//Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/25 words - 4 min 小金[小金] Xiao3 jin1 Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan 拿走[拿走] na2 zou3 to take away 眼球[眼球] yan3 qiu2 eyeball; (fig.) attention 牵[牽] qian1 to lead along; to pull (an animal on a tether); (bound form) to involve; to draw in 爸妈[爸媽] ba4 ma1 dad and mom 蠢[蠢] chun3 stupid; sluggish; clumsy; to wiggle (of worms); to move in a disorderly fashion 样[樣] yang4 manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type 打工[打工] da3 gong1 to work a temporary or casual job; (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation 紧紧[緊緊] jin3 jin3 closely; tightly 腰[腰] yao1 waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins 手臂[手臂] shou3 bi4 arm; helper 大腿[大腿] da4 tui3 thigh 心脏[心臟] xin1 zang4 heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 怦怦[怦怦] peng1 peng1 thumping sound (onom.); to be eager and anxious (to do sth); faithful and upright 叔叔[叔叔] shu1 shu5 father's younger brother; uncle; Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 叔[叔] shu1 uncle; father's younger brother; husband's younger brother; Taiwan pr. [shu2] 贝[貝] bei4 cowrie; shellfish; currency (archaic) 恐怖[恐怖] kong3 bu4 terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist 喔[喔] wo5 (particle) marker of surprise, sudden realization, reminder 开除[開除] kai1 chu2 to expel (a member of an organization); to fire (an employee) 小鬼[小鬼] xiao3 gui3 little demon (term of endearment for a child); mischievous child; imp 拔[拔] ba2 to pull up; to pull out; to draw out by suction; to select; to pick; to stand out (above level); to surpass; to seize 薪水[薪水] xin1 shui3 salary; wage 扣[扣] kou4 to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code 学校[學校] xue2 xiao4 school; CL:所[suo3] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/50 words - 5 min 不能不[不能不] bu4 neng2 bu4 have to; cannot but 舅舅[舅舅] jiu4 jiu5 mother's brother; maternal uncle (informal); CL:個|个[ge4] 舅妈[舅媽] jiu4 ma1 (coll.) aunt; maternal uncle's wife 不在[不在] bu4 zai4 not to be present; to be out; (euphemism) to pass away; to be deceased 上课[上課] shang4 ke4 to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class 电话[電話] dian4 hua4 telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number 测试[測試] ce4 shi4 to test (machinery etc); to test (students); test; quiz; exam; beta (software) 学生会[學生會] xue2 sheng5 hui4 student union 训练[訓練] xun4 lian4 to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] 腹肌[腹肌] fu4 ji1 abdominal muscle 商品[商品] shang1 pin3 commodity; goods; merchandise; CL:個|个[ge4] 混蛋[混蛋] hun2 dan4 scoundrel; bastard; hoodlum; wretch 老师[老師] lao3 shi1 teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 念[念] nian4 to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) 高中[高中] gao1 zhong1 senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] 颁[頒] ban1 to promulgate; to send out; to issue; to grant or confer 奖[獎] jiang3 prize; award; encouragement; CL:個|个[ge4] 爷爷[爺爺] ye2 ye5 (coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4] 奶奶[奶奶] nai3 nai5 (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位[wei4]; (coll.) boobies; breasts 不孝[不孝] bu4 xiao4 unfilial 笨[笨] ben4 stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy 笨蛋[笨蛋] ben4 dan4 fool; idiot 架[架] jia4 to support; frame; rack; framework; classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc 拜托[拜託] bai4 tuo1 to request sb to do sth; please! 毕业[畢業] bi4 ye4 graduation; to graduate; to finish school //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/75 words - 6 min 同学[同學] tong2 xue2 to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 叫做[叫做] jiao4 zuo4 to be called; to be known as 切[切] qie1 to cut; to slice; tangent (math) 切[切] qie4 definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4] 少见[少見] shao3 jian4 rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see 转学[轉學] zhuan3 xue2 to change schools; to transfer to another college 第五[第五] di4 wu3 fifth 节[節] jie2 festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4] 课[課] ke4 subject; course; CL:門|门[men2]; class; lesson; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]; to levy; tax; form of divination 公主[公主] gong1 zhu3 princess 排[排] pai2 a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 走道[走道] zou3 dao4 pavement; sidewalk; path; walk; footpath; aisle 座位[座位] zuo4 wei4 seat; CL:個|个[ge4] 右边[右邊] you4 bian5 right side; right, to the right 左边[左邊] zuo3 bian5 left; the left side; to the left of 校[校] jiao4 to proofread; to check; to compare 校[校] xiao4 school; military officer; CL:所[suo3] 学生[學生] xue2 sheng5 student; schoolchild 手机[手機] shou3 ji1 cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1] 关掉[關掉] guan1 diao4 to switch off; to shut off 基本[基本] ji1 ben3 basic; fundamental; main; elementary 礼貌[禮貌] li3 mao4 courtesy; manners 生涯[生涯] sheng1 ya2 career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life 多多[多多] duo1 duo1 many; much; a lot; lots and lots; more; even more 珍惜[珍惜] zhen1 xi1 to treasure; to value; to cherish 同窗[同窗] tong2 chuang1 schoolmate; fellow student 时光[時光] shi2 guang1 time; era; period of time //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/100 words - 8 min 留言[留言] liu2 yan2 to leave a message; to leave one's comments; message 响[響] xiang3 echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises 承继[承繼] cheng2 ji4 adoption (e.g. of a nephew as a son); to inherit 家业[家業] jia1 ye4 family property 要紧[要緊] yao4 jin3 important; urgent 毛[毛] mao2 hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1]) 虚弱[虛弱] xu1 ruo4 weak; in poor health 耳聋[耳聾] er3 long2 deaf 尿[尿] niao4 to urinate; urine; CL:泡[pao1] 够本[夠本] gou4 ben3 to break even; to get one's money's worth 头发[頭髮] tou2 fa5 hair (on the head) 金色[金色] jin1 se4 golden; gold (color) 出气[出氣] chu1 qi4 to give vent to anger 搓[搓] cuo1 to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist 马桶[馬桶] ma3 tong3 chamber pot; wooden pan used as toilet; toilet bowl 访客[訪客] fang3 ke4 visitor; caller 铃[鈴] ling2 (small) bell; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 