzhí to breed; to reproduce; to propagate 平顺[平順] píngshùn smooth; smooth-going; plain sailing 确保[確保] quèbǎo to ensure; to guarantee 品质[品質] pǐnzhì character; intrinsic quality (of a person); quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/150 words - 7 min 选用[選用] xuǎnyòng to choose for some purpose; to select and use 本地[本地] běndì local; this locality 苗[苗] miáo sprout 螺[螺] luó spiral shell; snail; conch 喂养[餵養] wèiyǎng to feed (a child, domestic animal etc); to keep; to raise (an animal) 每年[每年] měinián every year; each year; yearly 出产[出產] chūchǎn to produce (by natural growth, or by manufacture, mining etc); to yield; to turn out; produce; products 用于[用于] yòngyú use in; use on; use for 出口[出口] chūkǒu an exit; CL:個|个[ge4]; to speak; to export; (of a ship) to leave port 拥有[擁有] yōngyǒu to have; to possess 人口[人口] rénkǒu population; people 汕头市[汕頭市] ShàntóuShì Shantou prefecture-level city in Guangdong 即使[即使] jíshǐ even if; even though 肥[肥] féi fat; fertile; loose-fitting or large; to fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer; manure 时刻[時刻] shíkè time; juncture; moment; period of time; CL:個|个[ge4],段[duan4]; constantly; always 市区[市區] shìqū urban district; downtown; city center 出水[出水] chūshuǐ to discharge water; to appear out of the water; to break the surface 进入[進入] jìnrù to enter; to join; to go into 店家[店家] diànjiā proprietor of a shop or restaurant; landlord; shop 半个[半個] bànge half of sth 许多[許多] xǔduō many; a lot of; much 海鲜[海鮮] hǎixiān seafood 腥[腥] xīng fishy (smell) 嫩[嫩] nèn tender; soft; delicate; light (color); inexperienced; unskilled 十分[十分] shífēn very; completely; utterly; extremely; absolutely; hundred percent; to divide into ten equal parts //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/175 words - 9 min 精准[精準] jīngzhǔn accurate; exact; precise; precision 十几[十幾] shíjǐ more than ten; a dozen or more 硬壳[硬殼] yìngké crust; hard shell 戒[戒] jiè to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing sth; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger) 毒药[毒藥] dúyào poison 愈[愈] yù the more...(the more...); to recover; to heal; better 平[平] píng flat; level; equal; to tie (make the same score); to draw (score); calm; peaceful; see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 先行[先行] xiānxíng to precede others; in advance 混合[混合] hùnhé to mix; to blend; hybrid; composite 搅拌[攪拌] jiǎobàn to stir; to agitate 均[均] jūn equal; even; all; uniform 匀[勻] yún even; well-distributed; uniform; to distribute evenly; to share 酱油[醬油] jiàngyóu soy sauce 替代[替代] tìdài to substitute for; to replace; to supersede 过程[過程] guòchéng course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] 自身[自身] zìshēn itself; oneself; one's own 肽[肽] tài peptide (two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH) 蟹肉[蟹肉] xièròu crab meat 突出[突出] tūchū prominent; outstanding; to give prominence to; to protrude; to project 黄[黃] huáng yellow; pornographic; to fall through 体[體] tǐ body; form; style; system; substance; to experience; aspect (linguistics) 橙红色[橙紅色] chénghóngsè red-orange color; dark orange 加紧[加緊] jiājǐn to intensify; to speed up; to step up 致[緻] zhì fine; delicate 摆[擺] bǎi to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a pendulum //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/200 words - 10 min 除去[除去] chúqù to eliminate; to remove; except for; apart from 腮[腮] sāi cheek 部分[部分] bùfen part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] 刀[刀] dāo knife; blade; single-edged sword; cutlass; CL:把[ba3]; (slang) dollar (loanword); classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper); classifier for knife cuts or stabs 落[落] luò to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement 一共[一共] yīgòng altogether 红润[紅潤] hóngrùn ruddy; rosy; florid 露出[露出] lùchū to expose; to show; also pr. [lou4 chu1] 外侧[外側] wàicè outer side 摆放[擺放] bǎifàng to set up; to arrange; to lay out 一目了然[一目了然] yīmùliǎorán obvious at a glance (idiom) 诱惑[誘惑] yòuhuò to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract 视觉[視覺] shìjué sight; vision; visual 优质[優質] yōuzhì excellent quality 柔嫩[柔嫩] róunèn tender; delicate (texture) 享受[享受] xiǎngshòu to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种[zhong3] 好比[好比] hǎobǐ to be just like; can be compared to 甜点[甜點] tiándiǎn dessert 多种[多種] duōzhǒng many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi- 探索[探索] tànsuǒ to explore; to probe 从未[從未] cóngwèi never 止步[止步] zhǐbù to halt; to stop; to go no farther 新民[新民] Xīnmín Xinmin county level city in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Liaoning 极致[極致] jízhì peak; pinnacle; ultimate 零下[零下] língxià below zero //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/225 words - 11 min 冻[凍] dòng to freeze; to feel very cold; aspic or jelly 年前[年前] niánqián before the end of the year; before the new year 闸[閘] zhá gear; brake; sluice; lock (on waterway); electric switch or circuit breaker 停留[停留] tíngliú to stay somewhere temporarily; to stop over 鲜美[鮮美] xiānměi delicious; tasty 凉水[涼水] liángshuǐ cool water; unboiled water 解冻[解凍] jiědòng to melt; to thaw; to defrost; fig. to relax (repression, enmity etc) 外壳[外殼] wàiké envelope; outer shell; hull; cover; case 冰霜[冰霜] bīngshuāng moral integrity; austerity 内部[內部] nèibù interior; inside (part, section); internal 冰[冰] bīng ice; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; to chill sth; (of an object or substance) to feel cold; (of a person) cold; unfriendly; (slang) methamphetamine 物流[物流] wùliú distribution (business); logistics 飞速[飛速] fēisù flying speed; rapid (growth) 发展[發展] fāzhǎn development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 江南[江南] Jiāngnán south of Changjiang or Yangtze river; south of the lower reaches of Changjiang; often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces; a province during Qing times; in literature, refers to the sunny south; Gangnam (district in Seoul, South Korea) 先进[先進] xiānjìn advanced (technology); to advance 速冻[速凍] sùdòng to quick-freeze 技术[技術] jìshù technology; technique; skill; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4] 微小[微小] wēixiǎo minute (i.e. extremely small); infinitesimal 结冰[結冰] jiébīng to freeze 唇舌[唇舌] chúnshé argument; words; lips and tongue 融化[融化] rónghuà to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse 冰激凌[冰激凌] bīngjīlíng ice cream 般[般] bān sort; kind; class; way; manner 果腹[果腹] guǒfù to eat one's fill //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep03/227 words - 12 min 美酒[美酒] měijiǔ good wine; fine liquor 追求[追求] zhuīqiú to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/25 words - 1 min 八角[八角] bājiǎo anise; star anise; aniseed; octagonal; Fructus Anisi stellati 肉桂[肉桂] ròuguì Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) 砂仁[砂仁] shārén Amomom (fructus Amomi), plant used in Chinese medicine 香料[香料] xiāngliào spice; flavoring; condiment; perfume 幻化[幻化] huànhuà to be transformed; to metamorphose; transformation; metamorphosis 多元[多元] duōyuán poly-; multi-; multielement; multivariant; multivariate (math.) 孕育[孕育] yùnyù to be pregnant; to produce offspring; to nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork etc); fig. replete with (culture etc) 溪口[溪口] Xīkǒu Xikou or Hsikou township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan 恒[恆] héng permanent; constant; fixed; usual; ordinary; rule (old); one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷟) 规矩[規矩] guīju lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved 刘[劉] Liú surname Liu 漫[漫] màn free; unrestrained; to inundate 卤[滷] lǔ to stew in soy sauce and spices 传承[傳承] chuánchéng to pass on (to future generations); passed on (from former times); a continued tradition; an inheritance 母亲[母親] mǔqīn mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 特产[特產] tèchǎn special local product; (regional) specialty 狮[獅] shī lion 以上[以上] yǐshàng that level or higher; that amount or more; the above-mentioned; (used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all. 成年[成年] chéngnián to grow to adulthood; fully grown; the whole year 三倍[三倍] sānbèi triple 粗糙[粗糙] cūcāo crude; gruff; rough; coarse 经[經] jīng classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4] 刘恒[劉恆] LiúHéng Liu Heng, personal name of Han emperor Han Wendi 漢文帝|汉文帝; Liu Heng (1954-), Chinese writer 销售[銷售] xiāoshòu to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc) 一空[一空] yīkōng leaving none left; (sold etc) out //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/50 words - 3 min 源头[源頭] yuántóu source; fountainhead 陈年[陳年] chénnián old; stored for many years 卤水[鹵水] lǔshuǐ brine; bittern; marinade 基础[基礎] jīchǔ base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:個|个[ge4] 引[引] yǐn to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch sth; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters 标志[標誌] biāozhì sign; mark; symbol; logo; to symbolize; to indicate; to mark 地下[地下] dìxià underground; subterranean; covert 姜[薑] jiāng ginger 辣[辣] là hot (spicy); pungent 作坊[作坊] zuōfang workshop (of artisan) 配方[配方] pèifāng prescription; cooking recipe; formulation; completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math) 秘诀[秘訣] mìjué secret know-how; key (to longevity); secret (of happiness); recipe (for success) 小茴香[小茴香] xiǎohuíxiāng fennel; fennel seed 桂皮[桂皮] guìpí Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia); cassia bark 豆蔻[豆蔻] dòukòu cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum); fig. a girl's teenage years; maidenhood; a budding beauty 料[料] liào material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess 特殊[特殊] tèshū special; particular; unusual; extraordinary 传统[傳統] chuántǒng tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4] 川[川] chuān river; creek; plain; an area of level country 式[式] shì type; form; pattern; style 粤[粵] Yuè Cantonese; short name for Guangdong 廣東|广东[Guang3 dong1] 回味[回味] huíwèi to reflect on; to ponder over; aftertaste 甘甜[甘甜] gāntián sweet 慢火[慢火] mànhuǒ low heat (cooking) 大火[大火] dàhuǒ conflagration; large fire; CL:場|场[chang2] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/75 words - 4 min 卤味[滷味] lǔwèi food prepared by stewing in soy sauce and spices 浸入[浸入] jìnrù to soak; to dip 肌理[肌理] jīlǐ texture (of skin, surface etc) 浮[浮] fú to float; superficial; floating; unstable; movable; provisional; temporary; transient; impetuous; hollow; inflated; to exceed; superfluous; excessive; surplus 沫[沫] mò foam; suds 封[封] fēng to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters 撇去[撇去] piēqù skim 浓汤[濃湯] nóngtāng thick soup; puree 浸润[浸潤] jìnrùn to permeate; to percolate; fig. to saturate (with emotion) 悬挂[懸掛] xuánguà to suspend; to hang; (vehicle) suspension 柔韧[柔韌] róurèn pliable and tough; supple and strong; flexible 鸡蛋[雞蛋] jīdàn (chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] 耳[耳] ěr ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (Classical Chinese) 肠[腸] cháng intestines 源自[源自] yuánzì to originate from 各不相同[各不相同] gèbùxiāngtóng to have nothing in common with each other (idiom) 日新月异[日新月異] rìxīnyuèyì daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress 推陈出新[推陳出新] tuīchénchūxīn to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate 庄[莊] zhuāng farmstead; village; manor; place of business; banker (in a gambling game); grave or solemn; holdings of a landlord (in imperial China) 利[利] lì sharp; favorable; advantage; benefit; profit; interest; to do good to; to benefit 卤味[鹵味] lǔwèi variant of 滷味|卤味[lu3 wei4] 新式[新式] xīnshì new style; latest type 实验[實驗] shíyàn experiment; test; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; experimental; to experiment 专程[專程] zhuānchéng specifically; specially (for that purpose) 挑选[挑選] tiāoxuǎn to choose; to select //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/100 words - 6 min 越南[越南] Yuènán Vietnam; Vietnamese 化[化] huà to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] 精挑细选[精挑細選] jīngtiāoxìxuǎn to select very carefully 要好[要好] yàohǎo to be on good terms; to be close friends; striving for self-improvement 广西[廣西] Guǎngxī Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区 in South Central China, on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂, capital Nanning 南寧|南宁; until 1959, Guangxi province 防城港[防城港] Fángchénggǎng Fangchenggang prefecture-level city in Guangxi 桂[桂] guì cassia; laurel 云南[雲南] Yúnnán Yunnan province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[dian1] or 雲|云, capital Kunming 昆明 腾冲[騰沖] Téngchōng Tengchong county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan 草果[草果] cǎoguǒ black cardamom; (dialect) strawberry 以及[以及] yǐjí as well as; too; and 陕西[陝西] Shǎnxī Shaanxi (formerly Shensi), province in northwest China, abbr. 陝|陕[Shan3], capital Xi’an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4] 韩城[韓城] Hánchéng Hancheng city and county in Shaanxi 花椒[花椒] huājiāo Sichuan pepper; Chinese prickly ash 优选[優選] yōuxuǎn to optimize; preferred 它们[它們] tāmen they (for inanimate objects) 打破[打破] dǎpò to break; to smash 取而代之[取而代之] qǔ'érdàizhī to substitute for sb; to remove and replace 清水[清水] qīngshuǐ fresh water; drinking water; clear water 其中[其中] qízhōng among; in; included among these 近似[近似] jìnsì similar; about the same as; approximately; approximation 成分[成分] chéngfèn composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one's social status; CL:個|个[ge4] 橄榄油[橄欖油] gǎnlǎnyóu olive oil 相近[相近] xiāngjìn close; similar to 文火[文火] wénhuǒ small flame (when cooking, simmering etc) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/125 words - 8 min 煎[煎] jiān to pan fry; to sauté 四溢[四溢] sìyì (of a perfume or a foul odor) permeating the whole place; (of grease etc) dripping everywhere; flowing all over the place 持续[持續] chíxù to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation 氧化[氧化] yǎnghuà to oxidize 香味[香味] xiāngwèi fragrance; bouquet; sweet smell; CL:股[gu3] 独有[獨有] dúyǒu to own exclusively; unique to; specific; there is only 无需[無需] wúxū needless 研磨[研磨] yánmó milling; to grind; to polish by grinding; to abrade; whetstone; pestle 氯化钠[氯化鈉] lǜhuànà sodium chloride NaCl; common salt 散发[散發] sànfā to distribute; to emit; to issue 由于[由於] yóuyú due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because 分子[分子] fēnzǐ molecule; (math) numerator of a fraction 醇厚[醇厚] chúnhòu mellow and rich; simple and kind 持久[持久] chíjiǔ lasting; enduring; persistent; permanent; protracted; endurance; persistence; to last long 火锅[火鍋] huǒguō hotpot 时下[時下] shíxià at present; right now 餐饮[餐飲] cānyǐn food and beverage; catering; repast 文化[文化] wénhuà culture; civilization; cultural; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 结合[結合] jiéhé to combine; to link; to integrate; binding; CL:次[ci4] 顶级[頂級] dǐngjí top-notch; first-rate 老饕[老饕] lǎotāo glutton 垂涎三尺[垂涎三尺] chuíxiánsānchǐ to drool (over) (idiom); to yearn for; to covet; to crave 茴[茴] huí fennel; aniseed 余[餘] yú extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division; (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number); residue (math.); after; I; me 制成[製成] zhìchéng to manufacture; to turn out (a product) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep04/146 words - 10 min 煮沸[煮沸] zhǔfèi to boil 尚未[尚未] shàngwèi not yet; still not 绷[繃] bēng to draw tight; to stretch taut; to tack (with thread or pin); embroidery hoop; woven bed mat 至[至] zhì to arrive; most; to; until 煲[煲] bāo to cook slowly over a low flame; pot; saucepan 外形[外形] wàixíng figure; shape; external form; contour 完整[完整] wánzhěng complete; intact 风俗[風俗] fēngsú social custom; CL:個|个[ge4] 大小[大小] dàxiǎo dimension; magnitude; size; measurement; large and small; at any rate; adults and children; consideration of seniority 胶质[膠質] jiāozhì colloid; gelatinous matter 丰厚[豐厚] fēnghòu generous; ample 富有[富有] fùyǒu rich; full of 不可多得[不可多得] bùkěduōdé hard to come by; rare 迎神赛会[迎神賽會] yíngshénsàihuì folk festival, esp. involving shrine or image of God 祭拜[祭拜] jìbài to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors) 祖[祖] zǔ ancestor; forefather; grandparents 红白喜事[紅白喜事] hóngbáixǐshì weddings and funerals 筵席[筵席] yánxí banquet; mat for sitting 少不了[少不了] shǎobuliǎo cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many 经历[經歷] jīnglì experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through 精髓[精髓] jīngsuǐ marrow; pith; quintessence; essence //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/25 words - 1 min 肉眼[肉眼] ròuyǎn naked eye; layman's eyes 看不见[看不見] kànbujiàn unseen; to be invisible 战役[戰役] zhànyì military campaign 胜[勝] shèng victory; success; to beat; to defeat; to surpass; victorious; superior to; to get the better of; better than; surpassing; superb (of vista); beautiful (scenery); wonderful (view); (Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear; equal to (a task) 菌种[菌種] jūnzhǒng (microorganism) species; strain; (fungus and mushroom) spore; spawn 豆子[豆子] dòuzi bean; pea; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 命运[命運] mìngyùn fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4] 隐身[隱身] yǐnshēn to hide oneself; invisible (person or online status) 侵袭[侵襲] qīnxí to invade; to assail; onslaught 统治[統治] tǒngzhì to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime 味蕾[味蕾] wèilěi taste bud(s) 面积[面積] miànjī area (of a floor, piece of land etc); surface area; tract of land 平方公里[平方公里] píngfānggōnglǐ square kilometer 小镇[小鎮] xiǎozhèn small town; village 工厂[工廠] gōngchǎng factory; CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] 生产[生產] shēngchǎn to produce; to manufacture; to give birth to a child 普宁市[普寧市] Pǔníngshì Puning county level city in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 洪[洪] hóng flood; big; great 阳[陽] yáng positive (electric.); sun; male principle (Taoism); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1] 掌握[掌握] zhǎngwò to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency 秘密[秘密] mìmì secret; CL:個|个[ge4] 方[方] fāng square; power or involution (math.); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter 壮[壯] zhuàng to strengthen; strong; robust 酱[醬] jiàng thick paste of fermented soybean; marinated in soy paste; paste; jam 黄豆[黃豆] huángdòu soybean //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/50 words - 3 min 植[植] zhí to plant 膳食[膳食] shànshí meal 氨基[氨基] ānjī amino; amino group 中国人[中國人] Zhōngguórén Chinese person 北方[北方] běifāng north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River 豆[豆] dòu bean; pea; CL:棵[ke1],粒[li4]; sacrificial vessel 传入[傳入] chuánrù to import; transmitted inwards; afferent 餐桌[餐桌] cānzhuō dining table; dinner table 不乏[不乏] bùfá there is no lack of 缸[缸] gāng jar; vat; classifier for loads of laundry; CL:口[kou3] 每逢[每逢] měiféng every time; on each occasion; whenever 拿手[拿手] náshǒu expert in; good at 是否[是否] shìfǒu whether (or not); if; is or isn't 忠实[忠實] zhōngshí faithful 上门[上門] shàngmén to drop in; to visit; to lock a door; (of a shop) to close; to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family 专门[專門] zhuānmén specialist; specialized; customized 心愿[心願] xīnyuàn cherished desire; dream; craving; wish; aspiration 时空[時空] shíkōng time and place; world of a particular locale and era; (physics) space-time 转移[轉移] zhuǎnyí to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people) 巨大[巨大] jùdà huge; immense; very large; tremendous; gigantic; enormous 变化[變化] biànhuà change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:個|个[ge4] 依[依] yī to depend on; to comply with or listen to sb; according to; in the light of 古[古] gǔ ancient; old; paleo- 法制[法製] Fǎzhì made in France 作[作] zuò to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/75 words - 6 min 色泽[色澤] sèzé color and luster 金黄[金黃] jīnhuáng golden yellow; golden 轻盈[輕盈] qīngyíng graceful; lithe; light and graceful; lighthearted; relaxed 专[專] zhuān for a particular person, occasion, purpose; focused on one thing; special; expert; particular (to sth); concentrated; specialized 密码[密碼] mìmǎ secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN 制作者[製作者] zhìzuòzhě producer; maker; creator 板子[板子] bǎnzi board; plank; bamboo or birch for corporal punishment 承[承] chéng to bear; to carry; to hold; to continue; to undertake; to take charge; owing to; due to; to receive 父[父] fù father 业[業] yè line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already 东北[東北] dōngběi northeast 大豆[大豆] dàdòu soybean 晒[曬] shài (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to 面粉[麵粉] miànfěn flour 酵母[酵母] jiàomǔ leaven; yeast 斤[斤] jīn catty; (PRC) weight equal to 500 g; (Tw) weight equal to 600 g; (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g 封闭[封閉] fēngbì to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive 房[房] fáng house; room; CL:間|间[jian1]; branch of an extended family; classifier for family members (or concubines) 平均[平均] píngjūn average; on average; evenly; in equal proportions 上万[上萬] shàngwàn over ten thousand; fig. untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands 吨[噸] dūn ton (loanword); Taiwan pr. [dun4] 重复[重複] chóngfù to repeat; to duplicate; CL:個|个[ge4] 座[座] zuò seat; base; stand; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects 宅[宅] zhái residence; (coll.) to stay in at home; to hang around at home 伟[偉] wěi big; large; great //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/100 words - 7 min 培育[培育] péiyù to train; to breed 室[室] shì room; work unit; grave; scabbard; family or clan; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy 市内[市內] shìnèi inside the city 剩[剩] shèng to remain; to be left; to have as remainder 温暖[溫暖] wēnnuǎn warm 潮湿[潮濕] cháoshī damp; moist 生物[生物] shēngwù organism; living creature; life form; biological; CL:個|个[ge4] 活跃[活躍] huóyuè active; lively; excited; to enliven; to brighten up 混入[混入] hùnrù to sneak into 麦[麥] mài wheat; barley; oats 神奇[神奇] shénqí magical; mystical; miraculous 能量[能量] néngliàng energy; capabilities 摄氏度[攝氏度] Shèshìdù °C (degrees Celsius) 恢复[恢復] huīfù to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate 活性[活性] huóxìng (chemistry) activity; active; activated 第一步[第一步] dìyībù step one; first step 初次[初次] chūcì for the first time; first (meeting, attempt etc) 移[移] yí to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove 大约[大約] dàyuē approximately; probably 远远[遠遠] yuǎnyuǎn distant; by far 同类[同類] tónglèi similar; same type; alike 严格[嚴格] yángé strict; stringent; tight; rigorous 标准[標準] biāozhǔn (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|个[ge4] 依照[依照] yīzhào according to; in light of 颜色[顏色] yánsè color; countenance; appearance; facial expression; pigment; dyestuff //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/125 words - 9 min 正是[正是] zhèngshì (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 成色[成色] chéngsè relative purity of silver or gold; purity in carat weight; quality; fineness 克[克] kè to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram; Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares 大蒜[大蒜] dàsuàn garlic; CL:瓣[ban4],頭|头[tou2] 斩[斬] zhǎn to behead (as form of capital punishment); to chop 水汽[水汽] shuǐqì water vapor; steam; moisture 深入[深入] shēnrù to penetrate deeply; thorough 脑[腦] nǎo brain; mind; head; essence 固定[固定] gùdìng to fix; to fasten; to set rigidly