//We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/25 words - 2 min 老大[老大] lǎodà old age; very; eldest child in a family; leader of a group; boss; captain of a boat; leader of a criminal gang 林[林] lín woods; forest; CL:片[pian4]; circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people); a collection (of similar things) 湘[湘] Xiāng abbr. for Hunan 湖南 province in south central China; abbr. for Xiangjiang river in Hunan province 微[微] wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2] 博[博] bó extensive; ample; rich; obtain; aim; to win; to get; plentiful; to gamble 太阳[太陽] tàiyang sun; CL:個|个[ge4]; abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tai4 yang2 xue2] 升[升] shēng to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3] 黑暗[黑暗] hēi'àn dark; darkly; darkness 美丽[美麗] měilì beautiful 改编[改編] gǎibiān to adapt; to rearrange; to revise 未[未] wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210° 同名[同名] tóngmíng of the same name; homonymous; self-titled (album) 畅销[暢銷] chàngxiāo to sell well; best seller; chart-topping 小说[小說] xiǎoshuō novel; fiction; CL:本[ben3],部[bu4] 集[集] jí to gather; to collect; collected works; classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode 转发[轉發] zhuǎnfā to transmit; to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data); to pass on; to republish (an article from another publication) 评论[評論] pínglùn to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1] 导向[導向] dǎoxiàng to be oriented towards; orientation 数据[數據] shùjù data; numbers; digital 话剧[話劇] huàjù stage play; modern drama; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] 陈[陳] chén to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to narrate; to state; to explain; to tell; old; stale 白露[白露] Báilù Bailu or White Dew, 15th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 8th-22nd September 自杀[自殺] zìshā to kill oneself; to commit suicide; to attempt suicide 正是[正是] zhèngshì (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 话题[話題] huàtí subject (of a talk or conversation); topic //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/50 words - 2 min 发酵[發酵] fājiào to ferment; fermentation 贴吧[貼吧] tiēbā electronic message board; web forum 微博[微博] wēibó microblogging; microblog 暂时[暫時] zànshí temporary; provisional; for the time being 论坛[論壇] lùntán forum (for discussion) 小祖宗[小祖宗] xiǎozǔzōng brat; little devil 粉丝[粉絲] fěnsī bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noodles; Chinese vermicelli; cellophane noodles; CL:把[ba3]; fan (loanword); enthusiast for sb or sth 朱[朱] zhū vermilion 迪[迪] dí to enlighten 联系[聯繫] liánxì connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch 网站[網站] wǎngzhàn website; network station; node 删[刪] shān to delete 帖[帖] tiē fitting snugly; appropriate; suitable; variant of 貼|贴[tie1]; to paste; to obey 岂[豈] qǐ how? (emphatic question) 做贼心虚[做賊心虛] zuòzéixīnxū to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience 控[控] kòng to control; to accuse; to charge; to sue; to invert a container to empty it; (suffix) (slang) buff; enthusiast; devotee; -phile or -philia 评[評] píng to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal) 顺着[順著] shùnzhe to follow; following; along 感兴趣[感興趣] gǎnxìngqù to be interested 提高[提高] tígāo to raise; to increase; to improve 表演[表演] biǎoyǎn play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场[chang3] 内涵[內涵] nèihán meaningful content; implication; connotation (semantics); inner qualities (of a person) 方向[方向] fāngxiàng direction; orientation; path to follow; CL:個|个[ge4] 引导[引導] yǐndǎo to guide; to lead (around); to conduct; to boot; introduction; primer 颁奖[頒獎] bānjiǎng to confer an award //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/75 words - 2 min 典礼[典禮] diǎnlǐ celebration; ceremony 提名[提名] tímíng to nominate 受欢迎[受歡迎] shòuhuānyíng popular; well-received 演员[演員] yǎnyuán actor or actress; performer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 文章[文章] wénzhāng article; essay; literary works; writings; hidden meaning; CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|页[ye4] 得奖[得獎] déjiǎng to win a prize 期待[期待] qīdài to look forward to; to await; expectation 值[值] zhí value; (to be) worth; to happen to; to be on duty 炒热[炒熱] chǎorè hot (i.e. selling well); to raise prices by speculation; to hype 万一[萬一] wànyī just in case; if by any chance; contingency 咱[咱] zán I or me; we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to) 万分[萬分] wànfēn very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part 之一[之一] zhīyī one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc) 概率[概率] gàilǜ probability (math.) 活动[活動] huódòng to exercise; to move about; to operate; to use connections (personal influence); loose; shaky; active; movable; activity; campaign; maneuver; behavior; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 允许[允許] yǔnxǔ to permit; to allow 尽量[儘量] jǐnliàng as much as possible; to the greatest extent 姐[姐] jiě older sister 大卫[大衛] Dàwèi David (name); Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French neoclassical painter 家门[家門] jiāmén house door; family clan 手机[手機] shǒujī cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1] 密码锁[密碼鎖] mìmǎsuǒ combination lock 没用[沒用] méiyòng useless 公司[公司] gōngsī (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated; CL:家[jia1] 密码[密碼] mìmǎ secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/100 words - 4 min 罗[羅] luó gauze; to collect; to gather; to catch; to sift 纪念日[紀念日] jìniànrì day of commemoration; memorial day 稳[穩] wěn settled; steady; stable 君子[君子] jūnzǐ nobleman; person of noble character 动口[動口] dòngkǒu to use one's mouth (to say sth) 小人[小人] xiǎorén person of low social status (old); I, me (used to refer humbly to oneself); nasty person; vile character 动手[動手] dòngshǒu to set about (a task); to hit; to punch; to touch 上课[上課] shàngkè to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class 咖啡[咖啡] kāfēi coffee (loanword); CL:杯[bei1] 低[低] dī low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 卡[卡] kǎ to stop; to block; (computing) (coll.) slow; (loanword) card; CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]; truck (from "car"); calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[ka3 lu4 li3]); cassette 拿铁[拿鐵] nátiě latte (loanword) 四十[四十] sìshí forty; 40 小费[小費] xiǎofèi tip; gratuity 惠顾[惠顧] huìgù your patronage 零钱[零錢] língqián change (of money); small change; pocket money 上午[上午] shàngwǔ morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 挪[挪] nuó to shift; to move 没错[沒錯] méicuò that's right; sure!; rest assured!; that's good; can't go wrong 突发[突發] tūfā to burst out suddenly; sudden outburst 吞[吞] tūn to swallow; to take 安眠药[安眠藥] ānmiányào sleeping pill; CL:粒[li4] 迷糊[迷糊] míhu muddle-headed; dazed; only half conscious 气息[氣息] qìxī breath; smell; odor; flavor 弱[弱] ruò weak; feeble; young; inferior; (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/125 words - 4 min 催吐[催吐] cuītù emetic 手指[手指] shǒuzhǐ finger; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 牙刷[牙刷] yáshuā toothbrush; CL:把[ba3] 勺[勺] sháo spoon; ladle; CL:把[ba3]; abbr. for 公勺[gong1 shao2], centiliter (unit of volume) 柄[柄] bǐng handle or shaft (of an axe etc); (of a flower, leaf or fruit) stem; sth that affords an advantage to an opponent; classifier for knives or blades 不送[不送] bùsòng don't bother to see me out 医院[醫院] yīyuàn hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4] 洗胃[洗胃] xǐwèi to have one stomach's pumped; gastric lavage (medicine) 当红[當紅] dānghóng currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc) 流量[流量] liúliàng flow rate; rate; throughput; site traffic (Internet) 服药[服藥] fúyào to take medicine 关键词[關鍵詞] guānjiàncí keyword 传出[傳出] chuánchū to transmit outwards; to disseminate; efferent (nerve) 垮[垮] kuǎ to collapse; to break or wear down; to defeat 事业[事業] shìyè undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4] 毁[毀] huǐ to destroy; to damage; to ruin; to defame; to slander 渣[渣] zhā slag (in mining or smelting); dregs 剩[剩] shèng to remain; to be left; to have as remainder 事关[事關] shìguān to concern; on (some topic); about; concerning; to have importance for 人命[人命] rénmìng human life; CL:條|条[tiao2] 执行[執行] zhíxíng to implement; to carry out; to execute; to run 经纪人[經紀人] jīngjìrén broker; middleman; agent; manager 生命[生命] shēngmìng life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature; CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2] 理性[理性] lǐxìng reason; rationality; rational 平衡[平衡] pínghéng balance; equilibrium //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/150 words - 6 min 艺人[藝人] yìrén performing artist; actor 媒体[媒體] méitǐ media, esp. news media 剧组[劇組] jùzǔ cast and crew; performers and production team 商业[商業] shāngyè business; trade; commerce 客户[客戶] kèhù client; customer 不能不[不能不] bùnéngbù have to; cannot but 计[計] jì to calculate; to compute; to count; to regard as important; to plan; ruse; meter; gauge 后果[後果] hòuguǒ consequences; aftermath 干吗[幹嗎] gànmá see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2] 扶[扶] fú to support with the hand; to help sb up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help 厕所[廁所] cèsuǒ toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] 医生[醫生] yīshēng doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 沪[滬] Hù short name for Shanghai 定[定] dìng to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order 损[損] sǔn to decrease; to lose; to damage; to harm; (coll.) to speak sarcastically; to deride; caustic; mean; one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes (䷨) 赔偿[賠償] péicháng to compensate 吐[吐] tù to vomit; to throw up 赶紧[趕緊] gǎnjǐn hurriedly; without delay 灌[灌] guàn to irrigate; to pour; to install (software); to record (music) 捅[捅] tǒng to stab; to poke; to prod; to nudge; to disclose 端[端] duān end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level with both hands; to carry; regular 留意[留意] liúyì to be mindful; to pay attention to; to take note of 徐[徐] xú slowly; gently 陵[陵] líng mound; tomb; hill; mountain 不对劲[不對勁] bùduìjìn not in good condition; wrong; fishy //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/175 words - 7 min 仔细[仔細] zǐxì careful; attentive; cautious 通告[通告] tōnggào to announce; to give notice 行程[行程] xíngchéng journey; course of a journey; distance traveled; trajectory; itinerary; route; course (of history); stroke (of a piston); (Tw) (computing) process 中午[中午] zhōngwǔ noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4] 象[象] xiàng elephant; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; shape; form; appearance; to imitate 娱乐[娛樂] yúlè to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy 郝[郝] Hǎo ancient place name; surname Hao 迈[邁] mài to take a step; to stride 私[私] sī personal; private; selfish 哪儿[哪兒] nǎr5 where?; wherever; anywhere 景[景] jǐng bright; circumstance; scenery 助理[助理] zhùlǐ assistant 跟随[跟隨] gēnsuí to follow 陪同[陪同] péitóng to accompany 义务[義務] yìwù duty; obligation; CL:項|项[xiang4]; volunteer (work etc) 聊天[聊天] liáotiān to chat; to gossip 难免[難免] nánmiǎn hard to avoid; difficult to escape from; will inevitably 功能[功能] gōngnéng function; capability 了解[瞭解] liǎojiě to understand; to realize; to find out 失职[失職] shīzhí to lose one's job; unemployment; not to fulfill one's obligations; to neglect one's job; dereliction of duty 尽快[儘快] jǐnkuài as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed 到位[到位] dàowèi to get to the intended location; to be in place; to be in position; precise; well (done) 脾气[脾氣] píqi character; temperament; disposition; bad temper; CL:個|个[ge4] 周[周] zhōu to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all over; thorough; to help financially 舆论[輿論] yúlùn public opinion //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/200 words - 8 min 波[波] bō wave; ripple; storm; surge 稿[稿] gǎo manuscript; draft; stalk of grain 搜索[搜索] sōusuǒ to search (a place); to search (a database etc) 首页[首頁] shǒuyè home page (of a website); title page; front page; first page; fig. beginning; cover letter 覆盖[覆蓋] fùgài to cover 博主[博主] bózhǔ blogger 猜测[猜測] cāicè to guess; to conjecture; to surmise 博文[博文] bówén blog article; to write a blog article (netspeak) 积极[積極] jījí active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive 讨论[討論] tǎolùn to discuss; to talk over; CL:個|个[ge4] 取代[取代] qǔdài to replace; to supersede; to supplant; (chemistry) substitution 消极[消極] xiāojí negative; passive; inactive 记者[記者] jìzhě reporter; journalist; CL:個|个[ge4] 提前[提前] tíqián to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance 摁[摁] èn to press (with finger) 传媒[傳媒] chuánméi media 高材生[高材生] gāocáishēng student of great ability 凑[湊] còu to gather together, pool or collect; to happen by chance; to move close to; to exploit an opportunity 热闹[熱鬧] rènao bustling with noise and excitement; lively 这不[這不] zhèbu (coll.) As a matter of fact, ... (used to introduce evidence for what one has just asserted) 思路[思路] sīlù train of thought; thinking; reason; reasoning 一向[一向] yīxiàng always (previously); a period of time in the recent past 社交[社交] shèjiāo interaction; social contact 擅长[擅長] shàncháng to be good at; to be expert in 阵地[陣地] zhèndì position; front //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/225 words - 9 min 平时[平時] píngshí ordinarily; in normal times; in peacetime 制造[製造] zhìzào to manufacture; to make 现[現] xiàn to appear; present; now; existing; current 如今[如今] rújīn nowadays; now 现成[現成] xiànchéng ready-made; readily available 错过[錯過] cuòguò to miss (train, opportunity etc) 蹭[蹭] cèng to rub against; to walk slowly; (coll.) to freeload 热度[熱度] rèdù temperature; heat; short-lived enthusiasm 收割[收割] shōugē to harvest; to reap; to gather in crops 人气[人氣] rénqì popularity; personality; character 落井下石[落井下石] luòjǐngxiàshí to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down 这儿[這兒] zhèr5 here 协调[協調] xiétiáo to coordinate; to harmonize; to fit together; to match (colors etc); harmonious; concerted 续约[續約] xùyuē to renew or extend a contract 合同[合同] hétong (business) contract; CL:個|个[ge4] 金额[金額] jīn'é sum of money; monetary value 经纪[經紀] jīngjì to manage (a business); manager; broker 续[續] xù to continue; to replenish 发给[發給] fāgěi to issue; to grant; to distribute 莫[莫] mò do not; there is none who 律师[律師] lǜshī lawyer 一共[一共] yīgòng altogether 六十[六十] liùshí sixty; 60 合计[合計] héjì to add up the total; to figure what sth amounts to; to consider 零[零] líng zero; nought; zero sign; fractional; fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; (in mathematics) remainder (after division); extra; to wither and fall; to wither //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/250 words - 10 min 乐[樂] lè happy; cheerful; to laugh 乐[樂] yuè music 享[享] xiǎng to enjoy; to benefit; to have the use of 建筑[建築] jiànzhù to construct; building; CL:個|个[ge4] 延迟[延遲] yánchí to delay; to postpone; to keep putting sth off; to procrastinate; (computing) to lag 发放[發放] fāfàng to provide; to give; to grant 薪资[薪資] xīnzī salary 八十[八十] bāshí eighty; 80 加上[加上] jiāshàng plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that 滞纳金[滯納金] zhìnàjīn overdue fine; late fine 酬劳[酬勞] chóuláo reward 付清[付清] fùqīng to pay in full; to pay all of a bill; to pay off 打发[打發] dǎfa to dispatch sb to do sth; to make sb leave; to pass (the time); (old) to make arrangements; (old) to bestow (alms etc) 正式[正式] zhèngshì formal; official 报价[報價] bàojià to quote a price; quoted price; quote 不成[不成] bùchéng won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 十万[十萬] shíwàn hundred thousand 从来不[從來不] cóngláibù never 讨价还价[討價還價] tǎojiàhuánjià to haggle over price; to bargain 回头[回頭] huítóu to turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by 老家[老家] lǎojiā native place; place of origin; home state or region 香肠[香腸] xiāngcháng sausage; CL:根[gen1] 寄[寄] jì to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a house); to lodge; foster (son etc) 律[律] lǜ law 仲[仲] zhòng second month of a season; middle; intermediate; second amongst brothers 导演[導演] dǎoyǎn to direct; director (film etc) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/275 words - 11 min 机场[機場] jīchǎng airport; airfield; CL:家[jia1],處|处[chu4] 剐[剮] guǎ cut off the flesh as punishment 痕[痕] hén scar; traces 连贯[連貫] liánguàn to link up (disparate elements); coherent (narrative, argument etc) 按理说[按理說] ànlǐshuō it is reasonable to say that... 小区[小區] xiǎoqū neighborhood; district 打击报复[打擊報復] dǎjībàofù to retaliate 忍[忍] rěn to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself 嚣张[囂張] xiāozhāng rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive 不忍[不忍] bùrěn cannot bear to; disturbed 报警[報警] bàojǐng to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police 状[狀] zhuàng accusation; suit; state; condition; strong; great; -shaped 导[導] dǎo to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct 重视[重視] zhòngshì to attach importance to sth; to value 西装[西裝] xīzhuāng suit; Western-style clothes; CL:套[tao4] 领带[領帶] lǐngdài necktie; CL:條|条[tiao2] 装备[裝備] zhuāngbèi equipment; to equip; to outfit 立马[立馬] lìmǎ at once; immediately; promptly; swiftly 高级[高級] gāojí high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking 感[感] gǎn to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~ 爆棚[爆棚] bàopéng full to bursting 刚才[剛纔] gāngcái (just) a moment ago 随意[隨意] suíyì as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious 距离[距離] jùlí distance; CL:個|个[ge4]; to be apart from 建立[建立] jiànlì to establish; to set up; to found //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/300 words - 14 min 信任[信任] xìnrèn to trust; to have confidence in 何止[何止] hézhǐ far more than; not just 简直[簡直] jiǎnzhí simply; at all; practically 信仰[信仰] xìnyǎng to believe in (a religion); firm belief; conviction 法律[法律] fǎlǜ law; CL:條|条[tiao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4] 上车[上車] shàngchē to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc) 稿子[稿子] gǎozi draft of a document; script; manuscript; mental plan; precedent 亲手[親手] qīnshǒu personally; with one's own hands 明星[明星] míngxīng star; celebrity 之内[之內] zhīnèi inside; within 召开[召開] zhàokāi to convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together 发布会[發佈會] fābùhuì news conference; briefing 宣布[宣布] xuānbù to declare; to announce; to proclaim 退出[退出] tuìchū to withdraw; to abort; to quit; to log out (computing) 演艺圈[演藝圈] yǎnyìquān show business 项目[項目] xiàngmù item; project; (sports) event; CL:個|个[ge4] 清算[清算] qīngsuàn to settle accounts; to clear accounts; to liquidate; to expose and criticize 违约[違約] wéiyuē to break a promise; to violate an agreement; to default (on a loan or contract) 条款[條款] tiáokuǎn clause (of contract or law); CL:項|项[xiang4] 赔偿金[賠償金] péichángjīn compensation 难受[難受] nánshòu to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear 身份[身份] shēnfèn identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank 时刻[時刻] shíkè time; juncture; moment; period of time; CL:個|个[ge4],段[duan4]; constantly; always 理智[理智] lǐzhì reason; intellect; rationality; rational 确实[確實] quèshí indeed; really; reliable; real; true //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/325 words - 15 min 付出[付出] fùchū to pay; to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc) 代价[代價] dàijià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing) 目光[目光] mùguāng sight; vision; view; gaze; look 细节[細節] xìjié details; particulars 放大[放大] fàngdà to enlarge; to magnify 不该[不該] bùgāi should not; to owe nothing 级别[級別] jíbié (military) rank; level; grade 身不由己[身不由己] shēnbùyóujǐ without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary; not of one's own volition; in spite of oneself 好聚好散[好聚好散] hǎojùhǎosàn to part without hard feelings (idiom); to cut the knot as smoothly as you tied it 那儿[那兒] nàr5 there 文[文] wén language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67 不值[不值] bùzhí not worth 滴[滴] dī a drop; to drip 眼泪[眼淚] yǎnlèi tears; crying; CL:滴[di1] 女孩儿[女孩兒] nǚháir5 erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2] 爱情[愛情] àiqíng romance; love (romantic); CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4] 至上[至上] zhìshàng supreme; paramount; above all else 者[者] zhě (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...; (after a noun) person involved in ...; -er; -ist; (used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to sth mentioned previously); (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term); (old) (used at the end of a command); (old) this 执着[執著] zhízhuó to be strongly attached to; to be dedicated; to cling to 不顾[不顧] bùgù in spite of; regardless of 迷失[迷失] míshī to lose (one's bearings); to get lost 卑微[卑微] bēiwēi petty and low 牺牲品[犧牲品] xīshēngpǐn sacrificial victim; sb who is expendable; item sold at a loss 无视[無視] wúshì to ignore; to disregard 靠不住[靠不住] kàobuzhù unreliable //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/350 words - 16 min 尤其是[尤其是] yóuqíshì especially; most of all; above all; in particular 强大[強大] qiángdà large; formidable; powerful; strong 活不下去[活不下去] huóbùxiàqu impossible to make a living 诈骗[詐騙] zhàpiàn to defraud; to swindle; to blackmail 电话[電話] diànhuà telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number 职业[職業] zhíyè occupation; profession; vocation; professional 尊严[尊嚴] zūnyán dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty 好意思[好意思] hǎoyìsi to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question) 锲而不舍[鍥而不捨] qiè'érbùshě to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts 精神[精神] jīngshén spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:個|个[ge4] 但凡[但凡] dànfán every single; as long as 经[經] jīng classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4] 人士[人士] rénshì person; figure; public figure 车主[車主] chēzhǔ vehicle owner 他人[他人] tārén another; sb else; other people 车辆[車輛] chēliàng vehicle 涉嫌[涉嫌] shèxián to be a suspect (in a crime); to be suspected of 逃逸[逃逸] táoyì to escape; to run away; to abscond 主要[主要] zhǔyào main; principal; major; primary 起诉[起訴] qǐsù to sue; to bring a lawsuit against; to prosecute 湖[湖] hú lake; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] 交警[交警] jiāojǐng traffic police; abbr. for 交通警察 支队[支隊] zhīduì detachment (of troops) 配合[配合] pèihé matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine 调查[調查] diàochá investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/375 words - 18 min 肇事[肇事] zhàoshì to cause an accident; to be responsible for an incident; to provoke a disturbance 司机[司機] sījī chauffeur; driver; CL:個|个[ge4] 一会儿[一會兒] yīhuìr5 a moment; a while; in a moment; now...now...; also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5] 根据[根據] gēnjù according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:個|个[ge4] 咱们[咱們] zánmen we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] 监控[監控] jiānkòng to monitor 录像[錄像] lùxiàng to videotape; to videorecord; video recording; CL:盤|盘[pan2] 显示[顯示] xiǎnshì to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate 明知[明知] míngzhī to be fully aware of; to know perfectly well 现场[現場] xiànchǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site 逃离[逃離] táolí to run out; to escape 蓄意[蓄意] xùyì deliberate; premeditated; malice 报复[報復] bàofù to make reprisals; to retaliate; revenge; retaliation 要不[要不] yàobù otherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...) 亲自[親自] qīnzì personally; in person; oneself 捧[捧] pěng to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter 挖[挖] wā to dig; to excavate; to scoop out 馥[馥] fù fragrance; scent; aroma 芮[芮] ruì small 尝[嘗] cháng to taste; to try; to experience; already; ever; once 区别[區別] qūbié difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:個|个[ge4] 铁[鐵] tiě iron (metal); arms; weapons; hard; strong; violent; unshakeable; determined; close; tight (slang) 奶[奶] nǎi breast; milk; to breastfeed 为主[為主] wéizhǔ to rely mainly on; to attach most importance to 浓厚[濃厚] nónghòu dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/400 words - 20 min 遮盖[遮蓋] zhēgài to hide; to cover (one's tracks) 原本[原本] yuánběn originally; original 则[則] zé (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; classifier for written items 衬托[襯托] chèntuō to set off 关键[關鍵] guānjiàn crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key; crucial; pivotal 在于[在於] zàiyú to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with 品质[品質] pǐnzhì character; intrinsic quality (of a person); quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc) 楠[楠] nán Machilus nanmu; Chinese cedar; Chinese giant redwood 顶级[頂級] dǐngjí top-notch; first-rate 新人[新人] xīnrén newcomer; fresh talent; newlywed, esp. new bride; bride and groom 压低[壓低] yādī to lower (one's voice) 自我[自我] zìwǒ self-; ego (psychology) 认知[認知] rènzhī cognition; cognitive; understanding; perception; awareness; to be cognizant of; to recognize; to realize 惯用[慣用] guànyòng to use habitually; habitual; customary 套路[套路] tàolù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method 一对[一對] yīduì couple; pair 组合[組合] zǔhé to assemble; to combine; to compose; combination; association; set; compilation; (math.) combinatorial 中国[中國] Zhōngguó China 里[里] lǐ li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 横[橫] héng horizontal; across; crosswise; horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters); to place (sth) flat (on a surface); to cross (a river, etc); in a jumble; chaotic; (in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable; violent 搭[搭] dā to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train); variant of 褡[da1] 人设[人設] rénshè the design of a character (in games, manga etc) (abbr. for 人物設定|人物设定); (fig.) (a celebrity or other public figure's) image in the eyes of the public; public persona 朝着[朝著] cháozhe facing; advancing (towards) 签到[簽到] qiāndào to register; to sign in 似的[似的] shìde seems as if; rather like; Taiwan pr. [si4 de5] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/425 words - 22 min 亲爱[親愛] qīn'ài dear; beloved; darling 各自[各自] gèzì each; respective; apiece 特点[特點] tèdiǎn characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:個|个[ge4] 风格[風格] fēnggé style 范[範] fàn pattern; model; example 录音[錄音] lùyīn to record (sound); sound recording; CL:個|个[ge4] 云[雲] yún cloud; CL:朵[duo3] 襄[襄] xiāng to help; to assist; mutual assistance; to rush into or up; to raise or hold up; high; tall; old variant of 欀; chariot horse (old); change (old) 看上[看上] kànshàng to look upon; to take a fancy to; to fall for 合众[合眾] hézhòng mass; involving everyone; united; lit. to assemble the multitude 签[簽] qiān to sign one's name; visa; variant of 籤|签[qian1] 版权[版權] bǎnquán copyright 作者[作者] zuòzhě author; writer; CL:個|个[ge4] 戏[戲] xì trick; drama; play; show; CL:齣|出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2] 联合[聯合] liánhé to combine; to join; unite; alliance 开发[開發] kāifā to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to develop 非你莫属[非你莫屬] fēinǐmòshǔ it's yours exclusively (idiom); you are the one; only you deserve it; only you can do it 奇丽[奇麗] qílì singularly beautiful; weird and wonderful 解约[解約] jiěyuē to terminate an agreement; to cancel a contract 百万[百萬] bǎiwàn million; millions 北[北] běi north; to be defeated (classical) 萌[萌] méng to sprout; to bud; to have a strong affection for (slang); adorable (loanword from Japanese 萌え moe, slang describing affection for a cute character) 咖啡厅[咖啡廳] kāfēitīng coffee shop 分局[分局] fēnjú sub-bureau 条件[條件] tiáojiàn condition; circumstances; term; factor; requirement; prerequisite; qualification; CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/450 words - 24 min 纠缠[糾纏] jiūchán to be in a tangle; to nag 您好[您好] nínhǎo hello (polite) 女士[女士] nǚshì lady; madam; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]; Miss; Ms 协商[協商] xiéshāng to consult with; to talk things over; agreement 有意[有意] yǒuyì to intend; intentionally; interested in 手里[手裡] shǒulǐ in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands 棘手[棘手] jíshǒu thorny (problem); intractable 修好[修好] xiūhǎo to repair (sth broken); to restore (sth damaged); to establish friendly relations with; (literary) to do meritorious deeds 司法[司法] sīfǎ judicial; (administration of) justice 程序[程序] chéngxù procedures; sequence; order; computer program 差别[差別] chābié difference; distinction; disparity 保险[保險] bǎoxiǎn insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to; CL:份[fen4] 这就[這就] zhèjiù immediately; at once 档期[檔期] dàngqī slot within a schedule; timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc); range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc) 碰一鼻子灰[碰一鼻子灰] pèngyībízihuī lit. to have one's nose rubbed in the dirt; fig. to meet with a sharp rebuff 网上[網上] wǎngshàng online 接戏[接戲] jiēxì to accept an acting role 起码[起碼] qǐmǎ at the minimum; at the very least 级[級] jí level; grade; rank; step (of stairs); CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier: step, level 起步[起步] qǐbù to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity) 平台[平臺] píngtái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building 评级[評級] píngjí rating 柯[柯] kē tree branch; stem; ax handle 然[然] rán correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly 五十[五十] wǔshí fifty //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/475 words - 25 min 开外[開外] kāiwài over and above (some amount); beyond (budget) 咖[咖] kā coffee; class; grade 线[線] xiàn thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city) 心中[心中] xīnzhōng central point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart 主角[主角] zhǔjué leading role; lead 呗[唄] bei modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm; modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way 开机[開機] kāijī to start an engine; to boot up (a computer); to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete; to begin shooting a film or TV show 过期[過期] guòqī to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in expiration date) 延期[延期] yánqī to delay; to extend; to postpone; to defer 不定[不定] bùdìng indefinite; indeterminate; (botany) adventitious 亏[虧] kuī deficiency; deficit; luckily; it's lucky that...; (often ironically) fancy that... 服务员[服務員] fúwùyuán waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 买单[買單] mǎidān to pay the restaurant bill 青春[青春] qīngchūn youth; youthfulness 星[星] xīng star; heavenly body; satellite; small amount 言[言] yán words; speech; to say; to talk 视频[視頻] shìpín video 网[網] wǎng net; network 年度[年度] niándù year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual 盛典[盛典] shèngdiǎn majestic pomp; grand ceremony 最佳[最佳] zuìjiā optimum; optimal; peak; best (athlete, movie etc) 说服[說服] shuōfú to persuade; to convince; to talk sb over; Taiwan pr. [shui4 fu2] 酬[酬] chóu to entertain; to repay; to return; to reward; to compensate; to reply; to answer 翻倍[翻倍] fānbèi to double 其它[其它] qítā other; the others; else; other than it; in addition to the thing mentioned above //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/500 words - 27 min 抬轿子[抬轎子] táijiàozi to carry sb in a sedan chair; flatter; sing praises 身价[身價] shēnjià social status; price of a slave; price of a person (a sportsman etc); worth; value (of stocks, valuables etc) 自家[自家] zìjiā oneself; one's own family 情侣[情侶] qínglǚ sweethearts; lovers 档[檔] dàng official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves; slot; gap; crosspiece; classifier for crosspieces; classifier for events, affairs etc; Taiwan pr. [dang3] 办公室[辦公室] bàngōngshì office; business premises; bureau; CL:間|间[jian1] 咱俩[咱倆] zánliǎ the two of us 约会[約會] yuēhuì appointment; engagement; date; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]; to arrange to meet 负荆请罪[負荊請罪] fùjīngqǐngzuì lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom); fig. to offer sb a humble apology 电梯[電梯] diàntī elevator; escalator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] 取消[取消] qǔxiāo to cancel; cancellation 一周[一周] yīzhōu one week; all the way around; a whole cycle 是的[是的] shìde yes, that's right; variant of 似的[shi4 de5] 疏忽[疏忽] shūhu to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness 反思[反思] fǎnsī to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment 结[結] jié knot; sturdy; bond; to tie; to bind; to check out (of a hotel) 当务之急[當務之急] dāngwùzhījí top priority job; matter of vital importance 状态[狀態] zhuàngtài state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 调整[調整] tiáozhěng to adjust; adjustment; revision; CL:個|个[ge4] 着想[著想] zhuóxiǎng to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr. [zhao2 xiang3] 合格[合格] hégé to meet the standard required; qualified; eligible (voter etc) 团队[團隊] tuánduì team 成员[成員] chéngyuán member 伙伴[伙伴] huǒbàn partner; companion; comrade 寻找[尋找] xúnzhǎo to seek; to look for //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/525 words - 27 min 具[具] jù tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument; talent; ability; to possess; to have; to provide; to furnish; to state; classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies 潜质[潛質] qiánzhì potential 发展[發展] fāzhǎn development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 小伙[小伙] xiǎohuǒ young guy; lad; youngster; CL:個|个[ge4] 伴[伴] bàn partner; companion; comrade; associate; to accompany 放缓[放緩] fànghuǎn to slow; to slow down (the pace of) 节奏[節奏] jiézòu rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat 比方说[比方說] bǐfangshuō for example; for instance 奶茶[奶茶] nǎichá milk tea 广告[廣告] guǎnggào to advertise; a commercial; advertisement; CL:項|项[xiang4] 下周[下週] xiàzhōu next week 今后[今後] jīnhòu hereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on 影视[影視] yǐngshì movies and television 资源[資源] zīyuán natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism) 以及[以及] yǐjí as well as; too; and 层次[層次] céngcì layer; level; gradation; arrangement of ideas; (a person's) standing 价格[價格] jiàgé price; CL:個|个[ge4] 不只[不只] bùzhǐ not only; not merely 眼下[眼下] yǎnxià now; at present; subocular (medicine) 全新[全新] quánxīn all new; completely new 局面[局面] júmiàn aspect; phase; situation 一块儿[一塊兒] yīkuàir5 erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yi1 kuai4] 汉堡[漢堡] hànbǎo hamburger (loanword) 晚饭[晚飯] wǎnfàn evening meal; dinner; supper; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 征用[征用] zhēngyòng to expropriate; to commandeer //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/550 words - 31 min 大餐[大餐] dàcān great meal; banquet 化妆[化妝] huàzhuāng to put on makeup 分钟[分鐘] fēnzhōng minute 开拍[開拍] kāipāi to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc); to start the bidding (auction); to start a trading session (stock market) 片子[片子] piānzi film; movie; film reel; phonograph record; X-ray image 嘞[嘞] lei sentence-final particle similar to 了[le5], but carrying a tone of approval 熬[熬] áo to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure 邹[鄒] Zōu surname Zou; vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) in the southeast of Shandong Province 一阵[一陣] yīzhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time) 拍[拍] pāi to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 头号[頭號] tóuhào first rate; top rank; number one 角色[角色] juésè role; character in a novel; persona; also pr. [jiao3 se4] 转型[轉型] zhuǎnxíng transformation; to transform 头部[頭部] tóubù head 从此[從此] cóngcǐ from now on; since then; henceforth 地位[地位] dìwèi position; status; place; CL:個|个[ge4] 合约[合約] héyuē treaty; contract 分账[分賬] fēnzhàng to share profits (or debt) 五五[五五] wǔwǔ 50-50; equal (share, partnership etc) 三七[三七] sānqī pseudoginseng (Panax pseudoginseng), hemostatic herb 打错[打錯] dǎcuò to err; to dial a wrong number; to make a typo 违约金[違約金] wéiyuējīn penalty (fee) 倾斜[傾斜] qīngxié to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt 上涨[上漲] shàngzhǎng to rise; to go up 双方[雙方] shuāngfāng bilateral; both sides; both parties involved //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/575 words - 32 min 保障[保障] bǎozhàng to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard 一家人[一家人] yījiārén household; the whole family 尽可能[儘可能] jǐnkěnéng as far as possible; to do one's utmost 利益[利益] lìyì benefit; (in sb's) interest; CL:個|个[ge4] 倾向[傾向] qīngxiàng trend; tendency; orientation 仔[仔] zǐ meticulous; (of domestic animals or fowls) young 阳光[陽光] yángguāng sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]; transparent (open to public scrutiny) 暖[暖] nuǎn warm; to warm 设[設] shè to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display 撕[撕] sī to tear 起源[起源] qǐyuán origin; to originate; to come from 严谨[嚴謹] yánjǐn rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit 最终[最終] zuìzhōng final; ultimate 导致[導致] dǎozhì to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about 崩塌[崩塌] bēngtā talus slide; to crumble (of scree slope); to collapse; landslide 两败俱伤[兩敗俱傷] liǎngbàijùshāng both sides suffer (idiom); neither side wins 走出[走出] zǒuchū to leave (a room etc); to go out through (a door etc) 为时过早[為時過早] wéishíguòzǎo premature; too soon 迟[遲] chí late; delayed; slow 类型[類型] lèixíng type; category; genre; form; style 相似[相似] xiāngsì to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity 几年[幾年] jǐnián a few years; several years; how many years 显贵[顯貴] xiǎnguì dignitary; distinguished person; royalty; nobleman; big shot 背后[背後] bèihòu behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back 受罪[受罪] shòuzuì to endure; to suffer; hardships; torments; a hard time; a nuisance //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/600 words - 35 min 应酬[應酬] yìngchou social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party 一手[一手] yīshǒu a skill; mastery of a trade; by oneself; without outside help 掌控[掌控] zhǎngkòng to control; in control of 放任[放任] fàngrèn to ignore; to let alone; to indulge 游戏[遊戲] yóuxì game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play 山难[山難] shānnàn mountain accident 容[容] róng to hold; to contain; to allow; to tolerate; appearance; look; countenance 虎[虎] hǔ tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 含义[含義] hányì meaning (implicit in a phrase); implied meaning; hidden meaning; hint; connotation 有限[有限] yǒuxiàn limited; finite 作为[作為] zuòwéi one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 冲突[衝突] chōngtū conflict; to conflict; clash of opposing forces; collision (of interests); contention 同样[同樣] tóngyàng same; equal; equivalent 学坏[學壞] xuéhuài to follow bad examples; to be corrupted by bad examples 女生[女生] nǚshēng schoolgirl; female student; girl 介意[介意] jièyì to care about; to take offense; to mind 若[若] ruò to seem; like; as; if 浮[浮] fú to float; superficial; floating; unstable; movable; provisional; temporary; transient; impetuous; hollow; inflated; to exceed; superfluous; excessive; surplus 易[易] yì easy; amiable; to change; to exchange; prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible" 晦[晦] huì last day of a lunar month; dark; night 玻璃[玻璃] bōli glass; CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]; (slang) male homosexual 易碎[易碎] yìsuì brittle; fragile 计较[計較] jìjiào to bother about; to haggle; to bicker; to argue; plan; stratagem 完美[完美] wánměi perfect; perfection; perfectly 落空[落空] luòkōng to fail; to fall through; to come to nothing //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep01/624 words - 36 min 愿[願] yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire; hoped-for; ready; willing 宽慰[寬慰] kuānwèi to console; to soothe; relieved 无处[無處] wúchù nowhere 进退[進退] jìntuì to advance or retreat; knowing when to come and when to leave; a sense of propriety 甜蜜[甜蜜] tiánmì sweet; happy 不再[不再] bùzài no more; no longer 等待[等待] děngdài to wait; to wait for 回忆[回憶] huíyì to recall; memories; CL:個|个[ge4] 化[化] huà to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] 眼中[眼中] yǎnzhōng in one's eyes 最初[最初] zuìchū first; primary; initial; original; at first; initially; originally 狠狠[狠狠] hěnhěn resolutely; firmly; ferociously; ruthlessly 碎[碎] suì to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary 依然[依然] yīrán still; as before 透[透] tòu to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show 心底[心底] xīndǐ bottom of one's heart 陌生[陌生] mòshēng strange; unfamiliar 语气[語氣] yǔqì tone; manner of speaking; mood; CL:個|个[ge4] 不住[不住] bùzhù repeatedly; continuously; constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc) 身影[身影] shēnyǐng silhouette; figure 在意[在意] zàiyì to care about; to mind 落[落] luò to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement 遇见[遇見] yùjiàn to meet 一生[一生] yīshēng all one's life; throughout one's life //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/25 words - 4 min 努力[努力] nǔlì great effort; to strive; to try hard 摄影师[攝影師] shèyǐngshī photographer; cameraman 红毯[紅毯] hóngtǎn red carpet 占[占] zhàn to take possession of; to occupy; to take up 照片[照片] zhàopiàn photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] 满意[滿意] mǎnyì satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction 力[力] lì power; force; strength; ability; strenuously 当中[當中] dāngzhōng among; in the middle; in the center 杰西卡[傑西卡] Jiéxīkǎ Jessica (name) 单独[單獨] dāndú alone; by oneself; on one's own 贿赂[賄賂] huìlù to bribe; a bribe 经验[經驗] jīngyàn experience; to experience 今晚[今晚] jīnwǎn tonight 获奖[獲獎] huòjiǎng to win an award 获得[獲得] huòdé to obtain; to receive; to get 观众[觀眾] guānzhòng spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc) 专业人士[專業人士] zhuānyèrénshì a professional 认可[認可] rènkě to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK 眼光[眼光] yǎnguāng gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things 欣赏[欣賞] xīnshǎng to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 竞争对手[競爭對手] jìngzhēngduìshǒu rival; competitor 积攒[積攢] jīzǎn to save bit by bit; to accumulate 量[量] liáng to measure 量[量] liàng capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate; abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word 风头[風頭] fēngtóu wind direction; the way the wind blows; fig. trend; direction of events; how things develop (esp. how they affect oneself); public opinion (concerning one's actions); publicity (usually derog.); limelight 不惜[不惜] bùxī not stint; not spare; not hesitate (to do sth); not scruple (to do sth) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/50 words - 6 min 余力[餘力] yúlì energy left over (to do sth else) 造势[造勢] zàoshì to boost support or interest; to campaign; to promote 秃子[禿子] tūzi bald-headed person; baldy 头上[頭上] tóushàng overhead; above 虱子[蝨子] shīzi louse (Pediculus humanus) 一目了然[一目瞭然] yīmùliǎorán obvious at a glance (idiom) 演技[演技] yǎnjì acting; performing skills 奖[獎] jiǎng prize; award; encouragement; CL:個|个[ge4] 妥[妥] tuǒ suitable; adequate; ready; settled 自信[自信] zìxìn to have confidence in oneself; self-confidence 刻[刻] kè quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals 舍得[捨得] shěde to be willing to part with sth 血本[血本] xuèběn hard-earned capital 鱼[魚] yú fish; CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3] 做事[做事] zuòshì to work; to handle matters; to have a job 爆[爆] bào to explode or burst; to quick fry or quick boil 预计[預計] yùjì to forecast; to predict; to estimate 主办[主辦] zhǔbàn to organize; to host (a conference or sports event) 方[方] fāng square; power or involution (math.); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter 方面[方面] fāngmiàn respect; aspect; field; side; CL:個|个[ge4] 拼[拼] pīn to piece together; to join together; to stake all; adventurous; at the risk of one's life; to spell 集中[集中] jízhōng to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together 儿[兒] ér child; son 头儿[頭兒] tóur5 leader 江[江] jiāng river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/75 words - 7 min 主任[主任] zhǔrèn director; head; CL:個|个[ge4] 出差[出差] chūchāi to go on an official or business trip 午餐[午餐] wǔcān lunch; luncheon; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 会议[會議] huìyì meeting; conference; CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届[jie4] 电视台[電視臺] diànshìtái television station; CL:個|个[ge4] 专访[專訪] zhuānfǎng to interview (a particular person or on a particular topic); special interview; special report based on such an interview 蓝[藍] lán blue; indigo plant 琴[琴] qín guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] (a type of zither); musical instrument in general 争取[爭取] zhēngqǔ to fight for; to strive for; to win over 案子[案子] ànzi long table; counter; case; law case; legal case; judicial case 艾[艾] ài Chinese mugwort or wormwood; moxa; to stop or cut short; phonetic "ai" or "i"; abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS 利[利] lì sharp; favorable; advantage; benefit; profit; interest; to do good to; to benefit 公爵[公爵] gōngjué duke; dukedom 酒会[酒會] jiǔhuì drinking party; wine reception 邀请函[邀請函] yāoqǐnghán invitation letter; CL:封[feng1] 婉拒[婉拒] wǎnjù to tactfully decline; to turn down gracefully 天使[天使] tiānshǐ angel 幼儿园[幼兒園] yòu'éryuán kindergarten; nursery school 越[越] yuè to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more 详细[詳細] xiángxì detailed; in detail; minute 准时[準時] zhǔnshí on time; punctual; on schedule 改天[改天] gǎitiān another day; some other time; to find another day (for appointment etc); to take a rain check 改过[改過] gǎiguò to correct; to fix 出发[出發] chūfā to set off; to start (on a journey) 免得[免得] miǎnde so as not to; so as to avoid //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/100 words - 9 min 订[訂] dìng to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper etc); to order 外卖[外賣] wàimài to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant) 亢奋[亢奮] kàngfèn excited; stimulated 追问[追問] zhuīwèn to question closely; to investigate in detail; to examine minutely; to get to the heart of the matter 大学[大學] dàxué university; college; CL:所[suo3] 男朋友[男朋友] nánpéngyou boyfriend 分手[分手] fēnshǒu to part company; to split up; to break up 今[今] jīn today; modern; present; current; this; now 名单[名單] míngdān list of names 服饰[服飾] fúshì apparel; clothing and personal adornment 品牌[品牌] pǐnpái brand name; trademark 晴[晴] qíng clear; fine (weather) 香奈儿[香奈兒] Xiāngnài'ér Chanel (brand name) 花钱[花錢] huāqián to spend money 一个半[一個半] yīgebàn one and a half 艳[艷] yàn colorful; splendid; gaudy; amorous; romantic; to envy 压[壓] yā to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure 群芳[群芳] qúnfāng all flowers; all beauties; all talents 平民[平民] píngmín ordinary people; commoner; civilian 愤[憤] fèn indignant; anger; resentment 侯[侯] hóu marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; nobleman or high official 热门[熱門] rèmén popular; hot; in vogue 甘心[甘心] gānxīn to be willing to; to resign oneself to 振作[振作] zhènzuò to bestir oneself; to pull oneself together; to cheer up; to uplift; to stimulate 压垮[壓垮] yākuǎ to cause sth to collapse under the weight; (fig.) to overwhelm //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/125 words - 10 min 国际[國際] guójì international 代言[代言] dàiyán to be a spokesperson; to be an ambassador (for a brand); to endorse 剧[劇] jù theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc); dramatic (change, increase etc); acute; severe 首先[首先] shǒuxiān first (of all); in the first place 懂得[懂得] dǒngde to understand; to know; to comprehend 不仅[不僅] bùjǐn not only (this one); not just (...) but also 外貌[外貌] wàimào profile; appearance 性情[性情] xìngqíng nature; temperament 价值[價值] jiàzhí value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 心甘情愿[心甘情願] xīngānqíngyuàn delighted to (do sth, idiom); perfectly happy to do; most willing to do 迎接[迎接] yíngjiē to meet; to welcome; to greet 演艺[演藝] yǎnyì performing arts 高峰[高峰] gāofēng peak; summit; height 部门[部門] bùmén department; branch; section; division; CL:個|个[ge4] 嘉宾[嘉賓] jiābīn esteemed guest; honored guest; guest (on a show) 进场[進場] jìnchǎng to go into; to enter an arena (e.g. sporting) 抓紧时间[抓緊時間] zhuājǐnshíjiān to snatch time; to rush; to hurry (up); to seize the moment 锦[錦] jǐn brocade; embroidered work; bright 好久不见[好久不見] hǎojiǔbujiàn long time no see 老远[老遠] lǎoyuǎn very far away 恭维[恭維] gōngwei to praise; to speak highly of; compliment; praise 砸[砸] zá to smash; to pound; to fail; to muck up; to bungle 任务[任務] rènwu mission; assignment; task; duty; role; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 突出[突出] tūchū prominent; outstanding; to give prominence to; to protrude; to project 艺[藝] yì skill; art //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/150 words - 11 min 人们[人們] rénmen people 闪闪[閃閃] shǎnshǎn flickering; sparkling; glistening; glittering 缘分[緣分] yuánfèn fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny 不期而遇[不期而遇] bùqī'éryù meet by chance; have a chance encounter 不期[不期] bùqī unexpectedly; to one's surprise 心力[心力] xīnlì mental and physical efforts 举办[舉辦] jǔbàn to conduct; to hold 专业[專業] zhuānyè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional 业[業] yè line of business; industry; occupation; job; employment; school studies; enterprise; property; (Buddhism) karma; deed; to engage in; already 影响力[影響力] yǐngxiǎnglì influence; impact 十足[十足] shízú ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color) 如期[如期] rúqī as scheduled; on time; punctual 至[至] zhì to arrive; most; to; until 共同[共同] gòngtóng common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative 角逐[角逐] juézhú to tussle; to contend; to contest 上台[上台] shàngtái to rise to power (in politics); to go on stage (in the theater) 比赛[比賽] bǐsài competition (sports etc); match; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]; to compete 适当[適當] shìdàng suitable; appropriate 竞争[競爭] jìngzhēng to compete; competition 进步[進步] jìnbù progress; improvement; to improve; to progress; CL:個|个[ge4] 对手[對手] duìshǒu opponent; rival; competitor; (well-matched) adversary; match 荣幸[榮幸] róngxìng honored (to have the privilege of ...) 此时[此時] cǐshí now; this moment 彼[彼] bǐ that; those; (one) another 朋[朋] péng friend //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/175 words - 13 min 舞台[舞臺] wǔtái stage; arena; fig. in the limelight 留给[留給] liúgěi to set aside for 前辈[前輩] qiánbèi senior; older generation; precursor 多多[多多] duōduō many; much; a lot; lots and lots; more; even more 学习[學習] xuéxí to learn; to study 休息室[休息室] xiūxīshì lobby; lounge 牙[牙] yá tooth; ivory; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 尖[尖] jiān point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed 墙[牆] qiáng wall; CL:面[mian4],堵[du3] 要得[要得] yàodé good; fine 大奖[大獎] dàjiǎng prize; award 老爹[老爹] lǎodiē (dialect) father; old man; sir 汇[匯] huì to remit; to converge (of rivers); to exchange 三十[三十] sānshí thirty; 30 庆祝[慶祝] qìngzhù to celebrate 加油[加油] jiāyóu to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; to step on the gas; (fig.) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb on 时光[時光] shíguāng time; era; period of time 美好[美好] měihǎo beautiful; fine 反响[反響] fǎnxiǎng repercussions; reaction; echo 大火[大火] dàhuǒ conflagration; large fire; CL:場|场[chang2] 会场[會場] huìchǎng meeting place; place where people gather; CL:個|个[ge4] 万千[萬千] wànqiān myriad; multitudinous; multifarious 宠爱[寵愛] chǒng'ài to dote on sb 一身[一身] yīshēn whole body; from head to toe; single person; a suit of clothes 项链[項鏈] xiàngliàn necklace; CL:條|条[tiao2] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/200 words - 14 min 别致[別緻] biézhì unusual; unique 着呢[著呢] zhene comes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree; quite; rather 真爱[真愛] zhēn'ài true love 出戏[出戲] chūxì (of an actor) to disengage from the performance (e.g. after the show ends); (of an audience) to lose interest in the performance 怪不得[怪不得] guàibude no wonder!; so that's why! 惦记[惦記] diànjì to think of; to keep thinking about; to be concerned about 本人[本人] běnrén the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal 优先[優先] yōuxiān to have priority; to take precedence 深度[深度] shēndù depth; (of a speech etc) profundity; advanced stage of development 捆绑[捆綁] kǔnbǎng to bind 灵[靈] líng quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin 犀[犀] xī rhinoceros; sharp 前后[前後] qiánhòu around; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear 评价[評價] píngjià to evaluate; to assess 专家[專家] zhuānjiā expert; specialist; CL:個|个[ge4] 评审团[評審團] píngshěntuán jury; panel of judges 成长[成長] chéngzhǎng to mature; to grow; growth 至关重要[至關重要] zhìguānzhòngyào extremely important; vital; crucial; essential 下功夫[下功夫] xiàgōngfu see 下工夫[xia4 gong1 fu5] 对得起[對得起] duìdeqǐ not to let sb down; to treat sb fairly; be worthy of 台上[臺上] táishàng on stage 拜拜[拜拜] báibái (loanword) bye-bye; also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc; (coll.) to part ways (with sb); (fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth) 自有[自有] zìyǒu to possess; to own; to have 分晓[分曉] fēnxiǎo the result (becomes apparent); now one understands 走红[走紅] zǒuhóng to be popular; to be in luck; to have good luck; to develop smoothly //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/225 words - 16 min 毯[毯] tǎn blanket; rug 摆[擺] bǎi to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a pendulum 姿势[姿勢] zīshì posture; position 老师[老師] lǎoshī teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 往前[往前] wǎngqián to move forwards 站点[站點] zhàndiǎn website 拍照[拍照] pāizhào to take a picture 噘[噘] juē to pout 哦[哦] o sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy; may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of 吃醋[吃醋] chīcù to feel jealous 华[華] huá magnificent; splendid; flowery 非要[非要] fēiyào to want absolutely; to insist on (doing something) 场合[場合] chǎnghé situation; occasion; context; setting; location; venue 阮[阮] ruǎn ruan, a four-stringed Chinese lute 荔[荔] lì litchi 演戏[演戲] yǎnxì to put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign 影[影] yǐng picture; image; film; movie; photograph; reflection; shadow; trace 后[后] hòu empress; queen 阔[闊] kuò rich; wide; broad 太太[太太] tàitai married woman; Mrs.; Madam; wife; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 复出[復出] fùchū to come back out of retirement; to get involved again after having withdrawn 没劲[沒勁] méijìn to have no strength; to feel weak; exhausted; feeling listless; boring; of no interest 拍戏[拍戲] pāixì to shoot a movie 过气[過氣] guòqì past one's prime; has-been 价钱[價錢] jiàqian price //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/250 words - 18 min 一方面[一方面] yīfāngmiàn on the one hand 内容[內容] nèiróng content; substance; details; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 进门[進門] jìnmén to enter a door; to go in; to learn the basics of a subject; to join one's husband's household upon marriage 正眼[正眼] zhèngyǎn facing directly (with one's eyes); (to look sb) in the eyes 瞧[瞧] qiáo to look at; to see; to see (a doctor); to visit 告[告] gào to say; to tell; to announce; to report; to denounce; to file a lawsuit; to sue 密[密] mì secret; confidential; close; thick; dense 挑明[挑明] tiǎomíng to illuminate; to open up (a topic) 多用[多用] duōyòng multipurpose; having several uses 点心[點心] diǎnxin light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert 朝前[朝前] cháoqián facing forwards 彭博[彭博] Péngbó Bloomberg (name); Michael Bloomberg (1942-), US billionaire businessman, politician and philanthropist 踩[踩] cǎi to step on; to tread; to stamp; to press a pedal; to pedal (a bike); (online) to downvote 裙子[裙子] qúnzi skirt; CL:條|条[tiao2] 敬业[敬業] jìngyè to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work 效果[效果] xiàoguǒ result; effect; quality; CL:個|个[ge4] 单薄[單薄] dānbó weak; frail; thin; flimsy 萱[萱] xuān orange day-lily (Hemerocallis flava) 披肩[披肩] pījiān cape; shawl; (of long hair) to trail over one's shoulders 屋子[屋子] wūzi house; room; CL:間|间[jian1] 冷气[冷氣] lěngqì air conditioning (Tw) 颜色[顏色] yánsè color; countenance; appearance; facial expression; pigment; dyestuff 走廊[走廊] zǒuláng corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; veranda 匆忙[匆忙] cōngmáng hasty; hurried 生日[生日] shēngrì birthday; CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/275 words - 20 min 专门[專門] zhuānmén specialist; specialized; customized 款[款] kuǎn section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (of a product) 皮包[皮包] píbāo handbag; briefcase 独一无二[獨一無二] dúyīwú'èr unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled; nothing compares with it 愉快[愉快] yúkuài cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted 高尔夫球[高爾夫球] gāo'ěrfūqiú golf; golf ball 对外[對外] duìwài external; foreign; pertaining to external or foreign (affairs) 不变[不變] bùbiàn constant; unvarying; (math.) invariant 期[期] qī a period of time; phase; stage; classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study; time; term; period; to hope; Taiwan pr. [qi2] 相同[相同] xiāngtóng identical; same 首选[首選] shǒuxuǎn first choice; premium; to come first in the imperial examinations 共赢[共贏] gòngyíng mutually profitable; win-win 嗦[嗦] suō suck 半天[半天] bàntiān half of the day; a long time; quite a while; midair; CL:個|个[ge4] 风能[風能] fēngnéng wind power 八字[八字] bāzì the character 8 or 八; birthdate characters used in fortune-telling 撇[撇] piē to cast away; to fling aside 别着急[別著急] biézháojí Don't worry! 拭目以待[拭目以待] shìmùyǐdài lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see 头发[頭髮] tóufa hair (on the head) 整理[整理] zhěnglǐ to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage) 粗心大意[粗心大意] cūxīndàyì negligent; careless; inadvertent 成败[成敗] chéngbài success or failure 取决[取決] qǔjué to depend upon; to hinge upon 夸张[誇張] kuāzhāng to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/300 words - 22 min 谨慎[謹慎] jǐnshèn cautious; prudent 顾忌[顧忌] gùjì to have misgivings; apprehension; worry; qualm; scruple C位[C位] Cwèi (neologism, c. 2015) (coll.) most prominent position (e.g. in a group photo of entertainers) (loanword from "carry" or "center" or "core") 服气[服氣] fúqì to be convinced; to accept 尊敬[尊敬] zūnjìng to respect; to revere 一旦[一旦] yīdàn in case (sth happens); if; once (sth happens, then...); when; in a short time; in one day 流传[流傳] liúchuán to spread; to circulate; to hand down 瞬间[瞬間] shùnjiān in an instant; in a flash 有心[有心] yǒuxīn to have a mind to; to intend to; deliberately; considerate 无意[無意] wúyì inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth) 细微[細微] xìwēi tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments) 前途[前途] qiántú prospects; future outlook; journey 息息相关[息息相關] xīxīxiāngguān closely bound up (idiom); intimately related 成绩[成績] chéngjì achievement; performance records; grades; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 功利[功利] gōnglì utility 败[敗] bài to defeat; to damage; to lose (to an opponent); to fail; to wither 在乎[在乎] zàihu to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] 掌声[掌聲] zhǎngshēng applause; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] 拍摄[拍攝] pāishè to film; to shoot (a picture) 区[區] qū area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4] 梁[梁] liáng roof beam; beam (structure); bridge 韬[韜] tāo bow case or scabbard; to hide; military strategy 本届[本屆] běnjiè current; this year 盛宴[盛宴] shèngyàn feast 内地[內地] nèidì inland; interior; hinterland //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/325 words - 23 min 著名[著名] zhùmíng famous; noted; well-known; celebrated 歌手[歌手] gēshǒu singer 付[付] fù to pay; to hand over to; classifier for pairs or sets of things 辛[辛] xīn (of taste) hot or pungent; hard; laborious; suffering; eighth in order; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; letter "H" or Roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 285°; octa 熟悉[熟悉] shúxī to be familiar with; to know well 再次[再次] zàicì one more time; again; one more; once again 来到[來到] láidào to come; to arrive 步入[步入] bùrù to step into; to enter 同一[同一] tóngyī identical; the same 小林[小林] Xiǎolín Kobayashi (Japanese surname) 墨[墨] mò ink stick; China ink; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; corporal punishment consisting of tattooing characters on the victim's forehead 今年[今年] jīnnián this year 可谓[可謂] kěwèi it could even be said 丰收[豐收] fēngshōu bumper harvest 出演[出演] chūyǎn to appear (in a show etc); an appearance (on stage etc) 入围[入圍] rùwéi to get past the qualifying round; to make it to the finals 电视剧[電視劇] diànshìjù TV play; soap opera; CL:部[bu4] 总裁[總裁] zǒngcái chairman; director-general (of a company etc) 旗下[旗下] qíxià under the banner of 登场[登場] dēngchǎng to go on stage; fig. to appear on the scene; used in advertising to mean new product 曾[曾] céng once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause) 七十[七十] qīshí seventy; 70 九[九] jiǔ nine; 9 届[屆] jiè to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation) 塞[塞] sāi to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff; cork; stopper //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/350 words - 24 min 尼[尼] ní Buddhist nun; (often used in phonetic spellings) 获得者[獲得者] huòdézhě recipient 下面[下麵] xiàmiàn to boil noodles 才子佳人[才子佳人] cáizǐjiārén gifted scholar, beautiful lady (idiom); pair of ideal lovers 养眼[養眼] yǎngyǎn visually attractive; eye candy; easy on the eyes; to protect the eyes 抢眼[搶眼] qiǎngyǎn eye-catching 电影[電影] diànyǐng movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3] 作品[作品] zuòpǐn work (of art); opus; CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1] 频频[頻頻] pínpín repeatedly; again and again; continuously; constantly 佳绩[佳績] jiājì good result; success 同时[同時] tóngshí at the same time; simultaneously 轴[軸] zhóu axis; axle; spool (for thread); roller (for scrolls); classifier for calligraphy rolls etc 精彩[精彩] jīngcǎi wonderful; marvelous; brilliant 老朋友[老朋友] lǎopéngyou old friend; (slang) period; menstruation 绯闻[緋聞] fēiwén sex scandal 女王[女王] nǚwáng queen 掰[掰] bāi to break off or break open sth with one's hands; (fig.) to break off (a relationship) 何[何] hé what; how; why; which; carry 感想[感想] gǎnxiǎng impressions; reflections; thoughts; CL:通[tong4],個|个[ge4] 搭档[搭檔] dādàng to cooperate; partner 干脆[乾脆] gāncuì straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply 资历[資歷] zīlì qualifications; experience; seniority 手段[手段] shǒuduàn method; means (of doing sth); strategy; trick; CL:個|个[ge4] 小菜一碟[小菜一碟] xiǎocàiyīdié a small appetizer; a piece of cake; very easy (idiom) 闲[閑] xián to stay idle; to be unoccupied; not busy; leisure; enclosure //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/375 words - 29 min 自带[自帶] zìdài to bring one's own; BYO; (of software) preinstalled 拥抱[擁抱] yōngbào to embrace; to hug 有眼无珠[有眼無珠] yǒuyǎnwúzhū (idiom) blind as a bat (figuratively); unaware of who (or what) one is dealing with; to fail to recognize what sb a bit more perceptive would 金牌[金牌] jīnpái gold medal; CL:枚[mei2] 合适[合適] héshì suitable; fitting; appropriate 半个[半個] bànge half of sth 幸会[幸會] xìnghuì nice to meet you 着急[著急] zháojí to worry; to feel anxious; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 ji2] 提到[提到] tídào to mention; to raise (a subject); to refer to 案件[案件] ànjiàn case; instance; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3] 有请[有請] yǒuqǐng to request the pleasure of seeing sb; to ask sb in; to ask sb to do sth (e.g. make a speech) 揭晓[揭曉] jiēxiǎo to announce publicly; to publish; to make known; to disclose 颁发[頒發] bānfā to issue; to promulgate; to award 得主[得主] dézhǔ recipient (of an award); winner (in a competition) 出自[出自] chūzì to come from 娘家[娘家] niángjia married woman's parents' home 奖项[獎項] jiǎngxiàng award; prize; CL:項|项[xiang4] 公平[公平] gōngpíng fair; impartial 公正[公正] gōngzhèng just; fair; equitable 避嫌[避嫌] bìxián to avoid arousing suspicion 大大方方[大大方方] dàdàfāngfāng confident; calm; natural; poised 念[念] niàn to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) 做梦[做夢] zuòmèng to dream; to have a dream; fig. illusion; fantasy; pipe dream 文化[文化] wénhuà culture; civilization; cultural; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 初心[初心] chūxīn (one's) original intention, aspiration etc; (Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/400 words - 33 min 砥砺[砥礪] dǐlì whetstone; (fig.) to hone; to temper; to encourage 前行[前行] qiánxíng (literary) to go forward 迷[迷] mí to bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused 理想[理想] lǐxiǎng an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect 实现[實現] shíxiàn to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about 杨[楊] yáng poplar 新鲜[新鮮] xīnxiān fresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon 出炉[出爐] chūlú to take out of the furnace; fresh out of the oven; fig. newly announced; recently made available 在座[在座] zàizuò to be present 卖关子[賣關子] màiguānzi to keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling); to keep people on tenterhooks 田[田] tián field; farm; CL:片[pian4] 蜜[蜜] mì honey 难不成[難不成] nánbùchéng Is it possible that ... ? 拜托[拜託] bàituō to request sb to do sth; please! 炒[炒] chǎo to sauté; to stir-fry; to speculate; to hype; to fire (sb) 活该[活該] huógāi (coll.) serve sb right; deservedly; ought; should 输给[輸給] shūgěi to lose to (sb); to be outdone by 爆冷[爆冷] bàolěng an upset (esp. in sports); unexpected turn of events; to pull off a coup; a breakthrough 甘拜下风[甘拜下風] gānbàixiàfēng to step down gracefully (humble expression); to concede defeat; to play second fiddle 评选[評選] píngxuǎn to select on the basis of a vote or consensus 不光[不光] bùguāng not the only one; not only 评审[評審] píngshěn to appraise; to evaluate; to judge 初出茅庐[初出茅廬] chūchūmáolú venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom); young and inexperienced; novice; greenhorn 庆功[慶功] qìnggōng to celebrate a heroic deed 晚宴[晚宴] wǎnyàn banquet; dinner party; soiree //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/425 words - 37 min 袋子[袋子] dàizi bag 转告[轉告] zhuǎngào to pass on; to communicate; to transmit 番[番] fān foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for occurrences (of an event, action or speech utterance); classifier for iterations: times, -fold (as in twofold etc); classifier for situations: kind, sort 好意[好意] hǎoyì good intention; kindness 邮箱[郵箱] yóuxiāng mailbox; post office box; email; email inbox 后天[後天] hòutiān the day after tomorrow; acquired (not innate); a posteriori 男女[男女] nánnǚ male-female; male and female 大满贯[大滿貫] dàmǎnguàn grand slam 美女[美女] měinǚ beautiful woman 声名[聲名] shēngmíng reputation; declaration 播[播] bō to sow; to scatter; to spread; to broadcast; Taiwan pr. [bo4] 冷血[冷血] lěngxuè cold-blood; cold-blooded (animal) 魔头[魔頭] mótóu monster; devil 绰号[綽號] chuòhào nickname 祝贺[祝賀] zhùhè to congratulate; congratulations; CL:個|个[ge4] 搜[搜] sōu to search 省得[省得] shěngde to avoid; so as to save (money or time) 负面[負面] fùmiàn negative; the negative side 意见[意見] yìjiàn idea; opinion; suggestion; objection; complaint; CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2] 有的是[有的是] yǒudeshì have plenty of; there's no lack of 僵[僵] jiāng rigid; deadlock; stiff (corpse) 宴[宴] yàn feast; repose 宣[宣] xuān to declare (publicly); to announce 虚情假意[虛情假意] xūqíngjiǎyì false friendship; hypocritical show of affection 拆[拆] chāi to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/450 words - 41 min 翻[翻] fān to turn over; to flip over; to overturn; to rummage through; to translate; to decode; to double; to climb over or into; to cross 硬[硬] yìng hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) 打死[打死] dǎsǐ to kill; to beat to death 征得[征得] zhēngdé to obtain (permission etc) 窒息[窒息] zhìxī to choke; to stifle; to suffocate 吻[吻] wěn kiss; to kiss; mouth 占有[佔有] zhànyǒu to have; to own; to hold; to occupy; to possess; to account for (a high proportion etc) 意义[意義] yìyì sense; meaning; significance; importance; CL:個|个[ge4] 洗手间[洗手間] xǐshǒujiān toilet; lavatory; washroom 上海[上海] Shànghǎi Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4] 争抢[爭搶] zhēngqiǎng to fight over; to scramble for 外形[外形] wàixíng figure; shape; external form; contour 明确[明確] míngquè clear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite 一阵子[一陣子] yīzhènzi a while; a spell; a short time; a burst 侵权[侵權] qīnquán to infringe the rights of; to violate; infringement 官司[官司] guānsi lawsuit; CL:場|场[chang2] 沈[沈] chén variant of 沉[chen2] 纠纷[糾紛] jiūfēn dispute 摆平[擺平] bǎipíng to be fair; to be impartial; to settle (a matter etc) 代理[代理] dàilǐ to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position; to act as an agent or proxy; surrogate; (computing) proxy 传奇[傳奇] chuánqí legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty 界[界] jiè boundary; scope; extent; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy) 北大[北大] BěiDà Peking University (abbr. for 北京大學|北京大学) 所谓[所謂] suǒwèi so-called; what is called 无非[無非] wúfēi only; nothing else //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep02/465 words - 42 min 罢了[罷了] bàle a modal particle indicating (that's all, only, nothing much) 打官司[打官司] dǎguānsi to file a lawsuit; to sue; to dispute 败绩[敗績] bàijì to be utterly defeated; to be routed 丢人[丟人] diūrén to lose face 人品[人品] rénpǐn moral standing; moral quality; character; personality; appearance; looks (colloquial); bearing 姑娘[姑娘] gūniang girl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old); CL:個|个[ge4] 啥[啥] shá dialectal equivalent of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]; also pr. [sha4] 放手[放手] fàngshǒu to let go one's hold; to give up; to have a free hand 涉及[涉及] shèjí to involve; to touch upon (a topic) 隐私[隱私] yǐnsī secrets; private business; privacy 姐夫[姐夫] jiěfu (coll.) older sister's husband 无权[無權] wúquán to have no right; to have no authority 莫大[莫大] mòdà greatest; most important 祝福[祝福] zhùfú blessings; to wish sb well 失陪[失陪] shīpéi goodbye (modest formula); Excuse me, I must leave. //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/25 words - 3 min 院[院] yuàn courtyard; institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 被告[被告] bèigào defendant 尊[尊] zūn senior; of a senior generation; to honor; to respect; honorific; classifier for cannons and statues; ancient wine vessel 证据[證據] zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimony 充分[充分] chōngfèn ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full 指控[指控] zhǐkòng accusation; a (criminal) charge; to accuse 罪名[罪名] zuìmíng criminal charge; accusation 成立[成立] chénglì to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water 依据[依據] yījù according to; basis; foundation 中华人民共和国[中華人民共和國] ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó People's Republic of China 刑法[刑法] xíngfǎ criminal law 规定[規定] guīdìng provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule; CL:個|个[ge4] 判处[判處] pànchǔ to sentence; to condemn 有期徒刑[有期徒刑] yǒuqītúxíng limited term of imprisonment (i.e. anything less than life imprisonment) 没收[沒收] mòshōu to confiscate; to seize 名下[名下] míngxià under sb's name 财产[財產] cáichǎn property; assets; estate; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 电[電] diàn electric; electricity; electrical 来电[來電] láidiàn incoming telegram or telephone call; your telegram, telephone call, or message; to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker); to have instant attraction to sb; to have chemistry with sb; to come back (of electricity, after an outage) 信息[信息] xìnxī information; news; message 奇妙[奇妙] qímiào fantastic; wonderful 爬上[爬上] páshàng to climb up 眉梢[眉梢] méishāo tip of brow 全都[全都] quándōu all; without exception 相爱[相愛] xiāng'ài to love each other //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/50 words - 9 min 吹[吹] chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through 窗[窗] chuāng shutter; window; CL:扇[shan4] 抬头[抬頭] táitóu to raise one's head; to gain ground; account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc 闪烁[閃爍] shǎnshuò flickering; twinkling; evasive; vague (of speech) 星光[星光] xīngguāng starlight 拼凑[拼湊] pīncòu to assemble; to put together 模样[模樣] múyàng look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:個|个[ge4]; also pr. [mo2 yang4] 闭[閉] bì to close; to stop up; to shut; to obstruct 笨[笨] bèn stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy 情话[情話] qínghuà terms of endearment; words of love 短暂[短暫] duǎnzàn of short duration; brief; momentary 胃[胃] wèi stomach; CL:個|个[ge4] 大获全胜[大獲全勝] dàhuòquánshèng to seize total victory (idiom); an overwhelming victory; to win by a landslide (in election) 监狱[監獄] jiānyù prison 搅[攪] jiǎo to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir 消失[消失] xiāoshī to disappear; to fade away 但愿[但願] dànyuàn if only (sth were possible); I wish (that) 弦[弦] xián bow string; string of musical instrument; watchspring; chord (segment of curve); hypotenuse; CL:根[gen1] 脸色[臉色] liǎnsè complexion; look 电灯泡[電燈泡] diàndēngpào light bulb; (slang) unwanted third guest 开会[開會] kāihuì to hold a meeting; to attend a meeting 制片人[製片人] zhìpiànrén moviemaker; filmmaker; producer 拍板[拍板] pāibǎn clapper-board; auctioneer's hammer; to beat time with clappers 财务[財務] cáiwù financial affairs 流程[流程] liúchéng course; stream; sequence of processes; work flow in manufacturing //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/75 words - 11 min 规范[規範] guīfàn norm; standard; specification; regulation; rule; within the rules; to fix rules; to regulate; to specify 业务[業務] yèwù business; professional work; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 审核[審核] shěnhé to audit; to investigate thoroughly 变卦[變卦] biànguà to change one's mind; to go back on one's word 霸气[霸氣] bàqì imperious; aggressive; assertive; dictatorial manner; boldness; CL:股[gu3] 漏[漏] lòu to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old) 对内[對內] duìnèi internal; national; domestic (policy) 困扰[困擾] kùnrǎo to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications 总监[總監] zǒngjiān head; director (of an organizational unit); (police) commissioner; inspector-general; rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration 负[負] fù to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated; negative (math. etc) 缓[緩] huǎn slow; unhurried; sluggish; gradual; not tense; relaxed; to postpone; to defer; to stall; to stave off; to revive; to recuperate 前天[前天] qiántiān the day before yesterday 计划[計劃] jìhuà plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 剧本[劇本] jùběn script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay; scenario OS[OS] OS (in a soap opera or movie) voice-over that makes a character's unspoken thoughts audible to the audience 普通[普通] pǔtōng common; ordinary; general; average 上班族[上班族] shàngbānzú office workers (as social group) 过得[過得] guòdé How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad 宽裕[寬裕] kuānyù comfortably off; ample; plenty 直到[直到] zhídào until 吴[吳] Wú surname Wu; area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai; name of states in Southern China at different historical periods 昊[昊] hào vast and limitless; the vast sky 抵触[抵觸] dǐchù to conflict; to contradict 情绪[情緒] qíngxù mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] 下手[下手] xiàshǒu to start; to put one's hand to; to set about; the seat to the right of the main guest //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/100 words - 15 min 氏[氏] shì clan name; maiden name 集团[集團] jítuán group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate 上市公司[上市公司] shàngshìgōngsī listed company 背景[背景] bèijǐng background; backdrop; context; (fig.) powerful backer; CL:種|种[zhong3] 资料[資料] zīliào material; resources; data; information; profile (Internet); CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] 二月[二月] Èryuè February; second month (of the lunar year) 二号[二號] èrhào 2nd day of the month 数字[數字] shùzì numeral; digit; number; figure; amount; digital (electronics etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 消[消] xiāo to disappear; to vanish; to eliminate; to spend (time); have to; need 水肿[水腫] shuǐzhǒng (med.) edema; dropsy 难度[難度] nándù trouble; problem 况且[況且] kuàngqiě moreover; besides; in addition; furthermore 可好[可好] kěhǎo good or not?; luckily; fortuitously 欠缺[欠缺] qiànquē to be deficient in; lapse; deficiency 真诚[真誠] zhēnchéng true; sincere; genuine 放飞[放飛] fàngfēi to allow to fly 的确[的確] díquè really; indeed 爆红[爆紅] bàohóng to be a big hit; to be hugely popular 通过[通過] tōngguò by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over 拆散[拆散] chāisàn to break up (a marriage, family etc) 记忆[記憶] jìyì to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4] 拍卖会[拍賣會] pāimàihuì auction; CL:場|场[chang3] 幅[幅] fú width; roll; classifier for textiles or pictures 儿童[兒童] értóng child; CL:個|个[ge4] 粉[粉] fěn powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/125 words - 18 min 西[西] xī west 股份[股份] gǔfèn a share (in a company); stock 美兰[美蘭] Měilán Meilan district of Haikou city 海口市[Hai3 kou3 shi4], Hainan 场地[場地] chǎngdì space; site; place; sports pitch 存在[存在] cúnzài to exist; to be; existence 虐待[虐待] nüèdài to mistreat; to maltreat; to abuse; mistreatment; maltreatment 家长[家長] jiāzhǎng head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child 委托[委託] wěituō to entrust; to trust; to commission 当事[當事] dāngshì to be in charge; to be confronted (with a matter); involved (in some matter) 开除[開除] kāichú to expel (a member of an organization); to fire (an employee) 查清[查清] cháqīng to find out; to ascertain; to get to the bottom of; to clarify 逃避责任[逃避責任] táobìzérèn to evade responsibility; to shirk 家族[家族] jiāzú family; clan 欢乐[歡樂] huānlè gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay 尽管[儘管] jǐnguǎn despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 讨[討] tǎo to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study 公道[公道] gōngdào justice; fairness; public highway 对面[對面] duìmiàn (sitting) opposite; across (the street); directly in front; to be face to face 一家[一家] yījiā the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group 料[料] liào material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess 初恋[初戀] chūliàn first love 欢迎光临[歡迎光臨] huānyíngguānglín welcome 光临[光臨] guānglín (formal) to honor with one's presence; to attend 好球[好球] hǎoqiú (ball sports) good shot!; nice hit!; well played! 打中[打中] dǎzhòng to hit (a target) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/150 words - 21 min 打高尔夫[打高爾夫] dǎgāo'ěrfū to play golf 朋友圈[朋友圈] Péngyouquān Moments (social networking function of smartphone app WeChat 微信[Wei1 xin4]) 半夜[半夜] bànyè midnight; in the middle of the night 颈椎[頸椎] jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra; the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals 舒缓[舒緩] shūhuǎn to ease (tension); to relax; to cause sth to relax; to alleviate; relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope) 办事[辦事] bànshì to handle (affairs); to work 果然[果然] guǒrán really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed 心细[心細] xīnxì careful; scrupulous 相比[相比] xiāngbǐ to compare 体量[體量] tǐliàng body weight; dimensions 圈[圈] quān circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:個|个[ge4]; to surround; to circle 爆表[爆表] bàobiǎo off the charts; extreme; beyond the normal range of measurement 使用[使用] shǐyòng to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of 魂[魂] hún soul; spirit; immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body 夺[奪] duó to seize; to take away forcibly; to wrest control of; to compete or strive for; to force one's way through; to leave out; to lose 从前[從前] cóngqián previously; formerly; once upon a time 刷[刷] shuā to brush; to paint; to daub; to paste up; to skip class (of students); to fire from a job 主演[主演] zhǔyǎn to act the leading role (in a movie or a play); to star; lead actor 心仪[心儀] xīnyí to admire 人选[人選] rénxuǎn choice of person; candidate 打退堂鼓[打退堂鼓] dǎtuìtánggǔ lit. to beat the return drum (idiom); fig. to give up; to turn tail 骨子里[骨子裡] gǔzilǐ beneath the surface; fundamentally; at the deepest level 气质[氣質] qìzhì temperament; personality traits; manners 几千[幾千] jǐqiān several thousand 崇拜[崇拜] chóngbài to worship; adoration //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/175 words - 24 min 表面[表面] biǎomiàn surface; face; outside; appearance 文艺[文藝] wényì literature and art 培训[培訓] péixùn to cultivate; to train; to groom; training 性价比[性價比] xìngjiàbǐ cost-performance ratio 忽悠[忽悠] hūyou to rock; to sway; to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water); to flutter (e.g. of a flag); to trick sb into doing sth; to dupe; to con 难缠[難纏] nánchán (usu. of people) difficult; demanding; troublesome; unreasonable; hard to deal with 死磕[死磕] sǐkē (coll.) to fight to the death 看错[看錯] kàncuò to misinterpret what one sees or reads; to misjudge (sb); to mistake (sb for sb else); to misread (a document) 工夫[工夫] gōngfu period of time (may be months, or mere seconds); spare time; skill; labor; effort 打球[打球] dǎqiú to play ball; to play with a ball 分享[分享] fēnxiǎng to share (let others have some of sth good) 说实话[說實話] shuōshíhuà to speak the truth; truth to tell; frankly 出道[出道] chūdào to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc); to start one's career 逢[逢] féng to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along; (of an event) to fall on (a particular day); to fawn upon 夸[誇] kuā to boast; to exaggerate; to praise 大度[大度] dàdù magnanimous; generous (in spirit) 包容[包容] bāoróng to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive 斤斤计较[斤斤計較] jīnjīnjìjiào to haggle over every ounce; (fig.) to fuss over minor matters; to split hairs 撕毁[撕毀] sīhuǐ to tear up; to rip up; too shred 不至于[不至於] bùzhìyú unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as 有志[有志] yǒuzhì to be ambitious 甩[甩] shuǎi to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off; to dump (sb) 地上[地上] dìshang on the ground; on the floor 课[課] kè subject; course; CL:門|门[men2]; class; lesson; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]; to levy; tax; form of divination 当作[當作] dàngzuò to treat as; to regard as //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/200 words - 28 min 商品[商品] shāngpǐn commodity; goods; merchandise; CL:個|个[ge4] 最大化[最大化] zuìdàhuà to maximize 捎[捎] shāo to bring sth to sb; to deliver 同路[同路] tónglù to go the same way 权利[權利] quánlì power; right; privilege 追求[追求] zhuīqiú to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo 拨打[撥打] bōdǎ to call; to dial 停机[停機] tíngjī (of a machine) to stop; to shut down; to park a plane; to finish shooting (a TV program etc); to suspend a phone line; (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit 私人[私人] sīrén private; personal; interpersonal; sb with whom one has a close personal relationship; a member of one's clique 请便[請便] qǐngbiàn Please do as you wish!; You are welcome to do whatever you like!; Please make yourself at home. 响应[響應] xiǎngyìng to respond to; answer; CL:個|个[ge4] 速度[速度] sùdù speed; rate; velocity; (music) tempo; CL:個|个[ge4] 优质[優質] yōuzhì excellent quality 不快[不快] bùkuài unhappy; in low spirits; (of a knife) not sharp 糊涂[糊塗] hútu muddled; silly; confused 飘[飄] piāo to float 十拿九稳[十拿九穩] shínájiǔwěn to be a cinch; in the bag; (of a person) confident of success 枪[槍] qiāng gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1]; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots 使[使] shǐ to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth; envoy; messenger 接到[接到] jiēdào to receive (letter etc) 好不容易[好不容易] hǎobùróngyì with great difficulty; very difficult 插[插] chā to insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose 挡[擋] dǎng to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear (e.g. in a car's transmission) 李[李] lǐ plum 不在乎[不在乎] bùzàihu not to care //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/225 words - 29 min 行业[行業] hángyè industry; business 口风[口風] kǒufēng meaning behind the words; what sb really means to say; one's intentions as revealed in one's words; tone of speech 防[防] fáng to protect; to defend; to guard against; to prevent 闷[悶] mèn bored; depressed; melancholy; sealed; airtight; tightly closed 得罪[得罪] dézui to offend sb; to make a faux pas; a faux pas; see also 得罪[de2 zui4] 慢用[慢用] mànyòng same as 慢慢吃[man4 man4 chi1] 乘[乘] chéng to ride; to mount; to make use of; to avail oneself of; to take advantage of; to multiply (math.); Buddhist sect or creed 直[直] zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 时尚[時尚] shíshàng fashion; fad; fashionable 杂志[雜誌] zázhì magazine; CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],期[qi1] 封面[封面] fēngmiàn cover (of a publication) 心里话[心裡話] xīnlihuà (to express one's) true feelings; what is on one's mind; secret mind 勉强[勉強] miǎnqiǎng to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough 思考[思考] sīkǎo to reflect on; to ponder over 和平[和平] hépíng peace; peaceful 契机[契機] qìjī opportunity; turning point; juncture 姑奶奶[姑奶奶] gūnǎinai (coll.) father's father's sister; great aunt 逗[逗] dòu to stay; to stop; to tease (play with); amusing; short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written 讀|读[dou4]) 疏解[疏解] shūjiě to mediate; to mitigate; to ease; to relieve 期间[期間] qījiān period of time; time; time period; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 进行[進行] jìnxíng to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute 心理[心理] xīnlǐ mental; psychological 疏导[疏導] shūdǎo to dredge; to open up a path for; to remove obstructions; to clear the way; to enlighten; persuasion 释怀[釋懷] shìhuái to release (tension); relief (from suspense); to dispel (usu. with negative, unable to forget) 共享[共享] gòngxiǎng to share; to enjoy together //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/250 words - 36 min 共[共] gòng common; general; to share; together; total; altogether; abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party 散[散] sǎn scattered; loose; to come loose; to fall apart; leisurely; powdered medicine 散[散] sàn to scatter; to break up (a meeting etc); to disperse; to disseminate; to dispel; (coll.) to sack 附加[附加] fùjiā additional; annex 算盘[算盤] suànpán abacus; CL:把[ba3]; plan; scheme 精[精] jīng essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of sth; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic) 趁热打铁[趁熱打鐵] chènrèdǎtiě to strike while the iron is hot 下班[下班] xiàbān to finish work; to get off work 关门[關門] guānmén to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) 可笑[可笑] kěxiào funny; ridiculous 成年人[成年人] chéngniánrén adult person 高中生[高中生] gāozhōngshēng senior high school student 把戏[把戲] bǎxì acrobatics; jugglery; cheap trick; game 家庭[家庭] jiātíng family; household; CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个[ge4] 恶心[噁心] ěxīn variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1] 弥补[彌補] míbǔ to complement; to make up for a deficiency 大姐[大姐] dàjiě big sister; elder sister; older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker) 脑子[腦子] nǎozi brains; mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 想不到[想不到] xiǎngbudào unexpected; hard to imagine; it had not occurred to me; who could have thought that 跟上[跟上] gēnshàng to catch up with; to keep pace with 夜班[夜班] yèbān night shift 丝巾[絲巾] sījīn headscarf; kerchief; silk neckband 孟[孟] mèng first month of a season; eldest amongst brothers 冬[冬] dōng winter 梨[梨] lí pear; CL:個|个[ge4] 园[園] yuán land used for growing plants; site used for public recreation; abbr. for a place ending in 園|园, such as a botanical garden 植物園|植物园, kindergarten 幼兒園|幼儿园 etc //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/275 words - 37 min 世家[世家] shìjiā family influential for generations; aristocratic family 票友[票友] piàoyǒu an amateur actor (e.g. in Chinese opera) 颠倒[顛倒] diāndǎo to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy 阴阳[陰陽] yīnyáng yin and yang 老生[老生] lǎoshēng venerable middle-aged or elderly man, usually wearing an artificial beard (in Chinese opera) 功课[功課] gōngkè homework; assignment; task; classwork; lesson; study; CL:門|门[men2] 细致[細緻] xìzhì delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking 打招呼[打招呼] dǎzhāohu to greet sb by word or action; to give prior notice 夹带[夾帶] jiādài to carry within it; to be mixed in; to slip sth in; to intersperse; (hydrology etc) to entrain; to smuggle; notes smuggled into an exam 货[貨] huò goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4] 一号[一號] yīhào first day of the month; toilet; (slang) top (in a homosexual relationship) 总有[總有] zǒngyǒu inevitably there will be 不争[不爭] bùzhēng widely known; incontestable; undeniable; to not strive for; to not contend for 愣[愣] lèng to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly; rash; rashly 妆[妝] zhuāng (of a woman) to adorn oneself; makeup; adornment; trousseau; stage makeup and costume 套[套] tào to cover; to encase; cover; sheath; to overlap; to interleave; to model after; to copy; formula; harness; loop of rope; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; classifier for sets, collections; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); tau (Greek letter Ττ) 文件[文件] wénjiàn document; file; CL:份[fen4] 理解[理解] lǐjiě to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 迫切[迫切] pòqiè urgent; pressing 表扬[表揚] biǎoyáng to praise; to commend 反对[反對] fǎnduì to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition 过程[過程] guòchéng course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] 第二次[第二次] dì'èrcì the second time; second; number two 创作[創作] chuàngzuò to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation; CL:個|个[ge4] 里边[裡邊] lǐbian inside //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/300 words - 40 min 久仰大名[久仰大名] jiǔyǎngdàmíng I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time (idiom) 搞定[搞定] gǎodìng to fix; to settle; to wangle 说到做到[說到做到] shuōdàozuòdào to be as good as one's word (idiom); to keep one's promise 斗胆[斗膽] dǒudǎn (courteous) to be so bold as to 外边[外邊] wàibian outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home 传说[傳說] chuánshuō legend; folklore; to repeat from mouth to mouth; they say that... 冤家对头[冤家對頭] yuānjiāduìtóu enemy (idiom); opponent; arch-enemy 坊间[坊間] fāngjiān street stalls; bookshops; in the streets 传闻[傳聞] chuánwén rumor 懒得[懶得] lǎndé not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to 危机[危機] wēijī crisis; CL:個|个[ge4] 公关[公關] gōngguān public relations 劲儿[勁兒] jìnr5 erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4] 疑问[疑問] yíwèn question; interrogation; doubt 马拉松[馬拉松] mǎlāsōng marathon (loanword) 劳逸结合[勞逸結合] láoyìjiéhé to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom) 绕[繞] rào to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex 弯[彎] wān to bend; bent; a bend; a turn (in the road etc); CL:道[dao4] 讨好[討好] tǎohǎo to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor 资本[資本] zīběn capital (economics) 拍电影[拍電影] pāidiànyǐng to make a movie 原则[原則] yuánzé principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4] 看中[看中] kànzhòng to have a preference for; to fancy; to choose after consideration; to settle on 权[權] quán authority; power; right; (literary) to weigh; expedient; temporary 美的[美的] Měidí Midea (brand) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/325 words - 42 min 年龄[年齡] niánlíng (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] 优秀[優秀] yōuxiù outstanding; excellent 往来[往來] wǎnglái dealings; contacts; to go back and forth 八卦[八卦] bāguà the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]; gossip; gossipy 可信[可信] kěxìn trustworthy 呐[吶] na sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5]) 实话[實話] shíhuà truth 之所以[之所以] zhīsuǒyǐ the reason why 分开[分開] fēnkāi to separate; to part 安身立命[安身立命] ānshēnlìmìng settle down and get on with one's pursuit 那时候[那時候] nàshíhou at that time 心思[心思] xīnsi mind; thoughts; inclination; mood 准[準] zhǔn accurate; standard; definitely; certainly; about to become (bride, son-in-law etc); quasi-; para- 勇气[勇氣] yǒngqì courage; valor 一线[一線] yīxiàn front line 脱[脫] tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from 干系[干係] gānxì responsibility 花边[花邊] huābiān lace; decorative border 是否[是否] shìfǒu whether (or not); if; is or isn't 呈现[呈現] chéngxiàn to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate 上网[上網] shàngwǎng to go online; to connect to the Internet; (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet; (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net 奇[奇] qí strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually 敬[敬] jìng to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer 就此[就此] jiùcǐ at this point; thus; from then on 赏脸[賞臉] shǎngliǎn (polite) do me the honor //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/350 words - 44 min 这下[這下] zhèxià this time 偶尔[偶爾] ǒu'ěr occasionally; once in a while; sometimes 完了[完了] wánle to be finished; to be done for; ruined; gone to the dogs; oh no 地儿[地兒] dìr5 place; space 放松[放鬆] fàngsōng to loosen; to relax 酒吧[酒吧] jiǔbā bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jia1] 单调[單調] dāndiào monotonous 苛刻[苛刻] kēkè harsh; severe; demanding 幸运[幸運] xìngyùn fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck 不幸[不幸] bùxìng misfortune; adversity; unfortunate; sad; unfortunately; CL:個|个[ge4] 咬牙切齿[咬牙切齒] yǎoyáqièchǐ gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth 点赞[點贊] diǎnzàn to like (an online post on Weibo, Facebook etc) 佩服[佩服] pèifú to admire 不择手段[不擇手段] bùzéshǒuduàn by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously 阵营[陣營] zhènyíng group of people; camp; faction; sides in a dispute 喝酒[喝酒] hējiǔ to drink (alcohol) 舒坦[舒坦] shūtan comfortable; at ease 其[其] qí his; her; its; their; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it) 血雨[血雨] xuèyǔ rain of blood; heavy rain colored by loess sandstorm 腥[腥] xīng fishy (smell) 既[既] jì already; since; both... (and...) 瑜[瑜] yú excellence; luster of gems 浮夸[浮誇] fúkuā to exaggerate; to be boastful; pompous; grandiose 成就[成就] chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about 打击[打擊] dǎjī to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; blow; (psychological) shock; percussion (music) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep03/368 words - 45 min 刺激[刺激] cìjī to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant 未必[未必] wèibì not necessarily; maybe not 泥坑[泥坑] níkēng mud pit; mire; morass 爬[爬] pá to crawl; to climb; to get up or sit up 不差[不差] bùchà not bad; OK 明争暗斗[明爭暗鬥] míngzhēng'àndòu to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom) 折腾[折騰] zhēteng to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); to repeat sth over and over again; to torment sb; to play crazy; to squander (time, money) 可悲[可悲] kěbēi lamentable 斗[鬥] dòu to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together 衣[衣] yī clothes; CL:件[jian4]; Kangxi radical 145 压力[壓力] yālì pressure 悖论[悖論] bèilùn paradox (logic) 妹妹[妹妹] mèimei younger sister; young woman; CL:個|个[ge4] 归[歸] guī to return; to go back to; to give back to; (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by; to belong to; to gather together; (used between two identical verbs) despite; to marry (of a woman) (old); division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor 羡慕[羨慕] xiànmù to envy; to admire 忌妒[忌妒] jìdu to be jealous of; to envy; jealousy; envy 尊重[尊重] zūnzhòng to esteem; to respect; to honor; to value; eminent; serious; proper 同情[同情] tóngqíng to sympathize with; sympathy //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/25 words - 3 min 微信[微信] Wēixìn Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4]) 闯[闖] chuǎng to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temper oneself (through battling hardships) 落实[落實] luòshí practical; workable; to implement; to carry out; to decide 整合[整合] zhěnghé to conform; to integrate 比重[比重] bǐzhòng proportion; specific gravity 悬殊[懸殊] xuánshū widely different; large disparity 编剧[編劇] biānjù to write a play; scenario; dramatist; screenwriter 钢铁[鋼鐵] gāngtiě steel 直男[直男] zhínán straight guy 情感[情感] qínggǎn feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally) 点头[點頭] diǎntóu to nod 确认[確認] quèrèn to confirm; to verify; confirmation 跟进[跟進] gēnjìn to follow; to follow up 官宣[官宣] guānxuān official announcement (neologism c. 2018) 拖[拖] tuō to drag; to tow; to trail; to hang down; to mop (the floor); to delay; to drag on 另[另] lìng other; another; separate; separately 用意[用意] yòngyì intention; purpose 说说[說說] shuōshuo to say sth 评估[評估] pínggū to evaluate; to assess; assessment; evaluation 毋庸[毋庸] wúyōng no need for 置疑[置疑] zhìyí to doubt 修改[修改] xiūgǎi to amend; to alter; to modify 质量[質量] zhìliàng quality; (physics) mass; CL:個|个[ge4] 来讲[來講] láijiǎng as to; considering; for 按照[按照] ànzhào according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/50 words - 5 min 主动[主動] zhǔdòng to take the initiative; to do sth of one's own accord; spontaneous; active; opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]; drive (of gears and shafts etc) 推进[推進] tuījìn to impel; to carry forward; to push on; to advance; to drive forward 到期[到期] dàoqī to fall due (loan etc); to expire (visa etc); to mature (investment bond etc) 原著[原著] yuánzhù original work (not translation or abridged) 丁宁[丁寧] dīngníng variant of 叮嚀|叮咛[ding1 ning2] 贪心[貪心] tānxīn greedy 开口[開口] kāikǒu to open one's mouth; to start to talk 操[操] cāo to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language) 盘[盤] pán plate; dish; tray; board; hard drive (computing); to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; classifier for food: dish, helping; to coil; classifier for coils of wire; classifier for games of chess 可行[可行] kěxíng feasible 到达[到達] dàodá to reach; to arrive 高度[高度] gāodù height; altitude; elevation; high degree; highly; CL:個|个[ge4] 制作[製作] zhìzuò to make; to manufacture 足够[足夠] zúgòu enough; sufficient 扣除[扣除] kòuchú to deduct 班子[班子] bānzi organized group; theatrical troupe 明智[明智] míngzhì sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious 除非[除非] chúfēi only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless 绑定[綁定] bǎngdìng binding (loanword); to bind (e.g. an account to a mobile phone number) 不愧[不愧] bùkuì to be worthy of; to deserve to be called; to prove oneself to be 民国[民國] Mínguó Republic of China (1912-1949); used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e.g. 民國六十年|民国六十年 is 1971, the 60th year after 1911) 三部曲[三部曲] sānbùqǔ trilogy 定制[定製] dìngzhì custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made 意味着[意味著] yìwèizhe to signify; to mean; to imply 利润[利潤] lìrùn profits //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/75 words - 7 min 亿[億] yì 100 million 包括[包括] bāokuò to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of 抽[抽] chōu to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash 黄[黃] huáng yellow; pornographic; to fall through 交情[交情] jiāoqing friendship; friendly relations 大局[大局] dàjú general situation; present conditions 为重[為重] wéizhòng to attach most importance to 月初[月初] yuèchū start of month; early in the month 月底[月底] yuèdǐ end of the month 趁火打劫[趁火打劫] chènhuǒdǎjié to loot a burning house; to profit from sb's misfortune (idiom) 握[握] wò to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist); to master; classifier: a handful 上门[上門] shàngmén to drop in; to visit; to lock a door; (of a shop) to close; to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family 楼下[樓下] lóuxià downstairs 进一步[進一步] jìnyībù one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards 封[封] fēng to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters 录[錄] lù diary; record; to hit; to copy 模板[模板] múbǎn template; (architecture) formwork 为难[為難] wéinán to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage) 傻子[傻子] shǎzi idiot; fool 被动[被動] bèidòng passive 薪[薪] xīn fuel; salary 债[債] zhài debt; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 上辈子[上輩子] shàngbèizi one's ancestors; past generations; a former incarnation 磨[磨] mó to rub; to grind; to polish; to sharpen; to wear down; to die out; to waste time; to pester; to insist 事无巨细[事無巨細] shìwújùxì lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom); fig. to deal with any matter, regardless of its importance //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/100 words - 9 min 操心[操心] cāoxīn to worry about 疑义[疑義] yíyì a doubtful point 建议[建議] jiànyì to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3] 轻[輕] qīng light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; to disparage 路线[路線] lùxiàn itinerary; route; political line (e.g. right revisionist road); CL:條|条[tiao2] 偏要[偏要] piānyào to insist on doing sth; must do it, despite everything 做大[做大] zuòdà arrogant; to put on airs; (business etc) to expand; to enlarge; to do sth on a big scale 难搞[難搞] nángǎo hard to deal with; hard to get along with 费用[費用] fèiyòng cost; expenditure; expense; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 保守[保守] bǎoshǒu conservative; to guard; to keep 估计[估計] gūjì to estimate; to reckon; CL:個|个[ge4]; (coll.) to suppose 来得及[來得及] láidejí there's still time; able to do sth in time 百分之百[百分之百] bǎifēnzhībǎi a hundred percent; out and out; absolutely 回报[回報] huíbào (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate 率[率] lǜ rate; frequency 率[率] shuài to lead; to command; rash; hasty; frank; straightforward; generally; usually 只不过[只不過] zhǐbuguò only; merely; nothing but; no more than; it's just that ... 投资[投資] tóuzī investment; to invest 百分之[百分之] bǎifēnzhī percent 十倍[十倍] shíbèi tenfold; ten times (sth) 利润率[利潤率] lìrùnlǜ profit margin 困难[困難] kùnnan difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 施展[施展] shīzhǎn to use fully; to put to use 思绪[思緒] sīxù train of thought; emotional state; mood; feeling 清空[清空] qīngkōng to clear; to empty 眼前[眼前] yǎnqián before one's eyes; now; at present //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/125 words - 10 min 朦胧[朦朧] ménglóng hazy 苏打水[蘇打水] sūdáshuǐ soda drink (loanword) 命中[命中] mìngzhòng to hit (a target) 形容[形容] xíngróng to describe; description; appearance; look 陪聊[陪聊] péiliáo to keep sb company for a chat; (esp.) to be a paid escort 凌晨[凌晨] língchén very early in the morning; in the wee hours 钟[鐘] zhōng clock; o'clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell; CL:架[jia4],座[zuo4] 远远[遠遠] yuǎnyuǎn distant; by far 迎[迎] yíng to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties) 川[川] chuān river; creek; plain; an area of level country 流[流] liú to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or sth resembling one; class, rate or grade 熙攘[熙攘] xīrǎng restless 街上[街上] jiēshang on the street; in town 交集[交集] jiāojí intersection (symbol ∩) (set theory) 从没[從沒] cóngméi never (in the past); never did 亏欠[虧欠] kuīqiàn to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency 顺心[順心] shùnxīn happy; satisfactory 不怎么[不怎麼] bùzěnme not very; not particularly 经常[經常] jīngcháng frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily 能干[能幹] nénggàn capable; competent 散发[散發] sànfā to distribute; to emit; to issue 坑[坑] kēng hole; pit; tunnel; to defraud 刁难[刁難] diāonàn to be hard on sb; to deliberately make things difficult 运转[運轉] yùnzhuǎn to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around 迟迟[遲遲] chíchí late (with a task etc); slow //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/150 words - 13 min 终止[終止] zhōngzhǐ to stop; to terminate (law) 研究[研究] yánjiū research; a study; CL:項|项[xiang4]; to research; to look into 伤心[傷心] shāngxīn to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt 按部就班[按部就班] ànbùjiùbān to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom) 过去式[過去式] guòqushì past tense 暗示[暗示] ànshì to hint; to suggest; suggestion; hint 海[海] hǎi ocean; sea; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]; great number of people or things; (dialect) numerous 璇[璇] xuán (jade) 苏[蘇] sū Perilla frutescens (Chinese basil or wild red basil); place name; to revive; used as phonetic in transliteration 甜[甜] tián sweet 得知[得知] dézhī to find out; to know; to learn about 上官[上官] shàngguān high-ranking official; superior 韵[韻] yùn beautiful sound; appeal; charm; vowel; rhyme; in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant) 饰演[飾演] shìyǎn to act; to play a part 心目[心目] xīnmù mind 形象[形象] xíngxiàng image; form; figure; CL:個|个[ge4]; visualization; vivid 实际[實際] shíjì reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual 偏头痛[偏頭痛] piāntóutòng migraine 神经衰弱[神經衰弱] shénjīngshuāiruò (euphemism) mental illness; psychasthenia 睡眠[睡眠] shuìmián sleep; to sleep; (computing) to enter sleep mode 疲劳[疲勞] píláo fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary 没法[沒法] méifǎ at a loss; unable to do anything about it; to have no choice 路程[路程] lùchéng route; path traveled; distance traveled; course (of development) 强调[強調] qiángdiào to emphasize (a statement); to stress 造型师[造型師] zàoxíngshī stylist (fashion); cartoon character designer //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/175 words - 15 min 河北[河北] Héběi Hebei province (Hopeh) in north China surrounding Beijing, short name 冀, capital Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1] 裕[裕] yù abundant 介[介] jiè to introduce; to lie between; between; shell; armor 出马[出馬] chūmǎ to set out (on a campaign); to stand for election; to throw one's cap in the ring 石[石] shí rock; stone; stone inscription; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 原[原] yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source 御用[御用] yùyòng for use by the emperor; imperial; (derog.) in the pay of the ruler 有钱[有錢] yǒuqián well-off; wealthy 体现[體現] tǐxiàn to embody; to reflect; to incarnate 能耐[能耐] néngnài ability; capability 过目[過目] guòmù to look over 闷酒[悶酒] mènjiǔ alcohol drunk to drown one's sorrows 抱怨[抱怨] bàoyuàn to complain; to grumble; to harbor a complaint; to feel dissatisfied 好强[好強] hàoqiáng eager to be first 两全其美[兩全其美] liǎngquánqíměi to satisfy rival demands (idiom); to get the best of both worlds; to have it both ways; to have one's cake and eat it too 公事[公事] gōngshì work-related matters; documents 推敲[推敲] tuīqiāo to think over 拉锯[拉鋸] lājù a two-man saw; fig. to-and-fro between two sides 刻意[刻意] kèyì meticulous; painstaking; deliberate 拖延[拖延] tuōyán to delay; to put off; to procrastinate 起初[起初] qǐchū originally; at first; at the outset 各种各样[各種各樣] gèzhǒnggèyàng various kinds; all sorts 看准[看準] kànzhǔn to observe and make sure; to check 协议[協議] xiéyì agreement; pact; protocol; CL:項|项[xiang4] 快要[快要] kuàiyào almost; nearly; almost all //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/200 words - 17 min 提出[提出] tíchū to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to post (on a website); to withdraw (cash) 异议[異議] yìyì objection; dissent 牵[牽] qiān to lead along; to pull (an animal on a tether); (bound form) to involve; to draw in 鼻子[鼻子] bízi nose; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 志[志] zhì aspiration; ambition; the will 轩[軒] xuān pavilion with a view; high; tall; high fronted, curtained carriage (old) 想出[想出] xiǎngchū to figure out; to work out (a solution etc); to think up; to come up with (an idea etc) 招来[招來] zhāolái to attract; to incur 对付[對付] duìfu to handle; to deal with; to cope; to get by with 老江湖[老江湖] lǎojiānghú a much-travelled person, well acquainted with the ways of the world 磨合[磨合] móhé to break in; to wear in 晋[晉] jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 可怪[可怪] kěguài strange; curious; surprising 事在人为[事在人為] shìzàirénwéi the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort; With effort, one can achieve anything. 磕[磕] kē to tap; to knock (against sth hard); to knock (mud from boots, ashes from a pipe etc) 用钱[用錢] yòngqian variant of 佣錢|佣钱[yong4 qian5] 万能[萬能] wànnéng omnipotent; all-purpose; universal 农民工[農民工] nóngmíngōng migrant workers 公益[公益] gōngyì public good; public welfare 牌[牌] pái mahjong tile; playing card; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet; medal; CL:片[pian4],個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4] 排行[排行] páiháng to rank; ranking; seniority (among siblings) 前情[前情] qiánqíng former love; former circumstances 总之[總之] zǒngzhī in a word; in short; in brief 拿下[拿下] náxià to arrest; to capture; to seize; to win (a set, a game etc) 照样[照樣] zhàoyàng as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/225 words - 19 min 定时炸弹[定時炸彈] dìngshízhàdàn time bomb 前头[前頭] qiántou in front; at the head; ahead; above 迷信[迷信] míxìn superstition; to have a superstitious belief (in sth) 网红[網紅] wǎnghóng Internet celebrity 炒作[炒作] chǎozuò to hype; to promote (in the media) 事实[事實] shìshí fact; CL:個|个[ge4] 公私[公私] gōngsī public and private (interests, initiative etc) 分明[分明] fēnmíng clear; distinct; evidently; clearly 例外[例外] lìwài exception; to be an exception 何况[何況] hékuàng let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more 牵涉到[牽涉到] qiānshèdào to involve; to drag in 事不宜迟[事不宜遲] shìbùyíchí the matter should not be delayed; there's no time to lose 抢先[搶先] qiǎngxiān to rush (to do sth urgent); to try to be the first; to forestall 三月[三月] Sānyuè March; third month (of the lunar year) 离职[離職] lízhí to retire; to leave office; to quit a job 晓[曉] xiǎo dawn; daybreak; to know; to let sb know; to make explicit 阳[陽] yáng positive (electric.); sun; male principle (Taoism); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1] 斌[斌] bīn variant of 彬[bin1] 礼拜[禮拜] lǐbài week; religious service; worship; CL:個|个[ge4] 异样[異樣] yìyàng difference; peculiar 行为[行為] xíngwéi action; conduct; behavior; activity 参与[參與] cānyù to participate (in sth) 其中[其中] qízhōng among; in; included among these 退学[退學] tuìxué to quit school 上学[上學] shàngxué to go to school; to attend school //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/250 words - 21 min 上班[上班] shàngbān to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office 状况[狀況] zhuàngkuàng condition; state; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 有着[有著] yǒuzhe to have; to possess 监管[監管] jiānguǎn to oversee; to take charge of; to supervise; to administer; supervisory; supervision 不利[不利] bùlì unfavorable; disadvantageous; harmful; detrimental 渎职[瀆職] dúzhí wrongdoing; failure to do one's duty 无论[無論] wúlùn no matter what or how; regardless of whether... 正义[正義] zhèngyì justice; righteousness; just; righteous 经济[經濟] jīngjì economy; economic 耐心[耐心] nàixīn to be patient; patience 决心[決心] juéxīn determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 手头[手頭] shǒutóu in hand (e.g. cash) 工具[工具] gōngjù tool; instrument; utensil; means (to achieve a goal etc) 保姆[保姆] bǎomǔ nanny; housekeeper 出席[出席] chūxí to attend; to participate; present 商务[商務] shāngwù commercial affairs; commercial; commerce; business 会谈[會談] huìtán talks; discussions; CL:次[ci4] 补[補] bǔ to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement 口红[口紅] kǒuhóng lipstick 西柚[西柚] xīyòu grapefruit 色[色] sè color; CL:種|种[zhong3]; look; appearance; sex 嫩[嫩] nèn tender; soft; delicate; light (color); inexperienced; unskilled 少女[少女] shàonǚ girl; young lady 装嫩[裝嫩] zhuāngnèn to act young; to affect a youthful appearance 斩[斬] zhǎn to behead (as form of capital punishment); to chop //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/275 words - 23 min 男色[男色] nánsè male homosexuality 扑[撲] pū to throw oneself at; to pounce on; to devote one's energies; to flap; to flutter; to dab; to pat; to bend over 橘色[橘色] júsè orange (color) 元气[元氣] yuánqì strength; vigor; vitality; (TCM) vital energy 满满[滿滿] mǎnmǎn full; closely packed 显白[顯白] xiǎnbai variant of 顯擺|显摆[xian3 bai5] 宫[宮] gōng palace; temple; castration (as corporal punishment); first note in pentatonic scale 尔[爾] ěr thus; so; like that; you; thou 终究[終究] zhōngjiū in the end; after all is said and done 妃[妃] fēi imperial concubine 红色[紅色] hóngsè red (color); revolutionary 一等[一等] yīděng first class; grade A 下场[下場] xiàchang the end; to conclude 金主[金主] jīnzhǔ financial backer; bankroller 打住[打住] dǎzhù to stop; to halt 纯[純] chún pure; simple; unmixed; genuine 合伙人[合伙人] héhuǒrén partner; associate 个案[個案] gè'àn a case; an individual case; case-by-case 两句[兩句] liǎngjù (say) a few words 咨询[咨詢] zīxún to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal) 抬[抬] tái to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry 小子[小子] xiǎozi (coll.) boy; (derog.) joker; guy; (despicable) fellow 稳重[穩重] wěnzhòng steady; earnest; staid 地址[地址] dìzhǐ address; CL:個|个[ge4] 登记[登記] dēngjì to register (one's name) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/300 words - 26 min 百忙[百忙] bǎimáng busy schedule 之中[之中] zhīzhōng inside; among; in the midst of (doing sth); during 办公[辦公] bàngōng to handle official business; to work (esp. in an office) 桌[桌] zhuō table; desk; classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc 清洁[清潔] qīngjié clean; to clean 收拾[收拾] shōushi to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb 乱七八糟[亂七八糟] luànqībāzāo everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess; at sixes and sevens 章[章] zhāng chapter; section; clause; movement (of symphony); seal; badge; regulation; order 法[法] fǎ law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist 贴身[貼身] tiēshēn worn next to the skin; close-fitting; personal (servant etc) 想得美[想得美] xiǎngdéměi in your dreams!; as if!; You wish!; I wish that were so 档案[檔案] dàng'àn file; record; archive 卷宗[卷宗] juànzōng file; folder; dossier 排列[排列] páiliè to arrange in order; (math.) permutation 擦[擦] cā to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish 捣乱[搗亂] dǎoluàn to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally 打扫[打掃] dǎsǎo to clean; to sweep 夹子[夾子] jiāzi clip; clamp; tongs; folder; wallet 到处[到處] dàochù everywhere 阿姨[阿姨] āyí maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4] 中介[中介] zhōngjiè to act as intermediary; to link; intermediate; inter-; agency; agent 租[租] zū to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax 嫂子[嫂子] sǎozi (coll.) older brother's wife; sister-in-law; CL:個|个[ge4] 名誉[名譽] míngyù fame; reputation; honor; honorary; emeritus (of retired professor) 园长[園長] yuánzhǎng person in charge of a place that ends in 園|园, such as a vineyard 葡萄園|葡萄园, zoo 動物園|动物园, cemetery 陵園|陵园 etc //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/325 words - 31 min 私事[私事] sīshì personal matters 废话[廢話] fèihuà nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words; You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 物业[物業] wùyè property; real estate; abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理[wu4 ye4 guan3 li3], property management 名片[名片] míngpiàn (business) card 基本[基本] jīběn basic; fundamental; main; elementary 警察[警察] jǐngchá police; police officer; CL:個|个[ge4] 辞职[辭職] cízhí to resign 撒谎[撒謊] sāhuǎng to tell lies 结论[結論] jiélùn conclusion; verdict; CL:個|个[ge4]; to conclude; to reach a verdict 惊讶[驚訝] jīngyà amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing; astonishment; awe 不许[不許] bùxǔ not to allow; must not; can't 接合[接合] jiēhé to connect; to join; to assemble 众[眾] zhòng many; numerous; crowd; multitude 言而无信[言而無信] yán'érwúxìn to go back on one's word; to break one's promise; to be unfaithful; to be untrustworthy 转眼[轉眼] zhuǎnyǎn in a flash; in the blink of an eye; to glance 立场[立場] lìchǎng position; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4] 全力[全力] quánlì with all one's strength; full strength; all-out (effort); fully (support) 当真[當真] dàngzhēn to take seriously; serious; No joking, really! 