老大[老大] lao3 da4 old age; very; eldest child in a family; leader of a group; boss; captain of a boat; leader of a criminal gang 蝙蝠[蝙蝠] bian1 fu2 bat 娘炮[娘炮] niang2 pao4 (slang) effeminate man; sissy; effeminate 争风吃醋[爭風吃醋] zheng1 feng1 chi1 cu4 to rival sb for the affection of a man or woman; to be jealous of a rival in a love affair 吐[吐] tu4 to vomit; to throw up 鲁[魯] lu3 (bound form) crass; stupid; rude; (used to represent the sounds of "ru", "lu" etc in loanwords) 耶[耶] ye5 final particle indicating enthusiasm etc 五官[五官] wu3 guan1 five sense organs of TCM (nose, eyes, lips, tongue, ears 鼻目口舌耳); facial features //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/125 words - 9 min 阴森[陰森] yin1 sen1 gloomy; sinister; eerie 得逞[得逞] de2 cheng3 to prevail; to have one's way; to get away with it 胜利[勝利] sheng4 li4 victory; CL:個|个[ge4] 手下[手下] shou3 xia4 under one's control or administration; subordinates; (money etc) on hand; sb's financial means; to take action 赢得[贏得] ying2 de2 to win; to gain 芳心[芳心] fang1 xin1 the affection, or heart, of a young woman 放话[放話] fang4 hua4 to give orders; to spread news or rumors; to leak certain information intentionally 徐[徐] xu2 slowly; gently 立[立] li4 to stand; to set up; to establish; to lay down; to draw up; at once; immediately 汉[漢] han4 man 喂[餵] wei4 to feed 轮到[輪到] lun2 dao4 to be (sb's or sth's) turn 心事[心事] xin1 shi4 a load on one's mind; worry; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1] 书架[書架] shu1 jia4 bookshelf; CL:個|个[ge4] 房子[房子] fang2 zi5 house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room; CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1] 精致[精緻] jing1 zhi4 delicate; fine; exquisite; refined 作为[作為] zuo4 wei2 one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 收藏[收藏] shou1 cang2 to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (Internet) 歧视[歧視] qi2 shi4 to discriminate against; discrimination 重心[重心] zhong4 xin1 center of gravity; central core; main part 恋爱[戀愛] lian4 ai4 (romantic) love; CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]; in love; to have an affair 尤其[尤其] you2 qi2 especially; particularly 一转眼[一轉眼] yi1 zhuan3 yan3 in a wink 寒假[寒假] han2 jia4 winter vacation 开学[開學] kai1 xue2 foundation of a University or College; school opening; the start of a new term //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/150 words - 12 min 考[考] kao3 to check; to verify; to test; to examine; to take an exam; to take an entrance exam for; deceased father 大学[大學] da4 xue2 university; college; CL:所[suo3] 退学[退學] tui4 xue2 to quit school 要死[要死] yao4 si3 extremely; awfully 墙[牆] qiang2 wall; CL:面[mian4],堵[du3] 过瘾[過癮] guo4 yin3 to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling 挂断[掛斷] gua4 duan4 to hang up (a phone) 负[負] fu4 to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated; negative (math. etc) 导师[導師] dao3 shi1 tutor; teacher; academic advisor 办公室[辦公室] ban4 gong1 shi4 office; business premises; bureau; CL:間|间[jian1] 广播[廣播] guang3 bo1 broadcast; CL:個|个[ge4]; broadcasting; to broadcast; (formal) to propagate; to publicize 班[班] ban1 team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for groups 来电[來電] lai2 dian4 incoming telegram or telephone call; your telegram, telephone call, or message; to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker); to have instant attraction to sb; to have chemistry with sb; to come back (of electricity, after an outage) 百货公司[百貨公司] bai3 huo4 gong1 si1 department store 秘书[秘書] mi4 shu1 secretary 姚[姚] yao2 handsome; good-looking 当铺[當舖] dang4 pu4 pawn shop; CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1] 婚[婚] hun1 to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife 戒[戒] jie4 to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing sth; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger) 婚姻[婚姻] hun1 yin1 matrimony; wedding; marriage; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],次[ci4] 值[值] zhi2 value; (to be) worth; to happen to; to be on duty 离婚[離婚] li2 hun1 to divorce; divorced from (one's spouse) 勇敢[勇敢] yong3 gan3 brave; courageous 元[元] yuan2 currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); meta- (prefix); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon 火车[火車] huo3 che1 train; CL:列[lie4],節|节[jie2],班[ban1],趟[tang4] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/175 words - 13 min 下车[下車] xia4 che1 to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc) 跑路[跑路] pao3 lu4 to travel on foot; (informal) to run off; to abscond 温泉[溫泉] wen1 quan2 hot spring; spa; onsen 饭店[飯店] fan4 dian4 restaurant; hotel; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] 小开[小開] xiao3 kai1 (dialect) boss's son; rich man's son; young master 含金[含金] han2 jin1 metal bearing (ore); gold bearing 汤匙[湯匙] tang1 chi2 soup spoon; tablespoon; CL:把[ba3] 出身[出身] chu1 shen1 to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin 含[含] han2 to keep; to contain; to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing) 早死[早死] zao3 si3 early demise; untimely death 警告[警告] jing3 gao4 to warn; to admonish 旅馆[旅館] lu:3 guan3 hotel; CL:家[jia1] 好话[好話] hao3 hua4 friendly advice; words spoken on sb's behalf; a good word; kind words; words that sound fine but are not followed up with actions 豪华[豪華] hao2 hua2 luxurious 温馨[溫馨] wen1 xin1 comfort; soft and fragrant; warm 作[作] zuo4 to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works 晚辈[晚輩] wan3 bei4 the younger generation; those who come after 要有[要有] yao4 you3 to need; to require; must have 虚假[虛假] xu1 jia3 false; phony; pretense 称赞[稱讚] cheng1 zan4 to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment 掩饰[掩飾] yan3 shi4 to cover up; to conceal; to mask; to gloss over 白吃[白吃] bai2 chi1 to eat without paying; to eat for free 白住[白住] bai2 zhu4 to live (somewhere) for free 培养[培養] pei2 yang3 to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) 厌恶[厭惡] yan4 wu4 to loathe; to hate; disgusted with sth //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/200 words - 14 min 感[感] gan3 