in place; fixed; set; regular 编号[編號] biānhào to number; numbering; serial number 盐度[鹽度] yándù salinity 缺[缺] quē deficiency; lack; scarce; vacant post; to run short of 大师[大師] dàshī great master; master 经典[經典] jīngdiǎn the classics; scriptures; classical; classic (example, case etc); typical 钟[鐘] zhōng clock; o'clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell; CL:架[jia4],座[zuo4] 泉[泉] quán spring (small stream); mouth of a spring; coin (archaic) 潮[潮] cháo tide; current; damp; moist; humid 尝试[嘗試] chángshì to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4] 寻找[尋找] xúnzhǎo to seek; to look for 即将[即將] jíjiāng on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of 失传[失傳] shīchuán (of skills etc) to die out; lost; extinct 名菜[名菜] míngcài famous dishes; specialty dishes 灵魂[靈魂] línghún soul; spirit 鸡肉[雞肉] jīròu chicken meat 冷却[冷卻] lěngquè to cool off; cooling //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep05/136 words - 10 min 扩散[擴散] kuòsàn to spread; to proliferate; to diffuse; spread; proliferation; diffusion 文[文] wén language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67 焖[燜] mèn to cook in a covered vessel; to casserole; to stew 焗[焗] jú (dialect) to cook in salt or sand, inside a sealed pot; to steam; to bake 附着[附著] fùzhuó to adhere; attachment 粒[粒] lì grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) 记录[記錄] jìlù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 两千年[兩千年] liǎngqiānnián the year 2000; 2000 years 族群[族群] zúqún ethnic group; community 积累[積累] jīlěi to accumulate; accumulation; cumulative; cumulatively 守护[守護] shǒuhù to guard; to protect //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/25 words - 1 min 纹理[紋理] wénlǐ vein lines (in marble or fingerprint); grain (in wood etc) 细腻[細膩] xìnì exquisite; meticulous 浅[淺] qiǎn shallow; light (color) 沟[溝] gōu ditch; gutter; groove; gully; ravine; CL:道[dao4] 壑[壑] hè gully; ravine; Taiwan pr. [huo4] 印[印] yìn to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image 刻[刻] kè quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals 痕迹[痕跡] hénjì vestige; mark; trace 封存[封存] fēngcún to sequester; to seal up (for safe keeping); to freeze (an account); to mothball 最初[最初] zuìchū first; primary; initial; original; at first; initially; originally 模样[模樣] múyàng look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:個|个[ge4]; also pr. [mo2 yang4] 外表[外表] wàibiǎo external; outside; outward appearance 精妙[精妙] jīngmiào exquisite; fine and delicate (usu. of works of art) 温润[溫潤] wēnrùn gentle; kindly; mild and humid (climate) 光照[光照] guāngzhào illumination 超越[超越] chāoyuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend 范畴[範疇] fànchóu category 传家[傳家] chuánjiā to pass on through the generations 宝[寶] bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious 足[足] zú foot; to be sufficient; ample 平手[平手] píngshǒu (sports) draw; tie 陶[陶] táo pottery; pleased 罐[罐] guàn can; jar; pot 看重[看重] kànzhòng to regard as important; to care about 皱[皺] zhòu to wrinkle; wrinkled; to crease //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/50 words - 2 min 缓缓[緩緩] huǎnhuǎn slowly; unhurriedly; little by little 撕[撕] sī to tear 柔软[柔軟] róuruǎn soft 轻轻[輕輕] qīngqīng lightly; softly 脯[脯] pú chest; breast 即[即] jí namely; that is; i.e.; prompt; at once; at present; even if; prompted (by the occasion); to approach; to come into contact; to assume (office); to draw near 绝[絕] jué to cut short; extinct; to disappear; to vanish; absolutely; by no means 冬至[冬至] Dōngzhì Winter Solstice, 22nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 22nd December-5th January 前后[前後] qiánhòu around; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear 菜脯[菜脯] càipú dried, pickled white radish 时期[時期] shíqī period; phase; CL:個|个[ge4] 山区[山區] shānqū mountain area; CL:個|个[ge4] 过渡[過渡] guòdù to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration) 亨[亨] hēng prosperous; henry (unit of inductance) 土地[土地] tǔdì land; soil; territory; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 沙质[沙質] shāzhì sandy 疏松[疏鬆] shūsōng to loosen 种植[種植] zhòngzhí to plant; to grow 白萝卜[白蘿蔔] báiluóbo white radish; daikon; Raphanus sativus longipinnatus 五十[五十] wǔshí fifty 做菜[做菜] zuòcài to cook; cooking 绝大部分[絕大部分] juédàbùfen overwhelming majority 用来[用來] yònglái to be used for 水量[水量] shuǐliàng volume of water; quantity of flow 降[降] jiàng to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend 降[降] xiáng to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue; to tame //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/75 words - 4 min 加速[加速] jiāsù to speed up; to expedite 脱水[脫水] tuōshuǐ to dry out; to extract water; dehydration; dehydrated; desiccation 搭[搭] dā to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train); variant of 褡[da1] 细胞[細胞] xìbāo cell (biology) 析出[析出] xīchū to separate out 干瘪[乾癟] gānbiě dried out; wizened; shriveled 稻草[稻草] dàocǎo rice straw 做法[做法] zuòfǎ way of handling sth; method for making; work method; recipe; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 干燥[乾燥] gānzào to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc); desiccation; dull; uninteresting; arid 通风[通風] tōngfēng airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information 隔绝[隔絕] géjué isolated (from the world); disconnected 夜间[夜間] yèjiān nighttime; evening or night (e.g. classes) 地表[地表] dìbiǎo the surface (of the earth) 水气[水氣] shuǐqì water vapor; steam 入侵[入侵] rùqīn to invade 蒸发[蒸發] zhēngfā to evaporate; evaporation 硫[硫] liú sulfur (chemistry) 化合物[化合物] huàhéwù chemical compound 褐[褐] hè brown; gray or dark color; coarse hemp cloth; Taiwan pr. [he2] 一周[一周] yīzhōu one week; all the way around; a whole cycle 反复[反覆] fǎnfù repeatedly; over and over; to upend; unstable; to come and go; (of an illness) to return 水灵[水靈] shuǐlíng (of fruit etc) fresh; (of a person etc) full of life; healthy-looking; (of eyes) moist and bright; lustrous 消失[消失] xiāoshī to disappear; to fade away 丰收[豐收] fēngshōu bumper harvest 妻子[妻子] qīzi wife; CL:個|个[ge4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/100 words - 7 min 焦[焦] jiāo burnt; scorched; charred; worried; anxious; coke; abbr. for 焦耳[jiao1 er3], joule 不厌[不厭] bùyàn not to tire of; not to object to 煎蛋[煎蛋] jiāndàn fried egg 姿态[姿態] zītài attitude; posture; stance 平和[平和] pínghé gentle; mild; moderate; placid 增添[增添] zēngtiān to add; to increase 一部分[一部分] yībùfen portion; part of; subset 竹[竹] zhú bamboo; CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1]; Kangxi radical 118 叶[葉] yè leaf; page; lobe; (historical) period; classifier for small boats 封口[封口] fēngkǒu to close up; to heal (of wound); to keep one's lips sealed 常年[常年] chángnián all year round; for years on end; average year 存放[存放] cúnfàng to deposit; to store; to leave in sb's care 近代[近代] jìndài the not-very-distant past; modern times, excluding recent decades; (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919); capitalist times (pre-1949) 商[商] shāng commerce; merchant; dealer; to consult; 2nd note in pentatonic scale; quotient (as in 智商[zhi4 shang1], intelligence quotient) 邦[邦] bāng country; nation; state 盛行[盛行] shèngxíng to be in vogue; to be prevalent 商旅[商旅] shānglǚ traveling merchant 远销[遠銷] yuǎnxiāo to sell to faraway lands 海外[海外] hǎiwài overseas; abroad 以此[以此] yǐcǐ with this; thereby; thus; because of this 生计[生計] shēngjì livelihood 机器[機器] jīqì machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] 重压[重壓] zhòngyā high pressure; bearing a heavy weight 细胞壁[細胞壁] xìbāobì cell wall 易[易] yì easy; amiable; to change; to exchange; prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible" //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/125 words - 9 min 分析[分析] fēnxī to analyze; analysis; CL:個|个[ge4] 减[減] jiǎn to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish 压[壓] yā to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure 漏[漏] lòu to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old) 孔[孔] kǒng hole; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for cave dwellings 网架[網架] wǎngjià rack 地面[地面] dìmiàn floor; ground; surface 高度[高度] gāodù height; altitude; elevation; high degree; highly; CL:個|个[ge4] 细致[細緻] xìzhì delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking 表[表] biǎo exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring sth) 大大[大大] dàdà greatly; enormously; (dialect) dad; uncle 风干[風乾] fēnggān to air-dry; to season (timber etc); air-dried; air-drying 萎缩[萎縮] wěisuō to wither; to dry up (of a plant); to atrophy (of muscle, social custom etc) 组织[組織] zǔzhī to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue; CL:個|个[ge4] 紧密[緊密] jǐnmì inseparably close 强烈[強烈] qiángliè intense; (violently) strong 借助[借助] jièzhù to draw support from; with the help of 新型[新型] xīnxíng new type; new kind 工艺[工藝] gōngyì arts and crafts; industrial arts 成品[成品] chéngpǐn finished goods; a finished product 香甜[香甜] xiāngtián fragrant and sweet; sound (sleep) 自有[自有] zìyǒu to possess; to own; to have 番[番] fān foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for occurrences (of an event, action or speech utterance); classifier for iterations: times, -fold (as in twofold etc); classifier for situations: kind, sort 历史悠久[歷史悠久] lìshǐyōujiǔ long-established; time-honored 汉代[漢代] Hàndài the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/150 words - 10 min 彭[彭] Péng surname Peng 荣[榮] róng glory; honor; thriving 相伴[相伴] xiāngbàn to accompany sb; to accompany each other 钻研[鑽研] zuānyán to study meticulously; to delve into 加以[加以] jiāyǐ in addition; moreover; (used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned); to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb); to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth) 改良[改良] gǎiliáng to improve (sth); to reform (a system) 创新[創新] chuàngxīn innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails 别致[別緻] biézhì unusual; unique 排骨[排骨] páigǔ pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs; (coll.) skinny person 蒜蓉[蒜蓉] suànróng minced garlic; garlic paste 油炸[油炸] yóuzhá to deep fry 长久[長久] chángjiǔ (for a) long time 棕黄[棕黃] zōnghuáng light brown 柔[柔] róu soft; flexible; supple; yielding; rho (Greek letter Ρρ) 酥[酥] sū flaky pastry; crunchy; limp; soft; silky 极[極] jí extremely; pole (geography, physics); utmost; top 仍[仍] réng still; yet; to remain 渗出[滲出] shènchū to seep out; to exude 少量[少量] shǎoliàng a smidgen; a little bit; a few 汁液[汁液] zhīyè juice 陈放[陳放] chénfàng to display 残余[殘餘] cányú remnant; relic; residue; vestige; surplus; to remain; to leave surplus 澄[澄] chéng clear; limpid; to clarify; to purify 火爆[火爆] huǒbào fiery (temper); popular; flourishing; prosperous; lively 催[催] cuī to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to hasten sth; to expedite //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep06/160 words - 11 min 菜肴[菜餚] càiyáo vegetable and meat dishes; dish 增[增] zēng to increase; to expand; to add 长期[長期] chángqī long term; long time; long range (of a forecast) 多汁[多汁] duōzhī succulent; juicy 二者[二者] èrzhě both; both of them; neither 相得益彰[相得益彰] xiāngdéyìzhāng to bring out the best in each other (idiom); to complement one another well 对话[對話] duìhuà dialogue; CL:個|个[ge4] 挑动[挑動] tiǎodòng to entice; to arouse; to provoke 唇[唇] chún lip 齿[齒] chǐ tooth; CL:顆|颗[ke1] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/25 words - 1 min 潮间带[潮間帶] cháojiāndài intertidal zone 蔬菜[蔬菜] shūcài vegetables; CL:種|种[zhong3] 居民[居民] jūmín resident; inhabitant 精[精] jīng essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of sth; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic) 养殖[養殖] yǎngzhí to cultivate; cultivation; to further; to encourage 智慧[智慧] zhìhuì wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence 四季[四季] sìjì four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬 留存[留存] liúcún to keep; to preserve; extant; to remain (from the past) 季风[季風] jìfēng monsoon 侵入[侵入] qīnrù to make (military) incursions; to invade; to intrude into; to trespass; to gain unauthorized access (computing) 南部[南部] nánbù southern part 海域[海域] hǎiyù sea area; territorial waters; maritime space 风浪[風浪] fēnglàng wind and waves; stormy sea 强劲[強勁] qiángjìng strong; powerful; robust 前往[前往] qiánwǎng to leave for; to proceed towards; to go 顶[頂] dǐng apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc 澎[澎] péng sound of waves 岛[島] dǎo island; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] 计划[計劃] jìhuà plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 海浪[海浪] hǎilàng sea wave 采[採] cǎi to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather 浅海[淺海] qiǎnhǎi shallow sea; sea less than 200 meters deep 岩[岩] yán cliff; rock 藻类[藻類] zǎolèi algae 植物[植物] zhíwù plant; vegetation; CL:種|种[zhong3] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/50 words - 3 min 顽强[頑強] wánqiáng tenacious; hard to defeat 紫菜[紫菜] zǐcài flavored roasted seaweed; generic term for edible seaweed; Japanese: nori 此[此] cǐ this; these 潮水[潮水] cháoshuǐ tide 一半[一半] yībàn half 收割[收割] shōugē to harvest; to reap; to gather in crops 基[基] jī base; foundation; basic; radical (chemistry); (slang) gay 长成[長成] zhǎngchéng to grow up 海岸线[海岸線] hǎi'ànxiàn coastline; seaboard; shoreline 难度[難度] nándù trouble; problem 几乎[幾乎] jīhū almost; nearly; practically 原产地[原產地] yuánchǎndì original source; place of origin; provenance 南澳[南澳] Nán'ào Nan'ao County in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong; Nan'ao township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan; abbr. for 南澳大利亞州|南澳大利亚州[Nan2 ao4 da4 li4 ya4 zhou1], South Australia 外海[外海] wàihǎi offshore; open sea 格外[格外] géwài especially; particularly 汹涌[洶湧] xiōngyǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent 具有[具有] jùyǒu to have; to possess 难得[難得] nándé seldom; rare; hard to come by 甘露醇[甘露醇] gānlùchún mannitol C6H14O6, a sugar alcohol 得以[得以] déyǐ able to; so that sb can; enabling; in order to; finally in a position to; with sth in view 肉末[肉末] ròumò ground meat 异常[異常] yìcháng exceptional; abnormal; an anomaly 秋[秋] qiū autumn; fall; harvest time 至今[至今] zhìjīn so far; to this day; until now 居高不下[居高不下] jūgāobùxià (of prices, rates etc) to remain high //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/75 words - 4 min 天气[天氣] tiānqì weather 南澳岛[南澳島] Nán'àoDǎo Nan'ao Island in Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2], Guangdong 吴[吳] Wú surname Wu; area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai; name of states in Southern China at different historical periods 舜[舜] Shùn Shun (c. 22nd century BC), mythical sage and leader 锋[鋒] fēng point of a spear; edge of a tool; vanguard; forward (in sports team) 不得不[不得不] bùdébù have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid 推迟[推遲] tuīchí to postpone; to put off; to defer 辖区[轄區] xiáqū administrative region 工业[工業] gōngyè industry 水系[水系] shuǐxì drainage system 游[游] yóu to swim; variant of 遊|游[you2] 产区[產區] chǎnqū place of production; manufacturing location 紫[紫] zǐ purple; violet 提取[提取] tíqǔ to withdraw (money); to collect (left luggage); to extract; to refine 孢子[孢子] bāozǐ spore 培养[培養] péiyǎng to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) 瓶[瓶] píng bottle; vase; pitcher; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for wine and liquids 如同[如同] rútóng like; as 种子[種子] zhǒngzi seed; CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4] 播种[播種] bōzhǒng to sow seeds; sowing; seed 海水[海水] hǎishuǐ seawater 稀释[稀釋] xīshì to dilute 喷[噴] pēn to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt 贝壳[貝殼] bèiké shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard outer skin; also pr. [bei4 qiao4] 水底[水底] shuǐdǐ underwater //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/100 words - 5 min 温床[溫床] wēnchuáng hotbed; breeding ground; fig. breeding ground for crimes or sedition 调整[調整] tiáozhěng to adjust; adjustment; revision; CL:個|个[ge4] 添加[添加] tiānjiā to add; to increase 营养[營養] yíngyǎng nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3] 水温[水溫] shuǐwēn water temperature 绒毛[絨毛] róngmáo fur; down (soft fur); villi capillary (in the small intestine) 发芽[發芽] fāyá to germinate 鱼网[魚網] yúwǎng variant of 漁網|渔网[yu2 wang3] 投入[投入] tóurù to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed 大海[大海] dàhǎi sea; ocean 由此[由此] yóucǐ hereby; from this 敏感[敏感] mǐngǎn sensitive; susceptible 一旦[一旦] yīdàn in case (sth happens); if; once (sth happens, then...); when; in a short time; in one day 停止[停止] tíngzhǐ to stop; to halt; to cease 发育[發育] fāyù to develop; to mature; growth; development; (sexually) mature 投放[投放] tóufàng to input; to throw in; to unload; to put into circulation 亩[畝] mǔ classifier for fields; unit of area equal to one fifteenth of a hectare 今年[今年] jīnnián this year 偏高[偏高] piāngāo to be on the high side; to be unusually high 缓[緩] huǎn slow; unhurried; sluggish; gradual; not tense; relaxed; to postpone; to defer; to stall; to stave off; to revive; to recuperate 处于[處於] chǔyú to be in (some state, position, or condition) 腐烂[腐爛] fǔlàn to rot; to putrefy; (fig.) corrupt 育[育] yù to have children; to raise or bring up; to educate 天然[天然] tiānrán natural 九[九] jiǔ nine; 9 //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/125 words - 7 min 育种[育種] yùzhǒng to breed; breeding 耕耘[耕耘] gēngyún plowing and weeding; farm work; fig. to work or study diligently 终究[終究] zhōngjiū in the end; after all is said and done 回报[回報] huíbào (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate 平静[平靜] píngjìng tranquil; undisturbed; serene 海湾[海灣] hǎiwān bay; gulf 温和[溫和] wēnhé mild; gentle; moderate 温和[溫和] wēnhuo lukewarm 纤[纖] xiān fine; delicate; minute 薄[薄] bó meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near 茬[茬] chá stubble land after crop has been taken; a second crop obtained by rotation of land; an opportunity 最多[最多] zuìduō at most; maximum; greatest (amount); maximal 每隔[每隔] měigé at intervals of; every (so often) 长势[長勢] zhǎngshì how well a crop (or plant) is growing; growth 预计[預計] yùjì to forecast; to predict; to estimate 收成[收成] shōuchéng harvest 空气[空氣] kōngqì air; atmosphere 湿度[濕度] shīdù humidity level 预备[預備] yùbèi to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory 恰[恰] qià exactly; just 逢[逢] féng to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along; (of an event) to fall on (a particular day); to fawn upon 阳光[陽光] yángguāng sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]; transparent (open to public scrutiny) 炙[炙] zhì to broil; to roast 烈[烈] liè ardent; intense; fierce; stern; upright; to give one's life for a noble cause; exploits; achievements 北[北] běi north; to be defeated (classical) 藻[藻] zǎo aquatic grasses; elegant //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/150 words - 9 min 红色[紅色] hóngsè red (color); revolutionary 素[素] sù raw silk; white; plain, unadorned; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever 遇[遇] yù to meet; to encounter; to treat; to receive; opportunity; chance 不足[不足] bùzú insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not 硬[硬] yìng hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) 重量[重量] zhòngliàng weight; CL:個|个[ge4] 裂[裂] liè to split; to crack; to break open; to rend 锁[鎖] suǒ to lock up; to lock; lock; CL:把[ba3] 海味[海味] hǎiwèi seafood 家常[家常] jiācháng the daily life of a family 烹调[烹調] pēngtiáo to cook; cooking 随手[隨手] suíshǒu conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing 吃法[吃法] chīfǎ way of eating; how something is eaten; how a dish is prepared; the way a dish is to be cooked 深受[深受] shēnshòu to receive in no small measure 炭[炭] tàn wood charcoal; coal 烘烤[烘烤] hōngkǎo to roast; to bake 秒[秒] miǎo second (unit of time); arc second (angular measurement unit); (coll.) instantly 奇迹[奇跡] qíjì miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel 再次[再次] zàicì one more time; again; one more; once again 墨绿[墨綠] mòlǜ dark green; forest green 酥脆[酥脆] sūcuì crisp (of food) 一年四季[一年四季] yīniánsìjì all year round 不可或缺[不可或缺] bùkěhuòquē necessary; must have 创意[創意] chuàngyì creative; creativity 蔬[蔬] shū vegetables //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep07/171 words - 10 min 汆[汆] cuān quick-boil; to boil for a short time 烫[燙] tàng to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot 菜籽[菜籽] càizǐ vegetable seeds; rapeseed 猛[猛] měng ferocious; fierce; violent; brave; suddenly; abrupt; (slang) awesome 加热[加熱] jiārè to heat 烤[烤] kǎo to roast; to bake; to broil 焙[焙] bèi to dry over a fire; to bake 未[未] wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210° 碎末[碎末] suìmò flecks; particles; bits; fine powder 立即[立即] lìjí immediately 融入[融入] róngrù to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate; to merge 讨[討] tǎo to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study 彩头[彩頭] cǎitóu good omen; good luck (in business etc); profits (gained in gambling, lottery etc) 名为[名為] míngwéi to be called; to be known as 俗语[俗語] súyǔ common saying; proverb; colloquial speech 浪[浪] làng wave; breaker; unrestrained; dissipated; to stroll; to ramble 险[險] xiǎn danger; dangerous; rugged 拍[拍] pāi to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 获取[獲取] huòqǔ to gain; to get; to acquire 争分夺秒[爭分奪秒] zhēngfēnduómiǎo lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count 纵然[縱然] zòngrán even if; even though //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep08/25 words - 1 min 坚[堅] jiān strong; solid; firm; unyielding; resolute 粗粝[粗糲] cūlì coarse rice; coarse (of food) 洁白[潔白] jiébái spotlessly white; pure white 圆润[圓潤] yuánrùn mellow and full; suave; smooth and round; rich (in voice) 地理[地理] dìlǐ geography 多样[多樣] duōyàng diverse; diversity; manifold 珠江[珠江] Zhūjiāng Pearl River (Guangdong) 街[街] jiē street; CL:條|条[tiao2] 汇聚[匯聚] huìjù convergence; to come together 街头[街頭] jiētóu street 立足[立足] lìzú to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on 独家[獨家] dújiā exclusive 绝活[絕活] juéhuó specialty; unique skill 俊[俊] jùn smart; eminent; handsome; talented 辉[輝] huī splendor; to shine upon 汫[汫] jǐng old variant of 阱[jing3]; see 汫濙[jing3 ying2] 洲[洲] zhōu continent; island in a river 距[距] jù at a distance of; distance; to be apart 自古以来[自古以來] zìgǔyǐlái since ancient times 重镇[重鎮] zhòngzhèn (military) strategic town; (fig.) major center (for commerce, culture or tourism etc) 海面[海面] hǎimiàn sea level; sea surface 埋[埋] mái to bury 埋[埋] mán to blame 海底[海底] hǎidǐ seabed; seafloor; bottom of the ocean 石柱[石柱] shízhù stela; upright stone; obelisk 密密麻麻[密密麻麻] mìmimámá numerous and close together; densely packed; thickly dotted; thick; dense //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep08/50 words - 3 min 蚝[蠔] háo oyster 牡蛎[牡蠣] mǔlì oyster 浅滩[淺灘] qiǎntān shallows; shoal; sandbar 肥大[肥大] féidà loose fitting clothes; fat; stout; swelling (of internal organ); hypertrophy 绳子[繩子] shéngzi cord; string; rope; CL:條|条[tiao2] 吊[吊] diào to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person 海潮[海潮] hǎicháo tide 郑[鄭] Zhèng Zheng state during the Warring States period; surname Zheng; abbr. for 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1] 诚[誠] chéng sincere; authentic; really; truly 芝[芝] zhī Zoysia pungens 开工[開工] kāigōng to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation); to start a construction job 速度[速度] sùdù speed; rate; velocity; (music) tempo; CL:個|个[ge4] 割[割] gē to cut; to cut apart 淹没[淹沒] yānmò to submerge; to drown; to flood; to drown out (also fig.) 