年前[年前] niánqián before the end of the year; before the new year 仍然[仍然] réngrán still; yet 无耻[無恥] wúchǐ without any sense of shame; unembarrassed; shameless 专一[專一] zhuānyī single-minded; concentrated 要挟[要挾] yāoxié to threaten; to blackmail 力气[力氣] lìqi strength; CL:把[ba3] 婆婆[婆婆] pópo husband's mother; mother-in-law; grandma //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/350 words - 34 min 馄饨[餛飩] húntun wonton; Taiwan pr. [hun2 dun5] 肄业[肄業] yìyè to attend (a school); to drop out (of college etc) 打工[打工] dǎgōng to work a temporary or casual job; (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation 加班[加班] jiābān to work overtime 常态[常態] chángtài normal state 小店[小店] xiǎodiàn small store 打包[打包] dǎbāo to wrap; to pack; to put leftovers in a doggy bag for take-out; to package (computing) 晨[晨] chén morning; dawn; daybreak 煮[煮] zhǔ to cook; to boil 十二[十二] shí'èr twelve; 12 吃完[吃完] chīwán to finish eating 正事[正事] zhèngshì one's proper business 卑鄙[卑鄙] bēibǐ base; mean; contemptible; despicable 把手[把手] bǎshou handle; grip; knob 想象[想象] xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 法庭[法庭] fǎtíng court of law 公[公] gōng public; collectively owned; common; international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar); make public; fair; just; Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4]; honorable (gentlemen); father-in-law; male (animal) 无关[無關] wúguān unrelated; having nothing to do (with sth else) 搅和[攪和] jiǎohuo to mix; to blend; (fig.) to spoil; to mess up things; to run around with (sb); to get involved with; to mix (with other people) 顺风车[順風車] shùnfēngchē vehicle that gives one a free ride; (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity 顺路[順路] shùnlù by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently 跟踪[跟蹤] gēnzōng to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking 棵[棵] kē classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc 玉兰[玉蘭] Yùlán Yulan magnolia 树[樹] shù tree; CL:棵[ke1]; to cultivate; to set up //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep04/356 words - 37 min 毕业[畢業] bìyè graduation; to graduate; to finish school 白玉[白玉] báiyù white jade; tofu (by analogy) 兰[蘭] lán orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii); fragrant thoroughwort (蘭草|兰草 Eupatorium fortunei); lily magnolia (木蘭|木兰) 窗户[窗戶] chuānghu window; CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4] 花香[花香] huāxiāng fragrance of flowers 睁开[睜開] zhēngkāi to open (one's eyes) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/25 words - 6 min 第五[第五] dìwǔ fifth 冰箱[冰箱] bīngxiāng icebox; freezer cabinet; refrigerator; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 阿婆[阿婆] āpó granny; mother-in-law 荠菜[薺菜] jìcài shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) 馅[餡] xiàn stuffing; forcemeat; filling 独[獨] dú alone; independent; single; sole; only 食[食] shí to eat; food; animal feed; eclipse 剩菜[剩菜] shèngcài leftovers (food) 满足[滿足] mǎnzú to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 动物[動物] dòngwù animal; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4] 混蛋[混蛋] húndàn scoundrel; bastard; hoodlum; wretch 坐下[坐下] zuòxia to sit down 忘不了[忘不了] wàngbùliǎo cannot forget 死灰复燃[死灰復燃] sǐhuīfùrán lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence; sth malevolent returns to haunt one 旧情[舊情] jiùqíng old affection 难忘[難忘] nánwàng unforgettable 爸[爸] bà father; dad; pa; papa 激动[激動] jīdòng to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite 心里有数[心裡有數] xīnlǐyǒushù to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation 十五[十五] shíwǔ fifteen; 15 系主任[系主任] xìzhǔrèn chairman of department; dean; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 上个月[上個月] shànggèyuè last month 大清早[大清早] dàqīngzǎo early in the morning 不要脸[不要臉] bùyàoliǎn to have no sense of shame; shameless 没准儿[沒準兒] méizhǔnr5 not sure; maybe //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/50 words - 11 min 快递[快遞] kuàidì express delivery 日本[日本] Rìběn Japan 治[治] zhì to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); to treat (a disease); to wipe out (a pest); to punish; to research 痛风[痛風] tòngfēng gout 对局[對局] duìjú opposing sides (in chess etc); position (of opposing forces) 棋谱[棋譜] qípǔ kifu (record of a game of go or shogi) 弗兰克[弗蘭克] Fúlánkè Frank (name) 马歇尔[馬歇爾] Mǎxiē'ěr Marshall (name); George Catlett Marshall (1880-1959), US general in WWII and Secretary of State 1947-1949, author of the postwar Marshall plan for Europe and Nobel peace laureate 莱[萊] lái name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc); Chenopodium album 维[維] wéi to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension; vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4]) 茨[茨] cí Caltrop or puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris); to thatch (a roof) 基[基] jī base; foundation; basic; radical (chemistry); (slang) gay 决赛[決賽] juésài finals (of a competition) 时代[時代] shídài age; era; epoch; period (in one's life); CL:個|个[ge4] 变化[變化] biànhuà change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:個|个[ge4] 学校[學校] xuéxiào school; CL:所[suo3] 推托[推托] tuītuō to make excuses; to give an excuse (for not doing something) 走心[走心] zǒuxīn to take care; to be mindful; (Internet slang) to be moved by sth; poignant; to have deep feelings for sb; to lose one's heart to sb 莫过于[莫過於] mòguòyú nothing can surpass 两难[兩難] liǎngnán dilemma; quandary; to face a difficult choice 辜负[辜負] gūfù to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint 心爱[心愛] xīn'ài beloved 惨痛[慘痛] cǎntòng bitter; painful; deeply distressed 怨不得[怨不得] yuànbude cannot blame; no wonder 制裁[制裁] zhìcái to punish; punishment; sanctions (incl. economic) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/75 words - 15 min 维护[維護] wéihù to defend; to safeguard; to protect; to uphold; to maintain 辩护[辯護] biànhù to speak in defense of; to argue in favor of; to defend; to plead 开罪[開罪] kāizuì to offend sb; to give offense; to displease 临时[臨時] línshí as the time draws near; at the last moment; temporary; interim; ad hoc 倒戈[倒戈] dǎogē to change sides in a war; turncoat 检方[檢方] jiǎnfāng the prosecution; prosecutors 违背[違背] wéibèi to go against; to be contrary to; to violate 法理[法理] fǎlǐ legal principle; jurisprudence 操守[操守] cāoshǒu personal integrity 尤其[尤其] yóuqí especially; particularly 小小[小小] xiǎoxiǎo very small; very few; very minor 承受[承受] chéngshòu to bear; to support; to inherit 残酷[殘酷] cánkù cruel; cruelty 懂事[懂事] dǒngshì sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 怨恨[怨恨] yuànhèn to resent; to harbor a grudge against; to loathe; resentment; rancor 发泄[發洩] fāxiè to give vent to (one's feelings) 多么[多麼] duōme how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc); however (difficult it may be etc); (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc); to what extent 解开[解開] jiěkāi to untie; to undo; to solve (a mystery) 疙瘩[疙瘩] gēda swelling or lump on skin; pimple; knot; preoccupation; problem 省[省] shěng to save; to economize; to do without; to omit; to leave out; province; (archaic) central government department 省[省] xǐng to inspect; to examine; to be aware; to pay a visit (to one's parents or elders) 有用[有用] yǒuyòng useful 警告[警告] jǐnggào to warn; to admonish 否则[否則] fǒuzé if not; otherwise; else; or else 命令[命令] mìnglìng order; command; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 发型[髮型] fàxíng hairstyle; coiffure; hairdo //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/100 words - 17 min 帽子[帽子] màozi hat; cap; (fig.) label; bad name; CL:頂|顶[ding3] 戴上[戴上] dàishang to put on (hat etc) 尤加利[尤加利] yóujiālì eucalyptus (loanword) 桑[桑] sāng mulberry tree 助手[助手] zhùshǒu assistant; helper 不少[不少] bùshǎo many; a lot; not few 采访[採訪] cǎifǎng to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover 毒药[毒藥] dúyào poison 微观[微觀] wēiguān micro-; subatomic 察[察] chá to examine; to inquire; to observe; to inspect; to look into; obvious; clearly evident 仪式[儀式] yíshì ceremony 姐姐[姐姐] jiějie older sister; CL:個|个[ge4] 哪些[哪些] nǎxiē which ones?; who?; what? 全体[全體] quántǐ all; entire 悬[懸] xuán to hang or suspend; to worry; public announcement; unresolved; baseless; without foundation 造型[造型] zàoxíng to model; to shape; appearance; style; design; form; pose 吸引[吸引] xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 外表[外表] wàibiǎo external; outside; outward appearance 之下[之下] zhīxià under; beneath; less than 一往无前[一往無前] yīwǎngwúqián to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward 魄力[魄力] pòlì courage; daring; boldness; resolution; drive 哈喽[哈嘍] hālóu hello (loanword) 久等[久等] jiǔděng to wait for a long time 人物[人物] rénwù person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist; CL:個|个[ge4] 部分[部分] bùfen part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/125 words - 20 min 重要性[重要性] zhòngyàoxìng importance 谈恋爱[談戀愛] tánliàn'ài to court; to go steady; to be dating 魅力[魅力] mèilì charm; fascination; glamor; charisma 官[官] guān government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4] 花呢[花呢] huāní tweed; checkered cloth 结局[結局] jiéjú conclusion; ending 悲剧[悲劇] bēijù tragedy; CL:齣|出[chu1] 设计[設計] shèjì plan; design; to design; to plan; CL:個|个[ge4] 牺牲[犧牲] xīshēng to sacrifice one's life; to sacrifice (sth valued); beast slaughtered as a sacrifice 剧情[劇情] jùqíng story line; plot 俗套[俗套] sútào conventional patterns; cliché 剧透[劇透] jùtòu plot leak; spoiler 播出[播出] bōchū to broadcast; to air (a TV program etc) 健身[健身] jiànshēn to exercise; to keep fit; to work out; physical exercise 城[城] chéng city walls; city; town; CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 基地[基地] jīdì base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda 例会[例會] lìhuì regular meeting 强硬[強硬] qiángyìng tough; unyielding; hard-line 接管[接管] jiēguǎn to take over; to assume control 伺候[伺候] cìhòu to serve; to wait upon 哎[哎] āi hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation) 大会[大會] dàhuì general assembly; general meeting; convention; CL:個|个[ge4],屆|届[jie4] 不带[不帶] bùdài not to have; without; un- 玩儿[玩兒] wánr5 to play; to have fun; to hang out 究竟[究竟] jiūjìng to go to the bottom of a matter; after all; when all is said and done; (in an interrogative sentence) finally; outcome; result //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/150 words - 23 min 图[圖] tú diagram; picture; drawing; chart; map; CL:張|张[zhang1]; to plan; to scheme; to attempt; to pursue; to seek 意向[意向] yìxiàng intention; purpose; intent; inclination; disposition 接手[接手] jiēshǒu to take over (duties etc); catcher (baseball etc) 相关[相關] xiāngguān related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation 签订[簽訂] qiāndìng to agree to and sign (a treaty etc) 购买[購買] gòumǎi to purchase; to buy 最多[最多] zuìduō at most; maximum; greatest (amount); maximal 侵犯[侵犯] qīnfàn to infringe on; to encroach on; to violate; to assault 著作权[著作權] zhùzuòquán copyright 鉴于[鑒於] jiànyú in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas 参照[參照] cānzhào to consult a reference; to refer to (another document) 惯例[慣例] guànlì convention; usual practice 判决[判決] pànjué judgment (by a court of law); to pass judgment on; to sentence 超过[超過] chāoguò to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip 庭外[庭外] tíngwài out-of-court (settlement) 调解[調解] tiáojiě to mediate; to bring parties to an agreement 左右[左右] zuǒyòu left and right; nearby; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence 双赢[雙贏] shuāngyíng profitable to both sides; a win-win situation 果汁[果汁] guǒzhī fruit juice 新宠[新寵] xīnchǒng current favorite; the latest thing; darling (of the market or the media etc) 结尾[結尾] jiéwěi ending; coda; to wind up 刻骨铭心[刻骨銘心] kègǔmíngxīn lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom); fig. etched in one's memory; unforgettable 人才[人才] réncái talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks 下个月[下個月] xiàgèyuè next month 不得[不得] bùdé must not; may not; not to be allowed; cannot //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/175 words - 25 min 嗨[嗨] hāi oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword); a high (natural or drug-induced) (loanword) 撞见[撞見] zhuàngjiàn to meet by accident 多大[多大] duōdà how big; how much; how old etc 低调[低調] dīdiào low pitch; quiet (voice); subdued; low-key; low-profile 一下子[一下子] yīxiàzi in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden 老板娘[老闆娘] lǎobǎnniáng female proprietor; lady boss; boss's wife 候[候] hòu to wait; to inquire after; to watch; season; climate; (old) period of five days 大事[大事] dàshì major event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1] 出版[出版] chūbǎn to publish 发行[發行] fāxíng to publish; to issue (stocks, currency etc); to release; to distribute (a film) 起家[起家] qǐjiā to start out by; to grow an enterprise beginning with; to begin one's career by 圈子[圈子] quānzi circle; ring; (social) circle 人脉[人脈] rénmài contacts; connections; network 广[廣] guǎng wide; numerous; to spread 创立[創立] chuànglì to establish; to set up; to found 帮衬[幫襯] bāngchèn to help; to assist financially 一早[一早] yīzǎo early in the morning; at dawn 睡眠不足[睡眠不足] shuìmiánbùzú lack of sleep; sleep deficit 瑞[瑞] ruì lucky; auspicious; propitious; rayl (acoustical unit) 浓[濃] nóng concentrated; dense; strong (smell etc) 瑕疵[瑕疵] xiácī blemish; flaw; defect 牙膏[牙膏] yágāo toothpaste; CL:管[guan3] 补给[補給] bǔjǐ supply; replenishment; to replenish 具体[具體] jùtǐ concrete; definite; specific 应付[應付] yìngfu to deal with; to cope //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/200 words - 31 min 偷偷[偷偷] tōutōu stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly 后续[後續] hòuxù follow-up; (dialect) to remarry 小动作[小動作] xiǎodòngzuò bad habit (e.g. nose-picking); petty maneuver; dirty trick; gamesmanship 底线[底線] dǐxiàn to underline; bottom line; base line (in sports); baseline; minimum; spy; plant 一行[一行] yīxíng party; delegation 长久[長久] chángjiǔ (for a) long time 范畴[範疇] fànchóu category 谈不拢[談不攏] tánbùlǒng can't come to an agreement 参[參] cān to take part in; to participate; to join; to attend; to counsel; unequal; varied; irregular; uneven; not uniform; abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House 顶多[頂多] dǐngduō at most; at best 区区[區區] qūqū insignificant; trifling; merely 履行[履行] lǚxíng to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a task); to implement (an agreement); to perform 止[止] zhǐ to stop; to prohibit; until; only 万不得已[萬不得已] wànbùdéyǐ only when absolutely essential (idiom); as a last resort 二十[二十] èrshí twenty; 20 坏事[壞事] huàishì bad thing; misdeed; to ruin things 针对[針對] zhēnduì to target; to focus on; to be aimed at or against; in response to 牵扯[牽扯] qiānchě to involve; to implicate; to be interrelated 虚伪[虛偽] xūwěi false; hypocritical; artificial; sham 明[明] míng bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods 喽[嘍] lou (final particle equivalent to 了[le5]); (particle calling attention to, or mildly warning of, a situation) 干预[干預] gānyù to meddle; to intervene; intervention 如意算盘[如意算盤] rúyìsuànpán counting one's chickens before they are hatched 响[響] xiǎng echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises 方案[方案] fāng'àn plan; program (for action etc); proposal; proposed bill; CL:個|个[ge4],套[tao4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/225 words - 38 min 烂[爛] làn soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 搭配[搭配] dāpèi to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group 归根结底[歸根結底] guīgēnjiédǐ in the final analysis; ultimately 生意[生意] shēngyì life force; vitality 达成[達成] dáchéng to reach (an agreement); to accomplish 不必[不必] bùbì need not; does not have to; not necessarily 宁愿[寧願] nìngyuàn would rather; better 得逞[得逞] déchěng to prevail; to have one's way; to get away with it 餐厅[餐廳] cāntīng dining hall; dining room; restaurant; CL:間|间[jian1],家[jia1] 挨批[挨批] áipī to be criticized; to suffer blame 全员[全員] quányuán complete personnel; fully manned 有缘[有緣] yǒuyuán related; brought together by fate 兜兜[兜兜] dōudou an undergarment covering chest and abdomen 转转[轉轉] zhuànzhuan to stroll 聚[聚] jù to congregate; to assemble; to mass; to gather together; to amass; to polymerize 比如[比如] bǐrú for example; for instance; such as 位子[位子] wèizi place; seat 耳熟[耳熟] ěrshú to sound familiar; familiar-sounding 郑重[鄭重] zhèngzhòng serious; solemn 胃病[胃病] wèibìng stomach trouble; stomach illness 前段时间[前段時間] qiánduànshíjiān recently 中医[中醫] Zhōngyī traditional Chinese medical science; a doctor trained in Chinese medicine 专治[專治] zhuānzhì (of medicine) to use specifically for the treatment of 古[古] gǔ ancient; old; paleo- 药方[藥方] yàofāng prescription //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/250 words - 40 min 服[服] fú clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to be convinced (by an argument); to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes 愉悦[愉悅] yúyuè joyful; cheerful; delighted; joy; delight 四处[四處] sìchù all over the place; everywhere and all directions 求人[求人] qiúrén to ask for help; to ask a favor; to recruit talented people 反过来[反過來] fǎnguolái conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction 假如[假如] jiǎrú if 作[作] zuò to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works 现实[現實] xiànshí reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic; pragmatic; materialistic; self-interested 真实[真實] zhēnshí true; real 耳光[耳光] ěrguāng a slap on the face; CL:記|记[ji4] 荣[榮] róng glory; honor; thriving 俱[俱] jù entirely; without exception; (literary) to be together; to be alike 前嫌[前嫌] qiánxián former hatred; bygone enmity 保留[保留] bǎoliú to keep; to retain; to have reservations (about sth); to hold back (from saying sth); to put aside for later 创[創] chuàng to begin; to initiate; to inaugurate; to start; to create 辉煌[輝煌] huīhuáng splendid; glorious 逊色[遜色] xùnsè inferior (often in the combination 毫無遜色|毫无逊色, not in the least inferior) 争气[爭氣] zhēngqì to work hard for sth; to resolve on improvement; determined not to fall short 德才兼备[德才兼備] décáijiānbèi having both integrity and talent (idiom) 趁势[趁勢] chènshì to take advantage of a favorable situation; to seize an opportunity 创造[創造] chuàngzào to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record) 总和[總和] zǒnghé sum 共识[共識] gòngshí common understanding; consensus 推荐[推薦] tuījiàn to recommend; recommendation 过关[過關] guòguān to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep05/251 words - 40 min 亲民[親民] qīnmín in touch with the people; sensitive to people's needs //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/25 words - 1 min 密密麻麻[密密麻麻] mìmimámá numerous and close together; densely packed; thickly dotted; thick; dense 挣扎[掙扎] zhēngzhá to struggle 张狂[張狂] zhāngkuáng brash; insolent; frantic 慌忙[慌忙] huāngmáng in a great rush; in a flurry 步步[步步] bùbù step by step; at every step 吞噬[吞噬] tūnshì to swallow; to engulf; to gobble up 规则[規則] guīzé rule; regulation; rules and regulations 展翅[展翅] zhǎnchì to spread wings 飞翔[飛翔] fēixiáng to circle in the air; to soar 蝴蝶[蝴蝶] húdié butterfly; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 翅膀[翅膀] chìbǎng wing; CL:個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4] 煽[煽] shān to fan into a flame; to incite 千里[千里] qiānlǐ a thousand miles; a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers); a long distance 飓风[颶風] jùfēng hurricane 狂[狂] kuáng mad; wild; violent 函[函] hán envelope; case; letter 坚强[堅強] jiānqiáng staunch; strong 大无畏[大無畏] dàwúwèi utterly fearless 父[父] fù father 勇敢[勇敢] yǒnggǎn brave; courageous 奔[奔] bēn to hurry; to rush; to run quickly; to elope 哪怕[哪怕] nǎpà even; even if; even though; no matter how 天空[天空] tiānkōng sky 遗忘[遺忘] yíwàng to become forgotten; to forget 风雨[風雨] fēngyǔ wind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/50 words - 4 min 醒来[醒來] xǐnglái to waken 浮华[浮華] fúhuá ostentatious; pretentious; showy 散场[散場] sànchǎng (of a theater) to empty; (of a show) to end 数不尽[數不盡] shǔbujìn countless 光鲜[光鮮] guāngxiān bright and neat 创伤[創傷] chuāngshāng wound; injury; trauma 独自[獨自] dúzì alone 城市[城市] chéngshì city; town; CL:座[zuo4] 童话[童話] tónghuà children's fairy tales 打造[打造] dǎzào to create; to build; to develop; to forge (of metal) 决裂[決裂] juéliè to rupture; to burst open; to break; to break off relations with; a rupture 内幕[內幕] nèimù inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal 报道[報道] bàodào to report (news); report; CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4] 复杂[複雜] fùzá complicated; complex 东郭[東郭] Dōngguō two-character surname Dongguo 白眼狼[白眼狼] báiyǎnláng thankless wretch; an ingrate 掏心掏肺[掏心掏肺] tāoxīntāofèi to be totally devoted (to a person) 落下[落下] luòxià to fall; to drop; to land (of projectile) 病根[病根] bìnggēn an incompletely cured illness; an old complaint; the root cause of trouble 倒打一耙[倒打一耙] dàodǎyīpá lit. to strike with a muckrake (idiom), cf Pigsy 豬八戒|猪八戒 in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记; fig. to counterattack; to make bogus accusations (against one's victim) 铺[鋪] pū to spread; to display; to set up; (old) holder for door-knocker 铺[鋪] pù plank bed; place to sleep; shop; store; (old) relay station 上西天[上西天] shàngxītiān to enter heaven; to rise to the Western Paradise 取[取] qǔ to take; to get; to choose; to fetch 真经[真經] zhēnjīng sutra; Taoist treatise 隔三岔五[隔三岔五] gésǎnchàwǔ see 隔三差五|隔三差五[ge2 san1 cha4 wu3] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/75 words - 8 min 出[齣] chū variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels) 绕圈子[繞圈子] ràoquānzi to go around in circles; to make a detour; (fig.) to beat about the bush 隆重[隆重] lóngzhòng grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn 难堪[難堪] nánkān hard to take; embarrassed 座[座] zuò seat; base; stand; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects 不一[不一] bùyī to vary; to differ 得力[得力] délì able; capable; competent; efficient 下属[下屬] xiàshǔ subordinate; underling 功[功] gōng meritorious deed or service; achievement; result; service; accomplishment; work (physics) 震[震] zhèn to shake; to vibrate; to jolt; to quake; excited; shocked; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing thunder; ☳ 啰嗦[囉嗦] luōsuo long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky; also pr. [luo1 suo1] 让开[讓開] ràngkāi to get out of the way; to step aside 神经病[神經病] shénjīngbìng mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case 香水[香水] xiāngshuǐ perfume; cologne 离婚[離婚] líhūn to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse) 约定[約定] yuēdìng to agree on sth (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation 美容[美容] měiróng to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery); to make oneself more attractive; to beautify 几点[幾點] jǐdiǎn what time?; when? 大忙人[大忙人] dàmángrén busy bee; very busy person 缺[缺] quē deficiency; lack; scarce; vacant post; to run short of 正要[正要] zhèngyào to be just about to; to be on the point of 耽误[耽誤] dānwu to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with 罚[罰] fá to punish; to penalize 钻[鑽] zuān to drill; to bore; to get into; to make one's way into; to enter (a hole); to thread one's way through; to study intensively; to dig into; to curry favor for personal gain 钻[鑽] zuàn an auger; diamond 缝[縫] féng to sew; to stitch 缝[縫] fèng seam; crack; narrow slit; CL:道[dao4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/100 words - 12 min 请罪[請罪] qǐngzuì to apologize humbly; to beg forgiveness 对待[對待] duìdài to treat; treatment 一视同仁[一視同仁] yīshìtóngrén to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people 明摆着[明擺著] míngbǎizhe evident; clear; undoubted 策略[策略] cèlüè strategy; tactics; crafty; adroit 敌人[敵人] dírén enemy; CL:個|个[ge4] 教会[教會] jiàohuì Christian church 闹别扭[鬧彆扭] nàobièniu to be difficult with sb; to provoke disagreement; at loggerheads; to fall out with 偏偏[偏偏] piānpiān (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people 资质[資質] zīzhì aptitude; natural endowments 说了算[說了算] shuōlesuàn to have the final say; to be the one in charge 不可理喻[不可理喻] bùkělǐyù to be impervious to reason (idiom); unreasonable 预售[預售] yùshòu advance sale; to sell in advance; to book 拖住[拖住] tuōzhù to hold up; to hinder; to stall 叫作[叫作] jiàozuò to call; to be called 感情用事[感情用事] gǎnqíngyòngshì to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse 演绎[演繹] yǎnyì (of a story etc) to unfold; to play out; to develop (a technique etc); to enact; (logic) to deduce; to infer 新闻[新聞] xīnwén news; CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4] 传播[傳播] chuánbō to disseminate; to propagate; to spread 台[臺] tái platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; station; broadcasting station; classifier for vehicles or machines 求助[求助] qiúzhù to request help; to appeal (for help) 站台[站台] zhàntái platform (at a railway station) 中意[中意] zhòngyì to take one's fancy; to be to one's liking 截[截] jié to cut off (a length); to stop; to intercept; section; chunk; length 胡[胡] hú non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2]) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/125 words - 13 min 小心眼[小心眼] xiǎoxīnyǎn narrow-minded; petty 幼稚[幼稚] yòuzhì young; childish; puerile 转战[轉戰] zhuǎnzhàn to fight in one place after another 都市[都市] dūshì city; metropolis 题材[題材] tícái subject matter 市场[市場] shìchǎng marketplace; market (also in abstract) 稀缺[稀缺] xīquē scarce; scarcity 精品[精品] jīngpǐn quality goods; premium product; fine work (of art) 撑[撐] chēng to support; to prop up; to push or move with a pole; to maintain; to open or unfurl; to fill to bursting point; brace; stay; support 篇[篇] piān sheet; piece of writing; bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old); classifier for written items: chapter, article 教训[教訓] jiàoxun lesson; moral; to chide sb; to lecture sb 厨师[廚師] chúshī cook; chef 食材[食材] shícái (food) ingredient 裁缝[裁縫] cáiféng tailor; dressmaker 布料[布料] bùliào cloth; material 程序员[程序員] chéngxùyuán programmer 键盘[鍵盤] jiànpán keyboard 公事公办[公事公辦] gōngshìgōngbàn to do things in a strictly businesslike manner (idiom) 实[實] shí real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely 底[底] dǐ background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants; (math.) radix; base 出面[出面] chūmiàn to appear personally; to step in; to step forth; to show up 不得不[不得不] bùdébù have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid 顾虑[顧慮] gùlǜ misgivings; apprehensions 喜好[喜好] xǐhào to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference 审美[審美] shěnměi esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/150 words - 17 min 商[商] shāng commerce; merchant; dealer; to consult; 2nd note in pentatonic scale; quotient (as in 智商[zhi4 shang1], intelligence quotient) 表达[表達] biǎodá to express; to convey 诚意[誠意] chéngyì sincerity; good faith 折[折] zhé to break; to fracture; to snap; to suffer loss; to bend; to twist; to turn; to change direction; convinced; to convert into (currency); discount; rebate; tenth (in price); classifier for theatrical scenes; to fold; accounts book 打电话[打電話] dǎdiànhuà to make a telephone call 的姐[的姐] dījiě female taxi driver 两口子[兩口子] liǎngkǒuzi husband and wife 老公[老公] lǎogōng (coll.) husband 结婚[結婚] jiéhūn to marry; to get married; CL:次[ci4] 告状[告狀] gàozhuàng to tell on sb; to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc); to bring a lawsuit 瞎[瞎] xiā blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose 推理[推理] tuīlǐ reasoning; inference; to infer; to deduce 刚巧[剛巧] gāngqiǎo by chance; by coincidence; by good luck 吃药[吃藥] chīyào to take medicine 啤酒[啤酒] píjiǔ beer (loanword); CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1] 爽快[爽快] shuǎngkuai refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward 实习[實習] shíxí to practice; field work; to intern; internship 单位[單位] dānwèi unit (of measure); unit (group of people as a whole); work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform); CL:個|个[ge4] 嘴巴[嘴巴] zuǐba mouth; CL:張|张[zhang1]; slap in the face; CL:個|个[ge4] 看上去[看上去] kànshangqu it would appear; it seems (that) 蛮[蠻] mán barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless 涂[塗] tú to apply (paint etc); to smear; to daub; to blot out; to scribble; to scrawl; (literary) mud; street 学渣[學渣] xuézhā (coll.) unenthusiastic, mediocre student; underachiever 国内[國內] guónèi domestic; internal (to a country); civil 高考[高考] gāokǎo college entrance exam (especially as abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[Pu3 tong1 Gao1 deng3 Xue2 xiao4 Zhao1 sheng1 Quan2 guo2 Tong3 yi1 Kao3 shi4]); (Tw) entrance exam for senior government service posts (abbr. for 公務人員高等考試|公务人员高等考试) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/175 words - 19 min 高中[高中] gāozhōng senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] 美国[美國] Měiguó United States; USA; US 辞[辭] cí to resign; to dismiss; to decline; to take leave; ballad (archaic poetic genre); variant of 詞|词[ci2] 需求[需求] xūqiú requirement; to require; (economics) demand 除[除] chú to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipe out; to divide; except; not including 将就[將就] jiāngjiu to accept (a bit reluctantly); to put up with 换成[換成] huànchéng to exchange (sth) for (sth else); to replace with; to convert into 打折扣[打折扣] dǎzhékòu to give a discount; to be of less value than anticipated 排[排] pái a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 投入[投入] tóurù to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed 搜集[搜集] sōují to gather; to collect 材料[材料] cáiliào material; data; makings; stuff; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 事件[事件] shìjiàn event; happening; incident; CL:個|个[ge4] 群体[群體] qúntǐ community; colony 贸然[貿然] màorán rashly; hastily; without careful consideration 不合[不合] bùhé to not conform to; to be unsuited to; to be out of keeping with; should not; ought out 规矩[規矩] guīju lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved 外界[外界] wàijiè the outside world; external 自责[自責] zìzé to blame oneself 荣誉[榮譽] róngyù honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary 透露[透露] tòulù to leak out; to divulge; to reveal 辞去[辭去] cíqù to resign; to quit 累赘[累贅] léizhuì superfluous; cumbersome; a burden on sb; a nuisance to sb; to inconvenience; to tie sb down; long-winded (of writing); also pr. [lei2 zhui5] 产业[產業] chǎnyè industry; estate; property; industrial 怨[怨] yuàn to blame; to complain //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/200 words - 25 min 座位[座位] zuòwèi seat; CL:個|个[ge4] 碰上[碰上] pèngshàng to run into; to come upon; to meet 翘楚[翹楚] qiáochǔ person of outstanding talent 高等[高等] gāoděng high-level; higher (animals, education etc); advanced (math etc) 轻易[輕易] qīngyì easily; lightly; rashly 玩笑[玩笑] wánxiào to joke; joke; jest 只怕[只怕] zhǐpà I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe; very likely 高攀[高攀] gāopān social climbing; to claim connections with people in higher social class 画展[畫展] huàzhǎn art exhibition 伙[伙] huǒ meals (abbr. for 伙食[huo3 shi2]); variant of 夥|伙[huo3] 张罗[張羅] zhāngluo to take care of; to raise money; to attend to (guests, customers etc) 模糊不清[模糊不清] móhubùqīng indistinct; fuzzy; blurred with age 亲密[親密] qīnmì intimate; close 合照[合照] hézhào to pose for a photo 官方[官方] guānfāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority) 意图[意圖] yìtú intent; intention; to intend 明显[明顯] míngxiǎn clear; distinct; obvious 出口气[出口氣] chūkǒuqì to take one's revenge; to score off sb 认清[認清] rènqīng to see clearly; to recognize; to realize 现状[現狀] xiànzhuàng current situation 性子[性子] xìngzi temper 超人[超人] chāorén superhuman; exceptional 提升[提昇] tíshēng to promote; to upgrade 千载难逢[千載難逢] qiānzǎinánféng extremely rare (idiom); once in a blue moon 珍惜[珍惜] zhēnxī to treasure; to value; to cherish //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/225 words - 28 min 勒死[勒死] lēisǐ to strangle 松开[鬆開] sōngkāi to release; to let go; to loosen; to untie; to come loose 瓜葛[瓜葛] guāgé intertwined (as melon and vine plants); interconnected; association (of two things) 高调[高調] gāodiào high-sounding speech; bombast; high-profile 半路[半路] bànlù halfway; midway; on the way 功不可没[功不可沒] gōngbùkěmò one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom) 安静[安靜] ānjìng quiet; peaceful; calm 为啥[為啥] wèishá dialectal equivalent of 為什麼|为什么[wei4 shen2 me5] 寄宿[寄宿] jìsù to stay; to lodge; to board 天天[天天] tiāntiān every day 夜不归宿[夜不歸宿] yèbùguīsù to stay out all night (idiom) 睿[睿] ruì astute; perspicacious; farsighted 精力[精力] jīnglì energy 出国[出國] chūguó to go abroad; to leave the country; emigration 半点[半點] bàndiǎn the least bit 一遍[一遍] yībiàn one time (all the way through); once through 外头[外頭] wàitou outside; out 潇洒[瀟灑] xiāosǎ confident and at ease; free and easy 抓住[抓住] zhuāzhù to grab; to capture 明年[明年] míngnián next year 赌[賭] dǔ to bet; to gamble 业绩[業績] yèjì achievement; accomplishment; (in more recent usage) performance (of a business, employee etc); results 贱[賤] jiàn inexpensive; lowly 股东[股東] gǔdōng shareholder; stockholder 爽[爽] shuǎng bright; clear; crisp; open; frank; straightforward; to feel well; fine; pleasurable; invigorating; to deviate //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/250 words - 33 min 不爽[不爽] bùshuǎng not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate 私生活[私生活] sīshēnghuó private life 签约[簽約] qiānyuē to sign a contract or agreement 敲定[敲定] qiāodìng to come to a decision; to fix on (a date etc); to determine; to finalize; to nail down (a deal etc) 战[戰] zhàn to fight; fight; war; battle 不但[不但] bùdàn not only (... but also...) 协助[協助] xiézhù to provide assistance; to aid 踹[踹] chuài to kick; to trample; to tread on 转达[轉達] zhuǎndá to pass on; to convey; to communicate 收益[收益] shōuyì earnings; profit 挡箭牌[擋箭牌] dǎngjiànpái shield; (fig.) excuse 即便[即便] jíbiàn even if; even though; right away; immediately 投资人[投資人] tóuzīrén investor 投[投] tóu to cast; to send; to throw oneself (into the river etc); to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of 来得[來得] láide to emerge (from a comparison); to come out as; to be competent or equal to 堵[堵] dǔ to block up (a road, pipe etc); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; wall (literary); (classifier for walls) 全盘[全盤] quánpán overall; comprehensive 揽[攬] lǎn to monopolize; to seize; to take into one's arms; to embrace; to fasten (with a rope etc); to take on (responsibility etc); to canvass 忙不过来[忙不過來] mángbùguòlái to have more work than one can deal with; to have one's hands full 改成[改成] gǎichéng to convert; to turn into (sth else); to adapt (a story to another medium) 忧郁[憂鬱] yōuyù sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected 男神[男神] nánshén Mr Perfect; Adonis; Prince Charming 留住[留住] liúzhù to ask sb to stay; to keep sb for the night; to await (classical) 有名[有名] yǒumíng famous; well-known 以此[以此] yǐcǐ with this; thereby; thus; because of this //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/275 words - 35 min 砝码[砝碼] fǎmǎ standard weight (used on a balance scale) 追加[追加] zhuījiā to add something extra; an additional increment; addendum; to append; an additional posthumous title 班底[班底] bāndǐ ordinary members of theatrical troupe 报[報] bào to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 备[備] bèi to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip 涨[漲] zhàng to swell; to distend 全等[全等] quánděng congruent (triangles); congruence (geometry) 爆发[爆發] bàofā to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out 降级[降級] jiàngjí to demote; to relegate; to degrade 磨叽[磨嘰] mòji (dialect) to dawdle; to waste time; also written 墨跡|墨迹[mo4 ji5] 固定[固定] gùdìng to fix; to fasten; to set rigidly in place; fixed; set; regular 网络[網絡] wǎngluò network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) 成本[成本] chéngběn (manufacturing, production etc) costs 纯利[純利] chúnlì net profit 润[潤] rùn to moisten; to lubricate; to embellish; moist; glossy; sleek 承[承] chéng to bear; to carry; to hold; to continue; to undertake; to take charge; owing to; due to; to receive 制[製] zhì to manufacture; to make 赚[賺] zhuàn to earn; to make a profit 说定[說定] shuōdìng to agree on; to settle on 鼓吹[鼓吹] gǔchuī to agitate for; to enthusiastically promote 光是[光是] guāngshì solely; just 难得[難得] nándé seldom; rare; hard to come by 时机[時機] shíjī fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity 负累[負累] fùlěi to implicate; to involve 箭[箭] jiàn arrow; CL:支[zhi1] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep06/296 words - 39 min 一时[一時] yīshí a period of time; a while; for a short while; temporary; momentary; at the same time 看重[看重] kànzhòng to regard as important; to care about 后者[後者] hòuzhě the latter 经不起[經不起] jīngbuqǐ can't stand it; to be unable to bear; to be unable to resist 风浪[風浪] fēnglàng wind and waves; stormy sea 毁掉[毀掉] huǐdiào to destroy 员工[員工] yuángōng staff; personnel; employee 邀请[邀請] yāoqǐng to invite; invitation; CL:個|个[ge4] 并不[並不] bìngbù not at all; emphatically not 播放[播放] bōfàng to broadcast; to transmit 基本上[基本上] jīběnshang basically; on the whole 重合[重合] chónghé to match up; to coincide 恐怕[恐怕] kǒngpà fear; to dread; I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe 轧[軋] gá to crush together (in a crowd); to make friends; to check (accounts) 非[非] fēi to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-; to reproach or blame; (colloquial) to insist on; simply must 勇于[勇於] yǒngyú to dare to; to be brave enough to 拼搏[拼搏] pīnbó to struggle; to wrestle 最高[最高] zuìgāo tallest; highest; supreme (court etc) 名利双收[名利雙收] mínglìshuāngshōu both fame and fortune (idiom); both virtue and reward 要钱[要錢] yàoqián to charge; to demand payment 活着[活著] huózhe alive //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/25 words - 5 min 大吉[大吉] dàjí very auspicious; extremely lucky 主场[主場] zhǔchǎng home ground (sports); home field; main venue; main stadium 感到[感到] gǎndào to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect 遗憾[遺憾] yíhàn regret; to regret; to be sorry that 关注[關注] guānzhù to pay attention to; to follow sth closely; to follow (on social media); concern; interest; attention 未能[未能] wèinéng cannot; to fail to; unable to 指[指] zhǐ finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end 奖励[獎勵] jiǎnglì to reward; reward (as encouragement) 独家[獨家] dújiā exclusive 全场[全場] quánchǎng everyone present; the whole audience; across-the-board; unanimously; whole duration (of a competition or match) 风光[風光] fēngguāng scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (dialect); impressive (dialect) 妥协[妥協] tuǒxié to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise 角度[角度] jiǎodù angle; point of view 知名[知名] zhīmíng well-known; famous 调教[調教] tiáojiào to instruct; to teach; to train; to raise (livestock) 好事[好事] hǎoshì good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed"); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead 难处[難處] nánchu trouble; difficulty; problem 相互[相互] xiānghù each other; mutual 台词[臺詞] táicí an actor's lines; dialogue; Taiwanese word 惊喜[驚喜] jīngxǐ nice surprise; to be pleasantly surprised 忽视[忽視] hūshì to neglect; to ignore 词[詞] cí word; statement; speech; lyrics; CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]; a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]; CL:首[shou3] 思念[思念] sīniàn to think of; to long for; to miss 打动[打動] dǎdòng to move (to pity); arousing (sympathy); touching 饱满[飽滿] bǎomǎn full; plump //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/50 words - 10 min 平[平] píng flat; level; equal; to tie (make the same score); to draw (score); calm; peaceful; see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 捂[捂] wǔ to enclose; to cover with the hand (one's eyes, nose or ears); to cover up (an affair); contrary; to contradict 前提[前提] qiántí premise; precondition; prerequisite 机器[機器] jīqì machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] 苍天[蒼天] cāngtiān firmament 丫[丫] yā fork; branch; bifurcation; girl 赏[賞] shǎng to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior); to appreciate (beauty) 谷[谷] gǔ valley 门口[門口] ménkǒu doorway; gate; CL:個|个[ge4] 停车[停車] tíngchē to pull up (stop one's vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall 应援[應援] yìngyuán (originally) to provide assistance; (more recently) to show one's support (for a singing idol etc) 太白[太白] Tàibái Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi; Venus 劲[勁] jìn strength; energy; enthusiasm; spirit; mood; expression; interest; CL:把[ba3]; Taiwan pr. [jing4] 接触[接觸] jiēchù to touch; to contact; access; in touch with 荧幕[熒幕] yíngmù TV screen 为的是[為的是] wèideshì for the sake of; for the purpose of 多次[多次] duōcì many times; repeatedly 特意[特意] tèyì specially; intentionally 搞混[搞混] gǎohùn to confuse; to muddle; to mix up 场次[場次] chǎngcì the number of showings of a movie, play etc; screening; performance 探[探] tàn to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit; to stretch forward 班[班] bān team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for groups 机灵[機靈] jīling clever; quick-witted 以来[以來] yǐlái since (a previous event) 海报[海報] hǎibào poster; playbill; notice //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/75 words - 12 min 晚点[晚點] wǎndiǎn (of trains etc) late; delayed; behind schedule; light dinner 酝酿[醞釀] yùnniàng (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions 顺眼[順眼] shùnyǎn pleasing to the eye; nice to look at 重量级[重量級] zhòngliàngjí heavyweight (boxing etc) 榜[榜] bǎng notice or announcement; list of names; public roll of successful examinees 空前[空前] kōngqián unprecedented 高涨[高漲] gāozhǎng to surge up; to rise; (of tensions etc) to run high 活力[活力] huólì energy; vitality; vigor; vital force 上升[上昇] shàngshēng to rise; to go up; to ascend 趋势[趨勢] qūshì trend; tendency 自拍[自拍] zìpāi to take a picture or video of oneself; to take a selfie; selfie 突破[突破] tūpò to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense 宠[寵] chǒng to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor 改名[改名] gǎimíng to change one's name 张三[張三] ZhāngSān John Doe; Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五[Wang2 Wu3] Tom, Dick and Harry 催[催] cuī to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to hasten sth; to expedite 三次[三次] sāncì third; three times; (math.) degree three, cubic (equation) 缓冲[緩衝] huǎnchōng buffer; to cushion; to adjust to sharp changes 两边[兩邊] liǎngbian either side; both sides 进入[進入] jìnrù to enter; to join; to go into 着火[著火] zháohuǒ to ignite; to burn 重申[重申] chóngshēn to reaffirm; to reiterate 装作[裝作] zhuāngzuò to pretend; to feign; to act a part 工作人员[工作人員] gōngzuòrényuán staff member 丹[丹] dān red; pellet; powder; cinnabar //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/100 words - 14 min 破坏[破壞] pòhuài destruction; damage; to wreck; to break; to destroy 在先[在先] zàixiān to come first; previous; prior; beforehand; first; formerly 瞎说[瞎說] xiāshuō to talk drivel; to assert sth without a proper understanding or basis in fact; not to know what one is talking about 仗[仗] zhàng weaponry; to hold (a weapon); to wield; to rely on; to depend on; war; battle 公然[公然] gōngrán openly; publicly; undisguised 走后门[走後門] zǒuhòumén lit. to enter by the back door; fig. to gain influence by pull or unofficial channels; back door or under the counter connections 彩[彩] cǎi (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize 嚷[嚷] rǎng to blurt out; to shout 嚷嚷[嚷嚷] rāngrang to argue noisily; to shout; to make widely known; to reproach 走着瞧[走著瞧] zǒuzheqiáo wait and see (who is right) 下边[下邊] xiàbian under; the underside; below 茉莉[茉莉] mòlì jasmine 魏[魏] wèi tower over a palace gateway (old) 内心[內心] nèixīn heart; innermost being; (math.) incenter 足[足] zú foot; to be sufficient; ample 异国他乡[異國他鄉] yìguótāxiāng foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate 苦[苦] kǔ bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly 抛弃[拋棄] pāoqì to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb) 夜深人静[夜深人靜] yèshēnrénjìng in the dead of night (idiom) 深入[深入] shēnrù to penetrate deeply; thorough 驱[驅] qū to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly 蚊[蚊] wén mosquito 蚊子[蚊子] wénzi mosquito 咬[咬] yǎo to bite; to nip 烦人[煩人] fánrén to annoy; annoying; irritating; troublesome //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/125 words - 18 min 接着[接著] jiēzhe to catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn 切切[切切] qièqiè urgently; eagerly; worried; (urge sb to) be sure to; it is absolutely essential to (follow the above instruction) 不由自主[不由自主] bùyóuzìzhǔ can't help; involuntarily (idiom) 宣泄[宣洩] xuānxiè to drain (by leading off water); to unburden oneself; to divulge; to leak a secret 忍无可忍[忍無可忍] rěnwúkěrěn more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience; the last straw 镜头[鏡頭] jìngtóu camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene 少爷[少爺] shàoye son of the boss; young master of the house; your son (honorific) 预备[預備] yùbèi to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory 温[溫] wēn warm; lukewarm; temperature; to warm up; mild; soft; tender; to review (a lesson etc); fever (TCM); old variant of 瘟[wen1] 十三[十三] shísān thirteen; 13 镜[鏡] jìng mirror; lens 海关[海關] hǎiguān customs (i.e. border crossing inspection); CL:個|个[ge4] 隔[隔] gé to separate; to partition; to stand or lie between; at a distance from; after or at an interval of 每当[每當] měidāng whenever; every time; on every 重来[重來] chónglái to start over; to do sth all over again 贪婪[貪婪] tānlán avaricious; greedy; rapacious; insatiable; avid 把关[把關] bǎguān to guard a pass; to check on sth 硬性[硬性] yìngxìng rigid; inflexible; hard (drug) 不合理[不合理] bùhélǐ unreasonable 大牌[大牌] dàpái strong card; honor card (card games); very popular or successful person; self-important 合理[合理] hélǐ rational; reasonable; fair 单[單] dān bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] 一半[一半] yībàn half 赔[賠] péi to compensate for loss; to indemnify; to suffer a financial loss 买卖[買賣] mǎimài buying and selling; business; business transactions; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/150 words - 20 min 因素[因素] yīnsù element; factor; CL:個|个[ge4] 环节[環節] huánjié (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc 条文[條文] tiáowén clause; explanatory section in a document 好说[好說] hǎoshuō easy to deal with; not a problem; (polite answer) you flatter me 胡来[胡來] húlái to act arbitrarily regardless of the rules; to mess with sth; to make a hash of things; to cause trouble 大咖[大咖] dàkā influential person; major player; big shot 沟通[溝通] gōutōng to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate 风险[風險] fēngxiǎn risk; hazard 尽到[盡到] jìndào to fulfill (one's duty etc) 告知[告知] gàozhī to inform 青[青] qīng green; blue; black; youth; young (of people) 打斗[打鬥] dǎdòu to fight 楼[樓] lóu house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] 中间[中間] zhōngjiān between; intermediate; mid; middle 缠[纏] chán to wind around; to wrap round; to coil; tangle; to involve; to bother; to annoy 替身[替身] tìshēn stand-in; substitute; body double; stuntman; scapegoat; fall guy; to stand in for sb else 武[武] wǔ martial; military 招式[招式] zhāoshì style; manner 衔接[銜接] xiánjiē to join together; to combine 切[切] qiē to cut; to slice; tangent (math) 切[切] qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4] 学会[學會] xuéhuì to learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association 丰富[豐富] fēngfù to enrich; rich; plentiful; abundant 机[機] jī machine; engine; opportunity; intention; aircraft; pivot; crucial point; flexible (quick-witted); organic; CL:臺|台[tai2] 右边[右邊] yòubian right side; right, to the right 下回[下回] xiàhuí next chapter; next time //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/175 words - 24 min 吃苦[吃苦] chīkǔ to bear hardships 给力[給力] gěilì cool; nifty; awesome; impressive; to put in extra effort 卖力[賣力] màilì to work hard; to do one's very best; to throw oneself into the task at hand 待会儿[待會兒] dāihuìr5 in a moment; later; also pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] or [dai1 hui5 r5] 完整[完整] wánzhěng complete; intact 本身[本身] běnshēn itself; in itself; per se 特别感谢[特別感謝] tèbiégǎnxiè special thanks; particular thanks 进度[進度] jìndù pace; tempo; degree of progress (on project); work schedule 耽搁[耽擱] dānge to tarry; to delay; to stop over 到头来[到頭來] dàotóulái in the end; finally; as a result 天真[天真] tiānzhēn naive; innocent; artless 偏心[偏心] piānxīn partial; biased; prejudiced; eccentric 兜[兜] dōu pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to take responsibility for; to disclose in detail; combat armor (old) 画面[畫面] huàmiàn scene; tableau; picture; image; screen (displayed by a computer); (motion picture) frame; field of view 素材[素材] sùcái source material (in literature and art) 走近[走近] zǒujìn to approach; to draw near to 稳定[穩定] wěndìng steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify 回放[回放] huífàng to replay; to play back 一模一样[一模一樣] yīmúyīyàng exactly the same (idiom); carbon copy; also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4] 小孩儿[小孩兒] xiǎoháir5 erhua variant of 小孩[xiao3 hai2] 遍[遍] biàn everywhere; all over; classifier for actions: one time 耗费[耗費] hàofèi to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander 心劲[心勁] xīnjìn thoughts; what one has in one's heart 胸闷[胸悶] xiōngmēn chest pain; chest distress 低级[低級] dījí low level; rudimentary; vulgar; low; inferior //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/200 words - 28 min 在场[在場] zàichǎng to be present; to be on the scene 电视机[電視機] diànshìjī television set; CL:臺|台[tai2] 极致[極致] jízhì peak; pinnacle; ultimate 感染[感染] gǎnrǎn infection; to infect; to influence 十一[十一] shíyī eleven; 11 大伙儿[大伙兒] dàhuǒr5 erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3] 午饭[午飯] wǔfàn lunch; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 庆生[慶生] qìngshēng to celebrate a birthday 搞好[搞好] gǎohǎo to do well at; to do a good job 有百利而无一害[有百利而無一害] yǒubǎilì'érwúyīhài to have many advantages and no disadvantages 周到[周到] zhōudào thoughtful; considerate; attentive; thorough; also pr. [zhou1 dao5] 生日快乐[生日快樂] shēngrìkuàilè Happy birthday 十八[十八] shíbā eighteen; 18 一眼[一眼] yīyǎn a glance; a quick look; a glimpse 生动[生動] shēngdòng vivid; lively 收工[收工] shōugōng to stop work for the day (generally of laborers); to knock off 收获[收穫] shōuhuò to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward 颇[頗] pō rather; quite; considerably; oblique; inclined; slanting; Taiwan pr. [po3] 丰[豐] fēng abundant; plentiful; fertile; plump; great 驾驭[駕馭] jiàyù to urge on (of horse); to drive; to steer; to handle; to manage; to master; to dominate 安慰[安慰] ānwèi to comfort; to console; CL:個|个[ge4] 传言[傳言] chuányán rumor; hearsay 逮[逮] dài (literary) to arrest; to seize; to overtake; until 就事论事[就事論事] jiùshìlùnshì to discuss sth on its own merits; to judge the matter as it stands 论[論] lùn opinion; view; theory; doctrine; to discuss; to talk about; to regard; to consider; per; by the (kilometer, hour etc) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/225 words - 33 min 其一[其一] qíyī one of the given (options etc); the first; firstly 意愿[意願] yìyuàn aspiration; wish (for); desire 其二[其二] qí'èr secondly; the other (usu. of two); the second 掺[摻] shǎn to grasp 杂[雜] zá mixed; miscellaneous; various; to mix 戏份[戲份] xìfèn scene (in a movie etc); one's part in a movie or play; (archaic) actor's payment 待遇[待遇] dàiyù treatment; pay; salary; status; rank 暑[暑] shǔ heat; hot weather; summer heat 合影[合影] héyǐng to take a joint photo; group photo 真假[真假] zhēnjiǎ genuine or fake; true or false 作秀[作秀] zuòxiù to show off (loanword, from English "show"); to grandstand; to perform in a stage show 按时[按時] ànshí on time; before deadline; on schedule 因[因] yīn cause; reason; because 首轮[首輪] shǒulún first round (of a competition etc) 卫视[衛視] wèishì satellite TV (abbr. for 衛星電視|卫星电视[wei4 xing1 dian4 shi4]) 大纲[大綱] dàgāng synopsis; outline; program; leading principles 构成[構成] gòuchéng to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing) 段落[段落] duànluò phase; time interval; paragraph; (written) passage 第一时间[第一時間] dìyīshíjiān in the first moments (of sth happening); immediately (after an event); first thing 确切[確切] quèqiè definite; exact; precise 特殊[特殊] tèshū special; particular; unusual; extraordinary 互相[互相] hùxiāng each other; mutually; mutual 效应[效應] xiàoyìng effect (scientific phenomenon) 圈内[圈內] quānnèi close circle; community; (esp.) the show business milieu 服从[服從] fúcóng to obey (an order); to comply; to defer //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep07/239 words - 40 min 契约[契約] qìyuē agreement; contract 合作伙伴[合作伙伴] hézuòhuǒbàn cooperative partner 开工[開工] kāigōng to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation); to start a construction job 重头戏[重頭戲] zhòngtóuxì opera (or role) involving much singing and action; (fig.) highlight; main feature; major activity 打圆场[打圓場] dǎyuánchǎng to help to resolve a dispute; to smooth things over 请假[請假] qǐngjià to request leave of absence 不情愿[不情願] bùqíngyuàn unwilling 低头[低頭] dītóu to bow the head; to yield; to give in 搞砸[搞砸] gǎozá to mess (sth) up; to foul up; to spoil 函送[函送] hánsòng (formal) to inform by letter; to submit in writing 追忆[追憶] zhuīyì to recollect; to recall (past times); to look back 往昔[往昔] wǎngxī the past 友情[友情] yǒuqíng friendly feelings; friendship 遵守[遵守] zūnshǒu to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an agreement) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/25 words - 6 min 工[工] gōng work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor 关上[關上] guānshàng to close (a door); to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc) 开车[開車] kāichē to drive a car 车门[車門] chēmén car door; door of bus, railway carriage etc 专车[專車] zhuānchē special (or reserved) train (or bus etc); limousine; private car used as a taxi and booked via a smartphone app 后门[後門] hòumén the back door; fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure); anus 熄火[熄火] xīhuǒ (of fire, lamp etc) to go out; to put out (fire); (fig.) to die down; (of a vehicle) to stall 车费[車費] chēfèi passenger fare 安全带[安全帶] ānquándài seat belt; safety belt 风衣[風衣] fēngyī windbreaker; wind cheater; wind jacket; CL:件[jian4] 周围[周圍] zhōuwéi surroundings; environment; to encompass 小题大做[小題大做] xiǎotídàzuò to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom) 修[修] xiū to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to write; to cultivate; to study; to take (a class) 栈道[棧道] zhàndào plank walkway constructed on the face of a cliff; (archaic) elevated passageway connecting the upper levels of adjacent towers 暗[暗] àn dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark 度[度] dù to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences 仓[倉] cāng barn; granary; storehouse; cabin; hold (in ship) 反常[反常] fǎncháng unusual; abnormal 必[必] bì certainly; must; will; necessarily 妖[妖] yāo goblin; witch; devil; bewitching; enchanting; monster; phantom; demon 疑神疑鬼[疑神疑鬼] yíshényíguǐ to suspect everyone; overly suspicious 耍赖[耍賴] shuǎlài to act shamelessly; to refuse to acknowledge that one has lost the game, or made a promise etc; to act dumb; to act as if sth never happened 占领[佔領] zhànlǐng to occupy (a territory); to hold 二八[二八] èrbā 16; sixteen 定律[定律] dìnglǜ scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy); (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/50 words - 8 min 剩余[剩餘] shèngyú remainder; surplus 二分[二分] èrfēn second part; the equinox 其余[其餘] qíyú the rest; the others; remaining; remainder; apart from them 女星[女星] nǚxīng female star; famous actress 座右铭[座右銘] zuòyòumíng motto; maxim 无限[無限] wúxiàn unlimited; unbounded 空间[空間] kōngjiān space; room; (fig.) scope; leeway; (astronomy) outer space; (physics, math.) space 拼命[拼命] pīnmìng to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 右[右] yòu right (-hand); the Right (politics); west (old) 拐[拐] guǎi to turn (a corner etc); to kidnap; to swindle; to misappropriate; walking stick; crutch; seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1]) 高速[高速] gāosù high speed 直行[直行] zhíxíng to go straight; straight forward; fig. to do right 右转[右轉] yòuzhuǎn to turn right 躺下[躺下] tǎngxià to lie down 承诺[承諾] chéngnuò to promise; to undertake to do something; commitment 行踪[行蹤] xíngzōng whereabouts; (lose) track (of) 个人隐私[個人隱私] gèrényǐnsī personal privacy; private matters 纵容[縱容] zòngróng to indulge; to connive at 极端[極端] jíduān extreme 疯狂[瘋狂] fēngkuáng crazy; frantic; extreme popularity 偷窥[偷窺] tōukuī to peep; to peek; to act as voyeur 骚扰[騷擾] sāorǎo to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass 实时[實時] shíshí (in) real time; instantaneous 支援[支援] zhīyuán to provide assistance; to support; to back 爆出[爆出] bàochū to burst out; to appear unexpectedly; to break (media story) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/75 words - 13 min 领教[領教] lǐngjiào much obliged; thank you; to ask advice; (ironically or humorously) to experience; to taste 拦[攔] lán to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) 团[團] tuán round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) 汇报[彙報] huìbào to report; to give an account of; report 赐[賜] cì to confer; to bestow; to grant 督促[督促] dūcù to supervise and urge completion of a task; to urge on 术[術] shù method; technique 专攻[專攻] zhuāngōng to specialize in; to major in 隔行如隔山[隔行如隔山] géhángrúgéshān different trades, worlds apart (idiom); to sb outside the profession, it is a closed book 酒店[酒店] jiǔdiàn wine shop; pub (public house); hotel; restaurant; (Tw) hostess club 美酒[美酒] měijiǔ good wine; fine liquor 噩梦[噩夢] èmèng nightmare 一成不变[一成不變] yīchéngbùbiàn nothing much changes (idiom); always the same; stuck in a rut 作息[作息] zuòxī to work and rest 规律[規律] guīlǜ rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline 人情味[人情味] rénqíngwèi human warmth; friendliness; human touch 赚钱[賺錢] zhuànqián to earn money; moneymaking 体谅[體諒] tǐliàng to empathize; to allow (for sth); to show understanding; to appreciate 个个[個個] gègè each one individually; each and every 接点[接點] jiēdiǎn (electrical) contact 偶像[偶像] ǒuxiàng idol 更迭[更迭] gēngdié to alternate; to change 淘汰[淘汰] táotài to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out 逼迫[逼迫] bīpò to force; to compel; to coerce 话语[話語] huàyǔ words; speech; utterance; discourse //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/100 words - 15 min 大于[大於] dàyú greater than; bigger than; more than, > 强迫[強迫] qiǎngpò to compel; to force 脚下[腳下] jiǎoxià under the foot 停止[停止] tíngzhǐ to stop; to halt; to cease 单纯[單純] dānchún simple; pure; unsophisticated; merely; purely 停留[停留] tíngliú to stay somewhere temporarily; to stop over 巅峰[巔峰] diānfēng summit; apex; pinnacle (of one's career etc); peak (of a civilization etc) 远离[遠離] yuǎnlí to be far from; to keep away from 舒适[舒適] shūshì cozy; snug 子女[子女] zǐnǚ children; sons and daughters 高尚[高尚] gāoshàng noble; lofty; refined; exquisite 好奇[好奇] hàoqí inquisitive; curious; inquisitiveness; curiosity 上路[上路] shànglù to start on a journey; to be on one's way 握住[握住] wòzhù to grip; to hold 巧合[巧合] qiǎohé coincidence; coincidental; to coincide 微笑[微笑] wēixiào smile; CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1]; to smile 之外[之外] zhīwài outside; excluding 失散[失散] shīsàn to lose touch with; missing; scattered; separated from 渐渐[漸漸] jiànjiàn gradually 靠近[靠近] kàojìn near; to approach 上楼[上樓] shànglóu to go upstairs 一套[一套] yītào suit; a set; a collection; of the same kind; the same old stuff; set pattern of behavior 凉[涼] liáng cool; cold 显[顯] xiǎn to make visible; to reveal; prominent; conspicuous; (prefix) phanero- 腰[腰] yāo waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/125 words - 19 min 侧面[側面] cèmiàn lateral side; side; aspect; profile 连轴转[連軸轉] liánzhóuzhuàn lit. to continuously revolve; to work non-stop; to work around the clock (idiom) 觉[覺] jiào a nap; a sleep; CL:場|场[chang2] 觉[覺] jué to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware 师傅[師傅] shīfu master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 针灸[針灸] zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion; to give or have acupuncture and moxibustion 去年[去年] qùnián last year 跳舞[跳舞] tiàowǔ to dance 综艺[綜藝] zōngyì wide range of performing arts 摔[摔] shuāi to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 利索[利索] lìsuo nimble 统筹[統籌] tǒngchóu an overall plan; to plan an entire project as a whole 天主[天主] Tiānzhǔ God (in Catholicism); abbr. for 天主教[Tian1 zhu3 jiao4], Catholicism 场景[場景] chǎngjǐng scene; scenario; setting 转账[轉賬] zhuǎnzhàng to transfer (money to a bank account) 热水[熱水] rèshuǐ hot water 胃疼[胃疼] wèiténg stomachache 粥[粥] zhōu congee; gruel; porridge; CL:碗[wan3] 中药[中藥] Zhōngyào (traditional) Chinese medicine; CL:服[fu4],種|种[zhong3] 调理[調理] tiáolǐ to nurse one's health; to recuperate; to take care of; to look after; to discipline; to educate; to train; to prepare food; (dialect) to make fun of; (medicine) to opsonize 歇[歇] xiē to rest; to take a break; to stop; to halt; (dialect) to sleep; a moment; a short while 香槟[香檳] xiāngbīn champagne (loanword) 浪漫[浪漫] làngmàn romantic 顶层[頂層] dǐngcéng top floor; the top of a building 套房[套房] tàofáng suite; apartment; flat 二十多[二十多] èrshíduō over 20 //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/150 words - 23 min 瓶[瓶] píng bottle; vase; pitcher; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for wine and liquids 引人注意[引人注意] yǐnrénzhùyì to attract attention; eye-catching; conspicuous 保安[保安] bǎo'ān to ensure public security; to ensure safety (for workers engaged in production); public security; security guard 赶走[趕走] gǎnzǒu to drive out; to turn back 天黑[天黑] tiānhēi to get dark; dusk 穿上[穿上] chuānshang to put on (clothes etc) 撑场面[撐場面] chēngchǎngmiàn to keep up appearances; to put up a front 校园[校園] xiàoyuán campus 最低谷[最低谷] zuìdīgǔ lowest point; nadir 左边[左邊] zuǒbian left; the left side; to the left of 培养[培養] péiyǎng to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) 脱离[脫離] tuōlí to separate oneself from; to break away from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany) 包装[包裝] bāozhuāng to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging 推销[推銷] tuīxiāo to market; to sell 冰[冰] bīng ice; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; to chill sth; (of an object or substance) to feel cold; (of a person) cold; unfriendly; (slang) methamphetamine 共同利益[共同利益] gòngtónglìyì common interest; mutual benefit 客观[客觀] kèguān objective; impartial 经历[經歷] jīnglì experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through 生涯[生涯] shēngyá career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life 污点[污點] wūdiǎn stain; taint 进军[進軍] jìnjūn to march; to advance 沦为[淪為] lúnwéi to sink down to; to be reduced to (sth inferior) 笑柄[笑柄] xiàobǐng a matter for ridicule; an object of ridicule; laughingstock 活活[活活] huóhuó while still alive; simply; totally 天生[天生] tiānshēng nature; disposition; innate; natural //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/175 words - 27 min 刺猬[刺蝟] cìwei hedgehog 规劝[規勸] guīquàn to advise 爱惜[愛惜] àixī to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly 羽毛[羽毛] yǔmáo feather; plumage; plume 反目成仇[反目成仇] fǎnmùchéngchóu to become enemies (idiom); to fall out with sb 遍体鳞伤[遍體鱗傷] biàntǐlínshāng covered all over with cuts and bruises; beaten black and blue; be a mass of bruises 克制[克制] kèzhì to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control 效[效] xiào effect; efficacy; to imitate 标准[標準] biāozhǔn (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|个[ge4] 衡量[衡量] héngliáng to weigh; to examine; to consider 犯病[犯病] fànbìng to fall ill 孤岛[孤島] gūdǎo isolated island 划[划] huá to row; to paddle; profitable; worth (the effort); it pays (to do sth) 岸[岸] àn bank; shore; beach; coast; CL:個|个[ge4] 守[守] shǒu to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual); nearby; adjoining 半途而废[半途而廢] bàntú'érfèi to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished 落伍[落伍] luòwǔ to fall behind the ranks; to be outdated 杯[盃] bēi variant of 杯[bei1]; trophy cup; classifier for certain containers of liquids: glass, cup 吸血鬼[吸血鬼] xīxuèguǐ leech; bloodsucking vermin; vampire (translated European notion); fig. cruel exploiter, esp. a capitalist exploiting the workers 矛盾[矛盾] máodùn contradiction; CL:個|个[ge4]; conflicting views; contradictory 吃不消[吃不消] chībuxiāo to be unable to tolerate or endure; to find sth difficult to manage 下不为例[下不為例] xiàbùwéilì not to be repeated; not to be taken as a precedent; just this once 季度[季度] jìdù quarter of a year; season (sports) 房卡[房卡] fángkǎ room card (in a hotel) 拿走[拿走] názǒu to take away //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/200 words - 35 min 畅[暢] chàng free; unimpeded; smooth; at ease; free from worry; fluent 己[己] jǐ self; oneself; sixth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; sixth in order; letter "F" or Roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; hexa 后座[后座] hòuzuò empress's throne; (fig.) first place in a feminine competition 后备箱[後備箱] hòubèixiāng trunk; boot (of a car) 表里不一[表裡不一] biǎolǐbùyī outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems; saying one thing but meaning sth different 伪君子[偽君子] wěijūnzǐ hypocrite 借给[借給] jiègěi to lend to sb 倒闭[倒閉] dǎobì to go bankrupt; to close down 非得[非得] fēiděi (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must 载[載] zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; to fill up; and; also; as well as; simultaneously 程[程] chéng rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence 局子[局子] júzi police station 玩意[玩意] wányì toy; plaything; thing; act; trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc) 扔[扔] rēng to throw; to throw away 仨[仨] sā three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个) 既往不咎[既往不咎] jìwǎngbùjiù to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones; There is no point in crying over spilt milk. 居心叵测[居心叵測] jūxīnpǒcè harboring unfathomable motives (idiom) 一口气[一口氣] yīkǒuqì one breath; in one breath; at a stretch 太极[太極] Tàijí the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some interpretations of Chinese mythology 扯[扯] chě to pull; to tear; (of cloth, thread etc) to buy; to chat; to gossip; (coll.) (Tw) ridiculous; hokey 拉拉[拉拉] lālā lesbian (Internet slang); Labrador retriever 擅自[擅自] shànzì without permission 楚[楚] chǔ distinct; clear; orderly; pain; suffering; deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex); punishment cane (old) 撂[撂] liào to put down; to leave behind; to throw or knock down; to abandon or discard 换人[換人] huànrén to replace sb (personnel, sports team player etc); substitution //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/225 words - 39 min 自负[自負] zìfù conceited; to take responsibility 体[體] tǐ body; form; style; system; substance; to experience; aspect (linguistics) 先进[先進] xiānjìn advanced (technology); to advance 邻里[鄰里] línlǐ neighbor; neighborhood 老年痴呆[老年痴獃] lǎoniánchīdāi senile dementia; Alzheimer's disease 快进[快進] kuàijìn fast-forward (media player) 混球[混球] húnqiú bastard; wretch; scoundrel 开走[開走] kāizǒu to go (of car, train etc); to drive off 酒味[酒味] jiǔwèi smell of alcohol; flavoring of rum or other liquor in food; aroma or nose (of wine) 昨晚[昨晚] zuówǎn yesterday evening; last night 单车[單車] dānchē (coll.) bike; bicycle (esp. bike-share bicycle) 大半夜[大半夜] dàbànyè the middle of the night 酒驾[酒駕] jiǔjià DWI; driving while intoxicated 许[許] xǔ to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps 了事[了事] liǎoshì to dispose of a matter; to be done with it 教育[教育] jiàoyù to educate; to teach; education 陌生人[陌生人] mòshēngrén stranger 小学生[小學生] xiǎoxuéshēng primary school student; schoolchild; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]; (fig.) beginner 外观[外觀] wàiguān exterior appearance; to view sth from the outside; exterior condition 民事[民事] mínshì civil case; agricultural affairs; civil 刑事犯[刑事犯] xíngshìfàn a criminal 罪[罪] zuì guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin 违[違] wéi to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against 拖走[拖走] tuōzǒu to drag away 达到[達到] dádào to reach; to achieve; to attain //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep08/241 words - 41 min 罚款[罰款] fákuǎn to fine; penalty; fine (monetary) 扣分[扣分] kòufēn to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points; to lose points for a penalty or error 叔[叔] shū uncle; father's younger brother; husband's younger brother; Taiwan pr. [shu2] 威[威] wēi power; might; prestige 亚[亞] yà second; next to; inferior; sub-; Taiwan pr. [ya3] 摄影[攝影] shèyǐng to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie) 娘子[娘子] niángzǐ (dialect) form of address for one's wife; polite form of address for a woman 爷[爺] yé grandpa; old gentleman 选出[選出] xuǎnchū to pick out; to select; to elect 主题[主題] zhǔtí theme; subject 抽出[抽出] chōuchū to take out; to extract 亮点[亮點] liàngdiǎn highlight; bright spot 女性主义[女性主義] nǚxìngzhǔyì feminism 创业[創業] chuàngyè to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship 坎坷[坎坷] kǎnkě bumpy (of a road); rough (of life); to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes 在职[在職] zàizhí to be employed; to be in post; on-the-job //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/25 words - 3 min 停下[停下] tíngxià to stop 扭[扭] niǔ to turn; to twist; to wring; to sprain; to swing one's hips 赶到[趕到] gǎndào to hurry (to some place) 脚踝[腳踝] jiǎohuái ankle 扭伤[扭傷] niǔshāng a sprain; a crick; to sprain 起见[起見] qǐjiàn motive; purpose; (sth) being the motive or purpose 错误[錯誤] cuòwù error; mistake; CL:個|个[ge4]; mistaken; false; wrong 唯恐[唯恐] wéikǒng for fear that; lest; also written 惟恐 曝光[曝光] bàoguāng to expose (photography); (fig.) to expose (a scandal); (advertising) exposure; Taiwan pr. [pu4 guang1] 安心[安心] ānxīn at ease; to feel relieved; to set one's mind at rest; to keep one's mind on sth 来回[來回] láihuí to make a round trip; return journey; back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly 当着[當著] dāngzhe in front of; in the presence of 面[麵] miàn flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 闹脾气[鬧脾氣] nàopíqi to get angry 既定[既定] jìdìng already fixed; set; established 体会[體會] tǐhuì to know from experience; to learn through experience; to realize; understanding; experience 抚慰[撫慰] fǔwèi to console; to comfort; to soothe 当面[當面] dāngmiàn to sb's face; in sb's presence 轻松[輕鬆] qīngsōng light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously 合作方[合作方] hézuòfāng (business) partner 十二分[十二分] shí'èrfēn exceedingly; hundred percent; everything and more 降落[降落] jiàngluò to descend; to land 失重[失重] shīzhòng weightlessness 吊[弔] diào a string of 100 cash (arch.); to lament; to condole with; variant of 吊[diao4] 幸[幸] xìng fortunate; lucky //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/50 words - 6 min 伤筋动骨[傷筋動骨] shāngjīndònggǔ to suffer serious injury (idiom) 医药[醫藥] yīyào medical care and medicines; medicine (drug); medical; pharmaceutical 承担[承擔] chéngdān to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc) 失误[失誤] shīwù lapse; mistake; to make a mistake; fault; service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc) 损失[損失] sǔnshī loss; damage; CL:個|个[ge4]; to lose; to suffer damage 添[添] tiān to add; to increase; to replenish 霓虹灯[霓虹燈] níhóngdēng neon lamp (loanword) 道具[道具] dàojù prop (theater); paraphernalia; (gaming) item; artifact 什么的[什麼的] shénmede and so on; and what not 青梅竹马[青梅竹馬] qīngméizhúmǎ lit. green plums and hobby-horse (idiom); fig. innocent children's games; childhood sweethearts; a couple who grew up as childhood friends 街道[街道] jiēdào street; CL:條|条[tiao2]; subdistrict; residential district 走过[走過] zǒuguò to walk past; to pass by 求婚[求婚] qiúhūn to propose marriage 女朋友[女朋友] nǚpéngyou girlfriend 逃不出[逃不出] táobùchū unable to escape; can't get out 宿命[宿命] sùmìng predestination; karma 原点[原點] yuándiǎn origin (math.); origin of coordinates 升华[升華] shēnghuá to sublimate; sublimation (physics); to raise to a higher level; to refine; promotion 蓝山[藍山] Lánshān Lanshan county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan 豆[豆] dòu bean; pea; CL:棵[ke1],粒[li4]; sacrificial vessel 美式[美式] Měishì American style 糖[糖] táng sugar; sweets; candy; CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4] 随心所欲[隨心所欲] suíxīnsuǒyù to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases (idiom) 天花乱坠[天花亂墜] tiānhuāluànzhuì lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (idiom); fig. extravagant embellishments; hype 停工[停工] tínggōng to stop work; to shut down; to stop production //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/75 words - 12 min 回车[回車] huíchē enter (computer key) 有助于[有助於] yǒuzhùyú to contribute to; to promote 恢复[恢復] huīfù to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate 过不去[過不去] guòbuqù to make life difficult for; to embarrass; unable to make it through 发火[發火] fāhuǒ to catch fire; to ignite; to detonate; to get angry 一口[一口] yīkǒu readily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite 锅[鍋] guō pot; pan; boiler; CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1] 腿[腿] tuǐ leg; CL:條|条[tiao2] 乱套[亂套] luàntào in a mess; upside down 失控[失控] shīkòng to go out of control 即将[即將] jíjiāng on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of 口水[口水] kǒushuǐ saliva 看得起[看得起] kàndeqǐ to show respect for; to think highly of 钢[鋼] gāng steel 刀刃[刀刃] dāorèn knife blade; crucial point 大大小小[大大小小] dàdàxiǎoxiǎo large and small; of all sizes 放假[放假] fàngjià to have a holiday or vacation 元老[元老] yuánlǎo senior figure; elder; doyen 指望[指望] zhǐwàng to hope for sth; to count on; hope 拨[撥] bō to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch 吩咐[吩咐] fēnfù to tell; to instruct; to command 艺术家[藝術家] yìshùjiā artist; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 糊弄[糊弄] hùnong to fool; to deceive; to go through the motions 节省[節省] jiéshěng saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on 挣钱[掙錢] zhèngqián to make money //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/100 words - 23 min 往死里[往死裡] wǎngsǐlǐ (coll.) (to beat etc) to death 人情[人情] rénqíng human emotions; social relationship; friendship; favor; a good turn 大义凛然[大義凜然] dàyìlǐnrán devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom) 无情[無情] wúqíng pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless 心疼[心疼] xīnténg to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge; to be distressed 制片[製片] zhìpiàn moviemaking 调[調] diào to transfer; to move (troops or cadres); to investigate; to enquire into; accent; view; argument; key (in music); mode (music); tune; tone; melody 调[調] tiáo to harmonize; to reconcile; to blend; to suit well; to adjust; to regulate; to season (food); to provoke; to incite 谈谈[談談] tántán to discuss; to have a chat 行李[行李] xíngli luggage; CL:件[jian4] 好些[好些] hǎoxiē a good deal of; quite a lot 位列[位列] wèiliè to rank 怀抱[懷抱] huáibào to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) 温暖[溫暖] wēnnuǎn warm 刘[劉] Liú surname Liu 吃不上[吃不上] chībushàng unable to get anything to eat; to miss a meal 面临[面臨] miànlín to face sth; to be confronted with 动力[動力] dònglì motive power; force; (fig.) motivation; impetus 姐妹[姐妹] jiěmèi sisters; siblings; sister (school, city etc) 多事[多事] duōshì meddlesome; eventful 可不是[可不是] kěbushì that's just the way it is; exactly! 叔叔[叔叔] shūshu father's younger brother; uncle; Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 回[迴] huí to curve; to return; to revolve 不怎么样[不怎麼樣] bùzěnmeyàng not up to much; very indifferent; nothing great about it; nothing good to be said about it 备份[備份] bèifèn backup 将心比心[將心比心] jiāngxīnbǐxīn to put oneself in sb else's shoes (idiom) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/125 words - 29 min 泡[泡] pào bubble; foam; blister (i.e. skin bubble); to soak; to steep; to infuse; to dawdle; to shilly-shally; to hang about; to pick up (a girl); to get off with (a sexual partner); classifier for occurrences of an action; classifier for number of infusions 出生[出生] chūshēng to be born 回心转意[回心轉意] huíxīnzhuǎnyì to change one's mind (idiom) 拐杖[拐杖] guǎizhàng crutches; crutch; walking stick 虐[虐] nüè oppressive; tyrannical 童[童] tóng child 案[案] àn (legal) case; incident; record; file; table 刑事[刑事] xíngshì criminal; penal 诉状[訴狀] sùzhuàng indictment; plea; complaint 客人[客人] kèrén visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 会客室[會客室] huìkèshì parlor 告别[告別] gàobié to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to 香港[香港] Xiānggǎng Hong Kong 堆[堆] duī to pile up; to heap up; a mass; pile; heap; stack; large amount 始终[始終] shǐzhōng from beginning to end; all along 房车[房車] fángchē recreational vehicle 互联网[互聯網] Hùliánwǎng Internet 轮椅[輪椅] lúnyǐ wheelchair 瘫痪[癱瘓] tānhuàn paralysis; be paralyzed (body, transportation, etc) 健康[健康] jiànkāng health; healthy 消防[消防] xiāofáng firefighting; fire control 通道[通道] tōngdào (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage 辆[輛] liàng classifier for vehicles 发电[發電] fādiàn to generate electricity; to send a telegram 腾[騰] téng to soar; to gallop; to prance; to turn over; to vacate; to clear //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/150 words - 34 min 三两[三兩] sānliǎng two or three 事儿[事兒] shìr5 one's employment; business; matter that needs to be settled; (northern dialect) (of a person) demanding; trying; troublesome; erhua variant of 事[shi4]; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1] 过来人[過來人] guòláirén an experienced person; sb who has "been around (the block)"; sb who has personally experienced it 处方[處方] chǔfāng medical prescription; recipe; formula 打听[打聽] dǎting to ask about; to make some inquiries; to ask around 有效[有效] yǒuxiào effective; in effect; valid 招呼[招呼] zhāohu to call out to; to greet; to say hello to; to inform; to take care of; to take care that one does not 调度[調度] diàodù to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc); to schedule; to manage; dispatcher; scheduler 转身[轉身] zhuǎnshēn (of a person) to turn round; to face about; (of a widow) to remarry (archaic) 表情[表情] biǎoqíng (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression 特[特] tè special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex 只好[只好] zhǐhǎo without any better option; to have to; to be forced to 开放[開放] kāifàng to bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality 式[式] shì type; form; pattern; style 不太好[不太好] bùtàihǎo not so good; not too well 孙[孫] sūn grandson; descendant 把门[把門] bǎmén to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate 看好[看好] kànhǎo optimistic (about the outcome); bullish; to think highly of; to support 年底[年底] niándǐ the end of the year; year-end 单人[單人] dānrén one person; single (room, bed etc) 齐[齊] qí neat; even; level with; identical; simultaneous; all together; to even sth out 别管[別管] biéguǎn no matter (who, what etc) 招惹[招惹] zhāorě to provoke; to tease 这时[這時] zhèshí at this time; at this moment 幺[么] yāo youngest; most junior; tiny; one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military); one or ace on dice or dominoes; variant of 吆[yao1], to shout //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/175 words - 36 min 蛾子[蛾子] ézi moth 散伙[散伙] sànhuǒ to disband; (of a partnership, group etc) to break up 时装[時裝] shízhuāng fashion; fashionable clothes 负责人[負責人] fùzérén person in charge 男装[男裝] nánzhuāng men's clothes 系列[系列] xìliè series; set 代言人[代言人] dàiyánrén spokesperson 形式[形式] xíngshì outer appearance; form; shape; formality; CL:個|个[ge4] 推广[推廣] tuīguǎng to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc) 女装[女裝] nǚzhuāng women's clothes 这会儿[這會兒] zhèhuìr5 (coll.) now; this moment; also pr. [zhe4 hui3 r5] 代替[代替] dàitì to replace; to take the place of 听得懂[聽得懂] tīngdedǒng to understand (by hearing); to catch (what sb says) 穿着[穿著] chuānzhuó attire; clothes; dress 勾起[勾起] gōuqǐ to evoke; to induce; to call to mind; to pick up with a hook 裤子[褲子] kùzi trousers; pants; CL:條|条[tiao2] 绷带[繃帶] bēngdài bandage (loanword) 穿帮[穿幫] chuānbāng (TV or movie) blooper; continuity error; (theater) to flub one's lines; unintended exposure of a body part; to be exposed (of a scheme or trick); to reveal sth one intended to conceal through a slip of the tongue; to blow one's cover 卧床[臥床] wòchuáng to lie in bed; bedridden; bed 柔[柔] róu soft; flexible; supple; yielding; rho (Greek letter Ρρ) 柔弱[柔弱] róuruò weak; delicate 倔[倔] jué crabby; tough 情节[情節] qíngjié plot; circumstances 服装[服裝] fúzhuāng dress; clothing; costume; clothes; CL:身[shen1] 韧带[韌帶] rèndài ligament //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep09/197 words - 40 min 站立[站立] zhànlì to stand; standing; on one's feet 后期[後期] hòuqī late stage; later period 大大[大大] dàdà greatly; enormously; (dialect) dad; uncle 粉红色[粉紅色] fěnhóngsè pink 蝴蝶结[蝴蝶結] húdiéjié bow; bowknot 揪[揪] jiū to seize; to clutch; to grab firmly and pull 夏天[夏天] xiàtiān summer; CL:個|个[ge4] 扣子[釦子] kòuzi button 校服[校服] xiàofú school uniform 心脏[心臟] xīnzàng heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 自私[自私] zìsī selfish; selfishness 无数[無數] wúshù countless; numberless; innumerable 娶[娶] qǔ to take a wife; to marry (a woman) 格外[格外] géwài especially; particularly 松手[鬆手] sōngshǒu to relinquish one's grip; to let go 搭把手[搭把手] dābǎshǒu to help out 怀[懷] huái bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child) 犹豫[猶豫] yóuyù to hesitate 默默[默默] mòmò in silence; not speaking 顶[頂] dǐng apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc 骂名[罵名] màmíng infamy; blackened name 委屈[委屈] wěiqu to feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/25 words - 7 min 稍微[稍微] shāowēi a little bit 变动[變動] biàndòng to change; to fluctuate; change; fluctuation 耿耿于怀[耿耿於懷] gěnggěngyúhuái to take troubles to heart (idiom); brooding 提及[提及] tíjí to mention; to raise (a subject); to bring to sb's attention 扬[揚] yáng to raise; to hoist; the action of tossing or winnowing; scattering (in the wind); to flutter; to propagate 陪伴[陪伴] péibàn to accompany 疏远[疏遠] shūyuǎn to drift apart; to become estranged; to alienate; estrangement 折磨[折磨] zhémó to torment; to torture 不辞而别[不辭而別] bùcí'érbié to leave without saying good-bye 从天而降[從天而降] cóngtiān'érjiàng lit. to drop from the sky (idiom); fig. to appear unexpectedly; to arise abruptly; out of the blue; to drop into one's lap 激烈[激烈] jīliè (of competition or fighting) intense; fierce; (of pain) acute; (of an expression of opinion) impassioned; vehement; (of a course of action) drastic; extreme 回收[回收] huíshōu to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover; to recall (a defective product) 跪下[跪下] guìxia to kneel down 轮流[輪流] lúnliú to alternate; to take turns 为止[為止] wéizhǐ until; (used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止) 逞强[逞強] chěngqiáng to show off; to try to be brave 松[松] sōng pine; CL:棵[ke1] 真棒[真棒] zhēnbàng super!; really great; wonderful 全体人员[全體人員] quántǐrényuán crew 分散[分散] fēnsàn to scatter; to disperse; to distribute 注意力[注意力] zhùyìlì attention 线上[線上] xiànshàng online 今儿[今兒] jīnr5 (coll.) today 苦情[苦情] kǔqíng wretched situation; plight; wretched; miserable 砖头[磚頭] zhuāntou brick //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/50 words - 17 min 特写[特寫] tèxiě feature article; close-up (filmmaking, photography etc) 拥有[擁有] yōngyǒu to have; to possess 借口[借口] jièkǒu to use as an excuse; on the pretext; excuse; pretext 皱眉头[皺眉頭] zhòuméitóu to scowl; to knit the brows 食言[食言] shíyán lit. to eat one's words; to break a promise; to go back on one's word; to renege; unsworn testimony 粉红[粉紅] fěnhóng pink 良心[良心] liángxīn conscience 此刻[此刻] cǐkè this moment; now; at present 秀恩爱[秀恩愛] xiù'ēn'ài to make a public display of affection 说到底[說到底] shuōdàodǐ in the final analysis; in the end 踏实[踏實] tāshi firmly-based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2] 名正言顺[名正言順] míngzhèngyánshùn in a way that justifies the use of the term; genuine; proper; in a way that conforms to logic; justifiable; appropriate; perfectly legitimate 愧疚[愧疚] kuìjiù to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of oneself; to be remorseful 心意[心意] xīnyì regard; kindly feelings; intention 幻想[幻想] huànxiǎng delusion; fantasy 生就[生就] shēngjiù to be born with; to be gifted with 解读[解讀] jiědú to decipher; to decode; to interpret 搞错[搞錯] gǎocuò mistake; to make a mistake; to blunder; mistaken 鼓励[鼓勵] gǔlì to encourage 天大[天大] tiāndà gargantuan; as big as the sky; enormous 全身心[全身心] quánshēnxīn wholeheartedly; (to devote oneself) heart and soul 灵魂[靈魂] línghún soul; spirit 撑腰[撐腰] chēngyāo to support; to brace 了不起[了不起] liǎobuqǐ amazing; terrific; extraordinary 某些[某些] mǒuxiē some; certain (things) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/75 words - 23 min 指挥[指揮] zhǐhuī to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[ge4] 看一看[看一看] kànyīkàn to have a look 对着干[對著幹] duìzhegàn to adopt confrontational posture; to meet head-on; to compete 底气[底氣] dǐqì lung capacity; lung power; stamina; confidence 乱说[亂說] luànshuō to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks 口气[口氣] kǒuqì tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone 入戏[入戲] rùxì (of an actor) to inhabit one's role; to become the character; (of an audience) to get involved in the drama 厚此薄彼[厚此薄彼] hòucǐbóbǐ to favour one and discriminate against the other 施压[施壓] shīyā to pressure 临场[臨場] línchǎng to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc); firsthand (experience); impromptu (remarks etc) 不符[不符] bùfú inconsistent; not in agreement with; not agree or tally with; not conform to 剪辑[剪輯] jiǎnjí to edit (video images, film) 萧[蕭] xiāo miserable; desolate; dreary; Chinese mugwort 设定[設定] shèdìng to set; to set up; to install; setting; preferences 乎[乎] hū (classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in; at; from; because; than; (classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment) 礼[禮] lǐ gift; rite; ceremony; CL:份[fen4]; propriety; etiquette; courtesy 摊牌[攤牌] tānpái to lay one's cards on the table 架[架] jià to support; frame; rack; framework; classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc 轨道[軌道] guǐdào orbit; railway or tram line; fig. conventional way of thinking 起意[起意] qǐyì to conceive a scheme; to devise a plan 想想看[想想看] xiǎngxiǎngkàn to think about it 爱人[愛人] àiren spouse (PRC); lover (non-PRC); CL:個|个[ge4] 忠贞不渝[忠貞不渝] zhōngzhēnbùyú unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and constant 下车[下車] xiàchē to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc) 罢[罷] bà to stop; to cease; to dismiss; to suspend; to quit; to finish //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/100 words - 27 min 平心而论[平心而論] píngxīn'érlùn to be honest, ... 发挥[發揮] fāhuī to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innate qualities; to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate (on a theme) 二度[二度] èrdù second degree 推动[推動] tuīdòng to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate; CL:個|个[ge4] 丧失[喪失] sàngshī to lose; to forfeit 职责[職責] zhízé duty; responsibility; obligation 踏踏实实[踏踏實實] tātāshíshí steady; steadfast 爆炸性[爆炸性] bàozhàxìng explosive; fig. shocking 贴[貼] tiē to stick; to paste; to post (e.g. on a blog); to keep close to; to fit snugly; to subsidize; allowance (e.g. money for food or housing); sticker; classifier for sticking plaster: strip 耍[耍] shuǎ to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc) 德[德] dé virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind 标签[標籤] biāoqiān label; tag; tab (of a window) (computing) 小孩子[小孩子] xiǎoháizi child 台阶[臺階] táijiē steps; flight of steps; step (over obstacle); fig. way out of an embarrassing situation; bench (geology) 添麻烦[添麻煩] tiānmáfan to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience 请客[請客] qǐngkè to give a dinner party; to entertain guests; to invite to dinner 脏[臟] zàng viscera; (anatomy) organ 申请[申請] shēnqǐng to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份[fen4] 撤诉[撤訴] chèsù to drop a lawsuit 目前[目前] mùqián at the present time; currently 接过[接過] jiēguò to take (sth proffered) 蹊跷[蹊蹺] qīqiāo odd; queer; strange; fishy; Taiwan pr. [xi1 qiao1] 替罪羊[替罪羊] tìzuìyáng scapegoat 原告[原告] yuángào complainant; plaintiff 让步[讓步] ràngbù to concede; to give in; to yield; a concession; (linguistics) concessive //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/125 words - 36 min 外人[外人] wàirén outsider; foreigner; stranger 丢脸[丟臉] diūliǎn to lose face; humiliation 要么[要麼] yàome or; either one or the other 宁可[寧可] nìngkě preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils 做错[做錯] zuòcuò to make an error 偏袒[偏袒] piāntǎn to bare one shoulder; (fig.) to side with; to discriminate in favor of 真相[真相] zhēnxiàng the truth about sth; the actual facts 一边[一邊] yībiān one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while 任性[任性] rènxìng willful; headstrong; unruly 愤怒[憤怒] fènnù angry; indignant; wrath; ire 天色[天色] tiānsè color of the sky; time of day, as indicated by the color of the sky; weather 抓紧[抓緊] zhuājǐn to grasp firmly; to pay special attention to; to rush in; to make the most of 锁[鎖] suǒ to lock up; to lock; lock; CL:把[ba3] 总得[總得] zǒngděi must; have to; be bound to 个儿[個兒] gèr5 size; height; stature 夜景[夜景] yèjǐng nightscape 宝宝[寶寶] bǎobǎo darling; baby 凯蒂[凱蒂] Kǎidì (name) Kitty, Cathy, Katy, Caddy etc 抵抗力[抵抗力] dǐkànglì resistance; immunity 发卡[發卡] fākǎ to issue a card; (slang) to reject a guy or a girl; to chuck 不清[不清] bùqīng unclear 证实[證實] zhèngshí to confirm (sth to be true); to verify 恶意[惡意] èyì malice; evil intention 修图[修圖] xiūtú to retouch images; image retouching 来源[來源] láiyuán source (of information etc); origin //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/150 words - 37 min 回应[回應] huíyìng to respond; response 销售[銷售] xiāoshòu to sell; to market; sales (representative, agreement etc) 排除[排除] páichú to eliminate; to remove; to exclude; to rule out 可能性[可能性] kěnéngxìng possibility; probability 答复[答覆] dáfù to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header) 到齐[到齊] dàoqí to be all present 知情[知情] zhīqíng to know the facts; to understand; to be familiar with the situation 早晨[早晨] zǎochén early morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 十分[十分] shífēn very; completely; utterly; extremely; absolutely; hundred percent; to divide into ten equal parts 花瓣[花瓣] huābàn petal; CL:片[pian4] 发出[發出] fāchū to issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce (a sound); to let out (a laugh) 帖子[帖子] tiězi card; invitation; message; (forum) post 名称[名稱] míngchēng name (of a thing); name (of an organization) 恋情[戀情] liànqíng romantic love 爆料[爆料] bàoliào to make explosive allegations 发帖[發帖] fātiě to post (an item on a forum) 新建[新建] xīnjiàn new construction; newly built 小号[小號] xiǎohào trumpet; small size (clothes etc); (coll.) number one; to urinate; (humble) our store 名叫[名叫] míngjiào called; named 往事[往事] wǎngshì past events; former happenings 一概[一概] yīgài all; without any exceptions; categorically 不知[不知] bùzhī not to know; unaware; unknowingly; fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc) 转载[轉載] zhuǎnzǎi to forward (a shipment); to reprint sth published elsewhere; Taiwan pr. [zhuan3 zai4] 扒[扒] bā to peel; to skin; to tear; to pull down; to cling to (sth on which one is climbing); to dig 点击[點擊] diǎnjī to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep10/174 words - 40 min 声明[聲明] shēngmíng to state; to declare; statement; declaration; CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4] 适得其反[適得其反] shìdéqífǎn to produce the opposite of the desired result 技术[技術] jìshù technology; technique; skill; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4] 厂[廠] chǎng factory; yard; depot; workhouse; works; (industrial) plant 妹[妹] mèi younger sister 越描越黑[越描越黑] yuèmiáoyuèhēi lit. the more you touch things up, the darker they get; fig. to only make matters worse 统一口径[統一口徑] tǒngyīkǒujìng lit. one-track path; fig. to adopt a unified approach to discussing an issue; to sing from the same hymn-sheet 没底[沒底] méidǐ unsure; uncertain; unending 不下[不下] bùxià to be not less than (a certain quantity, amount etc) 自己人[自己人] zìjǐrén those on our side; ourselves; one's own people; one of us 顾[顧] gù to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to 村[村] cūn village 公园[公園] gōngyuán park (for public recreation); CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] 警戒线[警戒線] jǐngjièxiàn police cordon; alert level 米[米] mǐ rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier) 大量[大量] dàliàng great amount; large quantity; bulk; numerous; generous; magnanimous 务[務] wù affair; business; matter; to be engaged in; to attend to; by all means 组织[組織] zǔzhī to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue; CL:個|个[ge4] 言论[言論] yánlùn expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments 叮嘱[叮囑] dīngzhǔ to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again 互[互] hù mutual 敌[敵] dí enemy; to be a match for; to rival; to resist; to withstand 火急[火急] huǒjí extremely urgent 燎[燎] liáo to burn; to set afire //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/25 words - 9 min 关机[關機] guānjī to turn off (a machine or device); to finish shooting a film 唱歌[唱歌] chànggē to sing a song 怎么着[怎麼著] zěnmezhāo what?; how?; how about?; whatever; also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5] 扉页[扉頁] fēiyè title page; flyleaf; end paper 史上[史上] shǐshàng in history 造[造] zào to make; to build; to manufacture; to invent; to fabricate; to go to; party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement); crop; classifier for crops 孽[孽] niè son born of a concubine; disaster; sin; evil 露[露] lòu to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 露[露] lù dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 泄露[泄露] xièlù to leak (information); to divulge; also pr. [xie4 lou4] 净[凈] jìng variant of 淨|净[jing4] 好处[好處] hǎochu benefit; advantage; gain; profit; also pr. [hao3 chu4]; CL:個|个[ge4] 实况[實況] shíkuàng live (e.g. broadcast or recording); what is actually happening; scene; the real situation 好玩[好玩] hǎowán amusing; fun; interesting 相机[相機] xiàngjī camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhao4 xiang4 ji1]); at the opportune moment; as the circumstances allow 不等[不等] bùděng unequal; varied 全世界[全世界] quánshìjiè worldwide; entire world 乱写[亂寫] luànxiě to write without basis 没辙[沒轍] méizhé at one's wit's end; unable to find a way out 删掉[刪掉] shāndiào to delete 患[患] huàn to suffer (from illness); to contract (a disease); misfortune; trouble; danger; worry 显然[顯然] xiǎnrán clear; evident; obvious(ly) 对策[對策] duìcè countermeasure for dealing with a situation 纠结[糾結] jiūjié to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with); twisted; tangled; confused; to be at a loss 补救[補救] bǔjiù to remedy 吸血[吸血] xīxiě to suck blood //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/50 words - 13 min 女友[女友] nǚyǒu girlfriend 吸[吸] xī to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale 血[血] xuè blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4] 探讨[探討] tàntǎo to investigate; to probe 添乱[添亂] tiānluàn (coll.) to cause trouble for sb; to inconvenience 打倒[打倒] dǎdǎo to overthrow; to knock down; Down with ... ! 视[視] shì to look at; to regard; to inspect 榜样[榜樣] bǎngyàng example; model; CL:個|个[ge4] 看戏[看戲] kànxì to watch a play; to watch passively (i.e. from the sidelines, from the crowd) 听不懂[聽不懂] tīngbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is hearing 毫不[毫不] háobù hardly; not in the least; not at all 极了[極了] jíle extremely; exceedingly 重温[重溫] chóngwēn to learn sth over again; to review; to brush up; to revive (memories, friendship etc) 收场[收場] shōuchǎng the end; an ending; to wind down; to conclude 评判[評判] píngpàn to judge (a competition); to appraise 攻击[攻擊] gōngjī to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military) 无情无义[無情無義] wúqíngwúyì completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless 廉耻[廉恥] liánchǐ honor and shame; sense of honor 倒贴[倒貼] dàotiē to lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money) 定义[定義] dìngyì definition; to define 笑话[笑話] xiàohuà joke; jest; CL:個|个[ge4]; to laugh at; to mock 闹剧[鬧劇] nàojù farce; CL:場|场[chang3],齣|出[chu1],幕[mu4] 用来[用來] yònglái to be used for 彼此[彼此] bǐcǐ each other; one another 孤独[孤獨] gūdú lonely; solitary //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/75 words - 16 min 寂寞[寂寞] jìmò lonely; lonesome; (of a place) quiet; silent 慰藉[慰藉] wèijiè to console; to comfort; consolation 风流[風流] fēngliú distinguished and accomplished; outstanding; talented in letters and unconventional in lifestyle; romantic; dissolute; loose 抹黑[抹黑] mǒhēi to discredit; to defame; to smear sb's name; to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc); to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage); to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words) 巴不得[巴不得] bābude (coll.) to be eager for; to long for; to look forward to 撇清[撇清] piěqīng to say a matter has no relationship with the individual referred to, to emphasise one is innocent or in the clear 不止[不止] bùzhǐ incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to 料到[料到] liàodào to foresee; to anticipate 剧照[劇照] jùzhào photo taken during a theatrical production; a still (from a movie) 激情[激情] jīqíng passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emotion 外流[外流] wàiliú outflow; to flow out; to drain 泄密[洩密] xièmì to leak secrets 必将[必將] bìjiāng inevitably 严惩[嚴懲] yánchéng to punish severely 口说无凭[口說無憑] kǒushuōwúpíng (idiom) you can't rely on a verbal agreement; just because sb says sth, doesn't mean it's true 办理[辦理] bànlǐ to handle; to transact; to conduct 妥当[妥當] tuǒdang appropriate; proper; ready 难题[難題] nántí difficult problem 倾[傾] qīng to overturn; to collapse; to lean; to tend; to incline; to pour out 心血[心血] xīnxuè heart's blood; expenditure (for some project); meticulous care 任劳任怨[任勞任怨] rènláorènyuàn to work hard without complaint (idiom) 去处[去處] qùchù place; destination 恋[戀] liàn to feel attached to; to long for; to love 醒悟[醒悟] xǐngwù to come to oneself; to come to realize; to come to see the truth; to wake up to reality 无奈[無奈] wúnài helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/100 words - 19 min 迫不得已[迫不得已] pòbùdéyǐ to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances; forced into sth 风波[風波] fēngbō disturbance; crisis; disputes; restlessness; CL:場|场[chang2] 任由[任由] rènyóu to let (sb do sth); to allow; regardless of 剪[剪] jiǎn scissors; shears; clippers; CL:把[ba3]; to cut with scissors; to trim; to wipe out or exterminate 资方[資方] zīfāng the owners of a private enterprise; management; capital (as opposed to labor) 护着[護著] hùzhe to protect; to guard; to shield 擦屁股[擦屁股] cāpìgu (lit.) to wipe one’s ass; (coll.) to clear up sb else's mess 毒瘤[毒瘤] dúliú malignant tumor 乌烟瘴气[烏煙瘴氣] wūyānzhàngqì billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil 消气[消氣] xiāoqì to cool one's temper 守株待兔[守株待兔] shǒuzhūdàitù lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom); to wait idly for opportunities; to trust to chance rather than show initiative 退还[退還] tuìhuán to return (sth borrowed etc); to send back; to refund; to rebate 学费[學費] xuéfèi tuition fee; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] 赞助[贊助] zànzhù to support; to assist; to sponsor 补偿[補償] bǔcháng to compensate; to make up 三倍[三倍] sānbèi triple 笔[筆] bǐ pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] 账[賬] zhàng account; bill; debt; CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3] 收入[收入] shōurù to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 完税[完稅] wánshuì to pay tax; duty-paid 房贷[房貸] fángdài home loan 贷[貸] dài to lend on interest; to borrow; a loan; leniency; to make excuses; to pardon; to forgive 老人[老人] lǎorén old man or woman; the elderly; one's aged parents or grandparents 保住[保住] bǎozhù to preserve; to save 生病[生病] shēngbìng to fall ill //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/125 words - 21 min 窝囊[窩囊] wōnang to feel vexed; annoyed; good-for-nothing; stupid and cowardly 和解[和解] héjiě to settle (a dispute out of court); to reconcile; settlement; conciliation; to become reconciled 条约[條約] tiáoyuē treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4] 差点[差點] chàdiǎn almost; nearly 元年[元年] yuánnián first year of an emperor's reign 池[池] chí pond; reservoir; moat 郎[郎] láng (arch.) minister; official; noun prefix denoting function or status; a youth 签名[簽名] qiānmíng to sign (one's name with a pen etc); to autograph; signature 黑泽明[黑澤明] HēizéMíng Kurosawa Akira (1910-1998) Japanese movie director 看不见[看不見] kànbujiàn unseen; to be invisible 悲伤[悲傷] bēishāng sad; sorrowful 充满[充滿] chōngmǎn full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 渴望[渴望] kěwàng to thirst for; to long for 欢愉[歡愉] huānyú happy; joyous; delighted 结合[結合] jiéhé to combine; to link; to integrate; binding; CL:次[ci4] 凝视[凝視] níngshì to gaze at; to fix one's eyes on 令人[令人] lìngrén to cause one (to do sth); to make one (angry, delighted etc) 回首[回首] huíshǒu to turn around; to look back; to recollect 逃奔[逃奔] táobèn to run away to; to flee 肉体[肉體] ròutǐ physical body 诗[詩] shī poem; CL:首[shou3]; poetry; verse 色彩[色彩] sècǎi tint; coloring; coloration; (fig.) flavor; character 黑白[黑白] hēibái black and white; right and wrong; monochrome 闲逛[閑逛] xiánguàng to stroll 路过[路過] lùguò to pass by or through //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/150 words - 24 min 友[友] yǒu friend 碰见[碰見] pèngjiàn to run into; to meet (unexpectedly); to bump into 重逢[重逢] chóngféng to meet again; to be reunited; reunion 暗恋[暗戀] ànliàn to be secretly in love with 师兄[師兄] shīxiōng senior male fellow student or apprentice; son (older than oneself) of one's teacher 老天[老天] lǎotiān God; Heavens 薄[薄] bó meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near 远方[遠方] yuǎnfāng far away; a distant location 兑现[兌現] duìxiàn (of a check etc) to cash; to honor a commitment 怀孕[懷孕] huáiyùn pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy 私生子[私生子] sīshēngzǐ illegitimate child (male); bastard; love child 死活[死活] sǐhuó life or death; fate; no matter what; anyway; for the life of me 碎片[碎片] suìpiàn chip; fragment; splinter; tatter 轻重[輕重] qīngzhòng severity (of the case); degree of seriousness; whether sth is slight or serious 置[置] zhì to install; to place; to put; to buy 眼睁睁[眼睜睜] yǎnzhēngzhēng to stare blankly; to look on helplessly; to look on unfeelingly 借题发挥[借題發揮] jiètífāhuī to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas; to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss 借机[借機] jièjī to seize the opportunity 撒[撒] sā to let go; to cast; to let loose; to discharge; to give expression to 撒[撒] sǎ to scatter; to sprinkle; to spill 黄酒[黃酒] huángjiǔ "yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually served warm) 可比[可比] kěbǐ comparable 白日做梦[白日做夢] báirìzuòmèng to daydream; to indulge in wishful thinking 屁股[屁股] pìgu buttocks; bottom; butt; back part 印象[印象] yìnxiàng impression 杀青[殺青] shāqīng to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc); to finalize; to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/175 words - 29 min 上林[上林] Shànglín Shanglin county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi 实习生[實習生] shíxísheng intern (student) 低于[低于] dīyú to be lower than 流水[流水] liúshuǐ running water; (business) turnover 得寸进尺[得寸進尺] décùnjìnchǐ lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains; give him an inch, and he'll want a mile 认定[認定] rèndìng to maintain (that sth is true); to determine (a fact); determination (of an amount); of the firm opinion; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; to identify with 亲口[親口] qīnkǒu one's own mouth; fig. in one's own words; to say sth personally 认罪[認罪] rènzuì to admit guilt; to plead guilty 赢得[贏得] yíngdé to win; to gain 孩子们[孩子們] háizimen children 人为[人為] rénwéi artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort 课外[課外] kèwài extracurricular 假证[假證] jiǎzhèng false testimony 乱讲[亂講] luànjiǎng to talk nonsense; nonsense! 大胆[大膽] dàdǎn brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless 负担[負擔] fùdān burden; to bear a burden 专注[專注] zhuānzhù concentrated; single-mindedly devoted to 严肃[嚴肅] yánsù solemn; grave; serious; earnest; severe 朗[朗] lǎng clear; bright 思明[思明] Sīmíng Siming district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian 事务所[事務所] shìwùsuǒ office; firm 口口声声[口口聲聲] kǒukoushēngshēng to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again 自作多情[自作多情] zìzuòduōqíng to imagine that one's love is reciprocated; to shower affection on an uninterested party 宽[寬] kuān lenient; wide; broad 流氓[流氓] liúmáng rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/200 words - 36 min 便宜[便宜] piányi cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 一路[一路] yīlù the whole journey; all the way; going the same way; going in the same direction; of the same kind 整条[整條] zhěngtiáo entire; whole (fish, road etc) 康[康] kāng healthy; peaceful; abundant 鞋跟[鞋跟] xiégēn heel (of a shoe) 大街[大街] dàjiē street; main street; CL:條|条[tiao2] 靠谱[靠譜] kàopǔ reliable; reasonable; probable 情人节[情人節] Qíngrénjié Valentine's Day 盒[盒] hé small box; case 巧克力[巧克力] qiǎokèlì chocolate (loanword); CL:塊|块[kuai4] 再三[再三] zàisān over and over again; again and again 避免[避免] bìmiǎn to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from 点水[點水] diǎnshuǐ to skim; lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水); skin-deep 架子[架子] jiàzi shelf; frame; stand; framework; airs; arrogance 幸好[幸好] xìnghǎo fortunately 着凉[著涼] zháoliáng to catch cold; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 liang2] 披[披] pī to drape over one's shoulders; to open; to unroll; to split open; to spread out 却是[卻是] quèshì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ... 愿望[願望] yuànwàng desire; wish 犯傻[犯傻] fànshǎ to be foolish; to play dumb; to gaze absentmindedly 说法[說法] shuōfa way of speaking; wording; formulation; one's version (of events); statement; theory; hypothesis; interpretation 为准[為準] wéizhǔn to serve as the norm; ...shall prevail (as standard for rules, regulations, price etc) 辟谣[闢謠] pìyáo to refute a rumor; to deny 锤[錘] chuí hammer; to hammer into shape; weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance); to strike with a hammer 瓜[瓜] guā melon; gourd; squash //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep11/211 words - 39 min 丽[麗] lì beautiful 住手[住手] zhùshǒu to desist; to stop; to stay one's hand 记性[記性] jìxing memory (ability to retain information) 惹[惹] rě to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems) 忘恩负义[忘恩負義] wàng'ēnfùyì to forget favors and violate justice (idiom); ingratitude to a friend; to kick a benefactor in the teeth 掩盖[掩蓋] yǎngài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up 说教[說教] shuōjiào to preach 明哲保身[明哲保身] míngzhébǎoshēn a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom); to put one's own safety before matters of principle 插手[插手] chāshǒu to get involved in; to meddle; interference 救命[救命] jiùmìng to save sb's life; (interj.) Help!; Save me! 恩人[恩人] ēnrén a benefactor; a person who has significantly helped sb else //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/25 words - 5 min 不及[不及] bùjí to fall short of; not as good as; too late 意[意] yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect; to anticipate 法制[法制] fǎzhì legal system and institutions 明早[明早] míngzǎo tomorrow morning; tomorrow 停车场[停車場] tíngchēchǎng parking lot; car park 警方[警方] jǐngfāng police 法治[法治] fǎzhì rule of law; to rule by law 社会[社會] shèhuì society; CL:個|个[ge4] 花雕[花雕] huādiāo Shaoxing yellow wine 酒量[酒量] jiǔliàng capacity for liquor; how much one can drink 扫兴[掃興] sǎoxìng to have one's spirits dampened; to feel disappointed 过意不去[過意不去] guòyìbùqù to feel very apologetic 上下[上下] shàngxià up and down; top and bottom; old and new; length; about 辛勤[辛勤] xīnqín hardworking; industrious 劳动[勞動] láodòng work; toil; physical labor; CL:次[ci4] 付之东流[付之東流] fùzhīdōngliú to commit to the waters (idiom); to lose sth irrevocably 觉悟[覺悟] juéwù to come to understand; to realize; consciousness; awareness; Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda) 袒护[袒護] tǎnhù to shield (a miscreant) from punishment, criticism etc; to take sb's side 自身[自身] zìshēn itself; oneself; one's own 其次[其次] qícì next; secondly 管教[管教] guǎnjiào to discipline; to teach; to guarantee 认罚[認罰] rènfá to accept punishment 灌醉[灌醉] guànzuì to fuddle; to befuddle; to inebriate; to get someone drunk 敬意[敬意] jìngyì respect; tribute 够意思[夠意思] gòuyìsi wonderful; great; delightful; very kind; generous //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/50 words - 9 min 局[局] jú office; situation; classifier for games: match, set, round etc 冒昧[冒昧] màomèi bold; presumptuous; to take the liberty of 请求[請求] qǐngqiú to request; to ask; request; CL:個|个[ge4] 解围[解圍] jiěwéi to lift a siege; to help sb out of trouble or embarrassment 解锁[解鎖] jiěsuǒ to unlock; to release 技能[技能] jìnéng technical ability; skill 说起[說起] shuōqǐ to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for 史[史] shǐ history; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China 当前[當前] dāngqián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us) 更加[更加] gèngjiā more (than sth else); even more 立体[立體] lìtǐ three-dimensional; solid; stereoscopic 干杯[乾杯] gānbēi to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup 看出[看出] kànchū to make out; to see 闷闷不乐[悶悶不樂] mènmènbùlè depressed; sulky; moody; unhappy 小屁孩[小屁孩] xiǎopìhái wimpy kid; brat 并非[並非] bìngfēi really isn't 智慧[智慧] zhìhuì wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence 体验[體驗] tǐyàn to experience for oneself 宽宏大量[寬宏大量] kuānhóngdàliàng magnanimous (idiom); generous 解[解] jiě to divide; to break up; to split; to separate; to dissolve; to solve; to melt; to remove; to untie; to loosen; to open; to emancipate; to explain; to understand; to know; a solution; a dissection 围[圍] wéi to encircle; to surround; all around; to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl) 孕[孕] yùn pregnant 胎[胎] tāi fetus; litter; tire; abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎 每日[每日] měirì daily; (soup etc) of the day 发育[發育] fāyù to develop; to mature; growth; development; (sexually) mature //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/75 words - 19 min 当心[當心] dāngxīn to take care; to look out 酒精[酒精] jiǔjīng alcohol; ethanol CH3CH2OH; ethyl alcohol; also written 乙醇; grain alcohol 过敏[過敏] guòmǐn oversensitive; allergic; allergy 假设[假設] jiǎshè to suppose; to presume; to assume; supposing that ...; if; hypothesis; conjecture 舍命[捨命] shěmìng to risk one's life 恩[恩] ēn favor; grace; kindness 忘掉[忘掉] wàngdiào to forget 假装[假裝] jiǎzhuāng to feign; to pretend 代驾[代駕] dàijià to drive a vehicle for its owner (often as a paid service for sb who has consumed alcohol) (abbr. for 代理駕駛|代理驾驶[dai4 li3 jia4 shi3]); substitute driver (abbr. for 代駕司機|代驾司机[dai4 jia4 si1 ji1]) 外套[外套] wàitào coat; jacket; CL:件[jian4] 洗衣机[洗衣機] xǐyījī washer; washing machine; CL:臺|台[tai2] 熨烫[熨燙] yùntàng to iron (clothes) 酒后[酒後] jiǔhòu after drinking; under the influence of alcohol 呕吐[嘔吐] ǒutù to vomit 胡言乱语[胡言亂語] húyánluànyǔ babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings; double Dutch 神志不清[神志不清] shénzhìbùqīng to be delirious; to be mentally confused 醉态[醉態] zuìtài drunken state 梦话[夢話] mènghuà talking in one's sleep; words spoken during sleep; fig. speech bearing no relation to reality; delusions 梦到[夢到] mèngdào to dream of; to dream about 早餐[早餐] zǎocān breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 经手[經手] jīngshǒu to pass through one's hands; to handle; to deal with 今日[今日] jīnrì today 股票[股票] gǔpiào share certificate; stock (finance) 跌[跌] diē to fall; to tumble; to trip; (of prices etc) to drop; Taiwan pr. [die2] 数值[數值] shùzhí numerical value //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/100 words - 25 min 蒸发[蒸發] zhēngfā to evaporate; evaporation 企业[企業] qǐyè company; firm; enterprise; corporation; CL:家[jia1] 举动[舉動] jǔdòng act; action; activity; move; movement 执法[執法] zhífǎ to enforce a law; law enforcement 机关[機關] jīguān mechanism; gear; machine-operated; office; agency; organ; organization; establishment; institution; body; stratagem; scheme; intrigue; plot; trick; CL:個|个[ge4] 奢求[奢求] shēqiú to make extravagant demands; an unreasonable request 回敬[回敬] huíjìng to return a compliment; to give sth in return 回避[迴避] huíbì to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc) 当事人[當事人] dāngshìrén persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair) 恶劣[惡劣] èliè vile; nasty; of very poor quality 公众[公眾] gōngzhòng public 凌驾[凌駕] língjià to be above; to place above 之上[之上] zhīshàng above 流行[流行] liúxíng (of a contagious disease etc) to spread; to propagate; (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular; fashionable 义[義] yì justice; righteousness; meaning; foster (father etc); adopted; artificial (tooth, limb etc); relationship; friendship 言辞[言辭] yáncí words; expression; what one says 男友[男友] nányǒu boyfriend 交往[交往] jiāowǎng to associate (with); to have contact (with); to hang out (with); to date; (interpersonal) relationship; association; contact 俯[俯] fǔ to look down; to stoop 有意思[有意思] yǒuyìsi interesting; meaningful; enjoyable; fun 搂[摟] lǒu to hug; to embrace; to hold in one's arms 李代桃僵[李代桃僵] lǐdàitáojiāng lit. the plum tree withers in place of the peach tree; to substitute one thing for another; to carry the can for sb 四两拨千斤[四兩撥千斤] sìliǎngbōqiānjīn lit. four ounces can move a thousand catties (idiom); fig. to achieve much with little effort 句号[句號] jùhào full stop; period (punct.) 问号[問號] wènhào question mark (punct.); unknown factor; unsolved problem; interrogation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/125 words - 28 min 截止[截止] jiézhǐ to close; to stop; to put a stop to sth; cut-off point; stopping point; deadline 当日[當日] dāngrì on that day 及[及] jí and; to reach; up to; in time for 材质[材質] cáizhì texture of timber; quality of material; material (that sth is made of) 辐射[輻射] fúshè radiation 孕妇[孕婦] yùnfù pregnant woman 产品[產品] chǎnpǐn goods; merchandise; product; CL:個|个[ge4] 谈情说爱[談情說愛] tánqíngshuō'ài to murmur endearments (idiom); to get into a romantic relationship 婚[婚] hūn to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife 神经[神經] shénjīng nerve; mental state; (coll.) unhinged; nutjob 敏[敏] mǐn quick; nimble; agile; clever; smart 资金[資金] zījīn funds; funding; capital 会同[會同] huìtóng to handle sth jointly 世交[世交] shìjiāo (long time) friend of the family 白白[白白] báibái in vain; to no purpose; for nothing; white 给予[給予] jǐyǔ to accord; to give; to show (respect) 圆满[圓滿] yuánmǎn satisfactory; consummate; perfect 作恶[作惡] zuò'è to do evil 惩罚[懲罰] chéngfá penalty; punishment; to punish 潜在[潛在] qiánzài hidden; potential; latent 教师[教師] jiàoshī teacher; CL:個|个[ge4] 师[師] shī teacher; master; expert; model; army division; (old) troops; to dispatch troops 实质[實質] shízhì substance; essence 弄到[弄到] nòngdào to get hold of; to obtain; to secure; to come by 鱼死网破[魚死網破] yúsǐwǎngpò lit. either the fish dies or the net splits; a life and death struggle (idiom) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/150 words - 32 min 境地[境地] jìngdì circumstances 是非[是非] shìfēi right and wrong; quarrel 幼儿[幼兒] yòu'ér young child; infant; preschooler 警示[警示] jǐngshì to warn; to alert; warning; cautionary 仅仅[僅僅] jǐnjǐn barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more) 与其[與其] yǔqí rather than...; 與其|与其[yu3 qi2] A 不如[bu4 ru2] B (rather than A, better to B) 关联[關聯] guānlián related; linked; affiliated 纷纷[紛紛] fēnfēn one after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell 构建[構建] gòujiàn to construct (sth abstract) 服务[服務] fúwù to serve; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 早晚[早晚] zǎowǎn morning and evening; sooner or later 找上门[找上門] zhǎoshàngmén to come to sb's door; to call on sb 滴水不漏[滴水不漏] dīshuǐbùlòu lit. not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument) 长期[長期] chángqī long term; long time; long range (of a forecast) 坦白[坦白] tǎnbái honest; forthcoming; to confess 一句话[一句話] yījùhuà in a word; in short 瞎吹[瞎吹] xiāchuī to boast; to shoot one's mouth off 经验丰富[經驗豐富] jīngyànfēngfù experienced; with ample experience 点击率[點擊率] diǎnjīlǜ click-through rate (CTR) (Internet) 夏至[夏至] Xiàzhì Xiazhi or Summer Solstice, 10th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 21st June-6th July 看齐[看齊] kànqí to follow sb's example; to emulate; (of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment for parade formation) 暑期[暑期] shǔqī summer vacation time 一唱一和[一唱一和] yīchàngyīhè to echo one another (idiom) 修补[修補] xiūbǔ to mend 鸡皮疙瘩[雞皮疙瘩] jīpígēda goose pimples; goose bumps //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/175 words - 38 min 默契[默契] mòqì tacit understanding; mutual understanding; rapport; connected at a deep level with each other; (of team members) well coordinated; tight 特有[特有] tèyǒu specific (to); characteristic (of); distinctive 片段[片段] piànduàn fragment (of speech etc); extract (from book etc); episode (of story etc) 片花[片花] piànhuā trailer (for a movie) 效率[效率] xiàolǜ efficiency 摆明[擺明] bǎimíng to show clearly 豁出去[豁出去] huōchuqu to throw caution to the wind; to press one's luck; to go for broke 预算[預算] yùsuàn budget 超时[超時] chāoshí to exceed the time limit; (to work) overtime; (computing) timeout 和气[和氣] héqi friendly; polite; amiable 过半[過半] guòbàn over fifty percent; more than half 教书[教書] jiāoshū to teach (in a school) 男生[男生] nánshēng schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male) 冰球[冰球] bīngqiú ice hockey; puck 芭蕾[芭蕾] bālěi ballet (loanword) 弹[彈] dàn crossball; bullet; shot; shell; ball 弹[彈] tán to pluck (a string); to play (a string instrument); to spring or leap; to shoot (e.g. with a catapult); (of cotton) to fluff or tease; to flick; to flip; to accuse; to impeach; elastic (of materials) 钢琴[鋼琴] gāngqín piano; CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2] 老爸[老爸] lǎobà father; dad 迪士尼[迪士尼] Díshìní Disney (company name, surname); Walt Disney (1901-1966), American animator and film producer 曲棍球[曲棍球] qūgùnqiú field hockey 刀子[刀子] dāozi knife; CL:把[ba3] 流血[流血] liúxuè to bleed; to shed blood 呼吸[呼吸] hūxī to breathe 家属[家屬] jiāshǔ family member; (family) dependent 留步[留步] liúbù (said by departing guest) no need to see me out //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep12/177 words - 40 min 平安[平安] píng'ān safe and sound; well; without mishap; quiet and safe; at peace 黄体酮[黃體酮] huángtǐtóng progesterone //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/25 words - 6 min 结账[結賬] jiézhàng to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 結帳|结帐 慢走[慢走] mànzǒu Stay a bit!; Wait a minute!; (to a departing guest) Take care! 拜访[拜訪] bàifǎng to pay a visit; to call on 大作[大作] dàzuò your work (book, musical composition etc) (honorific); to erupt; to begin abruptly 手心[手心] shǒuxīn palm (of one's hand); control (extended meaning from having something in the palm of one's hand) 手背[手背] shǒubèi back of the hand 肉[肉] ròu meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; Kangxi radical 130 上边[上邊] shàngbian the top; above; overhead; upwards; the top margin; above-mentioned; those higher up 责无旁贷[責無旁貸] zéwúpángdài to be duty bound; to be one's unshirkable responsibility 全力以赴[全力以赴] quánlìyǐfù to do at all costs; to make an all-out effort 大部分[大部分] dàbùfen in large part; the greater part; the majority 全权[全權] quánquán full powers; total authority; plenipotentiary powers 唯[唯] wéi -ism; only; alone 患难[患難] huànnàn trials and tribulations 前程[前程] qiánchéng future (career etc) prospects 馆[館] guǎn building; shop; term for certain service establishments; embassy or consulate; schoolroom (old); CL:家[jia1] 平均[平均] píngjūn average; on average; evenly; in equal proportions 底下[底下] dǐxia the location below sth; afterwards 财力[財力] cáilì financial resources; financial ability 无论如何[無論如何] wúlùnrúhé whatever the case; in any event; no matter what; by all possible means 此处[此處] cǐchù this place; here (literary) 诈[詐] zhà to cheat; to swindle; to pretend; to feign; to draw sb out; to try to extract information by deceit or bluff 白跑一趟[白跑一趟] báipǎoyītàng to go on an errand for nothing; to go on a wild-goose chase 谋取[謀取] móuqǔ to seek; to strive for; to obtain; see also 牟取[mou2 qu3] 福利[福利] fúlì material benefit; benefit in kind; (social) welfare //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/50 words - 12 min 流产[流產] liúchǎn to have a miscarriage; miscarriage; to fail; to fall through 先兆[先兆] xiānzhào omen 脆弱[脆弱] cuìruò weak; frail 胡思乱想[胡思亂想] húsīluànxiǎng to indulge in flights of fancy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild 处处[處處] chùchù everywhere; in all respects 开导[開導] kāidǎo to talk sb round; to straighten sth out; to enlighten 解救[解救] jiějiù to rescue; to help out of difficulties; to save the situation 官家[官家] guānjiā emperor; government; official 歉[歉] qiàn to apologize; to regret; deficient 想起[想起] xiǎngqǐ to recall; to think of; to call to mind 尴尬[尷尬] gāngà awkward; embarrassed 框[框] kuàng frame (e.g. door frame); casing; fig. framework; template; to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth); to frame; to restrict; Taiwan pr. [kuang1] 杯子[杯子] bēizi cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 抱不平[抱不平] bàobùpíng to be outraged by an injustice 应当[應當] yīngdāng should; ought to 判断[判斷] pànduàn to judge; to determine; judgment 热血[熱血] rèxuè hot blood; warm-blooded (animal); endothermic (physiology) 棚[棚] péng shed; canopy; shack 绿[綠] lǜ green 布[布] bù cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known 丁[丁] dīng fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; fourth in order; letter "D" or Roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 195°; butyl; cubes (of food) 把握[把握] bǎwò to grasp (also fig.); to seize; to hold; assurance; certainty; sure (of the outcome) 加入[加入] jiārù to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in 有限公司[有限公司] yǒuxiàngōngsī limited company; corporation 稿酬[稿酬] gǎochóu fee paid to an author for a piece of writing //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/75 words - 16 min 说白了[說白了] shuōbáile to speak frankly 白银[白銀] báiyín silver 详[詳] xiáng detailed; comprehensive 证[證] zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4] 抠[摳] kōu to dig out; to pick out (with one's fingers); to carve; to cut; to study meticulously; to lift one's clothes; stingy; miserly 百分百[百分百] bǎifēnbǎi one hundred percent; totally (effective) 亲眼[親眼] qīnyǎn with one's own eyes; personally 风声[風聲] fēngshēng sound of the wind; rumor; talk; news; reputation 坐视不理[坐視不理] zuòshìbùlǐ to sit and watch, but remain indifferent (idiom) 指示[指示] zhǐshì to point out; to indicate; to instruct; directives; instructions; CL:個|个[ge4] 下达[下達] xiàdá to transmit down (a chain of command); to pass down (to lower level); to issue; to send through 雪[雪] xuě snow; snowfall; CL:場|场[chang2]; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean 莉[莉] lì jasmine 小朋友[小朋友] xiǎopéngyǒu child; CL:個|个[ge4] 增加[增加] zēngjiā to raise; to increase 节目[節目] jiémù program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 奉命[奉命] fèngmìng to receive orders; to follow orders; to act under orders 说明[說明] shuōmíng to explain; to illustrate; to indicate; to show; to prove; explanation; directions; caption; CL:個|个[ge4] 抠图[摳圖] kōutú to clip (an image); image clipping 壹[壹] yī one (banker's anti-fraud numeral) 公馆[公館] gōngguǎn residence (of sb rich or important); mansion 陪酒[陪酒] péijiǔ to drink along (with sb) 睡着[睡著] shuìzháo to fall asleep 本能[本能] běnnéng instinct 堂堂正正[堂堂正正] tángtángzhèngzhèng displaying strength and discipline; impressive; upright and frank; square //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/100 words - 20 min 上市[上市] shàngshì to hit the market (of a new product); to float (a company on the stock market) 公布[公佈] gōngbù to announce; to make public; to publish 白天[白天] báitiān daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 森[森] sēn forest 昌[昌] chāng prosperous; flourishing 越冬[越冬] yuèdōng to pass the winter; to overwinter; to live through the winter 燕子[燕子] yànzi swallow 念叨[念叨] niàndao to talk about often; to reminisce about; to keep repeating; to keep harping on; to discuss 捧场[捧場] pěngchǎng to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge); to root for sb; to sing sb's praises; to flatter 定情[定情] dìngqíng to exchange love tokens or vows; to pledge one's love; to get engaged 歌曲[歌曲] gēqǔ song 目送[目送] mùsòng to follow with one's eyes (a departing guest etc) 起飞[起飛] qǐfēi (of an aircraft) to take off 鸟儿[鳥兒] niǎor5 bird 呼喊[呼喊] hūhǎn to shout (slogans etc) 气氛[氣氛] qìfēn atmosphere; mood 欢[歡] huān joyous; happy; pleased 小学[小學] xiǎoxué elementary school; primary school; CL:個|个[ge4] 音乐[音樂] yīnyuè music; CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4] 科[科] kē branch of study; administrative section; division; field; branch; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules; laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb; CL:個|个[ge4] 出身[出身] chūshēn to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin 拿手[拿手] náshǒu expert in; good at 定位[定位] dìngwèi to orientate; to position; to categorize (as); to characterize (as); positioning; position; niche 总算[總算] zǒngsuàn at long last; finally; on the whole 春节[春節] Chūnjié Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/125 words - 23 min 旅行[旅行] lǚxíng to travel; journey; trip; CL:趟[tang4],次[ci4],個|个[ge4] 迪拜[迪拜] Díbài Dubai 过年[過年] guònián to celebrate the Chinese New Year 跨年[跨年] kuànián to step into the new year; New Year 演唱会[演唱會] yǎnchànghuì vocal recital or concert 零点[零點] língdiǎn midnight; to order à la carte; (math.) zero of a function 护犊子[護犢子] hùdúzi (of a woman) to be fiercely protective of one's children 牛奶[牛奶] niúnǎi cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 加热[加熱] jiārè to heat 空腹[空腹] kōngfù an empty stomach 仇人[仇人] chóurén foe; one's personal enemy 觉醒[覺醒] juéxǐng to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales fall from the eyes; to become aware 洗牌[洗牌] xǐpái to shuffle cards 褪色[褪色] tuìsè to fade (of colors); also pr. [tui4 shai3] 攻占[攻占] gōngzhàn to seize control of (an enemy position); (fig.) to take by storm; to gain (awards, control of a market etc) 区域[區域] qūyù area; region; district 邻居[鄰居] línjū neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4] 好比[好比] hǎobǐ to be just like; can be compared to 太空[太空] tàikōng outer space 合唱[合唱] héchàng chorus; to chorus 批准[批准] pīzhǔn to approve; to ratify 霸道[霸道] bàdào the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. for 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent 掏[掏] tāo to fish out (from pocket); to scoop 肺[肺] fèi lung; CL:個|个[ge4] 业界[業界] yèjiè industry //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/150 words - 28 min 称为[稱為] chēngwéi called; to call sth (by a name); to name 金字塔[金字塔] jīnzìtǎ pyramid (building or structure) 顶端[頂端] dǐngduān summit; peak 记录[記錄] jìlù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 打破[打破] dǎpò to break; to smash 秋后算账[秋後算賬] qiūhòusuànzhàng lit. to settle accounts after autumn; settle scores at an opportune moment (idiom) 擅[擅] shàn without authority; to usurp; to arrogate to oneself; to monopolize; expert in; to be good at 读[讀] dú to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 脑[腦] nǎo brain; mind; head; essence 洞[洞] dòng cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers); CL:個|个[ge4] 拓展[拓展] tuòzhǎn to expand 舒[舒] shū to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely 请教[請教] qǐngjiào to ask for guidance; to consult 盯住[盯住] dīngzhù to watch sb closely; to breathe down sb's neck; to mark (sports) 海量[海量] hǎiliàng huge volume 流星[流星] liúxīng meteor; shooting star 天分[天分] tiānfèn natural gift; talent 幕后[幕後] mùhòu behind the scenes 工作室[工作室] gōngzuòshì studio; workshop 挖掘[挖掘] wājué to excavate; to dig; to unearth 天赋[天賦] tiānfù gift; innate skill 实力[實力] shílì strength 天上[天上] tiānshàng celestial; heavenly 超负荷[超負荷] chāofùhè excess load; an overload; overloaded 闹情绪[鬧情緒] nàoqíngxù to be in a bad mood //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/175 words - 32 min 忽略[忽略] hūlüè to neglect; to overlook; to ignore 长远[長遠] chángyuǎn long-term; long-range 歌唱[歌唱] gēchàng to sing 台风[颱風] táifēng hurricane; typhoon 梦想[夢想] mèngxiǎng (fig.) to dream of; dream 难看[難看] nánkàn ugly; unsightly 浑身[渾身] húnshēn all over; from head to foot 湿透[濕透] shītòu drenched; wet through 要紧[要緊] yàojǐn important; urgent 撤[撤] chè to remove; to take away; to withdraw 曲子[曲子] qǔzi poem for singing; tune; music; CL:支[zhi1] 市立[市立] shìlì municipal; city; city-run 胡编[胡編] húbiān to make things up; to concoct (a story, an excuse etc) 顺藤摸瓜[順藤摸瓜] shùnténgmōguā lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon; to track sth following clues 背黑锅[背黑鍋] bēihēiguō to be made a scapegoat; to be unjustly blamed 慈悲[慈悲] cíbēi mercy 休假[休假] xiūjià to take a vacation; to go on holiday 引起[引起] yǐnqǐ to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse 全面[全面] quánmiàn all-around; comprehensive; total; overall 同事[同事] tóngshì colleague; co-worker; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 嘱咐[囑咐] zhǔfù to tell; to exhort; injunction 保密[保密] bǎomì to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy 口罩[口罩] kǒuzhào mask (surgical etc) 火锅[火鍋] huǒguō hotpot 门槛[門檻] ménkǎn doorstep; sill; threshold; fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep13/187 words - 37 min 旗号[旗號] qíhào military banner; flag signal; (fig.) banner (i.e. false pretenses) 回馈[回饋] huíkuì to repay a favor; to give back; feedback 食品[食品] shípǐn foodstuff; food; provisions; CL:種|种[zhong3] 吃坏[吃壞] chīhuài to get sick because of bad food 我人[我人] wǒrén we 分裂[分裂] fēnliè to split up; to divide; to break up; fission; schism 名气[名氣] míngqì reputation; fame 假期[假期] jiàqī vacation 打点滴[打點滴] dǎdiǎndī to put sb on an intravenous drip 偷拍[偷拍] tōupāi to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge 糟糕[糟糕] zāogāo too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad 往后[往後] wǎnghòu from now on; in the future; time to come //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/25 words - 3 min 病房[病房] bìngfáng ward (of a hospital); sickroom; CL:間|间[jian1] 护士[護士] hùshi nurse; CL:個|个[ge4] 婴儿[嬰兒] yīng'ér infant; baby; CL:個|个[ge4]; lead (Pb) 养育[養育] yǎngyù to rear; to bring up; to nurture 页[頁] yè page; leaf 十四[十四] shísì fourteen; 14 良[良] liáng good; very; very much 语[語] yǔ dialect; language; speech 近期[近期] jìnqī near in time; in the near future; very soon; recent 暂[暫] zàn temporary; Taiwan pr. [zhan4] 芋[芋] yù taro; Colocasia antiquorum; Colocasia esculenta 忍耐[忍耐] rěnnài to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance 默哀[默哀] mò'āi to observe a moment of silence in tribute 询问[詢問] xúnwèn to inquire 各种[各種] gèzhǒng every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds 爱豆[愛豆] àidòu (slang) idol (loanword) 样[樣] yàng manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type 标题[標題] biāotí title; heading; headline; caption; subject 露面[露面] lòumiàn to show one's face; to appear (in public) 公开[公開] gōngkāi public; to publish; to make public 回复[回復] huífù to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email) 真实性[真實性] zhēnshíxìng authenticity; truthfulness; veracity; reality; validity 批[批] pī to ascertain; to act on; to criticize; to pass on; classifier for batches, lots, military flights; tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges) 发言[發言] fāyán to make a speech; statement; utterance; CL:個|个[ge4] 诘问[詰問] jiéwèn to ask questions; to interrogate //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/50 words - 5 min 压榨[壓榨] yāzhà to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing 几时[幾時] jǐshí what time?; when? 谁知[誰知] shéizhī lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably 营销[營銷] yíngxiāo marketing 吹捧[吹捧] chuīpěng to flatter; to laud sb's accomplishments; adulation 认证[認證] rènzhèng to authenticate; to approve 细枝末节[細枝末節] xìzhīmòjié minor details; trifles 带病[帶病] dàibìng to carry a disease; carrier; vector 赞[贊] zàn to patronize; to support; to praise; (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc) 路人[路人] lùrén passer-by; stranger 炸[炸] zhá to deep fry; Taiwan pr. [zha4] 炸[炸] zhà to explode 毛[毛] máo hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1]) 激怒[激怒] jīnù to infuriate; to enrage; to exasperate 安抚[安撫] ānfǔ to placate; to pacify; to appease 冲动[衝動] chōngdòng to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulse; urge 上周[上周] shàngzhōu last week 发文[發文] fāwén to issue a document; document issued by an authority; outgoing messages; (Internet) to post an article online 抵制[抵制] dǐzhì to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal 差评[差評] chàpíng poor evaluation; adverse criticism 自打[自打] zìdǎ (coll.) since 撺掇[攛掇] cuānduo to urge sb on 父女[父女] fùnǚ father and daughter 猴[猴] hóu monkey; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 抖[抖] dǒu to tremble; to shake out; to reveal; to make it in the world 赖[賴] lài to depend on; to hang on in a place; bad; to renege (on promise); to disclaim; to rat (on debts); rascally; to blame; to put the blame on //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/75 words - 9 min 私下[私下] sīxià in private 交涉[交涉] jiāoshè to negotiate (with); to have dealings (with) 服软[服軟] fúruǎn to admit defeat; to give in; to acknowledge a mistake; to apologize; to be amenable to persuasion 授人以柄[授人以柄] shòurényǐbǐng to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom); to give someone a hold on oneself 摩卡[摩卡] mókǎ mocha (loanword) 绝佳[絕佳] juéjiā exceptionally good 傲娇[傲嬌] àojiāo (coll.) presenting as unfriendly and blunt, but warm and tender inside (loanword from Japanese "tsundere") 没完没了[沒完沒了] méiwánméiliǎo without end; incessantly; on and on 升级[升級] shēngjí to escalate (in intensity); to go up by one grade; to be promoted; to upgrade (computing) 账号[賬號] zhànghào account; username 平息[平息] píngxī to settle (a dispute); to quieten down; to suppress 祖宗[祖宗] zǔzōng ancestor; forebear 代[代] dài to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon 天哪[天哪] tiānna Good gracious!; For goodness sake! 震惊[震驚] zhènjīng to shock; to astonish 父亲[父親] fùqīn father; also pr. [fu4 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 董事长[董事長] dǒngshìzhǎng chairman of the board; chairman 浮出[浮出] fúchū to emerge 水面[水面] shuǐmiàn water surface 望[望] wàng full moon; to hope; to expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); to look towards; towards 间接[間接] jiànjiē indirect 倍[倍] bèi (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply 百倍[百倍] bǎibèi a hundredfold; a hundred times 周末[週末] zhōumò weekend 省心[省心] shěngxīn to cause no trouble; to be spared worry; worry-free //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/100 words - 17 min 出卖[出賣] chūmài to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray 喷子[噴子] pēnzi sprayer; spraying apparatus; (slang) firearm; Internet troll; hater 梗[梗] gěng branch; stem; stalk; CL:根[gen1]; to block; to hinder; (Tw) interesting, fresh, or amusing subject matter or scenario 同学[同學] tóngxué to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 奚落[奚落] xīluò to taunt; to ridicule; to jeer at; to treat coldly; to abandon 坐牢[坐牢] zuòláo to be imprisoned 滋味[滋味] zīwèi taste; flavor; feeling 国家[國家] guójiā country; nation; state; CL:個|个[ge4] 高等教育[高等教育] gāoděngjiàoyù higher education 毕[畢] bì the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished 包庇[包庇] bāobì to shield; to harbor; to cover up 乐园[樂園] lèyuán paradise 灯光[燈光] dēngguāng (stage) lighting; light 才[纔] cái a moment ago; just now; (indicating sth happening later than expected); (preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until; (followed by a numerical clause) only 发疯[發瘋] fāfēng to go mad; to go crazy; to lose one's mind 事实上[事實上] shìshíshàng in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto 插足[插足] chāzú to squeeze in; to step in; to take part; to step between (two persons in a relationship) 站住[站住] zhànzhù to stand 卑劣[卑劣] bēiliè base; mean; despicable 粉饰[粉飾] fěnshì to paint; to whitewash; to decorate; plaster; fig. to gloss over; to cover up 提词[提詞] tící to prompt (an actor or reciter) 巴掌[巴掌] bāzhǎng palm of the hand; classifier: slap 火花[火花] huǒhuā spark; sparkle 即兴[即興] jíxìng improvisation (in the arts); impromptu; extemporaneous 当场[當場] dāngchǎng at the scene; on the spot //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/125 words - 22 min 蒙[蒙] méng to cover; ignorant; to suffer (misfortune); to receive (a favor); to cheat 监视器[監視器] jiānshìqì security camera; surveillance monitor 一个劲[一個勁] yīgèjìn continuously; persistently; incessantly 扛[扛] káng to carry on one's shoulder; (fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc) 治愈[治癒] zhìyù to cure 系[系] xì system; department; faculty 进出[進出] jìnchū to enter or exit; to go through 项[項] xiàng back of neck; item; thing; term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc 指标[指標] zhǐbiāo (production) target; quota; index; indicator; sign; signpost; (computing) pointer 休养[休養] xiūyǎng to recuperate; to recover; to convalesce 干妈[乾媽] gānmā adoptive mother (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications) 家伙[家伙] jiāhuo household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; (coll.) guy; chap; weapon 全球[全球] quánqiú entire; total; global; the (whole) world; worldwide 后援[後援] hòuyuán reinforcement; back-up; supporting force 空降[空降] kōngjiàng to drop from the sky; (fig.) to appear out of nowhere; (attributive) airborne 家事[家事] jiāshì family matters; domestic affairs; housework 秘书[秘書] mìshū secretary 特效[特效] tèxiào special effect; specially good effect; especially efficacious 前期[前期] qiánqī preceding period; early stage 阶段[階段] jiēduàn stage; section; phase; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 过多[過多] guòduō too many; excessive 介入[介入] jièrù to intervene; to get involved 拿出[拿出] náchū to take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence) 即使[即使] jíshǐ even if; even though 胚胎[胚胎] pēitāi embryo //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/150 words - 28 min 育[育] yù to have children; to raise or bring up; to educate 不见得[不見得] bùjiànde not necessarily; not likely 人类[人類] rénlèi humanity; human race; mankind 进化[進化] jìnhuà evolution; CL:個|个[ge4] 形成[形成] xíngchéng to form; to take shape 机制[機制] jīzhì mechanism 以免[以免] yǐmiǎn in order to avoid; so as not to 手术[手術] shǒushù (surgical) operation; surgery; CL:個|个[ge4] 犒劳[犒勞] kàoláo to reward with food and drink; to feast (sb); presents of food etc made to troops; Taiwan pr. [kao4 lao4] 转移[轉移] zhuǎnyí to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people) 截图[截圖] jiétú screenshot (computing) 论文[論文] lùnwén paper; treatise; thesis; CL:篇[pian1]; to discuss a paper or thesis (old) 甭[甭] béng contraction of 不用; need not; please don't 患者[患者] huànzhě patient; sufferer 许多[許多] xǔduō many; a lot of; much 思想[思想] sīxiǎng thought; thinking; idea; ideology; CL:個|个[ge4] 购[購] gòu to buy; to purchase 疑虑[疑慮] yílǜ hesitation; misgivings; doubt 顶尖[頂尖] dǐngjiān peak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field) 出手[出手] chūshǒu to dispose of; to spend (money); to undertake a task 上线[上線] shàngxiàn to go online; to put sth online 委派[委派] wěipài to appoint 素养[素養] sùyǎng (personal) accomplishment; attainment in self-cultivation 谈话[談話] tánhuà talk; conversation; CL:次[ci4] 合法[合法] héfǎ lawful; legitimate; legal //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/175 words - 36 min 权益[權益] quányì rights; interests; rights and benefits 减刑[減刑] jiǎnxíng to reduce penalty; shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence 访客[訪客] fǎngkè visitor; caller 看似[看似] kànsì to look as if; to seem 窄[窄] zhǎi narrow; narrow-minded; badly off 斤[斤] jīn catty; (PRC) weight equal to 500 g; (Tw) weight equal to 600 g; (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g 出众[出眾] chūzhòng to stand out; outstanding 唱功[唱功] chànggōng singing skill 主持[主持] zhǔchí to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to uphold; to stand for (justice etc); to host (a TV or radio program etc); (TV) anchor 交流[交流] jiāoliú to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb) 规划[規劃] guīhuà to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program 跟不上[跟不上] gēnbushàng not able to keep up with 消耗[消耗] xiāohào to use up; to consume 独立[獨立] dúlì independent; independence; to stand alone 降[降] jiàng to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend 降[降] xiáng to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue; to tame 考量[考量] kǎoliáng to consider; to give serious consideration to sth; consideration 不用谢[不用謝] bùyòngxiè You're welcome; Don't mention it 梦见[夢見] mèngjiàn to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream 樱花[櫻花] yīnghuā oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom; also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry 半年[半年] bànnián half a year 等于[等於] děngyú to equal; to be tantamount to 职[職] zhí office; duty 登记表[登記表] dēngjìbiǎo registration form 杭[杭] Háng surname Hang; Hangzhou 菊[菊] jú chrysanthemum //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep14/194 words - 38 min 决[決] jué to decide; to determine; to execute (sb); (of a dam etc) to breach or burst; definitely; certainly 明子[明子] míngzi see 松明[song1 ming2] 天气[天氣] tiānqì weather 上火[上火] shànghuǒ to get angry; to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM) 败火[敗火] bàihuǒ relieve inflammation or internal heat 凶[凶] xiōng vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious; famine; variant of 兇|凶[xiong1] 避[避] bì to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from 避风[避風] bìfēng to take shelter from the wind; to lie low; to stay out of trouble 暴力[暴力] bàolì violence; force; violent 消停[消停] xiāotíng to calm down; to stop; to pause; calmly; peaceful; restful 要强[要強] yàoqiáng eager to excel; eager to get ahead in life; strong-minded 优点[優點] yōudiǎn merit; benefit; strong point; advantage; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 缺点[缺點] quēdiǎn weak point; fault; shortcoming; disadvantage; CL:個|个[ge4] 硬撑[硬撐] yìngchēng to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc 转弯抹角[轉彎抹角] zhuǎnwānmòjiǎo see 拐彎抹角|拐弯抹角[guai3 wan1 mo4 jiao3] 出口[出口] chūkǒu an exit; CL:個|个[ge4]; to speak; to export; (of a ship) to leave port 枕[枕] zhěn pillow; to pillow; to rest one's head on (Taiwan pr. [zhen4] for this sense) 忧[憂] yōu to worry; to concern oneself with; worried; anxiety; sorrow; (literary) to observe mourning 复活[復活] fùhuó to revive; (lit. and fig.) to come back to life; (religion) resurrection //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/25 words - 3 min 角落[角落] jiǎoluò nook; corner 晃[晃] huǎng to dazzle; to flash past 晃[晃] huàng to sway; to shake; to wander about 指尖[指尖] zhǐjiān fingertips 沙漠[沙漠] shāmò desert; CL:個|个[ge4] 任[任] rèn to assign; to appoint; to take up a post; office; responsibility; to let; to allow; to give free rein to; no matter (how, what etc); classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友) 洒[灑] sǎ to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed 线索[線索] xiànsuǒ trail; clues; thread (of a story) 点滴[點滴] diǎndī a drip; a little bit; intravenous drip (used to administer drugs) 痕迹[痕跡] hénjì vestige; mark; trace 转瞬[轉瞬] zhuǎnshùn in the twinkling of an eye; in a flash; to turn one's eyes 即[即] jí namely; that is; i.e.; prompt; at once; at present; even if; prompted (by the occasion); to approach; to come into contact; to assume (office); to draw near 逝[逝] shì (of time) to pass; to die 光阴[光陰] guāngyīn time available 相遇[相遇] xiāngyù to meet; to encounter; to come across 终点[終點] zhōngdiǎn the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus; CL:個|个[ge4] 板[板] bǎn board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); CL:塊|块[kuai4]; accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious 姜[薑] jiāng ginger 糖水[糖水] tángshuǐ syrup; sweetened water; tong sui (sweet soup) 沏[沏] qī to steep (tea) 感冒[感冒] gǎnmào to catch cold; (common) cold; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]; (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative); (Tw) to detest; can't stand 匀[勻] yún even; well-distributed; uniform; to distribute evenly; to share 递进[遞進] dìjìn gradual progress; to go forward one stage at a time 细腻[細膩] xìnì exquisite; meticulous 猛地[猛地] měngde suddenly 冲出[衝出] chōngchū to rush out //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/50 words - 13 min 冲击力[衝擊力] chōngjīlì force of impact or thrust 虑[慮] lǜ to think over; to consider; anxiety 耀[耀] yào brilliant; glorious 辉[輝] huī splendor; to shine upon 灰[灰] huī ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected 星期[星期] xīngqī week; CL:個|个[ge4]; day of the week; Sunday 看不出[看不出] kànbuchū can't see; can't make out; unable to tell 大半[大半] dàbàn more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely 建[建] jiàn to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct 模[模] mó to imitate; model; norm; pattern 预览[預覽] yùlǎn preview; to preview 现有[現有] xiànyǒu currently existing; currently available 长片[長片] chángpiàn feature-length film 干货[乾貨] gānhuò dried food (including dried fruits, mushrooms and seafoods such as shrimp and abalone); (fig.) (coll.) knowledge presented in readily assimilable form; just what you want to know: no more, no less (no 水分[shui3 fen1]) 牵连[牽連] qiānlián to implicate; implicated; to link together 输入[輸入] shūrù to import; to input 产检[產檢] chǎnjiǎn abbr. for 產前檢查|产前检查[chan3 qian2 jian3 cha2] 隐形[隱形] yǐnxíng invisible 未婚妻[未婚妻] wèihūnqī fiancée 粉饰太平[粉飾太平] fěnshìtàipíng to pretend that everything is going well 唯独[唯獨] wéidú only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique 不论[不論] bùlùn whatever; no matter what (who, how etc); regardless of; not to discuss 琢磨[琢磨] zuómo to ponder; to mull over; to think through; Taiwan pr. [zhuo2 mo2] 悄无声息[悄無聲息] qiǎowúshēngxī quietly; noiselessly 推波助澜[推波助瀾] tuībōzhùlán to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum; to encourage sth to get bigger; to add fuel to the fire //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/75 words - 18 min 发布[發佈] fābù to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute; also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4] 稿件[稿件] gǎojiàn piece of writing submitted for publication; manuscript; article 正面[正面] zhèngmiàn front; obverse side; right side; positive; direct; open 做法[做法] zuòfǎ way of handling sth; method for making; work method; recipe; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 反弹[反彈] fǎntán to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions 无可厚非[無可厚非] wúkěhòufēi see 未可厚非[wei4 ke3 hou4 fei1] 应[應] yīng to agree (to do sth); should; ought to; must; (legal) shall 应[應] yìng to answer; to respond; to comply with; to deal or cope with 援[援] yuán to help; to assist; to aid 弟[弟] dì younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter) 且不说[且不說] qiěbùshuō not to mention; leaving aside 暖暖[暖暖] Nuǎnnuǎn Nuannuan district of Keelung City 基隆市[Ji1 long2 shi4], Taiwan 身子[身子] shēnzi body; pregnancy; health 搁[擱] gē to place; to put aside; to shelve 灯[燈] dēng lamp; light; lantern; CL:盞|盏[zhan3] 伟[偉] wěi big; large; great 臭脸[臭臉] chòuliǎn sour face; scowling face; CL:張|张[zhang1],副[fu4] 氛围[氛圍] fēnwéi ambience; atmosphere 统[統] tǒng to gather; to unite; to unify; whole 周期[週期] zhōuqī period; cycle 不加[不加] bùjiā without; not; un- 痛快[痛快] tòngkuài delighted; to one's heart's content; straightforward; also pr. [tong4 kuai5] 妹子[妹子] mèizi (dialect) younger sister; girl 美加[美加] MěiJiā US and Canada (abbr.) 虾[蝦] xiā shrimp; prawn 小龙虾[小龍蝦] xiǎolóngxiā crayfish; langoustine; chicken lobster //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/100 words - 27 min 派对[派對] pàiduì party (loanword) 不请自来[不請自來] bùqǐngzìlái to turn up without being invited; unsolicited 炫耀[炫耀] xuànyào dazzling; to show off; to flaunt 看不起[看不起] kànbuqǐ to look down upon; to despise 眼看[眼看] yǎnkàn soon; in a moment; to look on as sth happens 讲理[講理] jiǎnglǐ to argue; to reason with sb; to talk sense; to be reasonable 宣传[宣傳] xuānchuán to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:個|个[ge4] 争[爭] zhēng to strive for; to vie for; to argue or debate; deficient or lacking (dialect); how or what (literary) 探头[探頭] tàntóu to extend one's head (out or into); a probe; detector; search unit 参考资料[參考資料] cānkǎozīliào reference material; bibliography 援助[援助] yuánzhù to help; to support; to aid; aid; assistance 力所能及[力所能及] lìsuǒnéngjí as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability; within one's powers 法院[法院] fǎyuàn court of law; court 修车[修車] xiūchē to repair a bike (car etc) 霓[霓] ní secondary rainbow 尚[尚] shàng still; yet; to value; to esteem 大选[大選] dàxuǎn general election 苗[苗] miáo sprout 好感[好感] hǎogǎn good opinion; favorable impression 持续[持續] chíxù to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation 灭[滅] miè to extinguish or put out; to go out (of a fire etc); to exterminate or wipe out; to drown 作用[作用] zuòyòng to act on; to affect; action; function; activity; impact; result; effect; purpose; intent; to play a role; corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization; CL:個|个[ge4] 坐镇[坐鎮] zuòzhèn (of a commanding officer) to keep watch; to oversee 轮胎[輪胎] lúntāi tire; pneumatic tire 小意思[小意思] xiǎoyìsi small token; mere trifle (used of one's gifts) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/125 words - 34 min 千斤顶[千斤頂] qiānjīndǐng jack (for lifting weight) 回旋[迴旋] huíxuán to turn around; maneuvering room; leeway 余地[餘地] yúdì margin; leeway 低声[低聲] dīshēng in a low voice; softly 在行[在行] zàiháng to be adept at sth; to be an expert in a trade or profession 职场[職場] zhíchǎng workplace; workforce (of a nation or industry etc); job market 冲[沖] chōng (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with 挨骂[挨罵] áimà to receive a scolding 笑脸[笑臉] xiàoliǎn smiling face; smiley :) ☺; CL:副[fu4] 界定[界定] jièdìng definition; to delimit 武器[武器] wǔqì weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3] 撮合[撮合] cuōhe to play matchmaker; to act as a middleman 近水楼台[近水樓臺] jìnshuǐlóutái lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerful to obtain favor 友谊[友誼] yǒuyì companionship; fellowship; friendship 约法三章[約法三章] yuēfǎsānzhāng to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules 干涉[干涉] gānshè to interfere; to meddle; interference 生效[生效] shēngxiào to take effect; to go into effect 不问[不問] bùwèn to pay no attention to; to disregard; to ignore; to let go unpunished; to let off 前车之鉴[前車之鑒] qiánchēzhījiàn to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom) 合[合] hé to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2] 伙[夥] huǒ companion; partner; group; classifier for groups of people; to combine; together 讨论会[討論會] tǎolùnhuì symposium; discussion forum 退片[退片] tuìpiàn to eject (media player) 机房[機房] jīfáng machine room; engine room; computer room 按下[按下] ànxià to press down; to press a button //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/150 words - 39 min 两码事[兩碼事] liǎngmǎshì two quite different things; another kettle of fish 推卸[推卸] tuīxiè to avoid (esp. responsibility); to shift (the blame); to pass the buck 十七[十七] shíqī seventeen; 17 极限[極限] jíxiàn limit; extreme boundary 保不住[保不住] bǎobuzhù cannot maintain (sth); unable to keep; more likely than not; may well 立足[立足] lìzú to stand; to have a footing; to be established; to base oneself on 扣[扣] kòu to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code 骗人[騙人] piànrén to cheat sb; a scam 瞒[瞞] mán to conceal from; to keep (sb) in the dark 名声[名聲] míngshēng reputation 冒[冒] mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover 指责[指責] zhǐzé to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce 也就是说[也就是說] yějiùshìshuō in other words; that is to say; so; thus 十六[十六] shíliù sixteen; 16 原有[原有] yuányǒu original; former 基础[基礎] jīchǔ base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:個|个[ge4] 连续[連續] liánxù continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive 冤枉[冤枉] yuānwang to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly; injustice; wronged; not worthwhile 布景[佈景] bùjǐng (stage) set 摔伤[摔傷] shuāishāng to injure oneself in a fall 赶不及[趕不及] gǎnbùjí not enough time (to do sth); too late (to do sth) 合成[合成] héchéng to compose; to constitute; compound; synthesis; mixture; synthetic 口碑[口碑] kǒubēi public praise; public reputation; commonly held opinions; current idiom 陌[陌] mò raised path; street 腰椎[腰椎] yāozhuī lumbar vertebra (lower backbone) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep15/153 words - 39 min 绿灯[綠燈] lǜdēng green light 表[表] biǎo exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring sth) 态[態] tài (bound form); appearance; shape; form; state; attitude; (grammar) voice //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/25 words - 6 min 原定[原定] yuándìng originally planned; originally determined 北京[北京] Běijīng Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China; Peking; PRC government 蟹粉[蟹粉] xièfěn crab meat 往返[往返] wǎngfǎn to go back and forth; to go to and fro; round trip 自保[自保] zìbǎo to defend oneself; self-defense; self-preservation 水准[水準] shuǐzhǔn level (of achievement etc); standard; level (surveying) 减少[減少] jiǎnshǎo to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower 一级[一級] yījí first class; category A 递减[遞減] dìjiǎn progressively decreasing; gradually falling; in descending order 成片[成片] chéngpiàn (of a large number of things) to form an expanse; to cover an area 强行[強行] qiángxíng to do sth by force 累计[累計] lěijì to accumulate; cumulative 观看[觀看] guānkàn to watch; to view 人数[人數] rénshù number of people 达标[達標] dábiāo to reach a set standard 尾款[尾款] wěikuǎn balance (money remaining due) 赚得[賺得] zhuàndé to earn 迷恋[迷戀] míliàn to be infatuated with; to indulge in 赌博[賭博] dǔbó to gamble 了[瞭] liǎo (of eyes) bright; clear-sighted; to understand clearly 烂片[爛片] lànpiàn dud movie 挤出[擠出] jǐchū to squeeze out; to extrude; to drain; to find the time; to burst out 纽约[紐約] Niǔyuē New York 保[保] bǎo to defend; to protect; to keep; to guarantee; to ensure; civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old) 不堪设想[不堪設想] bùkānshèxiǎng too horrible to contemplate; unthinkable; inconceivable //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/50 words - 10 min 石膏[石膏] shígāo gypsum CaSO4·2(H2O); plaster; plaster cast (for a broken bone) 物料[物料] wùliào material 蜡烛[蠟燭] làzhú candle; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] 摘下[摘下] zhāixià to take off; to remove (one's hat, a door from its hinges etc); to pick (a piece of fruit from a tree etc); (sports) to pick off (a rebound etc) 滤[濾] lǜ to strain; to filter 惨[慘] cǎn miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; disastrous; tragic; dim; gloomy 地步[地步] dìbù stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved); situation; leeway 择[擇] zé to select; to choose; to pick over; to pick out; to differentiate; to eliminate; also pr. [zhai2] 散会[散會] sànhuì to disperse a meeting; to adjourn; finished 尾[尾] wěi tail; remainder; remnant; extremity; sixth of the 28 constellations; classifier for fish 走人[走人] zǒurén (coll.) to leave; to beat it 核心[核心] héxīn core; nucleus 竞争力[競爭力] jìngzhēnglì competitive strength; competitiveness 首要[首要] shǒuyào the most important; of chief importance 目标[目標] mùbiāo target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[ge4] 作风[作風] zuòfēng style; style of work; way 一部分[一部分] yībùfen portion; part of; subset 免费[免費] miǎnfèi free (of charge) 收购[收購] shōugòu to purchase (from various places); to acquire (a company) 老狐狸[老狐狸] lǎohúli old fox; fig. cunning person 另一方面[另一方面] lìngyīfāngmiàn on the other hand; another aspect 船[船] chuán boat; vessel; ship; CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1],隻|只[zhi1] 由头[由頭] yóutou pretext; excuse; justification; reason 降低[降低] jiàngdī to reduce; to lower; to bring down 话说[話說] huàshuō It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative); to discuss; to recount //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/75 words - 13 min 限价[限價] xiànjià limit on price 哥们[哥們] gēmen Brothers!; brethren; dude (colloquial); brother (diminutive form of address between males) 渠道[渠道] qúdào irrigation ditch; (fig.) channel; means 哟[喲] yo (sentence-final particle expressing exhortation); (syllable filler in a song) 把头[把頭] bǎtóu labor contractor; gangmaster 漂[漂] piāo to float; to drift 漂[漂] piào elegant; polished 识货[識貨] shíhuò to know what's what 信心[信心] xìnxīn confidence; faith (in sb or sth); CL:個|个[ge4] 延长[延長] yáncháng to prolong; to extend; to delay 绩效[績效] jìxiào performance; results; achievement 挤[擠] jǐ to crowd in; to cram in; to force others aside; to press; to squeeze; to find (time in one's busy schedule) 享受[享受] xiǎngshòu to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种[zhong3] 事后[事後] shìhòu after the event; in hindsight; in retrospect 深刻[深刻] shēnkè profound; deep; deep-going 留言[留言] liúyán to leave a message; to leave one's comments; message 坦诚[坦誠] tǎnchéng candid; frank; plain dealing 否认[否認] fǒurèn to declare to be untrue; to deny 学历[學歷] xuélì educational background; academic qualifications 受制[受制] shòuzhì controlled (by sb); to suffer under a yoke 掌握[掌握] zhǎngwò to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency 观察力[觀察力] guānchálì power of observation; perception 当成[當成] dàngchéng to consider as; to take to be 点破[點破] diǎnpò to lay bare in a few words; to expose with a word; to point out bluntly 越界[越界] yuèjiè to cross a border; to overstep a bound 人肉[人肉] rénròu to crowdsource information about sb or sth (abbr. for 人肉搜索[ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3]); human (used attributively, as in 人肉盾牌[ren2 rou4 dun4 pai2], human shield) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/100 words - 19 min 本意[本意] běnyì original idea; real intention; etymon 预期[預期] yùqī to expect; to anticipate 光明正大[光明正大] guāngmíngzhèngdà (of a person) honorable; not devious; (of a behavior) fair and aboveboard; without tricks; openly; (of a situation) out in the open 无条件[無條件] wútiáojiàn unconditional 综艺节目[綜藝節目] zōngyìjiémù variety show 碗[碗] wǎn bowl; cup; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 商人[商人] shāngrén merchant; businessman 说到[說到] shuōdào to talk about; to mention; (preposition) as for 烫[燙] tàng to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot 大V[大V] dàV influential microblogger with a verified account (hence the "V") 熊[熊] xióng bear; (coll.) to scold; to rebuke; (coll.) weak; incapable 屠[屠] tú to slaughter (animals for food); to massacre 版[版] bǎn a register; block of printing; edition; version; page 杰[傑] jié hero; heroic; outstanding person; prominent; distinguished 斯[斯] sī (phonetic); this 运营[運營] yùnyíng to be in operation; to do business; (of train, bus etc) to be in service; operation; service 榨[榨] zhà to press; to extract (juice); device for extracting juice, oils etc 引火[引火] yǐnhuǒ to kindle; to light a fire 上身[上身] shàngshēn upper part of the body 转移视线[轉移視線] zhuǎnyíshìxiàn to shift one's eyes; (fig.) to shift one's attention; to divert attention 本事[本事] běnshi ability; skill 一再[一再] yīzài repeatedly 过激[過激] guòjī drastic; extreme; aggressive 我去[我去] wǒqù (slang) dang!; shoot! 用功[用功] yònggōng diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/125 words - 25 min 豆腐[豆腐] dòufu tofu; bean curd 心尖[心尖] xīnjiān bottom tip of the heart; fig. innermost feelings; coll. my darling 临[臨] lín to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before 要害[要害] yàohài vital part; (fig.) key point; crucial 重演[重演] chóngyǎn to recur (of events, esp. adverse ones); to repeat (a performance) 倒霉[倒霉] dǎoméi to have bad luck; to be out of luck 常见[常見] chángjiàn commonly seen; common; to see sth frequently 点火[點火] diǎnhuǒ to ignite; to light a fire; to agitate; to start an engine; ignition; fig. to stir up trouble 好心[好心] hǎoxīn kindness; good intentions 占优势[佔優勢] zhànyōushì to predominate; to occupy a dominant position 筹码[籌碼] chóumǎ bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token 看不懂[看不懂] kànbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is looking at 着手[著手] zhuóshǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out 阻止[阻止] zǔzhǐ to prevent; to block 正确[正確] zhèngquè correct; proper 生存[生存] shēngcún to exist; to survive 法则[法則] fǎzé law; rule; code 伪装[偽裝] wěizhuāng to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage 不满[不滿] bùmǎn resentful; discontented; dissatisfied 哄[哄] hōng roar of laughter (onom.); hubbub; to roar (as a crowd) 偏激[偏激] piānjī extreme (usu. of thoughts, speech, circumstances) 压倒[壓倒] yādǎo to overwhelm; to overpower; overwhelming 打小报告[打小報告] dǎxiǎobàogào (coll.) to tattletale; to rat on sb 少不了[少不了] shǎobuliǎo cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many 白纸黑字[白紙黑字] báizhǐhēizì (written) in black and white //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/150 words - 31 min 闹事[鬧事] nàoshì to cause trouble; to create a disturbance 延续[延續] yánxù to continue; to go on; to last 处在[處在] chǔzài to be situated at; to find oneself at 高峰期[高峰期] gāofēngqī peak period; rush hour 绽放[綻放] zhànfàng to blossom 光彩[光彩] guāngcǎi luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance 悲[悲] bēi sad; sadness; sorrow; grief 喜[喜] xǐ to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad 斟[斟] zhēn to pour; to deliberate 杯具[杯具] bēijù cup; (slang) (pun on 悲劇|悲剧[bei1 ju4], tragedy) so bad; terrible; bummer; fiasco; debacle 喜极而泣[喜極而泣] xǐjí'érqì crying tears of joy (idiom) 固执[固執] gùzhí obstinate; stubborn 收紧[收緊] shōujǐn to tighten up (restrictions etc) 苦涩[苦澀] kǔsè bitter and astringent; pained; agonized 缓急[緩急] huǎnjí priority; whether sth is urgent 放进[放進] fàngjìn to put into 天地[天地] tiāndì heaven and earth; world; scope; field of activity 乌云[烏雲] wūyún black cloud 世上[世上] shìshàng on earth 珍贵[珍貴] zhēnguì precious 王牌[王牌] wángpái trump card 不忙[不忙] bùmáng there's no hurry; take one's time 温柔[溫柔] wēnróu gentle and soft; tender 型[型] xíng mold; type; style; model 百合[百合] bǎihé lily //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/175 words - 35 min 纯洁[純潔] chúnjié pure; clean and honest; to purify 高雅[高雅] gāoyǎ dainty; elegance; elegant 粉色[粉色] fěnsè pink; white; erotic; beautiful woman; powdered (with make-up) 郁金香[鬱金香] yùjīnxiāng tulip 主意[主意] zhǔyi plan; idea; decision; CL:個|个[ge4]; Beijing pr. [zhu2 yi5] 玫瑰[玫瑰] méiguī rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa); rose flower; CL:朵[duo3],棵[ke1] 生命力[生命力] shēngmìnglì vitality 旺盛[旺盛] wàngshèng vigorous; exuberant 蓝色[藍色] lánsè blue (color) 风信子[風信子] fēngxìnzǐ hyacinth (flower) 采[採] cǎi to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather 光芒[光芒] guāngmáng rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance 迷路[迷路] mílù to lose the way; lost; labyrinth; labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear) 大门[大門] dàmén entrance; door; gate; large and influential family 熟人[熟人] shúrén acquaintance; friend 劳驾[勞駕] láojià excuse me 企图[企圖] qǐtú to attempt; to try; attempt; CL:種|种[zhong3] 素[素] sù raw silk; white; plain, unadorned; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever 献殷勤[獻殷勤] xiànyīnqín to be particularly attentive to (an attractive young lady or man etc); to fawn upon (an influential politician etc); to court sb's favor; to ingratiate oneself 坏处[壞處] huàichu harm; troubles; CL:個|个[ge4] 语音[語音] yǔyīn speech sounds; pronunciation; colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character; phonetic; audio; voice; (Internet) to voice chat; voice message 男孩儿[男孩兒] nánháir5 erhua variant of 男孩[nan2 hai2] 小聪明[小聰明] xiǎocōngming clever-clever; clever in trivial matters; sharp but petty-minded 有害无利[有害無利] yǒuhàiwúlì harmful and without benefit (idiom); more harm than good 前不久[前不久] qiánbùjiǔ not long ago; not long before //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/200 words - 37 min 差一点[差一點] chàyīdiǎn see 差點|差点[cha4 dian3] 三言两语[三言兩語] sānyánliǎngyǔ in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly 野[野] yě field; plain; open space; limit; boundary; rude; feral 弟弟[弟弟] dìdi younger brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 未婚[未婚] wèihūn unmarried 嘴里[嘴裡] zuǐlǐ mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech; words 别扭[彆扭] bièniu awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche 历尽[歷盡] lìjìn to have experienced a lot of; to have been through 千辛万苦[千辛萬苦] qiānxīnwànkǔ to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations; with difficulty; after some effort 踏[踏] tà to tread; to stamp; to step on; to press a pedal; to investigate on the spot 金钱[金錢] jīnqián money; currency 年华[年華] niánhuá years; time; age 荼毒[荼毒] túdú torment; cruelty; great suffering 人格[人格] réngé personality; integrity; dignity 毁灭[毀滅] huǐmiè to perish; to ruin; to destroy 逛逛[逛逛] guàngguang to roam around; to have a stroll 逛[逛] guàng to stroll; to visit 压抑[壓抑] yāyì to constrain or repress emotions; oppressive; stifling; depressing; repression 无效[無效] wúxiào not valid; ineffective; in vain 管理[管理] guǎnlǐ to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:個|个[ge4] 话里有话[話裡有話] huàlǐyǒuhuà to have hidden meaning; implication; more than just the apparent meaning; something hinted 局中人[局中人] júzhōngrén participant; protagonist; a player (in this affair) 唠叨[嘮叨] láodao to prattle; to chatter away; to nag; garrulous; nagging 上场[上場] shàngchǎng on stage; to go on stage; to take the field 肩[肩] jiān shoulder; to shoulder (responsibilities etc) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep16/207 words - 38 min 正骨[正骨] zhènggǔ bonesetting; Chinese osteopathy 鼻涕[鼻涕] bítì nasal mucus; snivel 潜力[潛力] qiánlì potential; capacity 点拨[點撥] diǎnbō to give instructions; to give advice 奉承[奉承] fèngcheng to fawn on; to flatter; to ingratiate oneself; flattery 好话[好話] hǎohuà friendly advice; words spoken on sb's behalf; a good word; kind words; words that sound fine but are not followed up with actions 感激[感激] gǎnjī to be grateful; to appreciate; thankful //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/25 words - 6 min 宋[宋] Sòng surname Song; the Song dynasty (960-1279); also Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479) 赞不绝口[贊不絕口] zànbùjuékǒu to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven 价[價] jià price; value; (chemistry) valence 秘密[秘密] mìmì secret; CL:個|个[ge4] 万事[萬事] wànshì all things 板上钉钉[板上釘釘] bǎnshàngdìngdīng that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it 一会[一會] yīhuì a moment; a while; in a moment; also pr. [yi1 hui3] 偷听[偷聽] tōutīng to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly) 安全感[安全感] ānquángǎn sense of security 双重[雙重] shuāngchóng double 开战[開戰] kāizhàn to start a war; to make war; to battle against 值钱[值錢] zhíqián valuable; costly; expensive 坐享其成[坐享其成] zuòxiǎngqíchéng to reap where one has not sown (idiom) 万事大吉[萬事大吉] wànshìdàjí everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world 流动[流動] liúdòng to flow; to circulate; to go from place to place; to be mobile; (of assets) liquid 不妨[不妨] bùfáng there is no harm in; might as well 说出[說出] shuōchū to speak out; to declare (one's view) 智商[智商] zhìshāng IQ (intelligence quotient) 励志[勵志] lìzhì to encourage; encouragement 业余[業餘] yèyú in one's spare time; outside working hours; amateur (historian etc) 十几[十幾] shíjǐ more than ten; a dozen or more 辅导员[輔導員] fǔdǎoyuán coach (teacher or trainer) 得不到[得不到] débùdào cannot get; cannot obtain 好过[好過] hǎoguò to have an easy time; (feel) well 有备而来[有備而來] yǒubèi'érlái to come prepared //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/50 words - 11 min 歇菜[歇菜] xiēcài Stop it! (Beijing and Internet slang); Game over!; You're dead! 沉不住气[沉不住氣] chénbùzhùqì to lose one's cool; to get impatient; unable to remain calm 老虎[老虎] lǎohǔ tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 尾巴[尾巴] wěiba tail; colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] 甜言蜜语[甜言蜜語] tiányánmìyǔ (idiom) sweet words; sweet talk; cajolery 母老虎[母老虎] mǔlǎohǔ tigress; (fig.) fierce woman; vixen 发起[發起] fāqǐ to originate; to initiate; to launch (an attack, an initiative etc); to start; to propose sth (for the first time) 断送[斷送] duànsòng to forfeit (future profit, one's life etc); ruined 走向[走向] zǒuxiàng direction; strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology); inclination; trend; to move towards; to head for 高处[高處] gāochù high place; elevation 瓶颈[瓶頸] píngjǐng bottleneck 总要[總要] zǒngyào nevertheless 跑道[跑道] pǎodào athletic track; track; runway (i.e. airstrip) 举[舉] jǔ to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect; act; move; deed 双手[雙手] shuāngshǒu both hands 赞成[贊成] zànchéng to approve; to endorse; (literary) to assist 对簿公堂[對簿公堂] duìbùgōngtáng public courtroom accusation (idiom); legal confrontation; to take sb to court; to sue 悲观[悲觀] bēiguān pessimistic 主义[主義] zhǔyì -ism; ideology 凡事[凡事] fánshì everything 奏效[奏效] zòuxiào to show results; effective 大老远[大老遠] dàlǎoyuǎn very far away 领[領] lǐng neck; collar; to lead; to receive; classifier for clothes, mats, screens etc 和平解决[和平解決] hépíngjiějué peace settlement; peaceful solution 漏洞[漏洞] lòudòng leak; hole; gap; loophole //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/75 words - 18 min 较劲[較勁] jiàojìn to match one's strength with; to compete; more competitive; to set oneself against sb; disobliging; to make a special effort 回信[回信] huíxìn to reply; to write back; letter written in reply; CL:封[feng1] 磕磕绊绊[磕磕絆絆] kēkebànbàn bumpy (of a road); limping (of a person) 到头[到頭] dàotóu to the end (of); at the end of; in the end; to come to an end 任重[任重] rènzhòng a load; a heavy burden 有话要说[有話要說] yǒuhuàyàoshuō to speak one's mind 见面会[見面會] jiànmiànhuì meet and greet 网综[網綜] wǎngzōng online variety show (contracted form of 網絡綜藝節目|网络综艺节目) 霸[霸] bà hegemon; tyrant; lord; feudal chief; to rule by force; to usurp; (in modern advertising) master 屏[屏] píng (standing) screen 死死[死死] sǐsǐ rigid; unwavering; unbendable; firm (hold on sth); tenacious 怨气[怨氣] yuànqì grievance; resentment; complaint 佣金[佣金] yòngjīn commission 提供[提供] tígōng to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 幸亏[幸虧] xìngkuī fortunately; luckily 周全[周全] zhōuquán thorough; to bring one's help; to assist 杀手锏[殺手鐧] shāshǒujiǎn (fig.) trump card 指定[指定] zhǐdìng to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and with certainty; designated 底牌[底牌] dǐpái cards in one's hand; (fig.) undisclosed strength or information; hidden trump 卷[捲] juǎn to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on; roll 大不了[大不了] dàbùliǎo at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming 纠[糾] jiū to gather together; to investigate; to entangle; to correct 监制[監製] jiānzhì to supervise the manufacture of; to supervise the shooting of films; executive producer (film) 抵消[抵消] dǐxiāo to counteract; to cancel out; to offset 全身而退[全身而退] quánshēn'értuì to escape unscathed; to get through in one piece //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/100 words - 24 min 有所[有所] yǒusuǒ somewhat; to some extent 隐瞒[隱瞞] yǐnmán to conceal; to hide (a taboo subject); to cover up the truth 专业性[專業性] zhuānyèxìng professionalism; expertise 势头[勢頭] shìtóu power; momentum; tendency; impetus; situation; the look of things 输赢[輸贏] shūyíng win or loss; outcome 绝不[絕不] juébù in no way; not in the least; absolutely not 此[此] cǐ this; these 私仇[私仇] sīchóu personal grudge 年代[年代] niándài a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 理念[理念] lǐniàn idea; concept; philosophy; theory 盈利[盈利] yínglì profit; gain 胚[胚] pēi embryo 斗[斗] dǒu dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4]; decaliter; peck; cup or dipper shaped object; old variant of 陡[dou3] 挣[掙] zhèng to struggle to get free; to strive to acquire; to make (money) 过日子[過日子] guòrìzi to live one's life; to pass one's days; to get along 成熟[成熟] chéngshú mature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2] 分成[分成] fēnchéng to divide (into); to split a bonus; to break into; tenths; percentage allotment 玩弄[玩弄] wánnòng to play with; to toy with; to dally with; to engage in; to resort to 手掌心[手掌心] shǒuzhǎngxīn see 手心[shou3 xin1] 运作[運作] yùnzuò to operate; operations; workings; activities (usu. of an organization); thread (computing) 少年[少年] shàonián early youth; youngster; (literary) youth; young man 争执[爭執] zhēngzhí to dispute; to disagree; to argue opinionatedly; to wrangle 重伤[重傷] zhòngshāng seriously hurt; serious injury 判[判] pàn to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern; obviously (different) 入狱[入獄] rùyù to go to jail; to be sent to prison //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/125 words - 28 min 服刑[服刑] fúxíng to serve a prison sentence 彻底[徹底] chèdǐ thorough; thoroughly; complete 三番五次[三番五次] sānfānwǔcì over and over again (idiom) 投靠[投靠] tóukào to rely on help from sb 邮件[郵件] yóujiàn mail; post; email 发送[發送] fāsòng to transmit; to dispatch; to issue (an official document or credential) 帅[帥] shuài handsome; graceful; smart; commander in chief; (coll.) cool!; sweet! 干活[幹活] gànhuó to work; to be employed 神仙[神仙] shénxiān Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person 打架[打架] dǎjià to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:場|场[chang2] 无辜[無辜] wúgū innocent; innocence; not guilty (law) 疯子[瘋子] fēngzi madman; lunatic 玲[玲] líng (onom.) ting-a-ling (in compounds such as 玎玲 or 玲瓏|玲珑); tinkling of gem-pendants 鲜[鮮] xiān fresh; bright (in color); delicious; tasty; delicacy; aquatic foods 亮丽[亮麗] liànglì bright and beautiful 杀人犯[殺人犯] shārénfàn murderer; homicide 恩师[恩師] ēnshī (greatly respected) teacher 伯乐[伯樂] BóLè Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period); a good judge of talent; talent scout 暖男[暖男] nuǎnnán a man who is family-oriented, considerate and protective 芝麻[芝麻] zhīma sesame (seed) 粒[粒] lì grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) 小编[小編] xiǎobiān editor or creator of online content (diminutive term, often used to refer to oneself: I, me, this writer) 得意[得意] déyì proud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent 节骨眼[節骨眼] jiēguyǎn (dialect) critical juncture; crucial moment; Taiwan pr. [jie2 gu5 yan3] 丑闻[醜聞] chǒuwén scandal //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/150 words - 35 min 跳槽[跳槽] tiàocáo to change jobs; job-hopping 臭名昭著[臭名昭著] chòumíngzhāozhù notorious; infamous; egregious (bandits) 抢走[搶走] qiǎngzǒu to snatch (esp related to a robbery) 金字[金字] jīnzì gold lettering; gold characters 招牌[招牌] zhāopai signboard; shop sign; reputation of a business 姑且[姑且] gūqiě for the time being; tentatively 遏制[遏制] èzhì to check; to contain; to hold back; to keep within limits; to constrain; to restrain 蔓延[蔓延] mànyán to extend; to spread 两面[兩面] liǎngmiàn both sides 胡编乱造[胡編亂造] húbiānluànzào to concoct a cock-and-bull story (idiom); to make things up 帮帮忙[幫幫忙] bāngbangmáng to help; to do a favor; (Shanghainese) Come on!; Give me a break! 标榜[標榜] biāobǎng to flaunt; to advertise; to parade; boost; excessive praise 接班人[接班人] jiēbānrén successor 力挽狂澜[力挽狂瀾] lìwǎnkuánglán to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis 畜[畜] chù livestock; domesticated animal; domestic animal 无害[無害] wúhài harmless 劣迹[劣跡] lièjì bad record (esp. of a public official); unsavory track record 兢兢业业[兢兢業業] jīngjīngyèyè cautious and conscientious 打理[打理] dǎlǐ to take care of; to sort out; to manage; to put in order 练习[練習] liànxí to practice; exercise; drill; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 境界[境界] jìngjiè boundary; state; realm 飞升[飛升] fēishēng to levitate heavenwards (a Daoist success); to take off; to soar (of prices) 力不从心[力不從心] lìbùcóngxīn less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 决绝[決絕] juéjué to sever all relations with sb; determined; decisive 亲力亲为[親力親為] qīnlìqīnwéi to do sth oneself //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep17/172 words - 40 min 逃避[逃避] táobì to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk 少见[少見] shǎojiàn rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see 失恋[失戀] shīliàn to lose one's love; to break up (in a romantic relationship); to feel jilted 复[復] fù to go and return; to return; to resume; to return to a normal or original state; to repeat; again; to recover; to restore; to turn over; to reply; to answer; to reply to a letter; to retaliate; to carry out 燃[燃] rán to burn; to ignite; to light; fig. to spark off (hopes); to start (debate); to raise (hopes) 摔倒[摔倒] shuāidǎo to fall down; to slip and fall; to throw sb to the ground 对立面[對立面] duìlìmiàn opposite; antonym; the opposite side (in a conflict) 一针见血[一針見血] yīzhēnjiànxiě lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom); fig. to hit the nail on the head 酒钱[酒錢] jiǔqián tip 起床[起床] qǐchuáng to get out of bed; to get up 救命稻草[救命稻草] jiùmìngdàocǎo (one's) last straw to clutch at; one's last hope 口味[口味] kǒuwèi a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor 加点[加點] jiādiǎn to work extra hours; to do overtime 回路[回路] huílù to return; circuit (e.g. electric); loop 没电[沒電] méidiàn discharged; flat; dead (of batteries) 充[充] chōng to fill; to satisfy; to fulfill; to act in place of; substitute; sufficient; full 第二天[第二天] dì'èrtiān next day; the morrow 不中用[不中用] bùzhòngyòng unfit for anything; no good; useless; (of a sick person) beyond hope 受骗[受騙] shòupiàn to be cheated; to be taken in; to be hoodwinked 上当[上當] shàngdàng taken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be duped 可怕[可怕] kěpà awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly 向往[嚮往] xiàngwǎng to yearn for; to look forward to //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/25 words - 8 min 侨[僑] qiáo emigrant; to reside abroad 公寓[公寓] gōngyù apartment building; block of flats; CL:套[tao4] 过夜[過夜] guòyè to spend the night; overnight 糊[糊] hú muddled; paste; scorched 力度[力度] lìdù strength; vigor; efforts; (music) dynamics 霖[霖] lín continued rain 劈腿[劈腿] pǐtuǐ to do the splits (gymnastics); (Tw) two-timing (in romantic relationships); Taiwan pr. [pi1 tui3] 保命[保命] bǎomìng to save one's life; to survive 狗仔[狗仔] gǒuzǎi paparazzi 塞给[塞給] sāigěi to slip sb sth; to press sb to accept sth; to insert surreptitiously; to foist sth off on sb 死心[死心] sǐxīn to give up; to admit failure; to drop the matter; to reconcile oneself to loss; to have no more illusions about 铁了心[鐵了心] tiělexīn determined; unshakable 仁[仁] rén humane; kernel 不义[不義] bùyì injustice 上个[上個] shàngge first (of two parts); last (week etc); previous; the above 磊[磊] lěi lumpy; rock pile; uneven; fig. sincere; open and honest 叛逆[叛逆] pànnì to rebel; to revolt; a rebel 痛改前非[痛改前非] tònggǎiqiánfēi completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf; a reformed character 纰漏[紕漏] pīlòu careless mistake; slip-up 炸弹[炸彈] zhàdàn bomb; CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] 惊动[驚動] jīngdòng to alarm; to startle; to disturb 经营[經營] jīngyíng to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate 产生[產生] chǎnshēng to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield 质疑[質疑] zhìyí to call into question; to question (truth or validity) 做完[做完] zuòwán to finish; to complete the task //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/50 words - 12 min 祸害[禍害] huòhài disaster; harm; scourge; bad person; to damage; to harm; to wreck 事到如今[事到如今] shìdàorújīn as matters stand; things having reached this stage 历史[歷史] lìshǐ history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] 敲[敲] qiāo to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge 牵制[牽制] qiānzhì to control; to curb; to restrict; to impede; to pin down (enemy troops) 绑[綁] bǎng to tie; bind or fasten together; to kidnap 事态[事態] shìtài situation; existing state of affairs 恶化[惡化] èhuà to worsen 吃不下[吃不下] chībuxià not feel like eating; be unable to eat any more 凡是[凡是] fánshì each and every; every; all; any 心狠手辣[心狠手辣] xīnhěnshǒulà vicious and merciless (idiom) 玉石俱焚[玉石俱焚] yùshíjùfén to burn both jade and common stone; to destroy indiscriminately (idiom) 挑起[挑起] tiǎoqǐ to provoke; to stir up; to incite 战争[戰爭] zhànzhēng war; conflict; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] 预料[預料] yùliào to forecast; to anticipate; expectation 不良[不良] bùliáng bad; harmful; unhealthy 稳拿[穩拿] wěnná a sure gain; sth one is sure to obtain 做生意[做生意] zuòshēngyì to do business 舍不得[捨不得] shěbude to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge 饼[餅] bǐng round flat cake; cookie; cake; pastry; CL:張|张[zhang1] 队[隊] duì squadron; team; group; CL:個|个[ge4] 成交[成交] chéngjiāo to complete a contract; to reach a deal 仇[仇] chóu hatred; animosity; enmity; foe; enemy; to feel animosity toward (the wealthy, foreigners etc) 较量[較量] jiàoliàng to pit oneself against sb; to compete with sb; contest; battle; to haggle; to quibble 一头[一頭] yītóu one head; a head full of sth; one end (of a stick); one side; headlong; directly; rapidly; simultaneously //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/75 words - 17 min 威胁[威脅] wēixié to threaten; to menace 软肋[軟肋] ruǎnlèi rib cartilage; (fig.) weak spot; soft underbelly 拆除[拆除] chāichú to tear down; to demolish; to dismantle; to remove 阻碍[阻礙] zǔ'ài to obstruct; to hinder; to block; obstruction; hindrance 障碍[障礙] zhàng'ài barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle 清扫[清掃] qīngsǎo to tidy up; to mop up; a sweep (against crime) 包袱[包袱] bāofu wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny part; punchline 失手[失手] shīshǒu a slip; miscalculation; unwise move; accidentally; by mistake; to lose control; to be defeated 打伤[打傷] dǎshāng to injure; to wound; to damage 致使[致使] zhìshǐ to cause; to result in 住院[住院] zhùyuàn to be in hospital; to be hospitalized 平静[平靜] píngjìng tranquil; undisturbed; serene 爆炸[爆炸] bàozhà explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate 逃[逃] táo to escape; to run away; to flee 风口浪尖[風口浪尖] fēngkǒulàngjiān where the wind and the waves are the fiercest; at the heart of the struggle 认领[認領] rènlǐng to claim (as one's property); to adopt (a child); to accept (an illegitimate child as one's own) 罪状[罪狀] zuìzhuàng charges or facts about a crime; the nature of the offense 辩解[辯解] biànjiě to explain; to justify; to defend (a point of view etc); to provide an explanation; to try to defend oneself 借此[藉此] jiècǐ using this as a pretext; thereby 为此[為此] wèicǐ for this reason; with regards to this; in this respect; in order to do this; to this end 心知肚明[心知肚明] xīnzhīdùmíng to be well aware 高高在上[高高在上] gāogāozàishàng set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality; aloof and remote 过错[過錯] guòcuò mistake; fault; responsibility (for a fault) 离谱[離譜] lípǔ excessive; beyond reasonable limits; irregular 依旧[依舊] yījiù as before; still //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/100 words - 22 min 谅解[諒解] liàngjiě to understand; to make allowances for; understanding 想见[想見] xiǎngjiàn to infer; to gather 自我介绍[自我介紹] zìwǒjièshào self-introduction; to introduce oneself 银行卡[銀行卡] yínhángkǎ bank card; ATM card 直播[直播] zhíbō live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding 曝[曝] pù to air; to sun 早年[早年] zǎonián early years; adolescence 伤人[傷人] shāngrén to injure sb 汇款[匯款] huìkuǎn to remit money; remittance 间断[間斷] jiànduàn disconnected; interrupted; suspended 几乎[幾乎] jīhū almost; nearly; practically 捐给[捐給] juāngěi to donate 年少[年少] niánshào young; junior 背负[背負] bēifù to bear; to carry on one's back; to shoulder 半壁江山[半壁江山] bànbìjiāngshān half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands); vast swathe of territory 连接[連接] liánjiē to link; to join; to attach; connection; a link (on web page) 切身[切身] qièshēn direct; concerning oneself; personal 警醒[警醒] jǐngxǐng to be alert 青少年[青少年] qīngshàonián adolescent; youth; teenager 戏剧化[戲劇化] xìjùhuà theatrical 网友[網友] wǎngyǒu online friend; Internet user 转弯[轉彎] zhuǎnwān to turn; to go around a corner 搜索引擎[搜索引擎] sōusuǒyǐnqíng search engine 一二[一二] yī'èr one or two; a few 蹦[蹦] bèng to jump; to bounce; to hop //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/125 words - 29 min 毕业典礼[畢業典禮] bìyèdiǎnlǐ graduation ceremony; commencement exercises 无所谓[無所謂] wúsuǒwèi to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be 沉醉[沉醉] chénzuì to become intoxicated 自顾自[自顧自] zìgùzì each minding his own business 后退[後退] hòutuì to recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat 残忍[殘忍] cánrěn cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless 无声[無聲] wúshēng noiseless; noiselessly; silent 漫[漫] màn free; unrestrained; to inundate 散落[散落] sànluò to disperse; to fall scattered; to sprinkle 面孔[面孔] miànkǒng face 厚[厚] hòu thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress 漫长[漫長] màncháng very long; endless 等候[等候] děnghòu to wait; to wait for 邂逅[邂逅] xièhòu to meet by chance; to run into sb; chance encounter 一次性[一次性] yīcìxìng one-off (offer); one-time; single-use; disposable (goods) 宁肯[寧肯] nìngkěn would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer 好奇心[好奇心] hàoqíxīn interest in sth; curiosity; inquisitive 叛[叛] pàn to betray; to rebel; to revolt 逆心[逆心] nìxīn unfavorable; undesired 天性[天性] tiānxìng nature; innate tendency 欣然[欣然] xīnrán gladly; cheerfully 闯荡[闖蕩] chuǎngdàng to leave home to make one's way in the world; to leave the life one knows to seek success 兜底[兜底] dōudǐ to reveal; to expose 成全[成全] chéngquán to help sb accomplish his aim; to help sb succeed; to complete; to make whole; to round off 浪子回头[浪子回頭] làngzǐhuítóu the return of a prodigal son (idiom) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/150 words - 33 min 短浅[短淺] duǎnqiǎn narrow and shallow 宗[宗] zōng school; sect; purpose; model; ancestor; clan; to take as one's model (in academic or artistic work); classifier for batches, items, cases (medical or legal), reservoirs 撤换[撤換] chèhuàn to dismiss and replace (sb); to replace (sb or sth) 维持[維持] wéichí to keep; to maintain; to preserve 淡出[淡出] dànchū to fade out (cinema); to withdraw from (politics, acting etc); to fade from (memory) 大众[大眾] dàzhòng the masses; the great bulk of the population; popular (of music, science etc) 视线[視線] shìxiàn line of sight 师徒[師徒] shītú master and disciple 掩护[掩護] yǎnhù to screen; to shield; to cover; protection; cover; CL:面[mian4] 随着[隨著] suízhe along with; in the wake of; following 为所欲为[為所欲為] wéisuǒyùwéi to do whatever one pleases 免职[免職] miǎnzhí to relieve sb of his post; to sack; to demote; dismissal; sacking 丑话[醜話] chǒuhuà ugly talk; vulgarity; obscenity 差错[差錯] chācuò mistake; slip-up; fault; error (in data transmission); accident; mishap 二次[二次] èrcì second (i.e. number two); second time; twice; (math.) quadratic (of degree two) 休闲[休閒] xiūxián leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow 外加[外加] wàijiā in addition; extra 练[練] liàn to practice; to train; to drill; to perfect (one's skill); exercise 房[房] fáng house; room; CL:間|间[jian1]; branch of an extended family; classifier for family members (or concubines) 动静[動靜] dòngjìng (detectable) movement; (sign of) activity; movement and stillness 做文章[做文章] zuòwénzhāng to make an issue of sth; to fuss; to make a song and dance 就是说[就是說] jiùshìshuō in other words; that is 心地[心地] xīndì character 迎刃而解[迎刃而解] yíngrèn'érjiě lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom); fig. easily solved 这天[這天] zhètiān today; this day //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/175 words - 36 min 感动[感動] gǎndòng to move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving 过失[過失] guòshī error; fault; (law) negligence; delinquency 陶冶情操[陶冶情操] táoyěqíngcāo to cultivate one's mind; to build character 礼貌[禮貌] lǐmào courtesy; manners 敲门[敲門] qiāomén to knock on a door 向来[向來] xiànglái always (previously) 直觉[直覺] zhíjué intuition 专利[專利] zhuānlì patent; sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people; monopoly 想来[想來] xiǎnglái it may be assumed that 操作[操作] cāozuò to work; to operate; to manipulate 莫须有[莫須有] mòxūyǒu groundless; baseless 扭转[扭轉] niǔzhuǎn to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation); (mechanics) torsion 吃亏[吃虧] chīkuī to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately 风干[風乾] fēnggān to air-dry; to season (timber etc); air-dried; air-drying 有心人[有心人] yǒuxīnrén resolute person; person with aspirations; people who feel; people who use their heads 白发[白髮] báifà white or gray hair; CL:根[gen1] 传染[傳染] chuánrǎn to infect; contagious 莫名[莫名] mòmíng indescribable; ineffable 中文[中文] Zhōngwén Chinese language 悉尼[悉尼] Xīní Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia 飞机[飛機] fēijī airplane; CL:架[jia4] 放在眼里[放在眼裡] fàngzàiyǎnlǐ to pay attention to; to care about; to attach importance to 少安毋躁[少安毋躁] shǎo'ānwúzào keep calm, don't get excited; don't be impatient 预留[預留] yùliú to set aside; to reserve 嘘[噓] xū to exhale slowly; to hiss; hush! //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/200 words - 40 min 出征[出征] chūzhēng to go into battle; to campaign (military) 缓解[緩解] huǎnjiě to bring relief; to alleviate (a crisis); to dull (a pain) 绝望[絕望] juéwàng to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation 特地[特地] tèdì specially; for a special purpose 满怀[滿懷] mǎnhuái to have one's heart filled with; (to collide) full on; (of farm animals) heavy with young 憧憬[憧憬] chōngjǐng to long for; to look forward to; longing; vision for the future 酸[酸] suān sour; tart; sick at heart; grieved; sore; aching; pedantic; impractical; to make sarcastic remarks about sb; an acid 推说[推說] tuīshuō to plead; to claim as an excuse 水果[水果] shuǐguǒ fruit; CL:個|个[ge4] 棋子[棋子] qízǐ chess piece; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] 撬开[撬開] qiàokāi to pry open; to lever open 神秘[神秘] shénmì mysterious; mystery 贪得无厌[貪得無厭] tāndéwúyàn avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied 欲壑难填[慾壑難填] yùhènántián bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed; carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment 排斥[排斥] páichì to reject; to exclude; to eliminate; to remove; to repel 上万[上萬] shàngwàn over ten thousand; fig. untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands 审[審] shěn to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court) 丑[醜] chǒu shameful; ugly; disgraceful 出品[出品] chūpǐn to produce an item; output; items that are produced 权力[權力] quánlì power; authority 预告片[預告片] yùgàopiàn movie trailer; previewed movie 顶梁柱[頂梁柱] dǐngliángzhù pillar; backbone 活路[活路] huólù through road; way out; way to survive; means of subsistence 堵死[堵死] dǔsǐ to block (a road); to plug (a hole); to stop up 买好[買好] mǎihǎo to ingratiate oneself //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep18/205 words - 40 min 康乃馨[康乃馨] kāngnǎixīn carnation or clove pink; Dianthus caryophyllus (botany) 隐忍[隱忍] yǐnrěn to bear patiently; to endure silently; to forbear 重大[重大] zhòngdà great; important; major; significant 见识[見識] jiànshi to gain first-hand knowledge of sth; to experience for oneself; knowledge; experience; insight 力量[力量] lìliang power; force; strength //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep19/25 words - 8 min 十九[十九] shíjiǔ nineteen; 19 迟早[遲早] chízǎo sooner or later 小不忍则乱大谋[小不忍則亂大謀] xiǎobùrěnzéluàndàmóu (idiom) great plans can be ruined by just a touch of impatience 迁就[遷就] qiānjiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth) 出丑[出醜] chūchǒu shameful; scandalous; to be humiliated; to make a fool of sb or oneself; to make sb lose face 法子[法子] fǎzi way; method; Taiwan pr. [fa2 zi5] 一手遮天[一手遮天] yīshǒuzhētiān lit. to hide the sky with one hand; to hide the truth from the masses 棋[棋] qí chess; chess-like game; a game of chess; CL:盤|盘[pan2]; chess piece; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] 缓和[緩和] huǎnhé to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild 一来[一來] yīlái firstly, ... 抢跑[搶跑] qiǎngpǎo to jump the gun; to make a false start 气球[氣球] qìqiú balloon 互动[互動] hùdòng to interact; interactive 着劲儿[著勁兒] zhuójìnr5 to put effort into sth; to try really hard 献花[獻花] xiànhuā to offer flowers; to lay flowers (as a memorial) 口径[口徑] kǒujìng caliber; diameter of opening 葫芦[葫蘆] húlu calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria); hoist; generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof); muddled; (poker) full house 亲耳[親耳] qīn'ěr with one's own ears 顺[順] shùn to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable 茄子[茄子] qiézi eggplant (Solanum melongena L.); aubergine; brinjal; Guinea squash; phonetic "cheese" (when being photographed); equivalent of "say cheese" 不和[不和] bùhé not to get along well; to be on bad terms; to be at odds; discord 反转[反轉] fǎnzhuǎn reversal; inversion; to reverse; to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc) 你死我活[你死我活] nǐsǐwǒhuó lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries; two parties cannot coexist 实惠[實惠] shíhuì tangible benefit; material advantages; cheap; economical; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount) 保不齐[保不齊] bǎobuqí more likely than not; quite possible; on the cards //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep19/50 words - 17 min 先河[先河] xiānhé priority; sth advocated first; refers to ancient tradition: Worship the river first, then the sea. 蛋糕[蛋糕] dàngāo cake; CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4] 多谢[多謝] duōxiè many thanks; thanks a lot 决不[決不] juébù not at all; simply (can) not 亲戚[親戚] qīnqi a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 诉[訴] sù to complain; to sue; to tell 求是[求是] qiúshì to seek the truth 身为[身為] shēnwéi in the capacity of; as 缺乏[缺乏] quēfá to lack; to be short of; lack; shortage 公报私仇[公報私仇] gōngbàosīchóu to use public office to avenge private wrongs 驾驶[駕駛] jiàshǐ to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive 联名[聯名] liánmíng jointly (signed, declared, sponsored) 严正[嚴正] yánzhèng sternly; solemn 下课[下課] xiàkè to finish class; to get out of class 泄[泄] xiè to leak (of water or gas); to drip; to drain; to discharge; to leak out; to divulge (secrets); to give vent (to anger, spite etc); to disperse; to reduce 泄愤[洩憤] xièfèn to give vent to anger 会长[會長] huìzhǎng president of a club, committee etc 绝大多数[絕大多數] juédàduōshù absolute majority; overwhelming majority 遣散[遣散] qiǎnsàn to disband; to dismiss; demobilization 名义[名義] míngyì name; titular; nominal; in name; ostensible purpose 围攻[圍攻] wéigōng to besiege; to beleaguer; to attack from all sides; to jointly speak or write against sb 亲人[親人] qīnrén one's close relatives 爱护[愛護] àihù to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect 受损[受損] shòusǔn to suffer damage 即刻[即刻] jíkè immediately; instant; instantly //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep19/75 words - 27 min 职务[職務] zhíwù post; position; job; duties 解决办法[解決辦法] jiějuébànfǎ solution; method to settle an issue 宣扬[宣揚] xuānyáng to proclaim; to make public or well known 扎[扎] zhā to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer) 最新[最新] zuìxīn latest; newest 即日[即日] jírì this or that very day; in the next few days 担任[擔任] dānrèn to hold a governmental office or post; to assume office of; to take charge of; to serve as 特此[特此] tècǐ hereby 发声[發聲] fāshēng vocal; sound; sound production; to utter; to give voice 明了[明瞭] míngliǎo to understand clearly; to be clear about; plain; clear 如愿[如願] rúyuàn to have one's wishes fulfilled 撤职[撤職] chèzhí to eliminate; to sack; to remove from office 耶[耶] ye final particle indicating enthusiasm etc 牌子[牌子] páizi sign; trademark; brand 后盾[後盾] hòudùn support; backing 庆幸[慶幸] qìngxìng to rejoice; to be glad 海边[海邊] hǎibiān coast; seaside; seashore; beach 挥霍[揮霍] huīhuò to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile 稳妥[穩妥] wěntuǒ dependable 处境[處境] chǔjìng situation (of a person) 踢[踢] tī to kick; to play (e.g. soccer); (slang) butch (in a lesbian relationship) 认同[認同] rèntóng to approve of; to endorse; to acknowledge; to recognize; to identify oneself with 看法[看法] kànfǎ way of looking at a thing; view; opinion; CL:個|个[ge4] 看透[看透] kàntòu to understand thoroughly; to see beyond the facade; to see through (sb) 公告[公告] gōnggào post; announcement //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep19/100 words - 37 min 抛开[拋開] pāokāi to throw out; to get rid of 功劳[功勞] gōngláo contribution; meritorious service; credit 苦劳[苦勞] kǔláo toil; hard work 扬言[揚言] yángyán to put about (a story, plan, threat etc); to let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story); to threaten 辞掉[辭掉] cídiào to quit (one's job); to dismiss (an employee) 极力[極力] jílì to make a supreme effort; at all costs 反省[反省] fǎnxǐng to reflect upon oneself; to examine one's conscience; to question oneself; to search one's soul 翻身[翻身] fānshēn to turn over (when lying); (fig.) to free oneself; to emancipate oneself; to bring about a change of one's fortunes 四平八稳[四平八穩] sìpíngbāwěn everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary 风景[風景] fēngjǐng scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4] 星星[星星] xīngxing star in the sky 划过[劃過] huáguò (of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky); (of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky) 口才[口才] kǒucái eloquence 摩尔[摩爾] mó'ěr mole (chemistry) 租约[租約] zūyuē lease 转行[轉行] zhuǎnháng to change profession 租金[租金] zūjīn rent 转给[轉給] zhuǎngěi to pass on to 休[休] xiū to rest; to stop doing sth for a period of time; to cease; (imperative) don't 专辑[專輯] zhuānjí album; record (music); special collection of printed or broadcast material 曲[曲] qū bent; crooked; wrong 曲[曲] qǔ tune; song; CL:支[zhi1] 季[季] jì season; the last month of a season; fourth or youngest amongst brothers; classifier for seasonal crop yields 突[突] tū to dash; to move forward quickly; to bulge; to protrude; to break through; to rush out; sudden; Taiwan pr. [tu2] 旺[旺] wàng prosperous; flourishing; (of flowers) blooming; (of fire) roaring 穿越[穿越] chuānyuè to pass through; to traverse; to cross //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep19/102 words - 37 min 适应[適應] shìyìng to adapt; to fit; to suit 交接[交接] jiāojiē (of two things) to come into contact; to meet; to hand over to; to take over from; to associate with; to have friendly relations with; to have sexual intercourse //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/25 words - 6 min 消除[消除] xiāochú to eliminate; to remove 类[類] lèi kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble 比起[比起] bǐqǐ compared with 恶作剧[惡作劇] èzuòjù mischief; mischievous; practical joke; prank 矫情[矯情] jiǎoqíng affected; unnatural; pretentious 毫不犹豫[毫不猶豫] háobùyóuyù without the slightest hesitation 室[室] shì room; work unit; grave; scabbard; family or clan; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy 分给[分給] fēngěi to divide (and give to others) 寻求[尋求] xúnqiú to seek; to look for 敌意[敵意] díyì enmity; hostility 解除[解除] jiěchú to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement) 经营者[經營者] jīngyíngzhě executive; manager; transactor 分歧[分歧] fēnqí divergent; difference (of opinion, position); disagreement; bifurcation (math.) 冉[冉] rǎn edge of a tortoiseshell; see 冉冉[ran3 ran3] 旭[旭] xù dawn; rising sun 依依[依依] yīyī to regret leaving; reluctant to part; (onom.) young leaves stir gently in the wind 小众[小眾] xiǎozhòng minority of the population; non-mainstream (activity, pursuit etc); niche (market etc) 划[劃] huà to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character 燕[燕] yàn swallow (family Hirundinidae); old variant of 宴[yan4] 大材小用[大材小用] dàcáixiǎoyòng using a talented person in an insignificant position (idiom); a sledgehammer to crack a nut 自导[自導] zìdǎo self-guided; autonomous 谦[謙] qiān modest 老戏骨[老戲骨] lǎoxìgǔ (dialect) veteran actor; old trouper 性格[性格] xìnggé nature; disposition; temperament; character; CL:個|个[ge4] 排练[排練] páiliàn to rehearse; rehearsal //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/50 words - 12 min 票[票] piào ticket; ballot; banknote; CL:張|张[zhang1]; person held for ransom; amateur performance of Chinese opera; classifier for groups, batches, business transactions 里头[裡頭] lǐtou inside; interior 小鲜肉[小鮮肉] xiǎoxiānròu (coll.) teen idol (male) 当道[當道] dāngdào in the middle of the road; to be in the way; to hold power; (fig.) to predominate; to be in vogue 装修[裝修] zhuāngxiū to decorate; interior decoration; to fit up; to renovate 叶[葉] yè leaf; page; lobe; (historical) period; classifier for small boats 才华[才華] cáihuá talent; CL:份[fen4] 作伴[作伴] zuòbàn to accompany; to keep sb company 窝[窩] wō nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods 助力[助力] zhùlì a helping hand; help; assistance 初选[初選] chūxuǎn primary election 加注[加注] jiāzhù to increase a bet; to raise (poker); to raise the stakes 投票[投票] tóupiào to vote; vote 请多关照[請多關照] qǐngduōguānzhào please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting) 录制[錄製] lùzhì to record (video or audio) 赛[賽] sài to compete; competition; match; to surpass; better than; superior to; to excel 制[制] zhì system; to control; to regulate; variant of 製|制[zhi4] 沉[沉] chén to submerge; to immerse; to sink; to keep down; to lower; to drop; deep; profound; heavy 油[油] yóu oil; fat; grease; petroleum; to apply tung oil, paint or varnish; oily; greasy; glib; cunning 选手[選手] xuǎnshǒu athlete; contestant 演出[演出] yǎnchū to act (in a play); to perform; to put on (a performance); performance; concert; show; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4] 秒钟[秒鐘] miǎozhōng (time) second 评委[評委] píngwěi evaluation committee; judging panel; judging panel member; adjudicator; abbr. for 評選委員會委員|评选委员会委员[ping2 xuan3 wei3 yuan2 hui4 wei3 yuan2] 点评[點評] diǎnpíng to comment; a point by point commentary 酷[酷] kù ruthless; strong (e.g. of wine); (loanword) cool; hip //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/75 words - 17 min 观点[觀點] guāndiǎn point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4] 晋级[晉級] jìnjí to advance in rank; promotion; advancement 互补[互補] hùbǔ complementary; to complement each other 曲目[曲目] qǔmù repertoire; program; song; piece of music 作曲[作曲] zuòqǔ to compose (music) 并且[並且] bìngqiě and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 热烈[熱烈] rèliè enthusiastic; ardent; warm 可塑性[可塑性] kěsùxìng plasticity 独特[獨特] dútè unique; distinct; having special characteristics 训练[訓練] xùnliàn to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] 音域[音域] yīnyù vocal range; register (music) 演唱[演唱] yǎnchàng sung performance; to sing for an audience 毫不费力[毫不費力] háobùfèilì effortless; not expending the slightest effort 说唱[說唱] shuōchàng speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2] and 相聲|相声[xiang4 sheng5]; (music) rapping 渲染[渲染] xuànrǎn rendering (computing); to add washes of ink or color to a drawing (Chinese painting); to exaggerate; to embellish 填[填] tián to fill or stuff; (of a form etc) to fill in 私底下[私底下] sīdǐxia privately; secretly; confidentially 桃[桃] táo peach 桃红[桃紅] táohóng pink 柚[柚] yòu pomelo (Citrus maxima or C. grandis); shaddock; oriental grapefruit 餐[餐] cān meal; to eat; classifier for meals 设置[設置] shèzhì to set up; to install 逆袭[逆襲] nìxí counterattack 高处不胜寒[高處不勝寒] gāochùbùshènghán it's lonely at the top (idiom) 赶上[趕上] gǎnshàng to keep up with; to catch up with; to overtake; to chance upon; in time for //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/100 words - 22 min 胆子[膽子] dǎnzi courage; nerve; guts 阵子[陣子] zhènzi period of time 封闭[封閉] fēngbì to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive 策划[策劃] cèhuà to plot; to scheme; to bring about; to engineer; planning; producer; planner 读书[讀書] dúshū to read a book; to study; to attend school 胡闹[胡鬧] húnào to act willfully and make a scene; to make trouble 全民[全民] quánmín entire population (of a country) 选秀[選秀] xuǎnxiù to select talented individuals; (sports) draft 撬[撬] qiào to lift; to pry open; to lever open 重回[重回] chónghuí to return 歪理[歪理] wāilǐ fallacious reasoning; preposterous argument 自个儿[自個兒] zìgěr5 (dialect) oneself; by oneself 亲妈[親媽] qīnmā one's own mother; biological mother 名不正言不顺[名不正言不順] míngbuzhèngyánbushùn (of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred 充实[充實] chōngshí rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument) 纯净[純淨] chúnjìng pure; clean; unmixed 多元化[多元化] duōyuánhuà diversification; pluralism; to diversify 吸粉[吸粉] xīfěn to increase followers; to get more fans 那时[那時] nàshí then; at that time; in those days 路演[路演] lùyǎn road show or promotional tour (for a product etc) 同行[同行] tóngháng person of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry 熬出头[熬出頭] áochūtóu to break clear of all the troubles and hardships; to achieve success; to make it 导师[導師] dǎoshī tutor; teacher; academic advisor 一轮[一輪] yīlún first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc) 初生牛犊不怕虎[初生牛犢不怕虎] chūshēngniúdúbùpàhǔ lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom); fig. the young are fearless //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/125 words - 29 min 下定决心[下定決心] xiàdìngjuéxīn to make a firm resolution 不停[不停] bùtíng incessant 束缚[束縛] shùfù to bind; to restrict; to tie; to commit; fetters 想方设法[想方設法] xiǎngfāngshèfǎ to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other 漏水[漏水] lòushuǐ to leak (of water) 冷战[冷戰] lěngzhàn cold war; (fig.) strained relationship; to be barely on speaking terms 一面[一面] yīmiàn one side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face 独处[獨處] dúchǔ to live alone; to spend time alone (or with a significant other) 恐慌[恐慌] kǒnghuāng panic; panicky; panic-stricken 涨到[漲到] zhǎngdào to go up; to rise 魔[魔] mó devil; magic 打鼓[打鼓] dǎgǔ to beat a drum; to play a drum; (fig.) to feel nervous 生怕[生怕] shēngpà to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to 遭到[遭到] zāodào to suffer; to meet with (sth unfortunate) 热情[熱情] rèqíng cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately 防水[防水] fángshuǐ waterproof 澡[澡] zǎo bath 诸事[諸事] zhūshì everything; every matter 不顺[不順] bùshùn unfavorable; adverse 歉意[歉意] qiànyì apology; regret 表妹[表妹] biǎomèi younger female cousin via female line 逼宫[逼宮] bīgōng to force the king or emperor to abdicate 开演[開演] kāiyǎn (of a play, movie etc) to begin 吓唬[嚇唬] xiàhu to scare; to frighten 暗无天日[暗無天日] ànwútiānrì all black, no daylight (idiom); a world without justice //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/150 words - 36 min 福[福] fú good fortune; happiness; luck 柜[櫃] guì cupboard; cabinet; wardrobe 码[碼] mǎ weight; number; code; to pile; to stack; classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc 浴室[浴室] yùshì bathroom (room used for bathing); CL:間|间[jian1] 胡说八道[胡說八道] húshuōbādào to talk rubbish 楼上[樓上] lóushàng upstairs 和好[和好] héhǎo to become reconciled; on good terms with each other 洗澡[洗澡] xǐzǎo to bathe; to take a shower 水闸[水閘] shuǐzhá sluice; water gate; waterlocks; floodgate; lock; dam 剧场[劇場] jùchǎng theater; CL:個|个[ge4] 粪坑[糞坑] fènkēng latrine pit; cesspit 大小姐[大小姐] dàxiǎojie eldest daughter of an affluent family; (polite) your daughter; bossy or indulged young woman; Miss High and Mighty 半死[半死] bànsǐ half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc); (tired) to death; (terrified) out of one's wits; (beaten) to within an inch of one's life; (knock) the daylights out of sb 期限[期限] qīxiàn time limit; deadline; allotted time 不死心[不死心] bùsǐxīn unwilling to give up; unresigned 先锋[先鋒] xiānfēng vanguard; pioneer; avant-garde 酒鬼[酒鬼] jiǔguǐ drunkard 夫人[夫人] fūren lady; madam; Mrs.; CL:位[wei4] 经理[經理] jīnglǐ manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 希[希] xī to hope; to admire; variant of 稀[xi1] 贬低[貶低] biǎndī to belittle; to disparage; to play down; to demean; to degrade; to devalue 咒骂[咒罵] zhòumà to damn; to curse; to revile 或是[或是] huòshì or; either one or the other 丈夫[丈夫] zhàngfu husband; CL:個|个[ge4] 日复一日[日復一日] rìfùyīrì day after day //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep20/172 words - 39 min 高举[高舉] gāojǔ to lift up; to hold high 酒杯[酒杯] jiǔbēi wine cup 人心[人心] rénxīn popular feeling; the will of the people 歌唱家[歌唱家] gēchàngjiā singer 嗓子[嗓子] sǎngzi throat; voice; CL:把[ba3] 声带[聲帶] shēngdài vocal cords; vocal folds; (motion picture) soundtrack 息肉[息肉] xīròu (medicine) polyp 整整[整整] zhěngzhěng whole; full 说不出[說不出] shuōbuchū unable to say 悟性[悟性] wùxìng perception; wits; power of understanding; comprehension 剧院[劇院] jùyuàn theater; CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] 坟墓[墳墓] fénmù grave; tomb 老头[老頭] lǎotóu old fellow; old man; father; husband 阴谋[陰謀] yīnmóu plot; conspiracy 宏大[宏大] hóngdà great; grand 鼓掌[鼓掌] gǔzhǎng to applaud; to clap 演讲[演講] yǎnjiǎng lecture; to make a speech 小雅[小雅] xiǎoyǎ one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经 自我安慰[自我安慰] zìwǒ'ānwèi to comfort oneself; to console oneself; to reassure oneself 征服[征服] zhēngfú to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish 探班[探班] tànbān to check on sb at his workplace; to come to a movie set to visit one of the actors 常客[常客] chángkè frequent visitor; fig. sth that crops up frequently //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/25 words - 5 min 空位[空位] kōngwèi empty place; room (for sb) 依偎[依偎] yīwēi to nestle against; to snuggle up to 问候[問候] wènhòu to give one's respects; to send a greeting; (fig.) (coll.) to make offensive reference to (somebody dear to the person to whom one is speaking) 余光[餘光] yúguāng (out of) the corner of one's eyes; peripheral vision; residual light; light of the setting sun 加倍[加倍] jiābèi to double; to redouble 迎面[迎面] yíngmiàn directly; head-on (collision); in one's face (of wind) 燃烧[燃燒] ránshāo to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming 长得[長得] zhǎngde to look (pretty, the same etc) 职业病[職業病] zhíyèbìng occupational disease 首演[首演] shǒuyǎn maiden stage role; first performance; first public showing 做东[做東] zuòdōng to act as host 放在心上[放在心上] fàngzàixīnshàng to care about; to take seriously; to take to heart 怼[懟] duì dislike; hate 艺术[藝術] yìshù art 高于[高於] gāoyú greater than; to exceed 小看[小看] xiǎokàn to look down on; to underestimate 分寸[分寸] fēncun propriety; appropriate behavior; proper speech or action; within the norms 通情达理[通情達理] tōngqíngdálǐ fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible; standing to reason 抽身[抽身] chōushēn to get away from; to withdraw; to free oneself 冷眼旁观[冷眼旁觀] lěngyǎnpángguān the cool eye of a bystander; a detached point of view 范本[範本] fànběn model (example worthy of being imitated); template 惊艳[驚艷] jīngyàn stunning; breathtaking 独白[獨白] dúbái stage monologue; soliloquy 淋漓尽致[淋漓盡致] línlíjìnzhì lit. extreme saturation (idiom); fig. vividly and thoroughly; in great detail; without restraint; (of a performance) brilliant 预想[預想] yùxiǎng to anticipate; to expect //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/50 words - 16 min 命运[命運] mìngyùn fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4] 功底[功底] gōngdǐ training in the basic skills; knowledge of the fundamentals 门外汉[門外漢] ménwàihàn layman 过瘾[過癮] guòyǐn to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling 巡演[巡演] xúnyǎn (theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances; abbr. for 巡迴演出|巡回演出[xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1] 不足[不足] bùzú insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not 改进[改進] gǎijìn to improve; to make better; CL:個|个[ge4] 精湛[精湛] jīngzhàn consummate; exquisite 效仿[傚仿] xiàofǎng see 仿傚|仿效[fang3 xiao4] 英国[英國] Yīngguó United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lian2 he2 wang2 guo2]; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; abbr. for England 英格蘭|英格兰[Ying1 ge2 lan2] 喜剧[喜劇] xǐjù comedy; CL:部[bu4],齣|出[chu1] 模式[模式] móshì mode; method; pattern 受众[受眾] shòuzhòng target audience; audience 到家[到家] dàojiā perfect; excellent; brought to the utmost degree 吵醒[吵醒] chǎoxǐng to wake sb up with a noise 晚安[晚安] wǎn'ān Good night!; Good evening! 主编[主編] zhǔbiān editor in chief 箱[箱] xiāng box; trunk; chest 饮料[飲料] yǐnliào drink; beverage 电影节[電影節] diànyǐngjié film festival; CL:屆|届[jie4] 红颜[紅顏] hóngyán a beautiful woman; young beauties; youths; rosy cheeks 喝茶[喝茶] hēchá (fig.) to have a meeting with state security agents (to be warned to behave "responsibly") 美剧[美劇] Měijù American TV series; abbr. for 美國電視劇|美国电视剧 宿敌[宿敵] sùdí old enemy 奥斯卡[奧斯卡] Àosīkǎ (film industry) Oscar (Academy Award); CL:屆|届[jie4]; (name) Oscar //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/75 words - 22 min 启发[啟發] qǐfā to enlighten; to explain (a text etc); to stimulate (a mental attitude); enlightenment; revelation; motivation 回归[回歸] huíguī to return to; to retreat; regression (statistics) 试试看[試試看] shìshìkàn to give it a try 翻拍[翻拍] fānpāi to reproduce photographically; to duplicate; to adapt (as a movie); to remake (a movie); adaptation; reproduction; remake 轰动[轟動] hōngdòng to cause a sensation; to create a stir in (a place); commotion; controversy 人手[人手] rénshǒu manpower; staff; human hand 有目共睹[有目共睹] yǒumùgòngdǔ anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see 权宜之计[權宜之計] quányízhījì plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure; makeshift stratagem; interim step 卸[卸] xiè to unload; to unhitch; to remove or strip; to get rid of 缘[緣] yuán cause; reason; karma; fate; predestined affinity; margin; hem; edge; along 姨妈[姨媽] yímā (coll.) mother's sister; maternal aunt 突发奇想[突發奇想] tūfāqíxiǎng suddenly have a thought (idiom); suddenly be inspired to do something 钦[欽] qīn to respect; to admire; to venerate; by the emperor himself 找麻烦[找麻煩] zhǎomáfan to look for trouble 出院[出院] chūyuàn to leave hospital; to be discharged from hospital 气派[氣派] qìpài impressive; stylish; magnificent; imposing manner; dignified air 乱动[亂動] luàndòng to fiddle with; to tamper with; to meddle with; to move randomly; to flail about 博物馆[博物館] bówùguǎn museum 科技[科技] kējì science and technology 动物园[動物園] dòngwùyuán zoo; CL:個|个[ge4] 惯[慣] guàn accustomed to; used to; indulge; to spoil (a child) 毛病[毛病] máobìng fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment; CL:個|个[ge4] 尝试[嘗試] chángshì to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4] 不值钱[不值錢] bùzhíqián of little value 见解[見解] jiànjiě opinion; view; understanding //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/100 words - 26 min 华南[華南] Huánán Southern China 工商[工商] gōngshāng industry and commerce 五月[五月] Wǔyuè May; fifth month (of the lunar year) 鲜花[鮮花] xiānhuā flower; fresh flowers; CL:朵[duo3] 学生[學生] xuésheng student; schoolchild 资助[資助] zīzhù to subsidize; to provide financial aid; subsidy 宁[寧] níng peaceful; to pacify; to visit (one's parents etc) 宁[寧] nìng would rather; to prefer; how (emphatic); Taiwan pr. [ning2] 考[考] kǎo to check; to verify; to test; to examine; to take an exam; to take an entrance exam for; deceased father 保研[保研] bǎoyán to recommend sb for postgraduate studies; to admit for postgraduate studies without taking the entrance exam 闺女[閨女] guīnǚ maiden; unmarried woman; daughter 骄傲[驕傲] jiāo'ào pride; arrogance; conceited; proud of sth 六亲不认[六親不認] liùqīnbùrèn not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives 息[息] xī breath; news; interest (on an investment or loan); to cease; to stop; to rest; Taiwan pr. [xi2] 客串[客串] kèchuàn to appear on stage in an amateur capacity; (of a professional) to make a guest appearance; (fig.) to assume a role outside one's usual duties; to substitute for 经典[經典] jīngdiǎn the classics; scriptures; classical; classic (example, case etc); typical 重塑[重塑] chóngsù to reconstruct (an art object); to remodel 量身[量身] liángshēn to take sb's measurements; to measure sb up 隶属[隸屬] lìshǔ to belong to (a category); to be attached to 持[持] chí to hold; to grasp; to support; to maintain; to persevere; to manage; to run (i.e. administer); to control 大腕[大腕] dàwàn star; big shot; celebrity; leading actor; authority (slang) 师姐[師姐] shījiě senior female fellow student or apprentice; daughter (older than oneself) of one's teacher 有戏[有戲] yǒuxì (coll.) promising; likely to turn out well 联系方式[聯繫方式] liánxìfāngshì contact details 添加[添加] tiānjiā to add; to increase 通讯录[通訊錄] tōngxùnlù address book; directory //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/125 words - 32 min 验证[驗證] yànzhèng to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate 呼叫[呼叫] hūjiào to shout; to yell; (telecommunications) to call 戛纳[戛納] Jiánà Cannes (France) 勘[勘] kān to investigate; to survey; to collate 蓝天[藍天] lántiān blue sky 爷爷[爺爺] yéye (coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4] 回事[回事] huíshì (old) to report to one's master 第二轮[第二輪] dì'èrlún second round (of match, or election) 公演[公演] gōngyǎn to perform (e.g. on the stage); to lecture 入场[入場] rùchǎng to enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc 彩排[彩排] cǎipái dress rehearsal 白色[白色] báisè white; fig. reactionary; anti-communist 战役[戰役] zhànyì military campaign 咆哮[咆哮] páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves etc); crashing waves (onom.); to rage (of a person) 鸣叫[鳴叫] míngjiào to emit a sound; (of birds, insects etc) to chirp, hoot etc; (of a siren, steam whistle etc) to sound 心跳[心跳] xīntiào heartbeat; pulse 抓捕[抓捕] zhuābǔ to seize; to capture 罪恶[罪惡] zuì'è crime; evil; sin 颤抖[顫抖] chàndǒu to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble 胆怯[膽怯] dǎnqiè timidity; timid; cowardly 早已[早已] zǎoyǐ long ago; for a long time 抛[拋] pāo to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon 坚毅[堅毅] jiānyì firm and persistent; unswerving determination 超越[超越] chāoyuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend 猜不透[猜不透] cāibutòu to be unable to guess or make out //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/150 words - 37 min 显得[顯得] xiǎnde to seem; to look; to appear 潮[潮] cháo tide; current; damp; moist; humid 拍子[拍子] pāizi beat (music); paddle-shaped object (flyswatter etc); racket (sports) 对调[對調] duìdiào to swap places; to exchange roles 顺序[順序] shùnxù sequence; order 顶上[頂上] dǐngshàng on top of; at the summit 事先[事先] shìxiān in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior 讲述[講述] jiǎngshù to talk about; to narrate; to give an account 死后[死後] sǐhòu after death; posthumous 幅度[幅度] fúdù width; extent; range; scope 雀[雀] què small bird; sparrow; also pr. [qiao3] 展开[展開] zhǎnkāi to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch 鲜明[鮮明] xiānmíng bright; clear-cut; distinct 人性[人性] rénxìng human nature; humanity; human; the totality of human attributes 丰满[豐滿] fēngmǎn ample; well developed; fully rounded 头衔[頭銜] tóuxián title; rank; appellation 晗[晗] hán before daybreak; dawn about to break; (used in given names) 用力[用力] yònglì to exert oneself physically 欢呼[歡呼] huānhū to cheer for; to acclaim 欢送[歡送] huānsòng to see off; to send off 先行[先行] xiānxíng to precede others; in advance 办好[辦好] bànhǎo to manage well 陈述[陳述] chénshù an assertion; to declare; to state 万变不离其宗[萬變不離其宗] wànbiànbùlíqízōng many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ça change, plus ça reste la mème chose 清醒[清醒] qīngxǐng clear-headed; sober; awake //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep21/156 words - 38 min 头脑[頭腦] tóunǎo brains; mind; skull; (fig.) gist (of a matter); leader; boss 脱颖而出[脫穎而出] tuōyǐng'érchū to reveal one's talent (idiom); to rise above others; to distinguish oneself 一败涂地[一敗塗地] yībàitúdì failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utterly; a crushing defeat; beaten and in a hopeless position 绅士[紳士] shēnshì gentleman 女性[女性] nǚxìng woman; the female sex 长辈[長輩] zhǎngbèi one's elders; older generation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/25 words - 13 min 错位[錯位] cuòwèi to misplace; displacement (e.g. of broken bones); out of alignment; faulty contact; erroneous judgment; inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery) 外地[外地] wàidì parts of the country other than where one is 对接[對接] duìjiē to join up; to dock; a joint (between components) 自家人[自家人] zìjiārén sb with whom one is on familiar terms; sb from the same place (same house, same town etc); one of us 泽[澤] zé pool; pond; (of metals etc) luster; favor or beneficence; damp; moist 道路[道路] dàolù road; path; way; CL:條|条[tiao2] 煽情[煽情] shānqíng to stir up emotion; to arouse sympathy; moving 遥控器[遙控器] yáokòngqì remote control 手续[手續] shǒuxù procedure; CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]; formalities 刑满[刑滿] xíngmǎn to complete a prison sentence 释放[釋放] shìfàng to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge 警官[警官] jǐngguān constable; police officer 政府[政府] zhèngfǔ government; CL:個|个[ge4] 屏幕[屏幕] píngmù screen (TV, computer or movie) 秀[秀] xiù handsome; refined; elegant; graceful; superior; show (loanword); CL:場|场[chang2]; (literary) to grow; to bloom; (of crops) to produce ears 跨[跨] kuà to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to span 情歌[情歌] qínggē love song 措手不及[措手不及] cuòshǒubùjí no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared 疲倦[疲倦] píjuàn to tire; tired 期望[期望] qīwàng to have expectations; to earnestly hope; expectation; hope 体力[體力] tǐlì physical strength; physical power 透支[透支] tòuzhī (bank) overdraft 脑海[腦海] nǎohǎi the mind; the brain 直到现在[直到現在] zhídàoxiànzài even now; until now; right up to the present 匹配[匹配] pǐpèi to mate or marry; to match; matching; compatible //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/50 words - 20 min 能否[能否] néngfǒu whether or not; can it or can't it; is it possible? 逻辑[邏輯] luóji logic (loanword) 从属[從屬] cóngshǔ subordinate 单身[單身] dānshēn unmarried; single 进水[進水] jìnshuǐ to have water get in (one's ear, shoes etc); to get flooded; inflow of water 要死[要死] yàosǐ extremely; awfully 江湖[江湖] jiānghú rivers and lakes; all corners of the country; remote areas to which hermits retreat; section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law; the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]); (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc; demimonde; (in modern times) triads; secret gangster societies; underworld 拎[拎] līn to lift; to carry in one's hand; Taiwan pr. [ling1] 撕碎[撕碎] sīsuì to tear to shreds 报恩[報恩] bào'ēn to pay a debt of gratitude; to repay a kindness 报仇[報仇] bàochóu to take revenge; to avenge 引信[引信] yǐnxìn a detonator 自言自语[自言自語] zìyánzìyǔ to talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize 不像话[不像話] bùxiànghuà unreasonable; shocking; outrageous 呼风唤雨[呼風喚雨] hūfēnghuànyǔ to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers; fig. to stir up troubles 第一轮[第一輪] dìyīlún first round (of match, or election) 翻番[翻番] fānfān to double; to increase by a certain number of times 亏本[虧本] kuīběn to make a loss 总共[總共] zǒnggòng altogether; in sum; in all; in total 个数[個數] gèshù number of items or individuals 示威[示威] shìwēi to demonstrate (as a protest); a demonstration; a military show of force 世态炎凉[世態炎涼] shìtàiyánliáng the hypocrisy of the world (idiom) 帅哥[帥哥] shuàigē handsome guy; lady-killer; handsome (form of address) 好歹[好歹] hǎodǎi good and bad; most unfortunate occurrence; in any case; whatever 尖酸刻薄[尖酸刻薄] jiānsuānkèbó sharp and unkind (words) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/75 words - 26 min 也罢[也罷] yěbà (reduplicated) whether... or...; never mind; fine (indicating acceptance or resignation) 中年[中年] zhōngnián middle age 友好[友好] yǒuhǎo friendly; amicable; close friend 时期[時期] shíqī period; phase; CL:個|个[ge4] 破产[破產] pòchǎn to go bankrupt; to become impoverished; bankruptcy 食肉[食肉] shíròu carnivorous 贾[賈] gǔ merchant; to buy 长安[長安] Cháng'ān Chang'an (ancient name of Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1]) capital of China during Tang Dynasty 唐朝[Tang2 chao2]; now 長安區|长安区[Chang2 an1 Qu1], a district of Xi'an 庞氏[龐氏] Pángshì Ponzi (name); Pond's (brand of skin care products), also written 旁氏 骗局[騙局] piànjú a swindle; a trap; a racket; a scam; CL:場|场[chang3] 债务[債務] zhàiwù debt; liability; amount due; indebtedness 法人[法人] fǎrén legal person; corporation; see also 自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2] 房子[房子] fángzi house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room; CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1] 所在[所在] suǒzài place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located 严峻[嚴峻] yánjùn grim; severe; rigorous 急剧[急劇] jíjù rapid; sudden 流失[流失] liúshī (of soil etc) to wash away; to be eroded; (fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere; to fail to be retained 同仁[同仁] tóngrén variant of 同人[tong2 ren2] 克[克] kè to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram; Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares 艰[艱] jiān difficult; hard; hardship 前三甲[前三甲] qiánsānjiǎ top three 陆续[陸續] lùxù in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit 法宝[法寶] fǎbǎo Buddha's teaching; Buddhist monk's apparel, staff etc; (Daoism) magic weapon; talisman; fig. specially effective device; magic wand 信誉[信譽] xìnyù prestige; distinction; reputation; trust 程度[程度] chéngdù degree (level or extent); level; CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/100 words - 32 min 沦落[淪落] lúnluò to degenerate; impoverished; to fall (into poverty); to be reduced (to begging) 挤对[擠對] jǐduì (coll.) to mock; to bully; to force (a concession out of sb) 二轮[二輪] èrlún second round (of a match or election) 戴高帽子[戴高帽子] dàigāomàozi (coll.) to be the object of flattery; to be placed on a pedestal 所作所为[所作所為] suǒzuòsuǒwéi one's conduct and deeds 老老[老老] lǎolao maternal grandmother; same as 姥姥 还债[還債] huánzhài to settle a debt 资产[資產] zīchǎn property; assets 抵押[抵押] dǐyā to provide (an asset) as security for a loan; to put up collateral 宏[宏] hóng great; magnificent; macro (computing); macro- 别墅[別墅] biéshù villa; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] 抵债[抵債] dǐzhài to repay a debt in kind or by labor 和风[和風] héfēng breeze 影迷[影迷] yǐngmí film enthusiast; movie fan; CL:個|个[ge4] 延缓[延緩] yánhuǎn to defer; to postpone; to put off; to retard; to slow sth down 老婆[老婆] lǎopó (coll.) wife 欧洲[歐洲] Ōuzhōu Europe; abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1] 旅行团[旅行團] lǚxíngtuán tour group 请安[請安] qǐng'ān to pay respects; to wish good health; in Qing times, a specific form of salutation (see also 打千[da3 qian1]) 海岛[海島] hǎidǎo island 情愿[情願] qíngyuàn willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y) 重出江湖[重出江湖] chóngchūjiānghú (of a person) to return to the fray after a period of inactivity; to jump back into the thick of things; (of sth that was once popular) to be resurrected; to make a comeback 用不着[用不著] yòngbuzháo not need; have no use for 不巧[不巧] bùqiǎo too bad; unfortunately; as luck would have it 下厨[下廚] xiàchú to go to the kitchen (to prepare a meal); to cook //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/125 words - 37 min 撸[擼] lū (dialect) to rub one's hand along; to fire (an employee); to reprimand 一族[一族] yīzú social group; subculture; family; clan; see also 族[zu2] 热恋[熱戀] rèliàn to fall head over heels in love; to be passionately in love 少男少女[少男少女] shàonánshàonǚ boys and girls; teenagers 老夫[老夫] lǎofū I (spoken by an old man) 妻[妻] qī wife 用得着[用得著] yòngdezháo to be able to use; useable; to have a use for sth; (in interrogative sentence) to be necessary to 婚姻[婚姻] hūnyīn matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4] 女强人[女強人] nǚqiángrén successful career woman; able woman 行动[行動] xíngdòng operation; action; CL:個|个[ge4]; to move about; mobile 原地[原地] yuándì (in) the original place; the place where one currently is; place of origin; local (product) 退场[退場] tuìchǎng to leave a place where some event is taking place; (of an actor) to exit; (sports) to leave the field; (of an audience) to leave 追光[追光] zhuīguāng (theater) spotlight 连续剧[連續劇] liánxùjù serialized drama; dramatic series; show in parts 九零后[九零後] jiǔlínghòu 90s generation 打拼[打拼] dǎpīn to work hard; to try to make a living 细[細] xì thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal 处于[處於] chǔyú to be in (some state, position, or condition) 弱势[弱勢] ruòshì vulnerable; weak 来着[來著] láizhe auxiliary showing sth happened in the past 老毛病[老毛病] lǎomáobìng chronic illness; old weakness; chronic problem 宽敞[寬敞] kuānchang spacious; wide 后边[後邊] hòubian back; rear; behind 哈[哈] hā (interj.) ha!; (onom. for laughter); (slang) to be infatuated with; to adore; abbr. for 哈士奇[ha1 shi4 qi2], husky (dog) 简[簡] jiǎn simple; uncomplicated; letter; to choose; to select; bamboo strips used for writing (old) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep22/129 words - 39 min 性感[性感] xìnggǎn sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy 事事[事事] shìshì everything 依赖[依賴] yīlài to depend on; to be dependent on 养成[養成] yǎngchéng to cultivate; to raise; to form (a habit); to acquire //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/25 words - 7 min 豆瓣[豆瓣] dòubàn cotyledon of a bean (i.e. either of the halves of a bean seed that can be split apart after removing the seed coat); thick bean sauce (abbr. for 豆瓣醬|豆瓣酱[dou4 ban4 jiang4]) 评分[評分] píngfēn to grade; to mark (student's work); grade; score (of student's work) 中心[中心] zhōngxīn center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4] 以外[以外] yǐwài apart from; other than; except for; external; outside of; on the other side of; beyond 兼[兼] jiān double; twice; simultaneous; holding two or more (official) posts at the same time 落差[落差] luòchā drop in elevation; (fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc); disparity 巨大[巨大] jùdà huge; immense; very large; tremendous; gigantic; enormous 受得了[受得了] shòudeliǎo to put up with; to endure 女神[女神] nǚshén goddess; nymph 中式[中式] zhòngshì to pass an exam (or the imperial exam); to qualify 美学[美學] měixué aesthetics 概念[概念] gàiniàn concept; idea; CL:個|个[ge4] 契合[契合] qìhé agreement; to agree; to get on with; congenial; agreeing with; to ally oneself with sb 还清[還清] huánqīng to pay back in full; to redeem a debt 乐观[樂觀] lèguān optimistic; hopeful 比例[比例] bǐlì proportion; scale 化妆品[化妝品] huàzhuāngpǐn cosmetic; makeup product 大力[大力] dàlì energetically; vigorously 非常感谢[非常感謝] fēichánggǎnxiè extremely grateful; very thankful 甄选[甄選] zhēnxuǎn to select; to pick 孔[孔] kǒng hole; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for cave dwellings 先来后到[先來後到] xiānláihòudào in order of arrival; first come, first served 轻重缓急[輕重緩急] qīngzhònghuǎnjí slight or important, urgent or non-urgent (idiom); to deal with important matters first; sense of priority 大叔[大叔] dàshū eldest of father's younger brothers; uncle (term used to address a man about the age of one's father) 洛杉矶[洛杉磯] Luòshānjī Los Angeles, California //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/50 words - 14 min 分头[分頭] fēntóu separately; severally; parted hair 安顿[安頓] āndùn to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for; undisturbed; peaceful 会合[會合] huìhé to meet; to rendezvous; to merge; to link up; meeting; confluence 等一等[等一等] děngyīděng wait a moment 一个个[一個個] yīgègè each and every one 排队[排隊] páiduì to line up 涉案[涉案] shè'àn (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case 额[額] é forehead; horizontal tablet or inscribed board; specified number or amount 偿[償] cháng to repay; to compensate for; to recompense; to fulfill (hopes etc) 债权人[債權人] zhàiquánrén creditor 重复[重覆] chóngfù variant of 重複|重复[chong2 fu4] 筹钱[籌錢] chóuqián to raise money 郑[鄭] Zhèng Zheng state during the Warring States period; surname Zheng; abbr. for 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1] 龙[龍] lóng dragon; CL:條|条[tiao2]; imperial 触犯[觸犯] chùfàn to violate; to offend 拒[拒] jù to resist; to repel; to refuse 裁定[裁定] cáidìng ruling 以下[以下] yǐxià that level or lower; that amount or less; the following 拘役[拘役] jūyì detention 罚金[罰金] fájīn fine; to forfeit 以内[以內] yǐnèi within; less than 强制[強制] qiángzhì to enforce; enforcement; forcibly; compulsory 员[員] yuán person; employee; member 查封[查封] cháfēng to sequester; to seize (assets); to seal up; to close down 扣押[扣押] kòuyā to detain; to hold in custody; to distrain; to seize property //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/75 words - 24 min 拍卖[拍賣] pāimài to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price 变卖[變賣] biànmài to sell off (one's property) 机构[機構] jīgòu mechanism; structure; organization; agency; institution; CL:所[suo3] 举行[舉行] jǔxíng to hold (a meeting, ceremony etc) 自行[自行] zìxíng voluntary; autonomous; by oneself; self- 交付[交付] jiāofù to hand over; to deliver 房产证[房產證] fángchǎnzhèng title deeds; certificate of property ownership 过户[過戶] guòhù to transfer ownership (of a vehicle, securities etc); (real estate) conveyancing 轮[輪] lún wheel; disk; ring; steamship; to take turns; to rotate; by turn; classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn 疲[疲] pí weary 轮到[輪到] lúndào to be (sb's or sth's) turn 个性[個性] gèxìng individuality; personality 过场[過場] guòchǎng interlude; to cross the stage; to do sth as a mere formality; to go through the motions 会所[會所] huìsuǒ office of an association; meeting place; clubhouse; club 浦东新区[浦東新區] Pǔdōngxīnqū Pudong New District, subprovincial district of Shanghai 大红[大紅] dàhóng crimson 包包[包包] bāobāo bag or purse etc; small bump or pimple; hillock 雷打不动[雷打不動] léidǎbùdòng not shaken by thunder (idiom); the arrangements are unalterable; to adhere rigidly to regulations; will go ahead whatever happens (of an arrangement or plan) 尽力[盡力] jìnlì to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort 物是人非[物是人非] wùshìrénfēi things have remained the same, but people have changed 战友[戰友] zhànyǒu comrade-in-arms; battle companion 浮云[浮雲] fúyún floating clouds; fleeting; transient 诠释[詮釋] quánshì to interpret; to comment and explain; to annotate; to perform (i.e. interpret a theatrical role); to decode; interpretation; annotation 春运[春運] chūnyùn (increased) passenger transportation around Chinese New Year 一个样[一個樣] yīgeyàng same as 一樣|一样[yi1 yang4]; the same //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/100 words - 32 min 起伏[起伏] qǐfú to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs 伏[伏] fú to lean over; to fall (go down); to hide (in ambush); to conceal oneself; to lie low; hottest days of summer; to submit; to concede defeat; to overcome; to subdue; volt 几次[幾次] jǐcì several times 国[國] guó country; nation; state; national; CL:個|个[ge4] 洋[洋] yáng ocean; vast; foreign; silver dollar or coin 挑剔[挑剔] tiāoti picky; fussy 支付[支付] zhīfù to pay (money) 债款[債款] zhàikuǎn debt 诉求[訴求] sùqiú to appeal; to demand (an answer); requirement; demand; claim; appeal; (marketing) message 赔付[賠付] péifù to pay out; to compensate; (insurance) payment 欠款[欠款] qiànkuǎn to owe a debt; balance due; debts 视野[視野] shìyě field of view; horizon 万代[萬代] Wàndài Bandai toy company 符合[符合] fúhé in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying with; in line with; to agree with; to accord with; to conform to; to correspond with; to manage; to handle 听懂[聽懂] tīngdǒng to understand (on hearing); to catch (what is spoken) 虚[虛] xū emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied; diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain 每年[每年] měinián every year; each year; yearly 达[達] dá to attain; to reach; to amount to; to communicate; eminent 减掉[減掉] jiǎndiào to subtract; to lose (weight) 连本带利[連本帶利] liánběndàilì both principal and interest; capital plus profit 穿过[穿過] chuānguò to pass through 涉过[涉過] shèguò to ford (a stream, river etc) 垄[壟] lǒng ridge between fields; row of crops; grave mound 家乡[家鄉] jiāxiāng hometown; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] 山[山] shān mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; CL:座[zuo4]; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/125 words - 37 min 暮色[暮色] mùsè twilight 降临[降臨] jiànglín to descend; to arrive; to come 西天[西天] Xītiān the Western Paradise (Buddhism) 褪去[褪去] tuìqù to take off (one's clothes); (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc); (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside; also pr. [tun4 qu4] 东边[東邊] dōngbian east; east side; eastern part; to the east of 升起[升起] shēngqǐ to raise; to hoist; to rise 布满[布滿] bùmǎn to be covered with; to be filled with 数不清[數不清] shǔbùqīng countless; innumerable 星斗[星斗] xīngdǒu stars 随[隨] suí to follow; to comply with; varying according to...; to allow; subsequently 风筝[風箏] fēngzhēng kite 岁月[歲月] suìyuè years; time 年轮[年輪] niánlún annual ring; growth ring 追回[追回] zhuīhuí to recover (sth lost or stolen); to get back 缺席[缺席] quēxí absence; absent 悔恨[悔恨] huǐhèn remorse; repentance 松[鬆] sōng loose; to loosen; to relax; floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling) 皱纹[皺紋] zhòuwén wrinkle; CL:道[dao4] 泪痕[淚痕] lèihén tear stains 拖鞋[拖鞋] tuōxié slippers; sandals; flip-flops; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 哑[啞] yǎ dumb; mute; hoarse; husky; unexploded (of artillery shell etc) 黑发[黑髮] hēifà black hair 洒满[灑滿] sǎmǎn to sprinkle over sth 雪花[雪花] xuěhuā snowflake 号码[號碼] hàomǎ number; CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep23/138 words - 41 min 按键[按鍵] ànjiàn button or key (on a device); keystroke; CL:個|个[ge4]; to press a button 触摸[觸摸] chùmō to touch 键[鍵] jiàn key (on a piano or computer keyboard); button (on a mouse or other device); chemical bond; linchpin 说明书[說明書] shuōmíngshū (technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film); specification (patent); CL:本[ben3] 做饭[做飯] zuòfàn to prepare a meal; to cook 秒[秒] miǎo second (unit of time); arc second (angular measurement unit); (coll.) instantly 当下[當下] dāngxià immediately; at once; at that moment; at the moment 重量[重量] zhòngliàng weight; CL:個|个[ge4] 重播[重播] chóngbō to replay; to rerun; (agriculture) to reseed; to oversow 发达[發達] fādá developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop 糖醋[糖醋] tángcù sweet and sour 排骨[排骨] páigǔ pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs; (coll.) skinny person 贝[貝] bèi cowrie; shellfish; currency (archaic) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/25 words - 6 min 一代[一代] yīdài generation 冤[冤] yuān injustice; grievance; wrong 大片[大片] dàpiàn wide expanse; large area; vast stretch; extending widely; blockbuster movie 质感[質感] zhìgǎn realism (in art); sense of reality; texture; tactile quality 启动[啟動] qǐdòng to start (a machine); (fig.) to set in motion; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan) 签字[簽字] qiānzì to sign (one's name); signature 基金[基金] jījīn fund 否[否] fǒu to negate; to deny; not 一致[一致] yīzhì unanimous; identical (views or opinions) 慈善[慈善] císhàn benevolent; charitable 正能量[正能量] zhèngnéngliàng positive energy; positivity 一举两得[一舉兩得] yījǔliǎngdé one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone 诋毁[詆毀] dǐhuǐ to vilify; to slander; vilification 广大[廣大] guǎngdà (of an area) vast or extensive; large-scale; widespread; (of people) numerous 群众[群眾] qúnzhòng mass; multitude; the masses 明辨是非[明辨是非] míngbiànshìfēi to distinguish right and wrong (idiom) 善[善] shàn good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at sth; to improve or perfect 资[資] zī resources; capital; to provide; to supply; to support; money; expense 基金会[基金會] jījīnhuì foundation (institution supported by an endowment) 白搭[白搭] báidā no use; no good 会要[會要] huìyào dynastic records of imperial China 预支[預支] yùzhī to pay in advance; to get payment in advance 申请人[申請人] shēnqǐngrén applicant 元[元] yuán currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); meta- (prefix); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon 人民币[人民幣] rénmínbì Renminbi (RMB); Chinese Yuan (CNY) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/50 words - 12 min 用途[用途] yòngtú use; application 无能[無能] wúnéng incompetence; inability; incapable; powerless 账户[賬戶] zhànghù bank account; online account 放款[放款] fàngkuǎn to lend money (as a commercial loan) 挪用[挪用] nuóyòng to shift (funds); to (legitimately) take funds set aside for one purpose in order to use them for another; to embezzle; to misappropriate 公款[公款] gōngkuǎn public money 陈规[陳規] chénguī outmoded conventions; old-fashioned ways 奇迹[奇跡] qíjì miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel 冒险[冒險] màoxiǎn to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure 拨款[撥款] bōkuǎn to allocate funds; appropriation 犯法[犯法] fànfǎ to break the law 备用[備用] bèiyòng reserve; spare; alternate; backup 性质[性質] xìngzhì nature; characteristic; CL:個|个[ge4] 监视[監視] jiānshì to monitor; to keep a close watch over; surveillance 总体[總體] zǒngtǐ completely; totally; total; entire; overall; population (statistics) 时效[時效] shíxiào effectiveness for a given period of time; prescription (law); aging (metallurgy) 上交[上交] shàngjiāo to hand over to; to give to higher authority; to seek connections in high places 申报[申報] shēnbào to report (to the authorities); to declare (to customs) 作主[作主] zuòzhǔ to decide; to make decisions; to take responsibility (for deciding); to be in charge; to give sb justice 憔悴[憔悴] qiáocuì wan and sallow; thin and pallid; haggard; (of plants) withered 今非昔比[今非昔比] jīnfēixībǐ things are very different now (idiom); times have changed 张嘴[張嘴] zhāngzuǐ to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request); to gape 遭遇[遭遇] zāoyù to meet with; to encounter; (bitter) experience 失败者[失敗者] shībàizhě loser 鼓[鼓] gǔ drum; CL:通[tong4],面[mian4]; to drum; to strike; to rouse; to bulge; to swell //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/75 words - 18 min 身后[身後] shēnhòu posthumous; one's social background; behind the body 深渊[深淵] shēnyuān abyss 直来直去[直來直去] zhíláizhíqù going directly (without detour); (fig.) direct; straightforward (in one's manner or speech) 借钱[借錢] jièqián to borrow money; to lend money 二话不说[二話不說] èrhuàbùshuō not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection; without demur 排名[排名] páimíng to rank (1st, 2nd etc); ranking 善良[善良] shànliáng good and honest; kindhearted 正直[正直] zhèngzhí upright; upstanding; honest 规章[規章] guīzhāng rule; regulation 制度[制度] zhìdù system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc); institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 印[印] yìn to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image 钞[鈔] chāo money; paper money; variant of 抄[chao1] 推送[推送] tuīsòng server push (computing) 折扣[折扣] zhékòu discount 竭尽[竭盡] jiéjìn to use up; to exhaust 最少[最少] zuìshǎo at least; minimum; lowest (amount); minimal 阅读[閱讀] yuèdú to read; reading 刷新[刷新] shuāxīn to renovate; to refurbish; to refresh (computer window); to write a new page (in history); to break (a record) 挂钩[掛鉤] guàgōu hook (on which to hang sth); to couple; to link together; to establish contact with; hook; coupling links (e.g. between two railway coaches) 轻巧[輕巧] qīngqiǎo dexterous; deft; easy; light and easy to use; nimble; agile; lithe; graceful 完蛋[完蛋] wándàn (coll.) to be done for 受益[受益] shòuyì to benefit from; profit 打压[打壓] dǎyā to suppress; to beat down 野蛮人[野蠻人] yěmánrén barbarian 野孩子[野孩子] yěháizǐ feral child //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/100 words - 23 min 钥匙[鑰匙] yàoshi key; CL:把[ba3] 小瞧[小瞧] xiǎoqiáo (coll.) to look down on; to underestimate 垃圾[垃圾] lājī trash; refuse; garbage; (coll.) of poor quality; Taiwan pr. [le4 se4] 食物[食物] shíwù food; CL:種|种[zhong3] 营养[營養] yíngyǎng nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3] 口腔[口腔] kǒuqiāng oral cavity 溃疡[潰瘍] kuìyáng ulcer; to ulcerate 物[物] wù thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 过时[過時] guòshí old-fashioned; out of date; to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon 手工[手工] shǒugōng handwork; manual 暧昧[曖昧] àimèi vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious 勾[勾] gōu to attract; to arouse; to tick; to strike out; to delineate; to collude; variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook 引[引] yǐn to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch sth; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters 多心[多心] duōxīn oversensitive; suspicious 温馨[溫馨] wēnxīn comfort; soft and fragrant; warm 提示[提示] tíshì to point out; to remind (sb of sth); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice 维修[維修] wéixiū maintenance (of equipment); to protect and maintain 暂停[暫停] zàntíng to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player) 不便[不便] bùbiàn inconvenient; inappropriate; unsuitable; short of cash 敬请[敬請] jìngqǐng please (do sth) (deferential form) 运动[運動] yùndòng to move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign; CL:場|场[chang3] 民间[民間] mínjiān among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments 公募[公募] gōngmù public placement (investing) 播种[播種] bōzhǒng to sow seeds; sowing; seed 爱心[愛心] àixīn compassion; kindness; care for others; love; CL:片[pian4]; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/125 words - 28 min 愿景[願景] yuànjǐng vision (of the future) 致力[致力] zhìlì to work for; to devote one's efforts to 搭建[搭建] dājiàn to build (esp. with simple materials); to knock together (a temporary shed); to rig up 透明[透明] tòumíng transparent; open (non-secretive) 扶贫[扶貧] fúpín assistance to the poor; poverty alleviation 促进[促進] cùjìn to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost 贫困地区[貧困地區] pínkùndìqū poor region; impoverished area 基础教育[基礎教育] jīchǔjiàoyù elementary education 读本[讀本] dúběn reader; an instructional book 挑战[挑戰] tiǎozhàn to challenge; challenge 顺境[順境] shùnjìng favorable circumstances 锻炼[鍛鍊] duànliàn to toughen; to temper; to engage in physical exercise; to work out; (fig.) to develop one's skills; to train oneself 逆境[逆境] nìjìng adversity; predicament 磨炼[磨煉] móliàn see 磨練|磨练[mo2 lian4] 怀里[懷裡] huáilǐ embrace; bosom 肢体[肢體] zhītǐ limb; limbs and trunk; body 语言[語言] yǔyán language; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3] 沉默[沉默] chénmò taciturn; uncommunicative; silent 厨房[廚房] chúfáng kitchen; CL:間|间[jian1] 打下手[打下手] dǎxiàshǒu to act in a supporting role; fig. to play second fiddle 想通[想通] xiǎngtōng to figure out; to realize; to become convinced; to come round (to an idea); to get over it 孤立[孤立] gūlì isolate; isolated 真理[真理] zhēnlǐ truth; CL:個|个[ge4] 亲情[親情] qīnqíng affection; family love; love, esp. within a married couple or between parents and children 得出[得出] déchū to obtain (results); to arrive at (a conclusion) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/150 words - 35 min 打消[打消] dǎxiāo to dispel (doubts, misgivings etc); to give up on 汤[湯] tāng soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled 做菜[做菜] zuòcài to cook; cooking 听见[聽見] tīngjiàn to hear 瘦[瘦] shòu thin; to lose weight; (of clothing) tight; (of meat) lean; (of land) unproductive 对象[對象] duìxiàng target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend; CL:個|个[ge4] 烟雾[煙霧] yānwù smoke; mist; vapor; smog; fumes 伎俩[伎倆] jìliǎng trick; scheme; ploy; tactic; stratagem; gimmick; ruse; trickery; skill; also written 技倆|技俩 彬[彬] bīn ornamental; refined 排序[排序] páixù to sort; to arrange in order 古装[古裝] gǔzhuāng ancient costume; period costume (in movies etc) 轨迹[軌跡] guǐjì locus; orbit; trajectory; track 测评[測評] cèpíng to test and evaluate 自愿[自願] zìyuàn voluntary 装疯卖傻[裝瘋賣傻] zhuāngfēngmàishǎ to play the fool (idiom); to feign madness 杠[杠] gāng flagpole; footbridge 敌我[敵我] díwǒ the enemy and us 嘲讽[嘲諷] cháofěng to sneer at; to ridicule; to taunt 作贼[作賊] zuòzéi to be a thief 心虚[心虛] xīnxū lacking in confidence; diffident; to have a guilty conscience 编[編] biān to weave; to plait; to organize; to group; to arrange; to edit; to compile; to write; to compose; to fabricate 狗血[狗血] gǒuxiě melodramatic; contrived 及格[及格] jígé to pass an exam or a test; to meet a minimum standard 觍[覥] tiǎn shameful; shameless 结草衔环[結草銜環] jiécǎoxiánhuán to repay sb's kind acts (idiom) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/175 words - 39 min 报答[報答] bàodá to repay; to requite 亏待[虧待] kuīdài to treat sb unfairly 一点儿[一點兒] yīdiǎnr5 erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3] 寡淡[寡淡] guǎdàn insipid; bland; indifferent 无味[無味] wúwèi tasteless; odorless 私密[私密] sīmì private; secret; intimate 变坏[變壞] biànhuài to get worse; to degenerate 夜空[夜空] yèkōng night sky 膨胀[膨脹] péngzhàng to expand; to inflate; to swell 胀[脹] zhàng dropsical; swollen; to swell; to be bloated 股[股] gǔ thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]; classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; classifier for bands of people, gangs etc; classifier for sudden forceful actions 强烈[強烈] qiángliè intense; (violently) strong 升腾[升騰] shēngténg to rise; to ascend; to leap up 飞奔[飛奔] fēibēn to dash (run fast); to rush; to dart 双脚[雙腳] shuāngjiǎo two legs; both feet 荆棘[荊棘] jīngjí thistles and thorns; brambles; thorny undergrowth 丛生[叢生] cóngshēng growing as a thicket; overgrown; breaking out everywhere (of disease, social disorder etc) 大地[大地] dàdì earth; mother earth 鲜血[鮮血] xiānxuè blood 不顾一切[不顧一切] bùgùyīqiè reckless; regardless of everything 冲向[衝嚮] chōngxiàng to charge into 尽头[盡頭] jìntóu end; extremity; limit 然而[然而] rán'ér however; yet; but 疾病[疾病] jíbìng disease; sickness; ailment 风湿[風濕] fēngshī rheumatism //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep24/181 words - 41 min 死亡[死亡] sǐwáng to die; death 总能[總能] zǒngnéng total energy 费尽心思[費盡心思] fèijìnxīnsi to rack one's brains (idiom); to take great pains to think sth through 布局[佈局] bùjú arrangement; composition; layout; opening (chess jargon) 舍弃[捨棄] shěqì to give up; to abandon; to abort 混为一谈[混為一談] hùnwéiyītán to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep25/25 words - 7 min 堵住[堵住] dǔzhù to block up 猴子[猴子] hóuzi monkey; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 傻笑[傻笑] shǎxiào to giggle; to laugh foolishly; to smirk; to simper 白痴[白痴] báichī idiocy; idiot 贴心[貼心] tiēxīn intimate; close; considerate 始[始] shǐ to begin; to start; then; only then 终[終] zhōng end; finish 革命[革命] gémìng revolution; revolutionary (politics); CL:次[ci4] 深厚[深厚] shēnhòu deep; profound 忠心[忠心] zhōngxīn good faith; devotion; loyalty; dedication 急着[急著] jízhe urgently 余[餘] yú extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division; (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number); residue (math.); after; I; me 隔夜[隔夜] géyè overnight; of the previous day 热点[熱點] rèdiǎn hot spot; point of special interest 迅速[迅速] xùnsù rapid; speedy; fast 积累[積累] jīlěi to accumulate; accumulation; cumulative; cumulatively 品位[品位] pǐnwèi rank; grade; quality; (aesthetic) taste 格局[格局] géjú structure; pattern; layout 阻拦[阻攔] zǔlán to stop; to obstruct 借[藉] jiè variant of 借[jie4] 拱手[拱手] gǒngshǒu to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting; (fig.) submissive 变丑[變醜] biànchǒu to disfigure 抢风头[搶風頭] qiǎngfēngtóu to steal the show; to grab the limelight 鹬蚌相争[鷸蚌相爭] yùbàngxiāngzhēng lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both) (idiom); fig. neighbors who can't agree lose out to a third party 渔[漁] yú fisherman; to fish //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep25/50 words - 12 min 翁[翁] wēng elderly man; father; father-in-law; neck feathers of a bird (old) 鸿[鴻] hóng eastern bean goose; great; large 受够[受夠] shòugòu to have had enough of; to be fed up with; to have had one's fill of 奔跑[奔跑] bēnpǎo to run 光明[光明] guāngmíng light; radiance; (fig.) bright (prospects etc); openhearted 看书[看書] kànshū to read; to study 王子[王子] wángzǐ prince; son of a king 星球[星球] xīngqiú celestial body (e.g. planet, satellite etc); heavenly body 玫瑰花[玫瑰花] méiguīhuā rose 旅[旅] lǚ trip; travel; to travel; brigade (army) 上都[上都] Shàngdū Shangdu, also known as Xanadu, summer capital of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) 国王[國王] guówáng king; CL:個|个[ge4] 开朗[開朗] kāilǎng spacious and well-lit; open and clear; (of character) optimistic; cheerful; carefree 敏感[敏感] mǐngǎn sensitive; susceptible 吃软不吃硬[吃軟不吃硬] chīruǎnbùchīyìng lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food (idiom); amenable to coaxing but not coercion 拧[擰] níng to pinch; wring 念书[念書] niànshū to read; to study 皮[皮] pí leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty 叽[嘰] jī grumble 急性子[急性子] jíxìngzi impetuous person; excitable person 莫非[莫非] mòfēi can it be possible that; could it be 主力[主力] zhǔlì main force; main strength of an army 第一步[第一步] dìyībù step one; first step 知名度[知名度] zhīmíngdù reputation; profile; familiarity in the public consciousness 纳[納] nà to receive; to accept; to enjoy; to bring into; to pay (tax etc); nano- (one billionth); to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep25/75 words - 23 min 助[助] zhù to help; to assist 抵押物[抵押物] dǐyāwù collateral (finance) 债主[債主] zhàizhǔ creditor 雅[雅] yǎ elegant 松江区[松江區] Sōngjiāngqū Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai 文科[文科] wénkē liberal arts; humanities 状元[狀元] zhuàngyuán top scorer in the palace examination (highest rank of the Imperial examination system); see 榜眼[bang3 yan3] and 探花[tan4 hua1]; top scorer in college entrance examination 高考[gao1 kao3]; (fig.) the most brilliantly talented person in the field; leading light 新华社[新華社] Xīnhuáshè Xinhua News Agency 常驻[常駐] chángzhù resident; permanent (representative) 塞尔维亚[塞爾維亞] Sāi'ěrwéiyà Serbia 当之无愧[當之無愧] dāngzhīwúkuì fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, honor etc) 捐助[捐助] juānzhù to donate; to offer (aid); contribution; donation 多媒体[多媒體] duōméitǐ multimedia 铺垫[鋪墊] pūdiàn to spread out bedding; bedcover 婚礼[婚禮] hūnlǐ wedding ceremony; wedding; CL:場|场[chang3] 深深[深深] shēnshēn deep; profound 或许[或許] huòxǔ perhaps; maybe 应得[應得] yīngdé to deserve 光线[光線] guāngxiàn light ray; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]; light; illumination; lighting (for a photograph) 天棚[天棚] tiānpéng ceiling; awning 灰尘[灰塵] huīchén dust 好用[好用] hǎoyòng useful; serviceable; effective; handy; easy to use 眼药水[眼藥水] yǎnyàoshuǐ eye drops; eye lotion 摇[搖] yáo to shake; to rock; to row; to crank 臂[臂] bì arm //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep25/100 words - 30 min 婚纱[婚紗] hūnshā wedding dress; CL:身[shen1] 发炎[發炎] fāyán to become inflamed; inflammation 通红[通紅] tōnghóng very red; red through and through; to blush (deep red) 链子[鏈子] liànzi chain 兵[兵] bīng soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike; CL:個|个[ge4] 担[擔] dān to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility 夜宵[夜宵] yèxiāo midnight snack 饶[饒] ráo rich; abundant; exuberant; to add for free; to throw in as bonus; to spare; to forgive; despite; although 一般见识[一般見識] yībānjiànshi to lower oneself to sb's level; to argue with sb less well-informed 转头[轉頭] zhuǎntóu to turn one's head; to change direction; U-turn; volte face; to repent 感慨[感慨] gǎnkǎi to sigh with sorrow, regret etc; rueful; deeply moved 例子[例子] lìzi case; (for) instance; example; CL:個|个[ge4] 如日中天[如日中天] rúrìzhōngtiān lit. like the sun at noon (idiom); fig. to be at the peak of one's power, career etc 躲债[躲債] duǒzhài to dodge a creditor 从头[從頭] cóngtóu anew; from the start 靠得住[靠得住] kàodezhù reliable; trustworthy 相比之下[相比之下] xiāngbǐzhīxià by comparison 堑[塹] qiàn moat around a city 智[智] zhì wisdom; knowledge 下坡[下坡] xiàpō downhill 塑造[塑造] sùzào to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words) 功臣[功臣] gōngchén minister who has given outstanding service 憋[憋] biē to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath) 难为[難為] nánwei to bother; to press sb, usu. to do sth; it's a tough job; sorry to bother you (polite, used to thank sb for a favor) 绰绰有余[綽綽有餘] chuòchuòyǒuyú enough and to spare (idiom) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep25/110 words - 38 min 沉沦[沉淪] chénlún to sink into (vice, depravity etc); to pass into oblivion; downfall; passing 耗[耗] hào to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander; news; (coll.) to delay; to dilly-dally 小姑[小姑] xiǎogū husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 奶奶[奶奶] nǎinai (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位[wei4]; (coll.) boobies; breasts 限[限] xiàn limit; bound; to set a limit (on) 新娘[新娘] xīnniáng bride 爱上[愛上] àishàng to fall in love with; to be in love with 毫无[毫無] háowú not in the least; to completely lack 接纳[接納] jiēnà to admit (to membership) 践踏[踐踏] jiàntà to trample //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep26/25 words - 11 min 费心[費心] fèixīn to take a lot of trouble (over sb or sth); may I trouble you (to do sth) 完结[完結] wánjié to finish; to conclude; completed 天下[天下] tiānxià land under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule 筵席[筵席] yánxí banquet; mat for sitting 专属[專屬] zhuānshǔ to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal 岳父[岳父] yuèfù wife's father, father-in-law 麻利[麻利] máli swift; agile; efficient; quick-witted (colloquial) 天后[天后] Tiānhòu Tin Hau, Empress of Heaven, another name for the goddess Matsu 媽祖|妈祖[Ma1 zu3]; Tin Hau (Hong Kong area around the MTR station with same name) 颗粒[顆粒] kēlì kernel; granule; granulated (sugar, chemical product) 企划[企劃] qǐhuà to plan; to lay out; to design 自动[自動] zìdòng automatic; voluntarily 现象[現象] xiànxiàng phenomenon; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]; appearance 大钱[大錢] dàqián high denomination of banknotes or coins; lots of money; a big sum (e.g. a bribe) 垫付[墊付] diànfù to pay sb else's expense with the expectation of being reimbursed by that person later 自主[自主] zìzhǔ independent; to act for oneself; autonomous 存亡[存亡] cúnwáng to live or die; to exist or perish 叫车[叫車] jiàochē to call a cab (by phone); to request a ride (via an app) 接送[接送] jiēsòng picking up and dropping off; greeting and sending off; shuttle (transport service) 溜走[溜走] liūzǒu to slip away; to leave secretly 逐[逐] zhú to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one 责[責] zé duty; responsibility; to reproach; to blame 口头[口頭] kǒutóu oral; verbal 敷衍[敷衍] fūyǎn to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by 中饭[中飯] zhōngfàn lunch 甜品[甜品] tiánpǐn dessert //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep26/50 words - 24 min 一言为定[一言為定] yīyánwéidìng one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!; That's settled then. 包间[包間] bāojiān private room (in a restaurant, or for karaoke etc); parlor; booth; compartment 满月[滿月] mǎnyuè full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday 料理[料理] liàolǐ to arrange; to handle; to cook; cuisine; art of cooking 递[遞] dì to hand over; to pass on sth; to gradually increase or decrease; progressively 面试[面試] miànshì to be interviewed (as a candidate); interview 完完全全[完完全全] wánwánquánquán completely 量身定制[量身定製] liángshēndìngzhì tailor-made 腕[腕] wàn wrist; (squid, starfish etc) arm 顾不上[顧不上] gùbushàng cannot attend to or manage 从事[從事] cóngshì to go for; to engage in; to undertake; to deal with; to handle; to do 拿捏[拿捏] nániē to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties 精准[精準] jīngzhǔn accurate; exact; precise; precision 爆满[爆滿] bàomǎn filled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc) 节外生枝[節外生枝] jiéwàishēngzhī a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising 鸽子[鴿子] gēzi pigeon; dove; various birds of the family Columbidae 招牌菜[招牌菜] zhāopáicài signature dish; a restaurant’s most famous dish 流落[流落] liúluò to wander about destitute; to be stranded 街头[街頭] jiētóu street 井水不犯河水[井水不犯河水] jǐngshuǐbùfànhéshuǐ everyone minds their own business 不得已[不得已] bùdéyǐ to act against one's will; to have no alternative but to; to have to; to have no choice; must 得要[得要] děiyào to need; must 设计师[設計師] shèjìshī designer; architect 新款[新款] xīnkuǎn new style; latest fashion; new model 预定[預定] yùdìng to schedule in advance //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep26/75 words - 35 min 大厅[大廳] dàtīng hall; lounge 咬牙[咬牙] yǎoyá to clench one's teeth; to grind the teeth; gnaw 表白[表白] biǎobái to explain oneself; to express; to reveal one's thoughts or feelings; declaration; confession 手卷[手捲] shǒujuǎn hand scroll (horizontal format for Chinese landscape painting); hand roll (Japanese: temaki, style of fish cuisine); hand rolled cigarette; hand roll (many contexts); roll up 寿司[壽司] shòusī sushi 乌冬面[烏冬麵] wūdōngmiàn udon noodles 味[味] wèi taste; smell; classifier for drugs (in TCM) 微微[微微] wēiwēi slight; faint; humble 辣[辣] là hot (spicy); pungent 辣椒[辣椒] làjiāo hot pepper; chili 粮[糧] liáng grain; food; provisions; agricultural tax paid in grain 菜单[菜單] càidān menu; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 东山再起[東山再起] dōngshānzàiqǐ lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback 慌慌张张[慌慌張張] huānghuāngzhāngzhāng helter-skelter 三角[三角] sānjiǎo triangle 近日[近日] jìnrì in the past few days; recently; in the last few days 后台[後台] hòutái backstage area; behind-the-scenes supporter; (computing) back-end; background 脑补[腦補] nǎobǔ (Internet slang) to imagine; to visualize 虐恋[虐戀] nüèliàn sadomasochism 阴魂不散[陰魂不散] yīnhúnbùsàn lit. the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed (idiom); fig. the influence still lingers on; the spirit (of some doctrine) is still alive 前任[前任] qiánrèn predecessor; ex-; former; ex (spouse etc) 一心[一心] yīxīn wholeheartedly; heart and soul 看在眼里[看在眼裡] kànzàiyǎnli to observe; to take it all in 草木[草木] cǎomù vegetation; plants 大多[大多] dàduō for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep26/82 words - 37 min 女孩[女孩] nǚhái girl; lass 放映[放映] fàngyìng to show (a movie); to screen 厅[廳] tīng (reception) hall; living room; office; provincial government department 黎明[黎明] límíng dawn; daybreak 破晓[破曉] pòxiǎo daybreak; dawn 纪念[紀念] jìniàn to commemorate; to remember; CL:個|个[ge4] 转折[轉折] zhuǎnzhé shift in the trend of events; turnaround; plot shift in a book; turn in the conversation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep27/25 words - 14 min 轨[軌] guǐ course; path; track; rail 无线[無線] wúxiàn wireless 凝望[凝望] níngwàng to gaze at; to stare fixedly at 守护[守護] shǒuhù to guard; to protect 蔚蓝[蔚藍] wèilán azure; sky blue 海洋[海洋] hǎiyáng ocean; CL:個|个[ge4] 大自然[大自然] dàzìrán nature (the natural world) 眼不见为净[眼不見為淨] yǎnbùjiànwéijìng what remains unseen is deemed to be clean; what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over (idiom) 分析[分析] fēnxī to analyze; analysis; CL:個|个[ge4] 饰[飾] shì decoration; ornament; to decorate; to adorn; to hide; to conceal (a fault); excuse (to hide a fault); to play a role (in opera); to impersonate 角[角] jiǎo angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime); CL:個|个[ge4] 角[角] jué role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale 双胞胎[雙胞胎] shuāngbāotāi twin; CL:對|对[dui4] 差距[差距] chājù disparity; gap 阅历[閱歷] yuèlì to experience; experience 胃口[胃口] wèikǒu appetite; liking 失眠[失眠] shīmián to suffer from insomnia 离家出走[離家出走] líjiāchūzǒu to leave home (to live somewhere else) 阻挡[阻擋] zǔdǎng to stop; to resist; to obstruct 无力[無力] wúlì powerless; lacking strength 悲哀[悲哀] bēi'āi grieved; sorrowful 亲近[親近] qīnjìn intimate; to get close to 按规定[按規定] ànguīdìng according to regulation 平等[平等] píngděng equal; equality 作业[作業] zuòyè school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate 预习[預習] yùxí to prepare a lesson //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep27/50 words - 21 min 古诗[古詩] gǔshī old verse; Classical Chinese poem 提早[提早] tízǎo ahead of schedule; sooner than planned; to bring forward (to an earlier time) 撒气[撒氣] sāqì to leak (of air); to go flat (of a tire); to vent one's anger 贫嘴[貧嘴] pínzuǐ talkative; garrulous; loquacious; flippant; jocular 洗手[洗手] xǐshǒu to wash one's hands; to go to the toilet 压根儿[壓根兒] yàgēnr5 erhua variant of 壓根|压根[ya4 gen1] 反反复复[反反復復] fǎnfǎnfùfù repeatedly; time and time again 正轨[正軌] zhèngguǐ the right track 超支[超支] chāozhī to overspend 浮躁[浮躁] fúzào fickle and impatient; restless; giddy; scatterbrained 早饭[早飯] zǎofàn breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 上海市[上海市] Shànghǎishì Shanghai municipality in southeast China, abbr. 滬|沪 地图[地圖] dìtú map; CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3] 相恋[相戀] xiāngliàn to love each other 挽回[挽回] wǎnhuí to retrieve; to redeem 护[護] hù to protect 栏[欄] lán fence; railing; hurdle; column or box (of text or other data) 翻越[翻越] fānyuè to cross; to surmount; to transcend 跤[跤] jiāo a tumble; a fall 碍[礙] ài to hinder; to obstruct; to block 病人[病人] bìngrén sick person; patient; invalid; CL:個|个[ge4] 膝[膝] xī knee 外侧[外側] wàicè outer side 半月板[半月板] bànyuèbǎn meniscus (anatomy) 三度[三度] sāndù third (musical interval) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep27/75 words - 30 min 撕裂[撕裂] sīliè to rip apart; to tear; laceration; rent 缝合[縫合] fénghé to sew together; suture (in surgery); to sew up (a wound) 康复[康復] kāngfù to recuperate; to recover (health); to convalesce 行走[行走] xíngzǒu to walk 上阵[上陣] shàngzhèn to go into battle 慎重[慎重] shènzhòng cautious; careful; prudent 更换[更換] gēnghuàn to replace (a worn-out tire etc); to change (one's address etc) 摄制[攝製] shèzhì to produce (a TV show etc) 乙方[乙方] yǐfāng second party (law); see also 甲方[jia3 fang1] 工资[工資] gōngzī wages; pay; CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4],月[yue4] 看病[看病] kànbìng to visit a doctor; to see a patient 启蒙[啟蒙] qǐméng to instruct the young; to initiate; to awake sb from ignorance; to free sb from prejudice or superstition; primer; enlightened; the Enlightenment; Western learning from the late Qing dynasty 谦和[謙和] qiānhé meek; modest; amiable 第三方[第三方] dìsānfāng third party 赔款[賠款] péikuǎn reparations; to pay reparations 赔钱[賠錢] péiqián to lose money; to pay for damages 养伤[養傷] yǎngshāng to heal a wound; to recuperate (from an injury) 无可奈何[無可奈何] wúkěnàihé have no way out; have no alternative; abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wu2 nai4] 较真[較真] jiàozhēn serious; in earnest 火车票[火車票] huǒchēpiào train ticket 放学[放學] fàngxué to dismiss students at the end of the school day 身份证[身份證] shēnfènzhèng identity card; ID 署名[署名] shǔmíng to sign (a signature) 日期[日期] rìqī date; CL:個|个[ge4] 老一辈[老一輩] lǎoyībèi previous generation; older generation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep27/100 words - 36 min 做主[做主] zuòzhǔ see 作主[zuo4 zhu3] 协同[協同] xiétóng to cooperate; in coordination with; coordinated; collaborate; collaboration; collaborative 几分[幾分] jǐfēn somewhat; a bit 甲方[甲方] jiǎfāng first party (law); see also 乙方[yi3 fang1] 甲乙[甲乙] jiǎyǐ first two of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1] 具有[具有] jùyǒu to have; to possess 同等[同等] tóngděng equal to; having the same social class or status 效力[效力] xiàolì effectiveness; positive effect; to serve (in some capacity) 分担[分擔] fēndān to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility) 甩手[甩手] shuǎishǒu to swing one's arms; to wash one's hands of sth 捍卫[捍衛] hànwèi to defend; to uphold; to safeguard 原件[原件] yuánjiàn the original; original document; master copy 慈善家[慈善家] císhànjiā philanthropist; humanitarian; charity donor 情义[情義] qíngyì affection; comradeship 索赔[索賠] suǒpéi to ask for compensation; to claim damages; claim for damages 袖手旁观[袖手旁觀] xiùshǒupángguān to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger 伯父[伯父] bófù father's elder brother; term of respect for older man; CL:個|个[ge4] 中暑[中暑] zhòngshǔ sunstroke; heatstroke 头晕[頭暈] tóuyūn dizzy 纪[紀] jì order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle 解闷[解悶] jiěmèn to relieve boredom or melancholy; a diversion 薯片[薯片] shǔpiàn fried potato chips 可人[可人] kěrén pleasant; agreeable; a person after one's heart (charming person); a gifted person 小事[小事] xiǎoshì trifle; trivial matter; CL:點|点[dian3] 抚养[撫養] fǔyǎng to foster; to bring up; to raise //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep27/109 words - 39 min 积蓄[積蓄] jīxù to save; to put aside; savings 此前[此前] cǐqián before this; before then; previously 志向[志向] zhìxiàng ambition; goal; ideal; aspiration 心有余而力不足[心有餘而力不足] xīnyǒuyú'érlìbùzú the will is there, but not the strength (idiom); the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 窟窿[窟窿] kūlong hole; pocket; cavity; loophole; debt 慈善机构[慈善機構] císhànjīgòu charity 骨科[骨科] gǔkē orthopedics; orthopedic surgery 医治[醫治] yīzhì to treat (an illness); medical treatment 潦倒[潦倒] liáodǎo disappointed; frustrated; dejected //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep28/25 words - 13 min 死板[死板] sǐbǎn rigid; inflexible 恰恰[恰恰] qiàqià exactly; just; precisely 相反[相反] xiāngfǎn opposite; contrary 随机应变[隨機應變] suíjīyìngbiàn to change according to the situation (idiom); pragmatic 饱[飽] bǎo to eat till full; satisfied 英语[英語] Yīngyǔ English (language) 牢[牢] láo firm; sturdy; fold (for animals); sacrifice; prison 别理[別理] biélǐ don't get involved; ignore it!; don't have anything to do with (him, her etc); don't speak to 沾[沾] zhān to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch 清理[清理] qīnglǐ to clear up; to tidy up; to dispose of 晦气[晦氣] huìqì bad luck; unlucky; calamitous; wretched 电视[電視] diànshì television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 地震[地震] dìzhèn earthquake 摔跤[摔跤] shuāijiāo to trip and fall; to wrestle; wrestling (sports) 时不时[時不時] shíbùshí from time to time 犯浑[犯渾] fànhún confused; mixed up; muddled up; befuddled 急功近利[急功近利] jígōngjìnlì seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return 行事[行事] xíngshì to execute; to handle; behavior; action; conduct 整治[整治] zhěngzhì to bring under control; to regulate; to restore to good condition; (coll.) to fix (a person); to prepare (a meal etc) 瞧不起[瞧不起] qiáobùqǐ to look down upon; to hold in contempt 自欺欺人[自欺欺人] zìqīqīrén to deceive others and to deceive oneself; to believe one's own lies 意识[意識] yìshí consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize 话说回来[話說回來] huàshuōhuílai returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow 辱骂[辱罵] rǔmà to insult; to revile; abuse; vituperation 挑衅[挑釁] tiǎoxìn to provoke; provocation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep28/50 words - 23 min 反驳[反駁] fǎnbó to retort; to refute TA[TA] tā he or she 黑幕[黑幕] hēimù hidden details; dirty tricks; dark secrets 罪犯[罪犯] zuìfàn criminal 奇葩[奇葩] qípā exotic flower; (fig.) marvel; prodigy; (slang) weirdo; outlandish 夹心饼干[夾心餅乾] jiāxīnbǐnggān sandwich cookie; (jocularly) sb who is caught between two opposing parties; sb who is between the hammer and the anvil 调和[調和] tiáohé harmonious; to mediate; to reconcile; to compromise; mediation; to mix; to blend; blended; to season; seasoning; to placate 剂[劑] jì dose (medicine) 谈何容易[談何容易] tánhéróngyì easier said than done (idiom) 记事[記事] jìshì to keep a record of events; record; to start to form memories (after one's infancy) 名词[名詞] míngcí noun 垫上[墊上] diànshàng to pay for sb 发誓[發誓] fāshì to vow; to pledge; to swear 甩锅[甩鍋] shuǎiguō (Internet slang) to shift the blame; to pass the buck 股权[股權] gǔquán equity shares; stock right 激励[激勵] jīlì to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive 算数[算數] suànshù to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important) 心寒[心寒] xīnhán bitterly disappointed; frightened 道德[道德] dàodé virtue; morality; ethics; CL:種|种[zhong3] 情面[情面] qíngmiàn feelings and sensibilities; sentiment and face; sensitivity to other's feelings 雪中送炭[雪中送炭] xuězhōngsòngtàn lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom); fig. to provide help in sb's hour of need 炭[炭] tàn wood charcoal; coal 存活[存活] cúnhuó to survive (a serious accident); survival 冷酷[冷酷] lěngkù grim; unfeeling; callous 电子[電子] diànzǐ electronic; electron (particle physics) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep28/75 words - 32 min 杂七杂八[雜七雜八] záqīzábā an assortment; a bit of everything; lots of different (skills) 俗话说[俗話說] súhuàshuō as the proverb says; as they say... 旁观者清[旁觀者清] pángguānzhěqīng The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectator sees more of the game. 当局[當局] dāngjú authorities 椅子[椅子] yǐzi chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4] 迷惑[迷惑] míhuo to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle 权衡[權衡] quánhéng to consider; to weigh (a matter); to balance (pros and cons) 欲[欲] yù to wish for; to desire; variant of 慾|欲[yu4] 好运[好運] hǎoyùn good luck 傻话[傻話] shǎhuà foolish talk; nonsense 临走[臨走] línzǒu before leaving; on departure 布置[佈置] bùzhì to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to fix up; to deploy 日常[日常] rìcháng daily; everyday 挽留[挽留] wǎnliú to urge to stay; to detain 净[淨] jìng clean; completely; only; net (income, exports etc); (Chinese opera) painted face male role 数一数二[數一數二] shǔyīshǔ'èr reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best; to list one by one 上进心[上進心] shàngjìnxīn motivation; ambition 兼顾[兼顧] jiāngù to attend simultaneously to two or more things; to balance (career and family, family and education etc) 艰难[艱難] jiānnán difficult; hard; challenging 度过[度過] dùguò to pass; to spend (time); to survive; to get through 分道扬镳[分道揚鑣] fēndàoyángbiāo lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom); fig. to part ways 遥[遙] yáo distant; remote; far; far away 并肩[並肩] bìngjiān alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast 作战[作戰] zuòzhàn combat; to fight 提拔[提拔] tíbá to promote to a higher job; to select for promotion //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep28/91 words - 40 min 脚步[腳步] jiǎobù footstep; step 心事[心事] xīnshì a load on one's mind; worry; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1] 清净[清淨] qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil; purified of defiling illusion (Buddhism) 接案[接案] jiē'àn to be informed of a case; to take a case; to contract for a job (as a freelancer) 询[詢] xún to ask about; to inquire about 失败[失敗] shībài to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g. experiments); failure; defeat; CL:次[ci4] 复制[複製] fùzhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone 停下来[停下來] tíngxiàlái to stop 未尝[未嘗] wèicháng not ever; not necessarily 透气[透氣] tòuqì to flow freely (of air); to ventilate; to breathe (of fabric etc); to take a breath of fresh air; to divulge 多亏[多虧] duōkuī thanks to; luckily 临近[臨近] línjìn close to; approaching 环境[環境] huánjìng environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient 第三十[第三十] dìsānshí thirtieth 聚餐[聚餐] jùcān communal meal; formal dinner of club or group 洗礼[洗禮] xǐlǐ baptism (lit. or fig.) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep29/25 words - 6 min 死神[死神] sǐshén mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of those who die; (fig.) death 誓[誓] shì oath; vow; to swear; to pledge 居[居] jū to reside; to be (in a certain position); to store up; to be at a standstill; residence; house; restaurant; classifier for bedrooms 开业[開業] kāiyè to open a business; to open a practice; open (for business) 餐馆[餐館] cānguǎn restaurant; CL:家[jia1] 淳朴[淳樸] chúnpǔ simple and honest; unsophisticated; guileless 责任心[責任心] zérènxīn sense of responsibility 夫妻[夫妻] fūqī husband and wife; married couple 红火[紅火] hónghuǒ prosperous 生意兴隆[生意興隆] shēngyìxīnglóng thriving and prosperous business or trade 饭馆[飯館] fànguǎn restaurant; CL:家[jia1] 劫富济贫[劫富濟貧] jiéfùjìpín to rob the rich to help the poor 满足感[滿足感] mǎnzúgǎn sense of satisfaction 听从[聽從] tīngcóng to listen and obey; to comply with; to heed; to hearken 特等[特等] tèděng special grade; top quality 减法[減法] jiǎnfǎ subtraction 大哥[大哥] dàgē eldest brother; big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself); gang leader; boss 二哥[二哥] èrgē second brother 安生[安生] ānshēng peaceful; restful; quiet; still 生煎[生煎] shēngjiān shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled with meat and juices, a Shanghai specialty 醋[醋] cù vinegar; jealousy (in love rivalry) 酱油[醬油] jiàngyóu soy sauce 蘸[蘸] zhàn to dip in (ink, sauce etc) 娇气[嬌氣] jiāoqì delicate; squeamish; finicky 年级[年級] niánjí grade; year (in school, college etc); CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep29/50 words - 13 min 盼[盼] pàn to hope for; to long for; to expect 私自[私自] sīzì private; personal; secretly; without explicit approval 遭[遭] zāo to meet by chance (usually with misfortune); classifier for events: time, turn, incident 脑袋[腦袋] nǎodài head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 当回事[當回事] dànghuíshì to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously"); to treat conscientiously 甚至于[甚至於] shènzhìyú so much (that); even (to the extent that) 倾家荡产[傾家蕩產] qīngjiādàngchǎn to lose a family fortune (idiom) 运气[運氣] yùnqi luck (good or bad) 接替[接替] jiētì to replace; to take over (a position or post) 惋惜[惋惜] wǎnxī to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb 一丁点[一丁點] yīdīngdiǎn a tiny bit; a wee bit 英雄[英雄] yīngxióng hero; CL:個|个[ge4] 多数[多數] duōshù majority; most 凡夫俗子[凡夫俗子] fánfūsúzǐ common people; ordinary folk 院子[院子] yuànzi courtyard; garden; yard; patio; CL:個|个[ge4]; (old) servant 保养[保養] bǎoyǎng to take good care of (or conserve) one's health; to keep in good repair; to maintain; maintenance 卖点[賣點] màidiǎn selling point 含税[含稅] hánshuì tax inclusive 独有[獨有] dúyǒu to own exclusively; unique to; specific; there is only 大名鼎鼎[大名鼎鼎] dàmíngdǐngdǐng grand reputation; renowned; famous 引发[引發] yǐnfā to lead to; to trigger; to initiate; to cause; to evoke (emotions) 告辞[告辭] gàocí to say goodbye; to take one's leave 称[稱] chēng to weigh; to state; to name; name; appellation; to praise 富[富] fù rich; abundant; wealthy 财富[財富] cáifù wealth; riches //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep29/75 words - 21 min 债权[債權] zhàiquán creditor's rights (law) 收益率[收益率] shōuyìlǜ earnings rate; earnings yield (finance) 业务员[業務員] yèwùyuán salesperson 金融[金融] jīnróng banking; finance; financial 战略[戰略] zhànlüè strategy 儿女[兒女] érnǚ children; sons and daughters 依靠[依靠] yīkào to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on 对家[對家] duìjiā partner (in four person game); family of proposed marriage partner 害得[害得] hàide to cause or lead to sth bad 拖累[拖累] tuōlěi to encumber; to be a burden on; to implicate 紧急[緊急] jǐnjí urgent; emergency 暗号[暗號] ànhào secret signal (sign); countersign; password 听话[聽話] tīnghuà to do what one is told; obedient 吸取[吸取] xīqǔ to absorb; to draw (a lesson, insight etc); to assimilate 摆设[擺設] bǎishè to arrange; to set out; to decorate; to display; decorative items 串[串] chuàn to string together; to skewer; to connect wrongly; to gang up; to rove; string; bunch; skewer; classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of; to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus); to move across 扎啤[扎啤] zhāpí draft beer 掐[掐] qiā to pick (flowers); to pinch; to nip; to pinch off; to clutch; (slang) to fight 变态[變態] biàntài to metamorphose (biology); abnormal; perverted; hentai; (slang) pervert 感性[感性] gǎnxìng perception; perceptual; sensibility; sensitive; emotional; sentimental 伤口[傷口] shāngkǒu wound; cut 盐[鹽] yán salt; CL:粒[li4] 减肥[減肥] jiǎnféi to lose weight 减[減] jiǎn to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish 搭车[搭車] dāchē to ride (in a vehicle); to get a lift; to hitch-hike //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep29/100 words - 31 min 入伙[入伙] rùhuǒ to join a group; to become a member 失业[失業] shīyè unemployment; to lose one's job 惺惺相惜[惺惺相惜] xīngxīngxiāngxī see 惺惺惜惺惺[xing1 xing1 xi1 xing1 xing1] 良性循环[良性循環] liángxìngxúnhuán virtuous cycle (i.e. positive feedback loop) 真真[真真] zhēnzhēn really; in fact; genuinely; scrupulously 低谷[低谷] dīgǔ valley; trough (as opposed to peaks); fig. low point; lowest ebb; nadir of one's fortunes 进展[進展] jìnzhǎn to make headway; to make progress 戳[戳] chuō to jab; to poke; to stab; to sprain; to blunt; to fuck (vulgar); to stand sth upright 痛处[痛處] tòngchù sore spot; place that hurts 翻脸[翻臉] fānliǎn to fall out with sb; to become hostile 馅饼[餡餅] xiànbǐng meat pie; pie; pasty 追究[追究] zhuījiū to investigate; to look into 心脏病[心臟病] xīnzàngbìng heart disease 高血压[高血壓] gāoxuèyā high blood pressure; hypertension 要犯[要犯] yàofàn major criminal 宽松[寬鬆] kuānsōng to relax (policy); relaxed 作践[作踐] zuòjiàn to ill-use; to humiliate; to degrade; to ruin; also pr. [zuo2 jian4] 气死[氣死] qìsǐ to infuriate; to be furious; to die from an excess of anger 骨折[骨折] gǔzhé to suffer a fracture; (of a bone) to break; fracture 刀[刀] dāo knife; blade; single-edged sword; cutlass; CL:把[ba3]; (slang) dollar (loanword); classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper); classifier for knife cuts or stabs 个头[個頭] gètóu size; height 浮萍[浮萍] fúpíng duckweed 不堪[不堪] bùkān cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely 限制[限制] xiànzhì to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit; CL:個|个[ge4] 正经[正經] zhèngjīng decent; honorable; proper; serious; according to standards //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep29/110 words - 38 min 那是[那是] nàshi (coll.) of course; naturally; indeed 屈才[屈才] qūcái to waste talent 合伙[合伙] héhuǒ to act jointly; to form a partnership 曲解[曲解] qūjiě to misrepresent; to misinterpret 注定[註定] zhùdìng to foreordain; to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably 撮[撮] cuō to pick up (a powder etc) with the fingertips; to scoop up; to collect together; to extract; to gather up; classifier: pinch; Taiwan pr. [cuo4] 百战百胜[百戰百勝] bǎizhànbǎishèng to emerge victorious in every battle; to be ever-victorious 筷子[筷子] kuàizi chopsticks; CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3],雙|双[shuang1] 托[托] tuō prop; support (for weight); rest (e.g. arm rest); thanks to; to hold in one's hand; to support in one's palm; to give; to base; to commit; to set; torr (unit of pressure) 终身[終身] zhōngshēn lifelong; all one's life; marriage //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/25 words - 11 min 清闲[清閒] qīngxián idle; leisurely 融入[融入] róngrù to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate; to merge 某人[某人] mǒurén someone; a certain person; some people; I (self-address after one's surname) 喷[噴] pēn to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt 指点[指點] zhǐdiǎn to point out; to indicate; to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at 内定[內定] nèidìng to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later; to decide behind closed doors; all cut and dried 欺骗[欺騙] qīpiàn to deceive; to cheat 排挤[排擠] páijǐ to crowd out; to push aside; to supplant 宝贵[寶貴] bǎoguì valuable; precious; to value; to treasure; to set store by 修养[修養] xiūyǎng accomplishment; training; self-cultivation 天成[天成] tiānchéng as if made by heaven 昙花一现[曇花一現] tánhuāyīxiàn lit. the night-blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan (idiom); short-lived 认错[認錯] rèncuò to admit an error; to acknowledge one's mistake 酷毙[酷斃] kùbì (slang) awesome; cool; righteous 疑似[疑似] yísì to be suspected to be; deceptive; plausible but fallacious 信号[信號] xìnhào signal 充好[充好] chōnghǎo to substitute shoddy goods 严[嚴] yán tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father 捕风捉影[捕風捉影] bǔfēngzhuōyǐng lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations; to act on hearsay evidence 幕[幕] mù curtain or screen; canopy or tent; headquarters of a general; act (of a play) 拦住[攔住] lánzhù to stop; to bar the way 借过[借過] jièguò excuse me (i.e. let me through, please) 打的[打的] dǎdī (coll.) to take a taxi; to go by taxi 无业游民[無業遊民] wúyèyóumín unemployed person; vagrant; rogue 夹[夾] jiā to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. [jia2] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/50 words - 18 min 记恨[記恨] jìhèn to bear grudges 闺蜜[閨蜜] guīmì (coll.) (a woman's) close female friend; bestie; (originally written 閨密|闺密, an abbr. for 閨中密友|闺中密友) 受不了[受不了] shòubùliǎo unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand 喂[餵] wèi to feed 干爹[乾爹] gāndiē adoptive father (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications) 本金[本金] běnjīn capital; principal 利息[利息] lìxī interest (on a loan); CL:筆|笔[bi3] 说话算话[說話算話] shuōhuàsuànhuà to do as promised; to be as good as one's word; to honor one's word; to mean what one says 诚信[誠信] chéngxìn genuine; honest; in good faith; honesty; integrity 恋爱[戀愛] liàn'ài (romantic) love; CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]; in love; to have an affair 随心[隨心] suíxīn to fulfill one's desire; to find sth satisfactory 饬[飭] chì keep in order; stern; to order; direct 擦亮[擦亮] cāliàng to polish 偶然[偶然] ǒurán incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly 岌岌可危[岌岌可危] jíjíkěwēi imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis 蒸[蒸] zhēng to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); finely chopped firewood (old) 煲汤[煲湯] bāotāng to simmer; soup made by simmering for a long time 重样[重樣] chóngyàng same; similar; same type 星期一[星期一] Xīngqīyī Monday 菌[菌] jūn germ; bacteria; fungus; mold; Taiwan pr. [jun4] 菇[菇] gū mushroom 星期二[星期二] Xīngqī'èr Tuesday 莲子[蓮子] liánzǐ lotus seed 猪[豬] zhū hog; pig; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2] 肚[肚] dù belly //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/75 words - 25 min 星期三[星期三] Xīngqīsān Wednesday 鹌鹑[鵪鶉] ānchún quail 星期四[星期四] Xīngqīsì Thursday 川芎[川芎] chuānxiōng chuanxiong rhizome 鱼头[魚頭] yútóu fish head; fig. upright and unwilling to compromise 星期五[星期五] Xīngqīwǔ Friday 鸭[鴨] yā duck; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) male prostitute 星期几[星期幾] xīngqījǐ which day of the week 慧[慧] huì intelligent 点菜[點菜] diǎncài to order dishes (in a restaurant) 欣慰[欣慰] xīnwèi to be gratified 每月[每月] měiyuè each month 遛弯儿[遛彎兒] liùwānr5 erhua variant of 遛彎|遛弯[liu4 wan1] 闪[閃] shǎn to dodge; to duck out of the way; to beat it; shaken (by a fall); to sprain; to pull a muscle; lightning; spark; a flash; to flash (across one's mind); to leave behind; (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine 出汗[出汗] chūhàn to perspire; to sweat 得失[得失] déshī gains and losses; success and failure; merits and demerits 患得患失[患得患失] huàndéhuànshī to worry about personal gains and losses 佛系[佛系] Fóxì (neologism c. 2017) (coll.) chill about everything (typically used to describe young people who don't buy into aspirational society) 意想不到[意想不到] yìxiǎngbùdào unexpected; previously unimagined 奉陪[奉陪] fèngpéi (honorific) to accompany; to keep sb company 乖巧[乖巧] guāiqiǎo clever (child); smart; lovable; cute 傀儡[傀儡] kuǐlěi puppet 自定义[自定義] zìdìngyì custom; user-defined 方位[方位] fāngwèi direction; points of the compass; bearing; position; azimuth 反馈[反饋] fǎnkuì to send back information; feedback //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/100 words - 26 min 平常[平常] píngcháng ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily 索然无味[索然無味] suǒránwúwèi dull; insipid 拐弯抹角[拐彎抹角] guǎiwānmòjiǎo lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom); fig. to speak in a roundabout way; to equivocate; to beat about the bush 牵强[牽強] qiānqiǎng far-fetched; implausible (chain of reasoning) 迂回[迂迴] yūhuí roundabout route; circuitous; tortuous; to outflank; indirect; roundabout 利落[利落] lìluo agile; nimble; all settled; in order 屏蔽[屏蔽] píngbì to screen; to block (sth or sb); to shield; (protective) shield 直言不讳[直言不諱] zhíyánbùhuì to speak bluntly (idiom); not to mince words 路数[路數] lùshù social connections; stratagem; method; approach; movement (martial arts); (sb's) background story 表态[表態] biǎotài to declare one's position; to say where one stands 圆滑[圓滑] yuánhuá smooth and evasive; slick and sly 肤浅[膚淺] fūqiǎn skin-deep; superficial; shallow 卸载[卸載] xièzài to disembark; to off-load cargo; to uninstall (software) 遮掩[遮掩] zhēyǎn to cover; to mask; to cover up or conceal (the truth etc) 坦率[坦率] tǎnshuài frank (discussion); blunt; open 直来直往[直來直往] zhíláizhíwǎng blunt; outspoken 倦怠[倦怠] juàndài worn out; exhausted; dispirited 崇敬[崇敬] chóngjìng to revere; to venerate; high esteem 主宰[主宰] zhǔzǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master 耿直[耿直] gěngzhí honest; frank; candid 可圈可点[可圈可點] kěquānkědiǎn remarkable (performance, achievement etc); worthy of praise 各类[各類] gèlèi all categories 整体[整體] zhěngtǐ whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole 边缘[邊緣] biānyuán edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline 忠[忠] zhōng loyal; devoted; honest //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/125 words - 33 min 喝光[喝光] hēguāng to drink up; to finish (a drink) 全国[全國] quánguó whole nation; nationwide; countrywide; national 名次[名次] míngcì position in a ranking of names; place; rank 结识[結識] jiéshí to get to know sb; to meet sb for the first time 真情[真情] zhēnqíng real situation; the truth 十位[十位] shíwèi the tens place (or column) in the decimal system 层层[層層] céngcéng layer upon layer 筛选[篩選] shāixuǎn to filter 追逐[追逐] zhuīzhú to chase; to pursue vigorously 八抬大轿[八抬大轎] bātáidàjiào palanquin with eight carriers; (fig.) lavish treatment 核对[核對] héduì to check; to verify; to audit; to examine 理财[理財] lǐcái financial management; finance 顾问[顧問] gùwèn adviser; consultant 共处[共處] gòngchǔ to coexist; to get along (with others) 矫揉造作[矯揉造作] jiǎoróuzàozuò pretension; affectation; putting on artificial airs 血浓于水[血濃於水] xuènóngyúshuǐ blood is thicker than water; fig. family ties are closer than social relations 收留[收留] shōuliú to offer shelter; to have sb in one's care 总决赛[總決賽] zǒngjuésài finals (sports) 捏[捏] niē to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up 遵命[遵命] zūnmìng to follow your orders; to do as you bid 营业[營業] yíngyè to do business; to trade 执照[執照] zhízhào license; permit 招兵买马[招兵買馬] zhāobīngmǎimǎ to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army; fig. to expand business; to recruit new staff 完善[完善] wánshàn (of systems, facilities etc) comprehensive; well-developed; excellent; to refine; to improve 挂失[掛失] guàshī to report the loss of something //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep30/146 words - 38 min 不通[不通] bùtōng to be obstructed; to be blocked up; to be impassable; to make no sense; to be illogical 分公司[分公司] fēngōngsī subsidiary company; branch office 携[攜] xié to carry; to take along; to bring along; to hold (hands); also pr. [xi1] 巨款[巨款] jùkuǎn huge sum of money; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 跑路[跑路] pǎolù to travel on foot; (informal) to run off; to abscond 通缉[通緝] tōngjī to order the arrest of sb as criminal; to list as wanted 立案[立案] lì'àn to register (to an official organism); to file a case (for investigation) 老年人[老年人] lǎoniánrén old people; the elderly 出发点[出發點] chūfādiǎn starting point; (fig.) basis; motive 空气[空氣] kōngqì air; atmosphere 压迫[壓迫] yāpò to oppress; to repress; to constrict; oppression; stress (physics) 落入[落入] luòrù to fall into 注册[註冊] zhùcè to register; to enroll 不动[不動] bùdòng motionless 皮包公司[皮包公司] píbāogōngsī lit. briefcase company; dummy corporation; shell company; fly-by-night company 包裹[包裹] bāoguǒ to wrap up; to bind up; bundle; parcel; package; CL:個|个[ge4] 尖锐[尖銳] jiānruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness) 壳[殼] qiào shell; carapace; crust (earth's crust etc); also pr. [ke2] 强势[強勢] qiángshì strong; powerful; (linguistics) emphatic; intensive 不经意[不經意] bùjīngyì not paying attention; carelessly; by accident 一说[一說] yīshuō an expression of opinion; according to some //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep31/25 words - 7 min 公安[公安] gōng'ān (Ministry of) Public Security; public safety; public security 户籍[戶籍] hùjí census register; household register 心地善良[心地善良] xīndìshànliáng kindhearted; good-natured 为人[為人] wéirén to conduct oneself; behavior; conduct; personal character 躁[躁] zào hot-tempered; impatient 细心[細心] xìxīn careful; attentive 太过[太過] tàiguò excessively; too 冷漠[冷漠] lěngmò cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect 行不通[行不通] xíngbutōng won't work; will get (you) nowhere 死胡同[死胡同] sǐhútòng dead end; blind alley 芥蒂[芥蒂] jièdì an obstruction; barrier; ill-feeling; grudge 观念[觀念] guānniàn notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions 雷厉风行[雷厲風行] léilìfēngxíng pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction 伐[伐] fá to cut down; to fell; to dispatch an expedition against; to attack; to boast; Taiwan pr. [fa1] 决断[決斷] juéduàn to make a decision; resolution; decisiveness; resolute 转变[轉變] zhuǎnbiàn to change; to transform; shift; transformation; CL:個|个[ge4] 洗脑[洗腦] xǐnǎo to brainwash 偏见[偏見] piānjiàn prejudice 根深蒂固[根深蒂固] gēnshēndìgù deep-rooted (problem etc) 大爷[大爺] dàye (coll.) father's older brother; uncle; term of respect for older man 隐藏[隱藏] yǐncáng to hide; to conceal; to mask; to shelter; to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden); to hide oneself; to lie low; to nestle; hidden; implicit; private; covert; recessed (lighting) 源[源] yuán root; source; origin 主攻[主攻] zhǔgōng main assault; to focus on; to specialize in; to major in 辅助[輔助] fǔzhù to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary 塔[塔] tǎ pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuo4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep31/50 words - 16 min 沉迷[沉迷] chénmí to be engrossed; to be absorbed with; to lose oneself in; to be addicted to 举一反三[舉一反三] jǔyīfǎnsān to raise one and infer three; to deduce many things from one case (idiom) 人员[人員] rényuán staff; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[ge4] 用人[用人] yòngrén servant; to employ sb for a job; to manage people; to be in need of staff 疑[疑] yí to doubt; to suspect 恩将仇报[恩將仇報] ēnjiāngchóubào to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom) 循环[循環] xúnhuán to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop 挂好[掛好] guàhǎo to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc) 交托[交托] jiāotuō to entrust 以人为本[以人為本] yǐrénwéiběn people-oriented 爽直[爽直] shuǎngzhí straightforward 胖[胖] pàng fat; plump 土[土] tǔ earth; dust; clay; local; indigenous; crude opium; unsophisticated; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 主导[主導] zhǔdǎo leading; dominant; prevailing; to lead; to direct; to dominate 察觉[察覺] chájué to sense; to perceive; to become aware of; to detect 起色[起色] qǐsè a turn for the better; to pick up; to improve 意料之中[意料之中] yìliàozhīzhōng to come as no surprise; as expected 院校[院校] yuànxiào college; academy; educational institution 纸[紙] zhǐ paper; CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]; classifier for documents, letter etc 自作主张[自作主張] zìzuòzhǔzhāng to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom); to act on one's own initiative 市政[市政] shìzhèng municipal administration 党[黨] dǎng party; association; club; society; CL:個|个[ge4] 忠诚[忠誠] zhōngchéng devoted; loyal; fidelity; loyalty 人民[人民] rénmín the people; CL:個|个[ge4] 同志[同志] tóngzhì comrade; (slang) homosexual; CL:個|个[ge4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep31/75 words - 23 min 追查[追查] zhuīchá to try to find out; to trace; to track down 办案[辦案] bàn'àn to handle a case 警察局[警察局] jǐngchájú police station; police department; police headquarters 待见[待見] dàijian (coll.) to like 总经理[總經理] zǒngjīnglǐ general manager; CEO 任选[任選] rènxuǎn to choose arbitrarily; to take whichever one fancies 心高气傲[心高氣傲] xīngāoqì'ào proud and arrogant 往往[往往] wǎngwǎng usually; in many cases; more often than not 出入[出入] chūrù to go out and come in; entrance and exit; expenditure and income; discrepancy; inconsistent 放眼[放眼] fàngyǎn to survey; to view broadly 宅[宅] zhái residence; (coll.) to stay in at home; to hang around at home 通话[通話] tōnghuà to hold a conversation; to talk over the telephone; phone call 不佳[不佳] bùjiā not good 整夜[整夜] zhěngyè the whole night; all through the night 服老[服老] fúlǎo to admit to one's advancing years; to acquiesce to old age 不切实际[不切實際] bùqièshíjì unrealistic; impractical 要务[要務] yàowù key task; important affair 案例[案例] ànlì case (law); CL:個|个[ge4] 普法[普法] pǔfǎ to promote knowledge of laws; rights awareness 天然[天然] tiānrán natural 档次[檔次] dàngcì grade; class; quality; level 熬夜[熬夜] áoyè to stay up late or all night 月光[月光] yuèguāng moonlight 地下[地下] dìxià underground; subterranean; covert 霜[霜] shuāng frost; white powder or cream spread over a surface; frosting; (skin) cream //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep31/100 words - 35 min 足球[足球] zúqiú soccer ball; a football; CL:個|个[ge4]; soccer; football 球[球] qiú ball; sphere; globe; CL:個|个[ge4]; ball game; match; CL:場|场[chang3] 和乐[和樂] hélè harmonious and happy 时时刻刻[時時刻刻] shíshíkèkè at all times 成活[成活] chénghuó to survive 好不[好不] hǎobù not at all ...; how very ... 懵[懵] měng stupid 精益求精[精益求精] jīngyìqiújīng to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving 画龙点睛[畫龍點睛] huàlóngdiǎnjīng to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point 友善[友善] yǒushàn friendly 姿态[姿態] zītài attitude; posture; stance 玲珑[玲瓏] línglóng (onom.) clink of jewels; exquisite; detailed and fine; clever; nimble 义无反顾[義無反顧] yìwúfǎngù honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back; no surrender; to pursue justice with no second thoughts 江都[江都] Jiāngdū Jiangdu county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu 拿主意[拿主意] názhǔyi to make a decision; to make up one's mind 无所不能[無所不能] wúsuǒbùnéng omnipotent 企业家[企業家] qǐyèjiā entrepreneur 下降[下降] xiàjiàng to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease 地理位置[地理位置] dìlǐwèizhi geographical location 空调[空調] kōngtiáo air conditioning; air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode); CL:臺|台[tai2] 父子[父子] fùzǐ father and son 开销[開銷] kāixiāo to pay (expenses); expenses; (old) to dismiss (an employee) 识别[識別] shíbié to distinguish; to discern 心眼儿[心眼兒] xīnyǎnr5 one's thoughts; mind; intention; willingness to accept new ideas; baseless suspicions 课程[課程] kèchéng course; academic program; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep31/113 words - 39 min 好友[好友] hǎoyǒu close friend; pal; (social networking website) friend; CL:個|个[ge4] 备注[備註] bèizhù remark; note 暴风[暴風] bàofēng storm wind; storm (force 11 wind) 托马斯[托馬斯] Tuōmǎsī Thomas (male name) 事宜[事宜] shìyí matters; arrangements 画册[畫冊] huàcè picture album 展示[展示] zhǎnshì to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth 热爱[熱愛] rè'ài to love ardently; to adore 指导[指導] zhǐdǎo to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] 义不容辞[義不容辭] yìbùróngcí not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom); incumbent; bounden (duty) 清澈[清澈] qīngchè clear; limpid 源头[源頭] yuántóu source; fountainhead 简介[簡介] jiǎnjiè summary; brief introduction //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/25 words - 6 min 欲望[慾望] yùwàng desire; longing; appetite; craving 智能手机[智能手機] zhìnéngshǒujī smartphone 付款[付款] fùkuǎn to pay a sum of money; payment 网购[網購] wǎnggòu Internet shopping; to purchase online 软件[軟件] ruǎnjiàn (computer) software 惭愧[慚愧] cánkuì ashamed 嫌弃[嫌棄] xiánqì to avoid sb (out of dislike); to turn one's back on sb; to ignore 冉冉[冉冉] rǎnrǎn gradually; slowly; softly drooping (branches, hair) 新星[新星] xīnxīng nova (astronomy) 销[銷] xiāo to melt (metal); to cancel or annul; to sell; to spend; to fasten with a bolt; bolt or pin 颜值[顏值] yánzhí attractiveness index (rating of how good-looking sb is) 撑死[撐死] chēngsǐ full to the point of bursting; (coll.) at most 高估[高估] gāogū to overestimate; to overrate 谢天谢地[謝天謝地] xiètiānxièdì Thank heavens!; Thank goodness that's worked out so well! 速食[速食] sùshí fast food (Tw) 跌落[跌落] diēluò to fall; to drop 境遇[境遇] jìngyù circumstance 私交[私交] sījiāo personal friendship 腿脚[腿腳] tuǐjiǎo legs and feet; ability to walk; strides 功力[功力] gōnglì merit; efficacy; competence; skill; power 粗[粗] cū coarse; rough; thick (for cylindrical objects); unfinished; vulgar; rude; crude 交加[交加] jiāojiā to occur at the same time (of two things); to be mingled; to accompany each other 母亲[母親] mǔqīn mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 眼神[眼神] yǎnshén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect) 精明[精明] jīngmíng astute; shrewd //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/50 words - 12 min 无可[無可] wúkě can't 替代[替代] tìdài to substitute for; to replace; to supersede 忍受[忍受] rěnshòu to bear; to endure 用量[用量] yòngliàng quantity used; usage; consumption; dose 不大[不大] bùdà not very; not too; not often 游刃有余[遊刃有餘] yóurènyǒuyú handling a butcher's cleaver with ease (idiom); to do sth skillfully and easily 野心[野心] yěxīn ambition; wild schemes; careerism 秘[秘] mì secret; secretary 受累[受累] shòulěi to get dragged into; to get involved (on sb else's account) 自立门户[自立門戶] zìlìménhù to form one's own group or school of thought; to set up one's own business; to establish oneself 年轻人[年輕人] niánqīngrén young people; youngster 胆量[膽量] dǎnliàng courage; boldness; guts 展[展] zhǎn to spread out; to open up; to exhibit; to put into effect; to postpone; to prolong; exhibition 拳脚[拳腳] quánjiǎo Chinese boxing; fist and feet; punching and kicking 有待[有待] yǒudài not yet (done); pending 心急[心急] xīnjí anxious; impatient 投资者[投資者] tóuzīzhě investor 稍等[稍等] shāoděng to wait a moment 人均[人均] rénjūn per capita 比不上[比不上] bǐbùshàng can't compare with 围观[圍觀] wéiguān to stand in a circle and watch 目光短浅[目光短淺] mùguāngduǎnqiǎn to be shortsighted 打碎[打碎] dǎsuì to shatter; to smash; to break into pieces 活生生[活生生] huóshēngshēng real (people); living (artist); while still alive (e.g. skinned alive) 相中[相中] xiāngzhòng to find to one's taste; to pick (after looking at); Taiwan pr. [xiang4 zhong4] //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/75 words - 17 min 毒[毒] dú poison; to poison; poisonous; malicious; cruel; fierce; narcotics 舌[舌] shé tongue 仅[僅] jǐn barely; only; merely 一道[一道] yīdào together 坎儿[坎兒] kǎnr5 critical juncture; key moment 十字路口[十字路口] shízìlùkǒu crossroads; intersection 起草[起草] qǐcǎo to make a draft; to draw up (plans) 主见[主見] zhǔjiàn one's own view; having definite opinions 扫描[掃描] sǎomiáo to scan 面部[面部] miànbù face (body part) 脱发[脫髮] tuōfà baldness; to lose hair or feathers; to molt; depilation 音乐学院[音樂學院] yīnyuèxuéyuàn music academy; conservatory 入学[入學] rùxué to enter a school or college; to go to school for the first time as a child 在野[在野] zàiyě to be out of (political) office; to be out of power 路子[路子] lùzi method; way; approach 水平[水平] shuǐpíng level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal 狐朋狗友[狐朋狗友] húpénggǒuyǒu a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels 留学[留學] liúxué to study abroad 保管[保管] bǎoguǎn to hold in safekeeping; to have in one's care; to guarantee; certainly; surely; custodian; curator 修炼[修煉] xiūliàn (of Taoists) to practice austerities; to practice asceticism 远走高飞[遠走高飛] yuǎnzǒugāofēi to go far; to escape to faraway places 用心[用心] yòngxīn motive; intention; to be diligent or attentive; careful 配角[配角] pèijué supporting role (in play, film etc); minor role; to play a secondary role (in business etc); to play second fiddle 广泛[廣泛] guǎngfàn extensive; wide range 扮演[扮演] bànyǎn to play the role of; to act //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/100 words - 24 min 裂[裂] liè to split; to crack; to break open; to rend 特征[特徵] tèzhēng characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait 反倒[反倒] fǎndào but on the contrary; but expectedly 上位[上位] shàngwèi seat of honor; person in a high-ranking position; to be promoted to a more senior role; (genetics) epistatic 未免[未免] wèimiǎn unavoidably; can't help; really; rather 动态[動態] dòngtài movement; motion; development; trend; dynamic (science) 看待[看待] kàndài to look upon; to regard 接连[接連] jiēlián on end; in a row; in succession 收视率[收視率] shōushìlǜ ratings (of a TV show) 惨败[慘敗] cǎnbài to suffer a crushing defeat 过度[過度] guòdù excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue 担当[擔當] dāndāng to take upon oneself; to assume 春天[春天] chūntiān spring (season); CL:個|个[ge4] 贵姓[貴姓] guìxìng what is your surname?; (May I ask) your surname? 预约[預約] yùyuē booking; reservation; to book; to make an appointment 买票[買票] mǎipiào to buy tickets; (Tw) to buy votes (in an election) 现阶段[現階段] xiànjiēduàn at the present stage 全心全意[全心全意] quánxīnquányì heart and soul; wholeheartedly 儿戏[兒戲] érxì child's play; trifling matter 自主权[自主權] zìzhǔquán ability to make one's own decisions 清静[清靜] qīngjìng quiet; peaceful and quiet 买断[買斷] mǎiduàn to buy out; buyout; severance 观望[觀望] guānwàng to wait and see; to watch from the sidelines; to look around; to survey 大热[大熱] dàrè great heat; very popular 代理人[代理人] dàilǐrén agent //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/125 words - 35 min 不必要[不必要] bùbìyào needless; unnecessary 晚会[晚會] wǎnhuì evening party; CL:個|个[ge4] 据[據] jù according to; to act in accordance with; to depend on; to seize; to occupy 吸取教训[吸取教訓] xīqǔjiàoxun to draw a lesson (from a setback) 烦心事[煩心事] fánxīnshì trouble; worry 投奔[投奔] tóubèn to seek shelter; to seek asylum 情理[情理] qínglǐ reason; sense 单方面[單方面] dānfāngmiàn unilateral 人墙[人牆] rénqiáng wall (soccer) 继[繼] jì to continue; to follow after; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit; then; afterwards 门诊[門診] ménzhěn outpatient service 黑粉[黑粉] hēifěn (slang) anti-fan 知情人[知情人] zhīqíngrén person in the know; insider; informed source 前来[前來] qiánlái to come (formal); before; previously 面瘫[面癱] miàntān facial nerve paralysis 无缘[無緣] wúyuán to have no opportunity; no way (of doing sth); no chance; no connection; not placed (in a competition); (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc 中招[中招] zhòngzhāo to get infected; to fall into sb's trap 索性[索性] suǒxìng you might as well (do it); simply; just 聚焦[聚焦] jùjiāo to focus 抑[抑] yì to restrain; to restrict; to keep down; or 优势[優勢] yōushì superiority; dominance; advantage 手腕[手腕] shǒuwàn wrist; trickery; finesse; ability; skill 初衷[初衷] chūzhōng original intention 老年[老年] lǎonián elderly; old age; autumn of one's years 旅游团[旅遊團] lǚyóutuán tour group //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep32/144 words - 40 min 蔬菜[蔬菜] shūcài vegetables; CL:種|种[zhong3] 导游[導遊] dǎoyóu tour guide; guidebook; to conduct a tour 夕阳[夕陽] xīyáng sunset; the setting sun 难为情[難為情] nánwéiqíng embarrassed 开通[開通] kāitōng to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc) 感冒药[感冒藥] gǎnmàoyào medicine for colds 晕船[暈船] yùnchuán to become seasick 创口[創口] chuāngkǒu a wound; a cut 肿瘤[腫瘤] zhǒngliú tumor 诊[診] zhěn to examine or treat medically 捉[捉] zhuō to clutch; to grab; to capture 纯粹[純粹] chúncuì pure; unadulterated; purely; completely 宇宙[宇宙] yǔzhòu universe; cosmos 情人[情人] qíngrén lover; sweetheart 停电[停電] tíngdiàn to have a power failure; power cut 困[困] kùn to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute 睁[睜] zhēng to open (one's eyes) 沙发[沙發] shāfā sofa (loanword); CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1]; (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post 进取[進取] jìnqǔ to show initiative; to be a go-getter; to push forward with one's agenda //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep33/25 words - 8 min 吐槽[吐槽] tùcáo (slang) to roast; to ridicule; also pr. [tu3 cao2] 哈哈[哈哈] hāhā (onom.) laughing out loud 绝[絕] jué to cut short; extinct; to disappear; to vanish; absolutely; by no means 延后[延後] yánhòu to postpone; to defer; to delay 押[押] yā to mortgage; to pawn; to detain in custody; to escort and protect; (literary) to sign 生路[生路] shēnglù a way to make a living; a way to survive; a way out of a predicament 贱卖[賤賣] jiànmài to sell cheaply; sacrifice; low price; discount sale 先见[先見] xiānjiàn foresight; prescience 宝[寶] bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious 无限期[無限期] wúxiànqī unlimited (time) duration 延[延] yán to prolong; to extend; to delay 石沉大海[石沉大海] shíchéndàhǎi lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom); fig. to elicit no response 泥菩萨[泥菩薩] nípúsà clay Bodhisattva 自身难保[自身難保] zìshēnnánbǎo powerless to defend oneself (idiom); helpless 不得了[不得了] bùdéliǎo desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly 恶性[惡性] èxìng malignant; wicked; vicious (circle); producing evil; rapid (decline); runaway (inflation) 治疗[治療] zhìliáo to treat (an illness); medical treatment; therapy 报应[報應] bàoyìng retribution; judgment 旅游[旅遊] lǚyóu trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour; to travel 连累[連累] liánlěi to involve; to implicate sb; to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc) 河[河] hé river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] 化工厂[化工廠] huàgōngchǎng chemical factory 工人[工人] gōngrén worker; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2] 工厂[工廠] gōngchǎng factory; CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] 国有企业[國有企業] guóyǒuqǐyè nationalized business; state-owned business //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep33/50 words - 15 min 占地[占地] zhàndì to take up space; to occupy (space) 国有[國有] guóyǒu nationalized; public; government owned; state-owned 厂长[廠長] chǎngzhǎng factory director 收受[收受] shōushòu to receive; to accept 滥用职权[濫用職權] lànyòngzhíquán abuse of power 要饭[要飯] yàofàn to beg (for food or money) 老乡[老鄉] lǎoxiāng fellow townsman; fellow villager; sb from the same hometown 工伤[工傷] gōngshāng industrial injury 收费[收費] shōufèi to charge a fee 口福[口福] kǒufú happy knack for chancing upon fine food 此类[此類] cǐlèi this kind; these kinds; such 人人[人人] rénrén everyone; every person 恶有恶报[惡有惡報] èyǒu'èbào evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7) 等着瞧[等著瞧] děngzheqiáo wait and see (who is right) 茫然[茫然] mángrán blankly; vacantly; at a loss 来自[來自] láizì to come from (a place); From: (in email header) 深处[深處] shēnchù abyss; depths; deepest or most distant part 恐惧[恐懼] kǒngjù to be frightened; fear; dread 秦[秦] Qín surname Qin; Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) of the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]; abbr. for 陝西|陕西[Shan3 xi1] 泰[泰] tài safe; peaceful; most; grand 桂[桂] guì cassia; laurel 职工[職工] zhígōng workers; staff; CL:個|个[ge4] 一面之词[一面之詞] yīmiànzhīcí one side of the story; one-sided statement 打牌[打牌] dǎpái to play mahjong or cards 输掉[輸掉] shūdiào to lose //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep33/75 words - 20 min 功夫[功夫] gōngfu skill; art; kung fu; labor; effort 臭骂[臭罵] chòumà tongue-lashing; to chew out; CL:頓|顿[dun4] 耍脾气[耍脾氣] shuǎpíqì to go into a huff 联[聯] lián to ally; to unite; to join; (poetry) antithetical couplet 领导[領導] lǐngdǎo lead; leading; to lead; leadership; leader; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 厂子[廠子] chǎngzi (coll.) factory; mill; yard; depot 分钱[分錢] fēnqián cent; penny 累坏[累壞] lèihuài to become exhausted 薄荷[薄荷] bòhe field mint; peppermint 糕[糕] gāo cake 脂[脂] zhī fat; rouge (cosmetics); resin 热量[熱量] rèliàng heat; quantity of heat; calorific value 低血糖[低血糖] dīxuètáng hypoglycemia (medicine) 晾[晾] liàng to dry in the air; (fig.) to cold-shoulder 席[席] xí woven mat; seat; banquet; place in a democratic assembly; classifier for banquets, conversations etc 眼皮子[眼皮子] yǎnpízi eyelid 懒[懶] lǎn lazy 嘴馋[嘴饞] zuǐchán gluttonous; ravenous 随时随地[隨時隨地] suíshísuídì anytime and anywhere 试图[試圖] shìtú to attempt; to try 逆反心理[逆反心理] nìfǎnxīnlǐ reverse psychology 靠山[靠山] kàoshān patron; supporter; close to a mountain 妙[妙] miào clever; wonderful 本子[本子] běnzi book; notebook; edition; CL:本[ben3] 少有[少有] shǎoyǒu rare; infrequent //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep33/100 words - 29 min 哗哗[嘩嘩] huāhuā sound of gurgling water 落泪[落淚] luòlèi to shed tears; to weep 合着[合著] hézhe (dialect) (implying sudden realization) so; after all 裂痕[裂痕] lièhén crack; gap; split 中国式[中國式] Zhōngguóshì Chinese style; à la chinoise 修复[修復] xiūfù to restore; to renovate; restoration; (computing) to fix (a bug) 血缘关系[血緣關係] xuèyuánguānxì blood relationship; consanguinity 血缘[血緣] xuèyuán bloodline 懊悔[懊悔] àohuǐ to feel remorse; to repent; to regret 悬疑[懸疑] xuányí suspense 主张[主張] zhǔzhāng to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:個|个[ge4] 虽说[雖說] suīshuō though; although 偶像剧[偶像劇] ǒuxiàngjù idol drama; drama series in which the actors are chosen for their preexisting popularity with young viewers 铁打[鐵打] tiědǎ made of iron; strong as iron 转好[轉好] zhuǎnhǎo improvement; turnaround (for the better) 有余[有餘] yǒuyú to have an abundance 沉淀[沉澱] chéndiàn to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) 看清[看清] kànqīng to see clearly 推迟[推遲] tuīchí to postpone; to put off; to defer 平平[平平] píngpíng average; mediocre 收回[收回] shōuhuí to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke 侥幸[僥倖] jiǎoxìng luckily; by a fluke 预估[預估] yùgū to estimate; to forecast; prediction; projection 相差[相差] xiāngchà to differ; discrepancy between 顾及[顧及] gùjí to take into consideration; to attend to //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep33/122 words - 42 min 回笼[回籠] huílóng to steam again; to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer; to withdraw currency from circulation 山穷水尽[山窮水盡] shānqióngshuǐjìn mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line; nowhere to go 走投无路[走投無路] zǒutóuwúlù to be at an impasse (idiom); in a tight spot; at the end of one's rope; desperate 生水[生水] shēngshuǐ unboiled water 旋律[旋律] xuánlǜ melody; rhythm 哼[哼] hēng to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon; humph! 遗传[遺傳] yíchuán heredity; to inherit (a trait); to pass on (to one's offspring) 吉他[吉他] jítā guitar (loanword); CL:把[ba3] 提起[提起] tíqǐ to mention; to speak of; to lift; to pick up; to arouse; to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc) 团圆[團圓] tuányuán to have a reunion 机票[機票] jīpiào air ticket; passenger ticket; CL:張|张[zhang1] 大白天[大白天] dàbáitiān broad daylight 无罪[無罪] wúzuì innocent; guileless; not guilty (of crime) 寄托[寄託] jìtuō to entrust (to sb); to place (one's hope, energy etc) in; a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc) 继承人[繼承人] jìchéngrén heir; successor 劳[勞] láo to toil; labor; laborer; to put sb to trouble (of doing sth); meritorious deed; to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense) 解脱[解脫] jiětuō to untie; to free; to absolve of; to get free of; to extirpate oneself; (Buddhism) to free oneself of worldly worries 抛出[拋出] pāochū to toss; to throw out 橄榄枝[橄欖枝] gǎnlǎnzhī olive branch; symbol of peace 铤而走险[鋌而走險] tǐng'érzǒuxiǎn to take a risk out of desperation (idiom) 草案[草案] cǎo'àn draft (legislation, proposal etc) 提交[提交] tíjiāo to submit (a report etc); to refer (a problem) to sb //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/25 words - 5 min 步骤[步驟] bùzhòu procedure; step 感叹[感嘆] gǎntàn to sigh (with feeling); to lament 转悠[轉悠] zhuànyou to roll; to wander around; to appear repeatedly 原先[原先] yuánxiān originally; original; former 日化[日化] rìhuà household chemicals (cleaning products etc) and toiletries; abbr. for 日用化學製品|日用化学制品 不善[不善] bùshàn bad; ill; not good at; not to be pooh-poohed; quite impressive 好几年[好幾年] hǎojǐnián several years 狮子[獅子] shīzi lion; CL:隻|只[zhi1],頭|头[tou2] 花光[花光] huāguāng to spend all one's money 背影[背影] bèiyǐng rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object) 剧终[劇終] jùzhōng The End (appearing at the end of a movie etc) 谎言[謊言] huǎngyán lie 重重[重重] chóngchóng layer upon layer; one after another 甲[甲] jiǎ first of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; (used for an unspecified person or thing); first (in a list, as a party to a contract etc); letter "A" or roman "I" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; armor plating; shell or carapace; (of the fingers or toes) nail; bladed leather or metal armor (old); ranking system used in the Imperial examinations (old); civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old); ancient Chinese compass point: 75° 磺[磺] huáng sulfur 奥[奧] ào obscure; mysterious 适用[適用] shìyòng to be applicable 既往[既往] jìwǎng past; bygone; the past 表皮[表皮] biǎopí epidermis; cuticle 生长[生長] shēngzhǎng to grow 因子[因子] yīnzǐ factor; (genetic) trait; (math.) factor; divisor 受体[受體] shòutǐ receptor (biochemistry); acceptor (semiconductors) 络[絡] luò net-like object; to hold sth in place with a net; to wind; to twist; (TCM) channels in the human body 氨[氨] ān ammonia 激酶[激酶] jīméi kinase (biochemistry) //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/50 words - 9 min 抑制剂[抑制劑] yìzhìjì suppressant; inhibitor 或[或] huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or 检测[檢測] jiǎncè to detect; to test; detection; sensing 突变[突變] tūbiàn sudden change; mutation 阳性[陽性] yángxìng positive; masculine 局部[局部] júbù part; local 晚期[晚期] wǎnqī later period; end stage; terminal 细胞[細胞] xìbāo cell (biology) 肺癌[肺癌] fèi'ái lung cancer 成人[成人] chéngrén adult 病历[病歷] bìnglì medical record; case history 增添[增添] zēngtiān to add; to increase 典型[典型] diǎnxíng model; typical case; archetype; typical; representative 亲子[親子] qīnzǐ parent and child; parent-child (relationship); two successive generations 大闹[大鬧] dànào to cause havoc; to run amok 潜意识[潛意識] qiányìshí unconscious mind; subconscious mind; subconsciousness 在此之前[在此之前] zàicǐzhīqián before that; beforehand; previously 社保[社保] shèbǎo social insurance; abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险 黑心[黑心] hēixīn ruthless and lacking in conscience; vicious mind full of hatred and jealousy; black core (flaw in pottery) 交出[交出] jiāochū to hand over 省钱[省錢] shěngqián to save money 狡辩[狡辯] jiǎobiàn to quibble 加盟[加盟] jiāméng to become a member of an alliance or union; to align; to join; participate 可靠[可靠] kěkào reliable 提款机[提款機] tíkuǎnjī bank autoteller; ATM //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/75 words - 15 min 缺口[缺口] quēkǒu nick; jag; gap; shortfall 糟心[糟心] zāoxīn vexed; annoyed; upset 扰乱[擾亂] rǎoluàn to disturb; to perturb; to harass 私吞[私吞] sītūn to misappropriate (public funds etc); to embezzle 确[確] què authenticated; solid; firm; real; true 出庭[出庭] chūtíng to appear in court 举证[舉證] jǔzhèng to offer evidence 看守所[看守所] kānshǒusuǒ detention center 水落石出[水落石出] shuǐluòshíchū as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom); the truth comes to light 绳之以法[繩之以法] shéngzhīyǐfǎ to punish according to the law; to bring to justice 罢工[罷工] bàgōng a strike; to go on strike 抗议[抗議] kàngyì to protest; protest 开展[開展] kāizhǎn to launch; to develop; to unfold; (of an exhibition etc) to open 走进[走進] zǒujìn to enter 众多[眾多] zhòngduō numerous 东家[東家] dōngjiā master (i.e. employer); landlord; boss 拓宽[拓寬] tuòkuān to broaden 劝慰[勸慰] quànwèi to console 短时间[短時間] duǎnshíjiān short term; short time 频繁[頻繁] pínfán frequently; often 敲打[敲打] qiāodǎ to beat sb; to beat (a drum) 电脑[電腦] diànnǎo computer; CL:臺|台[tai2] 死机[死機] sǐjī to crash (of a computer) 宝藏[寶藏] bǎozàng precious mineral deposits; hidden treasure; (fig.) treasure; (Buddhism) the treasure of Buddha's law 身在曹营心在汉[身在曹營心在漢] shēnzàiCáoyíngxīnzàiHàn live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom); to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/100 words - 22 min 念头[念頭] niàntou thought; idea; intention 乘人之危[乘人之危] chéngrénzhīwēi to take advantage of sb's precarious position 高抬贵手[高抬貴手] gāotáiguìshǒu to be generous (idiom); to be magnanimous; Give me a break! 费力[費力] fèilì to expend a great deal of effort 中和[中和] zhōnghé to neutralize; to counteract; neutralization (chemistry) 两者[兩者] liǎngzhě both sides 烂摊子[爛攤子] làntānzi terrible mess; shambles 苦恼[苦惱] kǔnǎo vexed; distressed 甘[甘] gān sweet; willing 渡[渡] dù to cross; to pass through; to ferry 难关[難關] nánguān difficulty; crisis 非亲非故[非親非故] fēiqīnfēigù lit. neither a relative nor a friend (idiom); fig. unrelated to one another in any way 指手画脚[指手畫腳] zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily 此时此刻[此時此刻] cǐshícǐkè at this very moment 悬崖[懸崖] xuányá precipice; overhanging cliff 联系人[聯繫人] liánxìrén contact (person) 私藏[私藏] sīcáng secret store; a stash (of contraband) 诬告[誣告] wūgào to frame sb; to accuse falsely 诽谤[誹謗] fěibàng to slander; to libel 法律责任[法律責任] fǎlǜzérèn legal responsibility; liability 以律[以律] Yǐlǜ Eluid (son of Achim) 所为[所為] suǒwéi what one does; doings 法规[法規] fǎguī legislation; statute 深究[深究] shēnjiū to perform an in-depth investigation 定局[定局] dìngjú foregone conclusion; to be settled conclusively //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/125 words - 29 min 心怀[心懷] xīnhuái to harbor (thoughts); to cherish; to entertain (illusions) 越过[越過] yuèguò to cross over; to transcend; to cover distance; to overcome; to rise above 专心[專心] zhuānxīn to concentrate; absorption; concentration; engrossed 静音[靜音] jìngyīn quiet; silent; mute 禁止[禁止] jìnzhǐ to prohibit; to forbid; to ban 吸烟[吸煙] xīyān to smoke 大声[大聲] dàshēng loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly 喧哗[喧嘩] xuānhuá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket 开场[開場] kāichǎng to begin; to open; to start; beginning of an event 灵感[靈感] línggǎn inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor 顺手[順手] shùnshǒu easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy 没意思[沒意思] méiyìsi boring; of no interest 姓名[姓名] xìngmíng surname and given name; full name 部位[部位] bùwèi position; place 附件[附件] fùjiàn enclosure; attachment (email); appendix 彩超[彩超] cǎichāo color Doppler imaging (CDI) (medicine) 临床[臨床] línchuáng clinical 诊断[診斷] zhěnduàn diagnosis; to diagnose 丢下[丟下] diūxià to abandon 相依为命[相依為命] xiāngyīwéimìng mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival; interdependent 小心翼翼[小心翼翼] xiǎoxīnyìyì cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously 苛求[苛求] kēqiú demanding 助威[助威] zhùwēi to cheer for; to encourage; to boost the morale of 煎[煎] jiān to pan fry; to sauté 脆脆[脆脆] cuìcuì crispy //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep34/144 words - 44 min 主厨[主廚] zhǔchú chef; to be the chef 煎饺[煎餃] jiānjiǎo fried dumpling 汗[汗] hàn perspiration; sweat; CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1]; to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) 声张[聲張] shēngzhāng to make public; to disclose 乱来[亂來] luànlái to act recklessly; to mess around 创新[創新] chuàngxīn innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails 拿手菜[拿手菜] náshǒucài specialty (dish) 哗众取宠[嘩眾取寵] huázhòngqǔchǒng sensationalism; vulgar claptrap to please the crowds; playing to the gallery; demagogy 小丑[小丑] xiǎochǒu clown 剧作家[劇作家] jùzuòjiā playwright 粉头[粉頭] fěntóu prostitute (old); crafty character (in opera) 操控[操控] cāokòng to control; to manipulate 压制[壓制] yāzhì to suppress; to inhibit; to stifle 中途[中途] zhōngtú midway 候场[候場] hòuchǎng (of an actor, athlete etc) to prepare to make one's entrance; to wait in the wings 码头[碼頭] mǎtóu dock; pier; wharf; CL:個|个[ge4] 用户[用戶] yònghù user; consumer; subscriber; customer 务必[務必] wùbì must; to need to; to be sure to 对劲[對勁] duìjìn suitable; to one's liking; to get along together //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep35/25 words - 10 min 手软[手軟] shǒuruǎn to be lenient; to relent; to be reluctant to make a hard decision; to think twice 严格[嚴格] yángé strict; stringent; tight; rigorous 独具[獨具] dújù to have unique (talent, insight etc) 特色[特色] tèsè characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality 稀烂[稀爛] xīlàn smashed up; broken into pieces; thoroughly mashed; pulpy 分子[分子] fēnzǐ molecule; (math) numerator of a fraction 青山[青山] qīngshān green hills; (the good) life 柴[柴] chái firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person) 协议书[協議書] xiéyìshū contract; protocol 跳出[跳出] tiàochū to jump out; fig. to appear suddenly 引咎辞职[引咎辭職] yǐnjiùcízhí to admit responsibility and resign 谣言[謠言] yáoyán rumor 绷紧[繃緊] bēngjǐn to stretch taut 不断[不斷] bùduàn unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant 重磅[重磅] zhòngbàng heavyweight; serious 令[令] lìng to order; to command; an order; warrant; writ; to cause; to make sth happen; virtuous; honorific title; season; government position (old) 艰辛[艱辛] jiānxīn hardships; arduous; difficult 雪上加霜[雪上加霜] xuěshàngjiāshuāng to add hail to snow (idiom); one disaster on top of another; to make things worse in a bad situation 栽培[栽培] zāipéi to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize 去世[去世] qùshì to pass away; to die 暴[暴] bào sudden; violent; cruel; to show or expose; to injure 野蛮[野蠻] yěmán barbarous; uncivilized 抑郁症[抑鬱症] yìyùzhèng clinical depression 老弟[老弟] lǎodì (affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than oneself) my boy; old pal 斑[斑] bān spot; colored patch; stripe; spotted; striped; variegated //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep35/50 words - 26 min 叫醒[叫醒] jiàoxǐng to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse 埋怨[埋怨] mányuàn to complain; to grumble (about); to reproach; to blame 丫头[丫頭] yātou girl; servant girl; (used deprecatingly, but sometimes also as a term of endearment) 来日方长[來日方長] láirìfāngcháng the future is long (idiom); there will be ample time for that later; We'll cross that bridge when we get there 忏悔[懺悔] chànhuǐ to confess; to repent; remorse; repentance; penitent; confession (Buddhism) 洁[潔] jié clean 转交[轉交] zhuǎnjiāo to pass on to sb; to carry and give to sb else 人事部[人事部] rénshìbù personnel office; human resources (HR) 地陪[地陪] dìpéi local guide; tour escort 回想[回想] huíxiǎng to recall; to recollect; to think back 点点滴滴[點點滴滴] diǎndiǎndīdī bit by bit; dribs and drabs; the little details; every aspect 丰盛[豐盛] fēngshèng rich; sumptuous 病倒[病倒] bìngdǎo to fall ill; to be stricken with an illness 淡[淡] dàn insipid; diluted; weak; mild; light in color; tasteless; fresh; indifferent; nitrogen 阴影[陰影] yīnyǐng (lit. and fig.) shadow 笼罩[籠罩] lǒngzhào to envelop; to shroud 影子[影子] yǐngzi shadow; reflection; (fig.) hint; indication; influence; CL:個|个[ge4] 一点一点[一點一點] yīdiǎnyīdiǎn little by little; bit by bit; gradually 犯错[犯錯] fàncuò to err; to make a mistake; to do the wrong thing 敞开[敞開] chǎngkāi to open wide; unrestrictedly 吼[吼] hǒu to roar; to howl; to shriek; roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage 眉眼[眉眼] méiyǎn brows and eyes; appearance; looks; countenance 弯弯[彎彎] Wānwān Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger and cartoonist 过问[過問] guòwèn to show an interest in; to get involved with 不欢而散[不歡而散] bùhuān'érsàn to part on bad terms; (of a meeting etc) to break up in discord //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep35/75 words - 34 min 至极[至極] zhìjí very; extremely 品[品] pǐn article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 挥[揮] huī to wave; to brandish; to command; to conduct; to scatter; to disperse 私了[私了] sīliǎo to settle privately; to solve behind closed doors; to settle out of court 开庭[開庭] kāitíng to begin a (judicial) court session 复印[複印] fùyìn to photocopy; to duplicate a document 六月[六月] Liùyuè June; sixth month (of the lunar year) 招标[招標] zhāobiāo to invite bids 平米[平米] píngmǐ square meter; short for 平方米 同年[同年] tóngnián the same year 汪[汪] wāng expanse of water; ooze; (onom.) bark; classifier for liquids: pool, puddle 文书[文書] wénshū document; official correspondence; secretary; secretariat 齐全[齊全] qíquán complete; comprehensive 有权[有權] yǒuquán to have the right to; to be entitled to; to have authority; powerful 盲[盲] máng blind 推断[推斷] tuīduàn to infer; to deduce; to predict; to extrapolate 土地[土地] tǔdì land; soil; territory; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 转让[轉讓] zhuǎnràng to transfer (ownership, rights etc) 开发商[開發商] kāifāshāng developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc) 做人[做人] zuòrén to conduct oneself; to behave with integrity 普通人[普通人] pǔtōngrén ordinary person; private citizen; people; the person in the street 小岛[小島] xiǎodǎo isle 下半[下半] xiàbàn second half 归宿[歸宿] guīsù place to return to; home; final destination; ending 金玉良言[金玉良言] jīnyùliángyán gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep35/100 words - 42 min 背叛[背叛] bèipàn to betray 不当[不當] bùdàng unsuitable; improper; inappropriate 运动员[運動員] yùndòngyuán athlete; CL:名[ming2],個|个[ge4] 超龄[超齡] chāolíng too old; overage; (of attributes such as wisdom, sensitivity etc) characteristic of a person some years older than oneself 牵绊[牽絆] qiānbàn to bind; to yoke; to impede 生分[生分] shēngfen estranged 名分[名分] míngfèn a person's status 说不上[說不上] shuōbushàng to be unable to say or tell; to not be worth mentioning 孤傲[孤傲] gū'ào proud and aloof 将军[將軍] jiāngjūn general; high-ranking military officer; to check or checkmate; fig. to embarrass; to challenge; to put sb on the spot 赛季[賽季] sàijì season (sports) 末了[末了] mòliǎo in the end 挑选[挑選] tiāoxuǎn to choose; to select 选票[選票] xuǎnpiào a vote; ballot; CL:張|张[zhang1] 有利[有利] yǒulì advantageous; to have advantages; favorable 痛哭[痛哭] tòngkū to cry bitterly 翻墙[翻牆] fānqiáng lit. to climb over the wall; fig. to breach the Great Firewall of China 草[草] cǎo grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless; rough; CL:棵[ke1],撮[zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1] 倒数[倒數] dàoshǔ to count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats) 抚平[撫平] fǔpíng to flatten; to smooth down; to unwrinkle; (fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds); to heal (scars) 抗[抗] kàng to resist; to fight; to defy; anti- 荣耀[榮耀] róngyào honor; glory 流淌[流淌] liútǎng to flow 拔地[拔地] bádì to rise steeply from level ground 汇集[彙集] huìjí to collect; to compile; to converge //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep35/115 words - 44 min 能量[能量] néngliàng energy; capabilities 战斗[戰鬥] zhàndòu to fight; to engage in combat; struggle; battle; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] 陷阱[陷阱] xiànjǐng pitfall; snare; trap 宽厚[寬厚] kuānhòu tolerant; generous; magnanimous; thick and broad (build); thick and deep (voice) 邪恶[邪惡] xié'è sinister; vicious; wicked; evil 击退[擊退] jītuì to beat back; to repel 敌对[敵對] díduì hostile; enemy (factions); combative 杀死[殺死] shāsǐ to kill 交易[交易] jiāoyì (business) transaction; business deal; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 扔掉[扔掉] rēngdiào to throw away; to throw out 药丸[藥丸] yàowán pill; CL:粒[li4] 冲破[衝破] chōngpò breakthrough; to overcome an obstacle quickly 主持人[主持人] zhǔchírén TV or radio presenter; host; anchor 一则[一則] yīzé on the one hand 言归正传[言歸正傳] yánguīzhèngzhuàn to return to the topic (idiom); to get back to the main point //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/25 words - 7 min 省去[省去] shěngqù to omit; to dispense with; to make unnecesary; to save (time, trouble etc) 客套[客套] kètào polite greeting; civilities; to exchange pleasantries 赫[赫] hè awe-inspiring; abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1], hertz (Hz) 反观[反觀] fǎnguān by contrast; but as for this...; viewed from another angle; subjectively; introspection 统计[統計] tǒngjì statistics; to count; to add up 回顾[回顧] huígù to look back; to review 晒[曬] shài (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to 传统[傳統] chuántǒng tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4] 思维[思維] sīwéi (line of) thought; thinking 黑夜[黑夜] hēiyè night 找寻[找尋] zhǎoxún to look for; to seek; to find fault 恒星[恆星] héngxīng (fixed) star 储备[儲備] chǔbèi reserves; to store up 下一步[下一步] xiàyībù the next step 切磋[切磋] qiēcuō to compare notes; to learn from one another; to swap pointers 参考[參考] cānkǎo consultation; reference; to consult; to refer 面包[麵包] miànbāo bread; CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4] 阵势[陣勢] zhènshì battle array; disposition of forces; situation; circumstance 八九不离十[八九不離十] bājiǔbùlíshí pretty close; very near; about right 逍遥法外[逍遙法外] xiāoyáofǎwài unfettered and beyond the law (idiom); evading retribution; getting away with it (e.g. crimes); still at large 惩[懲] chéng to punish; to reprimand; to warn 口袋[口袋] kǒudài pocket; bag; sack; CL:個|个[ge4] 吵吵[吵吵] chāochao to make a racket; to quarrel 血汗钱[血汗錢] xuèhànqián hard-earned money 回见[回見] huíjiàn See you later! //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/50 words - 16 min 名人[名人] míngrén personage; celebrity 哭哭啼啼[哭哭啼啼] kūkutítí to weep endlessly; interminable wailing 有损[有損] yǒusǔn to be harmful (to) 家长会[家長會] jiāzhǎnghuì parent-teacher conference; parents' association 国外[國外] guówài abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 实验室[實驗室] shíyànshì laboratory; CL:間|间[jian1] 研制[研製] yánzhì to manufacture; to develop 靶[靶] bǎ target; mark 适[適] shì to fit; suitable; proper; just (now); comfortable; well; to go; to follow or pursue 试验[試驗] shìyàn experiment; test; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]; to experiment; experimental 养病[養病] yǎngbìng to recuperate; to convalesce; to take care of one's health after illness 称职[稱職] chènzhí well qualified; competent; to be equal to the task; able to do sth very well 逃跑[逃跑] táopǎo to flee from sth; to run away; to escape 枝[枝] zhī branch; classifier for sticks, rods, pencils etc 补充[補充] bǔchōng to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary; CL:個|个[ge4] 多巴胺[多巴胺] duōbā'àn dopamine 养家糊口[養家糊口] yǎngjiāhúkǒu to support one's family (idiom); to have difficulty feeding a family 微弱[微弱] wēiruò weak; faint; feeble 好坏[好壞] hǎohuài good or bad; good and bad; standard; quality 怪物[怪物] guàiwu monster; freak; eccentric person 洗耳恭听[洗耳恭聽] xǐ'ěrgōngtīng to listen with respectful attention; (a polite request to sb to speak); we are all ears 礼服[禮服] lǐfú ceremonial robe; formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc) 亮相[亮相] liàngxiàng to strike a pose (Chinese opera); (fig.) to make a public appearance; to come out in public (revealing one's true personality, opinions etc); (of a product) to appear on the market or at a trade show etc 法国[法國] Fǎguó France; French 兴奋[興奮] xīngfèn excited; excitement; (physiology) excitation //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/75 words - 24 min 凯[凱] kǎi triumphant; victorious; chi (Greek letter Χχ) 隆[隆] lóng grand; intense; prosperous; to swell; to bulge 庄园[莊園] zhuāngyuán manor; feudal land; villa and park 纳闷[納悶] nàmèn puzzled; bewildered 标[標] biāo mark; sign; label; to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc; to bear (a brand name, registration number etc); prize; award; bid; target; quota; (old) the topmost branches of a tree; visible symptom; classifier for military units 图案[圖案] tú'àn design; pattern 象征[象徵] xiàngzhēng emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for 坚定不移[堅定不移] jiāndìngbùyí unswerving; unflinching 教堂[教堂] jiàotáng church; chapel; CL:間|间[jian1] 搞不懂[搞不懂] gǎobudǒng unable to make sense of (sth) 国旗[國旗] guóqí flag (of a country); CL:面[mian4] 誓言[誓言] shìyán to pledge; to promise; oath; vow 忠于[忠於] zhōngyú to be loyal to 宪法[憲法] xiànfǎ constitution (of a country); CL:部[bu4] 祖国[祖國] zǔguó motherland 委托人[委托人] wěituōrén (law) client; trustor 公民[公民] gōngmín citizen 贵贱[貴賤] guìjiàn noble and lowly; high versus low social hierarchy of ruler to people, father to son, husband to wife in Confucianism 安好[安好] ānhǎo safe and sound; well 清白[清白] qīngbái pure; innocent 有罪[有罪] yǒuzuì guilty 指南[指南] zhǐnán to guide; guidebook 接收[接收] jiēshōu reception (of transmitted signal); to receive; to accept; to admit; to take over (e.g. a factory); to expropriate 翔[翔] xiáng to soar; to glide; variant of 詳|详[xiang2] 宇[宇] yǔ room; universe //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/100 words - 37 min 低价[低價] dījià low price 出售[出售] chūshòu to sell; to offer for sale; to put on the market 宣判[宣判] xuānpàn to pronounce a sentence (after a verdict in a court of law) 筹备[籌備] chóubèi preparations; to get ready for sth 开张[開張] kāizhāng to open a business; first transaction of a business day 困惑[困惑] kùnhuò bewildered; perplexed; confused; difficult problem; perplexity 迷茫[迷茫] mímáng vast and indistinct; perplexed; bewildered; at a loss 盏[盞] zhǎn a small cup; classifier for lamps 明月[明月] míngyuè bright moon; refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark; CL:輪|轮[lun2] 居高不下[居高不下] jūgāobùxià (of prices, rates etc) to remain high 财神爷[財神爺] cáishényé god of wealth; very wealthy man 醉[醉] zuì intoxicated 经费[經費] jīngfèi funds; expenditure; CL:筆|笔[bi3] 单程[單程] dānchéng one-way (ticket) 后半生[後半生] hòubànshēng latter half of one's life 重生[重生] chóngshēng rebirth 跳进[跳進] tiàojìn to plunge into; to jump into 困境[困境] kùnjìng predicament; plight 致词[致詞] zhìcí to make a speech; to make some remarks 夸奖[誇獎] kuājiǎng to praise; to applaud; to compliment 英文[英文] Yīngwén English (language) 尽情[盡情] jìnqíng as much as one likes 崩溃[崩潰] bēngkuì to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart 各方[各方] gèfāng all parties (in a dispute etc); all sides; all directions 赞美[讚美] zànměi to admire; to praise; to eulogize //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/125 words - 42 min 膜拜[膜拜] móbài to kneel and bow with joined hands at forehead level; to worship 疗法[療法] liáofǎ therapy; treatment 上天[上天] shàngtiān Heaven; Providence; God; the day before; the sky above; to fly to the sky; to take off and fly into space; to die; to pass away 恩赐[恩賜] ēncì favor; to give charity to sb out of pity 照亮[照亮] zhàoliàng to illuminate; to light up; lighting 发光[發光] fāguāng to shine 围绕[圍繞] wéirào to revolve around; to center on (an issue) 保驾护航[保駕護航] bǎojiàhùháng (idiom) to safeguard (sth); to protect (sth) 行星[行星] xíngxīng planet; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 汇聚[匯聚] huìjù convergence; to come together 邀约[邀約] yāoyuē to invite; to make an appointment 华裔[華裔] Huáyì ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry 特辑[特輯] tèjí special collection; special issue; album 开拓[開拓] kāituò to break new ground (for agriculture); to open up (a new seam); to develop (border regions); fig. to open up (new horizons) 张口[張口] zhāngkǒu to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc); to gape; to start talking (esp. to make a request) 九成[九成] jiǔchéng nine-tenths; ninety percent 上心[上心] shàngxīn carefully; meticulously; to set one's heart on sth 涮[涮] shuàn to rinse; to trick; to fool sb; to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table) 合叶[合葉] héyè hinge 本色[本色] běnsè inherent qualities; natural qualities; distinctive character; true qualities 没事儿[沒事兒] méishìr5 to have spare time; free from work; it's not important; it's nothing; never mind 手动[手動] shǒudòng manual; manually operated; manual gear-change 冤假错案[冤假錯案] yuānjiǎcuò'àn unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case) 向北[向北] xiàngběi northward; facing north 北极星[北極星] Běijíxīng North Star; Polaris //We Are All Alone - S1/Ep36/139 words - 45 min 指向[指向] zhǐxiàng to point towards; aimed at; facing; the direction indicated 北方[北方] běifāng north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River 坚守[堅守] jiānshǒu to hold fast to; to stick to 转送[轉送] zhuǎnsòng to pass (sth) on (to sb else); to transfer sb (to another hospital etc) 写完[寫完] xiěwán to finish writing 某[某] mǒu some; a certain; sb or sth indefinite; such-and-such 街[街] jiē street; CL:條|条[tiao2] 黄昏[黃昏] huánghūn dusk; evening; nightfall 煲[煲] bāo to cook slowly over a low flame; pot; saucepan 鸡汤[雞湯] jītāng chicken stock; chicken soup; (fig.) chicken soup for the soul – i.e. feel-good motivational stories (often used disparagingly because the stories don't really effect change in people's lives) 发条[發條] fātiáo spring; coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork) 精神百倍[精神百倍] jīngshénbǎibèi lit. vitality a hundredfold (idiom); refreshed; one's vigor thoroughly restored 不曾[不曾] bùcéng hasn't yet; hasn't ever 伟大[偉大] wěidà huge; great; grand; worthy of the greatest admiration; important (contribution etc)