to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~ 疾速[疾速] ji2 su4 very fast; at high speed 增[增] zeng1 to increase; to expand; to add 温[溫] wen1 warm; lukewarm; temperature; to warm up; mild; soft; tender; to review (a lesson etc); fever (TCM); old variant of 瘟[wen1] 搞不好[搞不好] gao3 bu5 hao3 (coll.) maybe; perhaps 兰若[蘭若] lan2 re3 Buddhist temple (translit. of Sanskrit "Aranyakah"); abbr. for 阿蘭若|阿兰若[a1 lan2 re3] 寺[寺] si4 Buddhist temple; mosque; government office (old) 虑[慮] lu:4 to think over; to consider; anxiety 圈圈[圈圈] quan1 quan5 to draw a circle; cliques; circles 拖鞋[拖鞋] tuo1 xie2 slippers; sandals; flip-flops; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 傻子[傻子] sha3 zi5 idiot; fool 体重[體重] ti3 zhong4 body weight 计[計] ji4 to calculate; to compute; to count; to regard as important; to plan; ruse; meter; gauge 要钱[要錢] yao4 qian2 to charge; to demand payment 水面[水面] shui3 mian4 water surface 浮[浮] fu2 to float; superficial; floating; unstable; movable; provisional; temporary; transient; impetuous; hollow; inflated; to exceed; superfluous; excessive; surplus 油[油] you2 oil; fat; grease; petroleum; to apply tung oil, paint or varnish; oily; greasy; glib; cunning 泡[泡] pao4 bubble; foam; blister (i.e. skin bubble); to soak; to steep; to infuse; to dawdle; to shilly-shally; to hang about; to pick up (a girl); to get off with (a sexual partner); classifier for occurrences of an action; classifier for number of infusions 渣[渣] zha1 slag (in mining or smelting); dregs 官[官] guan1 government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4] 网上[網上] wang3 shang4 online 面[麵] mian4 flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 照片[照片] zhao4 pian4 photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] 告[告] gao4 to say; to tell; to announce; to report; to denounce; to file a lawsuit; to sue 诈欺[詐欺] zha4 qi1 fraud; deception //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/225 words - 17 min 总之[總之] zong3 zhi1 in a word; in short; in brief 退钱[退錢] tui4 qian2 to refund money 幻觉[幻覺] huan4 jue2 illusion; hallucination; figment of one's imagination 仁慈[仁慈] ren2 ci2 benevolent; charitable; kind; kindly; kindness; merciful 夸张[誇張] kua1 zhang1 to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous 网页[網頁] wang3 ye4 web page 老人家[老人家] lao3 ren2 jia1 polite term for old woman or man 迟早[遲早] chi2 zao3 sooner or later 被告[被告] bei4 gao4 defendant 生意兴隆[生意興隆] sheng1 yi4 xing1 long2 thriving and prosperous business or trade 早生贵子[早生貴子] zao3 sheng1 gui4 zi3 give birth to a son soon (propitiatory compliment to the newly-weds) 牙[牙] ya2 tooth; ivory; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 暴[暴] bao4 sudden; violent; cruel; to show or expose; to injure 过节[過節] guo4 jie2 to celebrate a festival; after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over) 理解[理解] li3 jie3 to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 德行[德行] de2 xing2 morality and conduct; Taiwan pr. [de2 xing4] 孙子[孫子] sun1 zi5 grandson; son's son 铃木[鈴木] Ling2 mu4 Suzuki (Japanese surname) 读[讀] du2 to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 记性[記性] ji4 xing5 memory (ability to retain information) 女生[女生] nu:3 sheng1 schoolgirl; female student; girl 基本上[基本上] ji1 ben3 shang5 basically; on the whole 男生[男生] nan2 sheng1 schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male) 实际上[實際上] shi2 ji4 shang4 in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice 钥匙[鑰匙] yao4 shi5 key; CL:把[ba3] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/250 words - 18 min 乃[乃] nai3 to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 高山[高山] gao1 shan1 high mountain; alpine 木[木] mu4 tree; wood; coffin; wooden; simple; numb; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 遗失[遺失] yi2 shi1 to lose; lost 工[工] gong1 work; worker; skill; profession; trade; craft; labor 网络[網絡] wang3 luo4 network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) 投币[投幣] tou2 bi4 coin-operated; to insert coins 随喜[隨喜] sui2 xi3 (Buddhism) to be moved at the sight of good deeds; to join in charitable deeds; to tour temples 乐捐[樂捐] le4 juan1 to donate 感恩[感恩] gan3 en1 to be grateful 智能[智能] zhi4 neng2 intelligent; able; smart (phone, system, bomb etc) 省去[省去] sheng3 qu4 to omit; to dispense with; to make unnecesary; to save (time, trouble etc) 鸽[鴿] ge1 pigeon; dove 里[里] li3 li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 驹[駒] ju1 colt 老虎[老虎] lao3 hu3 tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 耳朵[耳朵] er3 duo5 ear; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]; handle (on a cup) 往前[往前] wang3 qian2 to move forwards 祖先[祖先] zu3 xian1 ancestor; forebears 室[室] shi4 room; work unit; grave; scabbard; family or clan; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy 哇[哇] wa5 replaces 啊[a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao" 磅礴[磅礡] pang2 bo2 majestic; boundless 丑[醜] chou3 shameful; ugly; disgraceful 遗址[遺址] yi2 zhi3 ruins; historic relics 代代[代代] dai4 dai4 from generation to generation; generation after generation //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/275 words - 19 min 从事[從事] cong2 shi4 to go for; to engage in; to undertake; to deal with; to handle; to do 事业[事業] shi4 ye4 undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4] 有声有色[有聲有色] you3 sheng1 you3 se4 having sound and color (idiom); vivid; dazzling 相当[相當] xiang1 dang1 equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly; quite 不凡[不凡] bu4 fan2 out of the ordinary; out of the common run 父亲[父親] fu4 qin1 father; also pr. [fu4 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 打仗[打仗] da3 zhang4 to fight a battle; to go to war 来到[來到] lai2 dao4 to come; to arrive 台湾[台灣] Tai2 wan1 variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1] 武[武] wu3 martial; military 馆[館] guan3 building; shop; term for certain service establishments; embassy or consulate; schoolroom (old); CL:家[jia1] 娶[娶] qu3 to take a wife; to marry (a woman) 胆量[膽量] dan3 liang4 courage; boldness; guts 再开[再開] zai4 kai1 to reopen; to start again 