太平洋[太平洋] TàipíngYáng Pacific Ocean 产量[產量] chǎnliàng output 公[公] gōng public; collectively owned; common; international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar); make public; fair; just; Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; honorable (gentlemen); father-in-law; male (animal) 午后[午後] wǔhòu afternoon 时分[時分] shífēn time; period during the day; one of the 12 two-hour periods enumerated by the earthly branches 地支 上涨[上漲] shàngzhǎng to rise; to go up 告一段落[告一段落] gàoyīduànluò to come to the end of a phase (idiom) 步骤[步驟] bùzhòu procedure; step 捕[捕] bǔ to catch; to seize; to capture 则[則] zé (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; classifier for written items 妇女[婦女] fùnǚ woman //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep08/75 words - 6 min 从事[從事] cóngshì to go for; to engage in; to undertake; to deal with; to handle; to do 占[佔] zhàn variant of 占[zhan4] 女性[女性] nǚxìng woman; the female sex 强壮[強壯] qiángzhuàng strong; sturdy; robust 闭[閉] bì to close; to stop up; to shut; to obstruct 肌[肌] jī flesh; muscle 取[取] qǔ to take; to get; to choose; to fetch 出生[出生] chūshēng to be born 并且[並且] bìngqiě and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 损伤[損傷] sǔnshāng to harm; to damage; to injure; impairment; loss; disability 手法[手法] shǒufǎ technique; trick; skill 牛奶[牛奶] niúnǎi cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 肥美[肥美] féiměi fertile; luxuriant; plump; rounded 两倍[兩倍] liǎngbèi twice as much; double the amount 优势[優勢] yōushì superiority; dominance; advantage 捕捞[捕撈] bǔlāo to fish for (aquatic animals and plants); to catch 抵达[抵達] dǐdá to arrive; to reach (a destination) 原始[原始] yuánshǐ first; original; primitive; original (document etc) 红辣椒[紅辣椒] hónglàjiāo hot red pepper; chili 露[露] lòu to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 露[露] lù dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 辣椒[辣椒] làjiāo hot pepper; chili 白糖[白糖] báitáng (refined) white sugar 绝妙[絕妙] juémiào exquisite 抽[抽] chōu to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash 原本[原本] yuánběn originally; original //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep08/100 words - 9 min 辛辣[辛辣] xīnlà spicy hot (taste); fig. biting (criticism) 汕[汕] shàn bamboo fish trap; used in names of places connected with Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2] 样[樣] yàng manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type 多姿多彩[多姿多彩] duōzīduōcǎi diversity (of forms and colors) 炸[炸] zhá to deep fry; Taiwan pr. [zha4] 炸[炸] zhà to explode 裹[裹] guǒ to bind; to wrap; a bundle; a parcel 鱼露[魚露] yúlù fish sauce 充当[充當] chōngdāng to serve as; to act as; to play the role of 媒介[媒介] méijiè intermediary; vehicle; vector; medium; media 清爽[清爽] qīngshuǎng fresh and cool; relaxed 就此[就此] jiùcǐ at this point; thus; from then on 幼[幼] yòu young 薯[薯] shǔ potato; yam 必不可少[必不可少] bìbùkěshǎo absolutely necessary; indispensable; essential 娇嫩[嬌嫩] jiāonen tender and lovely; fragile; delicate 烙[烙] lào to brand; to iron; to bake (in a pan) 变化多端[變化多端] biànhuàduōduān changeable; changing; varied; full of changes 汕尾[汕尾] Shànwěi Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong 习俗[習俗] xísú custom; tradition; local tradition; convention 初冬[初冬] chūdōng early winter 注[注] zhù to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; stake (gambling); classifier for sums of money; variant of 註|注[zhu4] 厨师[廚師] chúshī cook; chef 变幻[變幻] biànhuàn to change irregularly; to fluctuate 串联[串聯] chuànlián to establish ties or contact; in series connection (electricity) 周而复始[週而復始] zhōu'érfùshǐ lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles; the wheel comes full circle //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep08/106 words - 9 min 悉心[悉心] xīxīn to put one's heart (and soul) into sth; with great care 遵循[遵循] zūnxún to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance 法则[法則] fǎzé law; rule; code 赋[賦] fù poetic essay; taxation; to bestow on; to endow with 印记[印記] yìnjì imprint; trace 地域[地域] dìyù area; district; region //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/25 words - 1 min 二十[二十] èrshí twenty; 20 降雨量[降雨量] jiàngyǔliàng precipitation; quantity of rainfall 演化[演化] yǎnhuà to evolve; evolution 甜蜜[甜蜜] tiánmì sweet; happy 年关[年關] niánguān end of the year 将近[將近] jiāngjìn almost; nearly; close to 活动[活動] huódòng to exercise; to move about; to operate; to use connections (personal influence); loose; shaky; active; movable; activity; campaign; maneuver; behavior; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 蜜[蜜] mì honey 饯[餞] jiàn farewell dinner; preserves 过年[過年] guònián to celebrate the Chinese New Year 必备[必備] bìbèi essential 目[目] mù eye; item; section; list; catalogue; table of contents; order (taxonomy); goal; name; title 多种多样[多種多樣] duōzhǒngduōyàng manifold; all sorts; many and varied 即便[即便] jíbiàn even if; even though; right away; immediately 同一[同一] tóngyī identical; the same 蜜饯[蜜餞] mìjiàn food preserved in sugar or honey 存在[存在] cúnzài to exist; to be; existence 磷[磷] lín phosphorus (chemistry) 潮州市[潮州市] Cháozhōushì Chaozhou prefecture-level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3] 东南部[東南部] dōngnánbù southeast part 全年[全年] quánnián the whole year; all year long 充沛[充沛] chōngpèi abundant; plentiful; vigorous 肥沃[肥沃] féiwò fertile 土壤[土壤] tǔrǎng soil 腐[腐] fǔ decay; rotten //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/50 words - 2 min 殖[殖] zhí to grow; to reproduce 橙[橙] chéng orange tree; orange (color) 杂交[雜交] zájiāo to hybridize; to crossbreed; promiscuity 学名[學名] xuémíng scientific name; Latin name (of plant or animal); (according to an old system of nomenclature) on entering school life, a formal personal name given to new students 蕉[蕉] jiāo banana 柑[柑] gān large tangerine 常见[常見] chángjiàn commonly seen; common; to see sth frequently 水果[水果] shuǐguǒ fruit; CL:個|个[ge4] 品类[品類] pǐnlèi category; kind 冬天[冬天] dōngtiān winter; CL:個|个[ge4] 大雪[大雪] Dàxuě Daxue or Great Snow, 21st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st December 过后[過後] guòhòu after the event 批[批] pī to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges) 曾[曾] céng once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause) 慧[慧] huì intelligent 芳[芳] fāng fragrant 柑橘[柑橘] gānjú citrus 桔[桔] jié Platycodon grandiflorus; water bucket 吉祥[吉祥] jíxiáng lucky; auspicious; propitious 读音[讀音] dúyīn pronunciation; literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character 相同[相同] xiāngtóng identical; same 季[季] jì season; the last month of a season; fourth or youngest amongst brothers; classifier for seasonal crop yields 风气[風氣] fēngqì general mood; atmosphere; common practice 候[候] hòu to wait; to inquire after; to watch; season; climate; (old) period of five days 湿润[濕潤] shīrùn moist //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/75 words - 4 min 硕大[碩大] shuòdà big; huge; massive 量[量] liáng to measure 量[量] liàng capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate; abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word 高达[高達] gāodá to attain; to reach up to 近年来[近年來] jìnniánlái for the past few years 外来[外來] wàilái external; foreign; outside 涌入[湧入] yǒngrù to come pouring in; influx 导致[導致] dǎozhì to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about 不愿[不願] bùyuàn unwilling; unwillingness 栽种[栽種] zāizhòng to plant; to grow 果园[果園] guǒyuán orchard 侄女[姪女] zhínǚ niece; brother's daughter 淑[淑] shū warm and virtuous; (used in given names); Taiwan pr. [shu2] 姜[姜] jiāng variant of 薑|姜[jiang1] 赶来[趕來] gǎnlái to rush over 新年[新年] xīnnián New Year; CL:個|个[ge4] 快要[快要] kuàiyào almost; nearly; almost all 屋[屋] wū house; room; CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4] 院子[院子] yuànzi courtyard; garden; yard; patio; CL:個|个[ge4]; (old) servant 表层[表層] biǎocéng surface layer 含有[含有] hányǒu to contain; including 烷[烷] wán alkane 酮[酮] tóng ketone 糖苷[糖苷] tánggān glucoside 合[合] hé to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2] 溶[溶] róng to dissolve; soluble //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/100 words - 7 min 淡化[淡化] dànhuà to water down; to play down; to trivialize; to weaken; to become dull with time; to desalinate; desalination 果皮[果皮] guǒpí (fruit) peel 市面上[市面上] shìmiànshàng on the market 绵长[綿長] miáncháng long and continuous (coastline, sound etc); extensive; prolonged 橘[橘] jú mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata); tangerine 基本[基本] jīběn basic; fundamental; main; elementary 消除[消除] xiāochú to eliminate; to remove 划破[劃破] huápò to cut open; to rip; to streak across (lightning, meteor etc); to pierce (scream, searchlight etc) 后续[後續] hòuxù follow-up; (dialect) to remarry 划[劃] huà to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character 十字[十字] shízì cross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten 挤压[擠壓] jǐyā to squeeze; to press; to extrude 便于[便於] biànyú easy to; convenient for 后期[後期] hòuqī late stage; later period 储存[儲存] chǔcún stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage 隔[隔] gé to separate; to partition; to stand or lie between; at a distance from; after or at an interval of 翻转[翻轉] fānzhuǎn to roll; to turn over; to invert; to flip 受热[受熱] shòurè heated; sunstroke 蔗糖[蔗糖] zhètáng cane sugar; sucrose 甜食[甜食] tiánshí dessert; sweet 回锅[回鍋] huíguō to cook again; to rewarm food 残留[殘留] cánliú to remain; left over; surplus; remnant 共同[共同] gòngtóng common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative 原有[原有] yuányǒu original; former 胶[膠] jiāo to glue; glue; gum; rubber //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/125 words - 9 min 饼[餅] bǐng round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry; CL:張|张[zhang1] 常用[常用] chángyòng in common usage 肖[肖] xiào similar; resembling; to resemble; to be like 哲[哲] zhé wise; a sage 致力[致力] zhìlì to work for; to devote one's efforts to 濒临[瀕臨] bīnlín on the edge of; (fig.) on the verge of; close to 果肉[果肉] guǒròu pulp 本身[本身] běnshēn itself; in itself; per se 至关重要[至關重要] zhìguānzhòngyào extremely important; vital; crucial; essential 瓣[瓣] bàn petal; segment; clove (of garlic); piece; section; fragment; valve; lamella; classifier for pieces, segments etc 中间[中間] zhōngjiān between; intermediate; mid; middle 分开[分開] fēnkāi to separate; to part 切断[切斷] qiēduàn to cut off; to sever 金钱[金錢] jīnqián money; currency 冬瓜[冬瓜] dōngguā wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida); white gourd; white hairy melon; Chinese squash 肥肉[肥肉] féiròu fat (e.g. pork fat); fatty meat; (fig.) a gold mine; cash cow 因[因] yīn cause; reason; because 形似[形似] xíngsì similar in shape and appearance 古币[古幣] gǔbì old coin 半小时[半小時] bànxiǎoshí half hour 之内[之內] zhīnèi inside; within 基本上[基本上] jīběnshang basically; on the whole 学生[學生] xuésheng student; schoolchild 陈皮[陳皮] chénpí orange peel; tangerine peel; dried orange peel used in Chinese medicine 漫长[漫長] màncháng very long; endless //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep09/130 words - 9 min 岁月[歲月] suìyuè years; time 充满[充滿] chōngmǎn full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 想象力[想象力] xiǎngxiànglì imagination 转化[轉化] zhuǎnhuà to change; to transform; isomerization (chemistry) 早已[早已] zǎoyǐ long ago; for a long time //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep10/25 words - 2 min 饮[飲] yǐn to drink 历经[歷經] lìjīng to experience; to go through 落地[落地] luòdì to fall to the ground; to be set on the ground; to reach to the ground; to be born; (of a plane) to land 茶叶[茶葉] cháyè tea; tea leaves; CL:盒[he2],罐[guan4],包[bao1],片[pian4] 化身[化身] huàshēn incarnation; reincarnation; embodiment (of abstract idea); personification 独具[獨具] dújù to have unique (talent, insight etc) 揭西[揭西] Jiēxī Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 河[河] hé river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] 婆[婆] pó grandmother; matron; mother-in-law; (slang) femme (in a lesbian relationship) 聚居地[聚居地] jùjūdì inhabited land; habitat 姐[姐] jiě older sister 园[園] yuán land used for growing plants; site used for public recreation; abbr. for a place ending in 園|园, such as a botanical garden 植物園|植物园, kindergarten 幼兒園|幼儿园 etc 招待[招待] zhāodài to receive (guests); to entertain; reception 亲友[親友] qīnyǒu friends and relatives 荷[荷] hé lotus 茴香[茴香] huíxiāng fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) 时令[時令] shílìng season 青菜[青菜] qīngcài green vegetables; Chinese cabbage 理解[理解] lǐjiě to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 渗透[滲透] shèntòu to permeate; to infiltrate; to pervade; osmosis 工具[工具] gōngjù tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc) 芝麻[芝麻] zhīma sesame (seed) 奠定[奠定] diàndìng to establish; to fix; to settle 研[研] yán to grind; study; research 点拨[點撥] diǎnbō to give instructions; to give advice //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep10/50 words - 4 min 显得[顯得] xiǎnde to seem; to look; to appear 悠长[悠長] yōucháng long; drawn-out; prolonged; lingering 力道[力道] lìdào strength; power; efficacy 流出[流出] liúchū to flow out; to disgorge; to effuse 溢出[溢出] yìchū to overflow; to spill over; (computing) overflow 相互[相互] xiānghù each other; mutual 中和[中和] zhōnghé to neutralize; to counteract; neutralization (chemistry) 解除[解除] jiěchú to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement) 浑然一体[渾然一體] húnrányītǐ to blend into one another; to blend together well 热水[熱水] rèshuǐ hot water 冲泡[沖泡] chōngpào to add water (or other liquid) to (another ingredient such as powdered milk or tea leaves); to infuse (tea) 擂[擂] léi beat; to grind 余韵[餘韻] yúyùn pleasant lingering effect; memorable stylishness; haunting tune; aftertaste (of a good wine etc) 溯[溯] sù to go upstream; to trace the source 脚步[腳步] jiǎobù footstep; step 森森[森森] sēnsēn dense (of trees); thick; ghastly; eerie 冬节[冬節] Dōngjié see 冬至[Dong1 zhi4] 饮茶[飲茶] yǐnchá to have tea and refreshments; to have dimsum lunch (Cantonese) 而言[而言] éryán with regard to (preceding phrase) 饮品[飲品] yǐnpǐn beverage 馔[饌] zhuàn food; delicacies 佳肴[佳餚] jiāyáo fine food; delicacies; delicious food 普洱[普洱] Pǔ'ěr Pu'er prefecture level city in Yunnan; county capital of Ning'er Hani and Yi autonomous county 寧洱哈尼族彞族自治縣|宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县 杭州[杭州] Hángzhōu Hangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Zhejiang province in southeast China 龙井[龍井] Lóngjǐng Longjing county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin; Lungching township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan; also Longjing tea 龍井茶|龙井茶 //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep10/75 words - 7 min 上等[上等] shàngděng highest quality; top-notch 绿茶[綠茶] lǜchá green tea 吸纳[吸納] xīnà to take in; to absorb; to admit; to accept 有名[有名] yǒumíng famous; well-known 来源于[來源於] láiyuányú to originate in 看望[看望] kànwàng to visit; to pay a call to 陆河[陸河] Lùhé Luhe county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong 北部[北部] běibù northern part 广东[廣東] Guǎngdōng Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yue4], capital Guangzhou 廣州|广州 老家[老家] lǎojiā native place; place of origin; home state or region 藏匿[藏匿] cángnì to cover up; to conceal; to go into hiding 略带[略帶] lüèdài having slightly; somewhat carrying 艾草[艾草] àicǎo Asian mugwort or wormwood (genus Artemesia) 艾[艾] ài Chinese mugwort or wormwood; moxa; to stop or cut short; phonetic "ai" or "i"; abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS 草[草] cǎo grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless; rough; CL:棵[ke1],撮[zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1] 下回[下回] xiàhuí next chapter; next time 哦[哦] o sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy; may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of 点钟[點鐘] diǎnzhōng (indicating time of day) o'clock 分明[分明] fēnmíng clear; distinct; evidently; clearly 豌豆[豌豆] wāndòu pea (Pisum sativum) 点化[點化] diǎnhuà magic transformation performed by Daoist immortal; fig. to reveal; to enlighten 桑[桑] sāng mulberry tree 薄荷[薄荷] bòhe field mint; peppermint 刺[刺] cì thorn; sting; thrust; to prick; to pierce; to stab; to assassinate; to murder 迥异[迥異] jiǒngyì totally different //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep10/100 words - 9 min 袭[襲] xí to attack; to inherit; classifier for suits (esp. of funeral robes) 浓烈[濃烈] nóngliè strong (taste, flavor, smell) 尤为[尤為] yóuwéi especially 沉[沉] chén to submerge; to immerse; to sink; to keep down; to lower; to drop; deep; profound; heavy 迷[迷] mí to bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused 炒米[炒米] chǎomǐ fried rice; millet stir-fried in butter 砂[砂] shā sand; gravel; granule; variant of 沙[sha1] 爆炒[爆炒] bàochǎo to stir-fry rapidly using a high flame; to conduct a media blitz; to manipulate a stock market through large-scale buying and selling 膨胀[膨脹] péngzhàng to expand; to inflate; to swell 儿媳[兒媳] érxí daughter-in-law 总能[總能] zǒngnéng total energy 准确[準確] zhǔnquè accurate; exact; precise 拿捏[拿捏] nániē to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties 彤[彤] tóng red 蓬松[蓬鬆] péngsōng fluffy 玄妙[玄妙] xuánmiào mysterious; profound; abstruse 无比[無比] wúbǐ incomparable; matchless 卖出[賣出] màichū to sell; to reach (a price in an auction) 增多[增多] zēngduō to increase; to grow in number 兴起[興起] xīngqǐ to rise; to spring up; to burgeon; to be aroused; to come into vogue 舍弃[捨棄] shěqì to give up; to abandon; to abort 芫荽[芫荽] yánsui coriander (Coriandrum sativum) 甜豆[甜豆] tiándòu sugar snap pea 汉[漢] hàn man 款[款] kuǎn section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (of a product) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep10/113 words - 10 min 凤凰[鳳凰] fènghuáng phoenix 单枞[單樅] Dāncōng variant of 單叢|单丛[Dan1 cong1] 搅拌机[攪拌機] jiǎobànjī blender; food mixer 蕴含[蘊含] yùnhán to contain; to accumulate 原味[原味] yuánwèi authentic taste; plain cooked; natural flavor (without spices and seasonings) 喉[喉] hóu throat; larynx 甘味[甘味] gānwèi sweetness; sweet taste 淳厚[淳厚] chúnhòu pure and honest; simple and kind 淡淡[淡淡] dàndàn faint; dim; dull; insipid; unenthusiastic; indifferent 实验室[實驗室] shíyànshì laboratory; CL:間|间[jian1] 催化[催化] cuīhuà catalysis; to catalyze (a reaction) 出新[出新] chūxīn to make new advances; to move forwards 标签[標籤] biāoqiān label; tag; tab (of a window) (computing) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/25 words - 1 min 烘焙[烘焙] hōngbèi to cure by drying over a fire (tea, meat etc); to bake 万千[萬千] wànqiān myriad; multitudinous; multifarious 馅[餡] xiàn stuffing; forcemeat; filling 组成[組成] zǔchéng to form; to make up; to constitute 看上去[看上去] kànshangqu it would appear; it seems (that) 匪[匪] fěi bandit; (literary) not 夷[夷] yí non-Han people, esp. to the East of China; barbarians; to wipe out; to exterminate; to tear down; to raze 思[思] sī to think; to consider 然而[然而] rán'ér however; yet; but 难忘[難忘] nánwàng unforgettable 早餐[早餐] zǎocān breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 期待[期待] qīdài to look forward to; to await; expectation 精致[精緻] jīngzhì delicate; fine; exquisite; refined 茶点[茶點] chádiǎn tea and cake; refreshments; tea and dimsun 點心|点心, traditional Hong Kong lunch 寻常[尋常] xúncháng usual; common; ordinary 街巷[街巷] jiēxiàng streets and alleys; street; alley 糕饼[糕餅] gāobǐng cakes; pastries 大同小异[大同小異] dàtóngxiǎoyì virtually the same; differing only on small points 隐藏[隱藏] yǐncáng to hide; to conceal; to mask; to shelter; to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden); to hide oneself; to lie low; to nestle; hidden; implicit; private; covert; recessed (lighting) 怀[懷] huái bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child) 德[德] dé virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind 夜幕[夜幕] yèmù curtain of night; gathering darkness 降临[降臨] jiànglín to descend; to arrive; to come 打烊[打烊] dǎyàng to close shop in the evening; also pr. [da3 yang2] 精力[精力] jīnglì energy //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/50 words - 2 min 避免[避免] bìmiǎn to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from 腐乳[腐乳] fǔrǔ pickled tofu 核心[核心] héxīn core; nucleus 构建[構建] gòujiàn to construct (sth abstract) 深夜[深夜] shēnyè very late at night 瘦[瘦] shòu thin; to lose weight; (of clothing) tight; (of meat) lean; (of land) unproductive 脂肪[脂肪] zhīfáng fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food) 坚果[堅果] jiānguǒ nut 磨碎[磨碎] mòsuì to grind up 合成[合成] héchéng to compose; to constitute; compound; synthesis; mixture; synthetic 白酒[白酒] báijiǔ baijiu, a spirit usually distilled from sorghum 曲[曲] qū bent; crooked; wrong 曲[曲] qǔ tune; song; CL:支[zhi1] 迥[迥] jiǒng distant 异[異] yì different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising; to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 这时[這時] zhèshí at this time; at this moment 珠[珠] zhū bead; pearl; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1] 线[線] xiàn thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city) 乳[乳] rǔ breast; milk 宝石[寶石] bǎoshí precious stone; gem; CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] 了解[瞭解] liǎojiě to understand; to realize; to find out 回避[迴避] huíbì to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc) 环[環] huán ring; hoop; loop; (chain) link; classifier for scores in archery etc; to surround; to encircle; to hem in 前生[前生] qiánshēng previous life; previous incarnation 说起[說起] shuōqǐ to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for 南海[南海] NánHǎi South China Sea //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/75 words - 5 min 湿[濕] shī moist; wet 白色[白色] báisè white; fig. reactionary; anti-communist 直立[直立] zhílì erect; upright; vertical 菌丝[菌絲] jūnsī mycelium; hypha 丰沛[豐沛] fēngpèi copious; plentiful (of water); surging (of waves); refers to home village of first Han emperor 漢高祖|汉高祖[Han4 Gao1 zu3]; fig. majestic 筛[篩] shāi to filter; to sift; to sieve 不至于[不至於] bùzhìyú unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as 防腐[防腐] fángfǔ rotproof; antiseptic; anti-corrosion 保障[保障] bǎozhàng to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard 胚[胚] pēi embryo 馒头[饅頭] mántou steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:個|个[ge4] 黄酒[黃酒] huángjiǔ "yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm) 生成[生成] shēngchéng to generate; to produce; generated; produced 熟悉[熟悉] shúxī to be familiar with; to know well 延长[延長] yáncháng to prolong; to extend; to delay 条件[條件] tiáojiàn condition; circumstances; term; factor; requirement; prerequisite; qualification; CL:個|个[ge4] 离不开[離不開] líbukāi inseparable; inevitably linked to 枞[樅] cōng fir tree 气味[氣味] qìwèi odor; scent 外向[外向] wàixiàng extroverted (personality); (economics etc) export-oriented 称作[稱作] chēngzuò to be called; to be known as 天衣无缝[天衣無縫] tiānyīwúfèng lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom); fig. flawless 单纯[單純] dānchún simple; pure; unsophisticated; merely; purely 珠联璧合[珠聯璧合] zhūliánbìhé string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination; perfect pair 按照[按照] ànzhào according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/100 words - 7 min 热茶[熱茶] rèchá hot tea 热食[熱食] rèshí hot food 魅力[魅力] mèilì charm; fascination; glamor; charisma 出炉[出爐] chūlú