荣誉[榮譽] rong2 yu4 honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary 证书[證書] zheng4 shu1 credentials; certificate 发誓[發誓] fa1 shi4 to vow; to pledge; to swear 开口[開口] kai1 kou3 to open one's mouth; to start to talk 厕所[廁所] ce4 suo3 toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] 订房[訂房] ding4 fang2 to reserve a room 客人[客人] ke4 ren2 visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 讲到[講到] jiang3 dao4 to talk about sth 生意[生意] sheng1 yi4 life force; vitality 身心[身心] shen1 xin1 body and mind; mental and physical 疗效[療效] liao2 xiao4 healing efficacy; healing effect //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/300 words - 21 min 翻脸[翻臉] fan1 lian3 to fall out with sb; to become hostile 懂事[懂事] dong3 shi4 sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 清洁[清潔] qing1 jie2 clean; to clean 酌量[酌量] zhuo2 liang2 to consider; to allow for; to use one's discretion; to measure (food and drink) 免[免] mian3 to excuse sb; to exempt; to remove or dismiss from office; to avoid; to avert; to escape; to be prohibited 和气[和氣] he2 qi5 friendly; polite; amiable 多余[多餘] duo1 yu2 superfluous; unnecessary; surplus 电源[電源] dian4 yuan2 electric power source 省钱[省錢] sheng3 qian2 to save money 节约[節約] jie2 yue1 to economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal 老外[老外] lao3 wai4 (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person); layman; amateur 药材[藥材] yao4 cai2 medicinal ingredient 枕头[枕頭] zhen3 tou5 pillow 战[戰] zhan4 to fight; fight; war; battle 忘却[忘卻] wang4 que4 to forget 烦恼[煩惱] fan2 nao3 to be worried; to be distressed; worries 都市[都市] du1 shi4 city; metropolis 提供[提供] ti2 gong1 to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 电视[電視] dian4 shi4 television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 浴衣[浴衣] yu4 yi1 bathrobe 讲价[講價] jiang3 jia4 to bargain (over price); to haggle 或[或] huo4 maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or 退货[退貨] tui4 huo4 to return merchandise; to withdraw a product 奸商[奸商] jian1 shang1 unscrupulous businessman; profiteer; shark; dishonest business 贵宾[貴賓] gui4 bin1 honored guest; distinguished guest; VIP //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/325 words - 25 min 参观[參觀] can1 guan1 to look around; to tour; to visit 把头[把頭] ba3 tou2 labor contractor; gangmaster 度[度] du4 to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences 往后[往後] wang3 hou4 from now on; in the future; time to come 干吗[幹嗎] gan4 ma2 see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2] 泡温泉[泡溫泉] pao4 wen1 quan2 to soak in a spa or hot spring 椅子[椅子] yi3 zi5 chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4] 妨碍[妨礙] fang2 ai4 to hinder; to obstruct 不只[不只] bu4 zhi3 not only; not merely 暴力[暴力] bao4 li4 violence; force; violent 自言自语[自言自語] zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3 to talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize 总统[總統] zong3 tong3 president (of a country); CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2],屆|届[jie4] 套房[套房] tao4 fang2 suite; apartment; flat 可怕[可怕] ke3 pa4 awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly 变态[變態] bian4 tai4 to metamorphose (biology); abnormal; perverted; hentai; (slang) pervert 人类[人類] ren2 lei4 humanity; human race; mankind 叫醒[叫醒] jiao4 xing3 to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse 梦游[夢遊] meng4 you2 to sleepwalk; to journey in a dream 害死[害死] hai4 si3 to kill; to cause death; to do sb to death 引导[引導] yin3 dao3 to guide; to lead (around); to conduct; to boot; introduction; primer 梦话[夢話] meng4 hua4 talking in one's sleep; words spoken during sleep; fig. speech bearing no relation to reality; delusions 省事[省事] sheng3 shi4 to simplify matters; to save trouble 白布[白布] bai2 bu4 plain white cloth; calico 高级[高級] gao1 ji2 high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking 拨[撥] bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/350 words - 28 min 赠品[贈品] zeng4 pin3 gift; complimentary item; freebie; giveaway 瓦斯[瓦斯] wa3 si1 gas (loanword) 笑容[笑容] xiao4 rong2 smile; smiling expression; CL:副[fu4] 泼[潑] po1 to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish 大力[大力] da4 li4 energetically; vigorously 暴牙[暴牙] bao4 ya2 buck teeth 像样[像樣] xiang4 yang4 presentable; decent; up to par 年轻人[年輕人] nian2 qing1 ren2 young people; youngster 拍[拍] pai1 to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 正派[正派] zheng4 pai4 upright 经营[經營] jing1 ying2 to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate 救护车[救護車] jiu4 hu4 che1 ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4] 破伤风[破傷風] po4 shang1 feng1 tetanus (lockjaw) 吸[吸] xi1 to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale 旧家[舊家] jiu4 jia1 notable former families 医药[醫藥] yi1 yao4 medical care and medicines; medicine (drug); medical; pharmaceutical 箱[箱] xiang1 box; trunk; chest 旧[舊] jiu4 old; opposite: new 新; former; worn (with age) 撑[撐] cheng1 to support; to prop up; to push or move with a pole; to maintain; to open or unfurl; to fill to bursting point; brace; stay; support 全家[全家] quan2 jia1 whole family 借过[借過] jie4 guo4 excuse me (i.e. let me through, please) 哇靠[哇靠] wa1 kao4 (lit.) I cry!; Oh, bosh!; Shoot!; (Taiwanese 我哭, POJ pr. [goá khàu]) 壁虎[壁虎] bi4 hu3 gecko; house lizard 秒[秒] miao3 second (unit of time); arc second (angular measurement unit); (coll.) instantly 拗[拗] ao4 to bend in two so as to break; to defy; to disobey; also pr. [ao3] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/375 words - 31 min 找死[找死] zhao3 si3 to court death; taking risks 擦[擦] ca1 to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish 娃娃[娃娃] wa2 wa5 baby; small child; doll 屋[屋] wu1 house; room; CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4] 家家酒[家家酒] jia1 jia1 jiu3 to play house (Tw) 模拟[模擬] mo2 ni3 imitation; to simulate; to imitate; analog (device, as opposed to digital) 游戏[遊戲] you2 xi4 game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play 模型[模型] mo2 xing2 model; mold; matrix; pattern 好棒[好棒] hao3 bang4 excellent (interjection) 沙盘推演[沙盤推演] sha1 pan2 tui1 yan3 to plan a military mission on a sand table (idiom); to rehearse a planned action or activity; to conduct a dry run 扮[扮] ban4 to disguise oneself as; to dress up; to play (a role); to put on (an expression) 了解[了解] liao3 jie3 to understand; to realize; to find out 泡水[泡水] pao4 shui3 to infuse; to soak in water 蜂窝[蜂窩] feng1 wo1 bee's nest; honeycomb; fig. honeycomb figure 组织[組織] zu3 zhi1 to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue; CL:個|个[ge4] 炎[炎] yan2 flame; inflammation; -itis 银锭[銀錠] yin2 ding4 silver ingot 铜板[銅板] tong2 ban3 copper coin; copper plate (e.g. for printing) 原本[原本] yuan2 ben3 originally; original 废墟[廢墟] fei4 xu1 ruins 警方[警方] jing3 fang1 police 证实[證實] zheng4 shi2 to confirm (sth to be true); to verify 吸入[吸入] xi1 ru4 to breathe in; to suck in; to inhale 一氧化碳[一氧化碳] yi1 yang3 hua4 tan4 carbon monoxide CO 导致[導致] dao3 zhi4 to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/400 words - 35 min 清醒[清醒] qing1 xing3 clear-headed; sober; awake 主持人[主持人] zhu3 chi2 ren2 TV or radio presenter; host; anchor 炭[炭] tan4 wood charcoal; coal 独家[獨家] du2 jia1 exclusive 取得[取得] qu3 de2 to acquire; to get; to obtain 当事者[當事者] dang1 shi4 zhe3 the person involved; the people holding power 声称[聲稱] sheng1 cheng1 to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert 自杀[自殺] zi4 sha1 to kill oneself; to commit suicide; to attempt suicide 激动[激動] ji1 dong4 to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite 昏倒[昏倒] hun1 dao3 to faint 尽力[盡力] jin4 li4 to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort 较劲[較勁] jiao4 jin4 to match one's strength with; to compete; more competitive; to set oneself against sb; disobliging; to make a special effort 飘[飄] piao1 to float 眼镜[眼鏡] yan3 jing4 spectacles; eyeglasses; CL:副[fu4] 雾[霧] wu4 fog; mist; CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4] 疑神疑鬼[疑神疑鬼] yi2 shen2 yi2 gui3 to suspect everyone; overly suspicious 看得见[看得見] kan4 de2 jian4 can see; visible 废话[廢話] fei4 hua4 nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words; You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 陌生人[陌生人] mo4 sheng1 ren2 stranger 认错[認錯] ren4 cuo4 to admit an error; to acknowledge one's mistake 长得[長得] zhang3 de5 to look (pretty, the same etc) 记忆[記憶] ji4 yi4 to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4] 收拾[收拾] shou1 shi5 to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb 小妹[小妹] xiao3 mei4 little sister; girl; (Tw) young female employee working in a low-level role dealing with the public (assistant, waitress, attendant etc) 黄[黃] huang2 yellow; pornographic; to fall through //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/425 words - 43 min 摇[搖] yao2 to shake; to rock; to row; to crank 尾巴[尾巴] wei3 ba5 tail; colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] 外婆[外婆] wai4 po2 (coll.) mother's mother; maternal grandmother 敷[敷] fu1 to spread; to lay out; to apply (powder, ointment etc); sufficient (to cover); enough 屁[屁] pi4 fart; flatulence; nonsense; (usu. in the negative) what; (not) a damn thing 果然[果然] guo3 ran2 really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed 热闹[熱鬧] re4 nao5 bustling with noise and excitement; lively 腿[腿] tui3 leg; CL:條|条[tiao2] 不住[不住] bu4 zhu4 repeatedly; continuously; constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc) 半夜[半夜] ban4 ye4 midnight; in the middle of the night 敲[敲] qiao1 to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge 距离[距離] ju4 li2 distance; CL:個|个[ge4]; to be apart from 恶[惡] e4 evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse; to harm 恶[惡] wu4 to hate; to loathe; ashamed; to fear; to slander 妹[妹] mei4 younger sister 白痴[白痴] bai2 chi1 idiocy; idiot 汤[湯] tang1 soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled 包围[包圍] bao1 wei2 to surround; to encircle; to hem in 住院[住院] zhu4 yuan4 to be in hospital; to be hospitalized 轻松[輕鬆] qing1 song1 light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously 手脚[手腳] shou3 jiao3 hand and foot; movement of limbs; action; trick; step in a procedure (CL: 道[dao4]) 运气[運氣] yun4 qi5 luck (good or bad) 隔天[隔天] ge2 tian1 the next day; on alternate days 白天[白天] bai2 tian1 daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 炫耀[炫耀] xuan4 yao4 dazzling; to show off; to flaunt 死人[死人] si3 ren2 dead person; (coll.) to die; (of a death) to happen //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/450 words - 47 min 电影[電影] dian4 ying3 movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3] 最少[最少] zui4 shao3 at least; minimum; lowest (amount); minimal 婉转[婉轉] wan3 zhuan3 (voice, music) suave; mellow; (speech) indirect; tactful 过人[過人] guo4 ren2 to surpass others; outstanding; (basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent 听不懂[聽不懂] ting1 bu5 dong3 unable to make sense of what one is hearing 让开[讓開] rang4 kai1 to get out of the way; to step aside 早餐[早餐] zao3 can1 breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 点心[點心] dian3 xin5 light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert 可恶[可惡] ke3 wu4 repulsive; vile; hateful; abominable 活着[活著] huo2 zhe5 alive 没错[沒錯] mei2 cuo4 that's right; sure!; rest assured!; that's good; can't go wrong 手牵手[手牽手] shou3 qian1 shou3 hand in hand 鬼鬼祟祟[鬼鬼祟祟] gui3 gui3 sui4 sui4 sneaky; secretive; furtive 泡面[泡麵] pao4 mian4 instant noodles 饺子[餃子] jiao3 zi5 dumpling; pot-sticker; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 蛮[蠻] man2 barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless 不少[不少] bu4 shao3 many; a lot; not few 赶走[趕走] gan3 zou3 to drive out; to turn back 指[指] zhi3 finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end 低[低] di1 low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 智商[智商] zhi4 shang1 IQ (intelligence quotient) 阳[陽] yang2 positive (electric.); sun; male principle (Taoism); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1] 气势[氣勢] qi4 shi4 imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor 这就[這就] zhe4 jiu4 immediately; at once 打架[打架] da3 jia4 to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:場|场[chang2] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/475 words - 51 min 占[占] zhan4 to take possession of; to occupy; to take up 地盘[地盤] di4 pan2 domain; territory under one's control; foundation of a building; base of operations; crust of earth 拖累[拖累] tuo1 lei3 to encumber; to be a burden on; to implicate 土[土] tu3 earth; dust; clay; local; indigenous; crude opium; unsophisticated; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 舞[舞] wu3 to dance; to wield; to brandish 马[馬] ma3 horse; CL:匹[pi3]; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess 威[威] wei1 power; might; prestige 嗯[嗯] en5 interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement 装满[裝滿] zhuang1 man3 to fill up 童子[童子] tong2 zi3 boy 摔[摔] shuai1 to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 有用[有用] you3 yong4 useful 睡着[睡著] shui4 zhao2 to fall asleep 嘘[噓] xu1 to exhale slowly; to hiss; hush! 线[線] xian4 thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city) 牛奶[牛奶] niu2 nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 罐[罐] guan4 can; jar; pot 接到[接到] jie1 dao4 to receive (letter etc) 左[左] zuo3 left; the Left (politics); east; unorthodox; queer; wrong; differing; opposite; variant of 佐[zuo3] 一边[一邊] yi1 bian1 one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while 脏话[髒話] zang1 hua4 profanity; obscene language; speaking rudely 院[院] yuan4 courtyard; institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 瓢虫[瓢蟲] piao2 chong2 ladybug; ladybird 上个月[上個月] shang4 ge4 yue4 last month 暂时[暫時] zan4 shi2 temporary; provisional; for the time being //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/500 words - 56 min 旺季[旺季] wang4 ji4 busy season; peak period; see also 淡季[dan4 ji4] 人山人海[人山人海] ren2 shan1 ren2 hai3 multitude; vast crowd 关门[關門] guan1 men2 to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) 随[隨] sui2 to follow; to comply with; varying according to...; to allow; subsequently 便[便] bian4 plain; informal; suitable; convenient; opportune; to urinate or defecate; equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards 接手[接手] jie1 shou3 to take over (duties etc); catcher (baseball etc) 流氓[流氓] liu2 mang2 rogue; hoodlum; gangster; immoral behavior 大门[大門] da4 men2 entrance; door; gate; large and influential family 退房[退房] tui4 fang2 to check out of a hotel room 身份证[身份證] shen1 fen4 zheng4 identity card; ID 踢[踢] ti1 to kick; to play (e.g. soccer); (slang) butch (in a lesbian relationship) 老太婆[老太婆] lao3 tai4 po2 old woman (at times contemptuous) 扫[掃] sao3 to sweep 扫[掃] sao4 broom 水上[水上] shui3 shang4 on water; aquatic 老爷[老爺] lao3 ye5 (respectful) lord; master; (coll.) maternal grandfather 水疗[水療] shui3 liao2 hydrotherapy; aquatherapy 行李[行李] xing2 li5 luggage; CL:件[jian4] 阻止[阻止] zu3 zhi3 to prevent; to block 挡住[擋住] dang3 zhu4 to obstruct 几乎[幾乎] ji1 hu1 almost; nearly; practically 长发[長髮] chang2 fa4 long hair 堵[堵] du3 to block up (a road, pipe etc); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; wall (literary); (classifier for walls) 几岁[幾歲] ji3 sui4 how old are you? (familiar, or to a child) 建[建] jian4 to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct 走廊[走廊] zou3 lang2 corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; veranda //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/525 words - 59 min 厨房[廚房] chu2 fang2 kitchen; CL:間|间[jian1] 窗户[窗戶] chuang1 hu5 window; CL:個|个[ge4],扇[shan4] 常常[常常] chang2 chang2 frequently; often 妆[妝] zhuang1 (of a woman) to adorn oneself; makeup; adornment; trousseau; stage makeup and costume 化[化] hua4 to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] 补[補] bu3 to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement 通电话[通電話] tong1 dian4 hua4 to phone sb up 不理[不理] bu4 li3 to refuse to acknowledge; to pay no attention to; to take no notice of; to ignore 信号[信號] xin4 hao4 signal 打的[打的] da3 di1 (coll.) to take a taxi; to go by taxi 誓[誓] shi4 oath; vow; to swear; to pledge 小学[小學] xiao3 xue2 elementary school; primary school; CL:個|个[ge4] 学姐[學姐] xue2 jie3 senior or older female schoolmate 许[許] xu3 to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps 提起[提起] ti2 qi3 to mention; to speak of; to lift; to pick up; to arouse; to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc) 几时[幾時] ji3 shi2 what time?; when? 届[屆] jie4 to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation) 干[干] gan1 to concern; to interfere; shield; stem 屁事[屁事] pi4 shi4 (vulgar) trifling matter; mere trifle; goddamn thing; goddamn business 冲[沖] chong1 (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with 伽[伽] jia1 traditionally used as phonetic for ga; also pr. [ga1]; also pr. [qie2] 椰子[椰子] ye1 zi5 coconut 贞[貞] zhen1 chaste 不见得[不見得] bu4 jian4 de5 not necessarily; not likely 坏事[壞事] huai4 shi4 bad thing; misdeed; to ruin things //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/550 words - 63 min 继承[繼承] ji4 cheng2 to inherit; to succeed to (the throne etc); to carry on (a tradition etc) 幼稚[幼稚] you4 zhi4 young; childish; puerile 烂[爛] lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 来讲[來講] lai2 jiang3 as to; considering; for 数量[數量] shu4 liang4 amount; quantity; CL:個|个[ge4]; quantitative 熄灭[熄滅] xi1 mie4 to stop burning; to go out (of fire); to die out; extinguished 加油添醋[加油添醋] jia1 you2 tian1 cu4 to add interest (to a story); to sex up 调查[調查] diao4 cha2 investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 大哥[大哥] da4 ge1 eldest brother; big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself); gang leader; boss 鸡[雞] ji1 fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute 池塘[池塘] chi2 tang2 pool; pond 举[舉] ju3 to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect; act; move; deed 没用[沒用] mei2 yong4 useless 下流[下流] xia4 liu2 lower course of a river; low-class; mean and lowly; vulgar; obscene 合理[合理] he2 li3 rational; reasonable; fair 拦住[攔住] lan2 zhu4 to stop; to bar the way 拦[攔] lan2 to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) 弄坏[弄壞] nong4 huai4 to ruin; to spoil; to break 缝[縫] feng2 to sew; to stitch 缝[縫] feng4 