to take out of the furnace; fresh out of the oven; fig. newly announced; recently made available 清晰[清晰] qīngxī clear; distinct 水晶[水晶] shuǐjīng crystal 肉丁[肉丁] ròudīng diced meat 丰满[豐滿] fēngmǎn ample; well developed; fully rounded 纠缠[糾纏] jiūchán to be in a tangle; to nag 境界[境界] jìngjiè boundary; state; realm 大学[大學] dàxué university; college; CL:所[suo3] 毕业[畢業] bìyè graduation; to graduate; to finish school 继承[繼承] jìchéng to inherit; to succeed to (the throne etc); to carry on (a tradition etc) 家业[家業] jiāyè family property 网红[網紅] wǎnghóng Internet celebrity 工匠[工匠] gōngjiàng artisan; smith 庆[慶] qìng to celebrate 武[武] wǔ martial; military 辈[輩] bèi lifetime; generation; group of people; class; classifier for generations; (literary) classifier for people 一代[一代] yīdài generation 颠覆[顛覆] diānfù to topple (i.e. knock over); to capsize; fig. to overturn (a regime, by plotting or subversion); to undermine; to subvert 祖传[祖傳] zǔchuán passed on from ancestors; handed down from generation to generation 营销[營銷] yíngxiāo marketing 角度[角度] jiǎodù angle; point of view 出发[出發] chūfā to set off; to start (on a journey) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/125 words - 9 min 迎合[迎合] yínghé to cater to; to pander to 理念[理念] lǐniàn idea; concept; philosophy; theory 植物油[植物油] zhíwùyóu vegetable oil 拌[拌] bàn to mix; to mix in; to toss (a salad) 揉制[揉制] róuzhì to knead (leather) 不饱和[不飽和] bùbǎohé unsaturated 脂肪酸[脂肪酸] zhīfángsuān fatty acid 几分[幾分] jǐfēn somewhat; a bit 扩大[擴大] kuòdà to expand; to enlarge; to broaden one's scope 细小[細小] xìxiǎo tiny; fine; minute 洞[洞] dòng cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers); CL:個|个[ge4] 脱[脫] tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from 模[模] mó to imitate; model; norm; pattern 功夫[功夫] gōngfu skill; art; kung fu; labor; effort 拉德[拉德] lādé rad (unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation) (loanword) 气孔[氣孔] qìkǒng air-bubble; pore; stoma 定型[定型] dìngxíng to finalize (a design etc); stereotype; permanent wave or perm (hairdressing) 实则[實則] shízé actually; in fact 通体[通體] tōngtǐ (of sb or sth) whole or entire body 博得[博得] bódé to win; to gain 年轻人[年輕人] niánqīngrén young people; youngster 青睐[青睞] qīnglài (lit.) to fix one's gaze on; (fig.) to show interest in; (favorable) attention; favor 溽[溽] rù damp; muggy 隆重[隆重] lóngzhòng grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn 祭祖[祭祖] jìzǔ to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep11/148 words - 11 min 锐[銳] ruì acute 彬[彬] bīn ornamental; refined 例外[例外] lìwài exception; to be an exception 家族[家族] jiāzú family; clan 榄[欖] lǎn olive 仁[仁] rén humane; kernel 果仁[果仁] guǒrén fruit kernel 价格[價格] jiàgé price; CL:個|个[ge4] 昂贵[昂貴] ángguì expensive; costly 轻微[輕微] qīngwēi slight; light; trivial; to a small extent 松[鬆] sōng loose; to loosen; to relax; floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling) 整体[整體] zhěngtǐ whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole 祭[祭] jì to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors); memorial ceremony; (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon; (lit. and fig.) to wield 先人[先人] xiānrén ancestors; previous generations; my late father 贡品[貢品] gòngpǐn tribute 客人[客人] kèrén visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 旧时[舊時] jiùshí in former times; the olden days 规制[規制] guīzhì to regulate; rules and regulations; regulatory; style and structure (esp. of building) 祖先[祖先] zǔxiān ancestor; forebears 恩[恩] ēn favor; grace; kindness 泽[澤] zé pool; pond; (of metals etc) luster; favor or beneficence; damp; moist 福气[福氣] fúqi good fortune; a blessing 象征[象徵] xiàngzhēng emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep12/25 words - 2 min 显微[顯微] xiǎnwēi micro-; microscopic; to make the minute visible 摄影[攝影] shèyǐng to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie) 分辨[分辨] fēnbiàn to distinguish; to differentiate; to resolve 牙齿[牙齒] yáchǐ tooth; dental; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 精于[精於] jīngyú skillful in; proficient in; adept at 停下[停下] tíngxià to stop 觅食[覓食] mìshí to forage; to hunt for food; to scavenge; fig. to make a living 人物[人物] rénwù person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist; CL:個|个[ge4] 收入[收入] shōurù to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 最高[最高] zuìgāo tallest; highest; supreme (court etc) 技艺[技藝] jìyì skill; art 精湛[精湛] jīngzhàn consummate; exquisite 繁忙[繁忙] fánmáng busy; bustling 涮[涮] shuàn to rinse; to trick; to fool sb; to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table) 牛肉[牛肉] niúròu beef 礼遇[禮遇] lǐyù courtesy; deferential treatment; polite reception 山地[山地] shāndì mountainous region; hilly area; hilly country 通行[通行] tōngxíng to go through; to pass through; to be in general use 堆积[堆積] duījī to pile up; to heap; accumulation 部位[部位] bùwèi position; place 精华[精華] jīnghuá best feature; most important part of an object; quintessence; essence; soul 脖[脖] bó neck 凸起[凸起] tūqǐ convex; protruding; to protrude; to bulge; to buckle upwards 稀有[稀有] xīyǒu uncommon 百分之[百分之] bǎifēnzhī percent //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep12/50 words - 4 min 解[解] jiě to divide; to break up; to split; to separate; to dissolve; to solve; to melt; to remove; to untie; to loosen; to open; to emancipate; to explain; to understand; to know; a solution; a dissection 师[師] shī teacher; master; expert; model; army division; (old) troops; to dispatch troops 苦练[苦練] kǔliàn to train hard; to practice diligently; hard work; blood, sweat, and tears 套路[套路] tàolù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method 谙熟[諳熟] ānshú to be proficient in 西方[西方] Xīfāng the West; the Occident; Western countries 精细[精細] jīngxì fine; meticulous; careful 厚度[厚度] hòudù thickness 工[工] gōng work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor 直观[直觀] zhíguān direct observation; directly perceived through the senses; intuitive; audiovisual 标尺[標尺] biāochǐ surveyor's rod; staff; staff gauge; rear sight 腿[腿] tuǐ leg; CL:條|条[tiao2] 肉汁[肉汁] ròuzhī meat stock 肩胛[肩胛] jiānjiǎ shoulder; scapular region; scapula 匙[匙] chí spoon 柄[柄] bǐng handle or shaft (of an axe etc); (of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem; sth that affords an advantage to an opponent; classifier for knives or blades 筋脉[筋脈] jīnmài veins 贯穿[貫穿] guànchuān to run through; a connecting thread from beginning to end; to link 弹[彈] dàn crossball; bullet; shot; shell; ball 弹[彈] tán to pluck (a string); to play (a string instrument); to spring or leap; to shoot (e.g. with a catapult); (of cotton) to fluff or tease; to flick; to flip; to accuse; to impeach; elastic (of materials) 牙[牙] yá tooth; ivory; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 油花[油花] yóuhuā grease or fat blobs at the surface of a liquid; tricky and dissolute 脂膏[脂膏] zhīgāo fat; grease; riches; fortune; fruits of one's labor 簇拥[簇擁] cùyōng to crowd around; to escort 嚼[嚼] jiáo to chew; also pr. [jue2] 运气[運氣] yùnqi luck (good or bad) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep12/75 words - 7 min 有时[有時] yǒushí sometimes; now and then 众多[眾多] zhòngduō numerous 唯有[唯有] wéiyǒu only 与众不同[與眾不同] yǔzhòngbùtóng to stand out from the masses (idiom) 低温[低溫] dīwēn low temperature 切片[切片] qiēpiàn to slice; slice; thin section of a specimen (for microscopic examination) 幸运[幸運] xìngyùn fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck 百家[百家] bǎijiā many schools of thought; many people or households 散落[散落] sànluò to disperse; to fall scattered; to sprinkle 数不清[數不清] shǔbùqīng countless; innumerable 细分[細分] xìfēn subdivision; segmentation 加上[加上] jiāshàng plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that 随时随地[隨時隨地] suíshísuídì anytime and anywhere 消耗量[消耗量] xiāohàoliàng rate of consumption 十万[十萬] shíwàn hundred thousand 镜头[鏡頭] jìngtóu camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene 就绪[就緒] jiùxù to be ready; to be in order 考验[考驗] kǎoyàn to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal 来临[來臨] láilín to approach; to come closer 相宜[相宜] xiāngyí to be suitable or appropriate 大理石[大理石] dàlǐshí marble 适当[適當] shìdàng suitable; appropriate 肌肉[肌肉] jīròu muscle; flesh 分离[分離] fēnlí to separate 沙[沙] shā granule; hoarse; raspy; sand; powder; CL:粒[li4]; abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep12/100 words - 10 min 源于[源於] yuányú has its origins in 复合[複合] fùhé complex; compound; composite; hybrid 掩盖[掩蓋] yǎngài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up 绝配[絕配] juépèi perfect match 瘦肉[瘦肉] shòuròu lean meat 盛[盛] shèng flourishing; vigorous; magnificent; extensively 稀缺[稀缺] xīquē scarce; scarcity 腱[腱] jiàn tendon; sinew 趾[趾] zhǐ toe 爽脆[爽脆] shuǎngcuì sharp and clear; frank; straightfoward; quick; brisk; crisp and tasty 清汤[清湯] qīngtāng broth; clear soup; consommé 缩[縮] suō to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce; abbreviation; also pr. [su4] 心脏[心臟] xīnzàng heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 旁[旁] páng beside; one side; other; side; self; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic 胸口[胸口] xiōngkǒu pit of the stomach 腻[膩] nì greasy; soft; unctuous; intimate; tired of 营业[營業] yíngyè to do business; to trade 往往[往往] wǎngwǎng usually; in many cases; more often than not 杰[杰] jié variant of 傑|杰[jie2] 亲自[親自] qīnzì personally; in person; oneself 师傅[師傅] shīfu master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 学徒[學徒] xuétú apprentice 出师[出師] chūshī to finish apprenticeship; to graduate; to send out troops (under a commander) 训练[訓練] xùnliàn to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] 特意[特意] tèyì specially; intentionally //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep12/107 words - 10 min 换成[換成] huànchéng to exchange (sth) for (sth else); to replace with; to convert into 矿泉水[礦泉水] kuàngquánshuǐ mineral spring water; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 代[代] dài to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon 精心[精心] jīngxīn with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed 大道[大道] dàdào main street; avenue 简[簡] jiǎn simple; uncomplicated; letter; to choose; to select; bamboo strips used for writing (old) 乾坤[乾坤] qiánkūn yin and yang; heaven and earth; the universe //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/25 words - 2 min 精密[精密] jīngmì accuracy; exact; precise; refined 不规则[不規則] bùguīzé irregular 月球[月球] yuèqiú the moon 成千上万[成千上萬] chéngqiānshàngwàn lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands 强度[強度] qiángdù strength; intensity; CL:個|个[ge4] 撞击[撞擊] zhuàngjī to strike; to hit; to ram 面目[面目] miànmù appearance; facial features; look 脱胎换骨[脫胎換骨] tuōtāihuàngǔ to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist; to turn over a new leaf; fig. to change wholly; to create from other material (story, artwork etc) 全新[全新] quánxīn all new; completely new 沐浴[沐浴] mùyù to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse 造就[造就] zàojiù to bring up; to train; to contribute to; achievements (usually of young people) 丰饶[豐饒] fēngráo rich and fertile 物产[物產] wùchǎn products; produce; natural resources 肉丸[肉丸] ròuwán meatball 史料[史料] shǐliào historical material or data 表明[表明] biǎomíng to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate; known 糜[糜] méi millet 商贩[商販] shāngfàn trader; peddler 叫卖[叫賣] jiàomài to hawk (one's wares); to peddle 丸[丸] wán ball; pellet; pill 大胆[大膽] dàdǎn brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless 改进[改進] gǎijìn to improve; to make better; CL:個|个[ge4] 脱胎[脫胎] tuōtāi to be born; (fig.) to develop out of sth else (of ideas, stories, political systems etc); (fig.) to shed one's body (to be reborn); bodiless (e.g. lacquerware) 刀背[刀背] dāobèi back of the knife 方形[方形] fāngxíng square; square-shaped //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/50 words - 3 min 锤[錘] chuí hammer; to hammer into shape; weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance); to strike with a hammer 创造[創造] chuàngzào to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record) 敞亮[敞亮] chǎngliàng bright and spacious 横[橫] héng horizontal; across; crosswise; horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters); to place (sth) flat (on a surface); to cross (a river, etc); in a jumble; chaotic; (in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable; violent 截面[截面] jiémiàn section; cross-section 恰到好处[恰到好處] qiàdàohǎochù it's just perfect; it's just right 散[散] sǎn scattered; loose; to come loose; to fall apart; leisurely; powdered medicine 散[散] sàn to scatter; to break up (a meeting etc); to disperse; to disseminate; to dispel; (coll.) to sack 肉糜[肉糜] ròumí minced meat 捶[捶] chuí to beat with the fist; to hammer; to cudgel 松散[鬆散] sōngsan to relax; loose; not consolidated; not rigorous 击碎[擊碎] jīsuì to smash to pieces 排列[排列] páiliè to arrange in order; (math.) permutation 经常[經常] jīngcháng frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily 水泡[水泡] shuǐpào bubble; blister 老茧[老繭] lǎojiǎn callus (patch or hardened skin); corns (on feet); also 老趼 肿[腫] zhǒng to swell; swelling; swollen 力量[力量] lìliang power; force; strength 中途[中途] zhōngtú midway 中断[中斷] zhōngduàn to cut short; to break off; to discontinue; to interrupt 否则[否則] fǒuzé if not; otherwise; else; or else 不成[不成] bùchéng won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 泥[泥] ní mud; clay; paste; pulp 流失[流失] liúshī (of soil etc) to wash away; to be eroded; (fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere; to fail to be retained 牛肉丸[牛肉丸] niúròuwán beef meatballs 上佳[上佳] shàngjiā excellent; outstanding; great //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/75 words - 5 min 累积[累積] lěijī to accumulate 注入[注入] zhùrù to pour into; to empty into 秘笈[秘笈] mìjí secret book or collection of books 关紧[關緊] guānjǐn to close firmly; to fasten securely; to make fast; to lock 纯净[純淨] chúnjìng pure; clean; unmixed 付出[付出] fùchū to pay; to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc) 足够[足夠] zúgòu enough; sufficient 耐心[耐心] nàixīn to be patient; patience 敏捷[敏捷] mǐnjié nimble; quick; shrewd 筋[筋] jīn muscle; tendon; veins visible under the skin; sth resembling tendons or veins (e.g. fiber in a vegetable) 膜[膜] mó membrane; film 依旧[依舊] yījiù as before; still 捶打[捶打] chuídǎ to beat; to pound; to thump 东西南北[東西南北] dōngxīnánběi east west south north 皆[皆] jiē all; each and every; in all cases 花样[花樣] huāyàng pattern; way of doing sth; trick; (sports) fancy-style (as figure skating etc) 唯独[唯獨] wéidú only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique 扎根[扎根] zhāgēn to take root 饕[饕] tāo gluttonous; see 饕餮[tao1 tie4], zoomorphic mask motif 巷[巷] xiàng lane; alley 尾[尾] wěi tail; remainder; remnant; extremity; sixth of the 28 constellations; classifier for fish 东明[東明] Dōngmíng Dongming county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong 指甲[指甲] zhǐjia fingernail 关乎[關乎] guānhū to relate to; concerning; about 家传[家傳] jiāchuán handed down in a family; family traditions //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/100 words - 8 min 筒[筒] tǒng tube; cylinder; to encase in sth cylindrical (such as hands in sleeves etc) 化学[化學] huàxué chemistry; chemical 调配[調配] diàopèi to allocate; to deploy 调配[調配] tiáopèi to blend (colors, herbs); to mix 瑜[瑜] yú excellence; luster of gems 伽[伽] jiā traditionally used as phonetic for ga; also pr. [ga1]; also pr. [qie2] 教练[教練] jiàoliàn instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 燕[燕] yàn swallow (family Hirundinidae); old variant of 宴[yan4] 身份[身份] shēnfèn identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank 氏[氏] shì clan name; maiden name 继承人[繼承人] jìchéngrén heir; successor 握[握] wò to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist); to master; classifier: a handful 苏打粉[蘇打粉] sūdáfěn baking soda 除此之外[除此之外] chúcǐzhīwài apart from this; in addition to this 始终[始終] shǐzhōng from beginning to end; all along 恒定[恆定] héngdìng constant 打折[打折] dǎzhé to give a discount 扣[扣] kòu to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code 用力[用力] yònglì to exert oneself physically 越[越] yuè to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more 搅[攪] jiǎo to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir 滞[滯] zhì sluggish 猛力[猛力] měnglì with all one's might; with sudden force; violently; to slam 计量[計量] jìliàng measurement; to calculate 手感[手感] shǒugǎn the feel (of sth touched with the hand); (textiles) handle 劲儿[勁兒] jìnr5 erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/125 words - 10 min 游离[遊離] yóulí to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component) 球蛋白[球蛋白] qiúdànbái globulin 加强[加強] jiāqiáng to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase 凝胶[凝膠] níngjiāo gel 有助于[有助於] yǒuzhùyú to contribute to; to promote 顺[順] shùn to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable 血水[血水] xuèshuǐ thin blood; watery blood 身为[身為] shēnwéi in the capacity of; as 耗时[耗時] hàoshí time-consuming; to take a period of (x amount of time) 耗力[耗力] hàolì to require much effort 真空[真空] zhēnkōng vacuum 包装[包裝] bāozhuāng to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging 寄[寄] jì to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a house); to lodge; foster (son etc) 下班[下班] xiàbān to finish work; to get off work 沙茶[沙茶] shāchá satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spelled sate 妥[妥] tuǒ suitable; adequate; ready; settled 妥帖[妥帖] tuǒtiē properly; satisfactorily; firmly; very fitting; appropriate; proper; to be in good order; also written 妥貼|妥贴[tuo3 tie1] 帖[帖] tiē fitting snugly; appropriate; suitable; variant of 貼|贴[tie1]; to paste; to obey 征服[征服] zhēngfú to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish 卷[卷] juǎn to roll up; roll; classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc) 卷[卷] juàn scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll 客户[客戶] kèhù client; customer 反过来[反過來] fǎnguolái conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction 反馈[反饋] fǎnkuì to send back information; feedback 清汤寡水[清湯寡水] qīngtāngguǎshuǐ meager fare; (fig.) insipid; colorless 坚持下去[堅持下去] jiānchíxiàqù to press on //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep13/129 words - 11 min 成全[成全] chéngquán to help sb accomplish his aim; to help sb succeed; to complete; to make whole; to round off 流传[流傳] liúchuán to spread; to circulate; to hand down 坚守[堅守] jiānshǒu to hold fast to; to stick to 一方[一方] yīfāng a party (in a contract or legal case); one side; area; region //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/25 words - 2 min 薄片[薄片] báopiàn thin slice; thin section; flake; Taiwan pr. [bo2 pian4] 蝉翼[蟬翼] chányì cicada's wing; fig. diaphanous; delicate texture 轻[輕] qīng light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; to disparage 似[似] sì to seem; to appear; to resemble; similar; -like; pseudo-; (more) than 绵绸[綿綢] miánchóu rough-textured fabric of waste silk 遗忘[遺忘] yíwàng to become forgotten; to forget 人间[人間] rénjiān the human world; the earth 遗[遺] yí to lose; to leave behind; to omit; to bequeath; sth lost; involuntary discharge (of urine etc) 存[存] cún to exist; to deposit; to store; to keep; to survive 饶平县[饒平縣] Ráopíngxiàn Raoping county in Chaozhou 潮州[Chao2 zhou1], Guangdong 年中[年中] niánzhōng within the year; in the middle of the year; mid-year 阻挡[阻擋] zǔdǎng to stop; to resist; to obstruct 寻觅[尋覓] xúnmì to look for 卓[卓] zhuó outstanding 逸[逸] yì to escape; leisurely; outstanding 瀚[瀚] hàn ocean; vastness 达人[達人] dárén expert; person who takes things philosophically 同伴[同伴] tóngbàn companion; comrade; fellow 出海[出海] chūhǎi to go out to sea 不佳[不佳] bùjiā not good 钩[鉤] gōu to hook; to sew; to crochet; hook; check mark or tick; window catch 更换[更換] gēnghuàn to replace (a worn-out tire etc); to change (one's address etc) 地点[地點] dìdiǎn place; site; location; venue; CL:個|个[ge4] 钓[釣] diào to fish with a hook and bait 辗转[輾轉] zhǎnzhuǎn to toss about in bed; from person to person; indirectly; to wander //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/50 words - 4 min 好运[好運] hǎoyùn good luck 上钩[上鉤] shànggōu to take the bait 船老大[船老大] chuánlǎodà coxswain; steersman; boatswain (bo'sun) 就地[就地] jiùdì locally; on the spot 取材[取材] qǔcái to collect material 当仁不让[當仁不讓] dāngrénbùràng to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others 炊具[炊具] chuījù cooking utensils; cookware; cooker 炉灶[爐灶] lúzào stove 菜刀[菜刀] càidāo vegetable knife; kitchen knife; cleaver; CL:把[ba3] 耗费[耗費] hàofèi to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander 货[貨] huò goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4] 原[原] yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source 滋[滋] zī to grow; to nourish; to increase; to cause; juice; taste; (dialect) to spout; to spurt 先秦[先秦] xiānQín pre-Qin, Chinese history up to the foundation of the Qin imperial dynasty in 221 BC 日本[日本] Rìběn Japan 刺身[刺身] cìshēn sashimi 演变[演變] yǎnbiàn to develop; to evolve; development; evolution 早年[早年] zǎonián early years; adolescence 海运[海運] hǎiyùn shipping by sea 发达[發達] fādá developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop 韩[韓] Hán Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄; Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897; Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国; surname Han 环境保护[環境保護] huánjìngbǎohù environmental protection 江水[江水] jiāngshuǐ river water 优良[優良] yōuliáng fine; good; first-rate 淡水鱼[淡水魚] dànshuǐyú freshwater fish //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/75 words - 5 min 遗落[遺落] yíluò to leave behind (inadvertently); to forget; to omit; to leave out 捞[撈] lāo to fish up; to dredge up 脱皮[脫皮] tuōpí to molt; to peel; fig. seriously hurt 取出[取出] qǔchū to take out; to extract; to draw out 沾[沾] zhān to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch 抑制[抑制] yìzhì to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress 细菌[細菌] xìjūn bacterium; germ 滋生[滋生] zīshēng to breed; to flourish; to cause; to provoke; to create 世纪[世紀] shìjì century; CL:個|个[ge4] 以来[以來] yǐlái since (a previous event) 萱[萱] xuān orange day-lily (Hemerocallis flava) 传人[傳人] chuánrén to teach; to impart; a disciple; descendant 秋季[秋季] qiūjì autumn; fall 江河[江河] jiānghé river 鱼类[魚類] yúlèi fishes 进食[進食] jìnshí to take a meal; to eat 过冬[過冬] guòdōng to get through the winter 最为[最為] zuìwéi the most 致富[致富] zhìfù to become rich 聚[聚] jù to congregate; to assemble; to mass; to gather together; to amass; to polymerize 草鱼[草魚] cǎoyú grass carp 逐[逐] zhú to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one 水池[水池] shuǐchí pond; pool; sink; washbasin 池[池] chí pond; reservoir; moat 寄养[寄養] jìyǎng to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc); to foster; to board out //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/100 words - 7 min 吐[吐] tù to vomit; to throw up 杂质[雜質] zázhì impurity 上手[上手] shàngshǒu to obtain; to master; overhand (serve etc); seat of honor 半圆[半圓] bànyuán semicircle 缺口[缺口] quēkǒu nick; jag; gap; shortfall 定制[定製] dìngzhì custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made 刀具[刀具] dāojù cutting tool 型[型] xíng mold; type; style; model 一体[一體] yītǐ an integral whole; all concerned; everybody 指尖[指尖] zhǐjiān fingertips 尽可能[儘可能] jǐnkěnéng as far as possible; to do one's utmost 接触[接觸] jiēchù to touch; to contact; access; in touch with 面[麵] miàn flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 手心[手心] shǒuxīn palm (of one's hand); control (extended meaning from having something in the palm of one's hand) 悬空[懸空] xuánkōng to hang in the air; suspended in midair; (fig.) uncertain 稳[穩] wěn settled; steady; stable 防止[防止] fángzhǐ to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions 鱼片[魚片] yúpiàn fish fillet; slice of fish meat 轻薄[輕薄] qīngbó light (weight); frivolous; a philanderer; to scorn; disrespectful 鱼刺[魚刺] yúcì fishbone 碎[碎] suì to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary 无形[無形] wúxíng incorporeal; virtual; formless; invisible (assets); intangible 泻[瀉] xiè to flow out swiftly; to flood; a torrent; diarrhea; laxative 平方[平方] píngfāng square (as in square foot, square mile, square root) 痕[痕] hén scar; traces //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/125 words - 10 min 柴[柴] chái firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person) 经济[經濟] jīngjì economy; economic 颇[頗] pō rather; quite; considerably; oblique; inclined; slanting; Taiwan pr. [po3] 通常[通常] tōngcháng regular; usual; normal; usually; normally 清凉[清涼] qīngliáng cool; refreshing; (of clothing) skimpy; revealing 各色[各色] gèsè all kinds; of every description 合适[合適] héshì suitable; fitting; appropriate 芝麻油[芝麻油] zhīmayóu sesame oil 末[末] mò tip; end; final stage; latter part; inessential detail; powder; dust; opera role of old man 调和[調和] tiáohé harmonious; to mediate; to reconcile; to compromise; mediation; to mix; to blend; blended; to season; seasoning; to placate 酱料[醬料] jiàngliào sauce 蘸[蘸] zhàn to dip in (ink, sauce etc) 各自[各自] gèzì each; respective; apiece 回头客[回頭客] huítóukè repeat customer 武器[武器] wǔqì weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3] 凌晨[凌晨] língchén very early in the morning; in the wee hours 渔业[漁業] yúyè fishing industry; fishery 遭遇[遭遇] zāoyù to meet with; to encounter; (bitter) experience 舶[舶] bó ship 水产[水產] shuǐchǎn aquatic; produced in sea, rivers or lakes 界[界] jiè boundary; scope; extent; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy) 知名[知名] zhīmíng well-known; famous 龙虾[龍蝦] lóngxiā lobster 掉以轻心[掉以輕心] diàoyǐqīngxīn treat sth lightly; to lower one's guard 前提[前提] qiántí premise; precondition; prerequisite //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep14/135 words - 11 min 龙[龍] lóng dragon; CL:條|条[tiao2]; imperial 虾[蝦] xiā shrimp; prawn 散碎[散碎] sǎnsuì in fragments 困难[困難] kùnnan difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 顺着[順著] shùnzhe to follow; following; along 隐约[隱約] yǐnyuē vague; faint; indistinct 摸索[摸索] mōsuo to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to do things slowly 保全[保全] bǎoquán to save from damage; to preserve; to maintain; to keep in good repair; (Tw) security guard 横贯[橫貫] héngguàn horizontal traverse; to cut across; to cross transversally 古今[古今] gǔjīn then and now; ancient and modern //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep15/25 words - 2 min 秋雨[秋雨] qiūyǔ autumn rain 梅州[梅州] Méizhōu Meizhou prefecture-level city in Guangdong 丰顺县[豐順縣] Fēngshùnxiàn Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong 砍[砍] kǎn to chop; to cut down; to throw sth at sb 编制[編製] biānzhì to weave; to plait; to compile; to put together (a lesson plan, budget etc) 竹器[竹器] zhúqì utensil made of bamboo 坚韧[堅韌] jiānrèn tough and durable; tenacious 耐用[耐用] nàiyòng durable 丰[豐] fēng abundant; plentiful; fertile; plump; great 筐[筐] kuāng basket; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 濠[濠] háo trench 用途[用途] yòngtú use; application 濠江[濠江] Háojiāng Haojiang district of Shantou city 汕头市, Guangdong 自古[自古] zìgǔ (since) ancient times; (from) time immemorial 渔民[漁民] yúmín fisherman; fisher folk 纪[紀] jì order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle 码头[碼頭] mǎtóu dock; pier; wharf; CL:個|个[ge4] 冷藏[冷藏] lěngcáng refrigeration; cold storage; to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment 海上[海上] hǎishàng maritime 煮熟[煮熟] zhǔshóu to boil thoroughly; to cook thoroughly 以便[以便] yǐbiàn so that; so as to; in order to 充饥[充飢] chōngjī to allay one's hunger 动机[動機] dòngjī motor; locomotive; motive; motivation; intention 渔[漁] yú fisherman; to fish 获[獲] huò to catch; to obtain; to capture //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep15/50 words - 4 min 廉价[廉價] liánjià cheaply-priced; low-cost 巴[巴] bā to long for; to wish; to cling to; to stick to; sth that sticks; close to; next to; spread open; informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4]; bar (unit of pressure); nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail 广泛[廣泛] guǎngfàn extensive; wide range 我国[我國] wǒguó our country; China 东南[東南] dōngnán southeast 鳞[鱗] lín scales (of fish) 剖[剖] pōu to cut open; to analyze; Taiwan pr. [pou3] 肚[肚] dù belly 即可[即可] jíkě equivalent to 就可以; can then (do sth); can immediately (do sth); (do sth) and that will suffice 丰顺[豐順] Fēngshùn Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong 层[層] céng layer; stratum; laminated; floor (of a building); storey; classifier for layers; repeated; sheaf (math.) 叠[疊] dié to fold; to fold over in layers; to furl; to layer; to pile up; to repeat; to duplicate 层层[層層] céngcéng layer upon layer 鱼头[魚頭] yútóu fish head; fig. upright and unwilling to compromise 逆时针[逆時針] nìshízhēn anticlockwise; counterclockwise 尊敬[尊敬] zūnjìng to respect; to revere 依据[依據] yījù according to; basis; foundation 种类[種類] zhǒnglèi kind; genus; type; category; variety; species; sort; class 造型[造型] zàoxíng to model; to shape; appearance; style; design; form; pose 美观[美觀] měiguān pleasing to the eye; beautiful; artistic 烹煮[烹煮] pēngzhǔ to cook; to boil 分寸[分寸] fēncun propriety; appropriate behavior; proper speech or action; within the norms 一同[一同] yītóng along; together 流通[流通] liútōng to circulate; to distribute; circulation; distribution 坚挺[堅挺] jiāntǐng firm and upright; strong (of currency) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep15/75 words - 7 min 生态[生態] shēngtài ecology 深海[深海] shēnhǎi deep sea 原汁原味[原汁原味] yuánzhīyuánwèi original; authentic 繁多[繁多] fánduō many and varied; of many different kinds 统称[統稱] tǒngchēng to be collectively called; collective term; general designation 从前[從前] cóngqián previously; formerly; once upon a time 先民[先民] xiānmín forebears 畅销[暢銷] chàngxiāo to sell well; best seller; chart-topping 消费[消費] xiāofèi to consume; to spend 物资[物資] wùzī goods; supplies 匮乏[匱乏] kuìfá to be deficient in sth; to be short of sth (supplies, money etc) 年代[年代] niándài a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 难以[難以] nányǐ hard to (predict, imagine etc) 推移[推移] tuīyí (of time) to elapse or pass; (of a situation) to develop or evolve 根深蒂固[根深蒂固] gēnshēndìgù deep-rooted (problem etc) 人类[人類] rénlèi humanity; human race; mankind 浓度[濃度] nóngdù concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution); consistency; thickness; density; viscosity 感到[感到] gǎndào to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect 海风[海風] hǎifēng sea breeze; sea wind (i.e. from the sea) 日照[日照] rìzhào sunshine 盐田[鹽田] yántián saltpan 结晶[結晶] jiéjīng to crystallize; crystallization; crystal; crystalline; (fig.) the fruit (of labor etc) 成型[成型] chéngxíng to become shaped; to become formed 衬[襯] chèn (of garments) against the skin; to line; lining; to contrast with; to assist financially 之下[之下] zhīxià under; beneath; less than //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep15/91 words - 10 min 迥然不同[迥然不同] jiǒngránbùtóng widely different; utterly different 夜宵[夜宵] yèxiāo midnight snack 相对[相對] xiāngduì relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis; counterpart 高价[高價] gāojià high price 黄花鱼[黃花魚] huánghuāyú yellow croaker (fish); corvina 封锁[封鎖] fēngsuǒ to blockade; to seal off 奇妙[奇妙] qímiào fantastic; wonderful 其间[其間] qíjiān in between; within that interval; in the meantime 缔造者[締造者] dìzàozhě creator (of a great work); founder 开拓者[開拓者] kāituòzhě pioneer 大餐[大餐] dàcān great meal; banquet 平常[平常] píngcháng ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily 透过[透過] tòuguò to pass through; to penetrate; by means of; via 体会[體會] tǐhuì to know from experience; to learn through experience; to realize; understanding; experience 蕴[蘊] yùn to accumulate; to hold in store; to contain; to gather together; to collect; depth; inner strength; profundity 深远[深遠] shēnyuǎn far-reaching; profound and long-lasting //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep16/25 words - 2 min 馈赠[饋贈] kuìzèng to present (a gift) to (sb) 酝酿[醞釀] yùnniàng (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions 交响[交響] jiāoxiǎng symphony, symphonic 楼[樓] lóu house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] 年头[年頭] niántóu start of the year; whole year; a particular year; period; days; epoch; a year's harvest 外埔[外埔] Wàibù Waipu township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan 今[今] jīn today; modern; present; current; this; now 伯[伯] bó father's elder brother; senior; paternal elder uncle; eldest of brothers; respectful form of address; Count, third of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] 酿造[釀造] niàngzào to brew; to make (wine, vinegar, soybean paste etc) by fermentation 液体[液體] yètǐ liquid 工人[工人] gōngrén worker; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2] 年龄[年齡] niánlíng (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] 相仿[相仿] xiāngfǎng similar 不停[不停] bùtíng incessant 紧邻[緊鄰] jǐnlín to be right next to; close neighbor 远处[遠處] yuǎnchù distant place 作业[作業] zuòyè school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate 渔人[漁人] yúrén fisherman 鲥鱼[鰣魚] shíyú Reeves shad (Tenualosa reevesii) 仔[仔] zǐ meticulous; (of domestic animals or fowls) young 主料[主料] zhǔliào main ingredients (in a cooking recipe) 肥厚[肥厚] féihòu plump; fleshy; fertile 洗礼[洗禮] xǐlǐ baptism (lit. or fig.) 田野[田野] tiányě field; open land; CL:片[pian4] 空旷[空曠] kōngkuàng spacious and empty; void //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep16/50 words - 5 min 吹[吹] chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through 一点一点[一點一點] yīdiǎnyīdiǎn little by little; bit by bit; gradually 结了[結了] jiéle that's that; that's it; that will do 艺术[藝術] yìshù art 呵护[呵護] hēhù to bless; to cherish; to take good care of; to conserve 拨开[撥開] bōkāi to push aside; to part; to brush away 尘[塵] chén dust; dirt; earth 清澈[清澈] qīngchè clear; limpid 蔓延[蔓延] mànyán to extend; to spread 过滤[過濾] guòlǜ to filter; filter 棉纱[棉紗] miánshā cotton yarn 截[截] jié to cut off (a length); to stop; to intercept; section; chunk; length 厨房[廚房] chúfáng kitchen; CL:間|间[jian1] 老人[老人] lǎorén old man or woman; the elderly; one's aged parents or grandparents 鉴别[鑑別] jiànbié to differentiate; to distinguish 芥[芥] jiè mustard 蓝[藍] lán blue; indigo plant 有机[有機] yǒujī organic 碱[鹼] jiǎn base; alkali; soda (chemistry) 褪去[褪去] tuìqù to take off (one's clothes); (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc); (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside; also pr. [tun4 qu4] 生硬[生硬] shēngyìng stiff; harsh 缺乏[缺乏] quēfá to lack; to be short of; lack; shortage 搁置[擱置] gēzhì to shelve; to set aside 褐色[褐色] hèsè brown 添[添] tiān to add; to increase; to replenish //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep16/75 words - 8 min 色[色] sè color; CL:種|种[zhong3]; look; appearance; sex 罕见[罕見] hǎnjiàn rare; rarely seen 消费者[消費者] xiāofèizhě consumer 需求[需求] xūqiú requirement; to require; (economics) demand 规模[規模] guīmó scale; scope; extent; CL:個|个[ge4] 锅炉[鍋爐] guōlú boiler 走向[走向] zǒuxiàng direction; strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology); inclination; trend; to move towards; to head for 显示[顯示] xiǎnshì to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate 调味品[調味品] tiáowèipǐn seasoning; flavoring 热情[熱情] rèqíng cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately 华[華] huá magnificent; splendid; flowery 试图[試圖] shìtú to attempt; to try 康[康] kāng healthy; peaceful; abundant 侧[側] cè the side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral; side 白皙[白皙] báixī fair; white; blonde 透明[透明] tòumíng transparent; open (non-secretive) 苷[苷] gān licorice; glycoside 体重[體重] tǐzhòng body weight 复原[復原] fùyuán to restore (sth) to (its) former condition; to recover from illness; recovery 母[母] mǔ mother; elderly female relative; origin; source; (of animals) female 空隙[空隙] kòngxì crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events 填充[填充] tiánchōng pad; padding 剧烈[劇烈] jùliè violent; acute; severe; fierce 颗粒[顆粒] kēlì kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical product) 穿透[穿透] chuāntòu to penetrate //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep16/100 words - 10 min 意味着[意味著] yìwèizhe to signify; to mean; to imply 酿成[釀成] niàngchéng to form gradually; to lead to 特制[特制] tèzhì special; unique 注重[注重] zhùzhòng to pay attention to; to emphasize 仪式[儀式] yíshì ceremony 感[感] gǎn to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~ 鼻[鼻] bí nose 味儿[味兒] wèir5 taste 标准化[標準化] biāozhǔnhuà standardization 蒙[蒙] méng to cover; ignorant; to suffer (misfortune); to receive (a favor); to cheat 篓[簍] lǒu basket 纱[紗] shā cotton yarn; muslin 网[網] wǎng net; network 浓稠[濃稠] nóngchóu thick; dense and creamy 缓慢[緩慢] huǎnmàn slow; slow-moving 天后[天后] Tiānhòu Tin Hau, Empress of Heaven, another name for the goddess Matsu 媽祖|妈祖[Ma1 zu3]; Tin Hau (Hong Kong area around the MTR station with same name) 渗[滲] shèn to seep; to ooze; to horrify 勾兑[勾兌] gōuduì to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc) 等级[等級] děngjí grade; rank; status 追捧[追捧] zhuīpěng to chase after (a popular person or item); to pursue; popularity 微量[微量] wēiliàng a smidgen; minute; micro-; trace (element) 款待[款待] kuǎndài to entertain; to be hospitable to 粉[粉] fěn powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink 升[升] shēng to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3] 引以为傲[引以為傲] yǐnyǐwéi'ào to be intensely proud of sth (idiom) //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep16/120 words - 12 min 相当于[相當於] xiāngdāngyú equivalent to 口腹[口腹] kǒufù (fig.) food 欢[歡] huān joyous; happy; pleased 精彩[精彩] jīngcǎi wonderful; marvelous; brilliant 点睛[點睛] diǎnjīng to dot in the eyes; fig. to add finishing touch; abbr. for idiom 畫龍點睛|画龙点睛, to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes; the crucial point that brings the subject to life 笔[筆] bǐ pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] 初[初] chū at first; (at the) beginning; first; junior; basic 滴[滴] dī a drop; to drip 隐含[隱含] yǐnhán to contain in a concealed form; to keep covered up; implicit 水土[水土] shuǐtǔ water and soil; surface water; natural environment (extended meaning); climate 自我[自我] zìwǒ self-; ego (psychology) 干杯[乾杯] gānbēi to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup 辞[辭] cí to resign; to dismiss; to decline; to take leave; ballad (archaic poetic genre); variant of 詞|词[ci2] 辛[辛] xīn (of taste) hot or pungent; hard; laborious; suffering; eighth in order; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; letter "H" or Roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 285°; octa 劳[勞] láo to toil; labor; laborer; to put sb to trouble (of doing sth); meritorious deed; to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense) 不起眼[不起眼] bùqǐyǎn unremarkable; nothing out of the ordinary 托付[托付] tuōfù to entrust 沉淀[沉澱] chéndiàn to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) 解锁[解鎖] jiěsuǒ to unlock; to release 钥匙[鑰匙] yàoshi key; CL:把[ba3] //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep17/25 words - 2 min 肌肤[肌膚] jīfū skin; flesh; fig. close physical relationship 仿[仿] fǎng to imitate; to copy 涅槃[涅槃] nièpán nirvana (Buddhism) 重生[重生] chóngshēng rebirth 平凡[平凡] píngfán commonplace; ordinary; mediocre 改头换面[改頭換面] gǎitóuhuànmiàn to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes; Despite superficially new policies, the substance remains unchanged. 广东省[廣東省] Guǎngdōngshěng Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yue4], capital Guangzhou 廣州|广州 惠来县[惠來縣] Huìláixiàn Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 西[西] xī west 临[臨] lín to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before 良港[良港] liánggǎng good harbor 交易市场[交易市場] jiāoyìshìchǎng exchange; trading floor 雯[雯] wén multicolored clouds 源[源] yuán root; source; origin 赶到[趕到] gǎndào to hurry (to some place) 买家[買家] mǎijiā buyer; client 便宜[便宜] piányi cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 长尾[長尾] chángwěi the long tail 蛇[蛇] shé snake; serpent; CL:條|条[tiao2] 鲻[鯔] zī gray mullet (Mugil cephalus) 细嫩[細嫩] xìnèn tender 休[休] xiū to rest; to stop doing sth for a period of time; to cease; (imperative) don't 开市[開市] kāishì (of a store, stock market etc) to open for trading; to make the first transaction of the day 渔船[漁船] yúchuán fishing boat; CL:條|条[tiao2] 获得[獲得] huòdé to obtain; to receive; to get //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep17/50 words - 4 min 独到[獨到] dúdào original 重力[重力] zhònglì gravity 拍打[拍打] pāida to pat; to slap; (of a bird) to flap (one's wings) 致使[致使] zhìshǐ to cause; to result in 舒[舒] shū to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely 骨肉[骨肉] gǔròu blood relation; kin; one's flesh and blood 松动[鬆動] sōngdòng loose; slack; (fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice); to give some slack; (of a place) not crowded 鱼骨[魚骨] yúgǔ fish bone 来回[來回] láihuí to make a round trip; return journey; back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly 刮[刮] guā to scrape; to blow; to shave; to plunder; to extort 顺势[順勢] shùnshì to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently 脱落[脫落] tuōluò to drop off; to come off; to lose (hair etc); to omit (a character when writing) 腕[腕] wàn wrist; (squid, starfish etc) arm 力[力] lì power; force; strength; ability; strenuously 速[速] sù fast; rapid; quick; velocity 默契[默契] mòqì tacit understanding; mutual understanding; rapport; connected at a deep level with each other; (of team members) well coordinated; tight 配合[配合] pèihé matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine 机械化[機械化] jīxièhuà to mechanize 操作[操作] cāozuò to work; to operate; to manipulate 普及[普及] pǔjí to spread extensively; to generalize; widespread; popular; universal; ubiquitous; pervasive 极其[極其] jíqí extremely 遥[遙] yáo distant; remote; far; far away 打鱼[打魚] dǎyú to fish 节奏[節奏] jiézòu rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat 有序[有序] yǒuxù regular; orderly; successive; in order //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep17/75 words - 6 min 琪[琪] qí fine jade 体力[體力] tǐlì physical strength; physical power 耐力[耐力] nàilì endurance 双重[雙重] shuāngchóng double 整整[整整] zhěngzhěng whole; full 坚实[堅實] jiānshí firm and substantial; solid 坠[墜] zhuì to fall; to drop; to weigh down 塑造[塑造] sùzào to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words) 全家[全家] quánjiā whole family 上阵[上陣] shàngzhèn to go into battle 挤[擠] jǐ to crowd in; to cram in; to force others aside; to press; to squeeze; to find (time in one's busy schedule) 捏[捏] niē to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up 鱼丸[魚丸] yúwán fish ball 费力[費力] fèilì to expend a great deal of effort 肉食[肉食] ròushí carnivorous 由来[由來] yóulái origin 诸多[諸多] zhūduō (used for abstract things) a good deal, a lot of 白嫩[白嫩] báinèn (of skin etc) fair; delicate 透亮[透亮] tòuliàng bright; shining; translucent; crystal clear 葱[蔥] cōng scallion; green onion 鱼香[魚香] yúxiāng yuxiang, a seasoning of Chinese cuisine that typically contains garlic, scallions, ginger, sugar, salt, chili peppers etc (Although "yuxiang" literally means "fish fragrance", it contains no seafood.) 回味无穷[回味無窮] huíwèiwúqióng leaving a rich aftertaste; (fig.) memorable; lingering in memory 正宗[正宗] zhèngzōng orthodox school; fig. traditional; old school; authentic; genuine 纯[純] chún pure; simple; unmixed; genuine 无数[無數] wúshù countless; numberless; innumerable //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep17/100 words - 9 min 海产[海產] hǎichǎn marine; produced in sea 层出不穷[層出不窮] céngchūbùqióng more and more emerge; innumerable succession; breeding like flies (idiom) 惠来[惠來] Huìlái Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong 大片[大片] dàpiàn wide expanse; large area; vast stretch; extending widely; blockbuster movie 塘[塘] táng dyke; embankment; pool or pond; hot-water bathing pool 土生土长[土生土長] tǔshēngtǔzhǎng locally born and bred; indigenous; home-grown 胡[胡] hú non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2]) 宏[宏] hóng great; magnificent; macro (computing); macro- 益[益] yì benefit; profit; advantage; beneficial; to increase; to add; all the more 池塘[池塘] chítáng pool; pond 城区[城區] chéngqū city district; urban area 拆除[拆除] chāichú to tear down; to demolish; to dismantle; to remove 面临[面臨] miànlín to face sth; to be confronted with 摔打[摔打] shuāida to knock; to grasp sth in the hand and beat it; to toughen oneself up 高空[高空] gāokōng high altitude 坠落[墜落] zhuìluò to fall; to drop 力度[力度] lìdù strength; vigor; efforts; (music) dynamics 大于[大於] dàyú greater than; bigger than; more than, > 延伸[延伸] yánshēn to extend; to spread 且[且] qiě and; moreover; yet; for the time being; to be about to; both (... and...) 刀刃[刀刃] dāorèn knife blade; crucial point 一气呵成[一氣呵成] yīqìhēchéng to do something at one go; to flow smoothly 呈[呈] chéng to present to a superior; memorial; petition; to present (a certain appearance); to assume (a shape); to be (a certain color) 波浪[波浪] bōlàng wave 册[冊] cè book; booklet; classifier for books //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep17/119 words - 12 min 香菇[香菇] xiānggū shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom 冬笋[冬筍] dōngsǔn winter bamboo shoots (smaller and tenderer as a result of being dug out before they come out of the soil) 芹菜[芹菜] qíncài celery (Apium graveolens) 巧妙[巧妙] qiǎomiào ingenious; clever; ingenuity; artifice 套[套] tào to cover; to encase; cover; sheath; to overlap; to interleave; to model after; to copy; formula; harness; loop of rope; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; classifier for sets, collections; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); tau (Greek letter Ττ) 笔套[筆套] bǐtào the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush; the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread) 多变[多變] duōbiàn fickle; multi-variate (math.) 聚会[聚會] jùhuì party; gathering; to meet; to get together 蛋[蛋] dàn egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2]; oval-shaped thing 嚼劲[嚼勁] jiáojìn chewiness 城市规划[城市規劃] chéngshìguīhuà town planning 改建[改建] gǎijiàn to rebuild; to transform (a building); to refurbish 公园[公園] gōngyuán park (for public recreation); CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] 外地[外地] wàidì parts of the country other than where one is 政府[政府] zhèngfǔ government; CL:個|个[ge4] 照样[照樣] zhàoyàng as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless 心口[心口] xīnkǒu pit of the stomach; solar plexus; words and thoughts 相传[相傳] xiāngchuán to pass on; to hand down; tradition has it that ...; according to legend 使得[使得] shǐde usable; workable; feasible; doable; to make; to cause //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep18/25 words - 3 min 形体[形體] xíngtǐ figure; physique; form and structure 隐匿[隱匿] yǐnnì to cover up; to hide; to conceal 迷恋[迷戀] míliàn to be infatuated with; to indulge in 夏季[夏季] xiàjì summer 进一步[進一步] jìnyībù one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards 北回归线[北回歸線] Běihuíguīxiàn Tropic of Cancer 西太平洋[西太平洋] xīTàipíngYáng the western Pacific Ocean 低压[低壓] dīyā low pressure; low voltage 气团[氣團] qìtuán air mass 掌控[掌控] zhǎngkòng to control; in control of 福建[福建] Fújiàn Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 福 or 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州; Fujian province (Fukien) in Taiwan 小型[小型] xiǎoxíng small scale; small size 贝类[貝類] bèilèi shellfish; mollusks 寻[尋] xún to search; to look for; to seek 蛤[蛤] gé clam 群居[群居] qúnjū to live together (in a large group or flock) 泥土[泥土] nítǔ earth; soil; mud; clay 总数[總數] zǒngshù total; sum; aggregate 广[廣] guǎng wide; numerous; to spread 产业[產業] chǎnyè industry; estate; property; industrial 劳作[勞作] láozuò work; manual labor 万一[萬一] wànyī just in case; if by any chance; contingency 交替[交替] jiāotì to replace; alternately; in turn 海岛[海島] hǎidǎo island 汇[匯] huì to remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep18/50 words - 6 min 中心[中心] zhōngxīn center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4] 交易[交易] jiāoyì (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 袋[袋] dài pouch; bag; sack; pocket 供[供] gōng to provide; to supply 太太[太太] tàitai married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 叶片[葉片] yèpiàn blade (of propellor); vane; leaf 风行[風行] fēngxíng to become fashionable; to catch on; to be popular 东南亚[東南亞] Dōngnányà Southeast Asia 起初[起初] qǐchū originally; at first; at the outset 呛[嗆] qiàng to irritate the nose; to choke (of smoke, smell etc); pungent; (coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb; to scold; to speak out against sb 随后[隨後] suíhòu soon after 草药[草藥] cǎoyào herbal medicine 旺[旺] wàng prosperous; flourishing; (of flowers) blooming; (of fire) roaring 张口[張口] zhāngkǒu to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc); to gape; to start talking (esp. to make a request) 至极[至極] zhìjí very; extremely 耕地[耕地] gēngdì arable land; to plow land 有限[有限] yǒuxiàn limited; finite 身形[身形] shēnxíng figure (esp. a woman's) 陪伴[陪伴] péibàn to accompany 大暑[大暑] Dàshǔ Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd July-6th August 顶峰[頂峰] dǐngfēng peak; summit; fig. high point; masterpiece 立秋[立秋] Lìqiū Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd August 鸿[鴻] hóng eastern bean goose; great; large 闻名[聞名] wénmíng well-known; famous; renowned; eminent 存活[存活] cúnhuó to survive (a serious accident); survival //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep18/75 words - 9 min 岳[岳] yuè wife's parents and paternal uncles 三代[三代] sāndài three generations of a family; the three earliest dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou) 技法[技法] jìfǎ technique; method 泡水[泡水] pàoshuǐ to infuse; to soak in water 竹子[竹子] zhúzi bamboo; CL:棵[ke1],支[zhi1],根[gen1] 连接[連接] liánjiē to link; to join; to attach; connection; a link (on web page) 方向[方向] fāngxiàng direction; orientation; path to follow; CL:個|个[ge4] 搅动[攪動] jiǎodòng to mix; to stir 进化[進化] jìnhuà evolution; CL:個|个[ge4] 大会[大會] dàhuì general assembly; general meeting; convention; CL:個|个[ge4],屆|届[jie4] 清除[清除] qīngchú to clear away; to eliminate; to get rid of 沸水[沸水] fèishuǐ boiling water 计时[計時] jìshí to measure time; to time; to reckon by time 第五[第五] dìwǔ fifth 积蓄[積蓄] jīxù to save; to put aside; savings 雄性[雄性] xióngxìng male 橙色[橙色] chéngsè orange (color) 雌性[雌性] cíxìng female 脱壳[脫殼] tuōké to break out of an eggshell; to molt; to remove the husk; to shell 元素[元素] yuánsù element; element of a set; chemical element 直到[直到] zhídào until 年底[年底] niándǐ the end of the year; year-end 夏天[夏天] xiàtiān summer; CL:個|个[ge4] 家庭[家庭] jiātíng family; household; CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个[ge4] 一日三餐[一日三餐] yīrìsāncān to have three meals a day //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep18/85 words - 10 min 鲜明[鮮明] xiānmíng bright; clear-cut; distinct 特点[特點] tèdiǎn characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:個|个[ge4] 主厨[主廚] zhǔchú chef; to be the chef 情有独钟[情有獨鍾] qíngyǒudúzhōng to have a special fondness (for sth) 硫化[硫化] liúhuà vulcanization (curing rubber using sulfur and heat) 光滑[光滑] guānghuá glossy; sleek; smooth 多个[多個] duōge many; multiple; multi- (faceted, ethnic etc) 版本[版本] bǎnběn version; edition; release 朴素[樸素] pǔsù plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous 独属[獨屬] dúshǔ belonging exclusively to; exclusively for; reserved to; special //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep19/25 words - 3 min 陌生[陌生] mòshēng strange; unfamiliar 异域[異域] yìyù foreign country; alien land 村[村] cūn village 梅州市[梅州市] Méizhōushì Meizhou prefecture level city in Guangdong province 户[戶] hù a household; door; family 早晨[早晨] zǎochén early morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 喷涌[噴湧] pēnyǒng to bubble out; to squirt 亚洲[亞洲] Yàzhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1] 热带地区[熱帶地區] rèdàidìqū the tropics 生姜[生薑] shēngjiāng fresh ginger 馨香[馨香] xīnxiāng fragrance; fragrant (of incense) 集合[集合] jíhé to gather; to assemble; set (math.) 丁香[丁香] dīngxiāng lilac (Syringia vulgaris); clove (Eugenia aromatica) 胡椒[胡椒] hújiāo pepper 土[土] tǔ earth; dust; clay; local; indigenous; crude opium; unsophisticated; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 长足[長足] chángzú remarkable (progress, improvement, expansion etc) 馥郁[馥鬱] fùyù strongly fragrant; heavily scented 芬芳[芬芳] fēnfāng perfume; fragrant 带回[帶回] dàihuí to bring back 故乡[故鄉] gùxiāng home; homeland; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] 较[較] jiào to compare; to dispute; compared to; (before adj.) relatively; comparatively; rather; also pr. [jiao3] 粗[粗] cū coarse; rough; thick (for cylindrical objects); unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude 干涩[乾澀] gānsè dry and rough (skin); hoarse (voice); dry and heavy (style) 配角[配角] pèijué supporting role (in play, film etc); minor role; to play a secondary role (in business etc); to play second fiddle 村民[村民] cūnmín villager //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep19/50 words - 8 min 尽快[盡快] jìnkuài see 儘快|尽快[jin3 kuai4] 采用[採用] cǎiyòng to adopt; to employ; to use 人工[人工] réngōng artificial; manpower; manual work 舂[舂] chōng to pound (grain); beat 大力[大力] dàlì energetically; vigorously 芦苇[蘆葦] lúwěi reed 食盐[食鹽] shíyán edible salt 麸[麩] fū bran 密[密] mì secret; confidential; close; thick; dense 土鸡[土雞] tǔjī free-range chicken 凉[涼] liáng cool; cold 鸡[雞] jī fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute 稍微[稍微] shāowēi a little bit 澄海[澄海] Chénghǎi Sea of serenity (Mare Serenitatis, on the moon); Chenghai district of Shantou city 汕头市, Guangdong 弟[弟] dì younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter) 不变[不變] bùbiàn constant; unvarying; (math.) invariant 剂量[劑量] jìliàng dosage; prescribed dose of medicine 虽[雖] suī although; even though 相似[相似] xiāngsì to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity 稳定[穩定] wěndìng steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify 辨识[辨識] biànshí identification; to identify; to recognize 上午[上午] shàngwǔ morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 午饭[午飯] wǔfàn lunch; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 聚集[聚集] jùjí to assemble; to gather 循环[循環] xúnhuán to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep19/75 words - 11 min 水蒸气[水蒸氣] shuǐzhēngqì vapor 温热[溫熱] wēnrè tepid; to warm up (food etc) 涩[澀] sè astringent; tart; acerbity; unsmooth; rough (surface); hard to understand; obscure 肠衣[腸衣] chángyī sausage casing 靠近[靠近] kàojìn near; to approach 极品[極品] jípǐn best quality; item of the highest quality; (slang) outrageous; annoying in the extreme; gross; person with these qualities 丰腴[豐腴] fēngyú full-bodied; well-rounded; fig. fertile land 白饭[白飯] báifàn plain cooked rice; rice with nothing to go with it 丰盛[豐盛] fēngshèng rich; sumptuous 便捷[便捷] biànjié convenient and fast 原则[原則] yuánzé principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4] 革新[革新] géxīn to innovate; innovation 鳖[鱉] biē freshwater soft-shelled turtle 羊[羊] yáng sheep; goat; CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1] 南宋[南宋] Nánsòng the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279) 过于[過於] guòyú too much; excessively 羊肉[羊肉] yángròu mutton; goat meat 能否[能否] néngfǒu whether or not; can it or can't it; is it possible? 膻[膻] shān rank odor (of sheep or goats) 十成[十成] shíchéng completely 把握[把握] bǎwò to grasp (also fig.); to seize; to hold; assurance; certainty; sure (of the outcome) 切末[切末] qièmo stage props 白醋[白醋] báicù white vinegar; plain vinegar 醋酸[醋酸] cùsuān acetic acid (CH3COOH); acetate 汇合[匯合] huìhé confluence; to converge; to join; to fuse; fusion //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep19/83 words - 12 min 长达[長達] chángdá to extend as long as; to lengthen out to 腩[腩] nǎn brisket; belly beef; spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs; see 牛腩[niu2 nan3] esp. Cantonese; erroneously translated as sirloin 综合[綜合] zōnghé comprehensive; composite; synthesized; mixed; to sum up; to integrate; to synthesize 多余[多餘] duōyú superfluous; unnecessary; surplus 适[適] shì to fit; suitable; proper; just (now); comfortable; well; to go; to follow or pursue 满意[滿意] mǎnyì satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction 闯荡[闖蕩] chuǎngdàng to leave home to make one's way in the world; to leave the life one knows to seek success 专属[專屬] zhuānshǔ to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep20/25 words - 4 min 根茎[根莖] gēnjīng stolon; runner; rhizome; rhizoma 惊人[驚人] jīngrén astonishing 选取[選取] xuǎnqǔ to choose 血[血] xuè blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4] 小肠[小腸] xiǎocháng small intestine 杂碎[雜碎] zásuì offal; mixed entrails; trivial matters 荤[葷] hūn strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc); non-vegetarian food (meat, fish etc); vulgar; obscene 中医[中醫] Zhōngyī traditional Chinese medical science; a doctor trained in Chinese medicine 药材[藥材] yàocái medicinal ingredient 却是[卻是] quèshì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ... 绿色[綠色] lǜsè green 益母草[益母草] yìmǔcǎo motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus or L. cardiaca) 开锅[開鍋] kāiguō (of a pot) to boil 焯[焯] chāo to blanch (cooking); to scald 破坏[破壞] pòhuài destruction; damage; to wreck; to break; to destroy 益母[益母] yìmǔ motherwort (Leonurus heterophyllus) 茎[莖] jīng stalk; stem; CL:條|条[tiao2] 清新[清新] qīngxīn fresh and clean 暗示[暗示] ànshì to hint; to suggest; suggestion; hint 浓重[濃重] nóngzhòng dense; thick; strong; rich (colors); heavy (aroma); deep (friendship); profound (effect) 铁山[鐵山] Tiěshān Tieshan district of Huangshi city 黃石市|黄石市[Huang2 shi2 shi4], Hubei 脚下[腳下] jiǎoxià under the foot 农业区[農業區] nóngyèqū agricultural region 老伯[老伯] lǎobó uncle (polite form of address for older male) 菜地[菜地] càidì vegetable field //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep20/50 words - 5 min 耕种[耕種] gēngzhòng to till; to cultivate 规划[規劃] guīhuà to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program 精确[精確] jīngquè accurate; precise 轮作[輪作] lúnzuò rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil) 耕[耕] gēng to plow; to till 肥力[肥力] féilì fertility (of soil) 每月[每月] měiyuè each month 次数[次數] cìshù number of times; frequency; order number (in a series); power (math.); degree of a polynomial (math.) 嫩叶[嫩葉] nènyè newly-grown leaves; tender leaves 信号[信號] xìnhào signal 下面[下面] xiàmiàn below; under; next; the following; also pr. [xia4 mian5] 叶子[葉子] yèzi foliage; leaf; CL:片[pian4] 统统[統統] tǒngtǒng totally 成片[成片] chéngpiàn (of a large number of things) to form an expanse; to cover an area 田间[田間] tiánjiān field; farm; farming area; village 辟[辟] bì king; monarch; to enlist; to repel; to avoid 区域[區域] qūyù area; region; district 籽实[籽實] zǐshí seed; grain; kernel; bean 暗含[暗含] ànhán to imply; to suggest; to connote; implicit 紫色[紫色] zǐsè purple; violet (color) 信奉[信奉] xìnfèng belief; to believe (in sth) 同源[同源] tóngyuán homology (biology); a common origin 仅仅[僅僅] jǐnjǐn barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more) 限于[限於] xiànyú to be limited to; to be confined to 涝[澇] lào flooded //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep20/75 words - 9 min 排水[排水] páishuǐ to drain 性能[性能] xìngnéng function; performance 浇灌[澆灌] jiāoguàn to water; to irrigate 天亮[天亮] tiānliàng dawn; daybreak 卖掉[賣掉] màidiào to sell off; to get rid of in a sale 瞬息万变[瞬息萬變] shùnxīwànbiàn in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change 起伏[起伏] qǐfú to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs 涨落[漲落] zhǎngluò (of water, prices etc) to rise and fall 早市[早市] zǎoshì morning market 销量[銷量] xiāoliàng sales volume 起源[起源] qǐyuán origin; to originate; to come from 难题[難題] nántí difficult problem 棉[棉] mián generic term for cotton or kapok; cotton; padded or quilted with cotton 一带[一帶] yīdài region; district 端[端] duān end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level with both hands; to carry; regular 午[午] wǔ 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse; ancient Chinese compass point: 180° (south) 节[節] jié festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4] 改为[改為] gǎiwéi to change into 潮阳区[潮陽區] Cháoyángqū Chaoyang district, Shantou city, Guangdong 项[項] xiàng back of neck; item; thing; term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc 俗[俗] sú custom; convention; popular; common; coarse; vulgar; secular 发源地[發源地] fāyuándì place of origin; birthplace; source 捣碎[搗碎] dǎosuì to pound into pieces; to mash 取代[取代] qǔdài to replace; to supersede; to supplant; (chemistry) substitution 肉类[肉類] ròulèi meat //Flavorful Origins - S1/Ep20/80 words - 9 min 平安[平安] píng'ān safe and sound; well; without mishap; quiet and safe; at peace 流逝[流逝] liúshì (of time) to pass; to elapse 物是人非[物是人非] wùshìrénfēi things have remained the same, but people have changed 时光[時光] shíguāng time; era; period of time 情感[情感] qínggǎn feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep1/25 words - 2 min 企及[企及] qǐjí to hope to reach; to strive for 微观世界[微觀世界] wēiguānshìjiè microcosm; the microscopic world 风起云涌[風起雲湧] fēngqǐyúnyǒng to surge like a gathering storm (idiom); to grow by leaps and bounds 巨变[巨變] jùbiàn great changes 乳汁[乳汁] rǔzhī milk 重组[重組] chóngzǔ to reorganize; to recombine; recombination 纬度[緯度] wěidù latitude 高原[高原] gāoyuán plateau; CL:片[pian4] 游牧[遊牧] yóumù nomadic; to move about in search of pasture; to rove around as a nomad 民族[民族] mínzú nationality; ethnic group; CL:個|个[ge4] 聚居[聚居] jùjū to inhabit a region (esp. ethnic group); to congregate 纯正[純正] chúnzhèng pure; unadulterated; (of motives etc) honest 羊奶[羊奶] yángnǎi sheep's milk 尝[嚐] cháng variant of 嘗|尝[chang2]; to taste; to experience 奶[奶] nǎi breast; milk; to breastfeed 避[避] bì to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from 不及[不及] bùjí to fall short of; not as good as; too late 垂涎欲滴[垂涎欲滴] chuíxiányùdī to drool with desire (idiom); to envy; to hunger for 奶酪[奶酪] nǎilào cheese; CL:塊|块[kuai4],盒[he2],片[pian4] 大理[大理] dàlǐ judicial officer; justice of the peace (old) 白族[白族] Báizú Bai (ethnic group) 自治州[自治州] zìzhìzhōu autonomous prefecture 云南省[雲南省] YúnnánShěng Yunnan Province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[Dian1] or 雲|云[Yun2], capital Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2] 奶牛[奶牛] nǎiniú milk cow; dairy cow 运[運] yùn to move; to transport; to use; to apply; fortune; luck; fate //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep1/50 words - 5 min 杜[杜] dù birchleaf pear (tree); to stop; to prevent; to restrict 锦[錦] jǐn brocade; embroidered work; bright 昆明[昆明] Kūnmíng Kunming prefecture-level city and capital of Yunnan province in southwest China 石林县[石林縣] Shílínxiàn Shilin Yi autonomous county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan 地势[地勢] dìshì terrain; topography relief 平缓[平緩] pínghuǎn level; almost flat; not strongly sloping; fig. moderate; mild-mannered; gentle 草场[草場] cǎochǎng pastureland 密布[密布] mìbù to cover densely 基地[基地] jīdì base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda 梅[梅] méi plum; plum flower; Japanese apricot (Prunus mume) 挤出[擠出] jǐchū to squeeze out; to extrude; to drain; to find the time; to burst out 山羊[山羊] shānyáng goat; (gymnastics) small-sized vaulting horse 转换[轉換] zhuǎnhuàn to change; to switch; to convert; to transform 起点[起點] qǐdiǎn starting point 腐坏[腐壞] fǔhuài rot 保质期[保質期] bǎozhìqī date of use (on foodstuffs); best before date 诀窍[訣竅] juéqiào secret; trick; knack; key 性状[性狀] xìngzhuàng nature (i.e. properties of sth); character 道具[道具] dàojù prop (theater); paraphernalia; (gaming) item; artifact 上演[上演] shàngyǎn to screen (a movie); to stage (a play); a screening; a staging 重聚[重聚] chóngjù to meet again 明显[明顯] míngxiǎn clear; distinct; obvious 酪蛋白[酪蛋白] làodànbái casein (milk protein) 凝聚[凝聚] níngjù to condense; to coagulate; coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; coherent 液态[液態] yètài liquid (state) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep1/75 words - 8 min 复[復] fù to go and return; to return; to resume; to return to a normal or original state; to repeat; again; to recover; to restore; to turn over; to reply; to answer; to reply to a letter; to retaliate; to carry out 自制[自製] zìzhì self-made; improvised; homemade; handmade 铁[鐵] tiě iron (metal); arms; weapons; hard; strong; violent; unshakeable; determined; close; tight (slang) 夹[夾] jiā to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. [jia2] 拉扯[拉扯] lāche to drag; to pull; to raise a child (through difficulties); to help; to support; to drag in; to chat 焦化[焦化] jiāohuà to distill 团[團] tuán round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) 耽搁[耽擱] dānge to tarry; to delay; to stop over 拉伸[拉伸] lāshēn to draw; to stretch 运动[運動] yùndòng to move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign; CL:場|场[chang3] 舒展[舒展] shūzhǎn to roll out; to extend; to smooth out; to unfold 缠绕[纏繞] chánrào twisting; to twine; to wind; to pester; to bother 竿[竿] gān pole 拥抱[擁抱] yōngbào to embrace; to hug 镀[鍍] dù -plated; to plate 石林[石林] Shílín Stone Forest, notable set of limestone formations in Yunnan 绵密[綿密] miánmì detailed; meticulous; fine and careful 气泡[氣泡] qìpào bubble; blister (in metal); (of beverages) sparkling; carbonated 固体[固體] gùtǐ solid 凝集[凝集] níngjí to concentrate; to gather; (biology) to agglutinate 酪[酪] lào curdled milk or fruit juice; also pr. [luo4] 豆腐渣[豆腐渣] dòufuzhā okara (i.e. soy pulp, a by-product of making soymilk or tofu) 现象[現象] xiànxiàng phenomenon; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]; appearance 与此同时[與此同時] yǔcǐtóngshí at the same time; meanwhile 羊油[羊油] yángyóu sheep's fat; suet; mutton tallow //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep1/100 words - 12 min 机械[機械] jīxiè machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming 辅助[輔助] fǔzhù to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary 揭晓[揭曉] jiēxiǎo to announce publicly; to publish; to make known; to disclose 面貌[面貌] miànmào appearance; face; features; CL:個|个[ge4] 宣威[宣威] Xuānwēi Xuanwei county level city in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan 火腿[火腿] huǒtuǐ ham; CL:個|个[ge4] 松软[鬆軟] sōngruǎn flexible; not rigid; spongy; soft or runny (not set hard); loose (soil) 扑面[撲面] pūmiàn lit. sth hits one in the face; directly in one's face; sth assaults the senses; blatant (advertising); eye-catching; (a smell) assaults the nostrils 小朋友[小朋友] xiǎopéngyǒu child; CL:個|个[ge4] 风韵[風韻] fēngyùn charm; grace; elegant bearing (usually feminine) 乳香[乳香] rǔxiāng frankincense 暴晒[暴曬] bàoshài (of the sun) to scorch; to expose to a scorching sun 韧性[韌性] rènxìng toughness 扇[扇] shān to fan; to slap sb on the face 扇[扇] shàn fan; sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth; classifier for doors, windows etc 抹[抹] mǒ to smear; to wipe; to erase; classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc 玫瑰[玫瑰] méiguī rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa); rose flower; CL:朵[duo3],棵[ke1] 可口[可口] kěkǒu tasty; to taste good 金黄色[金黃色] jīnhuángsè gold color 糖浆[糖漿] tángjiāng syrup 沙琪玛[沙琪瑪] shāqímǎ sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks 蜂蜜[蜂蜜] fēngmì honey 口腔[口腔] kǒuqiāng oral cavity 敦厚[敦厚] dūnhòu genuine; honest and sincere 灵感[靈感] línggǎn inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor 流[流] liú to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or sth resembling one; class, rate or grade //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep1/104 words - 12 min 无限[無限] wúxiàn unlimited; unbounded 想象[想象] xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 清点[清點] qīngdiǎn to check; to make inventory 探寻[探尋] tànxún to search; to seek; to explore //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep2/25 words - 2 min 令人[令人] lìngrén to cause one (to do sth); to make one (angry, delighted etc) 眼花缭乱[眼花繚亂] yǎnhuāliáoluàn to be dazzled 魔术[魔術] móshù magic 任性[任性] rènxìng willful; headstrong; unruly 独一无二[獨一無二] dúyīwú'èr unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled; nothing compares with it 风土[風土] fēngtǔ natural conditions and social customs of a place; local conditions 暗藏[暗藏] àncáng to hide; to conceal 别样[別樣] biéyàng different kind of; another sort of; special; unusual 胆大[膽大] dǎndà daring; bold; audacious 绽放[綻放] zhànfàng to blossom 灵[靈] líng quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin 边陲[邊陲] biānchuí border area; frontier 喃[喃] nán mumble in repetition 撇[撇] piē to cast away; to fling aside 傣[傣] Dǎi Dai (ethnic group) 语[語] yǔ dialect; language; speech 多样化[多樣化] duōyànghuà diversification; to diversify 族[族] zú race; nationality; ethnicity; clan; by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族) 寨[寨] zhài stronghold; stockade; camp; (stockaded) village 冯[馮] píng to gallop; to assist; to attack; to wade; great; old variant of 憑|凭[ping2] 远行[遠行] yuǎnxíng a long journey; far from home 晚餐[晚餐] wǎncān evening meal; dinner; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 地头[地頭] dìtóu place; locality; edge of a field; lower margin of a page 叫苦[叫苦] jiàokǔ to whine about hardships; to complain of one's bitter lot; to complain; to grumble 葵[葵] kuí sunflower //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep2/50 words - 4 min 凶猛[兇猛] xiōngměng fierce; violent; ferocious 体内[體內] tǐnèi within the body; in vivo (vs in vitro); internal to 焦灼[焦灼] jiāozhuó (literary) deeply worried 隔壁[隔壁] gébì next door; neighbor 集会[集會] jíhuì to gather; assembly; meeting; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4] 历[歷] lì to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; history 感悟[感悟] gǎnwù to come to realize; to appreciate (feelings) 祈福[祈福] qífú to pray for blessings 咩[咩] miē the bleating of sheep; final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese) 热闹[熱鬧] rènao bustling with noise and excitement; lively 乡村[鄉村] xiāngcūn rustic; village; countryside 静止[靜止] jìngzhǐ still; immobile; static; stationary 以往[以往] yǐwǎng in the past; formerly 正午[正午] zhèngwǔ midday; noon; noonday 暑[暑] shǔ heat; hot weather; summer heat 番茄[番茄] fānqié tomato 海拔[海拔] hǎibá height above sea level; elevation 体型[體型] tǐxíng build; body type 娇小[嬌小] jiāoxiǎo petite; delicate; dainty 外皮[外皮] wàipí outer skin; carapace 近亲[近親] jìnqīn close relative; near relation 德宏[德宏] Déhóng Dehong prefecture in Yunnan (Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture) 缅[緬] miǎn distant; remote; detailed 边境[邊境] biānjìng frontier; border 马[馬] mǎ horse; CL:匹[pi3]; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep2/75 words - 7 min 鬃[鬃] zōng bristles; horse's mane 腴[腴] yú fat on belly; fertile; rich 膛[膛] táng chest (of body); hollow space; throat 烬[燼] jìn ashes; embers 热力[熱力] rèlì heat 幕[幕] mù curtain or screen; canopy or tent; headquarters of a general; act (of a play) 轻易[輕易] qīngyì easily; lightly; rashly 剥离[剝離] bōlí to peel; to strip; to peel off; to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc) 明亮[明亮] míngliàng bright; shining; glittering; to become clear 半透明[半透明] bàntòumíng translucent; semitransparent 小米[小米] xiǎomǐ millet 柳[柳] liǔ willow 悉数[悉數] xīshǔ to enumerate in detail; to explain clearly 悉数[悉數] xīshù all; every single one; the entire sum 亮相[亮相] liàngxiàng to strike a pose (Chinese opera); (fig.) to make a public appearance; to come out in public (revealing one's true personality, opinions etc); (of a product) to appear on the market or at a trade show etc 狂欢[狂歡] kuánghuān party; carousal; hilarity; merriment; whoopee; to carouse 果胶[果膠] guǒjiāo pectin 丛林[叢林] cónglín jungle; thicket; forest; Buddhist monastery 夺目[奪目] duómù to dazzle the eyes 深刻[深刻] shēnkè profound; deep; deep-going 腊[臘] là 12th lunar month; preserved (meat, fish etc) 掌[掌] zhǎng palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield 任[任] rèn to assign; to appoint; to take up a post; office; responsibility; to let; to allow; to give free rein to; no matter (how, what etc); classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友) 流转[流轉] liúzhuǎn to be on the move; to roam or wander; to circulate (of goods or capital) 始终如一[始終如一] shǐzhōngrúyī unswerving from start to finish (idiom) 莫[莫] mò do not; there is none who //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep2/100 words - 11 min 午餐[午餐] wǔcān lunch; luncheon; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 剔除[剔除] tīchú to reject; to discard; to get rid of 厚实[厚實] hòushi thick; substantial; sturdy; solid 致[致] zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey 紧贴[緊貼] jǐntiē to stick close to; to press up against 沿[沿] yán along; to follow (a line, tradition etc); to carry on; to trim (a border with braid, tape etc); border; edge 碾[碾] niǎn stone roller; roller and millstone; to grind; to crush; to husk 悄然[悄然] qiǎorán quietly; sorrowfully 尖锐[尖銳] jiānruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness) 占据[佔據] zhànjù to occupy; to hold 鼻腔[鼻腔] bíqiāng nasal cavity 农[農] nóng peasant; to farm; agriculture; diligent (old); government field official (old) 闲[閒] xián variant of 閑|闲, idle; unoccupied; leisure; free time 惊喜[驚喜] jīngxǐ nice surprise; to be pleasantly surprised 香草[香草] xiāngcǎo aromatic herb; vanilla; alternative name for Eupatorium fortunei; (fig.) loyal and dependable person (old) 荆[荊] jīng chaste tree or berry (Vitex agnus-castus); alternative name for the Zhou Dynasty state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chu3 guo2] 凉爽[涼爽] liángshuǎng cool and refreshing 气息[氣息] qìxī breath; smell; odor; flavor 口舌[口舌] kǒushé dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip; to talk sb round 津[津] jīn saliva; sweat; a ferry crossing; a ford (river crossing); abbr. for Tianjin 天津 芒[芒] máng awn (of cereals); arista (of grain); tip (of a blade); Miscanthus sinensis (type of grass); variant of 邙, Mt Mang at Luoyang in Henan 里[里] lǐ li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 村寨[村寨] cūnzhài (stockaded) village 具[具] jù tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument; talent; ability; to possess; to have; to provide; to furnish; to state; classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies 美好[美好] měihǎo beautiful; fine //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep2/105 words - 11 min 唾[唾] tuò saliva; to spit 山野[山野] shānyě mountain and fields 质朴[質樸] zhìpǔ simple; plain; unadorned; unaffected; unsophisticated; rustic; earthy 坝[壩] bà dam; dike; embankment; CL:條|条[tiao2] 碰撞[碰撞] pèngzhuàng to collide; collision //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep3/25 words - 2 min 陌[陌] mò raised path; street 相逢[相逢] xiāngféng to meet (by chance); to come across 殊途同归[殊途同歸] shūtútóngguī different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achieve the same end 不可思议[不可思議] bùkěsīyì inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable 神秘[神秘] shénmì mysterious; mystery 样本[樣本] yàngběn sample; specimen 西南部[西南部] xīnánbù southwest part 下旬[下旬] xiàxún last third of the month 沉浸[沉浸] chénjìn to soak; to permeate; to immerse 庆祝[慶祝] qìngzhù to celebrate 干[干] gān to concern; to interfere; shield; stem 朵[朵] duǒ flower; earlobe; fig. item on both sides; classifier for flowers, clouds etc 节庆[節慶] jiéqìng festival 轴[軸] zhóu axis; axle; spool (for thread); roller (for scrolls); classifier for calligraphy rolls etc 荤素[葷素] hūnsù meat and vegetable 拼[拼] pīn to piece together; to join together; to stake all; adventurous; at the risk of one's life; to spell 凉拌[涼拌] liángbàn salad with dressing; cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw) 割舍[割捨] gēshě to give up; to part with 游客[遊客] yóukè traveler; tourist; (online gaming) guest player 探访[探訪] tànfǎng to seek by inquiry or search; to call on; to visit 目标[目標] mùbiāo target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[ge4] 第一时间[第一時間] dìyīshíjiān in the first moments (of sth happening); immediately (after an event); first thing 完毕[完畢] wánbì to finish; to end; to complete 郊区[郊區] jiāoqū suburban district; outskirts; suburbs; CL:個|个[ge4] 明[明] míng bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep3/50 words - 6 min 翘首以待[翹首以待] qiáoshǒuyǐdài to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom); to anxiously await 随处[隨處] suíchù everywhere; anywhere 可见[可見] kějiàn it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible 冲调[沖調] chōngtiáo to reconstitute (a powdered beverage) by adding water, milk etc 清苦[清苦] qīngkǔ destitute but honest; poor and simple; spartan; austere 资深[資深] zīshēn veteran (journalist etc); senior; highly experienced 烘[烘] hōng to bake; to heat by fire; to set off by contrast 主顾[主顧] zhǔgù client; customer 盲肠[盲腸] mángcháng appendix (anatomy); cecum 眼中[眼中] yǎnzhōng in one's eyes 上海[上海] Shànghǎi Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4] 知识[知識] zhīshi knowledge; CL:門|门[men2]; intellectual 青年[青年] qīngnián youth; youthful years; young person; the young 下放[下放] xiàfàng to delegate; to decentralize; to demote a party cadre to work on the shop floor or in the countryside 开头[開頭] kāitóu beginning; to start 族人[族人] zúrén clansman; clan members; relatives; ethnic minority 惯[慣] guàn accustomed to; used to; indulge; to spoil (a child) 里脊[裡脊] lǐji (tender)loin (of pork, beef etc) 蓼[蓼] lù luxuriant growth 跳跃[跳躍] tiàoyuè to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip 野[野] yě field; plain; open space; limit; boundary; rude; feral 韭菜[韭菜] jiǔcài garlic chives (Allium tuberosum), aka Chinese chives; (fig.) retail investors who lose their money to more experienced operators (i.e. they are "harvested" like garlic chives) 出场[出場] chūchǎng (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform; (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete; (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product); (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue 灵动[靈動] língdòng to be quick-witted 衣[衣] yī clothes; CL:件[jian4]; Kangxi radical 145 //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep3/75 words - 8 min 黄牛[黃牛] huángniú ox; cattle; scalper of tickets etc; to fail to show up; to break a promise 胃液[胃液] wèiyè gastric fluid 胆[膽] dǎn gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos) 青草[青草] qīngcǎo grass 散开[散開] sànkāi to separate; to disperse 基底[基底] jīdǐ plinth; base; substrate 介质[介質] jièzhì medium; media 承载[承載] chéngzài to bear the weight; to sustain 点睛之笔[點睛之筆] diǎnjīngzhībǐ the brush stroke that dots in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point 至此[至此] zhìcǐ up until now; so far 一套[一套] yītào suit; a set; a collection; of the same kind; the same old stuff; set pattern of behavior 冒[冒] mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover 克制[克制] kèzhì to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control 顾[顧] gù to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to 往事[往事] wǎngshì past events; former happenings 烟[煙] yān cigarette or pipe tobacco; CL:根[gen1]; smoke; mist; vapour; CL:縷|缕[lu:3]; tobacco plant; (of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke 团聚[團聚] tuánjù to reunite; to have a reunion 美的[美的] Měidí Midea (brand) 配置[配置] pèizhì to deploy; to allocate; configuration; allocation 不拘[不拘] bùjū not stick to; not confine oneself to; whatever 随意[隨意] suíyì as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious 柠[檸] níng lemon 入门[入門] rùmén entrance door; to enter a door; introduction (to a subject) 级[級] jí level; grade; rank; step (of stairs); CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier: step, level 柠檬[檸檬] níngméng lemon //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep3/100 words - 11 min 蚂[螞] mǎ ant 蚁[蟻] yǐ ant 冽[冽] liè cold and raw 蚂蚁[螞蟻] mǎyǐ ant 木炭[木炭] mùtàn charcoal 净化[淨化] jìnghuà to purify 笋[筍] sǔn bamboo shoot 标识[標識] biāozhì variant of 標誌|标志[biao1 zhi4] 浊[濁] zhuó turbid; muddy; impure 嗅觉[嗅覺] xiùjué sense of smell 和谐[和諧] héxié harmonious; harmony; (euphemism) to censor 幽[幽] yōu remote; hidden away; secluded; serene; peaceful; to imprison; in superstition indicates the underworld; ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces 椒[椒] jiāo pepper 抗菌[抗菌] kàngjūn antibacterial 剂[劑] jì dose (medicine) 助[助] zhù to help; to assist 攻[攻] gōng to attack; to accuse; to study 缝隙[縫隙] fèngxì small crack; chink 友好[友好] yǒuhǎo friendly; amicable; close friend 火烧[火燒] huǒshāo to set fire to; to burn down; burning hot; baked cake 今晚[今晚] jīnwǎn tonight 唤醒[喚醒] huànxǐng to wake sb; to rouse 蕾[蕾] lěi bud 果冻[果凍] guǒdòng gelatin dessert 生皮[生皮] shēngpí pelt; raw hide //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep3/105 words - 11 min 乐趣[樂趣] lèqù delight; pleasure; joy 多样性[多樣性] duōyàngxìng variegation; diversity 多元化[多元化] duōyuánhuà diversification; pluralism; to diversify 时代[時代] shídài age; era; epoch; period (in one's life); CL:個|个[ge4] 流变[流變] liúbiàn to flow and change; development and change (of society) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep4/25 words - 2 min 优胜劣汰[優勝劣汰] yōushèngliètài survival of the fittest (idiom) 总有[總有] zǒngyǒu inevitably there will be 小众[小眾] xiǎozhòng minority of the population; non-mainstream (activity, pursuit etc); niche (market etc) 偏好[偏好] piānhào to prefer; to be partial to sth; preference 机缘[機緣] jīyuán chance; opportunity; destiny 崇山峻岭[崇山峻嶺] chóngshānjùnlǐng towering mountains and precipitous ridges (idiom) 西部[西部] xībù western part 怒[怒] nù anger; fury; flourishing; vigorous 峡谷[峽谷] xiágǔ canyon; gill; ravine 纵贯[縱貫] zòngguàn lit. warp string in weaving; fig. vertical or north-south lines; to pass through; to cross lengthwise; to pierce (esp. north-south or top-to-bottom) 陡峭[陡峭] dǒuqiào precipitous 高山[高山] gāoshān high mountain; alpine 地貌[地貌] dìmào relief; landform (geology) 险峻[險峻] xiǎnjùn arduous; steep 恰好[恰好] qiàhǎo as it turns out; by lucky coincidence; (of number, time, size etc) just right 树种[樹種] shùzhǒng tree species 漆树[漆樹] qīshù lac tree (Rhus vernicifera) 木材[木材] mùcái wood 树干[樹幹] shùgàn tree trunk 分泌[分泌] fēnmì to secrete; secretion 涂料[塗料] túliào paint 怒江[怒江] Nùjiāng Nujiang river of south Tibet and northwest Yunnan, the upper reaches of Salween river 薩爾溫江|萨尔温江, forming border of Myanmar and Thailand 漆[漆] qī paint; lacquer; CL:道[dao4]; to paint (furniture, walls etc) 攀爬[攀爬] pānpá to climb 高处[高處] gāochù high place; elevation //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep4/50 words - 4 min 成串[成串] chéngchuàn cluster; bunch 不便[不便] bùbiàn inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash 冒险[冒險] màoxiǎn to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure 籽[籽] zǐ seeds 皮肤[皮膚] pífū skin; CL:層|层[ceng2],塊|块[kuai4] 过敏[過敏] guòmǐn oversensitive; allergic; allergy 脱敏[脫敏] tuōmǐn to desensitize; to remove an allergic susceptibility 体质[體質] tǐzhì constitution 翻[翻] fān to turn over; to flip over; to overturn; to rummage through; to translate; to decode; to double; to climb over or into; to cross 敏[敏] mǐn quick; nimble; agile; clever; smart 脱离[脫離] tuōlí to separate oneself from; to break away from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany) 改造[改造] gǎizào to transform; to reform; to remodel; to remold 玄机[玄機] xuánjī profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism); mysterious principles 物理[物理] wùlǐ physics; physical 定律[定律] dìnglǜ scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy); (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") 人力[人力] rénlì manpower; labor power 几何[幾何] jǐhé geometry; (literary) how much 倍数[倍數] bèishù multiple; multiplier; factor 爆裂[爆裂] bàoliè to rupture; to burst; to explode 棕色[棕色] zōngsè brown 蜡质[蠟質] làzhì waxiness 低于[低于] dīyú to be lower than 凝固点[凝固點] nínggùdiǎn freezing point 偏低[偏低] piāndī to be on the low side; to be inadequate (e.g. of a salary) 辅佐[輔佐] fǔzuǒ to assist (usually a ruler) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep4/75 words - 8 min 乳猪[乳豬] rǔzhū suckling pig 夹杂[夾雜] jiāzá to mix together (disparate substances); to mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with 奇特[奇特] qítè peculiar; unusual; queer 慰藉[慰藉] wèijiè to console; to comfort; consolation 散养[散養] sǎnyǎng free-range raising (of poultry, cattle etc) 燎[燎] liáo to burn; to set afire 出落[出落] chūluò to grow (prettier etc); to mature into; to blossom 保有[保有] bǎoyǒu to keep; to retain 溢[溢] yì to overflow; (literary) excessive; old variant of 鎰|镒[yi4] 彰显[彰顯] zhāngxiǎn to manifest 缔结[締結] dìjié to conclude (an agreement) 名状[名狀] míngzhuàng to express; to describe 糖类[糖類] tánglèi sugar (chemistry) 张扬[張揚] zhāngyáng to display ostentatiously; to bring out into the open; to make public; to spread around; flamboyant; brash 提味[提味] tíwèi to improve taste; to make sth palatable 弥散[彌散] mísàn to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc) 可溶性[可溶性] kěróngxìng solubility 倍[倍] bèi (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply 榨油[榨油] zhàyóu to extract oil from vegetables; to press 邻居[鄰居] línjū neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4] 收工[收工] shōugōng to stop work for the day (generally of laborers); to knock off 油鸡[油雞] yóujī a variety of chicken 吸[吸] xī to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale 柔和[柔和] róuhé gentle; soft 拿出[拿出] náchū to take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep4/100 words - 11 min 普[普] pǔ general; popular; everywhere; universal 山上[山上] Shānshàng Shanshang township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan 搜寻[搜尋] sōuxún to search; to look for 密林[密林] mìlín jungle 深处[深處] shēnchù abyss; depths; deepest or most distant part 蜂[蜂] fēng bee; wasp 蛹[蛹] yǒng chrysalis; pupa 数不多[數不多] shùbùduō a small number; one of a very few 消遣[消遣] xiāoqiǎn to while the time away; amusement; pastime; recreation; to make sport of 野味[野味] yěwèi game; wild animals and birds hunted for food or sport 榨取[榨取] zhàqǔ to extract; to squeeze out (juice etc); (fig.) to exploit 纯度[純度] chúndù purity 辅料[輔料] fǔliào auxiliary ingredients; supplementary materials 炼[煉] liàn to refine; to smelt 直至[直至] zhízhì lasting until; up till (the present) 催生[催生] cuīshēng to induce labor; to expedite childbirth 挥发性[揮發性] huīfāxìng volatility 点燃[點燃] diǎnrán to ignite; to set on fire; aflame 引线[引線] yǐnxiàn fuse (for an explosive device); electrical lead; intermediary; catalyst; (dialect) sewing needle 侠[俠] xiá knight-errant; brave and chivalrous; hero; heroic 任意[任意] rènyì any; arbitrary; at will; at random 酒精[酒精] jiǔjīng alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol; also written 乙醇; grain alcohol 助长[助長] zhùzhǎng to encourage; to foster; to foment 奔放[奔放] bēnfàng bold and unrestrained; untrammeled 咱们[咱們] zánmen we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep4/111 words - 12 min 仨[仨] sā three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个) 一窝蜂[一窩蜂] yīwōfēng like a swarm of bees; everyone swarms around pushing and shouting; a hornet's nest 并入[併入] bìngrù to merge into; to incorporate in 野性[野性] yěxìng wild nature; unruliness 变换[變換] biànhuàn to transform; to convert; to vary; to alternate; a transformation 规格[規格] guīgé standard; norm; specification 适应[適應] shìyìng to adapt; to fit; to suit 顺应[順應] shùnyìng to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to 生存[生存] shēngcún to exist; to survive 走出[走出] zǒuchū to leave (a room etc); to go out through (a door etc) 尝[嘗] cháng to taste; to try; to experience; already; ever; once //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep5/25 words - 2 min 蜕变[蛻變] tuìbiàn to transform; to morph; to degenerate; metamorphosis; transmutation; transformation; decay; degeneration 早期[早期] zǎoqī early period; early phase; early stage 贮藏[貯藏] zhùcáng to store up; to hoard; deposits 手段[手段] shǒuduàn method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick; CL:個|个[ge4] 凝练[凝練] níngliàn concise; compact; condensed 弥漫[瀰漫] mímàn variant of 彌漫|弥漫[mi2 man4] 动人[動人] dòngrén touching; moving 气候变化[氣候變化] qìhòubiànhuà climate change 化作[化作] huàzuò to change into; to turn into; to become 助手[助手] zhùshǒu assistant; helper 宣[宣] xuān to declare (publicly); to announce 威[威] wēi power; might; prestige 左[左] zuǒ left; the Left (politics); east; unorthodox; queer; wrong; differing; opposite; variant of 佐[zuo3] 坤[坤] kūn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing earth; female principle; ☷; ancient Chinese compass point: 225° (southwest) 俏货[俏貨] qiàohuò goods that sell well 窝[窩] wō nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods 乡民[鄉民] xiāngmín villager; (Tw) (Internet slang) person who likes to follow online discussions and add their opinions 许[許] xǔ to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps 熊[熊] xióng bear; (coll.) to scold; to rebuke; (coll.) weak; incapable 军[軍] jūn army; military; arms; CL:個|个[ge4] 届[屆] jiè to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation) 冠军[冠軍] guànjūn champion; CL:個|个[ge4] 饲养[飼養] sìyǎng to raise; to rear 毛猪[毛豬] máozhū live pig 千米[千米] qiānmǐ kilometer //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep5/50 words - 5 min 邀请[邀請] yāoqǐng to invite; invitation; CL:個|个[ge4] 亲朋[親朋] qīnpéng relatives and friends 分享[分享] fēnxiǎng to share (let others have some of sth good) 久远[久遠] jiǔyuǎn old; ancient; far away 贪杯[貪杯] tānbēi to drink in excess 打造[打造] dǎzào to create; to build; to develop; to forge (of metal) 严苛[嚴苛] yánkē severe; harsh 偶然[偶然] ǒurán incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly 搓揉[搓揉] cuōróu to knead; to rub 严密[嚴密] yánmì strict; tight (organization, surveillance etc) 贮存[貯存] zhùcún to store; to deposit 抛[拋] pāo to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon 除[除] chú to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipe out; to divide; except; not including 杂念[雜念] zániàn distracting thoughts 持[持] chí to hold; to grasp; to support; to maintain; to persevere; to manage; to run (i.e. administer); to control 闭关[閉關] bìguān to close the passes; to seal off the country; seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. of Chan Buddhists) 修行[修行] xiūxíng to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism); to devote oneself to perfecting one's art or craft 大陆[大陸] dàlù continent; mainland; CL:個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4] 有条不紊[有條不紊] yǒutiáobùwěn regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged 霉菌[霉菌] méijūn mold 完好[完好] wánhǎo intact; in good condition 酵母菌[酵母菌] jiàomǔjūn yeast; mold 饱和[飽和] bǎohé saturation 细微[細微] xìwēi tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments) 烙印[烙印] làoyìn to brand (cattle etc); brand; (fig.) to leave a lasting mark; to stigmatize; mark; stamp; stigma //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep5/75 words - 8 min 查看[查看] chákàn to look over; to examine; to check up; to ferret out 调节[調節] tiáojié to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc) 室内[室內] shìnèi indoor 成果[成果] chéngguǒ result; achievement; gain; profit; CL:個|个[ge4] 慢条斯理[慢條斯理] màntiáosīlǐ unhurried; calm; composed; leisurely 验收[驗收] yànshōu to inspect and accept; acceptance 判定[判定] pàndìng to judge; to decide; judgment; determination 针[針] zhēn needle; pin; injection; stitch; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] 骨针[骨針] gǔzhēn spicule (in biology); bone needle (in archaeology) 拔[拔] bá to pull up; to pull out; to draw out by suction; to select; to pick; to stand out (above level); to surpass; to seize 压实[壓實] yāshí to compress; to compact 针孔[針孔] zhēnkǒng pinhole 雪白[雪白] xuěbái snow white 优美[優美] yōuměi graceful; fine; elegant 别出心裁[別出心裁] biéchūxīncái to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality; to adopt an original approach 沉积[沉積] chénjī sediment; deposit; sedimentation (geology) 适中[適中] shìzhōng moderate; reasonable; conveniently situated 酥软[酥軟] sūruǎn weak (of body or limbs); limp; gone soft 裹挟[裹挾] guǒxié to sweep along; to coerce 节目[節目] jiémù program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 身处[身處] shēnchǔ in (some place); to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc); to find oneself in; placed in; surrounded by 阴[陰] yīn overcast (weather); cloudy; shady; Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang); negative (electric.); feminine; moon; implicit; hidden; genitalia 井然有序[井然有序] jǐngrányǒuxù everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy 烟火[煙火] yānhuǒ smoke and fire; fireworks 驱除[驅除] qūchú to drive off; to dispel; to expel //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep5/89 words - 12 min 促进[促進] cùjìn to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost 悄无声息[悄無聲息] qiǎowúshēngxī quietly; noiselessly 密实[密實] mìshí close (texture); dense; densely woven 烟熏[煙燻] yānxūn smoke; to fumigate 按压[按壓] ànyā to press; to push (a button) 细密[細密] xìmì fine (texture); meticulous; close (analysis); detailed 说明[說明] shuōmíng to explain; to illustrate; to indicate; to show; to prove; explanation; directions; caption; CL:個|个[ge4] 乳白[乳白] rǔbái milky white; cream color 多肉[多肉] duōròu fleshy 松[松] sōng pine; CL:棵[ke1] 颊[頰] jiá cheeks 光阴[光陰] guāngyīn time available 大山[大山] Dàshān Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell (1965-), actor and well-known TV personality in PRC 山头[山頭] shāntóu mountain top //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep6/25 words - 5 min 江湖[江湖] jiānghú rivers and lakes; all corners of the country; remote areas to which hermits retreat; section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law; the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]); (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc; demimonde; (in modern times) triads; secret gangster societies; underworld 隐秘[隱秘] yǐnmì secret; hidden 心得[心得] xīndé what one has learned (through experience, reading etc); knowledge; insight; understanding; tips; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 遮[遮] zhē to cover up (a shortcoming); to screen off; to hide; to conceal 涩味[澀味] sèwèi acerbic (taste); astringent 彩[彩] cǎi (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize 褪[褪] tuì to take off (clothes); to shed feathers; (of color) to fade; to discolor 石块[石塊] shíkuài stone; rock 压力[壓力] yālì pressure 协作[協作] xiézuò cooperation; coordination 猛烈[猛烈] měngliè fierce; violent (criticism etc) 提神[提神] tíshén to freshen up; to be cautious or vigilant; to watch out; stimulant to enhance mental performance; stay-awake drug; agrypnotic 冒头[冒頭] màotóu to emerge; to crop up; a little more than 访[訪] fǎng to visit; to call on; to seek; to inquire; to investigate 长女[長女] zhǎngnǚ eldest daughter 传授[傳授] chuánshòu to impart; to pass on; to teach 仰赖[仰賴] yǎnglài to rely on 热烈[熱烈] rèliè enthusiastic; ardent; warm 缨[纓] yīng tassel; sth shaped like a tassel (e.g. a leaf etc); ribbon 载体[載體] zàitǐ carrier (chemistry); vector (epidemiology); vehicle or medium 多次[多次] duōcì many times; repeatedly 盆地[盆地] péndì (geography) basin; depression 理想[理想] lǐxiǎng an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect 糯米[糯米] nuòmǐ glutinous rice; Oryza sativa var. glutinosa 细心[細心] xìxīn careful; attentive //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep6/50 words - 7 min 搓[搓] cuō to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist 揉[揉] róu to knead; to massage; to rub 古朴[古樸] gǔpǔ simple and unadorned (of art, architecture etc) 妙招[妙招] miàozhāo smart move; clever way of doing sth 蒸馏[蒸餾] zhēngliú to distill; distillation 酿[釀] niàng to ferment; to brew; to make honey (of bees); to lead to; to form gradually; wine; stuffed vegetables (cooking method) 酯化[酯化] zhǐhuà esterification 苤[苤] piě Brassica campestris subsp. rapa 火热[火熱] huǒrè fiery; burning; fervent; ardent; passionate 立体[立體] lìtǐ three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic 立冬[立冬] Lìdōng Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st November 昼夜[晝夜] zhòuyè day and night; period of 24 hours; continuously, without stop 温差[溫差] wēnchā difference in temperature 白天[白天] báitiān daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 上升[上昇] shàngshēng to rise; to go up; to ascend 夜晚[夜晚] yèwǎn night; CL:個|个[ge4] 骤降[驟降] zhòujiàng to fall rapidly; to plummet 品鉴[品鑒] pǐnjiàn to judge; to examine; to evaluate 官[官] guān government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4] 黄绿色[黃綠色] huánglǜsè yellow green 产物[產物] chǎnwù product; result (of) 复合[復合] fùhé (of people who were estranged) to be reconciled; (of a couple) to get back together 性情[性情] xìngqíng nature; temperament 随和[隨和] suíhé amiable; easy-going 土豆[土豆] tǔdòu potato; CL:個|个[ge4]; (Tw) peanut; CL:顆|颗[ke1] //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep6/69 words - 12 min 共[共] gòng common; general; to share; together; total; altogether; abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party 酸甜[酸甜] suāntián sour and sweet 清脆[清脆] qīngcuì sharp and clear; crisp; melodious; ringing; tinkling; silvery (of sound); fragile; frail; also written 輕脆|轻脆 溶化[溶化] rónghuà to melt; to dissolve (of sugar etc) 浓缩[濃縮] nóngsuō to concentrate (a liquid); concentration; espresso coffee; abbr. for 意式濃縮咖啡|意式浓缩咖啡 琥珀[琥珀] hǔpò amber 烧烤[燒烤] shāokǎo barbecue; to roast 挟[挾] xié to clasp under the arm; to coerce 愈发[愈發] yùfā all the more; increasingly 周[週] zhōu week; weekly; variant of 周[zhou1] 生命[生命] shēngmìng life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature; CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2] 终极[終極] zhōngjí ultimate; final 锻造[鍛造] duànzào to forge (metal); forging 过关[過關] guòguān to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard) 接替[接替] jiētì to replace; to take over (a position or post) 十字花科[十字花科] shízìhuākē Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family including Brassica etc whose flowers have a cross of 4 petals) 自卫[自衛] zìwèi self-defense 因地制宜[因地制宜] yīndìzhìyí (idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances 代代相传[代代相傳] dàidàixiāngchuán passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep7/25 words - 3 min 缠绵[纏綿] chánmián touching (emotions); lingering (illness) 精巧[精巧] jīngqiǎo elaborate 花朵[花朵] huāduǒ flower 物尽其用[物盡其用] wùjìnqíyòng to use sth to the full; to make the best use of everything 发挥[發揮] fāhuī to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innate qualities; to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate (on a theme) 覆盖[覆蓋] fùgài to cover 恣意[恣意] zìyì without restraint; unbridled; reckless 芭蕉[芭蕉] bājiāo Japanese banana (Musa basjoo) 香蕉[香蕉] xiāngjiāo banana; CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把[ba3] 开发[開發] kāifā to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to develop 德宏州[德宏州] Déhóngzhōu abbr. for 德宏傣族景頗族自治州|德宏傣族景颇族自治州, Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture in west Yunnan surrounded on three sides by Myanmar (Burma) 粑[粑] bā a round flat cake (dialect) 菜单[菜單] càidān menu; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 初级[初級] chūjí junior; primary 元旦[元旦] Yuándàn New Year's Day 迎接[迎接] yíngjiē to meet; to welcome; to greet 株[株] zhū tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; strain (biology); to involve others (in shady business) 花蕊[花蕊] huāruǐ stamen; pistil 摘[摘] zhāi to take; to borrow; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc) 不但[不但] bùdàn not only (... but also...) 棕[棕] zōng palm; palm fiber; coir (coconut fiber); brown 榈[櫚] lǘ palm tree 切块[切塊] qiēkuài to cut into pieces 赏[賞] shǎng to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior); to appreciate (beauty) 建[建] jiàn to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep7/50 words - 5 min 芽[芽] yá bud; sprout 黏[黏] nián sticky; glutinous; (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue 稀少[稀少] xīshǎo sparse; rare 数量[數量] shùliàng amount; quantity; CL:個|个[ge4]; quantitative 基层[基層] jīcéng basic level; grassroots unit; basement layer 群体[群體] qúntǐ community; colony 龙川[龍川] Lóngchuān Longchuan county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong; Ryongchon, town in North Korea 鲍[鮑] bào abalone 粘连[粘連] niánlián to adhere; to stick together 群山[群山] qúnshān mountains; a range of hills 环绕[環繞] huánrào to surround; to circle; to revolve around 德昂[德昂] Dé'áng De'ang (ethnic group) 赵[趙] zhào to surpass (old) 玉[玉] yù jade 婚前[婚前] hūnqián premarital; prenuptial 宴席[宴席] yànxí banquet; feast 谨慎[謹慎] jǐnshèn cautious; prudent 代价[代價] dàijià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing) 芯[芯] xīn lamp pith; wick 芯[芯] xìn core 输送[輸送] shūsòng to transport; to convey; to deliver 养分[養分] yǎngfèn nutrient 通道[通道] tōngdào (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage 仔细[仔細] zǐxì careful; attentive; cautious 收集[收集] shōují to gather; to collect 敬重[敬重] jìngzhòng to respect deeply; to revere; to esteem //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep7/75 words - 11 min 包容[包容] bāoróng to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive 里外[裡外] lǐwài inside and out; or so 密闭[密閉] mìbì sealed; airtight 空间[空間] kōngjiān space; room; (fig.) scope; leeway; (astronomy) outer space; (physics, math.) space 牢牢[牢牢] láoláo firmly; safely 蒸腾[蒸騰] zhēngténg (of a vapor etc) to rise; to hang in the air 叫做[叫做] jiàozuò to be called; to be known as 兼具[兼具] jiānjù to combine; to have both 形状[形狀] xíngzhuàng form; shape; CL:個|个[ge4] 狩猎[狩獵] shòuliè to hunt; hunting 温柔[溫柔] wēnróu gentle and soft; tender 堆[堆] duī to pile up; to heap up; a mass; pile; heap; stack; large amount 依赖[依賴] yīlài to depend on; to be dependent on 检验[檢驗] jiǎnyàn to inspect; to examine; to test 捣[搗] dǎo pound; beat; hull; attack; disturb; stir 黏性[黏性] niánxìng stickiness; gluing strength; viscosity 交缠[交纏] jiāochán to intertwine; to intermingle 弱化[弱化] ruòhuà weaken; make weaker 沿着[沿著] yánzhe to go along; to follow 顶点[頂點] dǐngdiǎn summit; peak; (math.) vertex 豉[豉] chǐ salted fermented beans 兴奋[興奮] xīngfèn excited; excitement; (physiology) excitation 豆豉[豆豉] dòuchǐ black bean; black bean sauce 攀[攀] pān to climb (by pulling oneself up); to implicate; to claim connections of higher status 新人[新人] xīnrén newcomer; fresh talent; newlywed, esp. new bride; bride and groom //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep7/83 words - 12 min 长辈[長輩] zhǎngbèi one's elders; older generation 祝福[祝福] zhùfú blessings; to wish sb well 他乡[他鄉] tāxiāng foreign land; away from one's native place 挂果[掛果] guàguǒ (of a tree) to bear fruit 生命力[生命力] shēngmìnglì vitality 旺盛[旺盛] wàngshèng vigorous; exuberant 创造力[創造力] chuàngzàolì ingenuity; creativity 生生不息[生生不息] shēngshēngbùxī to grow and multiply without end //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep8/25 words - 4 min 纷繁[紛繁] fēnfán numerous and complicated 胃酸[胃酸] wèisuān gastric acid 过高[過高] guògāo too high 变通[變通] biàntōng pragmatic; flexible; to act differently in different situations; to accommodate to circumstances 大放异彩[大放異彩] dàfàngyìcǎi to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment); to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill 木[木] mù tree; wood; coffin; wooden; simple; numb; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 涂[涂] tú variant of 途[tu2] 翁[翁] wēng elderly man; father; father-in-law; neck feathers of a bird (old) 高手[高手] gāoshǒu expert; past master; dab hand 国外[國外] guówài abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 汁水[汁水] zhīshuǐ (dialect) juice 存储[存儲] cúnchǔ to store up; to stockpile; (computer) to save; to store; memory; storage 卫东[衛東] Wèidōng Weidong district of Pingdingshan city 平頂山市|平顶山市[Ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4], Henan 盛产[盛產] shèngchǎn to produce in abundance; to be rich in 蔷薇[薔薇] qiángwēi Japanese rose (Rosa multiflora) 木瓜[木瓜] mùguā papaya (Carica papaya); genus Chaenomeles of shrubs in the family Rosaceae; Chinese flowering quince (Chaenomeles speciosa) 番木瓜[番木瓜] fānmùguā papaya 舶来品[舶來品] bóláipǐn (old) imported goods; foreign goods 原住民[原住民] yuánzhùmín indigenous peoples; aborigine 滇[滇] Diān abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南|云南[Yun2 nan2] in southwest China 年产[年產] niánchǎn annual production 豪爽[豪爽] háoshuǎng outspoken and straightforward; forthright; expansive 热炒[熱炒] rèchǎo stir-fried dish (Tw) 庞大[龐大] pángdà huge; enormous; tremendous 队伍[隊伍] duìwǔ ranks; troops; queue; line; procession; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep8/50 words - 8 min 隐士[隱士] yǐnshì hermit 山岭[山嶺] shānlǐng mountain ridge 上山[上山] shàngshān to go uphill; to spin cocoon (silkworms); to pass away 踪迹[蹤跡] zōngjì tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige 下边[下邊] xiàbian under; the underside; below 国[國] guó country; nation; state; national; CL:個|个[ge4] 晨[晨] chén morning; dawn; daybreak 箩[籮] luó basket 零食[零食] língshí between-meal nibbles; snacks 对象[對象] duìxiàng target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend; CL:個|个[ge4] 食谱[食譜] shípǔ cookbook; recipe; diet; CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] 深山[深山] shēnshān deep in the mountains 景颇[景頗] Jǐngpō Jingpo ethnic group of Tibet and Yunnan 捉[捉] zhuō to clutch; to grab; to capture 撕碎[撕碎] sīsuì to tear to shreds 结构[結構] jiégòu structure; composition; makeup; architecture; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4] 罗勒[羅勒] luólè sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) 直[直] zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 均衡[均衡] jūnhéng equal; balanced; harmony; equilibrium 冲破[衝破] chōngpò breakthrough; to overcome an obstacle quickly 强韧[強韌] qiángrèn resilient; tough and strong 薄膜[薄膜] bómó membrane; film; CL:層|层[ceng2] 爆发[爆發] bàofā to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out 檬[檬] méng lemon 魅惑[魅惑] mèihuò to entice; to charm //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep8/75 words - 12 min 青柠[青檸] qīngníng lime (fruit) 鲫鱼[鯽魚] jìyú Crucian carp 搭伴[搭伴] dābàn travel with another; accompany another 有待[有待] yǒudài not yet (done); pending 任务[任務] rènwu mission; assignment; task; duty; role; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 一展身手[一展身手] yīzhǎnshēnshǒu to showcase one's (unique) talents; to display one's (individual) prowess 肉汤[肉湯] ròutāng meat soup; broth 浓厚[濃厚] nónghòu dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) 老友[老友] lǎoyǒu old friend; sb who passed the county level imperial exam (in Ming dynasty) 相聚[相聚] xiāngjù to meet together; to assemble 烧酒[燒酒] shāojiǔ name of a famous Tang dynasty wine; same as 白酒[bai2 jiu3] 辛劳[辛勞] xīnláo laborious 湖[湖] hú lake; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] 火辣[火辣] huǒlà painful heat; scorching; rude and forthright; provocative; hot; sexy 干脆利落[乾脆利落] gāncuìlìluo (of speech or actions) direct and efficient; without fooling around 洱海[洱海] Ěrhǎi Erhai Lake 胺[胺] àn amine; Taiwan pr. [an1] 酸辣汤[酸辣湯] suānlàtāng hot and sour soup; sour and spicy soup 弹射[彈射] tánshè to catapult; to launch; to eject (from a plane); to shoot 爆破[爆破] bàopò to blow up; to demolish (using explosives); dynamite; blast 生涩[生澀] shēngsè unripe; tart; not fully proficient; somewhat shaky 奇异[奇異] qíyì fantastic; bizarre; odd; exotic; astonished 实现[實現] shíxiàn to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about 价值[價值] jiàzhí value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 就地取材[就地取材] jiùdìqǔcái to draw on local resources; using materials at hand //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep8/78 words - 12 min 调剂[調劑] tiáojì to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription 不懈[不懈] bùxiè untiring; unremitting; indefatigable 热爱[熱愛] rè'ài to love ardently; to adore //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep9/25 words - 3 min 常驻[常駐] chángzhù resident; permanent (representative) 嘉宾[嘉賓] jiābīn esteemed guest; honored guest; guest (on a show) 可塑性[可塑性] kěsùxìng plasticity 筋骨[筋骨] jīngǔ muscles and bones; physique; strength; courage 咬合[咬合] yǎohé (of uneven surfaces) to fit together; (of gear wheels) to mesh; (dentistry) occlusion; bite 崭新[嶄新] zhǎnxīn brand new 饵[餌] ěr pastry; food; to swallow; to lure; bait; lure 样式[樣式] yàngshì type; style 拘[拘] jū to capture; to restrain; to constrain; to adhere rigidly to; inflexible 统一[統一] tǒngyī to unify; to unite; to integrate 米线[米線] mǐxiàn rice-flour noodles 密度[密度] mìdù density; thickness 效果[效果] xiàoguǒ result; effect; quality; CL:個|个[ge4] 对抗[對抗] duìkàng to withstand; to resist; to stand off; antagonism; confrontation 开动[開動] kāidòng to start; to set in motion; to move; to march; to dig in (eating); to tuck in (eating) 建华[建華] Jiànhuá Jianhua district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang 夫妇[夫婦] fūfù a (married) couple; husband and wife; CL:對|对[dui4] 所需[所需] suǒxū necessary (for); required 提高[提高] tígāo to raise; to increase; to improve 效率[效率] xiàolǜ efficiency 环节[環節] huánjié (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc 米粉[米粉] mǐfěn rice flour; rice-flour noodles; (Internet slang) Xiaomi fan 双手[雙手] shuāngshǒu both hands 总结[總結] zǒngjié to sum up; to conclude; summary; résumé; CL:個|个[ge4] 定[定] dìng to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep9/50 words - 8 min 志[志] zhì aspiration; ambition; the will 全程[全程] quánchéng the whole distance; from beginning to end 下一步[下一步] xiàyībù the next step 蜂蜡[蜂蠟] fēnglà beeswax 线条[線條] xiàntiáo line (in drawing, calligraphy etc); the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc) 边界[邊界] biānjiè boundary; border 巴掌[巴掌] bāzhǎng palm of the hand; classifier: slap 沉稳[沉穩] chénwěn steady; calm; unflustered 易于[易于] yìyú very likely; prone to 一边[一邊] yībiān one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while 米粒[米粒] mǐlì grain of rice; granule 硬度[硬度] yìngdù hardness 彼此[彼此] bǐcǐ each other; one another 碓[碓] duì pestle; pound with a pestle 重现[重現] chóngxiàn to reappear 几近[幾近] jījìn to be on the brink of; to be on the verge of 启动[啟動] qǐdòng to start (a machine); (fig.) to set in motion; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan) 木桩[木樁] mùzhuāng wooden pile; stake 集聚[集聚] jíjù to assemble; to gather 连续[連續] liánxù continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive 联结[聯結] liánjié to bind; to tie; to link 稳固[穩固] wěngù stable; steady; firm; to stabilize 压制[壓制] yāzhì to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle 炽热[熾熱] chìrè red-hot; glowing; blazing; (fig.) passionate 火焰[火焰] huǒyàn blaze; flame //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep9/72 words - 12 min 激[激] jī to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent 人称[人稱] rénchēng person (first person, second person etc in grammar); called; known as 内外[內外] nèiwài inside and outside; domestic and foreign; approximately; about 糊[糊] hú muddled; paste; scorched 华丽[華麗] huálì gorgeous 一面[一面] yīmiàn one side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face 芡[芡] qiàn Gorgon plant; fox nut (Gorgon euryale or Euryale ferox); makhana (Hindi) 硬朗[硬朗] yìnglǎng robust; healthy 曼[曼] màn handsome; large; long 妙[妙] miào clever; wonderful 趋于[趨於] qūyú to tend towards 胶体[膠體] jiāotǐ colloid 干净利落[乾淨利落] gānjìnglìluo squeaky clean; neat and tidy; efficient 肉沫[肉沫] ròumò minced pork 喜[喜] xǐ to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad 千锤百炼[千錘百鍊] qiānchuíbǎiliàn after hard work and numerous revisions (idiom); the vicissitudes of life 压缩[壓縮] yāsuō to compress; compression 饼干[餅乾] bǐnggān biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 稻作[稻作] dàozuò rice cultivation 文明[文明] wénmíng civilized; civilization; culture; CL:個|个[ge4] 某种[某種] mǒuzhǒng some kind (of) 基因[基因] jīyīn gene (loanword) //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep10/25 words - 2 min 薪[薪] xīn fuel; salary 印迹[印跡] yìnjì footprint 别具一格[別具一格] biéjùyīgé having a unique or distinctive style 门派[門派] ménpài sect; school (group of followers of a particular doctrine) 食品[食品] shípǐn foodstuff; food; provisions; CL:種|种[zhong3] 鲊[鮓] zhǎ salted fish; dish made with ground vegetables, flour and other condiments 材料[材料] cáiliào material; data; makings; stuff; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 古籍[古籍] gǔjí ancient text; antique books 原型[原型] yuánxíng model; prototype; archetype 母语[母語] mǔyǔ native language; mother tongue; (linguistics) parent language 游子[遊子] yóuzǐ person living or traveling far from home 腊月[臘月] Làyuè twelfth lunar month 儿孙[兒孫] érsūn descendant 奶奶[奶奶] nǎinai (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位[wei4]; (coll.) boobies; breasts 陆[陸] lù shore; land; continent 英[英] yīng hero; outstanding; excellent; (literary) flower; blossom 了解[了解] liǎojiě to understand; to realize; to find out 一家人[一家人] yījiārén household; the whole family 滇池[滇池] Diānchí lake Dianchi in Yunnan 石头[石頭] shítou stone; CL:塊|块[kuai4] 初学者[初學者] chūxuézhě beginning student 必修课[必修課] bìxiūkè required course; compulsory course 琼[瓊] qióng jasper; fine jade; beautiful; exquisite (e.g. wine, food); abbr. for Hainan province 姨妈[姨媽] yímā (coll.) mother's sister; maternal aunt 茄[茄] qié eggplant //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep10/50 words - 4 min 地盘[地盤] dìpán domain; territory under one's control; foundation of a building; base of operations; crust of earth 滋养[滋養] zīyǎng to nourish 海绵状[海綿狀] hǎimiánzhuàng spongy 暴露[暴露] bàolù to expose; to reveal; to lay bare; also pr. [pu4 lu4] 米面[米麵] mǐmiàn rice and noodles; rice flour; rice-flour noodles 鹤庆[鶴慶] Hèqìng Heqing county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan 岁末[歲末] suìmò end of the year 边角料[邊角料] biānjiǎoliào scrap; bits and pieces left over 秀[秀] xiù handsome; refined; elegant; graceful; superior; show (loanword); CL:場|场[chang2]; (literary) to grow; to bloom; (of crops) to produce ears 大肠[大腸] dàcháng the large intestine 精瘦[精瘦] jīngshòu (coll.) lean (figure, meat etc); slender 脊[脊] jǐ spine; back; ridge; Taiwan pr. [ji2] or [ji3] 盆[盆] pén basin; flower pot; unit of volume equal to 12 斗[dou3] and 8 升[sheng1], approx 128 liters; CL:個|个[ge4] 活力[活力] huólì energy; vitality; vigor; vital force 茄子[茄子] qiézi eggplant (Solanum melongena L.); aubergine; brinjal; Guinea squash; phonetic "cheese" (when being photographed); equivalent of "say cheese" 脱去[脫去] tuōqù to throw off 实[實] shí real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely 必要条件[必要條件] bìyàotiáojiàn requirement; necessary condition (math) 遗传[遺傳] yíchuán heredity; to inherit (a trait); to pass on (to one's offspring) 气质[氣質] qìzhì temperament; personality traits; manners 鲜明个性[鮮明個性] xiānmínggèxìng individuality; clear-cut personality 因人而异[因人而異] yīnrén'éryì varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual 指导[指導] zhǐdǎo to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] 外衣[外衣] wàiyī outer clothing; semblance; appearance 催化剂[催化劑] cuīhuàjì catalyst //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep10/75 words - 10 min 玉米[玉米] yùmǐ corn; maize; CL:粒[li4] 糯米粉[糯米粉] nuòmǐfěn glutinous rice flour 鉴定[鑑定] jiàndìng to appraise; to identify; to evaluate 学习[學習] xuéxí to learn; to study 肝[肝] gān liver; CL:葉|叶[ye4],個|个[ge4] 宴[宴] yàn feast; repose 有效[有效] yǒuxiào effective; in effect; valid 愉悦[愉悅] yúyuè joyful; cheerful; delighted; joy; delight 沉迷[沉迷] chénmí to be engrossed; to be absorbed with; to lose oneself in; to be addicted to 贡献[貢獻] gòngxiàn to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution; CL:個|个[ge4] 营造[營造] yíngzào to build (housing); to construct; to make 系统[系統] xìtǒng system; CL:個|个[ge4] 工程[工程] gōngchéng engineering; an engineering project; project; undertaking; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 部件[部件] bùjiàn part; component 干草[乾草] gāncǎo hay 塞[塞] sāi to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff; cork; stopper 严丝合缝[嚴絲合縫] yánsīhéfèng to fit tightly (idiom); to join seamlessly; to fit snugly 倒置[倒置] dàozhì to invert 闸门[閘門] zhámén sluice gate 展开[展開] zhǎnkāi to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch 倾泻[傾瀉] qīngxiè to pour down in torrents 年节[年節] niánjié the New Year festival 勾[勾] gōu to attract; to arouse; to tick; to strike out; to delineate; to collude; variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook 油光[油光] yóuguāng glossy; gleaming; shiny (due to greasiness); slick; greasy; oily 垂涎[垂涎] chuíxián to water at the mouth; to drool //Flavorful Origins - S2/Ep10/86 words - 11 min 足以[足以] zúyǐ sufficient to...; so much so that; so that 勾连[勾連] gōulián to be linked together; to be involved with; to collude; interconnection; involvement; collusion 寒[寒] hán cold; poor; to tremble 春秋[春秋] chūnqiū spring and autumn; four seasons; year; a person's age; annals (used in book titles) 俱[俱] jù entirely; without exception; (literary) to be together; to be alike 饭馆[飯館] fànguǎn restaurant; CL:家[jia1] 气氛[氣氛] qìfēn atmosphere; mood 高潮[高潮] gāocháo high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; orgasm; chorus (part of a song) 时常[時常] shícháng often; frequently 繁茂[繁茂] fánmào exuberant; luxuriant; lush and flourishing (vegetation); rank growth 趣[趣] qù interesting; to interest