seam; crack; narrow slit; CL:道[dao4] 水池[水池] shui3 chi2 pond; pool; sink; washbasin 游泳[游泳] you2 yong3 swimming; to swim 池[池] chi2 pond; reservoir; moat 日本[日本] Ri4 ben3 Japan 考察[考察] kao3 cha2 to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-spot investigation 爸[爸] ba4 father; dad; pa; papa //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/575 words - 66 min 病死[病死] bing4 si3 to fall ill and die; to die of illness 取[取] qu3 to take; to get; to choose; to fetch 招牌[招牌] zhao1 pai5 signboard; shop sign; reputation of a business 代替[代替] dai4 ti4 to replace; to take the place of 那时候[那時候] na4 shi2 hou5 at that time 年级[年級] nian2 ji2 grade; year (in school, college etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 学期[學期] xue2 qi1 term; semester; CL:個|个[ge4] 九[九] jiu3 nine; 9 付[付] fu4 to pay; to hand over to; classifier for pairs or sets of things 放松[放鬆] fang4 song1 to loosen; to relax 正要[正要] zheng4 yao4 to be just about to; to be on the point of 升[升] sheng1 to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3] 一半[一半] yi1 ban4 half 婆婆[婆婆] po2 po5 husband's mother; mother-in-law; grandma 带回[帶回] dai4 hui2 to bring back 娘家[娘家] niang2 jia5 married woman's parents' home 献花[獻花] xian4 hua1 to offer flowers; to lay flowers (as a memorial) 来得及[來得及] lai2 de5 ji2 there's still time; able to do sth in time 英文[英文] Ying1 wen2 English (language) 淹死[淹死] yan1 si3 to drown 过世[過世] guo4 shi4 to die; to pass away 动工[動工] dong4 gong1 to start (a building project) 袒护[袒護] tan3 hu4 to shield (a miscreant) from punishment, criticism etc; to take sb's side 不要脸[不要臉] bu4 yao4 lian3 to have no sense of shame; shameless 初中[初中] chu1 zhong1 junior high school; abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chu1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/600 words - 72 min 初二[初二] chu1 er4 2nd year in junior middle school; 2nd day of a lunar month; 2nd day of lunar New Year 绝交[絕交] jue2 jiao1 to break off relations; to break with sb 梦想[夢想] meng4 xiang3 (fig.) to dream of; dream 揍[揍] zou4 to beat up; to break to pieces 背后[背後] bei4 hou4 behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back 写字[寫字] xie3 zi4 to write characters 书包[書包] shu1 bao1 schoolbag; satchel; bookbag; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 水沟[水溝] shui3 gou1 gutter; sewer 和好[和好] he2 hao3 to become reconciled; on good terms with each other 顶多[頂多] ding3 duo1 at most; at best 打死[打死] da3 si3 to kill; to beat to death 扛[扛] kang2 to carry on one's shoulder; (fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc) 毁[毀] hui3 to destroy; to damage; to ruin; to defame; to slander 手里[手裡] shou3 li3 in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands 作文[作文] zuo4 wen2 to write an essay; composition (student essay); CL:篇[pian1] 善良[善良] shan4 liang2 good and honest; kindhearted 老头[老頭] lao3 tou2 old fellow; old man; father; husband 小气[小氣] xiao3 qi4 stingy; miserly; narrow-minded; petty 闹鬼[鬧鬼] nao4 gui3 haunted 软[軟] ruan3 soft; flexible 垫[墊] dian4 pad; cushion; mat; to pad out; to fill a gap; to pay for sb; to advance (money) 不该[不該] bu4 gai1 should not; to owe nothing 逃跑[逃跑] tao2 pao3 to flee from sth; to run away; to escape 方面[方面] fang1 mian4 respect; aspect; field; side; CL:個|个[ge4] 一等[一等] yi1 deng3 first class; grade A //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/625 words - 76 min 高手[高手] gao1 shou3 expert; past master; dab hand 蜡烛[蠟燭] la4 zhu2 candle; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] 防身[防身] fang2 shen1 self-protection; to defend oneself 灭[滅] mie4 to extinguish or put out; to go out (of a fire etc); to exterminate or wipe out; to drown 熏衣草[熏衣草] xun1 yi1 cao3 lavender 玫瑰[玫瑰] mei2 gui1 rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa); rose flower; CL:朵[duo3],棵[ke1] 橙[橙] cheng2 orange tree; orange (color) 姐[姐] jie3 older sister 肉桂[肉桂] rou4 gui4 Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) 把门[把門] ba3 men2 to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate 挡[擋] dang3 to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear (e.g. in a car's transmission) 骑[騎] qi2 to sit astride; to ride (a horse, bike etc); classifier for saddle horses 档车[檔車] dang3 che1 see 打檔車|打档车[da3 dang3 che1] 报警[報警] bao4 jing3 to sound an alarm; to report sth to the police 挤[擠] ji3 to crowd in; to cram in; to force others aside; to press; to squeeze; to find (time in one's busy schedule) 唱歌[唱歌] chang4 ge1 to sing a song 登记[登記] deng1 ji4 to register (one's name) 住宿[住宿] zhu4 su4 to stay at; lodging; accommodation 护[護] hu4 to protect 精油[精油] jing1 you2 essential oil 差点[差點] cha4 dian3 almost; nearly 味[味] wei4 taste; smell; classifier for drugs (in TCM) 舒缓[舒緩] shu1 huan3 to ease (tension); to relax; to cause sth to relax; to alleviate; relaxed; easy and unhurried; leisurely; soothing; mild (slope) 情绪[情緒] qing2 xu4 mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] 狗牌[狗牌] gou3 pai2 dog tag //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/650 words - 91 min 雪[雪] xue3 snow; snowfall; CL:場|场[chang2]; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean 水里[水里] Shui3 li3 Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan 伯父[伯父] bo2 fu4 father's elder brother; term of respect for older man; CL:個|个[ge4] 伯母[伯母] bo2 mu3 wife of father's elder brother; aunt; (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother); CL:個|个[ge4] 这不[這不] zhe4 bu5 (coll.) As a matter of fact, ... (used to introduce evidence for what one has just asserted) 管理[管理] guan3 li3 to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:個|个[ge4] 理论[理論] li3 lun4 theory; CL:個|个[ge4]; to argue; to take notice of 实务[實務] shi2 wu4 practice (customary action, as opposed to theory); practical 自私[自私] zi4 si1 selfish; selfishness 屁股[屁股] pi4 gu5 buttocks; bottom; butt; back part 好几年[好幾年] hao3 ji3 nian2 several years 刻薄[刻薄] ke4 bo2 unkind; harsh; cutting; mean; acrimony; to embezzle by making illegal deductions 乱讲[亂講] luan4 jiang3 to talk nonsense; nonsense! 憋气[憋氣] bie1 qi4 to feel suffocated or oppressed; to choke with resentment; to feel injured or resentful 鹤[鶴] he4 crane 用力[用力] yong4 li4 to exert oneself physically 蹲[蹲] dun1 to crouch; to squat; to stay (somewhere) 小妖[小妖] xiao3 yao1 small demon 完蛋[完蛋] wan2 dan4 (coll.) to be done for 亲眼[親眼] qin1 yan3 with one's own eyes; personally 初恋[初戀] chu1 lian4 first love 计划[計劃] ji4 hua4 plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 星期六[星期六] Xing1 qi1 liu4 Saturday 点钟[點鐘] dian3 zhong1 (indicating time of day) o'clock 谁知[誰知] shei2 zhi1 lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/675 words - 93 min 帅哥[帥哥] shuai4 ge1 handsome guy; lady-killer; handsome (form of address) 实验[實驗] shi2 yan4 experiment; test; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; experimental; to experiment 迟[遲] chi2 late; delayed; slow 剪刀[剪刀] jian3 dao1 scissors; CL:把[ba3] 赚钱[賺錢] zhuan4 qian2 to earn money; moneymaking 新闻[新聞] xin1 wen2 news; CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4] 外国[外國] wai4 guo2 foreign (country); CL:個|个[ge4] 一家[一家] yi1 jia1 the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group 闲人[閒人] xian2 ren2 idle person; idler; unconcerned person 越[越] yue4 to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more 凶[凶] xiong1 vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious; famine; variant of 兇|凶[xiong1] 价钱[價錢] jia4 qian5 price 涨[漲] zhang4 to swell; to distend 破烂[破爛] po4 lan4 worn-out; rotten; dilapidated; tattered; ragged; rubbish; junk 装修[裝修] zhuang1 xiu1 to decorate; interior decoration; to fit up; to renovate 鬼屋[鬼屋] gui3 wu1 haunted house 初[初] chu1 at first; (at the) beginning; first; junior; basic 年龄[年齡] nian2 ling2 (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] 理想[理想] li3 xiang3 an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect 饱[飽] bao3 to eat till full; satisfied 满足[滿足] man3 zu2 to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 老家[老家] lao3 jia1 native place; place of origin; home state or region 好玩[好玩] hao3 wan2 amusing; fun; interesting 念头[念頭] nian4 tou5 thought; idea; intention 反对[反對] fan3 dui4 to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/700 words - 99 min 冒险[冒險] mao4 xian3 to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure 拼命[拼命] pin1 ming4 to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 好事[好事] hao3 shi4 good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed"); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead 据我所知[據我所知] ju4 wo3 suo3 zhi1 as far as I know; to the best of my knowledge 谈恋爱[談戀愛] tan2 lian4 ai4 to court; to go steady; to be dating 受不了[受不了] shou4 bu4 liao3 unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand 刺激[刺激] ci4 ji1 to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant 攻击[攻擊] gong1 ji1 to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military) 冒[冒] mao4 to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover 险[險] xian3 danger; dangerous; rugged 入场券[入場券] ru4 chang3 quan4 admission ticket 入场[入場] ru4 chang3 to enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc 只好[只好] zhi3 hao3 without any better option; to have to; to be forced to 久等[久等] jiu3 deng3 to wait for a long time 过得[過得] guo4 de2 How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad 愉快[愉快] yu2 kuai4 cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted 招待[招待] zhao1 dai4 to receive (guests); to entertain; reception 光顾[光顧] guang1 gu4 to visit (as a customer) 不可思议[不可思議] bu4 ke3 si1 yi4 inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable 游乐园[遊樂園] you2 le4 yuan2 theme park 道具[道具] dao4 ju4 prop (theater); paraphernalia; (gaming) item; artifact 妈的[媽的] ma1 de5 see 他媽的|他妈的[ta1 ma1 de5] 尖叫[尖叫] jian1 jiao4 to screech; to shriek 记忆力[記憶力] ji4 yi4 li4 faculty of memory; ability to remember 分钟[分鐘] fen1 zhong1 minute //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/725 words - 105 min 想象[想象] xiang3 xiang4 to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 啰[囉] luo5 (final exclamatory particle) 嗦[嗦] suo1 suck 同性恋[同性戀] tong2 xing4 lian4 homosexuality; gay person; gay love 付钱[付錢] fu4 qian2 to pay money 免费[免費] mian3 fei4 free (of charge) 包场[包場] bao1 chang3 to reserve all the seats (or a large block of seats) at a theater, restaurant etc 订[訂] ding4 to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper etc); to order 说谎[說謊] shuo1 huang3 to lie; to tell an untruth 招呼[招呼] zhao1 hu5 to call out to; to greet; to say hello to; to inform; to take care of; to take care that one does not 朝[朝] chao2 imperial or royal court; government; dynasty; reign of a sovereign or emperor; court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor; to make a pilgrimage to; facing; towards 朝[朝] zhao1 morning 迈进[邁進] mai4 jin4 to step in; to stride forward; to forge ahead 小子[小子] xiao3 zi5 (coll.) boy; (derog.) joker; guy; (despicable) fellow 打电话[打電話] da3 dian4 hua4 to make a telephone call 消失[消失] xiao1 shi1 to disappear; to fade away 赎回[贖回] shu2 hui2 to redeem 规则[規則] gui1 ze2 rule; regulation; rules and regulations 抓住[抓住] zhua1 zhu4 to grab; to capture 四周[四周] si4 zhou1 all around 此[此] ci3 this; these 滴[滴] di1 a drop; to drip 血[血] xue4 blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4] 效忠[效忠] xiao4 zhong1 to vow loyalty and devotion to 誓死[誓死] shi4 si3 to pledge one's life 保密[保密] bao3 mi4 to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy //Secrets in The Hot Spring - S1/Ep1/733 words - 106 min 毒[毒] du2 poison; to poison; poisonous; malicious; cruel; fierce; narcotics 秘密[秘密] mi4 mi4 secret; CL:個|个[ge4] 外传[外傳] wai4 chuan2 to tell others (a secret); to divulge to an outsider; to be rumored 外传[外傳] wai4 zhuan4 unofficial biography (as opposed to official dynastic biography) 便宜[便宜] pian2 yi5 cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 土地[土地] tu3 di4 land; soil; territory; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 想出[想出] xiang3 chu1 to figure out; to work out (a solution etc); to think up; to come up with (an idea etc) 主题[主題] zhu3 ti2 theme; subject 不得不[不得不] bu4 de2 bu4 have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid