//Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/25 words - 1 min 使命[使命] shǐmìng mission; long-term task to which one devotes oneself; a calling 去向[去向] qùxiàng the position of sth; whereabouts 目标[目標] mùbiāo target; goal; objective; CL:個|个[ge4] 凳子[凳子] dèngzi stool; small seat 灯泡[燈泡] dēngpào light bulb; see also 電燈泡|电灯泡[dian4 deng1 pao4]; third-wheel or unwanted third party spoiling a couple's date (slang); CL:個|个[ge4] 距离[距離] jùlí distance; CL:個|个[ge4]; to be apart from 山脚[山腳] shānjiǎo foot of a mountain 山顶[山頂] shāndǐng hilltop 上山[上山] shàngshān to go uphill; to spin cocoon (silkworms); to pass away 刻[刻] kè quarter (hour); moment; to carve; to engrave; to cut; oppressive; classifier for short time intervals 抬头[抬頭] táitóu to raise one's head; to gain ground; account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc 一眼[一眼] yīyǎn a glance; a quick look; a glimpse 撕[撕] sī to tear 胯[胯] kuà crotch; groin; hip 地板[地板] dìbǎn floor 中间[中間] zhōngjiān between; intermediate; mid; middle 经历[經歷] jīnglì experience; CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]; to experience; to go through 缺[缺] quē deficiency; lack; scarce; vacant post; to run short of 绝不[絕不] juébù in no way; not in the least; absolutely not 坚定[堅定] jiāndìng firm; steady; staunch; resolute 可怕[可怕] kěpà awful; dreadful; fearful; formidable; frightful; scary; hideous; horrible; terrible; terribly 往前[往前] wǎngqián to move forwards 冲[沖] chōng (of water) to dash against; to mix with water; to infuse; to rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to clash; to collide with 使劲[使勁] shǐjìn to exert all one's strength 赖[賴] lài to depend on; to hang on in a place; bad; to renege (on promise); to disclaim; to rat (on debts); rascally; to blame; to put the blame on //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/50 words - 4 min 舞台[舞臺] wǔtái stage; arena; fig. in the limelight 天空[天空] tiānkōng sky 云彩[雲彩] yúncai (coll.) cloud; CL:朵[duo3] 不断[不斷] bùduàn unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant 流动[流動] liúdòng to flow; to circulate; to go from place to place; to be mobile; (of assets) liquid 奔跑[奔跑] bēnpǎo to run 者[者] zhě (after a verb or adjective) one who (is) ...; (after a noun) person involved in ...; -er; -ist; (used after a number or 後|后[hou4] or 前[qian2] to refer to sth mentioned previously); (used after a term, to mark a pause before defining the term); (old) (used at the end of a command); (old) this 向前[向前] xiàngqián forward; onward 到达[到達] dàodá to reach; to arrive 周[周] zhōu to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all over; thorough; to help financially 屏幕[屏幕] píngmù screen (TV, computer or movie) 作为[作為] zuòwéi one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be 青春[青春] qīngchūn youth; youthfulness 制作[製作] zhìzuò to make; to manufacture 助力[助力] zhùlì a helping hand; help; assistance 说明书[說明書] shuōmíngshū (technical) manual; (book of) directions; synopsis (of a play or film); specification (patent); CL:本[ben3] 额外[額外] éwài extra; added; additional 获取[獲取] huòqǔ to gain; to get; to acquire 多助[多助] duōzhù receiving much help (from outside); well supported 力[力] lì power; force; strength; ability; strenuously 截止[截止] jiézhǐ to close; to stop; to put a stop to sth; cut-off point; stopping point; deadline 训练[訓練] xùnliàn to train; to drill; training; CL:個|个[ge4] 嗨[嗨] hāi oh alas; hey!; hi! (loanword); a high (natural or drug-induced) (loanword) 人们[人們] rénmen people 告别[告別] gàobié to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/75 words - 5 min 寒冬[寒冬] hándōng wintry 春[春] chūn spring (season); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life 暖[暖] nuǎn warm; to warm 满满[滿滿] mǎnmǎn full; closely packed 生机[生機] shēngjī opportunity to live; to reprieve from death; life force; vitality 兴奋[興奮] xīngfèn excited; excitement; (physiology) excitation 探头[探頭] tàntóu to extend one's head (out or into); a probe; detector; search unit 播[播] bō to sow; to scatter; to spread; to broadcast; Taiwan pr. [bo4] 集合[集合] jíhé to gather; to assemble; set (math.) 旅[旅] lǚ trip; travel; to travel; brigade (army) 启程[啟程] qǐchéng to set out on a journey 全新[全新] quánxīn all new; completely new 模样[模樣] múyàng look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:個|个[ge4]; also pr. [mo2 yang4] 蔡[蔡] Cài surname Cai 徐[徐] xú slowly; gently 坤[坤] kūn one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing earth; female principle; ☷; ancient Chinese compass point: 225° (southwest) 华人[華人] Huárén ethnic Chinese person or people 杰出[傑出] jiéchū outstanding; distinguished; remarkable; prominent; illustrious 青年[青年] qīngnián youth; youthful years; young person; the young 歌手[歌手] gēshǒu singer 音乐[音樂] yīnyuè music; CL:張|张[zhang1],曲[qu3],段[duan4] 出道[出道] chūdào to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc); to start one's career 至今[至今] zhìjīn so far; to this day; until now 共[共] gòng common; general; to share; together; total; altogether; abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party 发表[發表] fābiǎo to issue; to publish //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/100 words - 5 min 原创[原創] yuánchuàng originality; creativity; innovation 歌曲[歌曲] gēqǔ song 作品[作品] zuòpǐn work (of art); opus; CL:部[bu4],篇[pian1] 重生[重生] chóngshēng rebirth 获[獲] huò to catch; to obtain; to capture 网[網] wǎng net; network 数字[數字] shùzì numeral; digit; number; figure; amount; digital (electronics etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 专辑[專輯] zhuānjí album; record (music); special collection of printed or broadcast material 销量[銷量] xiāoliàng sales volume 冠军[冠軍] guànjūn champion; CL:個|个[ge4] 牙[牙] yá tooth; ivory; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 友好[友好] yǒuhǎo friendly; amicable; close friend 大使[大使] dàshǐ ambassador; envoy; CL:名[ming2],位[wei4] 暨[暨] jì and; to reach to; the limits 领袖[領袖] lǐngxiù leader; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 人物[人物] rénwù person; character (in a play, novel etc); protagonist; CL:個|个[ge4] 中国[中國] Zhōngguó China 扶贫[扶貧] fúpín assistance to the poor; poverty alleviation 基金会[基金會] jījīnhuì foundation (institution supported by an endowment) 减灾[減災] jiǎnzāi measures to reduce disasters 形象大使[形象大使] xíngxiàngdàshǐ person who represents an organization and enhances its image; ambassador 葵[葵] kuí sunflower 计划[計劃] jìhuà plan; project; program; to plan; to map out; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 爱心[愛心] àixīn compassion; kindness; care for others; love; CL:片[pian4]; charity (bazaar, golf day etc); heart (the symbol ♥) 基金[基金] jījīn fund //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/125 words - 6 min 发起人[發起人] fāqǐrén proposer; initiator; founding member 请多关照[請多關照] qǐngduōguānzhào please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting) 回忆[回憶] huíyì to recall; memories; CL:個|个[ge4] 座位[座位] zuòwèi seat; CL:個|个[ge4] 干嘛[幹嘛] gànmá what are you doing?; whatever for?; why on earth? 呼叫[呼叫] hūjiào to shout; to yell; (telecommunications) to call 导演[導演] dǎoyǎn to direct; director (film etc) 任务[任務] rènwu mission; assignment; task; duty; role; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 老师[老師] lǎoshī teacher; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 瞒[瞞] mán to conceal from; to keep (sb) in the dark 导师[導師] dǎoshī tutor; teacher; academic advisor 惊喜[驚喜] jīngxǐ nice surprise; to be pleasantly surprised 陈[陳] chén to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to narrate; to state; to explain; to tell; old; stale 嘉[嘉] jiā excellent; auspicious; to praise; to commend 桦[樺] huà birch tree; Betula japonica 台湾[臺灣] Táiwān Taiwan 女子[女子] nǚzǐ woman; female 演唱[演唱] yǎnchàng sung performance; to sing for an audience 组合[組合] zǔhé to assemble; to combine; to compose; combination; association; set; compilation; (math.) combinatorial 成员[成員] chéngyuán member 便[便] biàn plain; informal; suitable; convenient; opportune; to urinate or defecate; equivalent to 就[jiu4]: then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards 风靡[風靡] fēngmǐ fashionable; popular 华语[華語] Huáyǔ Chinese language 乐坛[樂壇] yuètán music circles; music world 誉[譽] yù to praise; to acclaim; reputation //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/150 words - 7 min 亚洲[亞洲] Yàzhōu Asia; abbr. for 亞細亞洲|亚细亚洲[Ya4 xi4 ya4 Zhou1] 团[團] tuán round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) 凭借[憑借] píngjiè to rely on; to depend on; by means of; thanks to; sth that one relies on 获得[獲得] huòdé to obtain; to receive; to get 曲[曲] qū bent; crooked; wrong 曲[曲] qǔ tune; song; CL:支[zhi1] 赏[賞] shǎng to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior); to appreciate (beauty) 港台[港臺] GǎngTái Hong Kong and Taiwan 受欢迎[受歡迎] shòuhuānyíng popular; well-received 奖[獎] jiǎng prize; award; encouragement; CL:個|个[ge4] 浑身[渾身] húnshēn all over; from head to foot 劲[勁] jìn strength; energy; enthusiasm; spirit; mood; expression; interest; CL:把[ba3]; Taiwan pr. [jing4] 女孩[女孩] nǚhái girl; lass 想念[想念] xiǎngniàn to miss; to remember with longing; to long to see again 几岁[幾歲] jǐsuì how old are you? (familiar, or to a child) 神秘[神秘] shénmì mysterious; mystery 浪漫[浪漫] làngmàn romantic 天哪[天哪] tiānna Good gracious!; For goodness sake! 选手[選手] xuǎnshǒu athlete; contestant 少来[少來] shǎolái refrain (from doing sth); (coll.) Come on!; Give me a break!; Save it! 密谋[密謀] mìmóu conspiracy; secret plan; to conspire 说定[說定] shuōdìng to agree on; to settle on 舞蹈[舞蹈] wǔdǎo dance (performance art); dancing 泰国[泰國] Tàiguó Thailand; Thai 籍[籍] jí book or record; registry; roll; place of one's family or ancestral records; membership 海外[海外] hǎiwài overseas; abroad //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/175 words - 8 min 大热[大熱] dàrè great heat; very popular 领[領] lǐng neck; collar; to lead; to receive; classifier for clothes, mats, screens etc 舞[舞] wǔ to dance; to wield; to brandish 印尼[印尼] Yìnní Indonesia (abbr. for 印度尼西亞|印度尼西亚) 土耳其[土耳其] Tǔ'ěrqí Turkey 马来西亚[馬來西亞] Mǎláixīyà Malaysia 十四[十四] shísì fourteen; 14 国家[國家] guójiā country; nation; state; CL:個|个[ge4] 榜[榜] bǎng notice or announcement; list of names; public roll of successful examinees 夺得[奪得] duódé to take (after a struggle); to wrest; to seize; to capture; to win (a trophy) 多次[多次] duōcì many times; repeatedly 创下[創下] chuàngxià to establish; to set (a new record) 音[音] yīn sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character) 源[源] yuán root; source; origin 成绩[成績] chéngjì achievement; performance records; grades; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 纪录[紀錄] jìlù variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4] (but in Taiwan, not for the verb sense "to record") 空无一人[空無一人] kōngwúyīrén not a soul in sight (idiom) 好坏[好壞] hǎohuài good or bad; good and bad; standard; quality 说唱[說唱] shuōchàng speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2] and 相聲|相声[xiang4 sheng5]; (music) rapping 厂牌[廠牌] chǎngpái brand (of a product) 称为[稱為] chēngwéi called; to call sth (by a name); to name 诗人[詩人] shīrén bard; poet 国内[國內] guónèi domestic; internal (to a country); civil 之一[之一] zhīyī one of (sth); one out of a multitude; one (third, quarter, percent etc) 喜[喜] xǐ to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/200 words - 10 min 恋旧[戀舊] liànjiù see 懷舊|怀旧[huai2 jiu4] 届[屆] jiè to arrive at (place or time); period; to become due; classifier for events, meetings, elections, sporting fixtures, years (of graduation) 阿比[阿比] Ābǐ Abby or Abi (name, sometimes short for Abigail) 鹿[鹿] lù deer 年度[年度] niándù year (e.g. school year, fiscal year); annual 唱片[唱片] chàngpiàn gramophone record; LP; music CD; musical album; CL:張|张[zhang1] 信仰[信仰] xìnyǎng to believe in (a religion); firm belief; conviction 玩家[玩家] wánjiā player (of a game); enthusiast (audio, model planes etc) 奴隶[奴隸] núlì slave 大雨[大雨] dàyǔ heavy rain; CL:場|场[chang2] 帽子[帽子] màozi hat; cap; (fig.) label; bad name; CL:頂|顶[ding3] 太阳[太陽] tàiyang sun; CL:個|个[ge4]; abbr. for 太陽穴|太阳穴[tai4 yang2 xue2] 全员[全員] quányuán complete personnel; fully manned 椅子[椅子] yǐzi chair; CL:把[ba3],套[tao4] 年会[年會] niánhuì annual meeting 忽悠[忽悠] hūyou to rock; to sway; to flicker (e.g. of lights reflected on water); to flutter (e.g. of a flag); to trick sb into doing sth; to dupe; to con 表演[表演] biǎoyǎn play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to demonstrate; CL:場|场[chang3] 爱奇艺[愛奇藝] ÀiQíyì iQiyi, online video platform based in Beijing, launched in 2010 总部[總部] zǒngbù general headquarters 开会[開會] kāihuì to hold a meeting; to attend a meeting 一会儿[一會兒] yīhuìr5 a moment; a while; in a moment; now...now...; also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5] 餐[餐] cān meal; to eat; classifier for meals 问话[問話] wènhuà questioning (a suspect); interrogation 资料[資料] zīliào material; resources; data; information; profile (Internet); CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] 说实话[說實話] shuōshíhuà to speak the truth; truth to tell; frankly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/225 words - 12 min 实不相瞒[實不相瞞] shíbùxiāngmán truth to tell; to be quite honest... 节目[節目] jiémù program; item (on a program); CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 套路[套路] tàolù sequence of movements in martial arts; routine; pattern; standard method 套[套] tào to cover; to encase; cover; sheath; to overlap; to interleave; to model after; to copy; formula; harness; loop of rope; (fig.) to fish for; to obtain slyly; classifier for sets, collections; bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names); tau (Greek letter Ττ) 掌握[掌握] zhǎngwò to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency 之中[之中] zhīzhōng inside; among; in the midst of (doing sth); during 摊[攤] tān to spread out; vendor's stand 会要[會要] huìyào dynastic records of imperial China 沟通[溝通] gōutōng to join; to connect; to link up; to communicate 蒙在鼓里[蒙在鼓裡] méngzàigǔlǐ lit. kept inside a drum (idiom); fig. completely in the dark 演戏[演戲] yǎnxì to put on a play; to perform; fig. to pretend; to feign 摆[擺] bǎi to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a pendulum 桌子[桌子] zhuōzi table; desk; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4] 真诚[真誠] zhēnchéng true; sincere; genuine 嘴角[嘴角] zuǐjiǎo corner of the mouth 无辜[無辜] wúgū innocent; innocence; not guilty (law) 上扬[上揚] shàngyáng to rise (i.e. number increases); a price rise; to raise 隐藏[隱藏] yǐncáng to hide; to conceal; to mask; to shelter; to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden); to hide oneself; to lie low; to nestle; hidden; implicit; private; covert; recessed (lighting) 不住[不住] bùzhù repeatedly; continuously; constantly; unable to (resist, conceal etc) 上当[上當] shàngdàng taken in (by sb's deceit); to be fooled; to be duped 姐[姐] jiě older sister 经纪人[經紀人] jīngjìrén broker; middleman; agent; manager 这样一来[這樣一來] zhèyàngyīlái thus; if this happens then 幼稚[幼稚] yòuzhì young; childish; puerile 新鲜[新鮮] xīnxiān fresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/250 words - 13 min 捉弄[捉弄] zhuōnòng to tease 以往[以往] yǐwǎng in the past; formerly 初[初] chū at first; (at the) beginning; first; junior; basic 评级[評級] píngjí rating 提前[提前] tíqián to shift to an earlier date; to do sth ahead of time; in advance 了解[瞭解] liǎojiě to understand; to realize; to find out 性格[性格] xìnggé nature; disposition; temperament; character; CL:個|个[ge4] 背景[背景] bèijǐng background; backdrop; context; (fig.) powerful backer; CL:種|种[zhong3] 交流[交流] jiāoliú to exchange; exchange; communication; interaction; to have social contact (with sb) 蛮[蠻] mán barbarian; bullying; very; quite; rough; reckless 迎接[迎接] yíngjiē to meet; to welcome; to greet 放松[放鬆] fàngsōng to loosen; to relax 毫无[毫無] háowú not in the least; to completely lack 感[感] gǎn to feel; to move; to touch; to affect; feeling; emotion; (suffix) sense of ~ 彼此[彼此] bǐcǐ each other; one another 迎[迎] yíng to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties) 新会[新會] Xīnhuì Xinhui county and district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong 四十[四十] sìshí forty; 40 功课[功課] gōngkè homework; assignment; task; classwork; lesson; study; CL:門|门[men2] 全世界[全世界] quánshìjiè worldwide; entire world 表情[表情] biǎoqíng (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression 直到[直到] zhídào until 扑克[撲克] pūkè poker (game) (loanword); playing cards 长得[長得] zhǎngde to look (pretty, the same etc) 加油[加油] jiāyóu to add oil; to top up with gas; to refuel; to accelerate; to step on the gas; (fig.) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb on //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/275 words - 15 min 显得[顯得] xiǎnde to seem; to look; to appear 酷[酷] kù ruthless; strong (e.g. of wine); (loanword) cool; hip 烂[爛] làn soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly; crappy; bad 能否[能否] néngfǒu whether or not; can it or can't it; is it possible? 应对[應對] yìngduì response; to answer; to reply 冷酷[冷酷] lěngkù grim; unfeeling; callous 考验[考驗] kǎoyàn to test; to put to the test; trial; ordeal 公司[公司] gōngsī (business) company; company; firm; corporation; incorporated; CL:家[jia1] 丢脸[丟臉] diūliǎn to lose face; humiliation 一二[一二] yī'èr one or two; a few 寻[尋] xún to search; to look for; to seek 寻觅[尋覓] xúnmì to look for 觅[覓] mì to seek; to find 慌张[慌張] huāngzhāng confused; flustered 反[反] fǎn contrary; in reverse; inside out or upside down; to reverse; to return; to oppose; opposite; against; anti-; to rebel; to use analogy; instead; abbr. for 反切[fan3 qie4] phonetic system 秒[秒] miǎo second (unit of time); arc second (angular measurement unit); (coll.) instantly 变脸[變臉] biànliǎn to turn hostile suddenly; face changing, a device of Sichuan Opera, a dramatic change of attitude expressing fright, anger etc 笑容[笑容] xiàoróng smile; smiling expression; CL:副[fu4] 收敛[收斂] shōuliǎn to dwindle; to vanish; to make vanish; to exercise restraint; to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc); to astringe; (math.) to converge 逐渐[逐漸] zhújiàn gradually 消失[消失] xiāoshī to disappear; to fade away 恐怖[恐怖] kǒngbù terrible; frightful; frightening; terror; terrorist 无措[無措] wúcuò helpless 胡[胡] hú non-Han people, esp. from central Asia; reckless; outrageous; what?; why?; to complete a winning hand at mahjong (also written 和[hu2]) 馨[馨] xīn fragrant //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/300 words - 16 min 尹[尹] yǐn to administer; to oversee; to run; magistrate (old) 沈莹[沈瑩] ShěnYíng Shen Ying of Wu, governor (268-280) of coastal province of Wu and compiler of Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer 臨海水土誌|临海水土志 脑海[腦海] nǎohǎi the mind; the brain 画面[畫面] huàmiàn scene; tableau; picture; image; screen (displayed by a computer); (motion picture) frame; field of view 蔬菜[蔬菜] shūcài vegetables; CL:種|种[zhong3] 沙拉[沙拉] shālā salad (loanword) 宝宝[寶寶] bǎobǎo darling; baby 强行[強行] qiángxíng to do sth by force 镇定[鎮定] zhèndìng calm; unperturbed; cool 期[期] qī a period of time; phase; stage; classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study; time; term; period; to hope; Taiwan pr. [qi2] 栗子[栗子] lìzi chestnut 冷漠[冷漠] lěngmò cold and detached towards sb; lack of regard; indifference; neglect 不知所措[不知所措] bùzhīsuǒcuò not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end; embarrassed and at a complete loss 残忍[殘忍] cánrěn cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless 说说[說說] shuōshuo to say sth 特长[特長] tècháng personal strength; one's special ability or strong points 眼镜[眼鏡] yǎnjìng spectacles; eyeglasses; CL:副[fu4] 跳舞[跳舞] tiàowǔ to dance 线[線] xiàn thread; string; wire; line; CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3],根[gen1]; (after a number) tier (unofficial ranking of a Chinese city) 帽[帽] mào hat; cap 嘞[嘞] lei sentence-final particle similar to 了[le5], but carrying a tone of approval 挪[挪] nuó to shift; to move 隔[隔] gé to separate; to partition; to stand or lie between; at a distance from; after or at an interval of 想起[想起] xiǎngqǐ to recall; to think of; to call to mind 班主任[班主任] bānzhǔrèn teacher in charge of a class //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/325 words - 19 min 支配[支配] zhīpèi to control; to dominate; to allocate 恐惧[恐懼] kǒngjù to be frightened; fear; dread 喜好[喜好] xǐhào to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference 邀请[邀請] yāoqǐng to invite; invitation; CL:個|个[ge4] 挨着[挨著] āizhe near 小朋友[小朋友] xiǎopéngyǒu child; CL:個|个[ge4] 害羞[害羞] hàixiū shy; embarrassed; bashful 内敛[內斂] nèiliǎn introverted; reserved; (artistic style) understated 什[什] shén what 么[麽] me variant of 麼|么[me5] 英文[英文] Yīngwén English (language) 打拼[打拼] dǎpīn to work hard; to try to make a living 孤单[孤單] gūdān lone; lonely; loneliness 亲切[親切] qīnqiè amiable; cordial; close and dear; familiar 善良[善良] shànliáng good and honest; kindhearted 期待[期待] qīdài to look forward to; to await; expectation 珏[玨] jué gems mounted together 再次[再次] zàicì one more time; again; one more; once again 开启[開啟] kāiqǐ to open; to start; (computing) to enable 话题[話題] huàtí subject (of a talk or conversation); topic 蕾哈娜[蕾哈娜] Lěihānà Rihanna (1988-), Barbadian pop singer 偶像[偶像] ǒuxiàng idol 嗯[嗯] en interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement 同年[同年] tóngnián the same year 同日[同日] tóngrì same day; simultaneous //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/350 words - 21 min 头发[頭髮] tóufa hair (on the head) 挡住[擋住] dǎngzhù to obstruct 尴尬[尷尬] gāngà awkward; embarrassed 期盼[期盼] qīpàn hope and expectation; to anticipate; to look forward to; to await expectantly 梗[梗] gěng branch; stem; stalk; CL:根[gen1]; to block; to hinder; (Tw) interesting, fresh, or amusing subject matter or scenario 万一[萬一] wànyī just in case; if by any chance; contingency 为难[為難] wéinán to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage) 座[座] zuò seat; base; stand; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immovable objects 胆大[膽大] dǎndà daring; bold; audacious 本人[本人] běnrén the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal 惊艳[驚艷] jīngyàn stunning; breathtaking 神奇[神奇] shénqí magical; mystical; miraculous 视线[視線] shìxiàn line of sight 回避[迴避] huíbì to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc) 安静[安靜] ānjìng quiet; peaceful; calm 呐[吶] na sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5]) 等候[等候] děnghòu to wait; to wait for 入场[入場] rùchǎng to enter the venue for a meeting; to enter into an examination; to enter a stadium, arena etc 心中[心中] xīnzhōng central point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart 数一数二[數一數二] shǔyīshǔ'èr reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best; to list one by one 儿[兒] ér child; son 高端[高端] gāoduān high-end 鹅[鵝] é goose; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 占[占] zhàn to take possession of; to occupy; to take up 分钟[分鐘] fēnzhōng minute //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/375 words - 23 min 文[文] wén language; culture; writing; formal; literary; gentle; (old) classifier for coins; Kangxi radical 67 创[創] chuàng to begin; to initiate; to inaugurate; to start; to create 喽[嘍] lou (final particle equivalent to 了[le5]); (particle calling attention to, or mildly warning of, a situation) 来自[來自] láizì to come from (a place); From: (in email header) 个子[個子] gèzi height; stature; build; size 多多[多多] duōduō many; much; a lot; lots and lots; more; even more 指教[指教] zhǐjiào to give advice or comments 电梯[電梯] diàntī elevator; escalator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4] 敬礼[敬禮] jìnglǐ to salute; salute 程度[程度] chéngdù degree (level or extent); level; CL:個|个[ge4] 九十[九十] jiǔshí ninety 度[度] dù to pass; to spend (time); measure; limit; extent; degree of intensity; degree (angles, temperature etc); kilowatt-hour; classifier for events and occurrences 平均[平均] píngjūn average; on average; evenly; in equal proportions 六十[六十] liùshí sixty; 60 公分[公分] gōngfēn centimeter; gram 位子[位子] wèizi place; seat 打招呼[打招呼] dǎzhāohu to greet sb by word or action; to give prior notice 视频[視頻] shìpín video 超级[超級] chāojí super-; ultra-; hyper- 品[品] pǐn article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up; fret (on a guitar or lute) 瑄[瑄] xuān ornamental piece of jade 华[華] huá magnificent; splendid; flowery 策[策] cè policy; plan; scheme; bamboo slip for writing (old); to whip (a horse); to encourage; riding crop with sharp spines (old); essay written for the imperial examinations (old); upward horizontal stroke in calligraphy 集团[集團] jítuán group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate 拍电影[拍電影] pāidiànyǐng to make a movie //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/400 words - 26 min 电视剧[電視劇] diànshìjù TV play; soap opera; CL:部[bu4] 出品[出品] chūpǐn to produce an item; output; items that are produced 练习[練習] liànxí to practice; exercise; drill; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 走错[走錯] zǒucuò to go the wrong way; to take the wrong (road, exit etc) 情景[情景] qíngjǐng scene; spectacle; circumstances; situation 剧[劇] jù theatrical work (play, opera, TV series etc); dramatic (change, increase etc); acute; severe 影视[影視] yǐngshì movies and television 虞[虞] yú to expect; to anticipate; to worry; to cheat 欣[欣] xīn happy 时长[時長] shícháng duration 勇敢[勇敢] yǒnggǎn brave; courageous 信心[信心] xìnxīn confidence; faith (in sb or sth); CL:個|个[ge4] 平时[平時] píngshí ordinarily; in normal times; in peacetime 好笑[好笑] hǎoxiào laughable; funny; ridiculous 录制[錄製] lùzhì to record (video or audio) 得罪[得罪] dézui to offend sb; to make a faux pas; a faux pas; see also 得罪[de2 zui4] 这儿[這兒] zhèr5 here 里[里] lǐ li, ancient measure of length, approx. 500 m; neighborhood; ancient administrative unit of 25 families; (Tw) borough, administrative unit between the township 鎮|镇[zhen4] and neighborhood 鄰|邻[lin2] levels 是的[是的] shìde yes, that's right; variant of 似的[shi4 de5] 快要[快要] kuàiyào almost; nearly; almost all 瞬间[瞬間] shùnjiān in an instant; in a flash 隐形[隱形] yǐnxíng invisible 刚才[剛纔] gāngcái (just) a moment ago 礼貌[禮貌] lǐmào courtesy; manners 范围[範圍] fànwéi range; scope; limit; extent; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/425 words - 27 min 打气[打氣] dǎqì to inflate; to pump up; fig. to encourage; to boost morale 团体[團體] tuántǐ group; organization; team; CL:個|个[ge4] 咋[咋] zǎ dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5] 学长[學長] xuézhǎng senior or older male schoolmate 丝[絲] sī silk; thread; trace; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips; CL:條|条[tiao2]; classifier: a thread (of cloud, smoke etc), a bit, an iota, a hint (of sth) etc 芭[芭] bā a herb; banana 传媒[傳媒] chuánméi media 决[決] jué to decide; to determine; to execute (sb); (of a dam etc) to breach or burst; definitely; certainly 名次[名次] míngcì position in a ranking of names; place; rank 风光[風光] fēngguāng scene; view; sight; landscape; to be well-regarded; to be well-off; grand (dialect); impressive (dialect) 成立[成立] chénglì to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water 从零开始[從零開始] cónglíngkāishǐ to start from scratch 牵[牽] qiān to lead along; to pull (an animal on a tether); (bound form) to involve; to draw in 加入[加入] jiārù to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in 心脏[心臟] xīnzàng heart; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 砰砰[砰砰] pēngpēng (onom.) slam 大陆[大陸] dàlù continent; mainland; CL:個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4] 糙[糙] cāo rough; coarse (in texture) 泰[泰] tài safe; peaceful; most; grand 洋[洋] yáng ocean; vast; foreign; silver dollar or coin 川[川] chuān river; creek; plain; an area of level country 禾[禾] hé cereal; grain 旗[旗] qí banner; flag; (in Qing times) Manchu (cf. 八旗[Ba1 qi2]); administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county; CL:面[mian4] 艺人[藝人] yìrén performing artist; actor 冬[冬] dōng winter //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/450 words - 28 min 钧[鈞] jūn 30 catties; great; your (honorific) 传说[傳說] chuánshuō legend; folklore; to repeat from mouth to mouth; they say that... 悦[悅] yuè pleased 幂[冪] mì power; exponent (math.); to cover with a cloth; cloth cover; veil 杨[楊] yáng poplar 迪[迪] dí to enlighten 丽[麗] lì beautiful 巴[巴] bā to long for; to wish; to cling to; to stick to; sth that sticks; close to; next to; spread open; informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4]; bar (unit of pressure); nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail 萌[萌] méng to sprout; to bud; to have a strong affection for (slang); adorable (loanword from Japanese 萌え moe, slang describing affection for a cute character) 样[樣] yàng manner; pattern; way; appearance; shape; classifier: kind, type 柴[柴] chái firewood; lean (of meat); thin (of a person) 智[智] zhì wisdom; knowledge 屏[屏] píng (standing) screen 参与[參與] cānyù to participate (in sth) 恶魔[惡魔] èmó demon; fiend 转角[轉角] zhuǎnjiǎo bend in a street; corner; to turn a corner 童年[童年] tóngnián childhood 点赞[點贊] diǎnzàn to like (an online post on Weibo, Facebook etc) 传播[傳播] chuánbō to disseminate; to propagate; to spread 火星[火星] huǒxīng spark 娱[娛] yú to amuse 最少[最少] zuìshǎo at least; minimum; lowest (amount); minimal 以上[以上] yǐshàng that level or higher; that amount or more; the above-mentioned; (used to indicate that one has completed one's remarks) That is all. 全场[全場] quánchǎng everyone present; the whole audience; across-the-board; unanimously; whole duration (of a competition or match) 经验[經驗] jīngyàn experience; to experience //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/475 words - 28 min 丰富[豐富] fēngfù to enrich; rich; plentiful; abundant 许[許] xǔ to allow; to permit; to promise; to praise; somewhat; perhaps 佳[佳] jiā beautiful; fine; good 琪[琪] qí fine jade 林[林] lín woods; forest; CL:片[pian4]; circle(s) (i.e. specific group of people); a collection (of similar things) 宅[宅] zhái residence; (coll.) to stay in at home; to hang around at home 企业家[企業家] qǐyèjiā entrepreneur 自主[自主] zìzhǔ independent; to act for oneself; autonomous 创业[創業] chuàngyè to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship 淘[淘] táo to wash; to clean out; to cleanse; to eliminate; to dredge 宝[寶] bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; precious 店主[店主] diànzhǔ shop owner 秦[秦] Qín surname Qin; Qin dynasty (221-207 BC) of the first emperor 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]; abbr. for 陝西|陕西[Shan3 xi1] 牛[牛] niú ox; cow; bull; CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]; newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4]); (slang) awesome 威[威] wēi power; might; prestige 女生[女生] nǚshēng schoolgirl; female student; girl 默默[默默] mòmò in silence; not speaking 哦[哦] o sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy; may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of 陆[陸] lù shore; land; continent 柯[柯] kē tree branch; stem; ax handle 燃[燃] rán to burn; to ignite; to light; fig. to spark off (hopes); to start (debate); to raise (hopes) 篮球[籃球] lánqiú basketball; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 击剑[擊劍] jījiàn fencing (sport) 爱好[愛好] àihào to like; to take pleasure in; keen on; fond of; interest; hobby; appetite for; CL:個|个[ge4] 在线[在線] zàixiàn online //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/500 words - 29 min 憨[憨] hān silly; simple-minded; foolish; naive; sturdy; tough; heavy (of rope) 突然间[突然間] tūránjiān suddenly 薇[薇] wēi Osmunda regalis, a species of fern; Taiwan pr. [wei2] 微博[微博] wēibó microblogging; microblog 发掘[發掘] fājué to excavate; to explore; (fig.) to unearth; to tap into 新人[新人] xīnrén newcomer; fresh talent; newlywed, esp. new bride; bride and groom 照片[照片] zhàopiàn photograph; picture; CL:張|张[zhang1],套[tao4],幅[fu2] 帅[帥] shuài handsome; graceful; smart; commander in chief; (coll.) cool!; sweet! 不许[不許] bùxǔ not to allow; must not; can't 流星[流星] liúxīng meteor; shooting star 花园[花園] huāyuán garden; CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4] 尾[尾] wěi tail; remainder; remnant; extremity; sixth of the 28 constellations; classifier for fish 敌人[敵人] dírén enemy; CL:個|个[ge4] 强大[強大] qiángdà large; formidable; powerful; strong 乐[樂] lè happy; cheerful; to laugh 乐[樂] yuè music 娱乐[娛樂] yúlè to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy 果然[果然] guǒrán really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed 匠[匠] jiàng craftsman 星[星] xīng star; heavenly body; satellite; small amount 觉醒[覺醒] juéxǐng to awaken; to come to realize; awakened to the truth; the truth dawns upon one; scales fall from the eyes; to become aware 东方[東方] dōngfāng east 老朋友[老朋友] lǎopéngyou old friend; (slang) period; menstruation 大厂[大廠] dàchǎng large manufacturer 工友[工友] gōngyǒu workmate 小鬼[小鬼] xiǎoguǐ little demon (term of endearment for a child); mischievous child; imp //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/525 words - 31 min 金子[金子] jīnzi gold 涵[涵] hán to contain; to include; culvert 华裔[華裔] Huáyì ethnic Chinese; non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry 季军[季軍] jìjūn third in a race; bronze medalist 才艺[才藝] cáiyì talent 美国[美國] Měiguó United States; USA; US 最佳[最佳] zuìjiā optimum; optimal; peak; best (athlete, movie etc) 留学生[留學生] liúxuéshēng student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 身份[身份] shēnfèn identity; status; capacity; dignity; position; rank 川剧[川劇] Chuānjù Sichuan opera 跟上[跟上] gēnshàng to catch up with; to keep pace with 洛[洛] Luò surname Luo; old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui) 菲[菲] fěi poor; humble; unworthy; radish (old) 坏人[壞人] huàirén bad person; villain 师[師] shī teacher; master; expert; model; army division; (old) troops; to dispatch troops 嘱咐[囑咐] zhǔfù to tell; to exhort; injunction 旗下[旗下] qíxià under the banner of 琳[琳] lín gem 凯[凱] kǎi triumphant; victorious; chi (Greek letter Χχ) 中文[中文] Zhōngwén Chinese language 语言[語言] yǔyán language; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3] 懵[懵] měng stupid 古[古] gǔ ancient; old; paleo- 角落[角落] jiǎoluò nook; corner 笑点[笑點] xiàodiǎn funny bits; humorous parts; jokes; punchline //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/550 words - 34 min 双手[雙手] shuāngshǒu both hands 请求[請求] qǐngqiú to request; to ask; request; CL:個|个[ge4] 暂停[暫停] zàntíng to suspend; time-out (e.g. in sports); stoppage; pause (media player) 顾虑[顧慮] gùlǜ misgivings; apprehensions 非常感谢[非常感謝] fēichánggǎnxiè extremely grateful; very thankful 尽力[盡力] jìnlì to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort 麦[麥] mài wheat; barley; oats 尼[尼] ní Buddhist nun; (often used in phonetic spellings) 卓[卓] zhuó outstanding 宜[宜] yí proper; should; suitable; appropriate 国际化[國際化] guójìhuà to internationalize; internationalization 甜[甜] tián sweet 救命[救命] jiùmìng to save sb's life; (interj.) Help!; Save me! 移开[移開] yíkāi to move away 美丽[美麗] měilì beautiful 游戏[遊戲] yóuxì game; CL:場|场[chang3]; to play 好玩[好玩] hǎowán amusing; fun; interesting 极限[極限] jíxiàn limit; extreme boundary 运动[運動] yùndòng to move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign; CL:場|场[chang3] 乐器[樂器] yuèqì musical instrument; CL:件[jian4] 技[技] jì skill 大提琴[大提琴] dàtíqín cello; violoncello; CL:把[ba3] 初级[初級] chūjí junior; primary 泰拳[泰拳] Tàiquán Muay Thai - "Thai fist" - Martial Art 高空[高空] gāokōng high altitude //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/575 words - 35 min 瑜伽[瑜伽] yújiā yoga (loanword) 中级[中級] zhōngjí middle level (in a hierarchy) 哪些[哪些] nǎxiē which ones?; who?; what? 极限运动[極限運動] jíxiànyùndòng extreme sport 攀岩[攀岩] pānyán rock climbing; to climb a rockface 不可思议[不可思議] bùkěsīyì inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable; unfathomable 宝藏[寶藏] bǎozàng precious mineral deposits; hidden treasure; (fig.) treasure; (Buddhism) the treasure of Buddha's law 梦想[夢想] mèngxiǎng (fig.) to dream of; dream 榜样[榜樣] bǎngyàng example; model; CL:個|个[ge4] 辰星[辰星] Chénxīng Mercury in traditional Chinese astronomy; see also 水星[shui3 xing1] 程[程] chéng rule; order; regulations; formula; journey; procedure; sequence 曼[曼] màn handsome; large; long 鑫[鑫] xīn (used in names of people and shops, symbolizing prosperity) 艺术[藝術] yìshù art 学校[學校] xuéxiào school; CL:所[suo3] 高材生[高材生] gāocáishēng student of great ability 紫[紫] zǐ purple; violet 茵[茵] yīn mattress 北京电影学院[北京電影學院] BěijīngDiànyǐngXuéyuàn Beijing Film Academy 保[保] bǎo to defend; to protect; to keep; to guarantee; to ensure; civil administration unit in the baojia 保甲[bao3 jia3] system (old) 研[研] yán to grind; study; research 以及[以及] yǐjí as well as; too; and 傅[傅] fù tutor 乔[喬] qiáo tall 多伦多[多倫多] Duōlúnduō Toronto, capital of Ontario, Canada //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/600 words - 36 min 大学[大學] dàxué university; college; CL:所[suo3] 学生[學生] xuésheng student; schoolchild 顶尖[頂尖] dǐngjiān peak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field) 学府[學府] xuéfǔ educational establishment 学霸[學霸] xuébà (slang) top student; bookworm 优秀[優秀] yōuxiù outstanding; excellent 隔壁[隔壁] gébì next door; neighbor 翻译[翻譯] fānyì to translate; to interpret; translator; interpreter; translation; interpretation; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 翻[翻] fān to turn over; to flip over; to overturn; to rummage through; to translate; to decode; to double; to climb over or into; to cross 入座[入座] rùzuò to seat (sb in a restaurant etc); to take one's seat 聊天[聊天] liáotiān to chat; to gossip 手势[手勢] shǒushì gesture; sign; signal 突兀[突兀] tūwù lofty or towering; sudden or abrupt 助理[助理] zhùlǐ assistant 话说[話說] huàshuō It is said that ... (at the start of a narrative); to discuss; to recount 梓[梓] zǐ Catalpa kaempferi; printing blocks 倩[倩] qiàn pretty; winsome; to ask for sb's help; son-in-law (old) 空位[空位] kōngwèi empty place; room (for sb) 耳朵[耳朵] ěrduo ear; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4]; handle (on a cup) 莱[萊] lái name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc); Chenopodium album 恩[恩] ēn favor; grace; kindness 狒狒[狒狒] fèifèi baboon 狮子[獅子] shīzi lion; CL:隻|只[zhi1],頭|头[tou2] 行业[行業] hángyè industry; business 全国[全國] quánguó whole nation; nationwide; countrywide; national //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/625 words - 38 min 啥[啥] shá dialectal equivalent of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]; also pr. [sha4] 助教[助教] zhùjiào teaching assistant 果[果] guǒ fruit; result; resolute; indeed; if really 粒[粒] lì grain; granule; classifier for small round things (peas, bullets, peanuts, pills, grains etc) 花香[花香] huāxiāng fragrance of flowers 轻[輕] qīng light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; to disparage 乳[乳] rǔ breast; milk 咯[咯] lo (final particle similar to 了, indicating that sth is obvious) 努力[努力] nǔlì great effort; to strive; to try hard 姐妹[姐妹] jiěmèi sisters; siblings; sister (school, city etc) 晕[暈] yūn confused; dizzy; giddy; to faint; to swoon; to lose consciousness; to pass out 晕[暈] yùn dizzy; halo; ring around moon or sun 一会[一會] yīhuì a moment; a while; in a moment; also pr. [yi1 hui3] 姐姐[姐姐] jiějie older sister; CL:個|个[ge4] 金主[金主] jīnzhǔ financial backer; bankroller 齐[齊] qí neat; even; level with; identical; simultaneous; all together; to even sth out 全程[全程] quánchéng the whole distance; from beginning to end 陪伴[陪伴] péibàn to accompany 自我介绍[自我介紹] zìwǒjièshào self-introduction; to introduce oneself 季[季] jì season; the last month of a season; fourth or youngest amongst brothers; classifier for seasonal crop yields 担任[擔任] dānrèn to hold a governmental office or post; to assume office of; to take charge of; to serve as 声乐[聲樂] shēngyuè vocal music 同时[同時] tóngshí at the same time; simultaneously 困难[困難] kùnnan difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation 或是[或是] huòshì or; either one or the other 心事[心事] xīnshì a load on one's mind; worry; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/650 words - 40 min 分享[分享] fēnxiǎng to share (let others have some of sth good) 尽量[儘量] jǐnliàng as much as possible; to the greatest extent 睁眼[睜眼] zhēngyǎn to open one's eyes 反射弧[反射弧] fǎnshèhú reflex arc 补[補] bǔ to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement 闭[閉] bì to close; to stop up; to shut; to obstruct 成绩单[成績單] chéngjìdān school report or transcript 迷茫[迷茫] mímáng vast and indistinct; perplexed; bewildered; at a loss 满意[滿意] mǎnyì satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction 坚持下去[堅持下去] jiānchíxiàqù to press on 来到[來到] láidào to come; to arrive 遗憾[遺憾] yíhàn regret; to regret; to be sorry that 拍手[拍手] pāishǒu to clap one's hands 珍惜[珍惜] zhēnxī to treasure; to value; to cherish 的确[的確] díquè really; indeed 胖[胖] pàng fat; plump 干杯[乾杯] gānbēi to drink a toast; Cheers! (proposing a toast); Here's to you!; Bottoms up!; lit. dry cup 缘[緣] yuán cause; reason; karma; fate; predestined affinity; margin; hem; edge; along 享受[享受] xiǎngshòu to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种[zhong3] 晚餐[晚餐] wǎncān evening meal; dinner; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 晚安[晚安] wǎn'ān Good night!; Good evening! 变暗[變暗] biàn'àn to darken 灯[燈] dēng lamp; light; lantern; CL:盞|盏[zhan3] 暗[暗] àn dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark 干吗[幹嗎] gànmá see 幹嘛|干嘛[gan4 ma2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/675 words - 44 min 拍[拍] pāi to pat; to clap; to slap; to swat; to take (a photo); to shoot (a film); racket (sports); beat (music) 哇[哇] wa replaces 啊[a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao" 烛光[燭光] zhúguāng candle light; candle-lit (vigil etc); candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd) 九[九] jiǔ nine; 9 心动[心動] xīndòng heartbeat; heart rate; (fig.) emotionally affected; aroused (of desire, emotion, interest etc) 座椅[座椅] zuòyǐ seat 沙漏[沙漏] shālòu hourglass; sand filter 漏[漏] lòu to leak; to divulge; to leave out by mistake; waterclock or hourglass (old) 向往[嚮往] xiàngwǎng to yearn for; to look forward to 孔[孔] kǒng hole; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for cave dwellings 雪[雪] xuě snow; snowfall; CL:場|场[chang2]; to have the appearance of snow; to wipe away, off or out; to clean 压力[壓力] yālì pressure 战斗[戰鬥] zhàndòu to fight; to engage in combat; struggle; battle; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] 号角[號角] hàojiǎo bugle horn 打响[打響] dǎxiǎng to start shooting or firing; to win an initial success; to succeed (of a plan) 到来[到來] dàolái to arrive; arrival; advent 宿舍[宿舍] sùshè dormitory; dorm room; living quarters; hostel; CL:間|间[jian1] 有意思[有意思] yǒuyìsi interesting; meaningful; enjoyable; fun 密[密] mì secret; confidential; close; thick; dense 泡[泡] pào bubble; foam; blister (i.e. skin bubble); to soak; to steep; to infuse; to dawdle; to shilly-shally; to hang about; to pick up (a girl); to get off with (a sexual partner); classifier for occurrences of an action; classifier for number of infusions 小苏打[小蘇打] xiǎosūdá baking soda; sodium bicarbonate 泡泡[泡泡] pàopao bubbles 艺[藝] yì skill; art 璇[璇] xuán (jade) 登[登] dēng to scale (a height); to ascend; to mount; to publish or record; to enter (e.g. in a register); to press down with the foot; to step or tread on; to put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect); to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/700 words - 49 min 顶[頂] dǐng apex; crown of the head; top; roof; most; to carry on the head; to push to the top; to go against; to replace; to substitute; to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc); (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc 大不了[大不了] dàbùliǎo at worst; if worst comes to worst; serious; alarming 摔[摔] shuāi to throw down; to fall; to drop and break 扭[扭] niǔ to turn; to twist; to wring; to sprain; to swing one's hips 两下[兩下] liǎngxià twice; for a little while 欢呼[歡呼] huānhū to cheer for; to acclaim 血压[血壓] xuèyā blood pressure 过高[過高] guògāo too high 帘子[簾子] liánzi curtain 秘密[秘密] mìmì secret; CL:個|个[ge4] 温度[溫度] wēndù temperature; CL:個|个[ge4] 警告[警告] jǐnggào to warn; to admonish 过热[過熱] guòrè to overheat (e.g. an economy) 场子[場子] chǎngzi (coll.) gathering place; public venue 寒毛[寒毛] hánmáo fine hair on the human body 竖起[豎起] shùqǐ to erect (a tent etc); to prick up (one's ears); to raise (one's eyebrows); to stick up (one's thumb); to turn up (one's collar); (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers) 毛[毛] máo hair; feather; down; wool; mildew; mold; coarse or semifinished; young; raw; careless; unthinking; nervous; scared; (of currency) to devalue or depreciate; classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1]) 炸[炸] zhá to deep fry; Taiwan pr. [zha4] 炸[炸] zhà to explode 稳[穩] wěn settled; steady; stable 自如[自如] zìrú unobstructed; unconstrained; smoothly; with ease; freely 行云流水[行雲流水] xíngyúnliúshuǐ lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom); fig. very natural and flowing style of calligraphy, writing, etc; natural and unforced 有力[有力] yǒulì powerful; forceful; vigorous 精灵[精靈] jīnglíng spirit; fairy; elf; sprite; genie 高温[高溫] gāowēn high temperature 瘦[瘦] shòu thin; to lose weight; (of clothing) tight; (of meat) lean; (of land) unproductive //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/725 words - 50 min 神仙[神仙] shénxiān Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun etc; fig. lighthearted person 身材[身材] shēncái stature; build (height and weight); figure 腰[腰] yāo waist; lower back; pocket; middle; loins 滑[滑] huá to slip; to slide; smooth; slippery; cunning 滑梯[滑梯] huátī (children's) sliding board; a slide 未知[未知] wèizhī unknown 重重[重重] chóngchóng layer upon layer; one after another 障碍[障礙] zhàng'ài barrier; obstruction; hindrance; impediment; obstacle 成真[成真] chéngzhēn to come true 并不[並不] bìngbù not at all; emphatically not 戳[戳] chuō to jab; to poke; to stab; to sprain; to blunt; to fuck (vulgar); to stand sth upright 淡定[淡定] dàndìng calm and collected; unperturbed 坚强[堅強] jiānqiáng staunch; strong 演出[演出] yǎnchū to act (in a play); to perform; to put on (a performance); performance; concert; show; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4] 震撼[震撼] zhènhàn to shake; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; shock 主要[主要] zhǔyào main; principal; major; primary 精神[精神] jīngshén spirit; mind; consciousness; thought; mental; psychological; essence; gist; CL:個|个[ge4] 波[波] bō wave; ripple; storm; surge 未[未] wèi not yet; did not; have not; not; 8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep; ancient Chinese compass point: 210° 平[平] píng flat; level; equal; to tie (make the same score); to draw (score); calm; peaceful; see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 美妙[美妙] měimiào beautiful; wonderful; splendid 豆芽[豆芽] dòuyá bean sprout 情歌[情歌] qínggē love song 作[作] zuò to do; to grow; to write or compose; to pretend; to regard as; to feel; writings or works 词[詞] cí word; statement; speech; lyrics; CL:組|组[zu3],個|个[ge4]; a form of lyric poetry, flourishing in the Song dynasty 宋朝|宋朝[Song4 chao2]; CL:首[shou3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/750 words - 51 min 作曲[作曲] zuòqǔ to compose (music) 编曲[編曲] biānqǔ to compose (music); arrangement 电话[電話] diànhuà telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number 弹[彈] dàn crossball; bullet; shot; shell; ball 弹[彈] tán to pluck (a string); to play (a string instrument); to spring or leap; to shoot (e.g. with a catapult); (of cotton) to fluff or tease; to flick; to flip; to accuse; to impeach; elastic (of materials) 有时[有時] yǒushí sometimes; now and then 几年[幾年] jǐnián a few years; several years; how many years 大起大落[大起大落] dàqǐdàluò (of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom); volatile; significant ups and downs; roller coaster 迷失[迷失] míshī to lose (one's bearings); to get lost 看破[看破] kànpò to see through; disillusioned with; to reject (the world of mortals) 誓[誓] shì oath; vow; to swear; to pledge 拼[拼] pīn to piece together; to join together; to stake all; adventurous; at the risk of one's life; to spell 犯错[犯錯] fàncuò to err; to make a mistake; to do the wrong thing 更加[更加] gèngjiā more (than sth else); even more 索求[索求] suǒqiú to seek; to demand 想像[想像] xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to conceive of; to visualize; imagination 安逸[安逸] ānyì easy and comfortable; easy 现实[現實] xiànshí reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic; pragmatic; materialistic; self-interested 左右[左右] zuǒyòu left and right; nearby; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence 骄傲[驕傲] jiāo'ào pride; arrogance; conceited; proud of sth 提到[提到] tídào to mention; to raise (a subject); to refer to 做人[做人] zuòrén to conduct oneself; to behave with integrity 高调[高調] gāodiào high-sounding speech; bombast; high-profile 毛病[毛病] máobìng fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment; CL:個|个[ge4] 常常[常常] chángcháng frequently; often 深夜[深夜] shēnyè very late at night //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/775 words - 52 min 皱眉[皺眉] zhòuméi to frown; to knit one's brow 管住[管住] guǎnzhù to take control of; to manage; to curb 叛逆[叛逆] pànnì to rebel; to revolt; a rebel 反对[反對] fǎnduì to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition 无知[無知] wúzhī ignorant; ignorance 气话[氣話] qìhuà angry words; sth said in the moment of anger 收回[收回] shōuhuí to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke 称谓[稱謂] chēngwèi title; appellation; form of address 羡慕[羨慕] xiànmù to envy; to admire 泼[潑] pō to splash; to spill; rough and coarse; brutish 冷水[冷水] lěngshuǐ cold water; unboiled water; fig. not yet ready (of plans) 体会[體會] tǐhuì to know from experience; to learn through experience; to realize; understanding; experience 到家[到家] dàojiā perfect; excellent; brought to the utmost degree 珍贵[珍貴] zhēnguì precious 原则性[原則性] yuánzéxìng principled 守[守] shǒu to guard; to defend; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual); nearby; adjoining 搂[摟] lǒu to hug; to embrace; to hold in one's arms 吐[吐] tù to vomit; to throw up 复杂[複雜] fùzá complicated; complex 丛林[叢林] cónglín jungle; thicket; forest; Buddhist monastery 弱[弱] ruò weak; feeble; young; inferior; (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 同情[同情] tóngqíng to sympathize with; sympathy 布满[布滿] bùmǎn to be covered with; to be filled with 雷[雷] léi thunder; mine (weapon); (Internet slang) terrifying; terrific 一如既往[一如既往] yīrújìwǎng just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/800 words - 53 min 憧憬[憧憬] chōngjǐng to long for; to look forward to; longing; vision for the future 过得[過得] guòdé How are you getting by?; How's life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad 愿望[願望] yuànwàng desire; wish 健康[健康] jiànkāng health; healthy 承担[承擔] chéngdān to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc) 肩膀[肩膀] jiānbǎng shoulder 远方[遠方] yuǎnfāng far away; a distant location 偶尔[偶爾] ǒu'ěr occasionally; once in a while; sometimes 催促[催促] cuīcù to urge 方面[方面] fāngmiàn respect; aspect; field; side; CL:個|个[ge4] 进度[進度] jìndù pace; tempo; degree of progress (on project); work schedule 龟[龜] guī tortoise; turtle 速[速] sù fast; rapid; quick; velocity 陆续[陸續] lùxù in turn; successively; one after the other; bit by bit 归宿[歸宿] guīsù place to return to; home; final destination; ending 恢复[恢復] huīfù to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain; to rehabilitate 背负[背負] bēifù to bear; to carry on one's back; to shoulder 强烈[強烈] qiángliè intense; (violently) strong 单身汉[單身漢] dānshēnhàn bachelor; unmarried man 起码[起碼] qǐmǎ at the minimum; at the very least 赚[賺] zhuàn to earn; to make a profit 镜子[鏡子] jìngzi mirror; CL:面[mian4],個|个[ge4] 团队[團隊] tuánduì team 信得过[信得過] xìndeguò trustworthy; reliable 轻易[輕易] qīngyì easily; lightly; rashly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/825 words - 54 min 闯祸[闖禍] chuǎnghuò to cause an accident; to make trouble; to get into trouble 预言家[預言家] yùyánjiā prophet 蔑视[蔑視] mièshì to loathe; to despise; contempt 预言[預言] yùyán to predict; prophecy 全都[全都] quándōu all; without exception 打破[打破] dǎpò to break; to smash 扬起[揚起] yángqǐ to raise one's head; to perk up 帆[帆] fān sail; Taiwan pr. [fan2], except 帆布[fan1 bu4] canvas 开动[開動] kāidòng to start; to set in motion; to move; to march; to dig in (eating); to tuck in (eating) 船[船] chuán boat; vessel; ship; CL:條|条[tiao2],艘[sou1],隻|只[zhi1] 江湖[江湖] jiānghú rivers and lakes; all corners of the country; remote areas to which hermits retreat; section of society operating independently of mainstream society, out of reach of the law; the milieu in which wuxia tales play out (cf. 武俠|武侠[wu3 xia2]); (in late imperial times) world of traveling merchants, itinerant doctors, fortune tellers etc; demimonde; (in modern times) triads; secret gangster societies; underworld 生存[生存] shēngcún to exist; to survive 规则[規則] guīzé rule; regulation; rules and regulations 科技[科技] kējì science and technology 导游[導遊] dǎoyóu tour guide; guidebook; to conduct a tour 毫无保留[毫無保留] háowúbǎoliú to hold nothing back; without reservation 老头[老頭] lǎotóu old fellow; old man; father; husband 痛哭[痛哭] tòngkū to cry bitterly 付出[付出] fùchū to pay; to invest (energy or time in a friendship etc) 有所[有所] yǒusuǒ somewhat; to some extent 回报[回報] huíbào (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate 真挚[真摯] zhēnzhì sincere; sincerity 魅力[魅力] mèilì charm; fascination; glamor; charisma 激动[激動] jīdòng to move emotionally; to stir up (emotions); to excite 情绪[情緒] qíngxù mood; state of mind; moodiness; CL:種|种[zhong3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/850 words - 55 min 鸡皮疙瘩[雞皮疙瘩] jīpígēda goose pimples; goose bumps 简[簡] jiǎn simple; uncomplicated; letter; to choose; to select; bamboo strips used for writing (old) 君[君] jūn monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler 伟[偉] wěi big; large; great 扇[扇] shān to fan; to slap sb on the face 扇[扇] shàn fan; sliding, hinged or detachable flat part of sth; classifier for doors, windows etc 天窗[天窗] tiānchuāng hatchway; skylight; sun roof 思绪[思緒] sīxù train of thought; emotional state; mood; feeling 整夜[整夜] zhěngyè the whole night; all through the night 凉[涼] liáng cool; cold 耳[耳] ěr ear; handle (archaeology); and that is all (Classical Chinese) 谎话[謊話] huǎnghuà lie 天真[天真] tiānzhēn naive; innocent; artless 捆绑[捆綁] kǔnbǎng to bind 筑[築] zhù to build; to construct; to ram; to hit; Taiwan pr. [zhu2] 一道[一道] yīdào together 城墙[城牆] chéngqiáng city wall 遮住[遮住] zhēzhù to cover (up); to block; to obstruct; to shade 月光[月光] yuèguāng moonlight 遮蔽[遮蔽] zhēbì to cover; to hide from view; to obstruct or block; defilade (military) 眼角[眼角] yǎnjiǎo outer or inner corner of the eye; canthus 塌[塌] tā to collapse; to droop; to settle down 堤防[堤防] dīfáng dike; embankment; levee 泪水[淚水] lèishuǐ teardrop; tears 泛滥[泛濫] fànlàn to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundate; to spread unchecked 汪洋[汪洋] wāngyáng vast body of water; CL:片[pian4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/875 words - 59 min 会长[會長] huìzhǎng president of a club, committee etc 一路[一路] yīlù the whole journey; all the way; going the same way; going in the same direction; of the same kind 遗忘[遺忘] yíwàng to become forgotten; to forget 眼眶[眼眶] yǎnkuàng eye socket; rim of the eye 不该[不該] bùgāi should not; to owe nothing 逞强[逞強] chěngqiáng to show off; to try to be brave 何必[何必] hébì there is no need; why should 勉强[勉強] miǎnqiǎng to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough 渴望[渴望] kěwàng to thirst for; to long for 飞翔[飛翔] fēixiáng to circle in the air; to soar 翅膀[翅膀] chìbǎng wing; CL:個|个[ge4],對|对[dui4] 晒[曬] shài (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to 月亮[月亮] yuèliang the moon 祝福[祝福] zhùfú blessings; to wish sb well 自在[自在] zìzai free; unrestrained; comfortable; at ease 咱俩[咱倆] zánliǎ the two of us 踢[踢] tī to kick; to play (e.g. soccer); (slang) butch (in a lesbian relationship) 小脚[小腳] xiǎojiǎo bound feet (traditional) 录[錄] lù diary; record; to hit; to copy 多大[多大] duōdà how big; how much; how old etc 不大[不大] bùdà not very; not too; not often 灵魂[靈魂] línghún soul; spirit 质问[質問] zhìwèn to question; to ask questions; to inquire; to bring to account; to interrogate 思考[思考] sīkǎo to reflect on; to ponder over 二十[二十] èrshí twenty; 20 //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/900 words - 61 min 呼吸[呼吸] hūxī to breathe 曲目[曲目] qǔmù repertoire; program; song; piece of music 花痴[花痴] huāchī to be smitten with sb; love-struck fool; starry-eyed infatuation 观看[觀看] guānkàn to watch; to view 选秀[選秀] xuǎnxiù to select talented individuals; (sports) draft 闪[閃] shǎn to dodge; to duck out of the way; to beat it; shaken (by a fall); to sprain; to pull a muscle; lightning; spark; a flash; to flash (across one's mind); to leave behind; (Internet slang) (of a display of affection) "dazzlingly" saccharine 好不[好不] hǎobù not at all ...; how very ... 原[原] yuán former; original; primary; raw; level; cause; source TA[TA] tā he or she 升起[升起] shēngqǐ to raise; to hoist; to rise 范[範] fàn pattern; model; example 一代[一代] yīdài generation 行头[行頭] xíngtou a person's clothing; outfit; actor's costume 气氛[氣氛] qìfēn atmosphere; mood 年少[年少] niánshào young; junior 派对[派對] pàiduì party (loanword) 时刻[時刻] shíkè time; juncture; moment; period of time; CL:個|个[ge4],段[duan4]; constantly; always 88[88] bābā (Internet slang) bye-bye (alternative for 拜拜[bai2 bai2]) 传奇[傳奇] chuánqí legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty 诞生[誕生] dànshēng to be born 整装待发[整裝待發] zhěngzhuāngdàifā to get ready (for a journey); ready and waiting 单枪匹马[單槍匹馬] dānqiāngpǐmǎ lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed; unaccompanied 独[獨] dú alone; independent; single; sole; only 天下[天下] tiānxià land under heaven; the whole world; the whole of China; realm; rule 注定[註定] zhùdìng to foreordain; to be bound to; to be destined to; to be doomed to; inevitably //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/925 words - 64 min 历史[歷史] lìshǐ history; CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4] 写下[寫下] xiěxià to write down 音量[音量] yīnliàng sound volume 沉醉[沉醉] chénzuì to become intoxicated 男孩[男孩] nánhái boy; CL:個|个[ge4] 臣[臣] chén state official or subject in dynastic China; I, your servant (used in addressing the sovereign); Kangxi radical 131 服[服] fú clothes; dress; garment; to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc); to obey; to be convinced (by an argument); to convince; to admire; to acclimatize; to take (medicine); mourning clothes; to wear mourning clothes 有为[有為] yǒuwéi promising; to show promise 所向披靡[所向披靡] suǒxiàngpīmǐ to sweep everything before one; to be invincible (idiom) 敌[敵] dí enemy; to be a match for; to rival; to resist; to withstand 金钱[金錢] jīnqián money; currency 鼓[鼓] gǔ drum; CL:通[tong4],面[mian4]; to drum; to strike; to rouse; to bulge; to swell 掌[掌] zhǎng palm of the hand; sole of the foot; paw; horseshoe; to slap; to hold in one's hand; to wield 不愧[不愧] bùkuì to be worthy of; to deserve to be called; to prove oneself to be 吸收[吸收] xīshōu to absorb; to assimilate; to ingest; to recruit 吸[吸] xī to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale 能量[能量] néngliàng energy; capabilities 贴心[貼心] tiēxīn intimate; close; considerate 着急[著急] zháojí to worry; to feel anxious; Taiwan pr. [zhao1 ji2] 回应[回應] huíyìng to respond; response 镜头[鏡頭] jìngtóu camera lens; camera shot (in a movie etc); scene 表现力[表現力] biǎoxiànlì expressive power 绝[絕] jué to cut short; extinct; to disappear; to vanish; absolutely; by no means 上好[上好] shànghǎo first-rate; top-notch 轻松[輕鬆] qīngsōng light; gentle; relaxed; effortless; uncomplicated; to relax; to take things less seriously //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/950 words - 67 min 有请[有請] yǒuqǐng to request the pleasure of seeing sb; to ask sb in; to ask sb to do sth (e.g. make a speech) 登场[登場] dēngchǎng to go on stage; fig. to appear on the scene; used in advertising to mean new product 演员[演員] yǎnyuán actor or actress; performer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 戏[戲] xì trick; drama; play; show; CL:齣|出[chu1],場|场[chang3],臺|台[tai2] 考核[考核] kǎohé to examine; to check up on; to assess; to review; appraisal; review; evaluation 内容[內容] nèiróng content; substance; details; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 朝着[朝著] cháozhe facing; advancing (towards) 前进[前進] qiánjìn to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward 接近[接近] jiējìn to approach; to get close to 下面[下麵] xiàmiàn to boil noodles 看错[看錯] kàncuò to misinterpret what one sees or reads; to misjudge (sb); to mistake (sb for sb else); to misread (a document) PK[PK] PK (slang) to take on; to challenge; to go head to head; showdown; comparison 同一[同一] tóngyī identical; the same 配对[配對] pèiduì to pair up; to match up; to form a pair (e.g. to marry); to mate; matched pair 进行[進行] jìnxíng to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to execute 疯狂[瘋狂] fēngkuáng crazy; frantic; extreme popularity 公布[公佈] gōngbù to announce; to make public; to publish 对决[對決] duìjué confrontation; contest; showdown 观察[觀察] guānchá to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine; observation; view; perspective; CL:個|个[ge4] 高下[高下] gāoxià relative superiority (better or worse, stronger or weaker, above or below etc) 立[立] lì to stand; to set up; to establish; to lay down; to draw up; at once; immediately 自动[自動] zìdòng automatic; voluntarily 匹配[匹配] pǐpèi to mate or marry; to match; matching; compatible 不光[不光] bùguāng not the only one; not only 出场[出場] chūchǎng (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform; (of an athlete) to enter the arena to compete; (fig.) to enter the scene (e.g. a new product); (of an examinee etc) to leave the venue //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/975 words - 69 min 精彩[精彩] jīngcǎi wonderful; marvelous; brilliant 狂野[狂野] kuángyě coarse and wild 最终[最終] zuìzhōng final; ultimate 等级[等級] děngjí grade; rank; status 评价[評價] píngjià to evaluate; to assess 最优[最優] zuìyōu optimal; optimum 正式[正式] zhèngshì formal; official 对比[對比] duìbǐ to contrast; contrast; ratio; CL:個|个[ge4] 差距[差距] chājù disparity; gap 明显[明顯] míngxiǎn clear; distinct; obvious 比对[比對] bǐduì comparison; to verify by comparing 动力[動力] dònglì motive power; force; (fig.) motivation; impetus 赛[賽] sài to compete; competition; match; to surpass; better than; superior to; to excel 制[制] zhì system; to control; to regulate; variant of 製|制[zhi4] 平淡[平淡] píngdàn flat; dull; ordinary; nothing special 感染力[感染力] gǎnrǎnlì inspiration; infectious (enthusiasm) 风格[風格] fēnggé style 性感[性感] xìnggǎn sex appeal; eroticism; sexuality; sexy 韦[韋] wéi soft leather 希[希] xī to hope; to admire; variant of 稀[xi1] 今年[今年] jīnnián this year 十八[十八] shíbā eighteen; 18 梨涡[梨渦] líwō dimples (of a woman) 撩[撩] liāo to lift up (sth hanging down); to raise (hem of skirt); to pull up (sleeve); to sprinkle (water with cupped hands) 撩[撩] liáo to tease; to provoke; to stir up (emotions) 依然[依然] yīrán still; as before //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/1000 words - 72 min 蓬松[蓬鬆] péngsōng fluffy 甩[甩] shuǎi to throw; to fling; to swing; to leave behind; to throw off; to dump (sb) 敬[敬] jìng to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer 礼[禮] lǐ gift; rite; ceremony; CL:份[fen4]; propriety; etiquette; courtesy 配合[配合] pèihé matching; fitting in with; compatible with; to correspond; to fit; to conform to; rapport; to coordinate with; to act in concert with; to cooperate; to become man and wife; to combine parts of machine 一边[一邊] yībiān one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while 凡[凡] fán ordinary; commonplace; mundane; temporal; of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels); every; all; whatever; altogether; gist; outline; note of Chinese musical scale 关照[關照] guānzhào to take care; to keep an eye on; to look after; to tell; to remind 低[低] dī low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; to incline 狠[狠] hěn ruthless; fierce; ferocious; determined; to harden (one's heart); old variant of 很[hen3] 纸老虎[紙老虎] zhǐlǎohǔ paper tiger 凶[凶] xiōng vicious; fierce; ominous; inauspicious; famine; variant of 兇|凶[xiong1] 奶[奶] nǎi breast; milk; to breastfeed 上台[上台] shàngtái to rise to power (in politics); to go on stage (in the theater) 讨论[討論] tǎolùn to discuss; to talk over; CL:個|个[ge4] 力量[力量] lìliang power; force; strength 型[型] xíng mold; type; style; model 怂[慫] sǒng terrified 担当[擔當] dāndāng to take upon oneself; to assume 中性[中性] zhōngxìng neutral 赞[贊] zàn to patronize; to support; to praise; (Internet slang) to like (an online post on Facebook etc) 形容[形容] xíngróng to describe; description; appearance; look 迷[迷] mí to bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused 一举一动[一舉一動] yījǔyīdòng every movement; each and every move 逃离[逃離] táolí to run out; to escape //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/1025 words - 74 min 精心[精心] jīngxīn with utmost care; fine; meticulous; detailed 设计[設計] shèjì plan; design; to design; to plan; CL:個|个[ge4] 完美[完美] wánměi perfect; perfection; perfectly 有种[有種] yǒuzhǒng to have guts; to have courage; to be brave 偶像剧[偶像劇] ǒuxiàngjù idol drama; drama series in which the actors are chosen for their preexisting popularity with young viewers 沦陷[淪陷] lúnxiàn to fall into enemy hands; to be occupied; to degenerate; to submerge 把握[把握] bǎwò to grasp (also fig.); to seize; to hold; assurance; certainty; sure (of the outcome) 驾驭[駕馭] jiàyù to urge on (of horse); to drive; to steer; to handle; to manage; to master; to dominate 攻陷[攻陷] gōngxiàn to overcome; to take (a fortress); to fall (to an attack); to surrender 陷入[陷入] xiànrù to sink into; to get caught up in; to land in (a predicament) 今晚[今晚] jīnwǎn tonight 吸引[吸引] xīyǐn to attract (interest, investment etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 回味[回味] huíwèi to reflect on; to ponder over; aftertaste 目光[目光] mùguāng sight; vision; view; gaze; look 聚焦[聚焦] jùjiāo to focus 闭月羞花[閉月羞花] bìyuèxiūhuā lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom); fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world 跃[躍] yuè to jump; to leap 击倒[擊倒] jīdǎo to knock down; knocked down 局[局] jú office; situation; classifier for games: match, set, round etc 拿下[拿下] náxià to arrest; to capture; to seize; to win (a set, a game etc) 胜利[勝利] shènglì victory; CL:個|个[ge4] 出其不意[出其不意] chūqíbùyì to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard 编排[編排] biānpái to arrange; to lay out 结尾[結尾] jiéwěi ending; coda; to wind up 流星雨[流星雨] liúxīngyǔ meteor shower //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/1050 words - 77 min 来讲[來講] láijiǎng as to; considering; for 小小[小小] xiǎoxiǎo very small; very few; very minor 建议[建議] jiànyì to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation; CL:個|个[ge4],點|点[dian3] 胸口[胸口] xiōngkǒu pit of the stomach 用力[用力] yònglì to exert oneself physically 唱歌[唱歌] chànggē to sing a song 气息[氣息] qìxī breath; smell; odor; flavor 技巧[技巧] jìqiǎo skill; technique 现场[現場] xiànchǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site 教学[教學] jiàoxué to teach; teaching and learning; education; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4] 队形[隊形] duìxíng formation 失误[失誤] shīwù lapse; mistake; to make a mistake; fault; service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc) 中心[中心] zhōngxīn center; heart; core; CL:個|个[ge4] 空隙[空隙] kòngxì crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events 细节[細節] xìjié details; particulars 抢眼[搶眼] qiǎngyǎn eye-catching 特色[特色] tèsè characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality 部分[部分] bùfen part; share; section; piece; CL:個|个[ge4] 觉[覺] jiào a nap; a sleep; CL:場|场[chang2] 觉[覺] jué to feel; to find that; thinking; awake; aware 另[另] lìng other; another; separate; separately 回顾[回顧] huígù to look back; to review 气势[氣勢] qìshì imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor 整体[整體] zhěngtǐ whole entity; entire body; synthesis; as a whole (situation, construction, team etc); global; macrocosm; integral; holistic; whole 无力[無力] wúlì powerless; lacking strength 单人[單人] dānrén one person; single (room, bed etc) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/1075 words - 81 min 效果[效果] xiàoguǒ result; effect; quality; CL:個|个[ge4] 喔[喔] wo (particle) marker of surprise, sudden realization, reminder 亲爱[親愛] qīn'ài dear; beloved; darling 看出[看出] kànchū to make out; to see 是否[是否] shìfǒu whether (or not); if; is or isn't 引入[引入] yǐnrù to draw into; to pull into; to introduce 主题[主題] zhǔtí theme; subject 痴[痴] chī imbecile; sentimental; stupid; foolish; silly 狂[狂] kuáng mad; wild; violent 回眸[回眸] huímóu to glance back; to look back; retrospective 台风[颱風] táifēng hurricane; typhoon 翻过来[翻過來] fānguòlái to overturn; to turn upside down 反过来[反過來] fǎnguolái conversely; in reverse order; in an opposite direction 嘻哈[嘻哈] xīhā hip-hop (music genre) (loanword) 忍不住[忍不住] rěnbuzhù cannot help; unable to bear 喘气[喘氣] chuǎnqì to breathe deeply; to pant 当中[當中] dāngzhōng among; in the middle; in the center 把手[把手] bǎshou handle; grip; knob 过程[過程] guòchéng course of events; process; CL:個|个[ge4] 自信[自信] zìxìn to have confidence in oneself; self-confidence 眼神[眼神] yǎnshén expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect) 左边[左邊] zuǒbian left; the left side; to the left of 瞟[瞟] piǎo to cast a glance 右边[右邊] yòubian right side; right, to the right 不足[不足] bùzú insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep01/1087 words - 85 min 弥补[彌補] míbǔ to complement; to make up for a deficiency 表达[表達] biǎodá to express; to convey 完了[完了] wánle to be finished; to be done for; ruined; gone to the dogs; oh no 稍后[稍後] shāohòu in a little while; in a moment; later on 标准[標準] biāozhǔn (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:個|个[ge4] 激励[激勵] jīlì to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive 潜力[潛力] qiánlì potential; capacity 妹[妹] mèi younger sister 贴[貼] tiē to stick; to paste; to post (e.g. on a blog); to keep close to; to fit snugly; to subsidize; allowance (e.g. money for food or housing); sticker; classifier for sticking plaster: strip 各种[各種] gèzhǒng every kind of; all kinds of; various kinds 速度[速度] sùdù speed; rate; velocity; (music) tempo; CL:個|个[ge4] 顺[順] shùn to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/25 words - 2 min 分队[分隊] fēnduì military platoon or squad 称号[稱號] chēnghào name; term of address; title 百万[百萬] bǎiwàn million; millions 经验丰富[經驗豐富] jīngyànfēngfù experienced; with ample experience 多个[多個] duōge many; multiple; multi- (faceted, ethnic etc) 国际[國際] guójì international 奖项[獎項] jiǎngxiàng award; prize; CL:項|项[xiang4] 对手[對手] duìshǒu opponent; rival; competitor; (well-matched) adversary; match 祺[祺] qí auspicious; propitious; good luck; felicity; euphoria; used for 旗, e.g. in 旗袍, long Chinese dress 全能[全能] quánnéng omnipotent; all-round; strong in every area 刻苦[刻苦] kèkǔ hardworking; assiduous 室女[室女] Shìnǚ unmarried lady; virgin; Virgo (star sign) 默契[默契] mòqì tacit understanding; mutual understanding; rapport; connected at a deep level with each other; (of team members) well coordinated; tight 黑白[黑白] hēibái black and white; right and wrong; monochrome 单曲[單曲] dānqǔ single (recording industry) 量身[量身] liángshēn to take sb's measurements; to measure sb up 打造[打造] dǎzào to create; to build; to develop; to forge (of metal) 通过[通過] tōngguò by means of; through; via; to pass through; to get through; to adopt; to pass (a bill or inspection etc); to switch over 清晰[清晰] qīngxī clear; distinct 飘[飄] piāo to float 队长[隊長] duìzhǎng captain; team leader; CL:個|个[ge4] 出列[出列] chūliè (military) to leave one's place in the ranks; to fall out; (fig.) to emerge; to become prominent 体系[體系] tǐxì system; setup; CL:個|个[ge4] 培养[培養] péiyǎng to cultivate; to breed; to foster; to nurture; to educate; to groom (for a position); education; fostering; culture (biology) 各自[各自] gèzì each; respective; apiece //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/50 words - 4 min 模式[模式] móshì mode; method; pattern 在座[在座] zàizuò to be present 素人[素人] sùrén untrained, inexperienced person; layman; amateur 投入[投入] tóurù to throw into; to put into; to throw oneself into; to participate in; to invest in; absorbed; engrossed 实践[實踐] shíjiàn practice; to put into practice; to live up to (a promise); to carry out (a project) 课堂[課堂] kètáng classroom; CL:間|间[jian1] 剧场[劇場] jùchǎng theater; CL:個|个[ge4] 公演[公演] gōngyǎn to perform (e.g. on the stage); to lecture 各种各样[各種各樣] gèzhǒnggèyàng various kinds; all sorts 握手[握手] wòshǒu to shake hands 面对面[面對面] miànduìmiàn face to face 成长[成長] chéngzhǎng to mature; to grow; growth 村[村] cūn village 学习[學習] xuéxí to learn; to study 室[室] shì room; work unit; grave; scabbard; family or clan; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy 选拔[選拔] xuǎnbá to select the best 拆散[拆散] chāisàn to break up (a marriage, family etc) 合[合] hé to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2] 流利[流利] liúlì fluent 实战[實戰] shízhàn real combat; actual combat 版[版] bǎn a register; block of printing; edition; version; page 语[語] yǔ dialect; language; speech 格[格] gé square; frame; rule; (legal) case; style; character; standard; pattern; (grammar) case; (classical) to obstruct; to hinder; (classical) to arrive; to come; (classical) to investigate; to study exhaustively 玉[玉] yù jade 琢[琢] zhuó to cut (gems) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/75 words - 7 min 膝[膝] xī knee 臻[臻] zhēn to arrive; to reach (esp. perfection); utmost; (used in commercials) 侧[側] cè the side; to incline towards; to lean; inclined; lateral; side 微[微] wēi tiny; miniature; slightly; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2] 指尖[指尖] zhǐjiān fingertips 望[望] wàng full moon; to hope; to expect; to visit; to gaze (into the distance); to look towards; towards 锋芒[鋒芒] fēngmáng tip (of pencil, spear etc); sharp point; cutting edge; spearhead; vanguard 眼中[眼中] yǎnzhōng in one's eyes 氤氲[氤氳] yīnyūn dense (of smoke, mist) 旖[旖] yǐ fluttering of flag 缱[繾] qiǎn attached to; loving 倦[倦] juàn tired 空气[空氣] kōngqì air; atmosphere 稀薄[稀薄] xībó thin; rarefied 沉默[沉默] chénmò taciturn; uncommunicative; silent 跳动[跳動] tiàodòng to throb; to pulse; to bounce; to jiggle; to jump about 脉搏[脈搏] màibó pulse (both medical and figurative) 令[令] lìng to order; to command; an order; warrant; writ; to cause; to make sth happen; virtuous; honorific title; season; government position (old) 着魔[著魔] zháomó obsessed; bewitched; enchanted; as if possessed 甘愿[甘願] gānyuàn willingly 飞蛾扑火[飛蛾撲火] fēi'épūhuǒ the moth flies into the flame; fatal attraction 前辈[前輩] qiánbèi senior; older generation; precursor 道具[道具] dàojù prop (theater); paraphernalia; (gaming) item; artifact 难上加难[難上加難] nánshàngjiānán extremely difficult; even more difficult 表扬[表揚] biǎoyáng to praise; to commend //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/100 words - 9 min 用完[用完] yòngwán used up; finished 彩排[彩排] cǎipái dress rehearsal 私下[私下] sīxià in private 练[練] liàn to practice; to train; to drill; to perfect (one's skill); exercise 抛[拋] pāo to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon 砸[砸] zá to smash; to pound; to fail; to muck up; to bungle 到头[到頭] dàotóu to the end (of); at the end of; in the end; to come to an end 创意[創意] chuàngyì creative; creativity 奥[奧] ào obscure; mysterious 利[利] lì sharp; favorable; advantage; benefit; profit; interest; to do good to; to benefit 独特[獨特] dútè unique; distinct; having special characteristics 打磨[打磨] dǎmó polish; grind 逮[逮] dài (literary) to arrest; to seize; to overtake; until 咬[咬] yǎo to bite; to nip 碎[碎] suì to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary 上官[上官] shàngguān high-ranking official; superior 喜爱[喜愛] xǐ'ài to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite 军[軍] jūn army; military; arms; CL:個|个[ge4] 哲[哲] zhé wise; a sage 辽阔[遼闊] liáokuò vast; extensive 海洋[海洋] hǎiyáng ocean; CL:個|个[ge4] 浩瀚[浩瀚] hàohàn vast (of ocean); boundless 月色[月色] yuèsè moonlight 墨[墨] mò ink stick; China ink; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; corporal punishment consisting of tattooing characters on the victim's forehead 瑶[瑤] yáo jade; precious stone; mother-of-pearl; nacre; precious; used a complementary honorific //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/125 words - 9 min 忠诚[忠誠] zhōngchéng devoted; loyal; fidelity; loyalty 壁画[壁畫] bìhuà mural (painting); fresco 海风[海風] hǎifēng sea breeze; sea wind (i.e. from the sea) 歌颂[歌頌] gēsòng to sing the praises of; to extol; to eulogize 骑士[騎士] qíshì horseman; cavalryman; knight (i.e. European nobility); (Tw) bike rider (scooter, bicycle etc) 劈[劈] pī to hack; to chop; to split open; (of lightning) to strike 斩[斬] zhǎn to behead (as form of capital punishment); to chop 浪[浪] làng wave; breaker; unrestrained; dissipated; to stroll; to ramble 崎[崎] qí mountainous 遗留[遺留] yíliú to leave behind; to hand down 迷雾[迷霧] míwù dense fog; fig. completely misleading 桂冠[桂冠] guìguān laurel; victory garland (in Greek and Western culture) 海盗[海盜] hǎidào pirate 追赶[追趕] zhuīgǎn to pursue; to chase after; to accelerate; to catch up with; to overtake 摧毁[摧毀] cuīhuǐ to destroy; to wreck 谎言[謊言] huǎngyán lie 傀儡[傀儡] kuǐlěi puppet 咆哮[咆哮] páoxiào to roar; to thunder; to snarl; to bluster (of wind, waves etc); crashing waves (onom.); to rage (of a person) 飘荡[飄盪] piāodàng to drift; to wave; to float on the waves; to flutter in the wind 桅杆[桅杆] wéigān mast 黎明[黎明] límíng dawn; daybreak 甲板[甲板] jiǎbǎn deck (of a boat etc) 穿过[穿過] chuānguò to pass through 黑暗[黑暗] hēi'àn dark; darkly; darkness 合唱[合唱] héchàng chorus; to chorus //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/150 words - 12 min 黑夜[黑夜] hēiyè night 篝火[篝火] gōuhuǒ bonfire 星光[星光] xīngguāng starlight 守护[守護] shǒuhù to guard; to protect 荣耀[榮耀] róngyào honor; glory 勋章[勛章] xūnzhāng medal; decoration 停靠[停靠] tíngkào to call at; to stop at; berth 蔷薇[薔薇] qiángwēi Japanese rose (Rosa multiflora) 盛开[盛開] shèngkāi blooming; in full flower 港湾[港灣] gǎngwān natural harbor; bay serving as harbor 整齐[整齊] zhěngqí orderly; neat; even; tidy 实力[實力] shílì strength 谣[謠] yáo popular ballad; rumor 组队[組隊] zǔduì to team up (with); to put a team together 杀气[殺氣] shāqì murderous spirit; aura of death; to vent one's anger 身穿[身穿] shēnchuān to wear; wearing (a uniform) 盔甲[盔甲] kuījiǎ armor; body armor and helmet 骑[騎] qí to sit astride; to ride (a horse, bike etc); classifier for saddle horses 骏马[駿馬] jùnmǎ fine horse; steed 穿越[穿越] chuānyuè to pass through; to traverse; to cross 荆棘[荊棘] jīngjí thistles and thorns; brambles; thorny undergrowth 心爱[心愛] xīn'ài beloved 姑娘[姑娘] gūniang girl; young woman; young lady; daughter; paternal aunt (old); CL:個|个[ge4] 时而[時而] shí'ér occasionally; from time to time 铠甲[鎧甲] kǎijiǎ armor //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/175 words - 14 min 公主[公主] gōngzhǔ princess 掌控[掌控] zhǎngkòng to control; in control of 申请[申請] shēnqǐng to apply for sth; application (form etc); CL:份[fen4] 一口[一口] yīkǒu readily; flatly (deny, admit and so on); a mouthful; a bite 口水[口水] kǒushuǐ saliva 曾[曾] céng once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause) 皮[皮] pí leather; skin; fur; CL:張|张[zhang1]; pico- (one trillionth); naughty 耶[耶] ye final particle indicating enthusiasm etc 叱咤[叱咤] chìzhà to rebuke angrily 棒球[棒球] bàngqiú baseball; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 界[界] jiè boundary; scope; extent; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy) 形形色色[形形色色] xíngxíngsèsè all kinds of; all sorts of; every (different) kind of 铂[鉑] bó platinum (chemistry) 物质[物質] wùzhì matter; substance; material; materialistic; CL:個|个[ge4] 俘获[俘獲] fúhuò to capture (enemy property or personnel); capture (physics: absorption of subatomic particle by an atom or nucleus) 芳心[芳心] fāngxīn the affection, or heart, of a young woman 布鲁克林[布魯克林] Bùlǔkèlín Brooklyn, borough of New York City 海湾[海灣] hǎiwān bay; gulf 造就[造就] zàojiù to bring up; to train; to contribute to; achievements (usually of young people) 无处不在[無處不在] wúchùbùzài to be everywhere 中流砥柱[中流砥柱] zhōngliúdǐzhù mainstay; cornerstone; tower of strength 反感[反感] fǎngǎn to be disgusted with; to dislike; bad reaction; antipathy 回心转意[回心轉意] huíxīnzhuǎnyì to change one's mind (idiom) 痛不欲生[痛不欲生] tòngbùyùshēng to be so in pain as to not want to live; to be so grieved as to wish one were dead 海阔天空[海闊天空] hǎikuòtiānkōng wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas; the whole wide world; chatting about everything under the sun //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/200 words - 15 min 似乎[似乎] sìhū apparently; to seem; to appear; as if; seemingly 无论[無論] wúlùn no matter what or how; regardless of whether... 何处[何處] héchù whence; where 眼眸[眼眸] yǎnmóu eyes 微笑[微笑] wēixiào smile; CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1]; to smile 无可奈何[無可奈何] wúkěnàihé have no way out; have no alternative; abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wu2 nai4] 追忆[追憶] zhuīyì to recollect; to recall (past times); to look back 不愿[不願] bùyuàn unwilling; unwillingness 无人[無人] wúrén unmanned; uninhabited 及[及] jí and; to reach; up to; in time for 试图[試圖] shìtú to attempt; to try 自我[自我] zìwǒ self-; ego (psychology) 束缚[束縛] shùfù to bind; to restrict; to tie; to commit; fetters 挣脱[掙脫] zhèngtuō to throw off; to struggle free of; Taiwan pr. [zheng1 tuo1] 令人[令人] lìngrén to cause one (to do sth); to make one (angry, delighted etc) 怦然心动[怦然心動] pēngránxīndòng to feel a rush of excitement (idiom) 放手[放手] fàngshǒu to let go one's hold; to give up; to have a free hand 无需[無需] wúxū needless 无可[無可] wúkě can't 替代[替代] tìdài to substitute for; to replace; to supersede 产生[產生] chǎnshēng to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to; to bring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation; production; yield 既[既] jì already; since; both... (and...) 视[視] shì to look at; to regard; to inspect 征服[征服] zhēngfú to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish 爽[爽] shuǎng bright; clear; crisp; open; frank; straightforward; to feel well; fine; pleasurable; invigorating; to deviate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/225 words - 16 min 爱上[愛上] àishàng to fall in love with; to be in love with 明星[明星] míngxīng star; celebrity 黑马[黑馬] hēimǎ dark horse; fig. unexpected winner 粉丝[粉絲] fěnsī bean vermicelli; mung bean starch noodles; Chinese vermicelli; cellophane noodles; CL:把[ba3]; fan (loanword); enthusiast for sb or sth 收获[收穫] shōuhuò to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward 枚[枚] méi classifier for coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc; tree trunk; whip; wooden peg, used as a gag for marching soldiers (old) 铁[鐵] tiě iron (metal); arms; weapons; hard; strong; violent; unshakeable; determined; close; tight (slang) 粉[粉] fěn powder; cosmetic face powder; food prepared from starch; noodles or pasta made from any kind of flour; whitewash; white; pink 咔[咔] kǎ (used as phonetic "ka") 暴[暴] bào sudden; violent; cruel; to show or expose; to injure 夸赞[誇贊] kuāzàn to praise; to speak highly of; to commend 歌唱[歌唱] gēchàng to sing 稳定[穩定] wěndìng steady; stable; stability; to stabilize; to pacify 妩媚[嫵媚] wǔmèi lovely; charming 帅气[帥氣] shuàiqi handsome; smart; dashing; elegant 强力[強力] qiánglì powerful 爆裂[爆裂] bàoliè to rupture; to burst; to explode 帅呆了[帥呆了] shuàidāile awesome; brilliant; magnificent 擅自[擅自] shànzì without permission 主张[主張] zhǔzhāng to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint; assertion; CL:個|个[ge4] 评选[評選] píngxuǎn to select on the basis of a vote or consensus 撑[撐] chēng to support; to prop up; to push or move with a pole; to maintain; to open or unfurl; to fill to bursting point; brace; stay; support 大王[大王] dàwáng king; magnate; person having expert skill in something 碗[碗] wǎn bowl; cup; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 捧哏[捧哏] pěnggén fall-guy; supporting role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/250 words - 21 min 具备[具備] jùbèi to possess; to have; equipped with; able to fulfill (conditions or requirements) 单独[單獨] dāndú alone; by oneself; on one's own 具有[具有] jùyǒu to have; to possess 比拼[比拼] bǐpīn to compete fiercely; contest 刺激[刺激] cìjī to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant 刘[劉] Liú surname Liu 昕[昕] xīn dawn 秒钟[秒鐘] miǎozhōng (time) second 返[返] fǎn to return (to) 挑战[挑戰] tiǎozhàn to challenge; challenge 举手[舉手] jǔshǒu to raise a hand; to put up one's hand (as signal) 拥有[擁有] yōngyǒu to have; to possess 队友[隊友] duìyǒu member of same class, team, work group etc; teammate 激烈[激烈] jīliè (of competition or fighting) intense; fierce; (of pain) acute; (of an expression of opinion) impassioned; vehement; (of a course of action) drastic; extreme 头皮[頭皮] tóupí scalp 发麻[發麻] fāmá to feel numb 就是说[就是說] jiùshìshuō in other words; that is 今日[今日] jīnrì today 热点[熱點] rèdiǎn hot spot; point of special interest 平凡[平凡] píngfán commonplace; ordinary; mediocre 不易[不易] bùyì not easy to do sth; difficult; unchanging 宇[宇] yǔ room; universe 小可爱[小可愛] xiǎokě'ài cutie; sweetie; (Tw) camisole (women's garment) 林志玲[林志玲] LínZhìlíng Lin Chi-ling (1974-), Taiwanese model and actress 三十[三十] sānshí thirty; 30 //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/275 words - 23 min 创作[創作] chuàngzuò to create; to produce; to write; creative work; creation; CL:個|个[ge4] 网络[網絡] wǎngluò network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) 素材[素材] sùcái source material (in literature and art) 心愿[心願] xīnyuàn cherished desire; dream; craving; wish; aspiration 便利[便利] biànlì convenient; easy; to facilitate 景[景] jǐng bright; circumstance; scenery 翻唱[翻唱] fānchàng cover song; to cover a song 演唱会[演唱會] yǎnchànghuì vocal recital or concert 花木兰[花木蘭] HuāMùlán Hua Mulan, legendary woman warrior (c. fifth century), Northern dynasties folk hero recorded in Sui and Tang literature 相似[相似] xiāngsì to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity 妙[妙] miào clever; wonderful 心灵[心靈] xīnlíng bright; smart; quick-witted; heart; thoughts; spirit 赵[趙] zhào to surpass (old) 兆[兆] zhào omen; to foretell; million; mega-; trillion; tera-; billion (old) 改编[改編] gǎibiān to adapt; to rearrange; to revise 畅[暢] chàng free; unimpeded; smooth; at ease; free from worry; fluent 早晨[早晨] zǎochén early morning; CL:個|个[ge4] 铃[鈴] líng (small) bell; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 响[響] xiǎng echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises 云[雲] yún cloud; CL:朵[duo3] 安心[安心] ānxīn at ease; to feel relieved; to set one's mind at rest; to keep one's mind on sth 柔软[柔軟] róuruǎn soft 宁静[寧靜] níngjìng tranquil; tranquility; serenity 路口[路口] lùkǒu crossing; intersection (of roads) 花都[花都] Huādū Huadu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/300 words - 26 min 阳光[陽光] yángguāng sunshine; CL:線|线[xian4]; transparent (open to public scrutiny) 小店[小店] xiǎodiàn small store 门前[門前] ménqián in front of the door 传来[傳來] chuánlái (of a sound) to come through; to be heard; (of news) to arrive 好听[好聽] hǎotīng pleasant to hear 恋[戀] liàn to feel attached to; to long for; to love 目的地[目的地] mùdìdì destination (location) 善意[善意] shànyì goodwill; benevolence; kindness 虚度[虛度] xūdù to fritter away (one's time) 年华[年華] niánhuá years; time; age 牵挂[牽掛] qiānguà to worry about; to be concerned about 拂[拂] fú to brush away 脸颊[臉頰] liǎnjiá cheek 天使[天使] tiānshǐ angel 吻[吻] wěn kiss; to kiss; mouth 歌声[歌聲] gēshēng singing voice; fig. original voice of a poet 欣赏[欣賞] xīnshǎng to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 吉他[吉他] jítā guitar (loanword); CL:把[ba3] 阳台[陽臺] yángtái balcony; porch 猫[貓] māo cat; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (dialect) to hide oneself; (coll.) modem 它们[它們] tāmen they (for inanimate objects) 腻[膩] nì greasy; soft; unctuous; intimate; tired of 窝[窩] wō nest; pit or hollow on the human body; lair; den; place; to harbor or shelter; to hold in check; to bend; classifier for litters and broods 被子[被子] bèizi quilt; CL:床[chuang2] 小事[小事] xiǎoshì trifle; trivial matter; CL:點|点[dian3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/325 words - 32 min 大事[大事] dàshì major event; major political event (war or change of regime); major social event (wedding or funeral); (do sth) in a big way; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1] 不起眼[不起眼] bùqǐyǎn unremarkable; nothing out of the ordinary 确是[確是] quèshì certainly 大半[大半] dàbàn more than half; greater part; most; probably; most likely 好棒[好棒] hǎobàng excellent (interjection) 不少[不少] bùshǎo many; a lot; not few 邀[邀] yāo to invite; to request; to intercept; to solicit; to seek 坏蛋[壞蛋] huàidàn bad egg; scoundrel; bastard 学会[學會] xuéhuì to learn; to master; institute; learned society; (scholarly) association 抱抱[抱抱] bàobào to hug; to embrace 站立[站立] zhànlì to stand; standing; on one's feet 松[松] sōng pine; CL:棵[ke1] 向下[向下] xiàngxià down; downward 带动[帶動] dàidòng to spur; to provide impetus; to drive 掌声[掌聲] zhǎngshēng applause; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] 鼓励[鼓勵] gǔlì to encourage 职业[職業] zhíyè occupation; profession; vocation; professional 生涯[生涯] shēngyá career; life (way in which sb lives); period of one's life 拜拜[拜拜] báibái (loanword) bye-bye; also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc; (coll.) to part ways (with sb); (fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth) 嗓音[嗓音] sǎngyīn voice 音色[音色] yīnsè tone; timbre; sound color 情感[情感] qínggǎn feeling; emotion; to move (emotionally) 方向[方向] fāngxiàng direction; orientation; path to follow; CL:個|个[ge4] 大于[大於] dàyú greater than; bigger than; more than, > 伤心[傷心] shāngxīn to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/350 words - 37 min 传达[傳達] chuándá to pass on; to convey; to relay; to transmit; transmission 美好[美好] měihǎo beautiful; fine 悲伤[悲傷] bēishāng sad; sorrowful 哼[哼] hēng to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon; humph! 反转[反轉] fǎnzhuǎn reversal; inversion; to reverse; to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc) 技能[技能] jìnéng technical ability; skill 节[節] jié festival; holiday; node; joint; section; segment; part; to economize; to save; to abridge; moral integrity; classifier for segments, e.g. lessons, train wagons, biblical verses; CL:個|个[ge4] 课[課] kè subject; course; CL:門|门[men2]; class; lesson; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2]; to levy; tax; form of divination 评[評] píng to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal) 班[班] bān team; class; squad; work shift; ranking; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for groups 高压[高壓] gāoyā high pressure; high-handed 状态[狀態] zhuàngtài state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 降低[降低] jiàngdī to reduce; to lower; to bring down 发光[發光] fāguāng to shine 稍[稍] shāo somewhat; a little 擅长[擅長] shàncháng to be good at; to be expert in 并且[並且] bìngqiě and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 快速[快速] kuàisù fast; high-speed; rapid 做主[做主] zuòzhǔ see 作主[zuo4 zhu3] 人才[人才] réncái talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks 吃香[吃香] chīxiāng popular; in demand; well regarded 打眼[打眼] dǎyǎn to drill or bore a hole; to attract attention; conspicuous 两边[兩邊] liǎngbian either side; both sides 预告[預告] yùgào to forecast; to predict; advance notice 统一[統一] tǒngyī to unify; to unite; to integrate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep02/352 words - 37 min 动人[動人] dòngrén touching; moving 人选[人選] rénxuǎn choice of person; candidate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/25 words - 4 min 介意[介意] jièyì to care about; to take offense; to mind 看法[看法] kànfǎ way of looking at a thing; view; opinion; CL:個|个[ge4] 回锅肉[回鍋肉] huíguōròu twice-cooked pork 嫉妒[嫉妒] jídù to be jealous; to envy; to hate 妹子[妹子] mèizi (dialect) younger sister; girl 卖萌[賣萌] màiméng (slang) to act cute 牛头梗[牛頭梗] niútóugěng bull terrier 本期[本期] běnqī the current period; this term (usually in finance) 无敌[無敵] wúdí unequalled; without rival; a paragon 实现[實現] shíxiàn to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about 登录[登錄] dēnglù to register; to log in 账号[賬號] zhànghào account; username 普通[普通] pǔtōng common; ordinary; general; average 用户[用戶] yònghù user; consumer; subscriber; customer 重复[重覆] chóngfù variant of 重複|重复[chong2 fu4] 进入[進入] jìnrù to enter; to join; to go into 通道[通道] tōngdào (communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage 官方[官方] guānfāng government; official (approved or issued by an authority) 程序[程序] chéngxù procedures; sequence; order; computer program 福[福] fú good fortune; happiness; luck 社[社] shè society; group; club; agency; (old) god of the land 轮[輪] lún wheel; disk; ring; steamship; to take turns; to rotate; by turn; classifier for big round objects: disk, or recurring events: round, turn 助[助] zhù to help; to assist 至[至] zhì to arrive; most; to; until 吹[吹] chuī to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/50 words - 6 min 唢呐[嗩吶] suǒnà suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes; also written 鎖吶|锁呐; also called 喇叭[la3 ba5] 口红[口紅] kǒuhóng lipstick 颜色[顏色] yánsè color; countenance; appearance; facial expression; pigment; dyestuff 小孩子[小孩子] xiǎoháizi child 想象[想象] xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to fancy; CL:個|个[ge4] 合纵[合縱] HéZòng Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC) 文化[文化] wénhuà culture; civilization; cultural; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 豌豆[豌豆] wāndòu pea (Pisum sativum) 嘟[嘟] dū toot; honk; to pout 胞[胞] bāo placenta; womb; born of the same parents 胎[胎] tāi fetus; litter; tire; abbr. of 輪胎|轮胎 春节[春節] Chūnjié Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) 朵[朵] duǒ flower; earlobe; fig. item on both sides; classifier for flowers, clouds etc 牡丹[牡丹] mǔdan tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) 出生[出生] chūshēng to be born 相差[相差] xiāngchà to differ; discrepancy between 少见[少見] shǎojiàn rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see 双胞胎[雙胞胎] shuāngbāotāi twin; CL:對|对[dui4] 三胞胎[三胞胎] sānbāotāi triplets 美眉[美眉] měiméi (coll.) pretty girl 冰清玉洁[冰清玉潔] bīngqīngyùjié clear as ice and clean as jade (idiom); spotless; irreproachable; incorruptible 一模一样[一模一樣] yīmúyīyàng exactly the same (idiom); carbon copy; also pr. [yi1 mo2 yi1 yang4] 温柔[溫柔] wēnróu gentle and soft; tender 且[且] qiě and; moreover; yet; for the time being; to be about to; both (... and...) 老大[老大] lǎodà old age; very; eldest child in a family; leader of a group; boss; captain of a boat; leader of a criminal gang //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/75 words - 8 min 申[申] shēn to extend; to state; to explain; 9th earthly branch: 3-5 p.m., 7th solar month (7th August-7th September), year of the Monkey; ancient Chinese compass point: 240° 冰[冰] bīng ice; CL:塊|块[kuai4]; to chill sth; (of an object or substance) to feel cold; (of a person) cold; unfriendly; (slang) methamphetamine 少女[少女] shàonǚ girl; young lady 爆棚[爆棚] bàopéng full to bursting 老二[老二] lǎo'èr second-eldest child in a family; (euphemism) penis 精[精] jīng essence; extract; vitality; energy; semen; sperm; mythical goblin spirit; highly perfected; elite; the pick of sth; proficient (refined ability); extremely (fine); selected rice (archaic) 领导[領導] lǐngdǎo lead; leading; to lead; leadership; leader; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 小妹[小妹] xiǎomèi little sister; girl; (Tw) young female employee working in a low-level role dealing with the public (assistant, waitress, attendant etc) 洁[潔] jié clean 诗情画意[詩情畫意] shīqínghuàyì picturesque charm; idyllic appeal; poetic grace 魑魅魍魉[魑魅魍魎] chīmèiwǎngliǎng demons and monsters (idiom) 郑[鄭] Zhèng Zheng state during the Warring States period; surname Zheng; abbr. for 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1] 歆[歆] xīn pleased; moved 队[隊] duì squadron; team; group; CL:個|个[ge4] 承[承] chéng to bear; to carry; to hold; to continue; to undertake; to take charge; owing to; due to; to receive 渲[渲] xuàn wash (color) 茗[茗] míng Thea sinensis; young leaves of tea 妹妹[妹妹] mèimei younger sister; young woman; CL:個|个[ge4] 幼儿园[幼兒園] yòu'éryuán kindergarten; nursery school 魔戒[魔戒] Mójiè The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien 托爾金|托尔金[Tuo1 er3 jin1] 族[族] zú race; nationality; ethnicity; clan; by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族) 哈比人[哈比人] Hābǐrén Hobbit; see also 霍比特人[Huo4 bi3 te4 ren2] 大战[大戰] dàzhàn war; to wage war 无坚不摧[無堅不摧] wújiānbùcuī no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle; nothing one can't do; to carry everything before one 无可匹敌[無可匹敵] wúkěpǐdí unsurpassed; unparalleled //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/100 words - 9 min 创造[創造] chuàngzào to create; to bring about; to produce; to set (a record) 世代[世代] shìdài for many generations; generation; era; age 旧[舊] jiù old; opposite: new 新; former; worn (with age) 反差[反差] fǎnchā contrast; discrepancy 任[任] rèn to assign; to appoint; to take up a post; office; responsibility; to let; to allow; to give free rein to; no matter (how, what etc); classifier for terms served in office, or for spouses, girlfriends etc (as in 前任男友) 摆布[擺布] bǎibù to arrange; to order about; to manipulate 建立[建立] jiànlì to establish; to set up; to found 规矩[規矩] guīju lit. compass and set square; fig. established standard; rule; customs; practices; fig. upright and honest; well-behaved 看似[看似] kànsì to look as if; to seem 无心[無心] wúxīn unintentionally; not in the mood to 插[插] chā to insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere; to interpose 柳[柳] liǔ willow 时代[時代] shídài age; era; epoch; period (in one's life); CL:個|个[ge4] 独立[獨立] dúlì independent; independence; to stand alone 自强[自強] zìqiáng to strive for self-improvement 不屑[不屑] bùxiè to disdain to do sth; to think sth not worth doing; to feel it beneath one's dignity 落后[落後] luòhòu to fall behind; to lag (in technology etc); backward; to retrogress 腐朽[腐朽] fǔxiǔ rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate 超人[超人] chāorén superhuman; exceptional 透明[透明] tòumíng transparent; open (non-secretive) 框架[框架] kuàngjià frame; framework; fig. pattern; outline; organizing plan 从不[從不] cóngbù never 无形[無形] wúxíng incorporeal; virtual; formless; invisible (assets); intangible 打压[打壓] dǎyā to suppress; to beat down 如坐针毡[如坐針氈] rúzuòzhēnzhān lit. as if sitting on pins and needles; fig. to be in an uncomfortable situation //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/125 words - 9 min 奋战[奮戰] fènzhàn to fight bravely; (fig.) to struggle; to work hard 挫败[挫敗] cuòbài to thwart; to foil (sb's plans); a setback; a failure; a defeat 引起[引起] yǐnqǐ to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse 波澜[波瀾] bōlán billows; great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum) 集[集] jí to gather; to collect; collected works; classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode 众[眾] zhòng many; numerous; crowd; multitude 摆弄[擺弄] bǎinòng to move back and forth; to fiddle with 娃娃[娃娃] wáwa baby; small child; doll 妇[婦] fù woman 八卦[八卦] bāguà the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]; gossip; gossipy 挞[撻] tà flog; rapid 伐[伐] fá to cut down; to fell; to dispatch an expedition against; to attack; to boast; Taiwan pr. [fa1] 自立自强[自立自強] zìlìzìqiáng to strive for self-improvement 不卑不亢[不卑不亢] bùbēibùkàng neither servile nor overbearing (idiom); neither obsequious nor supercilious 愁[愁] chóu to worry about 枷锁[枷鎖] jiāsuǒ stocks and chain; in fetters 绑架[綁架] bǎngjià to kidnap; to abduct; to hijack; a kidnapping; abduction; staking 始终[始終] shǐzhōng from beginning to end; all along 伴[伴] bàn partner; companion; comrade; associate; to accompany 冒险[冒險] màoxiǎn to take risks; to take chances; foray; adventure 社会[社會] shèhuì society; CL:個|个[ge4] 跨越[跨越] kuàyuè to step across; step over 无数[無數] wúshù countless; numberless; innumerable 泥泞[泥濘] nínìng muddy; mud 无所不能[無所不能] wúsuǒbùnéng omnipotent //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/150 words - 11 min 开创[開創] kāichuàng to initiate; to start; to found 无限[無限] wúxiàn unlimited; unbounded 炙[炙] zhì to broil; to roast 联盟[聯盟] liánméng alliance; union; coalition 倒带[倒帶] dàodài rewind (media player) 固执[固執] gùzhí obstinate; stubborn 看清[看清] kànqīng to see clearly 不知[不知] bùzhī not to know; unaware; unknowingly; fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness etc) 悔改[悔改] huǐgǎi to repent; repentance 揭开[揭開] jiēkāi to uncover; to open 伤疤[傷疤] shāngbā scar; CL:道[dao4] 放荡[放蕩] fàngdàng unconventional; licentious; wanton; easy in one's morals 真理[真理] zhēnlǐ truth; CL:個|个[ge4] 发烫[發燙] fātàng burning hot 不甘[不甘] bùgān unreconciled to; not resigned to; unwilling 认输[認輸] rènshū to concede; to admit defeat 不服[不服] bùfú not to accept sth; to want to have sth overruled or changed; to refuse to obey or comply; to refuse to accept as final; to remain unconvinced by; not to give in to 收拾[收拾] shōushi to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb 主妇[主婦] zhǔfù housewife; woman of senior authority in a household; the lady of the house; hostess 谨记[謹記] jǐnjì to remember with reverence; to bear in mind; to keep in mind 前车之鉴[前車之鑒] qiánchēzhījiàn to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom) 迟早[遲早] chízǎo sooner or later 无限制[無限制] wúxiànzhì limitless; unrestricted 不再[不再] bùzài no more; no longer 限[限] xiàn limit; bound; to set a limit (on) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/175 words - 14 min 年代[年代] niándài a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties); age; era; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 战[戰] zhàn to fight; fight; war; battle 柔[柔] róu soft; flexible; supple; yielding; rho (Greek letter Ρρ) 前一天[前一天] qiányītiān the day before (an event) 迎新[迎新] yíngxīn to see in the New Year; to welcome new guests; by extension, to receive new students 晚会[晚會] wǎnhuì evening party; CL:個|个[ge4] 台上[臺上] táishàng on stage 燕[燕] yàn swallow (family Hirundinidae); old variant of 宴[yan4] 妮[妮] nī girl; phonetic "ni" (in female names); Taiwan pr. [ni2] 面孔[面孔] miànkǒng face 展现[展現] zhǎnxiàn to come out; to emerge; to reveal; to display 面貌[面貌] miànmào appearance; face; features; CL:個|个[ge4] 开朗[開朗] kāilǎng spacious and well-lit; open and clear; (of character) optimistic; cheerful; carefree 团结[團結] tuánjié to unite; unity; solidarity; united 半年[半年] bànnián half a year 天才[天才] tiāncái talent; gift; genius; talented; gifted 歌词[歌詞] gēcí song lyric; lyrics 开口[開口] kāikǒu to open one's mouth; to start to talk 节奏[節奏] jiézòu rhythm; tempo; musical pulse; cadence; beat 平常[平常] píngcháng ordinary; common; usually; ordinarily 艾[艾] ài Chinese mugwort or wormwood; moxa; to stop or cut short; phonetic "ai" or "i"; abbr. for 艾滋病[ai4 zi1 bing4], AIDS 杰[傑] jié hero; heroic; outstanding person; prominent; distinguished 测试[測試] cèshì to test (machinery etc); to test (students); test; quiz; exam; beta (software) 目前[目前] mùqián at the present time; currently 为止[為止] wéizhǐ until; (used in combination with words like 到[dao4] or 至[zhi4] in constructs of the form 到...為止|到...为止) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/200 words - 16 min 页[頁] yè page; leaf 最多[最多] zuìduō at most; maximum; greatest (amount); maximal 首都[首都] shǒudū capital (city); CL:個|个[ge4] 露[露] lòu to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 露[露] lù dew; syrup; nectar; outdoors (not under cover); to show; to reveal; to betray; to expose 女性[女性] nǚxìng woman; the female sex 铃声[鈴聲] língshēng ring; ringtone; bell stroke; tintinnabulation 叫醒[叫醒] jiàoxǐng to awaken; to wake sb up; to rouse 告白[告白] gàobái to announce publicly; to explain oneself; to reveal one's feelings; to confess; to declare one's love 没错[沒錯] méicuò that's right; sure!; rest assured!; that's good; can't go wrong 幻想[幻想] huànxiǎng delusion; fantasy 说明[說明] shuōmíng to explain; to illustrate; to indicate; to show; to prove; explanation; directions; caption; CL:個|个[ge4] 来电[來電] láidiàn incoming telegram or telephone call; your telegram, telephone call, or message; to send a telegram or make a telephone call here (i.e. to the speaker); to have instant attraction to sb; to have chemistry with sb; to come back (of electricity, after an outage) 睁开[睜開] zhēngkāi to open (one's eyes) 双眼[雙眼] shuāngyǎn the two eyes 甜蜜[甜蜜] tiánmì sweet; happy 叮[叮] dīng to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc); to say repeatedly; to urge insistently; to ask repeatedly; to stick to a point; (onom.) tinkling or jingling sound 旋律[旋律] xuánlǜ melody; rhythm 黏[黏] nián sticky; glutinous; (Tw) to adhere; to stick on; to glue 用心[用心] yòngxīn motive; intention; to be diligent or attentive; careful 接听[接聽] jiētīng to answer the phone 传递[傳遞] chuándì to transmit; to pass on to sb else; (math.) transitive 心电感应[心電感應] xīndiàngǎnyìng telepathy 爱神[愛神] àishén god of love 战线[戰線] zhànxiàn battle line; battlefront; front 手机[手機] shǒujī cell phone; mobile phone; CL:部[bu4],支[zhi1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/225 words - 19 min 占线[佔線] zhànxiàn busy (telephone line) 提示[提示] tíshì to point out; to remind (sb of sth); to suggest; suggestion; tip; reminder; notice 忙音[忙音] mángyīn busy signal (telephony) 为何[為何] wèihé why 嗓子[嗓子] sǎngzi throat; voice; CL:把[ba3] 哑[啞] yǎ dumb; mute; hoarse; husky; unexploded (of artillery shell etc) 夹[夾] jiā to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. [jia2] 相同[相同] xiāngtóng identical; same 大部分[大部分] dàbùfen in large part; the greater part; the majority 独唱[獨唱] dúchàng (in singing) solo; to solo 发挥[發揮] fāhuī to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innate qualities; to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate (on a theme) 变化[變化] biànhuà change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:個|个[ge4] 宣布[宣布] xuānbù to declare; to announce; to proclaim 水平[水平] shuǐpíng level (of achievement etc); standard; horizontal 分开[分開] fēnkāi to separate; to part 入选[入選] rùxuǎn to be chosen; to be elected as 成败[成敗] chéngbài success or failure 敷衍[敷衍] fūyǎn to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); perfunctory; to skimp; to botch; to do sth half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by 拍子[拍子] pāizi beat (music); paddle-shaped object (flyswatter etc); racket (sports) 起伏[起伏] qǐfú to move up and down; to undulate; ups and downs 律动[律動] lǜdòng rhythm; to move rhythmically 距[距] jù at a distance of; distance; to be apart 耳麦[耳麥] ěrmài headphones; earphones 哪怕[哪怕] nǎpà even; even if; even though; no matter how 开头[開頭] kāitóu beginning; to start //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/250 words - 22 min 重心[重心] zhòngxīn center of gravity; central core; main part 推荐[推薦] tuījiàn to recommend; recommendation 深蹲[深蹲] shēndūn squat (exercise) 蹲[蹲] dūn to crouch; to squat; to stay (somewhere) 一面[一面] yīmiàn one side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face 慈[慈] cí compassionate; gentle; merciful; kind; humane 手软[手軟] shǒuruǎn to be lenient; to relent; to be reluctant to make a hard decision; to think twice 严厉[嚴厲] yánlì severe; strict 棠[棠] táng cherry-apple 进场[進場] jìnchǎng to go into; to enter an arena (e.g. sporting) 一瞬间[一瞬間] yīshùnjiān split second 葛[葛] gé kudzu (Pueraria lobata); hemp cloth 怡[怡] yí harmony; pleased 虚[虛] xū emptiness; void; abstract theory or guiding principles; empty or unoccupied; diffident or timid; false; humble or modest; (of health) weak; virtual; in vain 衣[衣] yī clothes; CL:件[jian4]; Kangxi radical 145 柱子[柱子] zhùzi pillar; CL:根[gen1] 闪电[閃電] shǎndiàn lightning; CL:道[dao4] 符[符] fú mark; sign; talisman; to seal; to correspond to; tally; symbol; written charm; to coincide 雅[雅] yǎ elegant 凝[凝] níng to congeal; to concentrate attention; to stare 山[山] shān mountain; hill; anything that resembles a mountain; CL:座[zuo4]; bundled straw in which silkworms spin cocoons; gable 沸腾[沸騰] fèiténg (of a liquid) to boil; (of sentiments etc) to boil over; to flare up; to be impassioned 惊[驚] jīng to startle; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm 臭脸[臭臉] chòuliǎn sour face; scowling face; CL:張|张[zhang1],副[fu4] 王子[王子] wángzǐ prince; son of a king //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/275 words - 24 min 甩头[甩頭] shuǎitóu to fling back one's head 顺序[順序] shùnxù sequence; order 谦让[謙讓] qiānràng to modestly decline 认可[認可] rènkě to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK 勒紧[勒緊] lēijǐn to tighten 裤腰带[褲腰帶] kùyāodài waistband 爆炸[爆炸] bàozhà explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate 带上[帶上] dàishàng to take along with one 踩[踩] cǎi to step on; to tread; to stamp; to press a pedal; to pedal (a bike); (online) to downvote 脚下[腳下] jiǎoxià under the foot 新一代[新一代] xīnyīdài new generation 女王[女王] nǚwáng queen 让开[讓開] ràngkāi to get out of the way; to step aside 从来不[從來不] cóngláibù never 搭[搭] dā to put up; to build (scaffolding); to hang (clothes on a pole); to connect; to join; to arrange in pairs; to match; to add; to throw in (resources); to take (boat, train); variant of 褡[da1] 眼看[眼看] yǎnkàn soon; in a moment; to look on as sth happens 设[設] shè to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display 头疼[頭疼] tóuténg headache 整理[整理] zhěnglǐ to arrange; to tidy up; to sort out; to straighten out; to list systematically; to collate (data, files); to pack (luggage) 油门[油門] yóumén accelerator (pedal); gas pedal; throttle 肤浅[膚淺] fūqiǎn skin-deep; superficial; shallow 偏见[偏見] piānjiàn prejudice 忽[忽] hū to neglect; to overlook; to ignore; suddenly 抽[抽] chōu to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash 签[簽] qiān to sign one's name; visa; variant of 籤|签[qian1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/300 words - 28 min 许下[許下] xǔxià to make a promise 酷炫[酷炫] kùxuàn (slang) cool; awesome 鲜艳[鮮艷] xiānyàn bright-colored; gaily-colored 打扮[打扮] dǎban to decorate; to dress; to make up; to adorn; manner of dressing; style of dress 焦点[焦點] jiāodiǎn focus; focal point 梳妆[梳妝] shūzhuāng to dress and groom oneself 眼线[眼線] yǎnxiàn informer; snitch; spy; scout; (cosmetics) eye line 气场[氣場] qìcháng qi field (qigong); aura; atmosphere 武装[武裝] wǔzhuāng arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces) 无意[無意] wúyì inadvertent; accidental; to have no intention of (doing sth) 凶狠[凶狠] xiōnghěn cruel; vicious; fierce and malicious; vengeful 灰飞烟灭[灰飛煙滅] huīfēiyānmiè lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom); fig. to be annihilated; to vanish in a puff of smoke 一遍[一遍] yībiàn one time (all the way through); once through 之外[之外] zhīwài outside; excluding 琢磨[琢磨] zuómo to ponder; to mull over; to think through; Taiwan pr. [zhuo2 mo2] 线条[線條] xiàntiáo line (in drawing, calligraphy etc); the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc) 卡[卡] kǎ to stop; to block; (computing) (coll.) slow; (loanword) card; CL:張|张[zhang1],片[pian4]; truck (from "car"); calorie (abbr. for 卡路里[ka3 lu4 li3]); cassette 独舞[獨舞] dúwǔ solo dance 面试[面試] miànshì to be interviewed (as a candidate); interview 完整[完整] wánzhěng complete; intact 初选[初選] chūxuǎn primary election 握[握] wò to hold; to grasp; to clench (one's fist); to master; classifier: a handful 之内[之內] zhīnèi inside; within 基本功[基本功] jīběngōng basic skills; fundamentals 上下[上下] shàngxià up and down; top and bottom; old and new; length; about //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/325 words - 32 min 请教[請教] qǐngjiào to ask for guidance; to consult 赶上[趕上] gǎnshàng to keep up with; to catch up with; to overtake; to chance upon; in time for 喘[喘] chuǎn to gasp; to pant; asthma 大方[大方] dàfang generous; magnanimous; stylish; in good taste; easy-mannered; natural and relaxed 东北[東北] dōngběi northeast 鱼[魚] yú fish; CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3] 第二天[第二天] dì'èrtiān next day; the morrow 回锅[回鍋] huíguō to cook again; to rewarm food 炖[燉] dùn to stew 载[載] zài to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; to fill up; and; also; as well as; simultaneously 比如[比如] bǐrú for example; for instance; such as 模板[模板] múbǎn template; (architecture) formwork 所谓[所謂] suǒwèi so-called; what is called 一部分[一部分] yībùfen portion; part of; subset 成熟[成熟] chéngshú mature; ripe; to mature; to ripen; Taiwan pr. [cheng2 shou2] 比赛[比賽] bǐsài competition (sports etc); match; CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]; to compete 将近[將近] jiāngjìn almost; nearly; close to 一下子[一下子] yīxiàzi in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden 触动[觸動] chùdòng to touch; to stir up (trouble or emotions); to move (sb's emotions or worry) 家族[家族] jiāzú family; clan 炒菜[炒菜] chǎocài to stir-fry; to do the cooking; stir-fried dish 多么[多麼] duōme how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc); however (difficult it may be etc); (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc); to what extent 下面[下面] xiàmiàn below; under; next; the following; also pr. [xia4 mian5] 双人[雙人] shuāngrén two-person; double; pair; tandem 古典[古典] gǔdiǎn classical //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/350 words - 36 min 耀眼[耀眼] yàoyǎn to dazzle; dazzling 星星[星星] xīngxing star in the sky 时尚[時尚] shíshàng fashion; fad; fashionable 精英[精英] jīngyīng cream; elite; essence; quintessence 搭配[搭配] dāpèi to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group 亲吻[親吻] qīnwěn to kiss; kiss 戒指[戒指] jièzhi (finger) ring 皇冠[皇冠] huángguān crown (headgear) 忙乱[忙亂] mángluàn rushed and muddled 刀[刀] dāo knife; blade; single-edged sword; cutlass; CL:把[ba3]; (slang) dollar (loanword); classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper); classifier for knife cuts or stabs 剑[劍] jiàn double-edged sword; CL:口[kou3],把[ba3]; classifier for blows of a sword 角度[角度] jiǎodù angle; point of view 跟头[跟頭] gēntou tumble; somersault 发[髮] fà hair; Taiwan pr. [fa3] 吓一跳[嚇一跳] xiàyītiào startled; to frighten; scared out of one's skin 完蛋[完蛋] wándàn (coll.) to be done for 代入[代入] dàirù to substitute into 似的[似的] shìde seems as if; rather like; Taiwan pr. [si4 de5] 差别[差別] chābié difference; distinction; disparity 调整[調整] tiáozhěng to adjust; adjustment; revision; CL:個|个[ge4] 和谐[和諧] héxié harmonious; harmony; (euphemism) to censor 民族[民族] mínzú nationality; ethnic group; CL:個|个[ge4] 男生[男生] nánshēng schoolboy; male student; boy; guy (young adult male) 拽[拽] yè to drag; to haul 大蒜[大蒜] dàsuàn garlic; CL:瓣[ban4],頭|头[tou2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/375 words - 44 min 仙鹤[仙鶴] xiānhè red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) 回想[回想] huíxiǎng to recall; to recollect; to think back 脱[脫] tuō to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from 鞋[鞋] xié shoe; CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] 确认[確認] quèrèn to confirm; to verify; confirmation 喷嚏[噴嚏] pēntì sneeze 啾[啾] jiū (onom.) wailing of child; chirp; kiss (Tw) 恼火[惱火] nǎohuǒ to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to aggravate; annoying 意见[意見] yìjiàn idea; opinion; suggestion; objection; complaint; CL:點|点[dian3],條|条[tiao2] 加分[加分] jiāfēn extra credit (on a test); bonus point 判定[判定] pàndìng to judge; to decide; judgment; determination 观众[觀眾] guānzhòng spectators; audience; visitors (to an exhibition etc) 满足[滿足] mǎnzú to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content 头奖[頭獎] tóujiǎng first prize 教室[教室] jiàoshì classroom; CL:間|间[jian1] 日常[日常] rìcháng daily; everyday 经常[經常] jīngcháng frequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily 探索[探索] tànsuǒ to explore; to probe 连麦[連麥] liánmài (of two people in different locations) to sing or otherwise perform together using communications technology 轮到[輪到] lúndào to be (sb's or sth's) turn 卷[捲] juǎn to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on; roll 塞[塞] sāi to stop up; to squeeze in; to stuff; cork; stopper 妙不可言[妙不可言] miàobùkěyán too wonderful for words 缘分[緣分] yuánfèn fate or chance that brings people together; predestined affinity or relationship; (Budd.) destiny 天时地利人和[天時地利人和] tiānshídìlìrénhé the time is right, geographical and social conditions are favorable (idiom); a good time to go to war //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/400 words - 48 min 友谊[友誼] yǒuyì companionship; fellowship; friendship 璇[璿] xuán variant of 璇[xuan2] 火热[火熱] huǒrè fiery; burning; fervent; ardent; passionate 极致[極致] jízhì peak; pinnacle; ultimate 毛绒玩具[毛絨玩具] máoróngwánjù plush toy; cuddly toy 猪[豬] zhū hog; pig; swine; CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2] 大哥[大哥] dàgē eldest brother; big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself); gang leader; boss 亡[亡] wáng to die; to lose; to be gone; to flee; deceased 野[野] yě field; plain; open space; limit; boundary; rude; feral 口号[口號] kǒuhào slogan; catchphrase; CL:個|个[ge4] 传统[傳統] chuántǒng tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4] 专业[專業] zhuānyè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional 钰[鈺] yù treasure; hard metal 广场[廣場] guǎngchǎng public square; plaza 放鞭炮[放鞭炮] fàngbiānpào to set off firecrackers 元[元] yuán currency unit (esp. Chinese yuan); first; original; primary; fundamental; constituent; part; era (of a reign); meta- (prefix); (math.) argument; variable; (Tw) (geology) eon 造型[造型] zàoxíng to model; to shape; appearance; style; design; form; pose 热水[熱水] rèshuǐ hot water 造型师[造型師] zàoxíngshī stylist (fashion); cartoon character designer 联系方式[聯繫方式] liánxìfāngshì contact details 豪放[豪放] háofàng bold and unconstrained; powerful and free 婉约[婉約] wǎnyuē graceful and subdued (style) 剩[剩] shèng to remain; to be left; to have as remainder 服装[服裝] fúzhuāng dress; clothing; costume; clothes; CL:身[shen1] 万万[萬萬] wànwàn absolutely; wholly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/425 words - 53 min 印象[印象] yìnxiàng impression 肩周炎[肩周炎] jiānzhōuyán adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) 肩[肩] jiān shoulder; to shoulder (responsibilities etc) 软[軟] ruǎn soft; flexible 复古[復古] fùgǔ to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration); to turn back the clock; neoclassical school during Tang and Song associated with classical writing 古文; retro (fashion style based on nostalgia, esp. for 1960s) 城市[城市] chéngshì city; town; CL:座[zuo4] 神不守舍[神不守捨] shénbùshǒushè abstracted; drifting off; restless 言[言] yán words; speech; to say; to talk 指定[指定] zhǐdìng to appoint; to assign; to indicate clearly and with certainty; designated 游[游] yóu to swim; variant of 遊|游[you2] 耳机[耳機] ěrjī headphones; earphones; telephone receiver 假如[假如] jiǎrú if 有心[有心] yǒuxīn to have a mind to; to intend to; deliberately; considerate 听不进去[聽不進去] tīngbùjìnqu not to listen; to be deaf to 不可理喻[不可理喻] bùkělǐyù to be impervious to reason (idiom); unreasonable 不厌[不厭] bùyàn not to tire of; not to object to 证据[證據] zhèngjù evidence; proof; testimony 地震[地震] dìzhèn earthquake 遍[遍] biàn everywhere; all over; classifier for actions: one time 经理[經理] jīnglǐ manager; director; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 喜感[喜感] xǐgǎn comicality; comical; (Buddhism) joy 上课[上課] shàngkè to go to class; to attend class; to go to teach a class 管理[管理] guǎnlǐ to supervise; to manage; to administer; management; administration; CL:個|个[ge4] 从头[從頭] cóngtóu anew; from the start 笑声[笑聲] xiàoshēng laughter //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/450 words - 56 min 回头[回頭] huítóu to turn round; to turn one's head; later; by and by 尤其[尤其] yóuqí especially; particularly 入戏[入戲] rùxì (of an actor) to inhabit one's role; to become the character; (of an audience) to get involved in the drama 麦克风[麥克風] màikèfēng microphone (loanword) 有待[有待] yǒudài not yet (done); pending 加强[加強] jiāqiáng to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase 散发[散發] sànfā to distribute; to emit; to issue 带给[帶給] dàigěi to give to; to provide to; to bring to; to take to 欢乐[歡樂] huānlè gaiety; gladness; glee; merriment; pleasure; happy; joyous; gay 旧金山[舊金山] Jiùjīnshān San Francisco, California 高学历[高學歷] gāoxuélì higher education record; record including Master's or Doctoral degree 打工[打工] dǎgōng to work a temporary or casual job; (of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation 秘书[秘書] mìshū secretary 严格[嚴格] yángé strict; stringent; tight; rigorous 意义[意義] yìyì sense; meaning; significance; importance; CL:個|个[ge4] 填[填] tián to fill or stuff; (of a form etc) to fill in 系[系] xì system; department; faculty 鞋带[鞋帶] xiédài shoelace; CL:根[gen1],雙|双[shuang1] 要不[要不] yàobù otherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...) 爵士[爵士] juéshì knight; Sir; (loanword) jazz 低气压[低氣壓] dīqìyā low pressure; depression (meteorology) 随风[隨風] suífēng wind-borne; care-free 不适[不適] bùshì unwell; indisposed; out of sorts 西班牙语[西班牙語] Xībānyáyǔ Spanish language 尝试[嘗試] chángshì to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/475 words - 60 min 好奇[好奇] hàoqí inquisitive; curious; inquisitiveness; curiosity 家庭[家庭] jiātíng family; household; CL:戶|户[hu4],個|个[ge4] 氛围[氛圍] fēnwéi ambience; atmosphere 个性[個性] gèxìng individuality; personality 原生[原生] yuánshēng original; primary; native; indigenous; proto-; stock (firmware) 有关[有關] yǒuguān to have sth to do with; to relate to; related to; to concern; concerning 爹[爹] diē dad 春季[春季] chūnjì springtime 开花[開花] kāihuā to bloom; to blossom; to flower; fig. to burst open; to feel happy or elated; new development grows out 包装[包裝] bāozhuāng to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging 简直[簡直] jiǎnzhí simply; at all; practically 难受[難受] nánshòu to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear 腿[腿] tuǐ leg; CL:條|条[tiao2] 跟不上[跟不上] gēnbushàng not able to keep up with 溜[溜] liū to slip away; to escape in stealth; to skate 夸奖[誇獎] kuājiǎng to praise; to applaud; to compliment 亲戚[親戚] qīnqi a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 闺女[閨女] guīnǚ maiden; unmarried woman; daughter 家长[家長] jiāzhǎng head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child 误区[誤區] wùqū mistaken ideas; misconceptions; the error of one's ways 当面[當面] dāngmiàn to sb's face; in sb's presence 点燃[點燃] diǎnrán to ignite; to set on fire; aflame 存在[存在] cúnzài to exist; to be; existence 丧[喪] sāng mourning; funeral; (old) corpse 丧[喪] sàng to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc); to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc); to die; disappointed; discouraged 散[散] sǎn scattered; loose; to come loose; to fall apart; leisurely; powdered medicine 散[散] sàn to scatter; to break up (a meeting etc); to disperse; to disseminate; to dispel; (coll.) to sack //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep03/478 words - 61 min 利落[利落] lìluo agile; nimble; all settled; in order 即将[即將] jíjiāng on the eve of; to be about to; to be on the verge of 播放[播放] bōfàng to broadcast; to transmit //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/25 words - 3 min 邹[鄒] Zōu surname Zou; vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC) in the southeast of Shandong Province 思[思] sī to think; to consider 扬[揚] yáng to raise; to hoist; the action of tossing or winnowing; scattering (in the wind); to flutter; to propagate 了解[了解] liǎojiě to understand; to realize; to find out 原本[原本] yuánběn originally; original 确实[確實] quèshí indeed; really; reliable; real; true 进步[進步] jìnbù progress; improvement; to improve; to progress; CL:個|个[ge4] 空间[空間] kōngjiān space; room; (fig.) scope; leeway; (astronomy) outer space; (physics, math.) space 综合[綜合] zōnghé comprehensive; composite; synthesized; mixed; to sum up; to integrate; to synthesize 一致[一致] yīzhì unanimous; identical (views or opinions) 力度[力度] lìdù strength; vigor; efforts; (music) dynamics 排队[排隊] páiduì to line up 准确[準確] zhǔnquè accurate; exact; precise 挑剔[挑剔] tiāoti picky; fussy 其中[其中] qízhōng among; in; included among these 项[項] xiàng back of neck; item; thing; term (in a mathematical formula); sum (of money); classifier for principles, items, clauses, tasks, research projects etc 达到[達到] dádào to reach; to achieve; to attain 捋[捋] luō to hold sth long and run one's hand along it 投票[投票] tóupiào to vote; vote 投[投] tóu to cast; to send; to throw oneself (into the river etc); to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of 一轮[一輪] yīlún first round or stage (of a match, election, talks, planned policy etc) 独一无二[獨一無二] dúyīwú'èr unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled; nothing compares with it 百分[百分] bǎifēn percent; percentage 评分[評分] píngfēn to grade; to mark (student's work); grade; score (of student's work) 以下[以下] yǐxià that level or lower; that amount or less; the following //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/50 words - 11 min 几乎[幾乎] jīhū almost; nearly; practically 疑惑[疑惑] yíhuò to doubt; to distrust; unconvincing; to puzzle over; misgivings; suspicions 有目共睹[有目共睹] yǒumùgòngdǔ anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all; sth speaks for itself; is there for all to see 尤其是[尤其是] yóuqíshì especially; most of all; above all; in particular 鼓掌[鼓掌] gǔzhǎng to applaud; to clap 私心[私心] sīxīn selfishness; selfish motives 看好[看好] kànhǎo optimistic (about the outcome); bullish; to think highly of; to support 争议[爭議] zhēngyì controversy; dispute; to dispute 引人注意[引人注意] yǐnrénzhùyì to attract attention; eye-catching; conspicuous 黯淡[黯淡] àndàn variant of 暗淡[an4 dan4] 烫[燙] tàng to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot 扎[扎] zhā to prick; to run or stick (a needle etc) into; jug (a classifier for liquids such as beer) 揪[揪] jiū to seize; to clutch; to grab firmly and pull 公平[公平] gōngpíng fair; impartial 足够[足夠] zúgòu enough; sufficient 照亮[照亮] zhàoliàng to illuminate; to light up; lighting 服气[服氣] fúqì to be convinced; to accept 拜托[拜託] bàituō to request sb to do sth; please! 公认[公認] gōngrèn publicly known (to be); accepted (as) 放大[放大] fàngdà to enlarge; to magnify 辣[辣] là hot (spicy); pungent 力道[力道] lìdào strength; power; efficacy 甜心[甜心] tiánxīn delighted to oblige; sweetheart 击沉[擊沉] jīchén to attack and sink (a ship) 蔡依林[蔡依林] CàiYīlín Jolin Tsai (1980-), Taiwanese singer //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/75 words - 21 min 影子[影子] yǐngzi shadow; reflection; (fig.) hint; indication; influence; CL:個|个[ge4] 出众[出眾] chūzhòng to stand out; outstanding 巴掌[巴掌] bāzhǎng palm of the hand; classifier: slap 率先[率先] shuàixiān to take the lead; to show initiative 植[植] zhí to plant 较劲[較勁] jiàojìn to match one's strength with; to compete; more competitive; to set oneself against sb; disobliging; to make a special effort 封闭[封閉] fēngbì to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive 圈[圈] quān circle; ring; loop; classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc; CL:個|个[ge4]; to surround; to circle 对角[對角] duìjiǎo opposite angle 展示[展示] zhǎnshì to reveal; to display; to show; to exhibit sth 保守[保守] bǎoshǒu conservative; to guard; to keep 分别[分別] fēnbié to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually 高产[高產] gāochǎn high yielding 河[河] hé river; CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4] 海[海] hǎi ocean; sea; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]; great number of people or things; (dialect) numerous 入口[入口] rùkǒu entrance; to import 美的[美的] Měidí Midea (brand) 彩虹[彩虹] cǎihóng rainbow; CL:道[dao4] 少有[少有] shǎoyǒu rare; infrequent 合适[合適] héshì suitable; fitting; appropriate 稳扎稳打[穩扎穩打] wěnzhāwěndǎ to go steady and strike hard (in fighting); fig. steadily and surely 随着[隨著] suízhe along with; in the wake of; following 累积[累積] lěijī to accumulate 莫名其妙[莫名其妙] mòmíngqímiào (idiom) baffling; inexplicable 穗[穗] suì ear of grain; fringe; tassel //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/100 words - 23 min 应援[應援] yìngyuán (originally) to provide assistance; (more recently) to show one's support (for a singing idol etc) 日本[日本] Rìběn Japan 吃货[吃貨] chīhuò chowhound; foodie; a good-for-nothing 货[貨] huò goods; money; commodity; CL:個|个[ge4] 广告[廣告] guǎnggào to advertise; a commercial; advertisement; CL:項|项[xiang4] 漫画[漫畫] mànhuà caricature; cartoon; Japanese manga 樱花[櫻花] yīnghuā oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom; also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry 对抗[對抗] duìkàng to withstand; to resist; to stand off; antagonism; confrontation 念书[念書] niànshū to read; to study 十三[十三] shísān thirteen; 13 美甲[美甲] měijiǎ manicure and-or pedicure 十六[十六] shíliù sixteen; 16 彩妆[彩妝] cǎizhuāng makeup; cosmetics 学院[學院] xuéyuàn college; educational institute; school; faculty; CL:所[suo3] 开设[開設] kāishè to offer (goods or services); to open (for business etc) 氧气[氧氣] yǎngqì oxygen 多才多艺[多才多藝] duōcáiduōyì multi-talented 初中[初中] chūzhōng junior high school; abbr. for 初級中學|初级中学[chu1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] 高中[高中] gāozhōng senior high school; abbr. for 高級中學|高级中学[gao1 ji2 zhong1 xue2] 读书[讀書] dúshū to read a book; to study; to attend school 学院派[學院派] xuéyuànpài academism (art) 纸[紙] zhǐ paper; CL:張|张[zhang1],沓[da2]; classifier for documents, letter etc 体验[體驗] tǐyàn to experience for oneself 经济[經濟] jīngjì economy; economic 思想[思想] sīxiǎng thought; thinking; idea; ideology; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/125 words - 26 min 追求[追求] zhuīqiú to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo 点头[點頭] diǎntóu to nod 听懂[聽懂] tīngdǒng to understand (on hearing); to catch (what is spoken) 不太好[不太好] bùtàihǎo not so good; not too well 听不懂[聽不懂] tīngbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is hearing 听得懂[聽得懂] tīngdedǒng to understand (by hearing); to catch (what sb says) 录音[錄音] lùyīn to record (sound); sound recording; CL:個|个[ge4] 笔[筆] bǐ pen; pencil; writing brush; to write or compose; the strokes of Chinese characters; classifier for sums of money, deals; CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1] 记录[記錄] jìlù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 一句话[一句話] yījùhuà in a word; in short 影像[影像] yǐngxiàng image 复习[複習] fùxí variant of 復習|复习[fu4 xi2] 候场[候場] hòuchǎng (of an actor, athlete etc) to prepare to make one's entrance; to wait in the wings 昏迷[昏迷] hūnmí to lose consciousness; to be in a coma; stupor; coma; stunned; disoriented 翻来覆去[翻來覆去] fānláifùqù to toss and turn (sleeplessly); again and again 逻辑[邏輯] luóji logic (loanword) 心跳[心跳] xīntiào heartbeat; pulse 靠近[靠近] kàojìn near; to approach 忧郁[憂鬱] yōuyù sullen; depressed; melancholy; dejected 莫名[莫名] mòmíng indescribable; ineffable 奇妙[奇妙] qímiào fantastic; wonderful 叹息[嘆息] tànxī to sigh; to gasp (in admiration) 哎[哎] āi hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation) 电影[電影] diànyǐng movie; film; CL:部[bu4],片[pian4],幕[mu4],場|场[chang3] 通通[通通] tōngtōng all; entire; complete //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/150 words - 32 min 老夫[老夫] lǎofū I (spoken by an old man) 与此同时[與此同時] yǔcǐtóngshí at the same time; meanwhile 元气[元氣] yuánqì strength; vigor; vitality; (TCM) vital energy 目瞪口呆[目瞪口呆] mùdèngkǒudāi dumbstruck (idiom); stupefied; stunned 网上[網上] wǎngshàng online 一堆[一堆] yīduī pile 连续[連續] liánxù continuous; in a row; serial; consecutive 勇气[勇氣] yǒngqì courage; valor 记忆[記憶] jìyì to remember; to recall; memory; CL:個|个[ge4] 热闹[熱鬧] rènao bustling with noise and excitement; lively 平静[平靜] píngjìng tranquil; undisturbed; serene 一丝不苟[一絲不苟] yīsībùgǒu not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules; meticulous; not one hair out of place 蠢蠢欲动[蠢蠢欲動] chǔnchǔnyùdòng to begin to stir (idiom); to get restless; to become threatening 喜悦[喜悅] xǐyuè happy; joyous 持续[持續] chíxù to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation 输出[輸出] shūchū to export; to output 复[復] fù to go and return; to return; to resume; to return to a normal or original state; to repeat; again; to recover; to restore; to turn over; to reply; to answer; to reply to a letter; to retaliate; to carry out 明朗[明朗] mínglǎng bright; clear; obvious; forthright; open-minded; bright and cheerful 洗脑[洗腦] xǐnǎo to brainwash 状况[狀況] zhuàngkuàng condition; state; situation; CL:個|个[ge4] 类似[類似] lèisì similar; analogous 陌生[陌生] mòshēng strange; unfamiliar 摇滚[搖滾] yáogǔn rock 'n' roll (music); to rock; to fall off 平面[平面] píngmiàn plane (flat surface); print media 资讯[資訊] zīxùn information //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/175 words - 37 min 甜美[甜美] tiánměi sweet; pleasant; happy 弯弯[彎彎] Wānwān Wan Wan (1981-), Taiwanese blogger and cartoonist 总之[總之] zǒngzhī in a word; in short; in brief 预防针[預防針] yùfángzhēn immunization injection; fig. forewarning; heads-up; preventive measure 稻[稻] dào paddy; rice (Oryza sativa) 垣[垣] yuán wall 缺点[缺點] quēdiǎn weak point; fault; shortcoming; disadvantage; CL:個|个[ge4] 暴露[暴露] bàolù to expose; to reveal; to lay bare; also pr. [pu4 lu4] 乐观[樂觀] lèguān optimistic; hopeful 心态[心態] xīntài attitude (of the heart); state of one's psyche; way of thinking; mentality 言论[言論] yánlùn expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments 打击[打擊] dǎjī to hit; to strike; to attack; to crack down on sth; blow; (psychological) shock; percussion (music) 评论[評論] pínglùn to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1] 包括[包括] bāokuò to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consist of 理会[理會] lǐhuì to understand; to pay attention to; to take notice of 发达[發達] fādá developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop 无所谓[無所謂] wúsuǒwèi to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be 质疑[質疑] zhìyí to call into question; to question (truth or validity) 符合[符合] fúhé in keeping with; in accordance with; tallying with; in line with; to agree with; to accord with; to conform to; to correspond with; to manage; to handle 大众[大眾] dàzhòng the masses; the great bulk of the population; popular (of music, science etc) 塑造[塑造] sùzào to model; to mold; (fig.) to create (a character, a market, an image etc); (literature) to portray (in words) 千变万化[千變萬化] qiānbiànwànhuà countless changes; constant permutation 思维[思維] sīwéi (line of) thought; thinking 进化[進化] jìnhuà evolution; CL:個|个[ge4] 形象[形象] xíngxiàng image; form; figure; CL:個|个[ge4]; visualization; vivid //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep04/192 words - 43 min 不符[不符] bùfú inconsistent; not in agreement with; not agree or tally with; not conform to 宣传[宣傳] xuānchuán to disseminate; to give publicity to; propaganda; CL:個|个[ge4] 底下[底下] dǐxia the location below sth; afterwards 限制[限制] xiànzhì to restrict; to limit; to confine; restriction; limit; CL:個|个[ge4] 无趣[無趣] wúqù dull; vapid; colorless 热爱[熱愛] rè'ài to love ardently; to adore 有备而来[有備而來] yǒubèi'érlái to come prepared 员[員] yuán person; employee; member 究竟[究竟] jiūjìng to go to the bottom of a matter; after all; when all is said and done; (in an interrogative sentence) finally; outcome; result 心服口服[心服口服] xīnfúkǒufú to accept wholeheartedly; to embrace; to be won over 接触[接觸] jiēchù to touch; to contact; access; in touch with 周四[週四] Zhōusì Thursday 绿洲[綠洲] lǜzhōu oasis 选出[選出] xuǎnchū to pick out; to select; to elect 齐步[齊步] qíbù to match (sb's) stride 盛装[盛裝] shèngzhuāng splendid clothes; rich attire; one's Sunday best 定[定] dìng to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/25 words - 6 min 米[米] mǐ rice; CL:粒[li4]; meter (classifier) 遮[遮] zhē to cover up (a shortcoming); to screen off; to hide; to conceal 痣[痣] zhì birthmark; mole 皮肤[皮膚] pífū skin; CL:層|层[ceng2],塊|块[kuai4] 邻家[鄰家] línjiā next-door neighbor; neighboring household; adjacent country (short for 鄰接的國家|邻接的国家[lin2 jie1 de5 guo2 jia1]) 理解[理解] lǐjiě to comprehend; to understand; comprehension; understanding 光芒[光芒] guāngmáng rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance 处于[處於] chǔyú to be in (some state, position, or condition) 权[權] quán authority; power; right; (literary) to weigh; expedient; temporary 呈现[呈現] chéngxiàn to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate 嘲笑[嘲笑] cháoxiào to jeer at; to deride; to ridicule; mockery; derision 丰[豐] fēng abundant; plentiful; fertile; plump; great 丑[醜] chǒu shameful; ugly; disgraceful 拧[擰] níng to pinch; wring 蒙牛[蒙牛] Měngniú China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited 好喝[好喝] hǎohē tasty (drinks) 拍照[拍照] pāizhào to take a picture 台[臺] tái platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; station; broadcasting station; classifier for vehicles or machines 相机[相機] xiàngjī camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhao4 xiang4 ji1]); at the opportune moment; as the circumstances allow 女神[女神] nǚshén goddess; nymph 通常[通常] tōngcháng regular; usual; normal; usually; normally 真假[真假] zhēnjiǎ genuine or fake; true or false 转换[轉換] zhuǎnhuàn to change; to switch; to convert; to transform 到位[到位] dàowèi to get to the intended location; to be in place; to be in position; precise; well (done) 上场[上場] shàngchǎng on stage; to go on stage; to take the field //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/50 words - 8 min 弄死[弄死] nòngsǐ to kill; to put to death 封[封] fēng to confer; to grant; to bestow a title; to seal; classifier for sealed objects, esp. letters 呛[嗆] qiàng to irritate the nose; to choke (of smoke, smell etc); pungent; (coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb; to scold; to speak out against sb 嘴巴[嘴巴] zuǐba mouth; CL:張|张[zhang1]; slap in the face; CL:個|个[ge4] 活着[活著] huózhe alive 隆[隆] lóng grand; intense; prosperous; to swell; to bulge 担[擔] dān to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility 魏[魏] wèi tower over a palace gateway (old) 奇[奇] qí strange; odd; weird; wonderful; surprisingly; unusually 头脑[頭腦] tóunǎo brains; mind; skull; (fig.) gist (of a matter); leader; boss 瞎[瞎] xiā blind; groundlessly; foolishly; to no purpose 体质[體質] tǐzhì constitution 易[易] yì easy; amiable; to change; to exchange; prefix corresponding to the English adjective suffix "-able" or "-ible" 姚[姚] yáo handsome; good-looking 依[依] yī to depend on; to comply with or listen to sb; according to; in the light of 韩[韓] Hán Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring States 戰國七雄|战国七雄; Korea from the fall of the Joseon dynasty in 1897; Korea, esp. South Korea 大韓民國|大韩民国; surname Han 主角[主角] zhǔjué leading role; lead 昊[昊] hào vast and limitless; the vast sky 然[然] rán correct; right; so; thus; like this; -ly 杀人[殺人] shārén homicide; to murder; to kill (a person) 减肥[減肥] jiǎnféi to lose weight 伙食[伙食] huǒshí food; meals 量[量] liáng to measure 量[量] liàng capacity; quantity; amount; to estimate; abbr. for 量詞|量词[liang4 ci2], classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word 消耗[消耗] xiāohào to use up; to consume 节食[節食] jiéshí to save food; to go on a diet //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/75 words - 10 min 普拉提[普拉提] Pǔlātí Pilates (physical fitness system) 两样[兩樣] liǎngyàng two kinds; difference 值[值] zhí value; (to be) worth; to happen to; to be on duty 垂涎[垂涎] chuíxián to water at the mouth; to drool 颓唐[頹唐] tuítáng dispirited; depressed 软烂[軟爛] ruǎnlàn (of food etc) soft; pulpy; (Tw) (of a person) lacking drive; shiftless; lazy 生长[生長] shēngzhǎng to grow 营养[營養] yíngyǎng nutrition; nourishment; CL:種|种[zhong3] 坑[坑] kēng hole; pit; tunnel; to defraud 疤[疤] bā scar; scab 站稳[站穩] zhànwěn to stand firm 看不见[看不見] kànbujiàn unseen; to be invisible 昧[昧] mèi to conceal; dark 称赞[稱讚] chēngzàn to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment 嘴脸[嘴臉] zuǐliǎn features, face (esp. derogatorily); look; appearance; countenance 审美[審美] shěnměi esthetics; appreciating the arts; taste 胆[膽] dǎn gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos) 人设[人設] rénshè the design of a character (in games, manga etc) (abbr. for 人物設定|人物设定); (fig.) (a celebrity or other public figure's) image in the eyes of the public; public persona 相关[相關] xiāngguān related; relevant; pertinent; to be interrelated; (statistics) correlation 别管[別管] biéguǎn no matter (who, what etc) 婉转[婉轉] wǎnzhuǎn (voice, music) suave; mellow; (speech) indirect; tactful 拉扯[拉扯] lāche to drag; to pull; to raise a child (through difficulties); to help; to support; to drag in; to chat 正负[正負] zhèngfù positive and negative 吃掉[吃掉] chīdiào to eat up; to consume 自有[自有] zìyǒu to possess; to own; to have //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/100 words - 16 min 随[隨] suí to follow; to comply with; varying according to...; to allow; subsequently 伪善[偽善] wěishàn hypocritical 拥抱[擁抱] yōngbào to embrace; to hug 显耀[顯耀] xiǎnyào to show off 恶[惡] è evil; fierce; vicious; ugly; coarse; to harm 恶[惡] wù to hate; to loathe; ashamed; to fear; to slander 若[若] ruò to seem; like; as; if 低音[低音] dīyīn bass 音域[音域] yīnyù vocal range; register (music) 偏[偏] piān to lean; to slant; oblique; prejudiced; to deviate from average; to stray from the intended line; stubbornly; contrary to expectations; left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical 绵绵[綿綿] miánmián continuous; uninterrupted 仔细[仔細] zǐxì careful; attentive; cautious 剧情[劇情] jùqíng story line; plot 急着[急著] jízhe urgently 适者生存[適者生存] shìzhěshēngcún survival of the fittest 非[非] fēi to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-; to reproach or blame; (colloquial) to insist on; simply must 外在[外在] wàizài external; extrinsic 内在[內在] nèizài inner; internal; intrinsic; innate 形成[形成] xíngchéng to form; to take shape 鲜明[鮮明] xiānmíng bright; clear-cut; distinct 前奏[前奏] qiánzòu prelude; presage 噼里啪啦[噼裡啪啦] pīlipālā (onom.) to crackle and rattle; to pitter-patter 精髓[精髓] jīngsuǐ marrow; pith; quintessence; essence 点出[點出] diǎnchū to point out; to indicate 以来[以來] yǐlái since (a previous event) 念[念] niàn to read; to study (a subject); to attend (a school); to read aloud; to miss (sb); idea; remembrance; twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿, 20) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/125 words - 22 min 四川[四川] Sìchuān Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川 or 蜀, capital Chengdu 成都 哟[喲] yo (sentence-final particle expressing exhortation); (syllable filler in a song) 高级[高級] gāojí high level; high grade; advanced; high-ranking 见识[見識] jiànshi to gain first-hand knowledge of sth; to experience for oneself; knowledge; experience; insight 缓[緩] huǎn slow; unhurried; sluggish; gradual; not tense; relaxed; to postpone; to defer; to stall; to stave off; to revive; to recuperate 沉浸[沉浸] chénjìn to soak; to permeate; to immerse 闭上[閉上] bìshang to close; to shut up 玫瑰[玫瑰] méiguī rugosa rose (shrub) (Rosa rugosa); rose flower; CL:朵[duo3],棵[ke1] 宝贵[寶貴] bǎoguì valuable; precious; to value; to treasure; to set store by 过往[過往] guòwǎng to come and go; to have friendly relations with; in the past; previous 种种[種種] zhǒngzhǒng all kinds of 概念[概念] gàiniàn concept; idea; CL:個|个[ge4] 守住[守住] shǒuzhu to hold on to; to defend; to keep; to guard 生死[生死] shēngsǐ life or death 忏悔[懺悔] chànhuǐ to confess; to repent; remorse; repentance; penitent; confession (Buddhism) 吹牛[吹牛] chuīniú to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect) 谦虚[謙虛] qiānxū modest; self-effacing; to make modest remarks 谊[誼] yì friendship; also pr. [yi2] 影业[影業] yǐngyè film industry 此时[此時] cǐshí now; this moment 区[區] qū area; region; district; small; distinguish; CL:個|个[ge4] 伸出[伸出] shēnchū to extend 大型[大型] dàxíng large; large-scale 套近乎[套近乎] tàojìnhū to worm one's way into being friends with sb (usually derogatory) 幸运[幸運] xìngyùn fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/150 words - 24 min 叽[嘰] jī grumble 呱[呱] gū crying sound of child 抖[抖] dǒu to tremble; to shake out; to reveal; to make it in the world 信念[信念] xìnniàn faith; belief; conviction 十足[十足] shízú ample; complete; hundred percent; a pure shade (of some color) 茧[繭] jiǎn cocoon; callus 蝶[蝶] dié butterfly; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 飞蛾[飛蛾] fēi'é moth 老天[老天] lǎotiān God; Heavens 保佑[保佑] bǎoyòu to bless and protect; blessing 摔跤[摔跤] shuāijiāo to trip and fall; to wrestle; wrestling (sports) 不安[不安] bù'ān unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried 巨星[巨星] jùxīng (astronomy) giant star; (fig.) superstar (of opera, basketball etc) 头号[頭號] tóuhào first rate; top rank; number one 同学[同學] tóngxué to study at the same school; fellow student; classmate; CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4] 乖巧[乖巧] guāiqiǎo clever (child); smart; lovable; cute 流行[流行] liúxíng (of a contagious disease etc) to spread; to propagate; (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular; fashionable 山歌[山歌] shāngē folk song; mountain song 土家族[土家族] Tǔjiāzú Tujia ethnic group of Hunan 亚[亞] yà second; next to; inferior; sub-; Taiwan pr. [ya3] 楠[楠] nán Machilus nanmu; Chinese cedar; Chinese giant redwood 叙述[敘述] xùshù to relate (a story or information); to tell or talk about; to recount; narration; telling; narrative; account 屁股[屁股] pìgu buttocks; bottom; butt; back part 表面[表面] biǎomiàn surface; face; outside; appearance 装作[裝作] zhuāngzuò to pretend; to feign; to act a part //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/175 words - 28 min 洗头[洗頭] xǐtóu to wash one's hair; to have a shampoo 半小时[半小時] bànxiǎoshí half hour 回事[回事] huíshì (old) to report to one's master 农村[農村] nóngcūn rural area; village; CL:個|个[ge4] 猪圈[豬圈] zhūjuàn pigsty (lit. and fig.) 厕所[廁所] cèsuǒ toilet; lavatory; CL:間|间[jian1],處|处[chu4] 自行[自行] zìxíng voluntary; autonomous; by oneself; self- 果断[果斷] guǒduàn firm; decisive 情话[情話] qínghuà terms of endearment; words of love 心甘情愿[心甘情願] xīngānqíngyuàn delighted to (do sth, idiom); perfectly happy to do; most willing to do 横[橫] héng horizontal; across; crosswise; horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters); to place (sth) flat (on a surface); to cross (a river, etc); in a jumble; chaotic; (in fixed expressions) harsh and unreasonable; violent 深山[深山] shēnshān deep in the mountains 拍戏[拍戲] pāixì to shoot a movie 期间[期間] qījiān period of time; time; time period; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 监狱[監獄] jiānyù prison 穿着[穿著] chuānzhuó attire; clothes; dress 古装[古裝] gǔzhuāng ancient costume; period costume (in movies etc) 偏要[偏要] piānyào to insist on doing sth; must do it, despite everything 半夜[半夜] bànyè midnight; in the middle of the night 吵醒[吵醒] chǎoxǐng to wake sb up with a noise 别有用心[別有用心] biéyǒuyòngxīn to have an ulterior motive (idiom); a hidden agenda 打电话[打電話] dǎdiànhuà to make a telephone call 足[足] zú foot; to be sufficient; ample 气喘[氣喘] qìchuǎn to gasp for breath; asthma 乱掉[亂掉] luàndiào to throw away; to discard //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/200 words - 33 min 高音[高音] gāoyīn high pitch; soprano; treble 深刻[深刻] shēnkè profound; deep; deep-going 面部[面部] miànbù face (body part) 演技[演技] yǎnjì acting; performing skills 接过[接過] jiēguò to take (sth proffered) 话茬[話茬] huàchá tone of voice; topic; subject under discussion 快进[快進] kuàijìn fast-forward (media player) 漫长[漫長] màncháng very long; endless 痨[癆] láo tuberculosis 积极[積極] jījí active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive 短信[短信] duǎnxìn text message; SMS 善于[善於] shànyú to be good at; to be adept at 运用[運用] yùnyòng to use; to put to use 特殊[特殊] tèshū special; particular; unusual; extraordinary 猛[猛] měng ferocious; fierce; violent; brave; suddenly; abrupt; (slang) awesome 委婉[委婉] wěiwǎn tactful; euphemistic; (of voice etc) suave; soft 大户[大戶] dàhù great family; rich family; large landlord; conspicuous spender or consumer 上线[上線] shàngxiàn to go online; to put sth online 实[實] shí real; true; honest; really; solid; fruit; seed; definitely 真实[真實] zhēnshí true; real 搞笑[搞笑] gǎoxiào to get people to laugh; funny; hilarious 欢快[歡快] huānkuài cheerful and lighthearted; lively 走心[走心] zǒuxīn to take care; to be mindful; (Internet slang) to be moved by sth; poignant; to have deep feelings for sb; to lose one's heart to sb 困[困] kùn to trap; to surround; hard-pressed; stranded; destitute 意[意] yì idea; meaning; thought; to think; wish; desire; intention; to expect; to anticipate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/225 words - 34 min 悄然[悄然] qiǎorán quietly; sorrowfully 袭[襲] xí to attack; to inherit; classifier for suits (esp. of funeral robes) 睡着[睡著] shuìzháo to fall asleep 直到现在[直到現在] zhídàoxiànzài even now; until now; right up to the present 浮动[浮動] fúdòng to float and drift; unstable 心软[心軟] xīnruǎn to be softhearted; to be tenderhearted; to be kindhearted 投降[投降] tóuxiáng to surrender; surrender 主动[主動] zhǔdòng to take the initiative; to do sth of one's own accord; spontaneous; active; opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]; drive (of gears and shafts etc) 否定[否定] fǒudìng to negate; to deny; to reject; negative (answer); negation 事事[事事] shìshì everything 迁就[遷就] qiānjiù to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth) 闷[悶] mèn bored; depressed; melancholy; sealed; airtight; tightly closed 今夜[今夜] jīnyè tonight; this evening 苦尽甘来[苦盡甘來] kǔjìngānlái bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good times just beginning 气派[氣派] qìpài impressive; stylish; magnificent; imposing manner; dignified air 冲击[衝擊] chōngjī to attack; to batter; (of waves) to pound against; shock; impact 际遇[際遇] jìyù luck; fate; opportunity; the ups and downs of life 翻越[翻越] fānyuè to cross; to surmount; to transcend 层层[層層] céngcéng layer upon layer 白云[白雲] báiyún white cloud 绿[綠] lǜ green 奇迹[奇跡] qíjì miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel 划过[劃過] huáguò (of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky); (of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky) 生命[生命] shēngmìng life (as the characteristic of living beings); living being; creature; CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2] 联[聯] lián to ally; to unite; to join; (poetry) antithetical couplet //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/250 words - 36 min 选定[選定] xuǎndìng to select; to choose; to settle on 望而却步[望而卻步] wàng'érquèbù to shrink back; to flinch 罗志祥[羅志祥] LuóZhìxiáng Luo Zhixiang or Show Luo or Alan Luo (1979-), Taiwanese pop star MV[MV] MV desirability as a partner (abbr. for "mate value"); music video 男孩子[男孩子] nánháizi boy 非凡[非凡] fēifán out of the ordinary; unusually (good, talented etc) 肌肉[肌肉] jīròu muscle; flesh 十一[十一] shíyī eleven; 11 街舞[街舞] jiēwǔ street dance (e.g. breakdance) 赛事[賽事] sàishì competition (e.g. sporting) 零[零] líng zero; nought; zero sign; fractional; fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; (in mathematics) remainder (after division); extra; to wither and fall; to wither 蜜蜂[蜜蜂] mìfēng bee; honeybee; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2] 参[參] cān to take part in; to participate; to join; to attend; to counsel; unequal; varied; irregular; uneven; not uniform; abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House 知识产权[知識產權] zhīshichǎnquán intellectual property rights (law) 角色[角色] juésè role; character in a novel; persona; also pr. [jiao3 se4] 碟[碟] dié dish; plate 爱情[愛情] àiqíng romance; love (romantic); CL:個|个[ge4],份[fen4] 公寓[公寓] gōngyù apartment building; block of flats; CL:套[tao4] 网店[網店] wǎngdiàn online shop 酒吧[酒吧] jiǔbā bar; pub; saloon; CL:家[jia1] 驻[駐] zhù to halt; to stay; to be stationed (of troops, diplomats etc) 面膜[面膜] miànmó facial mask; cleanser; face pack; facial (treatment) 鸡[雞] jī fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute 直播[直播] zhíbō live broadcast (not recorded); direct Internet broadcasting; (agriculture) direct seeding 无奈[無奈] wúnài helpless; without choice; for lack of better option; grudgingly; willy-nilly; nolens volens; abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/275 words - 38 min 命运[命運] mìngyùn fate; destiny; CL:個|个[ge4] 舛[舛] chuǎn mistaken; erroneous; contradictory 反驳[反駁] fǎnbó to retort; to refute 废话[廢話] fèihuà nonsense; rubbish; superfluous words; You don't say!; No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 言语[言語] yányǔ words; speech; (spoken) language 太极[太極] Tàijí the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some interpretations of Chinese mythology 案例[案例] ànlì case (law); CL:個|个[ge4] 不胜枚举[不勝枚舉] bùshèngméijǔ too numerous to mention individually or one by one 阻挡[阻擋] zǔdǎng to stop; to resist; to obstruct 因[因] yīn cause; reason; because 早已[早已] zǎoyǐ long ago; for a long time 炙手可热[炙手可熱] zhìshǒukěrè lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom); fig. arrogance of the powerful; a mighty figure no-one dares approach; hot (exciting or in favor) 突袭[突襲] tūxí surprise attack 招集[招集] zhāojí to recruit; to gather together (volunteers) 着力[著力] zhuólì to put effort into sth; to try really hard 立竿见影[立竿見影] lìgānjiànyǐng lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect; quick results 虚无[虛無] xūwú nothingness 泡影[泡影] pàoyǐng lit. froth and shadows; fig. illusion; mirage 树敌[樹敵] shùdí to antagonize people; to make an enemy of sb 沉住气[沉住氣] chénzhùqì to keep cool; to stay calm 为伍[為伍] wéiwǔ to associate with; to keep company with 说笑[說笑] shuōxiào to chat and laugh; to crack jokes; to banter 货真价实[貨真價實] huòzhēnjiàshí genuine goods at fair prices; (fig.) genuine; real; true 仍[仍] réng still; yet; to remain 踪迹[蹤跡] zōngjì tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/300 words - 43 min 一阵子[一陣子] yīzhènzi a while; a spell; a short time; a burst 等待[等待] děngdài to wait; to wait for 狙击[狙擊] jūjī to snipe (shoot from hiding) 夸[誇] kuā to boast; to exaggerate; to praise 音质[音質] yīnzhì tone; sound quality; timbre 好强[好強] hàoqiáng eager to be first 增大[增大] zēngdà to enlarge; to amplify; to magnify 搓[搓] cuō to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist 呆滞[呆滯] dāizhì dull; lifeless; sluggish 曜[曜] yào bright; glorious; one of the seven planets of premodern astronomy 木[木] mù tree; wood; coffin; wooden; simple; numb; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 互[互] hù mutual 闪亮[閃亮] shǎnliàng brilliant; shiny; a flare; to glisten; to twinkle 闪闪[閃閃] shǎnshǎn flickering; sparkling; glistening; glittering 惹[惹] rě to provoke; to irritate; to vex; to stir up; to anger; to attract (troubles); to cause (problems) 亮晶晶[亮晶晶] liàngjīngjīng gleaming; glistening 土[土] tǔ earth; dust; clay; local; indigenous; crude opium; unsophisticated; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 色[色] sè color; CL:種|种[zhong3]; look; appearance; sex 朴素[樸素] pǔsù plain and simple; unadorned; simple living; not frivolous 穷[窮] qióng poor; destitute; to use up; to exhaust; thoroughly; extremely; (coll.) persistently and pointlessly 吐槽[吐槽] tùcáo (slang) to roast; to ridicule; also pr. [tu3 cao2] 首席[首席] shǒuxí chief (representative, correspondent etc) 执行[執行] zhíxíng to implement; to carry out; to execute; to run 官[官] guān government official; governmental; official; public; organ of the body; CL:個|个[ge4] 伴奏[伴奏] bànzòu to accompany (musically) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/325 words - 44 min 剪[剪] jiǎn scissors; shears; clippers; CL:把[ba3]; to cut with scissors; to trim; to wipe out or exterminate 友情[友情] yǒuqíng friendly feelings; friendship 标志[標誌] biāozhì sign; mark; symbol; logo; to symbolize; to indicate; to mark 赞助[贊助] zànzhù to support; to assist; to sponsor 黑体[黑體] hēitǐ bold (typeface) 加粗[加粗] jiācū to make text bold 拼命[拼命] pīnmìng to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 没日没夜[沒日沒夜] méirìméiyè day and night; regardless of the time of day or night 诋毁[詆毀] dǐhuǐ to vilify; to slander; vilification 钢铁侠[鋼鐵俠] Gāngtiěxiá Iron Man, comic book superhero 坚硬[堅硬] jiānyìng hard; solid 外壳[外殼] wàiké envelope; outer shell; hull; cover; case 护[護] hù to protect 体[體] tǐ body; form; style; system; substance; to experience; aspect (linguistics) 撕掉[撕掉] sīdiào to tear out (and throw away); to rip away 标签[標籤] biāoqiān label; tag; tab (of a window) (computing) 风凉话[風涼話] fēngliánghuà sneering; sarcasm; cynical remarks 空想家[空想家] kōngxiǎngjiā impractical dreamer 理想化[理想化] lǐxiǎnghuà to idealize 灵感[靈感] línggǎn inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor 阶段[階段] jiēduàn stage; section; phase; period; CL:個|个[ge4] 风雨[風雨] fēngyǔ wind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships 往事[往事] wǎngshì past events; former happenings 洒[灑] sǎ to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed 风景[風景] fēngjǐng scenery; landscape; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/350 words - 46 min 顺其自然[順其自然] shùnqízìrán to let nature take its course (idiom) 烦心事[煩心事] fánxīnshì trouble; worry 刻意[刻意] kèyì meticulous; painstaking; deliberate 从未[從未] cóngwèi never 苦难[苦難] kǔnàn suffering 感同身受[感同身受] gǎntóngshēnshòu to feel as if it had happened to oneself; to sympathize; (polite expression of gratitude for a favor received by a friend etc) I take it as a personal favor 与生俱来[與生俱來] yǔshēngjùlái inherent; innate 天赋[天賦] tiānfù gift; innate skill 苦[苦] kǔ bitter; hardship; pain; to suffer; to bring suffering to; painstakingly 谋面[謀面] móumiàn to meet 共同[共同] gòngtóng common; joint; jointly; together; collaborative 世俗[世俗] shìsú profane; secular; worldly 无关[無關] wúguān unrelated; having nothing to do (with sth else) 欢愉[歡愉] huānyú happy; joyous; delighted 终[終] zhōng end; finish 和声[和聲] héshēng harmony (music) 良好[良好] liánghǎo good; favorable; well; fine 上网[上網] shàngwǎng to go online; to connect to the Internet; (of a document etc) to be uploaded to the Internet; (tennis, volleyball etc) to move in close to the net 课时[課時] kèshí class; period 点名[點名] diǎnmíng roll call; to mention sb by name; (to call or praise or criticize sb) by name 摄像头[攝像頭] shèxiàngtóu webcam; surveillance camera 假装[假裝] jiǎzhuāng to feign; to pretend 卡住[卡住] kǎzhù to jam; to choke; to clutch; also pr. [qia3 zhu4] 失败[失敗] shībài to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g. experiments); failure; defeat; CL:次[ci4] 悠哉[悠哉] yōuzāi see 悠哉悠哉[you1 zai1 you1 zai1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/375 words - 49 min 备[備] bèi to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip 版权[版權] bǎnquán copyright 声明[聲明] shēngmíng to state; to declare; statement; declaration; CL:項|项[xiang4],份[fen4] 出于[出於] chūyú due to; to stem from 费用[費用] fèiyòng cost; expenditure; expense; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 支付[支付] zhīfù to pay (money) 辰[辰] chén 5th earthly branch: 7-9 a.m., 3rd solar month (5th April-4th May), year of the Dragon; ancient Chinese compass point: 120° 掏[掏] tāo to fish out (from pocket); to scoop 兜[兜] dōu pocket; bag; to wrap up or hold in a bag; to move in a circle; to canvas or solicit; to take responsibility for; to disclose in detail; combat armor (old) 门铃[門鈴] ménlíng doorbell 把门[把門] bǎmén to stand as a goalkeeper; to keep guard on a gate 英雄[英雄] yīngxióng hero; CL:個|个[ge4] 尺[尺] chǐ a Chinese foot; one-third of a meter; a ruler; a tape-measure; one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3] 门外[門外] ménwài outside the door 越[越] yuè to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more 对白[對白] duìbái dialogue (in a movie or a play) 表白[表白] biǎobái to explain oneself; to express; to reveal one's thoughts or feelings; declaration; confession 谈恋爱[談戀愛] tánliàn'ài to court; to go steady; to be dating 奇特[奇特] qítè peculiar; unusual; queer 诡异[詭異] guǐyì strange; weird 黄[黃] huáng yellow; pornographic; to fall through 鸣[鳴] míng to cry (of birds, animals and insects) 翻过[翻過] fānguò to turn over; to transform 同事[同事] tóngshì colleague; co-worker; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 还原[還原] huányuán to restore to the original state; to reconstruct (an event); reduction (chemistry) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/400 words - 56 min 滑稽[滑稽] huájī comical; funny; amusing; old pr. [gu3 ji1]; huaji, a form of comedy performance popular in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang 苑[苑] yuàn park 体现[體現] tǐxiàn to embody; to reflect; to incarnate 硬来[硬來] yìnglái to use force 流畅[流暢] liúchàng flowing (of speech, writing); fluent; smooth and easy 医院[醫院] yīyuàn hospital; CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4] 感染[感染] gǎnrǎn infection; to infect; to influence 意味着[意味著] yìwèizhe to signify; to mean; to imply 擦肩而过[擦肩而過] cājiān'érguò brief encounter; to brush past sb 欣喜若狂[欣喜若狂] xīnxǐruòkuáng to be wild with joy (idiom) 灵[靈] líng quick; alert; efficacious; effective; to come true; spirit; departed soul; coffin 犀[犀] xī rhinoceros; sharp 齐声[齊聲] qíshēng all speaking together; in chorus 呼喊[呼喊] hūhǎn to shout (slogans etc) 热泪盈眶[熱淚盈眶] rèlèiyíngkuàng eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom); extremely moved 时期[時期] shíqī period; phase; CL:個|个[ge4] 遥望[遙望] yáowàng to look into the distance 积攒[積攢] jīzǎn to save bit by bit; to accumulate 仰望[仰望] yǎngwàng to look up at; to look up to sb hopefully 幻[幻] huàn fantasy 彩[彩] cǎi (bright) color; variety; applause; applaud; lottery prize 如今[如今] rújīn nowadays; now 听见[聽見] tīngjiàn to hear 退缩[退縮] tuìsuō to shrink back; to cower 感兴趣[感興趣] gǎnxìngqù to be interested //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/425 words - 59 min 清唱[清唱] qīngchàng to sing opera music (without staging or make up) 扇子[扇子] shànzi fan; CL:把[ba3] 场面[場面] chǎngmiàn scene; spectacle; occasion; situation 忍让[忍讓] rěnràng to exercise forbearance; patient and accommodating 狂妄[狂妄] kuángwàng egotistical; arrogant; brassy 白痴[白痴] báichī idiocy; idiot 从没[從沒] cóngméi never (in the past); never did 炫耀[炫耀] xuànyào dazzling; to show off; to flaunt 勇气可嘉[勇氣可嘉] yǒngqìkějiā to deserve praise for one's courage (idiom) 挡[擋] dǎng to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (a blow); to get in the way of; cover; gear (e.g. in a car's transmission) 话筒[話筒] huàtǒng microphone; (telephone) receiver; handset 低头[低頭] dītóu to bow the head; to yield; to give in 容[容] róng to hold; to contain; to allow; to tolerate; appearance; look; countenance 备课[備課] bèikè (of a teacher) to prepare lessons 抽搐[抽搐] chōuchù to twitch 唇[唇] chún lip 脑壳[腦殼] nǎoké skull; (fig.) brain (mental capacity) 抬杠[抬槓] táigàng to bicker; to argue for the sake of arguing; to carry on poles (together with sb else); to carry a coffin on poles 本质[本質] běnzhì essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality 节拍[節拍] jiépāi beat (music); meter 滑板[滑板] huábǎn skateboard 流泪[流淚] liúlèi to shed tears 眼泪[眼淚] yǎnlèi tears; crying; CL:滴[di1] 流干[流乾] liúgān to drain; to run dry 拖累[拖累] tuōlěi to encumber; to be a burden on; to implicate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/450 words - 61 min 提升[提昇] tíshēng to promote; to upgrade 巨大[巨大] jùdà huge; immense; very large; tremendous; gigantic; enormous 飞跃[飛躍] fēiyuè to leap 在于[在於] zàiyú to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with 硬着头皮[硬著頭皮] yìngzhetóupí to brace oneself to do sth; to put a bold face on it; to summon up courage; to force oneself to 光是[光是] guāngshì solely; just 碰撞[碰撞] pèngzhuàng to collide; collision 摸索[摸索] mōsuo to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to do things slowly 夏[夏] xià summer 旅行[旅行] lǚxíng to travel; journey; trip; CL:趟[tang4],次[ci4],個|个[ge4] 自带[自帶] zìdài to bring one's own; BYO; (of software) preinstalled 吸睛[吸睛] xījīng eye-catching 经不起[經不起] jīngbuqǐ can't stand it; to be unable to bear; to be unable to resist 什么的[什麼的] shénmede and so on; and what not 彤[彤] tóng red 优雅[優雅] yōuyǎ grace; graceful 偷偷[偷偷] tōutōu stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly 关注[關注] guānzhù to pay attention to; to follow sth closely; to follow (on social media); concern; interest; attention 下雪[下雪] xiàxuě to snow 下雨[下雨] xiàyǔ to rain 冰雹[冰雹] bīngbáo hail; hailstone; CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4] 石[石] shí rock; stone; stone inscription; one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1] 体重[體重] tǐzhòng body weight 勾[勾] gōu to attract; to arouse; to tick; to strike out; to delineate; to collude; variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook 莹[瑩] yíng luster of gems //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/475 words - 64 min 得知[得知] dézhī to find out; to know; to learn about 人群[人群] rénqún crowd 鞥[鞥] ēng reins 报[報] bào to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 石头[石頭] shítou stone; CL:塊|块[kuai4] 独自[獨自] dúzì alone 承受[承受] chéngshòu to bear; to support; to inherit 冷清[冷清] lěngqīng cold and cheerless; fig. lonely; unfrequented 搭话[搭話] dāhuà to talk; to get into conversation with; to send word 淡[淡] dàn insipid; diluted; weak; mild; light in color; tasteless; fresh; indifferent; nitrogen 看成[看成] kànchéng to regard as 晴[晴] qíng clear; fine (weather) 捏[捏] niē to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up 泪[淚] lèi tears 滴[滴] dī a drop; to drip 迈[邁] mài to take a step; to stride 旅程[旅程] lǚchéng journey; trip 谜语[謎語] míyǔ riddle; conundrum; CL:條|条[tiao2] 走出[走出] zǒuchū to leave (a room etc); to go out through (a door etc) 偶而[偶而] ǒu'ér occasionally; once in a while 雨天[雨天] yǔtiān rainy day; rainy weather 老是[老是] lǎoshi always 心底[心底] xīndǐ bottom of one's heart 调皮[調皮] tiáopí naughty; mischievous; unruly 跑来跑去[跑來跑去] pǎoláipǎoqù to scamper; to run around //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/500 words - 71 min 云雾[雲霧] yúnwù clouds and mist 相遇[相遇] xiāngyù to meet; to encounter; to come across 深深[深深] shēnshēn deep; profound 旋涡[旋渦] xuánwō spiral; whirlpool; eddy; vortex 一阵[一陣] yīzhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time) 水准[水準] shuǐzhǔn level (of achievement etc); standard; level (surveying) 尾音[尾音] wěiyīn final sound of a syllable; rhyme (e.g. in European languages) 揪心[揪心] jiūxīn lit. grips the heart; worried; anxious 聆听[聆聽] língtīng to listen (respectfully) 或[或] huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly; or 十几[十幾] shíjǐ more than ten; a dozen or more 最先[最先] zuìxiān (the) very first 行囊[行囊] xíngnáng traveling bag; luggage 班车[班車] bānchē regular bus (service) 自卑[自卑] zìbēi feeling inferior; self-abased 感人[感人] gǎnrén touching; moving 稍微[稍微] shāowēi a little bit 押[押] yā to mortgage; to pawn; to detain in custody; to escort and protect; (literary) to sign 韵[韻] yùn beautiful sound; appeal; charm; vowel; rhyme; in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant) 押韵[押韻] yāyùn to rhyme; sometimes written 壓韻|压韵 拼搏[拼搏] pīnbó to struggle; to wrestle 身影[身影] shēnyǐng silhouette; figure 解散[解散] jiěsàn to dissolve; to disband 准[準] zhǔn accurate; standard; definitely; certainly; about to become (bride, son-in-law etc); quasi-; para- 那时候[那時候] nàshíhou at that time //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep05/517 words - 75 min 惋惜[惋惜] wǎnxī to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb 意境[意境] yìjìng artistic mood or conception; creative concept 戏剧[戲劇] xìjù drama; play; theater 张开[張開] zhāngkāi to open up; to spread; to extend 形[形] xíng to appear; to look; form; shape 共鸣[共鳴] gòngmíng resonance (physics); sympathetic response to sth 感冒[感冒] gǎnmào to catch cold; (common) cold; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4]; (coll.) to be interested in (often used in the negative); (Tw) to detest; can't stand 干净利落[乾淨利落] gānjìnglìluo squeaky clean; neat and tidy; efficient 明知[明知] míngzhī to be fully aware of; to know perfectly well 减[減] jiǎn to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish 有限[有限] yǒuxiàn limited; finite 肢体[肢體] zhītǐ limb; limbs and trunk; body 硬[硬] yìng hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) 之类[之類] zhīlèi and so on; and such 欠缺[欠缺] qiànquē to be deficient in; lapse; deficiency 把头[把頭] bǎtóu labor contractor; gangmaster 落差[落差] luòchā drop in elevation; (fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc); disparity //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/25 words - 2 min 对打[對打] duìdǎ to spar; to fight; to duke it out 避[避] bì to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from 避开[避開] bìkāi to avoid; to evade; to keep away from 每周[每週] měizhōu every week 会员[會員] huìyuán member 升级[升級] shēngjí to escalate (in intensity); to go up by one grade; to be promoted; to upgrade (computing) 正面[正面] zhèngmiàn front; obverse side; right side; positive; direct; open 看头[看頭] kàntou qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading) 这就[這就] zhèjiù immediately; at once 瓜[瓜] guā melon; gourd; squash 关乎[關乎] guānhū to relate to; concerning; about 赌[賭] dǔ to bet; to gamble 碰上[碰上] pèngshàng to run into; to come upon; to meet 对面[對面] duìmiàn (sitting) opposite; across (the street); directly in front; to be face to face 新生[新生] xīnshēng new; newborn; emerging; nascent; rebirth; regeneration; new life; new student 决心[決心] juéxīn determination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 新闻[新聞] xīnwén news; CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4] 魂[魂] hún soul; spirit; immortal soul, i.e. that can be detached from the body 燃烧[燃燒] ránshāo to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming 谦逊[謙遜] qiānxùn humble; modest; unpretentious; modesty 感恩[感恩] gǎn'ēn to be grateful 奋斗[奮鬥] fèndòu to strive; to struggle 永不[永不] yǒngbù never; will never 动漫[動漫] dòngmàn cartoons and comics; animes and mangas; cartoon (animated movie); anime 后退[後退] hòutuì to recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/50 words - 4 min 蝴蝶[蝴蝶] húdié butterfly; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 头衔[頭銜] tóuxián title; rank; appellation 信息[信息] xìnxī information; news; message 口诀[口訣] kǒujué mnemonic chant; rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc) 兼[兼] jiān double; twice; simultaneous; holding two or more (official) posts at the same time 苏[蘇] sū Perilla frutescens (Chinese basil or wild red basil); place name; to revive; used as phonetic in transliteration 杉[杉] shān China fir; Cunninghamia lanceolata; also pr. [sha1] 沁源[沁源] Qìnyuán Qingyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi 孙[孫] sūn grandson; descendant 芮[芮] ruì small 莫[莫] mò do not; there is none who 寒[寒] hán cold; poor; to tremble 宋[宋] Sòng surname Song; the Song dynasty (960-1279); also Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479) 冉[冉] rǎn edge of a tortoiseshell; see 冉冉[ran3 ran3] 冉冉[冉冉] rǎnrǎn gradually; slowly; softly drooping (branches, hair) 举办[舉辦] jǔbàn to conduct; to hold 上升[上昇] shàngshēng to rise; to go up; to ascend 环境[環境] huánjìng environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient 本身[本身] běnshēn itself; in itself; per se 圈子[圈子] quānzi circle; ring; (social) circle 环[環] huán ring; hoop; loop; (chain) link; classifier for scores in archery etc; to surround; to encircle; to hem in 发展[發展] fāzhǎn development; growth; to develop; to grow; to expand 滤[濾] lǜ to strain; to filter 镜[鏡] jìng mirror; lens 看一看[看一看] kànyīkàn to have a look //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/75 words - 8 min 认清[認清] rènqīng to see clearly; to recognize; to realize 爬[爬] pá to crawl; to climb; to get up or sit up 十位[十位] shíwèi the tens place (or column) in the decimal system 检阅[檢閱] jiǎnyuè to inspect; to review (troops etc); military review 停留[停留] tíngliú to stay somewhere temporarily; to stop over 掩饰[掩飾] yǎnshì to cover up; to conceal; to mask; to gloss over 围绕[圍繞] wéirào to revolve around; to center on (an issue) 旁[旁] páng beside; one side; other; side; self; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic 无尽[無盡] wújìn endless; inexhaustible 旋转[旋轉] xuánzhuǎn to rotate; to revolve; to spin; to whirl 火花[火花] huǒhuā spark; sparkle 不曾[不曾] bùcéng hasn't yet; hasn't ever 间断[間斷] jiànduàn disconnected; interrupted; suspended 串联[串聯] chuànlián to establish ties or contact; in series connection (electricity) 独家[獨家] dújiā exclusive 收藏[收藏] shōucáng to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (Internet) 暖洋洋[暖洋洋] nuǎnyángyáng warm; comfortably warm 招手[招手] zhāoshǒu to wave; to beckon 超纲[超綱] chāogāng beyond the scope of the syllabus 耿直[耿直] gěngzhí honest; frank; candid 营业[營業] yíngyè to do business; to trade 下线[下線] xiàxiàn to go offline 儿童[兒童] értóng child; CL:個|个[ge4] 公式化[公式化] gōngshìhuà to formalize; formalism in art (esp. as proscribed in USSR and PRC) 类型[類型] lèixíng type; category; genre; form; style //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/100 words - 11 min 固定[固定] gùdìng to fix; to fasten; to set rigidly in place; fixed; set; regular 化[化] huà to make into; to change into; -ization; to ... -ize; to transform; abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2] 强调[強調] qiángdiào to emphasize (a statement); to stress 业务[業務] yèwù business; professional work; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 领域[領域] lǐngyù domain; sphere; field; territory; area 受不了[受不了] shòubùliǎo unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand 鸭[鴨] yā duck; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) male prostitute 温暖[溫暖] wēnnuǎn warm 陆陆续续[陸陸續續] lùlùxùxù in succession; one after another; continuously 冰冷[冰冷] bīnglěng ice-cold 么[麼] me suffix, used to form interrogative 什麼|什么[shen2 me5], what?, indefinite 這麼|这么[zhe4 me5] thus, etc 抱有[抱有] bàoyǒu have; possess 忐忑不安[忐忑不安] tǎntèbù'ān restless; apprehensive 将会[將會] jiānghuì auxiliary verb introducing future action: may (be able to); will (cause); should (enable); going to 般[般] bān sort; kind; class; way; manner 长发[長髮] chángfà long hair 面颊[面頰] miànjiá cheek 折扇[折扇] zhéshàn folding fan 丹顶鹤[丹頂鶴] dāndǐnghè (bird species of China) red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) 朱砂[硃砂] zhūshā cinnabar; mercuric sulfide HgS 浮夸[浮誇] fúkuā to exaggerate; to be boastful; pompous; grandiose 仿佛[仿佛] fǎngfú variant of 彷彿|仿佛[fang3 fu2] 山水画[山水畫] shānshuǐhuà landscape painting 赤脚[赤腳] chìjiǎo barefoot //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/125 words - 12 min 踱步[踱步] duóbù to pace; to stroll 细沙[細沙] xìshā fine sand 展[展] zhǎn to spread out; to open up; to exhibit; to put into effect; to postpone; to prolong; exhibition 翼[翼] yì wing; area surrounding the bullseye of a target; to assist; one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy; old variant of 翌 烟花[煙花] yānhuā fireworks; prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater) 写意[寫意] xiěyì to suggest (rather than depict in detail); freehand style of Chinese painting, characterized by bold strokes rather than accurate details 书法[書法] shūfǎ calligraphy; handwriting; penmanship 骨[骨] gǔ bone 划[劃] huà to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character 晚霞[晚霞] wǎnxiá sunset glow; sunset clouds; afterglow 平直[平直] píngzhí smooth; level 竖[豎] shù to erect; vertical; vertical stroke (in Chinese characters) 撇[撇] piē to cast away; to fling aside 捺[捺] nà (downwards-right concave character stroke); press down firmly 方寸[方寸] fāngcùn square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun × 1 cun, or 3⅓ cm × 3⅓ cm); heart; mind 落笔[落筆] luòbǐ to put pen to paper; pen mark 心细[心細] xīnxì careful; scrupulous 观[觀] guān to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold; to advise; concept; point of view; outlook 夕阳[夕陽] xīyáng sunset; the setting sun 青山[青山] qīngshān green hills; (the good) life 沙[沙] shā granule; hoarse; raspy; sand; powder; CL:粒[li4]; abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia 绘[繪] huì to draw; to paint 马[馬] mǎ horse; CL:匹[pi3]; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess 天涯[天涯] tiānyá the other end of the world; a faraway place 掇[掇] duō to pick up; to collect; gather up //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/150 words - 15 min 菁[菁] jīng leek flower; lush; luxuriant 撷[擷] xié to collect; Taiwan pr. [jie2] 提笔[提筆] tíbǐ to take up one's pen; to start to write 辨[辨] biàn to distinguish; to recognize 落[落] luò to fall or drop; (of the sun) to set; (of a tide) to go out; to lower; to decline or sink; to lag or fall behind; to fall onto; to rest with; to get or receive; to write down; whereabouts; settlement 便是[便是] biànshì (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 风雅[風雅] fēngyǎ cultured; sophisticated 笔锋[筆鋒] bǐfēng the tip of a writing brush; vigor of style in writing; stroke; touch 苍劲[蒼勁] cāngjìn bold; upright and strong; vigorous; forceful (brush strokes); sureness of touch 并非[並非] bìngfēi really isn't 自夸[自誇] zìkuā to boast 我人[我人] wǒrén we 亦[亦] yì also 其[其] qí his; her; its; their; that; such; it (refers to sth preceding it) 编[編] biān to weave; to plait; to organize; to group; to arrange; to edit; to compile; to write; to compose; to fabricate 返回[返回] fǎnhuí to return to; to come (or go) back 局促[局促] júcù narrow (surrounding); short (of time) 糊[糊] hú muddled; paste; scorched 某[某] mǒu some; a certain; sb or sth indefinite; such-and-such 放电[放電] fàngdiàn electrical discharge; (coll.) to lure; to entice 眨眼睛[眨眼睛] zhǎyǎnjīng wink 缺少[缺少] quēshǎo lack; shortage of; shortfall; to be short (of); to lack 特点[特點] tèdiǎn characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:個|个[ge4] 公式[公式] gōngshì formula 框[框] kuàng frame (e.g. door frame); casing; fig. framework; template; to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth); to frame; to restrict; Taiwan pr. [kuang1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/175 words - 17 min 磨[磨] mó to rub; to grind; to polish; to sharpen; to wear down; to die out; to waste time; to pester; to insist 框框[框框] kuàngkuàng to frame; to circle; pattern; convention; restriction 套套[套套] tàotao methods; the old tricks; (slang) condom 熟悉[熟悉] shúxī to be familiar with; to know well 称作[稱作] chēngzuò to be called; to be known as 死亡[死亡] sǐwáng to die; death 歌姬[歌姬] gējī female singer 跑调[跑調] pǎodiào to be off-key or out of tune (while singing) (colloquial) 枪[槍] qiāng gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1]; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots 自己人[自己人] zìjǐrén those on our side; ourselves; one's own people; one of us 杀伤力[殺傷力] shāshānglì destructive power; harmfulness 生化武器[生化武器] shēnghuàwǔqì biological weapon 苏珊[蘇珊] Sūshān Susan (name) 珊[珊] shān coral 调[調] diào to transfer; to move (troops or cadres); to investigate; to enquire into; accent; view; argument; key (in music); mode (music); tune; tone; melody 调[調] tiáo to harmonize; to reconcile; to blend; to suit well; to adjust; to regulate; to season (food); to provoke; to incite 定夺[定奪] dìngduó to make a decision; to determine 天分[天分] tiānfèn natural gift; talent 挥霍[揮霍] huīhuò to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile 残酷[殘酷] cánkù cruel; cruelty 争夺[爭奪] zhēngduó to fight over; to contest; to vie over 捕捉[捕捉] bǔzhuō to catch; to seize; to capture 淹没[淹沒] yānmò to submerge; to drown; to flood; to drown out (also fig.) 成佛[成佛] chéngfó to become a Buddha; to attain enlightenment 魔[魔] mó devil; magic 诗[詩] shī poem; CL:首[shou3]; poetry; verse //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/200 words - 19 min 绽放[綻放] zhànfàng to blossom 穹[穹] qióng vault; dome; the sky 之上[之上] zhīshàng above 短暂[短暫] duǎnzàn of short duration; brief; momentary 永恒[永恆] yǒnghéng eternal; everlasting; fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die) 降临[降臨] jiànglín to descend; to arrive; to come 天堂[天堂] tiāntáng paradise; heaven 星空[星空] xīngkōng starry sky; the heavens 丈[丈] zhàng measure of length, ten Chinese feet (3.3 m); to measure; husband; polite appellation for an older male 声带[聲帶] shēngdài vocal cords; vocal folds; (motion picture) soundtrack 头顶[頭頂] tóudǐng top of the head 仙子[仙子] xiānzǐ fairy 仙女[仙女] xiānnǚ fairy 发声[發聲] fāshēng vocal; sound; sound production; to utter; to give voice 大脑[大腦] dànǎo brain; cerebrum 正确[正確] zhèngquè correct; proper 指令[指令] zhǐlìng order; command; instruction 青[青] qīng green; blue; black; youth; young (of people) 史[史] shǐ history; annals; title of an official historian in ancient China 测评[測評] cèpíng to test and evaluate 票[票] piào ticket; ballot; banknote; CL:張|张[zhang1]; person held for ransom; amateur performance of Chinese opera; classifier for groups, batches, business transactions 世界大战[世界大戰] shìjièdàzhàn world war 争取[爭取] zhēngqǔ to fight for; to strive for; to win over 认同[認同] rèntóng to approve of; to endorse; to acknowledge; to recognize; to identify oneself with 野心[野心] yěxīn ambition; wild schemes; careerism //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep06/206 words - 20 min 竞争[競爭] jìngzhēng to compete; competition 一触即发[一觸即發] yīchùjífā could happen at any moment; on the verge 一旦[一旦] yīdàn in case (sth happens); if; once (sth happens, then...); when; in a short time; in one day 台下[台下] táixià off the stage; in the audience 演示[演示] yǎnshì to demonstrate; to show; presentation; demonstration 波浪[波浪] bōlàng wave //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/25 words - 5 min 比试[比試] bǐshì to have a competition; to measure with one's hand or arm; to make a gesture of measuring 干脆[乾脆] gāncuì straightforward; clear-cut; blunt (e.g. statement); you might as well; simply 图[圖] tú diagram; picture; drawing; chart; map; CL:張|张[zhang1]; to plan; to scheme; to attempt; to pursue; to seek 眼波[眼波] yǎnbō fluid glance 销魂[銷魂] xiāohún ecstasy; rapture; to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow 争[爭] zhēng to strive for; to vie for; to argue or debate; deficient or lacking (dialect); how or what (literary) 不争[不爭] bùzhēng widely known; incontestable; undeniable; to not strive for; to not contend for 渐渐[漸漸] jiànjiàn gradually 尾声[尾聲] wěishēng coda; epilogue; end 夜色[夜色] yèsè night scene; the dim light of night 翘[翹] qiáo outstanding; to raise 二郎腿[二郎腿] èrlángtuǐ one leg over the other (legs crossed) 乃[乃] nǎi to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon 余[餘] yú extra; surplus; remaining; remainder after division; (following numerical value) or more; in excess of (some number); residue (math.); after; I; me 代号[代號] dàihào code name 吉[吉] jí lucky; giga- (meaning billion or 10^9) 团员[團員] tuányuán member; group member 战争[戰爭] zhànzhēng war; conflict; CL:場|场[chang2],次[ci4] 综[綜] zōng to sum up; to put together; Taiwan pr. [zong4] 混音[混音] hùnyīn (audio) mixing 纳[納] nà to receive; to accept; to enjoy; to bring into; to pay (tax etc); nano- (one billionth); to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing 盛世[盛世] shèngshì a flourishing period; period of prosperity; a golden age 寅[寅] yín 3rd earthly branch: 3-5 a.m., 1st solar month (4th February-5th March), year of the Tiger; ancient Chinese compass point: 60° 李[李] lǐ plum 宸[宸] chén imperial apartments //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/50 words - 9 min 排[排] pái a row; a line; to set in order; to arrange; to line up; to eliminate; to drain; to push open; platoon; raft; classifier for lines, rows etc 车轮[車輪] chēlún wheel 群英[群英] qúnyīng assemblage of talented individuals; ensemble of heroes 荟萃[薈萃] huìcuì collecting together (of distinguished people or exquisite objects); to gather; to assemble 上班[上班] shàngbān to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office 傻笑[傻笑] shǎxiào to giggle; to laugh foolishly; to smirk; to simper 惯用[慣用] guànyòng to use habitually; habitual; customary 充满[充滿] chōngmǎn full of; brimming with; very full; permeated 慈祥[慈祥] cíxiáng kindly; benevolent (often of older person) 老父[老父] lǎofù father; old man; venerable sir 锤[錘] chuí hammer; to hammer into shape; weight (e.g. of a steelyard or balance); to strike with a hammer 涌[涌] chōng (used in place names) 醒来[醒來] xǐnglái to waken 相对[相對] xiāngduì relatively; opposite; to resist; to oppose; relative; vis-a-vis; counterpart 看台[看台] kàntái terrace; spectator's grandstand; viewing platform 施压[施壓] shīyā to pressure 爱好者[愛好者] àihàozhě lover (of art, sports etc); amateur; enthusiast; fan 吉利[吉利] jílì auspicious; lucky; propitious 晋级[晉級] jìnjí to advance in rank; promotion; advancement 客场[客場] kèchǎng away-game arena; away-game venue 主场[主場] zhǔchǎng home ground (sports); home field; main venue; main stadium 化学反应[化學反應] huàxuéfǎnyìng chemical reaction 室友[室友] shìyǒu roommate 走过[走過] zǒuguò to walk past; to pass by 聚光灯[聚光燈] jùguāngdēng spotlight //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/75 words - 12 min 专心[專心] zhuānxīn to concentrate; absorption; concentration; engrossed 世家[世家] shìjiā family influential for generations; aristocratic family 一生[一生] yīshēng all one's life; throughout one's life 闯荡[闖蕩] chuǎngdàng to leave home to make one's way in the world; to leave the life one knows to seek success 宣泄[宣洩] xuānxiè to drain (by leading off water); to unburden oneself; to divulge; to leak a secret 段落[段落] duànluò phase; time interval; paragraph; (written) passage 在意[在意] zàiyì to care about; to mind 有加[有加] yǒujiā extremely (placed after verb or adjective) 结合[結合] jiéhé to combine; to link; to integrate; binding; CL:次[ci4] 伴唱[伴唱] bànchàng vocal accompaniment; to accompany a singer; to support of sb; to echo sb; to chime in with sb 致命[致命] zhìmìng fatal; mortal; deadly; to sacrifice one's life 击[擊] jī to hit; to strike; to break; Taiwan pr. [ji2] 绷紧[繃緊] bēngjǐn to stretch taut 仅[僅] jǐn barely; only; merely 后续[後續] hòuxù follow-up; (dialect) to remarry 顶住[頂住] dǐngzhù to withstand; to stand up to 仔[仔] zǐ meticulous; (of domestic animals or fowls) young 李俊[李俊] LǐJùn Li Jun, fictional character from 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4] 驹[駒] jū colt 春天[春天] chūntiān spring (season); CL:個|个[ge4] 晾干[晾乾] liànggān to dry by the sun 床单[床單] chuángdān bed sheet; CL:條|条[tiao2],件[jian4],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2] 浅[淺] qiǎn shallow; light (color) 蓝色[藍色] lánsè blue (color) 辆[輛] liàng classifier for vehicles //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/100 words - 14 min 自行车[自行車] zìxíngchē bicycle; bike; CL:輛|辆[liang4] 马路[馬路] mǎlù street; road; CL:條|条[tiao2] 逆[逆] nì contrary; opposite; backwards; to go against; to oppose; to betray; to rebel 洒满[灑滿] sǎmǎn to sprinkle over sth 裸露[裸露] luǒlù naked; bare; uncovered; exposed 手臂[手臂] shǒubì arm; helper 稚气未脱[稚氣未脫] zhìqìwèituō still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom) 口气[口氣] kǒuqì tone of voice; the way one speaks; manner of expression; tone 此刻[此刻] cǐkè this moment; now; at present 夏天[夏天] xiàtiān summer; CL:個|个[ge4] 梦幻[夢幻] mènghuàn dream; illusion; reverie 紫色[紫色] zǐsè purple; violet (color) 抬起[抬起] táiqǐ to lift up 迎风[迎風] yíngfēng in the wind; facing the wind; downwind 回首[回首] huíshǒu to turn around; to look back; to recollect 挂念[掛念] guàniàn concerned 寄托[寄託] jìtuō to entrust (to sb); to place (one's hope, energy etc) in; a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc) 悔过[悔過] huǐguò to regret; to repent 光明磊落[光明磊落] guāngmínglěiluò open and candid (idiom); straightforward and upright 信用[信用] xìnyòng to trust; credit (commerce); trustworthiness; creditworthiness 竞争性[競爭性] jìngzhēngxìng competitive 环节[環節] huánjié (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc 占优势[佔優勢] zhànyōushì to predominate; to occupy a dominant position 等位[等位] děngwèi (physics) equipotential 暴扣[暴扣] bàokòu slam dunk (basketball) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/125 words - 16 min 浩[浩] hào grand; vast (water) 轩[軒] xuān pavilion with a view; high; tall; high fronted, curtained carriage (old) 董[董] dǒng to supervise; to direct; director 辉[輝] huī splendor; to shine upon 俞[俞] yú yes (used by Emperor or ruler); OK; to accede; to assent 赫[赫] hè awe-inspiring; abbr. for 赫茲|赫兹[he4 zi1], hertz (Hz) 母[母] mǔ mother; elderly female relative; origin; source; (of animals) female 茉[茉] mò jasmine 擂[擂] léi beat; to grind 人言可畏[人言可畏] rényánkěwèi gossip is a fearful thing (idiom) 拨[撥] bō to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch 斤[斤] jīn catty; (PRC) weight equal to 500 g; (Tw) weight equal to 600 g; (HK, Malaysia, Singapore) slightly over 604 g 流言[流言] liúyán rumor; gossip; to spread rumors 粉碎[粉碎] fěnsuì to crush; to smash; to shatter 理念[理念] lǐniàn idea; concept; philosophy; theory 亲民[親民] qīnmín in touch with the people; sensitive to people's needs 和蔼可亲[和藹可親] hé'ǎikěqīn affable; genial 人称[人稱] rénchēng person (first person, second person etc in grammar); called; known as 貂蝉[貂蟬] DiāoChán Diaochan (-192), one of the four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], in fiction a famous beauty at the break-up of Han dynasty, given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓[Dong3 Zhuo2] to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 呂布|吕布[Lu:3 Bu4] 何时[何時] héshí when 何[何] hé what; how; why; which; carry 咬紧牙关[咬緊牙關] yǎojǐnyáguān lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain; to bite the bullet 转弯[轉彎] zhuǎnwān to turn; to go around a corner 突击[突擊] tūjī sudden and violent attack; assault; fig. rushed job; concentrated effort to finish a job quickly 给力[給力] gěilì cool; nifty; awesome; impressive; to put in extra effort //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/150 words - 18 min 埋[埋] mái to bury 埋[埋] mán to blame 直[直] zhí straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters 起立[起立] qǐlì to stand; Stand up! 有着[有著] yǒuzhe to have; to possess 热血[熱血] rèxuè hot blood; warm-blooded (animal); endothermic (physiology) 浇[澆] jiāo to pour liquid; to irrigate (using waterwheel); to water; to cast (molten metal); to mold 灭[滅] miè to extinguish or put out; to go out (of a fire etc); to exterminate or wipe out; to drown 胆怯[膽怯] dǎnqiè timidity; timid; cowardly 暴风雨[暴風雨] bàofēngyǔ rainstorm; storm; tempest 猛烈[猛烈] měngliè fierce; violent (criticism etc) 堂堂正正[堂堂正正] tángtángzhèngzhèng displaying strength and discipline; impressive; upright and frank; square 坦[坦] tǎn flat; open-hearted; level; smooth 坦荡[坦蕩] tǎndàng magnanimous; broad and level 荡[盪] dàng variant of 蕩|荡[dang4] 荡[蕩] dàng to wash; to squander; to sweep away; to move; to shake; dissolute; pond 风风火火[風風火火] fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ bustling; energetic 面罩[面罩] miànzhào mask; visor; facepiece (e.g. diving suit, gas mask) 坠落[墜落] zhuìluò to fall; to drop 麻木[麻木] mámù numb; insensitive; apathetic 面具[面具] miànjù mask 安慰[安慰] ānwèi to comfort; to console; CL:個|个[ge4] 雕[雕] diāo to carve; to engrave; shrewd; bird of prey 细[細] xì thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal 完善[完善] wánshàn (of systems, facilities etc) comprehensive; well-developed; excellent; to refine; to improve 技术[技術] jìshù technology; technique; skill; CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/175 words - 21 min 注目[注目] zhùmù attention; to stare at; to fix attention on sth 赶不上[趕不上] gǎnbùshàng can't keep up with; can't catch up with; cannot overtake 娴熟[嫻熟] xiánshú adept; skilled 盲目[盲目] mángmù blind; blindly; ignorant; lacking understanding 拖沓[拖沓] tuōtà dilatory; sluggish; muddled; roundabout 基础[基礎] jīchǔ base; foundation; basis; underlying; CL:個|个[ge4] 奠定[奠定] diàndìng to establish; to fix; to settle 坚信[堅信] jiānxìn to believe firmly; without any doubt 正大光明[正大光明] zhèngdàguāngmíng just and honorable 讨[討] tǎo to invite; to provoke; to demand or ask for; to send armed forces to suppress; to denounce or condemn; to marry (a woman); to discuss or study 前行[前行] qiánxíng (literary) to go forward 磁性[磁性] cíxìng magnetic; magnetism 流程[流程] liúchéng course; stream; sequence of processes; work flow in manufacturing 外形[外形] wàixíng figure; shape; external form; contour 说出[說出] shuōchū to speak out; to declare (one's view) 心声[心聲] xīnshēng thoughts; feelings; aspirations; heartfelt wishes; inner voice 地上[地上] dìshang on the ground; on the floor 基于[基於] jīyú because of; on the basis of; in view of; on account of 起跑线[起跑線] qǐpǎoxiàn the starting line (of a race); scratch line (in a relay race) 随手[隨手] suíshǒu conveniently; without extra trouble; while doing it; in passing 单[單] dān bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] 打的[打的] dǎdī (coll.) to take a taxi; to go by taxi 出入[出入] chūrù to go out and come in; entrance and exit; expenditure and income; discrepancy; inconsistent 分歧[分歧] fēnqí divergent; difference (of opinion, position); disagreement; bifurcation (math.) 折中[折中] zhézhōng to compromise; to take the middle road; a trade-off; eclectic //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/200 words - 27 min 信号[信號] xìnhào signal 纠结[糾結] jiūjié to intertwine; to band together (with); to link up (with); twisted; tangled; confused; to be at a loss 第二位[第二位] dì'èrwèi second place 抉择[抉擇] juézé to choose (literary) 击中[擊中] jīzhòng to hit (a target etc); to strike 感动[感動] gǎndòng to move (sb); to touch (sb emotionally); moving 分析[分析] fēnxī to analyze; analysis; CL:個|个[ge4] 加上[加上] jiāshàng plus; to put in; to add; to add on; to add into; in addition; on top of that 姿态[姿態] zītài attitude; posture; stance 头头是道[頭頭是道] tóutóushìdào clear and logical 互联网[互聯網] Hùliánwǎng Internet 王牌[王牌] wángpái trump card 点击率[點擊率] diǎnjīlǜ click-through rate (CTR) (Internet) 博主[博主] bózhǔ blogger 博物馆[博物館] bówùguǎn museum 头像[頭像] tóuxiàng portrait; bust 翘楚[翹楚] qiáochǔ person of outstanding talent 有名[有名] yǒumíng famous; well-known 外表[外表] wàibiǎo external; outside; outward appearance 一同[一同] yītóng along; together 欢声[歡聲] huānshēng cheers; cries of joy or approval 笑语[笑語] xiàoyǔ talking and laughing; cheerful talk 笑话[笑話] xiàohuà joke; jest; CL:個|个[ge4]; to laugh at; to mock 发型[髮型] fàxíng hairstyle; coiffure; hairdo 粉红色[粉紅色] fěnhóngsè pink //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/225 words - 29 min 贝雷帽[貝雷帽] bèiléimào beret (loanword) 研究[研究] yánjiū research; a study; CL:項|项[xiang4]; to research; to look into 蜡笔小新[蠟筆小新] LàbǐXiǎoxīn Crayon Shin-chan (クレヨンしんちゃん), Japanese manga and anime series popular in China 得名[得名] démíng to get one's name; named (after sth) 渔[漁] yú fisherman; to fish 洪[洪] hóng flood; big; great 永[永] yǒng forever; always; perpetual 翁[翁] wēng elderly man; father; father-in-law; neck feathers of a bird (old) 铭[銘] míng to engrave; inscribed motto 超市[超市] chāoshì supermarket; abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场; CL:家[jia1] 逛[逛] guàng to stroll; to visit 疲倦[疲倦] píjuàn to tire; tired 笑脸[笑臉] xiàoliǎn smiling face; smiley :) ☺; CL:副[fu4] 贴切[貼切] tiēqiè close-fitting; closest (translation) 体贴[體貼] tǐtiē considerate (of other people's needs) 甜点[甜點] tiándiǎn dessert 哒[噠] dā (phonetic); command to a horse; clatter (of horses' hoofs) 零食[零食] língshí between-meal nibbles; snacks 牛奶[牛奶] niúnǎi cow's milk; CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 冰淇淋[冰淇淋] bīngqílín ice cream 小龙虾[小龍蝦] xiǎolóngxiā crayfish; langoustine; chicken lobster 剥[剝] bō to peel; to skin; to flay; to shuck 可乐[可樂] kělè amusing; entertaining; (loanword) cola 加冰[加冰] jiābīng (of a drink) iced; on the rocks 农[農] nóng peasant; to farm; agriculture; diligent (old); government field official (old) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/250 words - 33 min 叫做[叫做] jiàozuò to be called; to be known as 微微[微微] wēiwēi slight; faint; humble 抄[抄] chāo to make a copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to raid; to grab; to go off with; to take a shortcut; to make a turning move; to fold one's arms 手写[手寫] shǒuxiě to write by hand 晨[晨] chén morning; dawn; daybreak 喧嚣[喧囂] xuānxiāo to clamor; to make noise 融化[融化] rónghuà to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse 昨夜[昨夜] zuóyè last night 冰雪[冰雪] bīngxuě ice and snow 岁月[歲月] suìyuè years; time 停歇[停歇] tíngxiē to stop for a rest 秋天[秋天] qiūtiān autumn; CL:個|个[ge4] 落叶[落葉] luòyè dead leaves; to lose leaves (of plants); deciduous 雨点[雨點] yǔdiǎn raindrop 渺小[渺小] miǎoxiǎo minute; tiny; negligible; insignificant 跌跌撞撞[跌跌撞撞] diēdiezhuàngzhuàng to stagger along 寻找[尋找] xúnzhǎo to seek; to look for 跌倒[跌倒] diēdǎo to tumble; to fall; fig. to suffer a reverse (in politics or business) 闯[闖] chuǎng to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temper oneself (through battling hardships) 塑[塑] sù to model (a figure) in clay 丹田[丹田] dāntián pubic region; point two inches below the navel where one's qi resides 葳[葳] wēi luxuriant 象征性[象徵性] xiàngzhēngxìng symbolic; emblem; token 伟大[偉大] wěidà huge; great; grand; worthy of the greatest admiration; important (contribution etc) 构成[構成] gòuchéng to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/275 words - 40 min 弱小[弱小] ruòxiǎo small and weak; puny; the small and weak; children; women and children 扑[撲] pū to throw oneself at; to pounce on; to devote one's energies; to flap; to flutter; to dab; to pat; to bend over 战士[戰士] zhànshì fighter; soldier; warrior; CL:個|个[ge4] 简介[簡介] jiǎnjiè summary; brief introduction 消灭[消滅] xiāomiè to put an end to; to annihilate; to cause to perish; to perish; annihilation (in quantum field theory) 超过[超過] chāoguò to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip 预期[預期] yùqī to expect; to anticipate 知名[知名] zhīmíng well-known; famous 网红[網紅] wǎnghóng Internet celebrity 生命力[生命力] shēngmìnglì vitality 脆弱[脆弱] cuìruò weak; frail 突破[突破] tūpò to break through; to make a breakthrough; to surmount or break the back of (a task etc); (of ball sports) to break through a defense 舒适[舒適] shūshì cozy; snug 韧劲[韌勁] rènjìn tenacity 大山[大山] Dàshān Dashan, stage name of Canadian Mark Henry Rowswell (1965-), actor and well-known TV personality in PRC 坡度[坡度] pōdù gradient; slope 直线[直線] zhíxiàn straight line; sharply (rise or fall) 盼[盼] pàn to hope for; to long for; to expect 定式[定式] dìngshì joseki (fixed opening pattern in go game) 年成[年成] niáncheng the year's harvest 探[探] tàn to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit; to stretch forward 每年[每年] měinián every year; each year; yearly 挖[挖] wā to dig; to excavate; to scoop out 昭[昭] zhāo bright; clear; manifest; to show clearly 依依[依依] yīyī to regret leaving; reluctant to part; (onom.) young leaves stir gently in the wind //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/300 words - 44 min 楚[楚] chǔ distinct; clear; orderly; pain; suffering; deciduous bush used in Chinese medicine (genus Vitex); punishment cane (old) 第一轮[第一輪] dìyīlún first round (of match, or election) 淘汰[淘汰] táotài to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out 第二轮[第二輪] dì'èrlún second round (of match, or election) 来源[來源] láiyuán source (of information etc); origin 立下[立下] lìxià to set up; to establish 安稳[安穩] ānwěn smooth and steady 股[股] gǔ thigh; part of a whole; portion of a sum; (stock) share; strand of a thread; low-level administrative unit, translated as "section" or "department" etc, ranked below 科[ke1]; classifier for long winding things like ropes, rivers etc; classifier for smoke, smells etc: thread, puff, whiff; classifier for bands of people, gangs etc; classifier for sudden forceful actions 熄[熄] xī to extinguish; to put out (fire); to quench; to stop burning; to go out (of fire, lamp etc); to come to an end; to wither away; to die out; Taiwan pr. [xi2] 道路[道路] dàolù road; path; way; CL:條|条[tiao2] 逐[逐] zhú to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one 脚步[腳步] jiǎobù footstep; step 尖锐[尖銳] jiānruì sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed; acute (illness) 崩溃[崩潰] bēngkuì to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart 躲避[躲避] duǒbì to hide; to evade; to dodge; to take shelter; to avoid (difficulties) 突出[突出] tūchū prominent; outstanding; to give prominence to; to protrude; to project 自怨自艾[自怨自艾] zìyuànzìyì to be full of remorse; to repent and redress one's errors 全力[全力] quánlì with all one's strength; full strength; all-out (effort); fully (support) 同样[同樣] tóngyàng same; equal; equivalent 大多数[大多數] dàduōshù (great) majority 机场[機場] jīchǎng airport; airfield; CL:家[jia1],處|处[chu4] 亮相[亮相] liàngxiàng to strike a pose (Chinese opera); (fig.) to make a public appearance; to come out in public (revealing one's true personality, opinions etc); (of a product) to appear on the market or at a trade show etc 热议[熱議] rèyì to discuss passionately; heated debate 骨气[骨氣] gǔqì unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone 活跃[活躍] huóyuè active; lively; excited; to enliven; to brighten up //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/325 words - 46 min 老幺[老么] lǎoyāo youngest 娅[婭] yà address term between sons-in-law 外号[外號] wàihào nickname 包子[包子] bāozi steamed stuffed bun; CL:個|个[ge4] 圆[圓] yuán circle; round; circular; spherical; (of the moon) full; unit of Chinese currency (yuan); tactful; to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie) 嘘[噓] xū to exhale slowly; to hiss; hush! 兔子[兔子] tùzi hare; rabbit; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 兔[兔] tù rabbit 小型[小型] xiǎoxíng small scale; small size 宠物[寵物] chǒngwù house pet 婉[婉] wǎn graceful; tactful 南方[南方] nánfāng south; the southern part of the country; the South 霖[霖] lín continued rain 祥[祥] xiáng auspicious; propitious 熙[熙] xī prosperous; splendid 临时[臨時] línshí as the time draws near; at the last moment; temporary; interim; ad hoc 成军[成軍] chéngjūn lit. to form an army; to set up (team, group, band, organization etc); to found; opening (ceremony); to commission (arms system, naval vessel); to graduate from an apprenticeship 合体[合體] hétǐ to combine; combination; composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[he2 ti3 zi4]); (of clothes) to be a good fit 星期[星期] xīngqī week; CL:個|个[ge4]; day of the week; Sunday 集体[集體] jítǐ collective (decision); joint (effort); a group; a team; en masse; as a group 凑[湊] còu to gather together, pool or collect; to happen by chance; to move close to; to exploit an opportunity 礼拜[禮拜] lǐbài week; religious service; worship; CL:個|个[ge4] 宇宙[宇宙] yǔzhòu universe; cosmos 木马[木馬] mùmǎ wooden horse; rocking horse; vaulting horse (gymnastics); trojan horse (computing) 猜想[猜想] cāixiǎng to guess; to conjecture; to suppose; to suspect //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/350 words - 49 min 内心[內心] nèixīn heart; innermost being; (math.) incenter 错过[錯過] cuòguò to miss (train, opportunity etc) 大声[大聲] dàshēng loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly 出口[出口] chūkǒu an exit; CL:個|个[ge4]; to speak; to export; (of a ship) to leave port 拖[拖] tuō to drag; to tow; to trail; to hang down; to mop (the floor); to delay; to drag on 独角戏[獨角戲] dújiǎoxì monodrama; one-man show; comic talk 结局[結局] jiéjú conclusion; ending 说破[說破] shuōpò to lay bare (actual facts, secrets etc); to reveal 从此[從此] cóngcǐ from now on; since then; henceforth 底线[底線] dǐxiàn to underline; bottom line; base line (in sports); baseline; minimum; spy; plant 看透[看透] kàntòu to understand thoroughly; to see beyond the facade; to see through (sb) 漠不关心[漠不關心] mòbùguānxīn not the least bit concerned; completely indifferent 待续[待續] dàixù to be continued 暧昧[曖昧] àimèi vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious 委屈[委屈] wěiqu to feel wronged; to cause sb to feel wronged; grievance 模糊[模糊] móhu vague; indistinct; fuzzy 不明[不明] bùmíng not clear; unknown; to fail to understand 亲口[親口] qīnkǒu one's own mouth; fig. in one's own words; to say sth personally 基本[基本] jīběn basic; fundamental; main; elementary 八音盒[八音盒] bāyīnhé musical box 刷[刷] shuā to brush; to paint; to daub; to paste up; to skip class (of students); to fire from a job 闺蜜[閨蜜] guīmì (coll.) (a woman's) close female friend; bestie; (originally written 閨密|闺密, an abbr. for 閨中密友|闺中密友) 窸[窸] xī disturbing noises 窣[窣] sù rush out of a den; rustling 机密[機密] jīmì secret; classified (information) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/375 words - 52 min 闹情绪[鬧情緒] nàoqíngxù to be in a bad mood 无理[無理] wúlǐ irrational; unreasonable 关卡[關卡] guānqiǎ checkpoint (for taxation, security etc); barrier; hurdle; red tape; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4] 过不去[過不去] guòbuqù to make life difficult for; to embarrass; unable to make it through 暗地里[暗地裡] àndìli secretly; inwardly; on the sly 笑嘻嘻[笑嘻嘻] xiàoxīxī grinning; smiling 饰[飾] shì decoration; ornament; to decorate; to adorn; to hide; to conceal (a fault); excuse (to hide a fault); to play a role (in opera); to impersonate 角[角] jiǎo angle; corner; horn; horn-shaped; unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan, or 10 cents (a dime); CL:個|个[ge4] 角[角] jué role (theater); to compete; ancient three legged wine vessel; third note of pentatonic scale 扮演[扮演] bànyǎn to play the role of; to act 爱意[愛意] àiyì love 上演[上演] shàngyǎn to screen (a movie); to stage (a play); a screening; a staging 谁知[誰知] shéizhī lit. who knows; who would have thought; unexpectedly; unpredictably 总有[總有] zǒngyǒu inevitably there will be 噗[噗] pū (onom.) pop; plop; pfff; putt-putt of a motor 漫漫[漫漫] mànmàn long; endless; boundless 时节[時節] shíjié season; time 心知肚明[心知肚明] xīnzhīdùmíng to be well aware 一点一点[一點一點] yīdiǎnyīdiǎn little by little; bit by bit; gradually 陷[陷] xiàn pitfall; trap; to get stuck; to sink; to cave in; to frame (false charge); to capture (a city in battle); to fall (to the enemy); defect 陷阱[陷阱] xiànjǐng pitfall; snare; trap 老实说[老實說] lǎoshíshuō honestly speaking; to be frank, ... 假音[假音] jiǎyīn falsetto, same as 假聲|假声 破绽[破綻] pòzhàn hole or tear in cloth; mistake or gap in a speech or theory 队员[隊員] duìyuán team member 副歌[副歌] fùgē chorus; refrain //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/400 words - 61 min 错误[錯誤] cuòwù error; mistake; CL:個|个[ge4]; mistaken; false; wrong 简历[簡歷] jiǎnlì curriculum vitae (CV); résumé; biographical notes 回归[回歸] huíguī to return to; to retreat; regression (statistics) 总体[總體] zǒngtǐ completely; totally; total; entire; overall; population (statistics) 无可挑剔[無可挑剔] wúkětiāoti excellent in every respect; flawless 做作[做作] zuòzuo affected; artificial 俱佳[俱佳] jùjiā excellent; wonderful 今后[今後] jīnhòu hereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on 专门[專門] zhuānmén specialist; specialized; customized 分工[分工] fēngōng to divide up the work; division of labor 明确[明確] míngquè clear-cut; definite; explicit; to clarify; to specify; to make definite 而言[而言] éryán with regard to (preceding phrase) 钻石[鑽石] zuànshí diamond; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 跟随[跟隨] gēnsuí to follow 专注[專注] zhuānzhù concentrated; single-mindedly devoted to 修炼[修煉] xiūliàn (of Taoists) to practice austerities; to practice asceticism 山头[山頭] shāntóu mountain top 起点[起點] qǐdiǎn starting point 期望[期望] qīwàng to have expectations; to earnestly hope; expectation; hope 伴随[伴隨] bànsuí to accompany; to follow; to occur together with; concomitant 饶过[饒過] ráoguò to pardon; to excuse; to forgive 要强[要強] yàoqiáng eager to excel; eager to get ahead in life; strong-minded 硬碰硬[硬碰硬] yìngpèngyìng to meet force with force; painstaking 徒手[徒手] túshǒu with bare hands; unarmed; fighting hand-to-hand; freehand (drawing) 摘[摘] zhāi to take; to borrow; to pick (flowers, fruit etc); to pluck; to select; to remove; to take off (glasses, hat etc) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/425 words - 62 min 仰仗[仰仗] yǎngzhàng to rely on; to depend on 约定[約定] yuēdìng to agree on sth (after discussion); to conclude a bargain; to arrange; to promise; to stipulate; to make an appointment; stipulated (time, amount, quality etc); an arrangement; a deal; appointment; undertaking; commitment; understanding; engagement; stipulation 初次[初次] chūcì for the first time; first (meeting, attempt etc) 汇报[彙報] huìbào to report; to give an account of; report 自制[自製] zìzhì self-made; improvised; homemade; handmade 综艺[綜藝] zōngyì wide range of performing arts 鹭[鷺] lù heron 蒲[蒲] pú refers to various monocotyledonous flowering plants including Acorus calamus and Typha orientalis; common cattail; bullrush 阿依莎[阿依莎] Āyīshā Ayshe, Aise or Ayesha (name); Aishah bint Abi Bakr (c. 614-678), youngest wife of prophet Mohamed 穆罕默德[Mu4 han3 mo4 de2]; also written 阿伊莎 城[城] chéng city walls; city; town; CL:座[zuo4],道[dao4],個|个[ge4] 芸[芸] yún common rue (Ruta graveolens); books and libraries 河马[河馬] hémǎ hippopotamus 靳[靳] jìn martingale; stingy 阳[陽] yáng positive (electric.); sun; male principle (Taoism); Yang, opposite: 陰|阴[yin1] 香蕉[香蕉] xiāngjiāo banana; CL:枝[zhi1],根[gen1],個|个[ge4],把[ba3] 粟[粟] sù grain; millet; goose pimples 钦[欽] qīn to respect; to admire; to venerate; by the emperor himself 唐[唐] táng to exaggerate; empty; in vain; old variant of 螗[tang2] 珂[珂] kē jade-like stone 伊[伊] yī (old) third person singular pronoun ("he" or "she"); second person singular pronoun ("you"); (May 4th period) third person singular feminine pronoun ("she"); (Classical Chinese) introductory particle with no specific meaning; that (preceding a noun) 汪[汪] wāng expanse of water; ooze; (onom.) bark; classifier for liquids: pool, puddle 睿[叡] ruì variant of 睿[rui4] 羽[羽] yǔ feather; 5th note in pentatonic scale 熊[熊] xióng bear; (coll.) to scold; to rebuke; (coll.) weak; incapable 圣[聖] shèng holy; sacred; saint; sage //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/450 words - 63 min 周[週] zhōu week; weekly; variant of 周[zhou1] 聪[聰] cōng quick at hearing; wise; clever; sharp-witted; intelligent; acute 梦露[夢露] Mènglù Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), American actress 祎[禕] yī excellent; precious; rare; fine; (used in given names) 琛[琛] chēn precious stone; gem 杜[杜] dù birchleaf pear (tree); to stop; to prevent; to restrict 姊妹[姊妹] zǐmèi (older and younger) sisters; sister (school, city etc) 雅乐[雅樂] yǎyuè formal ceremonial music of each succeeding Chinese dynasty starting with the Zhou; Korean a'ak; Japanese gagaku 轸[軫] zhěn square; strongly (as of emotion) 朱[朱] zhū vermilion 诚[誠] chéng sincere; authentic; really; truly 代[代] dài to substitute; to act on behalf of others; to replace; generation; dynasty; age; period; (historical) era; (geological) eon 娜[娜] nuó elegant; graceful 姆[姆] mǔ woman who looks after small children; (old) female tutor 沐[沐] mù to bathe; to cleanse; to receive; to be given 左[左] zuǒ left; the Left (politics); east; unorthodox; queer; wrong; differing; opposite; variant of 佐[zuo3] 冯[馮] píng to gallop; to assist; to attack; to wade; great; old variant of 憑|凭[ping2] 航[航] háng boat; ship; craft; to navigate; to sail; to fly 刺猬[刺蝟] cìwei hedgehog 延[延] yán to prolong; to extend; to delay 慧[慧] huì intelligent 博[博] bó extensive; ample; rich; obtain; aim; to win; to get; plentiful; to gamble 姿[姿] zī beauty; disposition; looks; appearance 米拉[米拉] Mǐlā Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti) 评估[評估] pínggū to evaluate; to assess; assessment; evaluation //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep07/456 words - 65 min 湖南[湖南] Húnán Hunan province in south central China, abbr. 湘, capital Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1] 卫视[衛視] wèishì satellite TV (abbr. for 衛星電視|卫星电视[wei4 xing1 dian4 shi4]) 大本营[大本營] dàběnyíng headquarters; base camp 完毕[完畢] wánbì to finish; to end; to complete 发布[發佈] fābù to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute; also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4] 互相[互相] hùxiāng each other; mutually; mutual //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/25 words - 4 min 赢得[贏得] yíngdé to win; to gain 按照[按照] ànzhào according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basis of 意愿[意願] yìyuàn aspiration; wish (for); desire 类[類] lèi kind; type; class; category; similar; like; to resemble 区域[區域] qūyù area; region; district 各就各位[各就各位] gèjiùgèwèi (of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom); (athletics) On your mark! 对应[對應] duìyìng to correspond; a correspondence; corresponding; homologous; matching with sth; counterpart 编舞[編舞] biānwǔ choreography; choreographer 芒种[芒種] Mángzhòng Mangzhong or Grain in Beard, 9th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 6th-20th June 舞会[舞會] wǔhuì dance; ball; party; CL:場|场[chang3] 改成[改成] gǎichéng to convert; to turn into (sth else); to adapt (a story to another medium) 恋爱[戀愛] liàn'ài (romantic) love; CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]; in love; to have an affair 循环[循環] xúnhuán to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop 泽[澤] zé pool; pond; (of metals etc) luster; favor or beneficence; damp; moist 香菜[香菜] xiāngcài coriander; cilantro; Coriandrum sativum 人数[人數] rénshù number of people 飒[颯] sà sound of wind; valiant; melancholy 邓紫棋[鄧紫棋] DèngZǐqí G.E.M. (1991-), Chinese pop star 现代[現代] xiàndài modern times; modern age; modern era 躁动[躁動] zàodòng to stir restlessly; to be agitated; commotion; agitation 然而[然而] rán'ér however; yet; but 大类[大類] dàlèi main type; main class; main category 亲亲[親親] qīnqīn dear one; to kiss; friendly 尖叫[尖叫] jiānjiào to screech; to shriek 少年[少年] shàonián early youth; youngster; (literary) youth; young man //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/50 words - 8 min 比利[比利] Bǐlì Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star 潘[潘] Pān surname Pan; Pan, faun in Greek mythology, son of Hermes 玮[瑋] wěi (reddish jade); precious; rare 柏[柏] bǎi cedar; cypress; Taiwan pr. [bo2] 单眼皮[單眼皮] dānyǎnpí single eyelid 陶喆[陶喆] TáoZhé David Tao (1969-), Taiwanese singer-songwriter 音阶[音階] yīnjiē musical scale 导[導] dǎo to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct 势在必得[勢在必得] shìzàibìdé to be determined to win (idiom) 权利[權利] quánlì power; right; privilege 上前[上前] shàngqián to advance; to step forward 口令[口令] kǒulìng oral command; a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts); password (used by sentry) 主人[主人] zhǔrén master; host; owner; CL:個|个[ge4] 格外[格外] géwài especially; particularly 认证[認證] rènzhèng to authenticate; to approve 喻[喻] yù to describe sth as; an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 脑子[腦子] nǎozi brains; mind; CL:個|个[ge4] 声线[聲線] shēngxiàn tone of voice; timbre 关键词[關鍵詞] guānjiàncí keyword 佩服[佩服] pèifú to admire 英语[英語] Yīngyǔ English (language) 关键[關鍵] guānjiàn crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key; crucial; pivotal 票数[票數] piàoshù number of votes; poll count 最高[最高] zuìgāo tallest; highest; supreme (court etc) 人身[人身] rénshēn person; personal; human body //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/75 words - 12 min 上都[上都] Shàngdū Shangdu, also known as Xanadu, summer capital of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) 键词[鍵詞] jiàncí keyword 参考[參考] cānkǎo consultation; reference; to consult; to refer 估计[估計] gūjì to estimate; to reckon; CL:個|个[ge4]; (coll.) to suppose 抽取[抽取] chōuqǔ to extract; to remove; to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc) 祈祷[祈禱] qídǎo to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer 泛[泛] fàn to float; to be suffused with; general; extensive; non-specific; flood; pan- (prefix) 当下[當下] dāngxià immediately; at once; at that moment; at the moment 透露[透露] tòulù to leak out; to divulge; to reveal 翻滚[翻滾] fāngǔn to roll; to boil 剪头发[剪頭髮] jiǎntóufa (to get a) haircut 启动[啟動] qǐdòng to start (a machine); (fig.) to set in motion; to launch (an operation); to activate (a plan) 欧若拉[歐若拉] Ōuruòlā Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn 手下留情[手下留情] shǒuxiàliúqíng lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me; Do not judge me too harshly.; Look favorably on my humble efforts. 乏[乏] fá short of; tired 快刀斩乱麻[快刀斬亂麻] kuàidāozhǎnluànmá lit. quick sword cuts through tangled hemp (idiom); decisive action in a complex situation; cutting the Gordian knot 爽快[爽快] shuǎngkuai refreshed; rejuvenated; frank and straightforward 功底[功底] gōngdǐ training in the basic skills; knowledge of the fundamentals 搭档[搭檔] dādàng to cooperate; partner 特[特] tè special; unique; distinguished; especially; unusual; very; abbr. for 特克斯[te4 ke4 si1], tex 具[具] jù tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument; talent; ability; to possess; to have; to provide; to furnish; to state; classifier for devices, coffins, dead bodies 亮点[亮點] liàngdiǎn highlight; bright spot 满分[滿分] mǎnfēn full marks 队伍[隊伍] duìwǔ ranks; troops; queue; line; procession; CL:個|个[ge4],支[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] 冒[冒] mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth); to brave; to face; reckless; to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign; (literary) to cover //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/100 words - 17 min 语塞[語塞] yǔsè to be at a loss for words; speechless 晴天霹雳[晴天霹靂] qíngtiānpīlì thunder from a clear sky (idiom); a bolt from the blue 壮士[壯士] zhuàngshì hero; fighter; brave strong guy; warrior (in armor) 赴死[赴死] fùsǐ to meet death 姝[姝] shū pretty woman 睿[睿] ruì astute; perspicacious; farsighted 空白[空白] kòngbái blank space 球[球] qiú ball; sphere; globe; CL:個|个[ge4]; ball game; match; CL:場|场[chang3] 挤[擠] jǐ to crowd in; to cram in; to force others aside; to press; to squeeze; to find (time in one's busy schedule) 调剂[調劑] tiáojì to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription 好运[好運] hǎoyùn good luck 名额[名額] míng'é quota; number of places; place (in an institution, a group etc) 待人[待人] dàirén to treat people (politely, harshly etc) 队尾[隊尾] duìwěi back of the line; last one in line 优先[優先] yōuxiān to have priority; to take precedence 惨[慘] cǎn miserable; wretched; cruel; inhuman; disastrous; tragic; dim; gloomy 蜀[蜀] Shǔ short name for Sichuan 四川[Si4 chuan1] province; one of the Three Kingdoms 三國|三国[San1 guo2] after the fall of the Han dynasty 移动[移動] yídòng to move; movement; migration; mobile; portable 移[移] yí to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove 绝望[絕望] juéwàng to despair; to give up all hope; desperate; desperation 分组[分組] fēnzǔ to divide into groups; (computer networking) packet 成组[成組] chéngzǔ to make up (out of components) 转身[轉身] zhuǎnshēn (of a person) to turn round; to face about; (of a widow) to remarry (archaic) 噔[噔] dēng (onom.) thud; thump 亢奋[亢奮] kàngfèn excited; stimulated //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/125 words - 22 min 定心丸[定心丸] dìngxīnwán tranquilizer; sth that sets one's mind at ease 带领[帶領] dàilǐng to guide; to lead 走向[走向] zǒuxiàng direction; strike (i.e. angle of inclination in geology); inclination; trend; to move towards; to head for 循序渐进[循序漸進] xúnxùjiànjìn in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally 当选[當選] dāngxuǎn to be elected; to be selected 缓解[緩解] huǎnjiě to bring relief; to alleviate (a crisis); to dull (a pain) 怀念[懷念] huáiniàn to cherish the memory of; to think of; reminisce 组织[組織] zǔzhī to organize; organization; organized system; nerve; tissue; CL:個|个[ge4] 自愿[自願] zìyuàn voluntary 企图[企圖] qǐtú to attempt; to try; attempt; CL:種|种[zhong3] 大梁[大梁] Dàliáng capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states; CL:根[gen1] 竞选[競選] jìngxuǎn to take part in an election; to run for office 百分之百[百分之百] bǎifēnzhībǎi a hundred percent; out and out; absolutely 撩人[撩人] liáorén to attract; to titillate 双眸[雙眸] shuāngmóu one's pair of eyes 失神[失神] shīshén absent-minded; to lose spirit; despondent 仪[儀] yí apparatus; rites; appearance; present; ceremony 实至名归[實至名歸] shízhìmíngguī fame follows merit (idiom) 信任[信任] xìnrèn to trust; to have confidence in 围[圍] wéi to encircle; to surround; all around; to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl) 即使[即使] jíshǐ even if; even though 不分上下[不分上下] bùfēnshàngxià not to know one's place 考[考] kǎo to check; to verify; to test; to examine; to take an exam; to take an entrance exam for; deceased father 教师[教師] jiàoshī teacher; CL:個|个[ge4] 证[證] zhèng certificate; proof; to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; variant of 症[zheng4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/150 words - 27 min 判断[判斷] pànduàn to judge; to determine; judgment 负[負] fù to bear; to carry (on one's back); to turn one's back on; to be defeated; negative (math. etc) 爵士舞[爵士舞] juéshìwǔ jazz (loanword) 在场[在場] zàichǎng to be present; to be on the scene 摄像[攝像] shèxiàng to videotape 互动[互動] hùdòng to interact; interactive 眼球[眼球] yǎnqiú eyeball; (fig.) attention 抓住[抓住] zhuāzhù to grab; to capture 颁[頒] bān to promulgate; to send out; to issue; to grant or confer 好胜[好勝] hàoshèng eager to win; competitive; aggressive 引发[引發] yǐnfā to lead to; to trigger; to initiate; to cause; to evoke (emotions) 争论[爭論] zhēnglùn to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate; CL:次[ci4],場|场[chang3] 受苦[受苦] shòukǔ to suffer hardship 哈喽[哈嘍] hālóu hello (loanword) 拳头[拳頭] quántou fist; clenched fist; CL:個|个[ge4]; competitive (product) 膝盖[膝蓋] xīgài knee; (Internet slang) to kneel down (in admiration) 弯[彎] wān to bend; bent; a bend; a turn (in the road etc); CL:道[dao4] 示范[示範] shìfàn to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example 主义[主義] zhǔyì -ism; ideology 排练[排練] páiliàn to rehearse; rehearsal 幅度[幅度] fúdù width; extent; range; scope 下腰[下腰] xiàyāo (gymnastics) to do a bridge; to do a crab 高度[高度] gāodù height; altitude; elevation; high degree; highly; CL:個|个[ge4] 看上去[看上去] kànshangqu it would appear; it seems (that) 不雅观[不雅觀] bùyǎguān offensive to the eye; unbecoming; unsightly; ungainly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/175 words - 32 min 中午[中午] zhōngwǔ noon; midday; CL:個|个[ge4] 凌晨[凌晨] língchén very early in the morning; in the wee hours 毫不费力[毫不費力] háobùfèilì effortless; not expending the slightest effort 背后[背後] bèihòu behind; at the back; in the rear; behind sb's back 十分[十分] shífēn very; completely; utterly; extremely; absolutely; hundred percent; to divide into ten equal parts 指导[指導] zhǐdǎo to guide; to give directions; to direct; to coach; guidance; tuition; CL:個|个[ge4] 买家[買家] mǎijiā buyer; client 秀[秀] xiù handsome; refined; elegant; graceful; superior; show (loanword); CL:場|场[chang2]; (literary) to grow; to bloom; (of crops) to produce ears 卖家[賣家] màijiā seller 区别[區別] qūbié difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:個|个[ge4] 抠[摳] kōu to dig out; to pick out (with one's fingers); to carve; to cut; to study meticulously; to lift one's clothes; stingy; miserly 显示器[顯示器] xiǎnshìqì monitor (computer) 微小[微小] wēixiǎo minute (i.e. extremely small); infinitesimal 三倍[三倍] sānbèi triple 斯[斯] sī (phonetic); this 康[康] kāng healthy; peaceful; abundant 主宰[主宰] zhǔzǎi to dominate; to rule; to dictate; master 一个个[一個個] yīgègè each and every one 野兽[野獸] yěshòu beast; wild animal 私底下[私底下] sīdǐxia privately; secretly; confidentially 获胜[獲勝] huòshèng victorious; to win; to triumph 杀手锏[殺手鐧] shāshǒujiǎn (fig.) trump card 见证[見證] jiànzhèng to be witness to; witness; evidence 来临[來臨] láilín to approach; to come closer 布[布] bù cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep08/178 words - 33 min 手气[手氣] shǒuqì luck (in gambling) 冲浪[衝浪] chōnglàng to surf; surfing 差一点[差一點] chàyīdiǎn see 差點|差点[cha4 dian3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/25 words - 11 min 冬天[冬天] dōngtiān winter; CL:個|个[ge4] 做梦[做夢] zuòmèng to dream; to have a dream; fig. illusion; fantasy; pipe dream 火柴[火柴] huǒchái match (for lighting fire); CL:根[gen1],盒[he2] 许多[許多] xǔduō many; a lot of; much 定义[定義] dìngyì definition; to define 亲手[親手] qīnshǒu personally; with one's own hands 心目[心目] xīnmù mind 撑腰[撐腰] chēngyāo to support; to brace 出发[出發] chūfā to set off; to start (on a journey) 并存[並存] bìngcún to exist at the same time; to coexist 惊吓[驚嚇] jīngxià to frighten; to horrify; to terrify 惊讶[驚訝] jīngyà amazed; astonished; to surprise; amazing; astonishment; awe 淡黄[淡黃] dànhuáng light yellow 长裙[長裙] chángqún cheong sam (long skirt) 走音[走音] zǒuyīn off-key; out of tune (music) 铆[鉚] mǎo to fasten with rivets; (coll.) to exert one's strength 破土[破土] pòtǔ to break ground; to start digging; to plough; to break through the ground (of seedling); fig. the start of a building project 脑[腦] nǎo brain; mind; head; essence 高贵[高貴] gāoguì grandeur; noble 糖[糖] táng sugar; sweets; candy; CL:顆|颗[ke1],塊|块[kuai4] 宥[宥] yòu to forgive; to help; profound 掐[掐] qiā to pick (flowers); to pinch; to nip; to pinch off; to clutch; (slang) to fight 人中[人中] rénzhōng philtrum; infranasal depression; the "human center" acupuncture point 取[取] qǔ to take; to get; to choose; to fetch 试试看[試試看] shìshìkàn to give it a try //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/50 words - 17 min 呦[呦] yōu Oh! (exclamation of dismay etc); see 呦呦[you1 you1] 后台[後台] hòutái backstage area; behind-the-scenes supporter; (computing) back-end; background 昏厥[昏厥] hūnjué to faint 留步[留步] liúbù (said by departing guest) no need to see me out 轻轻[輕輕] qīngqīng lightly; softly 亲密[親密] qīnmì intimate; close 显[顯] xiǎn to make visible; to reveal; prominent; conspicuous; (prefix) phanero- 找出[找出] zhǎochū to find; to search out 平复[平復] píngfù to pacify; to calm down; to be cured; to be healed 耐[耐] nài capable of enduring; able to tolerate; patient; durable; hardy; resistant 僵硬[僵硬] jiāngyìng stiff; rigid 华丽[華麗] huálì gorgeous 站姿[站姿] zhànzī stance 憋[憋] biē to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath) 锁[鎖] suǒ to lock up; to lock; lock; CL:把[ba3] 牙膏[牙膏] yágāo toothpaste; CL:管[guan3] 口味[口味] kǒuwèi a person's preferences; tastes (in food); flavor 蜜[蜜] mì honey 泡沫[泡沫] pàomò foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble 绵密[綿密] miánmì detailed; meticulous; fine and careful 牙齿[牙齒] yáchǐ tooth; dental; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 问号[問號] wènhào question mark (punct.); unknown factor; unsolved problem; interrogation 脑袋[腦袋] nǎodài head; skull; brains; mental capability; CL:顆|颗[ke1],個|个[ge4] 匪夷所思[匪夷所思] fěiyísuǒsī unimaginable; outrageous; freakish 虚假[虛假] xūjiǎ false; phony; pretense //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/75 words - 21 min 选点[選點] xuǎndiǎn to choose an appropriate location 心碎[心碎] xīnsuì heartbroken; extreme depth of sorrow 往往[往往] wǎngwǎng usually; in many cases; more often than not 敢于[敢於] gǎnyú to have the courage to do sth; to dare to; bold in 酿[釀] niàng to ferment; to brew; to make honey (of bees); to lead to; to form gradually; wine; stuffed vegetables (cooking method) 美酒[美酒] měijiǔ good wine; fine liquor 清爽[清爽] qīngshuǎng fresh and cool; relaxed 甘泉[甘泉] Gānquán Ganquan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi 磨合[磨合] móhé to break in; to wear in 情窦初开[情竇初開] qíngdòuchūkāi first awakening of love (usually of a girl) (idiom) 可能性[可能性] kěnéngxìng possibility; probability 番[番] fān foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier for occurrences (of an event, action or speech utterance); classifier for iterations: times, -fold (as in twofold etc); classifier for situations: kind, sort 重视[重視] zhòngshì to attach importance to sth; to value 视觉[視覺] shìjué sight; vision; visual 允许[允許] yǔnxǔ to permit; to allow 分段[分段] fēnduàn segment 闪过[閃過] shǎnguò to flash through (one's mind); to dodge (away from pursuers) 打死[打死] dǎsǐ to kill; to beat to death 想不到[想不到] xiǎngbudào unexpected; hard to imagine; it had not occurred to me; who could have thought that 半点[半點] bàndiǎn the least bit 励志[勵志] lìzhì to encourage; encouragement 听起来[聽起來] tīngqilai to sound like 烫伤[燙傷] tàngshāng to scald 额头[額頭] étóu forehead 闭着[閉著] bìzhe closed //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/100 words - 26 min 说来话长[說來話長] shuōláihuàcháng start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly 跟进[跟進] gēnjìn to follow; to follow up 毁[毀] huǐ to destroy; to damage; to ruin; to defame; to slander 矮[矮] ǎi low; short (in length) 人儿[人兒] rénr5 figurine 爱人[愛人] àiren spouse (PRC); lover (non-PRC); CL:個|个[ge4] 巨人[巨人] jùrén giant 寸头[寸頭] cùntóu (male hair style) crew cut; butch cut 绵羊[綿羊] miányáng sheep 顶楼[頂樓] dǐnglóu top floor; attic; loft; garret; penthouse; (flat) rooftop (often used as an outdoor living area etc) 加盖[加蓋] jiāgài to seal (with official stamp); to stamp; fig. to ratify; to put lid on (cooking pot); to cap; to build an extension or additional storey 阁楼[閣樓] gélóu garret; loft; attic 滴滴[滴滴] Dīdī DiDi, app-based transportation company (abbr. for 滴滴出行[Di1 di1 Chu1 xing2]) 幽默[幽默] yōumò (loanword) humor; humorous 烟火[煙火] yānhuǒ smoke and fire; fireworks 不甘寂寞[不甘寂寞] bùgānjìmò unwilling to remain lonely or idle; unwilling to be left out 紧紧[緊緊] jǐnjǐn closely; tightly 贪心[貪心] tānxīn greedy 思念[思念] sīniàn to think of; to long for; to miss 时光[時光] shíguāng time; era; period of time 悄悄[悄悄] qiāoqiāo quietly; secretly; stealthily; quiet; worried; Taiwan pr. [qiao3 qiao3] 摇[搖] yáo to shake; to rock; to row; to crank 酸[酸] suān sour; tart; sick at heart; grieved; sore; aching; pedantic; impractical; to make sarcastic remarks about sb; an acid 苹果[蘋果] píngguǒ apple; CL:個|个[ge4],顆|颗[ke1] 催眠[催眠] cuīmián hypnosis //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/125 words - 33 min 粉红[粉紅] fěnhóng pink 呜[嗚] wū (onom.) for humming or whimpering 平安[平安] píng'ān safe and sound; well; without mishap; quiet and safe; at peace 前往[前往] qiánwǎng to leave for; to proceed towards; to go 坐好[坐好] zuòhǎo to sit properly; to sit up straight 操[操] cāo to grasp; to hold; to operate; to manage; to control; to steer; to exercise; to drill (practice); to play; to speak (a language) 遵命[遵命] zūnmìng to follow your orders; to do as you bid 端庄[端莊] duānzhuāng dignified; composed 空空如也[空空如也] kōngkōngrúyě as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft; to have nothing; vacuous; hollow; empty (argument, head etc) 大大[大大] dàdà greatly; enormously; (dialect) dad; uncle 汗[汗] hàn perspiration; sweat; CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1]; to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection) 小组[小組] xiǎozǔ group 总分[總分] zǒngfēn overall score; total points 排名[排名] páimíng to rank (1st, 2nd etc); ranking 第五[第五] dìwǔ fifth 前程[前程] qiánchéng future (career etc) prospects 感到[感到] gǎndào to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect 庆幸[慶幸] qìngxìng to rejoice; to be glad 庭[庭] tíng main hall; front courtyard; law court 从头到尾[從頭到尾] cóngtóudàowěi from start to finish; from head to tail; the whole (thing) 度过[度過] dùguò to pass; to spend (time); to survive; to get through 台阶[臺階] táijiē steps; flight of steps; step (over obstacle); fig. way out of an embarrassing situation; bench (geology) 层[層] céng layer; stratum; laminated; floor (of a building); storey; classifier for layers; repeated; sheaf (math.) 摔倒[摔倒] shuāidǎo to fall down; to slip and fall; to throw sb to the ground 讹[訛] é error; false; to extort //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/150 words - 38 min 狐狸[狐狸] húli fox; fig. sly and treacherous person 温馨[溫馨] wēnxīn comfort; soft and fragrant; warm 癫狂[癲狂] diānkuáng deranged; mad; cracked; zany 沉思[沉思] chénsī to contemplate; to ponder; contemplation; meditation 妍[妍] yán beautiful 多愁善感[多愁善感] duōchóushàngǎn melancholy and moody (idiom); depressed personality 底气[底氣] dǐqì lung capacity; lung power; stamina; confidence 与众不同[與眾不同] yǔzhòngbùtóng to stand out from the masses (idiom) 耗[耗] hào to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander; news; (coll.) to delay; to dilly-dally 体力[體力] tǐlì physical strength; physical power 马步[馬步] mǎbù horse stance (martial arts) 扎实[扎實] zhāshi strong; solid; sturdy; firm; practical 大力[大力] dàlì energetically; vigorously 工作人员[工作人員] gōngzuòrényuán staff member 楼下[樓下] lóuxià downstairs 灰[灰] huī ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected 年久失修[年久失修] niánjiǔshīxiū old and in a state of disrepair (idiom); dilapidated 凌乱[凌亂] língluàn messy; disarrayed; disheveled; chaos 不动[不動] bùdòng motionless 身心交瘁[身心交瘁] shēnxīnjiāocuì worn out in body and soul (idiom) 瘫[癱] tān paralyzed 力不从心[力不從心] lìbùcóngxīn less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish; the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak 大写[大寫] dàxiě capital letters; uppercase letters; block letters; banker's anti-fraud numerals 疲惫[疲憊] píbèi beaten; exhausted; tired 落地[落地] luòdì to fall to the ground; to be set on the ground; to reach to the ground; to be born; (of a plane) to land //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/175 words - 40 min 盒[盒] hé small box; case 妆[妝] zhuāng (of a woman) to adorn oneself; makeup; adornment; trousseau; stage makeup and costume 蛋[蛋] dàn egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2]; oval-shaped thing 刘海[劉海] liúhǎi bangs; fringe (hair) 精致[精緻] jīngzhì delicate; fine; exquisite; refined 抓包[抓包] zhuābāo to catch sb in the act 眼影[眼影] yǎnyǐng eye shadow (cosmetics) 噢[噢] ō Oh! 暗中[暗中] ànzhōng in the dark; in secret; on the sly; surreptitiously 举[舉] jǔ to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect; act; move; deed 果汁[果汁] guǒzhī fruit juice 美貌[美貌] měimào good looks; beauty; good-looking 高冷[高冷] gāolěng reserved; aloof; (geography) (of a location) elevated and cold 时时刻刻[時時刻刻] shíshíkèkè at all times 外貌[外貌] wàimào profile; appearance 风暴[風暴] fēngbào storm; violent commotion; fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc) 雷电[雷電] léidiàn thunder and lightning 抹去[抹去] mǒqù to erase 嘶吼[嘶吼] sīhǒu to yell; to shout 呼[呼] hū to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale 贯穿[貫穿] guànchuān to run through; a connecting thread from beginning to end; to link 千里[千里] qiānlǐ a thousand miles; a thousand li (i.e. 500 kilometers); a long distance 边界[邊界] biānjiè boundary; border 开课[開課] kāikè school begins; give a course; teach a subject 强迫[強迫] qiǎngpò to compel; to force //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/200 words - 45 min 倾斜[傾斜] qīngxié to incline; to lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt 下巴[下巴] xiàba chin; CL:個|个[ge4] 位于[位於] wèiyú to be located at; to be situated at; to lie 中央[中央] zhōngyāng central; middle; center; central authorities (of a state) 苏醒[甦醒] sūxǐng to come to; to awaken; to regain consciousness 瓶子[瓶子] píngzi bottle; CL:個|个[ge4] 作用[作用] zuòyòng to act on; to affect; action; function; activity; impact; result; effect; purpose; intent; to play a role; corresponds to English -ity, -ism, -ization; CL:個|个[ge4] 优点[優點] yōudiǎn merit; benefit; strong point; advantage; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 凸出[凸出] tūchū to protrude; to stick out 凸[凸] tū to stick out; protruding; convex; male (connector etc); Taiwan pr. [tu2] 往后[往後] wǎnghòu from now on; in the future; time to come 同步[同步] tóngbù synchronous; to synchronize; to keep step with 调节[調節] tiáojié to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc) 合为[合為] héwéi to combine 死磕[死磕] sǐkē (coll.) to fight to the death 首先[首先] shǒuxiān first (of all); in the first place 贼[賊] zéi thief; traitor; wily; deceitful; evil; extremely 坐下[坐下] zuòxia to sit down 前后[前後] qiánhòu around; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear 歪[歪] wāi askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious; (coll.) to lie on one's side 手背[手背] shǒubèi back of the hand 赞美[讚美] zànměi to admire; to praise; to eulogize 机器[機器] jīqì machine; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4] 细微[細微] xìwēi tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments) 莫大[莫大] mòdà greatest; most important //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/225 words - 50 min 好事[好事] hǎoshì good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed"); charity; happy occasion; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony for the souls of the dead 托[托] tuō prop; support (for weight); rest (e.g. arm rest); thanks to; to hold in one's hand; to support in one's palm; to give; to base; to commit; to set; torr (unit of pressure) 剃[剃] tì to shave 刮[刮] guā to scrape; to blow; to shave; to plunder; to extort 杠[杠] gāng flagpole; footbridge 大师[大師] dàshī great master; master 壮[壯] zhuàng to strengthen; strong; robust 汉[漢] hàn man 哈[哈] hā (interj.) ha!; (onom. for laughter); (slang) to be infatuated with; to adore; abbr. for 哈士奇[ha1 shi4 qi2], husky (dog) 欧[歐] ōu (used for transliteration); old variant of 謳|讴[ou1] 霸[霸] bà hegemon; tyrant; lord; feudal chief; to rule by force; to usurp; (in modern advertising) master 氏[氏] shì clan name; maiden name 疗法[療法] liáofǎ therapy; treatment 臭屁[臭屁] chòupì (coll.) self-important; puffed up 哎呀[哎呀] āiyā interjection of wonder, shock or admiration 连连[連連] liánlián repeatedly; again and again 制服[制服] zhìfú to subdue; to check; to bring under control; (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status; uniform (army, party, school etc); livery (for company employees); CL:套[tao4] 航天飞机[航天飛機] hángtiānfēijī space shuttle 隶属[隸屬] lìshǔ to belong to (a category); to be attached to 北极圈[北極圈] Běijíquān Arctic Circle 阿拉斯加[阿拉斯加] Ālāsījiā Alaska, US state 山巅[山巔] shāndiān summit 增[增] zēng to increase; to expand; to add 肥[肥] féi fat; fertile; loose-fitting or large; to fertilize; to become rich by illegal means; fertilizer; manure 童子[童子] tóngzǐ boy //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/250 words - 52 min 功[功] gōng meritorious deed or service; achievement; result; service; accomplishment; work (physics) 演绎[演繹] yǎnyì (of a story etc) to unfold; to play out; to develop (a technique etc); to enact; (logic) to deduce; to infer 大多[大多] dàduō for the most part; many; most; the greater part; mostly 泰语[泰語] Tàiyǔ Thai (language) 即兴[即興] jíxìng improvisation (in the arts); impromptu; extemporaneous 玩笑[玩笑] wánxiào to joke; joke; jest 打架[打架] dǎjià to fight; to scuffle; to come to blows; CL:場|场[chang2] 主持[主持] zhǔchí to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to uphold; to stand for (justice etc); to host (a TV or radio program etc); (TV) anchor 师父[師父] shīfu used for 師傅|师傅 (in Taiwan); master; qualified worker 慌乱[慌亂] huāngluàn frenetic; hurried 围墙[圍牆] wéiqiáng perimeter wall; fence; CL:道[dao4] 崩裂[崩裂] bēngliè to rupture; to burst open; to break up 瓦解[瓦解] wǎjiě to collapse; to disintegrate; to crumble 清晨[清晨] qīngchén early morning 覆[覆] fù to cover; to overflow; to overturn; to capsize 尽头[盡頭] jìntóu end; extremity; limit 黑洞[黑洞] hēidòng (astronomy) black hole 拼死[拼死] pīnsǐ to go all out for sth at risk of one's life 根源[根源] gēnyuán origin; root (cause) 解[解] jiě to divide; to break up; to split; to separate; to dissolve; to solve; to melt; to remove; to untie; to loosen; to open; to emancipate; to explain; to understand; to know; a solution; a dissection 集结[集結] jíjié to assemble; to concentrate; to mass; to build up; to marshal 高耸[高聳] gāosǒng erect; towering; to stand tall 微弱[微弱] wēiruò weak; faint; feeble 席卷[席捲] xíjuǎn to engulf; to sweep; to carry away everything 漩[漩] xuán whirlpool; eddy; also pr. [xuan4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/275 words - 54 min 袭击[襲擊] xíjī attack (esp. surprise attack); raid; to attack 眼前[眼前] yǎnqián before one's eyes; now; at present 微光[微光] wēiguāng glimmer 点亮[點亮] diǎnliàng to illuminate; to turn on the lights; to light (a blaze) 深渊[深淵] shēnyuān abyss 光辉[光輝] guānghuī radiance; glory; brilliant; magnificent 忍[忍] rěn to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to restrain oneself 傲慢[傲慢] àomàn arrogant; haughty 嘲讽[嘲諷] cháofěng to sneer at; to ridicule; to taunt 回神[回神] huíshén to collect one's thoughts (after being surprised or shocked); to snap out of it (after being lost in thought) 复兴[復興] fùxīng to revive; to rejuvenate 旷野[曠野] kuàngyě wilderness 开拓[開拓] kāituò to break new ground (for agriculture); to open up (a new seam); to develop (border regions); fig. to open up (new horizons) 触碰[觸碰] chùpèng to touch; (fig.) to touch on (a matter) 数万[數萬] shùwàn several tens of thousands; many thousand 战役[戰役] zhànyì military campaign 旗帜[旗幟] qízhì ensign; flag 历经[歷經] lìjīng to experience; to go through 摧残[摧殘] cuīcán to ravage; to ruin 俯瞰[俯瞰] fǔkàn to overlook; to look down from a height 盛[盛] shèng flourishing; vigorous; magnificent; extensively 绽[綻] zhàn to burst open; to split at the seam 扭曲[扭曲] niǔqū to twist; to warp; to distort 事实[事實] shìshí fact; CL:個|个[ge4] 捏造[捏造] niēzào to make up; to fabricate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/300 words - 57 min 汹涌[洶湧] xiōngyǒng to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent 吞噬[吞噬] tūnshì to swallow; to engulf; to gobble up 天地[天地] tiāndì heaven and earth; world; scope; field of activity 崩[崩] bēng to collapse; to fall into ruins; death of king or emperor; demise 裂[裂] liè to split; to crack; to break open; to rend 亿[億] yì 100 million 不变[不變] bùbiàn constant; unvarying; (math.) invariant 咆[咆] páo to roar 啸[嘯] xiào to hiss; to whistle 声嘶力竭[聲嘶力竭] shēngsīlìjié to shout oneself hoarse (idiom) 睁[睜] zhēng to open (one's eyes) 惧[懼] jù to fear 畏[畏] wèi to fear 光驱[光驅] guāngqū CD or DVD Drive; abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器 锁链[鎖鏈] suǒliàn chains; shackles 创新[創新] chuàngxīn innovation; to bring forth new ideas; to blaze new trails 失控[失控] shīkòng to go out of control 裂开[裂開] lièkāi to split open 失声[失聲] shīshēng to lose one's voice; (to cry out) involuntarily 节约[節約] jiéyuē to economize; to conserve (resources); economy; frugal 嗓[嗓] sǎng throat; voice 预测[預測] yùcè to forecast; to predict 获奖[獲獎] huòjiǎng to win an award 窒息[窒息] zhìxī to choke; to stifle; to suffocate 救护车[救護車] jiùhùchē ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/325 words - 63 min 咱们[咱們] zánmen we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); (dialect) I or me; (dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you; also pr. [za2 men5] 余地[餘地] yúdì margin; leeway 零头[零頭] língtóu odd; scrap; remainder 不得了[不得了] bùdéliǎo desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly 肖[肖] xiào similar; resembling; to resemble; to be like 抒情[抒情] shūqíng to express emotion; lyric 一半[一半] yībàn half 心里有数[心裡有數] xīnlǐyǒushù to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation 提炼[提煉] tíliàn to extract (ore, minerals etc); to refine; to purify; to process 白天[白天] báitiān daytime; during the day; day; CL:個|个[ge4] 更替[更替] gēngtì to take over (from one another); to alternate; to replace; to relay 出席[出席] chūxí to attend; to participate; present 回响[迴響] huíxiǎng to echo; to reverberate; to respond; echo; response; reaction 守候[守候] shǒuhòu to wait for; to expect; to keep watch; to watch over; to nurse 争吵[爭吵] zhēngchǎo to quarrel; dispute 早安[早安] zǎo'ān Good morning! 路边[路邊] lùbiān curb; roadside; wayside 惨痛[慘痛] cǎntòng bitter; painful; deeply distressed 叮嘱[叮囑] dīngzhǔ to warn repeatedly; to urge; to exhort again and again 最新[最新] zuìxīn latest; newest 展出[展出] zhǎnchū to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit 油画[油畫] yóuhuà oil painting 街道[街道] jiēdào street; CL:條|条[tiao2]; subdistrict; residential district 狂欢[狂歡] kuánghuān party; carousal; hilarity; merriment; whoopee; to carouse 静坐[靜坐] jìngzuò to sit quietly; to meditate; to stage a sit-in //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/350 words - 69 min 冥想[冥想] míngxiǎng to meditate; meditation 心理[心理] xīnlǐ mental; psychological 理顺[理順] lǐshùn to straighten out; to sort out; to organize 被动[被動] bèidòng passive 攻克[攻克] gōngkè to capture; to take; to overcome; to solve 小白[小白] xiǎobái (slang) novice; greenhorn; fool; idiot; abbr. for 小白臉|小白脸[xiao3 bai2 lian3], pretty boy 读[讀] dú to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 朗诵[朗誦] lǎngsòng to read aloud with expression; to recite; to declaim 旋[旋] xuán to revolve; a loop; a circle 附[附] fù to add; to attach; to be close to; to be attached 和弦[和弦] héxián chord (music) 难题[難題] nántí difficult problem 复制[複製] fùzhì to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone 瓶颈[瓶頸] píngjǐng bottleneck 四下[四下] sìxià everywhere 处在[處在] chǔzài to be situated at; to find oneself at 不得不[不得不] bùdébù have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can't help it; can't avoid 只不过[只不過] zhǐbuguò only; merely; nothing but; no more than; it's just that ... 病态[病態] bìngtài morbid or abnormal state 旁人[旁人] pángrén other people; bystanders; onlookers; outsiders 太过[太過] tàiguò excessively; too 轻率[輕率] qīngshuài cavalier; offhand; reckless 生来[生來] shēnglái from birth; by one's nature 好说[好說] hǎoshuō easy to deal with; not a problem; (polite answer) you flatter me 外星人[外星人] wàixīngrén space alien; extraterrestrial //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/375 words - 70 min 地球[地球] dìqiú the earth; CL:個|个[ge4] 攻势[攻勢] gōngshì (military) offensive 克隆[克隆] kèlóng clone (loanword) 小羊[小羊] xiǎoyáng lamb 嘴唇[嘴唇] zuǐchún lip; CL:片[pian4] 颤抖[顫抖] chàndǒu to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble 压[壓] yā to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure 楞[楞] lèng variant of 愣[leng4]; to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank 病句[病句] bìngjù defective sentence; error (of grammar or logic) 改掉[改掉] gǎidiào to drop a bad habit 发送[發送] fāsòng to transmit; to dispatch; to issue (an official document or credential) 超标[超標] chāobiāo to cross the limit; to be over the accepted norm; excessive 即刻[即刻] jíkè immediately; instant; instantly 爆[爆] bào to explode or burst; to quick fry or quick boil 接收[接收] jiēshōu reception (of transmitted signal); to receive; to accept; to admit; to take over (e.g. a factory); to expropriate 炸掉[炸掉] zhàdiào to bomb 代替[代替] dàitì to replace; to take the place of 比喻[比喻] bǐyù to compare; to liken to; metaphor; analogy; figure of speech; figuratively 蒸汽[蒸汽] zhēngqì steam 锅[鍋] guō pot; pan; boiler; CL:口[kou3],隻|只[zhi1] 抽象[抽象] chōuxiàng abstract; abstraction; CL:種|种[zhong3] 可行[可行] kěxíng feasible 弃[棄] qì to abandon; to relinquish; to discard; to throw away 工程[工程] gōngchéng engineering; an engineering project; project; undertaking; CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 麻[麻] má generic name for hemp, flax etc; hemp or flax fiber for textile materials; sesame; CL:縷|缕[lu:3]; (of materials) rough or coarse; pocked; pitted; to have pins and needles or tingling; to feel numb //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/400 words - 74 min 堂[堂] táng (main) hall; large room for a specific purpose; CL:間|间[jian1]; relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family; of the same clan; classifier for classes, lectures etc; classifier for sets of furniture 不顺[不順] bùshùn unfavorable; adverse 不稳[不穩] bùwěn unstable; unsteady 笨手笨脚[笨手笨腳] bènshǒubènjiǎo clumsy; all thumbs 课文[課文] kèwén text; CL:篇[pian1] 模仿[模仿] mófǎng to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model 懒散[懶散] lǎnsǎn inactive; careless; lazy; indolent; negligent 弹性[彈性] tánxìng flexibility; elasticity 指[指] zhǐ finger; to point at or to; to indicate or refer to; to depend on; to count on; (of hair) to stand on end 瞧不起[瞧不起] qiáobùqǐ to look down upon; to hold in contempt 骂人[罵人] màrén to swear or curse (at people); to scold or yell at someone 发脾气[發脾氣] fāpíqì to get angry 波动[波動] bōdòng to undulate; to fluctuate; wave motion; rise and fall 过山车[過山車] guòshānchē roller coaster 鬼屋[鬼屋] guǐwū haunted house 喵[喵] miāo (onom.) meow; cat's mewing 小猫[小貓] xiǎomāo kitten 懒[懶] lǎn lazy 哄[哄] hōng roar of laughter (onom.); hubbub; to roar (as a crowd) 斜[斜] xié inclined; slanting; oblique; tilting 出卖[出賣] chūmài to offer for sale; to sell; to sell out or betray 制动[制動] zhìdòng to brake 不成[不成] bùchéng won't do; unable to; (at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be? 担忧[擔憂] dānyōu to worry; to be concerned 萨[薩] Sà Bodhisattva; surname Sa //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep09/410 words - 76 min 瓦[瓦] wǎ roof tile; abbr. for 瓦特[wa3 te4] 三次[三次] sāncì third; three times; (math.) degree three, cubic (equation) 难度[難度] nándù trouble; problem 倒计时[倒計時] dàojìshí to count down; countdown 余光[餘光] yúguāng (out of) the corner of one's eyes; peripheral vision; residual light; light of the setting sun 犹豫[猶豫] yóuyù to hesitate 久等[久等] jiǔděng to wait for a long time 碎片[碎片] suìpiàn chip; fragment; splinter; tatter 核心[核心] héxīn core; nucleus 猫咪[貓咪] māomī kitty //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/25 words - 2 min 阻拦[阻攔] zǔlán to stop; to obstruct 反复[反覆] fǎnfù repeatedly; over and over; to upend; unstable; to come and go; (of an illness) to return 这般[這般] zhèbān like this; this way 小心翼翼[小心翼翼] xiǎoxīnyìyì cautious and solemn (idiom); very carefully; prudent; gently and cautiously 逃避[逃避] táobì to escape; to evade; to avoid; to shirk 约会[約會] yuēhuì appointment; engagement; date; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]; to arrange to meet 熬夜[熬夜] áoyè to stay up late or all night 便宜[便宜] piányi cheap; inexpensive; small advantages; to let sb off lightly 怀旧[懷舊] huáijiù fond remembrance of times past; nostalgia 倍[倍] bèi (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increase or multiply 般配[般配] bānpèi to be well matched; to suit 酣睡[酣睡] hānshuì to sleep soundly; to fall into a deep sleep 单位[單位] dānwèi unit (of measure); unit (group of people as a whole); work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform); CL:個|个[ge4] 音符[音符] yīnfú (music) note; phonetic component of a Chinese character; phonetic symbol; phonogram 倒退[倒退] dàotuì to fall back; to go in reverse 耗费[耗費] hàofèi to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander 卸下[卸下] xièxià to unload 交出[交出] jiāochū to hand over 筹码[籌碼] chóumǎ bargaining chip; gaming chip; casino token 倔强[倔強] juéjiàng stubborn; obstinate; unbending 不停[不停] bùtíng incessant 冲刷[沖刷] chōngshuā to cleanse; to scrub; to scour; to wash down; to erode; to wash away 孤[孤] gū lone; lonely 钟[鐘] zhōng clock; o'clock; time as measured in hours and minutes; bell; CL:架[jia4],座[zuo4] 松垮[鬆垮] sōngkuǎ undisciplined; loose; slack //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/50 words - 3 min 拥挤[擁擠] yōngjǐ crowded; to throng; congestion 攻[攻] gōng to attack; to accuse; to study 拼凑[拼湊] pīncòu to assemble; to put together 支离[支離] zhīlí fragmented; disorganized; incoherent 怀里[懷裡] huáilǐ embrace; bosom 避险[避險] bìxiǎn to flee from danger; to avoid danger; to minimize risk; (finance) hedge 碾[碾] niǎn stone roller; roller and millstone; to grind; to crush; to husk 否[否] fǒu to negate; to deny; not 听话[聽話] tīnghuà to do what one is told; obedient 原地[原地] yuándì (in) the original place; the place where one currently is; place of origin; local (product) 驻守[駐守] zhùshǒu (man a post and) defend 顺着[順著] shùnzhe to follow; following; along 助手[助手] zhùshǒu assistant; helper 住口[住口] zhùkǒu shut up; shut your mouth; stop talking 目送[目送] mùsòng to follow with one's eyes (a departing guest etc) 失踪[失蹤] shīzōng to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for 亏[虧] kuī deficiency; deficit; luckily; it's lucky that...; (often ironically) fancy that... 任意[任意] rènyì any; arbitrary; at will; at random 迟钝[遲鈍] chídùn slow in one's reactions; sluggish (in movement or thought) 稚嫩[稚嫩] zhìnèn young and tender; puerile; soft and immature 本事[本事] běnshi ability; skill 校对[校對] jiàoduì proofreader; to proofread; to calibrate 包围[包圍] bāowéi to surround; to encircle; to hem in 痕迹[痕跡] hénjì vestige; mark; trace 找回[找回] zhǎohuí to retrieve //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/75 words - 10 min 样貌[樣貌] yàngmào appearance; manifestation 遗失[遺失] yíshī to lose; lost 云端[雲端] yúnduān fig. high in the clouds; (in the) cloud (computing) 那时[那時] nàshí then; at that time; in those days 要好[要好] yàohǎo to be on good terms; to be close friends; striving for self-improvement 艰难[艱難] jiānnán difficult; hard; challenging 财富[財富] cáifù wealth; riches 接下[接下] jiēxià continuing on 大牛[大牛] dàniú (coll.) leading light; superstar; badass; (coll.) higher-priced model of Lamborghini 过头[過頭] guòtóu to overdo it; to overstep the limit; excessively; above one's head; overhead 晶晶[晶晶] jīngjīng glistening; gleaming; lustrous 哆[哆] duō quiver; woolen cloth 瑞[瑞] ruì lucky; auspicious; propitious; rayl (acoustical unit) 隋[隋] Suí the Sui dynasty (581-617 AD); surname Sui 嘿[嘿] hēi hey 完美无瑕[完美無瑕] wánměiwúxiá flawless; immaculate; perfect 大错特错[大錯特錯] dàcuòtècuò to be gravely mistaken (idiom) 侮辱[侮辱] wǔrǔ to insult; to humiliate; dishonor 天天[天天] tiāntiān every day 缠[纏] chán to wind around; to wrap round; to coil; tangle; to involve; to bother; to annoy 大错[大錯] dàcuò blunder 冰河[冰河] bīnghé glacier 世纪[世紀] shìjì century; CL:個|个[ge4] 遍地[遍地] biàndì everywhere; all over 花红柳绿[花紅柳綠] huāhóngliǔlǜ red flowers and green willow; all the colors of spring //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/100 words - 11 min 万物[萬物] wànwù all living things 各异[各異] gèyì all different; each unto his own 千篇一律[千篇一律] qiānpiānyīlǜ thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive; once you've seen one, you've seen them all 芭比[芭比] Bābǐ Barbie 不已[不已] bùyǐ endlessly; incessantly 或许[或許] huòxǔ perhaps; maybe 正是[正是] zhèngshì (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as 何不[何不] hébù why not?; why not do (sth)? 扔掉[扔掉] rēngdiào to throw away; to throw out 保留[保留] bǎoliú to keep; to retain; to have reservations (about sth); to hold back (from saying sth); to put aside for later 表彰[表彰] biǎozhāng to honor; to commend; to cite (in dispatches) 南瓜[南瓜] nánguā pumpkin 马车[馬車] mǎchē cart; chariot; carriage; buggy 城堡[城堡] chéngbǎo castle; rook (chess piece) 权杖[權杖] quánzhàng scepter 操控[操控] cāokòng to control; to manipulate 迹象[跡象] jìxiàng mark; indication; sign; indicator 升高[昇高] shēnggāo to raise; to ascend 急速[急速] jísù hurried; at a great speed; rapid (development) 狂飙[狂飆] kuángbiāo hurricane; violent reform or revolution; violent movement or force 垮[垮] kuǎ to collapse; to break or wear down; to defeat 稻谷[稻穀] dàogǔ rice crops 投掷[投擲] tóuzhì to throw sth a long distance; to hurl; to throw at; to throw (dice etc); to flip (a coin) 向上[向上] xiàngshàng upward; up; to advance; to try to improve oneself; to make progress 掀翻[掀翻] xiānfān to turn sth over; to overturn //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/125 words - 18 min 扩[擴] kuò to enlarge 吃亏[吃虧] chīkuī to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get the worst of it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately 嚣张[囂張] xiāozhāng rampant; unbridled; arrogant; aggressive 啥子[啥子] sházi (dialect) what 花花世界[花花世界] huāhuāshìjiè the teeming world; the world of sensual pleasures 风情[風情] fēngqíng mien; bearing; grace; amorous feelings; flirtatious expressions; local conditions and customs; wind force, direction etc 不必[不必] bùbì need not; does not have to; not necessarily 怯场[怯場] qièchǎng to have stage fright 宝石[寶石] bǎoshí precious stone; gem; CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] 闪耀[閃耀] shǎnyào to glint; to glitter; to sparkle; to radiate 花苞[花苞] huābāo flower bud 露出[露出] lùchū to expose; to show; also pr. [lou4 chu1] 尖[尖] jiān point (of needle); sharp; shrewd; pointed 环绕[環繞] huánrào to surround; to circle; to revolve around 素颜[素顏] sùyán a face without makeup 花朵[花朵] huāduǒ flower 开满[開滿] kāimǎn to bloom abundantly 墙[牆] qiáng wall; CL:面[mian4],堵[du3] 天生[天生] tiānshēng nature; disposition; innate; natural 孤独[孤獨] gūdú lonely; solitary 依赖[依賴] yīlài to depend on; to be dependent on 右[右] yòu right (-hand); the Right (politics); west (old) 上衣[上衣] shàngyī jacket; upper outer garment; CL:件[jian4] 瞪[瞪] dèng to open (one's eyes) wide; to stare at; to glare at 对战[對戰] duìzhàn to do battle (with sb) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/150 words - 25 min C位[C位] Cwèi (neologism, c. 2015) (coll.) most prominent position (e.g. in a group photo of entertainers) (loanword from "carry" or "center" or "core") 强队[強隊] qiángduì a powerful team (sports) 应当[應當] yīngdāng should; ought to 赶紧[趕緊] gǎnjǐn hurriedly; without delay 统治[統治] tǒngzhì to rule (a country); to govern; rule; regime 摇摆[搖擺] yáobǎi to sway; to wobble; to waver 小丑[小丑] xiǎochǒu clown 巴巴[巴巴] bābā (suffix) very; extremely 沙沙[沙沙] shāshā rustle 千辛万苦[千辛萬苦] qiānxīnwànkǔ to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations; with difficulty; after some effort 偿[償] cháng to repay; to compensate for; to recompense; to fulfill (hopes etc) 所愿[所願] suǒyuàn wished-for; desired 数来宝[數來寶] shǔláibǎo folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clapper board rhythm 基本上[基本上] jīběnshang basically; on the whole 预想[預想] yùxiǎng to anticipate; to expect 区分[區分] qūfēn to differentiate; to draw a distinction; to divide into categories 层次[層次] céngcì layer; level; gradation; arrangement of ideas; (a person's) standing 花心思[花心思] huāxīnsī to think through; to invest effort in thinking about; to consider thoroughly 搞好[搞好] gǎohǎo to do well at; to do a good job 忽略[忽略] hūlüè to neglect; to overlook; to ignore 高低[高低] gāodī height; altitude (aviation); pitch (music); ups and downs (success or failure); whether sth is right or wrong; comparative strength, weight, depth, stature; (spoken interjection) anyway, whatever; eventually, in the end 人格[人格] réngé personality; integrity; dignity 纯粹[純粹] chúncuì pure; unadulterated; purely; completely 驾驶[駕駛] jiàshǐ to pilot (ship, airplane etc); to drive 火力[火力] huǒlì fire; firepower //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/175 words - 27 min 保险[保險] bǎoxiǎn insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to; CL:份[fen4] 攻击[攻擊] gōngjī to attack; to accuse; to charge; an attack (terrorist or military) 畏惧[畏懼] wèijù to fear; to dread; foreboding 正义[正義] zhèngyì justice; righteousness; just; righteous 皇后[皇后] huánghòu empress; imperial consort 小钢炮[小鋼砲] xiǎogāngpào (coll.) piece of light artillery such as a mortar; (fig.) person who speaks boldly and frankly; hot hatch (car); (also used figuratively with various meanings in other contexts) 占领[佔領] zhànlǐng to occupy (a territory); to hold 释放[釋放] shìfàng to release; to set free; to liberate (a prisoner); to discharge 规避[規避] guībì to evade; to dodge 怀[懷] huái bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child) 揣[揣] chuāi to put into (one's pockets, clothes); Taiwan pr. [chuai3] 揣[揣] chuǎi to estimate; to guess; to figure; to surmise 宣告[宣告] xuāngào to declare; to proclaim 嚼舌头[嚼舌頭] jiáoshétóu to gossip; to argue unnecessarily 小动作[小動作] xiǎodòngzuò bad habit (e.g. nose-picking); petty maneuver; dirty trick; gamesmanship 做事[做事] zuòshì to work; to handle matters; to have a job 拖延[拖延] tuōyán to delay; to put off; to procrastinate 气质[氣質] qìzhì temperament; personality traits; manners 沉睡[沉睡] chénshuì to be fast asleep; (fig.) to lie dormant; to lie undiscovered 塔[塔] tǎ pagoda; tower; minaret; stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo); CL:座[zuo4] 致敬[致敬] zhìjìng to greet; to pay respects to 徘徊[徘徊] páihuái to dither; to hesitate; to pace back and forth; by ext. to hover around; to linger 哭泣[哭泣] kūqì to weep 迎击[迎擊] yíngjī to face an attack; to repulse the enemy 众人[眾人] zhòngrén everyone 熟知[熟知] shúzhī to be well acquainted with //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/200 words - 34 min 绯红[緋紅] fēihóng crimson; scarlet 女星[女星] nǚxīng female star; famous actress 共存[共存] gòngcún to coexist 恍然[恍然] huǎngrán suddenly (understand sth); in a flash 领悟[領悟] lǐngwù to understand; to comprehend 引路[引路] yǐnlù to guide; to show the way 保护伞[保護傘] bǎohùsǎn protective umbrella; fig. person affording protection (esp. corrupt) 并肩[並肩] bìngjiān alongside; shoulder to shoulder; side by side; abreast 作战[作戰] zuòzhàn combat; to fight 净土[淨土] Jìngtǔ (Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit) 燥[燥] zào dry; parched; impatient 湿透[濕透] shītòu drenched; wet through 行尸走肉[行屍走肉] xíngshīzǒuròu walking corpse (idiom); zombie; person who lives only on the material level 在乎[在乎] zàihu to care about; equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] 键盘侠[鍵盤俠] jiànpánxiá keyboard warrior 飞檐走壁[飛檐走壁] fēiyánzǒubì to leap onto roofs and vault over walls (usually associated with martial arts) 突[突] tū to dash; to move forward quickly; to bulge; to protrude; to break through; to rush out; sudden; Taiwan pr. [tu2] 大腕[大腕] dàwàn star; big shot; celebrity; leading actor; authority (slang) 劲敌[勁敵] jìngdí formidable opponent 装腔作势[裝腔作勢] zhuāngqiāngzuòshì posturing; pretentious; affected 放肆[放肆] fàngsì wanton; unbridled; presumptuous; impudent 炮[炮] pào cannon; CL:座[zuo4]; firecracker 钢[鋼] gāng steel 无时无刻[無時無刻] wúshíwúkè all the time; incessantly 殴[毆] ōu to beat up; to hit sb //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/225 words - 43 min 噩梦[噩夢] èmèng nightmare 以外[以外] yǐwài apart from; other than; except for; external; outside of; on the other side of; beyond 揭晓[揭曉] jiēxiǎo to announce publicly; to publish; to make known; to disclose 洗手间[洗手間] xǐshǒujiān toilet; lavatory; washroom 手心[手心] shǒuxīn palm (of one's hand); control (extended meaning from having something in the palm of one's hand) 幸好[幸好] xìnghǎo fortunately 暂时[暫時] zànshí temporary; provisional; for the time being 需[需] xū to require; to need; to want; necessity; need 巅峰[巔峰] diānfēng summit; apex; pinnacle (of one's career etc); peak (of a civilization etc) 做错[做錯] zuòcuò to make an error 强颜欢笑[強顏歡笑] qiǎngyánhuānxiào to pretend to look happy; to force oneself to smile 逆风[逆風] nìfēng to go against the wind; contrary wind; a headwind 翻盘[翻盤] fānpán to make a comeback; (of a doctor's assessment of the gender of a fetus) to turn out to be wrong 吓疯[嚇瘋] xiàfēng to be scared senseless 夸张[誇張] kuāzhāng to exaggerate; overstated; exaggerated; hyperbole; (coll.) excessive; ridiculous; outrageous 一身[一身] yīshēn whole body; from head to toe; single person; a suit of clothes 天呀[天呀] tiānya Heavens!; My goodness! 嗡[嗡] wēng (onom.) buzz; hum; drone 两句[兩句] liǎngjù (say) a few words 欧式[歐式] Ōushì in the European style; Euclidean 奖励[獎勵] jiǎnglì to reward; reward (as encouragement) 愧[愧] kuì ashamed 群雄[群雄] qúnxióng outstanding heroes; warlords vying for supremacy (in former times); stars (of sports or pop music) 聚在一起[聚在一起] jùzàiyīqǐ to get together 面临[面臨] miànlín to face sth; to be confronted with //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep10/228 words - 44 min 周六[週六] Zhōuliù Saturday 好不容易[好不容易] hǎobùróngyì with great difficulty; very difficult 同行[同行] tóngháng person of the same profession; of the same trade, occupation or industry //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/25 words - 10 min 诱人[誘人] yòurén attractive; alluring; captivating; to attract; to captivate 战胜[戰勝] zhànshèng to prevail over; to defeat; to surmount 取舍[取捨] qǔshě to choose; to accept or reject 悬挂[懸掛] xuánguà to suspend; to hang; (vehicle) suspension 达[達] dá to attain; to reach; to amount to; to communicate; eminent 摩[摩] mó to rub 克[克] kè to be able to; to subdue; to restrain; to overcome; gram; Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares 职位[職位] zhíwèi post; office; position 淤青[淤青] yūqīng bruise; contusion 保不住[保不住] bǎobuzhù cannot maintain (sth); unable to keep; more likely than not; may well 激情[激情] jīqíng passion; fervor; enthusiasm; strong emotion 危机[危機] wēijī crisis; CL:個|个[ge4] 诶[誒] ēi hey (to call sb) 饱[飽] bǎo to eat till full; satisfied 当场[當場] dāngchǎng at the scene; on the spot 补课[補課] bǔkè to make up missed lesson; to reschedule a class 改进[改進] gǎijìn to improve; to make better; CL:個|个[ge4] 占据[佔據] zhànjù to occupy; to hold 优势[優勢] yōushì superiority; dominance; advantage 比起[比起] bǐqǐ compared with 爆发[爆發] bàofā to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out 初心[初心] chūxīn (one's) original intention, aspiration etc; (Buddhism) "beginner's mind" (i.e. having an attitude of openness when studying a subject just as a beginner in that subject would) 总结[總結] zǒngjié to sum up; to conclude; summary; résumé; CL:個|个[ge4] 照常[照常] zhàocháng as usual 严肃[嚴肅] yánsù solemn; grave; serious; earnest; severe //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/50 words - 16 min 吃完[吃完] chīwán to finish eating 干呕[乾嘔] gān'ǒu to retch 比方说[比方說] bǐfangshuō for example; for instance 沉重[沉重] chénzhòng heavy; hard; serious; critical 扛[扛] káng to carry on one's shoulder; (fig.) to take on (a burden, duty etc) 一排[一排] yīpái row 迈出[邁出] màichū to step out; to take a (first) step 检视[檢視] jiǎnshì to inspect; to examine 一口气[一口氣] yīkǒuqì one breath; in one breath; at a stretch 凹凸不平[凹凸不平] āotūbùpíng uneven (surface); bumpy (road) 不平[不平] bùpíng uneven; injustice; unfairness; wrong; grievance; indignant; dissatisfied 凹[凹] āo depressed; sunken; indented; concave; female (connector etc) 时钟[時鐘] shízhōng clock 总监[總監] zǒngjiān head; director (of an organizational unit); (police) commissioner; inspector-general; rank of local governor in Tang dynasty administration 统筹[統籌] tǒngchóu an overall plan; to plan an entire project as a whole 锐[銳] ruì acute 彬[彬] bīn ornamental; refined 潇[瀟] xiāo (of water) deep and clear; (of wind and rain) howling and pounding; (of light rain) pattering 吕[呂] lǚ pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system 忠[忠] zhōng loyal; devoted; honest 训[訓] xùn to teach; to train; to admonish; instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule 撒谎[撒謊] sāhuǎng to tell lies 加班[加班] jiābān to work overtime 花样[花樣] huāyàng pattern; way of doing sth; trick; (sports) fancy-style (as figure skating etc) 专长[專長] zhuāncháng specialty; special knowledge or ability //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/75 words - 24 min 眼光[眼光] yǎnguāng gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things 能干[能幹] nénggàn capable; competent 做饭[做飯] zuòfàn to prepare a meal; to cook 嫌弃[嫌棄] xiánqì to avoid sb (out of dislike); to turn one's back on sb; to ignore 难看[難看] nánkàn ugly; unsightly 买单[買單] mǎidān to pay the restaurant bill 堆[堆] duī to pile up; to heap up; a mass; pile; heap; stack; large amount 亲近[親近] qīnjìn intimate; to get close to 对象[對象] duìxiàng target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend; CL:個|个[ge4] 结结巴巴[結結巴巴] jiējiēbāba stammeringly 篇[篇] piān sheet; piece of writing; bound set of bamboo slips used for record keeping (old); classifier for written items: chapter, article 鬼话[鬼話] guǐhuà lie; false words; nonsense; CL:篇[pian1] 有用[有用] yǒuyòng useful 过后[過後] guòhòu after the event 德行[德行] déxíng morality and conduct; Taiwan pr. [de2 xing4] 矫情[矯情] jiǎoqíng affected; unnatural; pretentious 生日[生日] shēngrì birthday; CL:個|个[ge4] 清醒[清醒] qīngxǐng clear-headed; sober; awake 编号[編號] biānhào to number; numbering; serial number 因此[因此] yīncǐ thus; consequently; as a result 心疼[心疼] xīnténg to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge; to be distressed 默默无闻[默默無聞] mòmòwúwén obscure and unknown (idiom); an outsider without any reputation; a nobody; an unknown quantity 变幻莫测[變幻莫測] biànhuànmòcè to change unpredictably; unpredictable; erratic; treacherous 寄予厚望[寄予厚望] jìyǔhòuwàng to place high hopes 无人问津[無人問津] wúrénwènjīn to be of no interest to anyone (idiom) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/100 words - 29 min 得了[得了] déle all right!; that's enough! 大雁[大雁] dàyàn wild goose; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 样本[樣本] yàngběn sample; specimen 跳出[跳出] tiàochū to jump out; fig. to appear suddenly 火车[火車] huǒchē train; CL:列[lie4],節|节[jie2],班[ban1],趟[tang4] 一望无际[一望無際] yīwàngwújì as far as the eye can see (idiom) 拖后腿[拖後腿] tuōhòutuǐ to impede; to obstruct; to hold back 身心[身心] shēnxīn body and mind; mental and physical 配置[配置] pèizhì to deploy; to allocate; configuration; allocation 硬件[硬件] yìngjiàn hardware 本能[本能] běnnéng instinct 克服[克服] kèfú (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure 楼梯[樓梯] lóutī stair; staircase; CL:個|个[ge4] 明[明] míng bright; opposite: dark 暗[an4]; (of meaning) clear; to understand; next; public or open; wise; generic term for a sacrifice to the gods 发音[發音] fāyīn to pronounce; pronunciation; to emit sound 音高[音高] yīngāo pitch (music); tone 感触[感觸] gǎnchù one's thoughts and feelings; emotional stirring; moved; touched 再不[再不] zàibù if not, then; otherwise 声道[聲道] shēngdào sound track; audio channel 增减[增減] zēngjiǎn to add or subtract; to increase or decrease; to go up or go down 衔接[銜接] xiánjiē to join together; to combine 趴[趴] pā to lie on one's stomach; to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc); (Tw) percent 跨过[跨過] kuàguò to surmount; to cross over 难关[難關] nánguān difficulty; crisis 光明[光明] guāngmíng light; radiance; (fig.) bright (prospects etc); openhearted //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/125 words - 41 min 了[瞭] liǎo (of eyes) bright; clear-sighted; to understand clearly 波罗蜜[波羅蜜] bōluómì jackfruit; breadfruit; Artocarpus heterophyllus 齁[齁] hōu to snore; thirsty from excessively salty or sweet food; (dialect) very; extremely 发慌[發慌] fāhuāng to become agitated; to feel nervous 予[予] yǔ to give 耀[耀] yào brilliant; glorious 老鼠[老鼠] lǎoshǔ rat; mouse; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 大米[大米] dàmǐ (husked) rice 咪[咪] mī sound for calling a cat 甜蜜蜜[甜蜜蜜] tiánmìmì very sweet 漾[漾] yàng to overflow; to ripple; used in place names; see 漾濞[Yang4 bi4] 多变[多變] duōbiàn fickle; multi-variate (math.) 根据[根據] gēnjù according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:個|个[ge4] 窗[窗] chuāng shutter; window; CL:扇[shan4] 夜里[夜裡] yèli during the night; at night; nighttime 动听[動聽] dòngtīng pleasant to listen to 迷糊[迷糊] míhu muddle-headed; dazed; only half conscious 武器[武器] wǔqì weapon; arms; CL:種|种[zhong3] 总得[總得] zǒngděi must; have to; be bound to 中奖[中獎] zhòngjiǎng to win a prize; a successful gamble 尽快[儘快] jǐnkuài as quickly as possible; as soon as possible; with all speed 出错[出錯] chūcuò to make a mistake; error 功臣[功臣] gōngchén minister who has given outstanding service 好感[好感] hǎogǎn good opinion; favorable impression 肥料[肥料] féiliào fertilizer; manure //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/150 words - 47 min 棵[棵] kē classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc 聚集[聚集] jùjí to assemble; to gather 豪华[豪華] háohuá luxurious 刺[刺] cì thorn; sting; thrust; to prick; to pierce; to stab; to assassinate; to murder 秒杀[秒殺] miǎoshā (Internet) flash sale; (sports or online gaming) rapid dispatch of an opponent 树懒[樹懶] shùlǎn sloth (zoology) 辣椒[辣椒] làjiāo hot pepper; chili 石狮子[石獅子] shíshīzi guardian lion, a lion statue traditionally placed at the entrance of Chinese imperial palaces, imperial tombs, temples etc 不分[不分] bùfēn not divided; irrespective; not distinguishing between 津津有味[津津有味] jīnjīnyǒuwèi with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto; to relish; eagerly; with great interest 琦[琦] qí curio; valuable stone 强势[強勢] qiángshì strong; powerful; (linguistics) emphatic; intensive 震慑[震懾] zhènshè to awe; to intimidate 三角形[三角形] sānjiǎoxíng triangle 紧凑[緊湊] jǐncòu compact; terse; tight (schedule) 必[必] bì certainly; must; will; necessarily 熟透[熟透] shútòu completely ripe; ripened; well-cooked 美女[美女] měinǚ beautiful woman 岭[嶺] lǐng mountain range; mountain ridge 神采飞扬[神采飛揚] shéncǎifēiyáng in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor 脖子[脖子] bózi neck; CL:個|个[ge4] 几点[幾點] jǐdiǎn what time?; when? 兼并[兼併] jiānbìng to annex; to take over; to acquire 薯片[薯片] shǔpiàn fried potato chips 力气[力氣] lìqi strength; CL:把[ba3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/175 words - 56 min 呆[呆] dāi foolish; stupid; expressionless; blank; to stay 蚊香[蚊香] wénxiāng mosquito-repellent incense or coil 天上[天上] tiānshàng celestial; heavenly 授课[授課] shòukè to teach; to give lessons 莎[莎] shā katydid (family Tettigoniidae); phonetic "sha" used in transliteration 地心引力[地心引力] dìxīnyǐnlì earth's gravity 狂甩[狂甩] kuángshuǎi to fling vigorously; fig. to reduce drastically 跳跃[跳躍] tiàoyuè to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip 一动不动[一動不動] yīdòngbùdòng motionless 发型师[髮型師] fàxíngshī hair stylist 定型[定型] dìngxíng to finalize (a design etc); stereotype; permanent wave or perm (hairdressing) 喷雾[噴霧] pēnwù mist spray; atomizing 喷发[噴發] pēnfā to erupt; an eruption 胶[膠] jiāo to glue; glue; gum; rubber 海上[海上] hǎishàng maritime 不仅[不僅] bùjǐn not only (this one); not just (...) but also 白菜[白菜] báicài Chinese cabbage; pak choi; CL:棵[ke1], 個|个[ge4] 路人[路人] lùrén passer-by; stranger 盏[盞] zhǎn a small cup; classifier for lamps 灯光[燈光] dēngguāng (stage) lighting; light 叉腰[叉腰] chāyāo to put one's hands on one's hips; also written 插腰[cha1 yao1] 没意思[沒意思] méiyìsi boring; of no interest 追上[追上] zhuīshàng to overtake 耐心[耐心] nàixīn to be patient; patience 慌[慌] huāng to get panicky; to lose one's head; (coll.) (after 得) unbearably; terribly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/200 words - 58 min 方位[方位] fāngwèi direction; points of the compass; bearing; position; azimuth 劲儿[勁兒] jìnr5 erhua variant of 勁|劲[jin4] 没用[沒用] méiyòng useless 弟[弟] dì younger brother; junior male; I (modest word in letter) 倪[倪] ní (literary) small child; limit; bound; extremity; to differentiate; origin; cause 冈[岡] gāng ridge; mound 翰[翰] hàn writing brush; writing; pen 大吉大利[大吉大利] dàjídàlì great luck, great profit (idiom); everything is thriving 万人[萬人] wànrén ten thousand people; all the people; everyman 出神[出神] chūshén spellbound; entranced; lost in thought 蹦极[蹦極] bèngjí bungee jumping (loanword) 欧洲[歐洲] Ōuzhōu Europe; abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1] 前卫[前衛] qiánwèi advanced guard; vanguard; avant-garde; forward (soccer position) 讨论会[討論會] tǎolùnhuì symposium; discussion forum 复出[復出] fùchū to come back out of retirement; to get involved again after having withdrawn 签名[簽名] qiānmíng to sign (one's name with a pen etc); to autograph; signature 零下[零下] língxià below zero 五十[五十] wǔshí fifty 北极[北極] běijí the North Pole; the Arctic Pole; the north magnetic pole 探险[探險] tànxiǎn to explore; to go on an expedition; adventure 为期[為期] wéiqī (to be done) by (a certain date); lasting (a certain time) 撒哈拉[撒哈拉] Sāhālā Sahara 酷热[酷熱] kùrè torrid heat K歌[K歌] Kgē karaoke (slang) 歇斯底里[歇斯底里] xiēsīdǐlǐ hysteria (loanword); hysterical //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/225 words - 59 min 陪睡[陪睡] péishuì to trade sex for favorable treatment (career advancement, higher grades, rent-free accommodation etc); to sleep in the same bed as one's child 无意识[無意識] wúyìshí unconscious; involuntary 串[串] chuàn to string together; to skewer; to connect wrongly; to gang up; to rove; string; bunch; skewer; classifier for things that are strung together, or in a bunch, or in a row: string of, bunch of, series of; to make a swift or abrupt linear movement (like a bead on an abacus); to move across 密码[密碼] mìmǎ secret code; ciphertext; password; PIN 坠入[墜入] zhuìrù to drop into; to fall into 虚拟[虛擬] xūnǐ to imagine; to make up; fictitious; theoretical; hypothetical; (computing) to emulate; virtual 网购[網購] wǎnggòu Internet shopping; to purchase online 自拍[自拍] zìpāi to take a picture or video of oneself; to take a selfie; selfie P图[P圖] Ptú (Internet slang) to photoshop a picture; photoshopped picture 转发[轉發] zhuǎnfā to transmit; to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data); to pass on; to republish (an article from another publication) 按赞[按讚] ànzàn to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media) 十五[十五] shíwǔ fifteen; 15 记不住[記不住] jìbuzhù can't remember 星期三[星期三] Xīngqīsān Wednesday 男友[男友] nányǒu boyfriend 全套[全套] quántào an entire set; full complement 装备[裝備] zhuāngbèi equipment; to equip; to outfit 陶醉[陶醉] táozuì to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in 星期五[星期五] Xīngqīwǔ Friday 洗衣店[洗衣店] xǐyīdiàn laundry (commercial establishment) 海明威[海明威] Hǎimíngwēi Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and journalist 分身[分身] fēnshēn to spare time for a separate task; doppelgänger; sockpuppet (Internet slang) 匿名[匿名] nìmíng anonymous 通关[通關] tōngguān to clear customs; (gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc) 切换[切換] qiēhuàn to switch over; to switch modes or data streams; to cut (to a new scene) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/250 words - 68 min 奉献[奉獻] fèngxiàn to offer respectfully; to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote 界线[界線] jièxiàn limits; bounds; dividing line 过关斩将[過關斬將] guòguānzhǎnjiàng to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom); abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4] 赏脸[賞臉] shǎngliǎn (polite) do me the honor 粉头[粉頭] fěntóu prostitute (old); crafty character (in opera) 胡说八道[胡說八道] húshuōbādào to talk rubbish 揭穿[揭穿] jiēchuān to expose; to uncover 姓名[姓名] xìngmíng surname and given name; full name 说了算[說了算] shuōlesuàn to have the final say; to be the one in charge 特别感谢[特別感謝] tèbiégǎnxiè special thanks; particular thanks 其次[其次] qícì next; secondly 做大[做大] zuòdà arrogant; to put on airs; (business etc) to expand; to enlarge; to do sth on a big scale 注意力[注意力] zhùyìlì attention 转移[轉移] zhuǎnyí to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people) 定局[定局] dìngjú foregone conclusion; to be settled conclusively 可笑[可笑] kěxiào funny; ridiculous 蜘蛛[蜘蛛] zhīzhū spider 着火[著火] zháohuǒ to ignite; to burn 抬[抬] tái to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry 体能[體能] tǐnéng physical capability; stamina 平板[平板] píngbǎn slab; plate; dull; monotonous; tablet (computer) 支撑[支撐] zhīchēng to prop up; to support; strut; brace 要死[要死] yàosǐ extremely; awfully 健美[健美] jiànměi healthy and beautiful; to do fitness exercises; abbr. for 健美運動|健美运动[jian4 mei3 yun4 dong4] 仰卧起坐[仰臥起坐] yǎngwòqǐzuò sit-up (physical exercise) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/275 words - 71 min 乍[乍] zhà at first; suddenly; abruptly; to spread; (of hair) to stand on end; bristling 毒[毒] dú poison; to poison; poisonous; malicious; cruel; fierce; narcotics 鸡汤[雞湯] jītāng chicken stock; chicken soup; (fig.) chicken soup for the soul – i.e. feel-good motivational stories (often used disparagingly because the stories don't really effect change in people's lives) 受用[受用] shòuyòng to enjoy; to reap the benefits (of sth) 标志性[標誌性] biāozhìxìng iconic 腹部[腹部] fùbù abdomen; belly; flank 笨蛋[笨蛋] bèndàn fool; idiot 料理[料理] liàolǐ to arrange; to handle; to cook; cuisine; art of cooking 跳跳糖[跳跳糖] tiàotiàotáng Pop Rocks; popping candy 粥[粥] zhōu congee; gruel; porridge; CL:碗[wan3] 蚵仔[蚵仔] ézi oyster (Taiwanese, POJ pr. [ô-á]) 煎[煎] jiān to pan fry; to sauté 珍珠[珍珠] zhēnzhū pearl; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 棉花[棉花] miánhua cotton 螺蛳[螺螄] luósī river snail 巧克力[巧克力] qiǎokèlì chocolate (loanword); CL:塊|块[kuai4] 面条[麵條] miàntiáo noodles 胸肉[胸肉] xiōngròu breast meat (brisket, chicken breast etc) 蛋黄[蛋黃] dànhuáng egg yolk 翅[翅] chì wing 三分[三分] sānfēn somewhat; to some degree 爆米花[爆米花] bàomǐhuā puffed rice; popcorn 芝麻[芝麻] zhīma sesame (seed) 楼[樓] lóu house with more than 1 story; storied building; floor; CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4] 白色[白色] báisè white; fig. reactionary; anti-communist //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/300 words - 74 min 衬衫[襯衫] chènshān shirt; blouse; CL:件[jian4] 血[血] xuè blood; colloquial pr. [xie3]; CL:滴[di1],片[pian4] 溅[濺] jiàn to splash 鼻尖[鼻尖] bíjiān tip of the nose 踮[踮] diǎn to stand on tiptoe; Taiwan pr. [dian4] 脚尖[腳尖] jiǎojiān the extremity of the foot 匍匐[匍匐] púfú to crawl; to creep 四周[四周] sìzhōu all around 知晓[知曉] zhīxiǎo to know; to understand 震惊[震驚] zhènjīng to shock; to astonish 淤伤[淤傷] yūshāng bruising 不顾一切[不顧一切] bùgùyīqiè reckless; regardless of everything 愤世嫉俗[憤世嫉俗] fènshìjísú to be cynical; to be embittered 硬汉[硬漢] yìnghàn man of steel; unyielding, tough guy 经典[經典] jīngdiǎn the classics; scriptures; classical; classic (example, case etc); typical 知足[知足] zhīzú content with one's situation; to know contentment (hence happiness) 热血沸腾[熱血沸騰] rèxuèfèiténg to be fired up (idiom); to have one's blood racing 女朋友[女朋友] nǚpéngyou girlfriend 即时[即時] jíshí immediate 下风[下風] xiàfēng leeward; downwind; disadvantageous position; to concede or give way in an argument 主导[主導] zhǔdǎo leading; dominant; prevailing; to lead; to direct; to dominate 妈咪[媽咪] māmi mommy (loanword) 出色[出色] chūsè remarkable; outstanding //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/325 words - 85 min 收尾[收尾] shōuwěi to wind up; to bring to an end; to finish 不论[不論] bùlùn whatever; no matter what (who, how etc); regardless of; not to discuss 难易[難易] nányì difficulty; degree of difficulty or ease 陌生人[陌生人] mòshēngrén stranger 弯曲[彎曲] wānqū to bend; to curve around; curved; crooked; to wind; to warp 别[彆] biè to make sb change their ways, opinions etc 白费[白費] báifèi to waste (one's energy etc) 为啥[為啥] wèishá dialectal equivalent of 為什麼|为什么[wei4 shen2 me5] 真棒[真棒] zhēnbàng super!; really great; wonderful 浓墨重彩[濃墨重彩] nóngmòzhòngcǎi thick and heavy in colors; to describe sth in colorful language with attention to detail (idiom) 成就[成就] chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement; CL:個|个[ge4]; to achieve (a result); to create; to bring about 鞭炮[鞭炮] biānpào firecrackers; string of small firecrackers; CL:枚[mei2] 开门红[開門紅] kāiménhóng a good beginning 嘉会[嘉會] jiāhuì auspicious occasion; grand feast 仙女棒[仙女棒] xiānnǚbàng sparkler (hand-held firework) 窜[竄] cuàn to flee; to scuttle; to exile or banish; to amend or edit 礼花[禮花] lǐhuā fireworks 厚[厚] hòu thick; deep or profound; kind; generous; rich or strong in flavor; to favor; to stress 分词[分詞] fēncí participle; word segmentation 拖泥带水[拖泥帶水] tuōnídàishuǐ lit. wading in mud and water; a slovenly job; sloppy 冷艳[冷艷] lěngyàn cool and elegant 定做[定做] dìngzuò to have something made to order 叠加[疊加] diéjiā superposition; layering; overlay 掌舵[掌舵] zhǎngduò to steer (a ship) 先进[先進] xiānjìn advanced (technology); to advance //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep11/336 words - 86 min 伤口[傷口] shāngkǒu wound; cut 哪儿[哪兒] nǎr5 where?; wherever; anywhere 包扎[包扎] bāozā variant of 包紮|包扎[bao1 za1] 创可贴[創可貼] chuāngkětiē band-aid; sticking plaster 失常[失常] shīcháng not normal; an aberration 鼻涕[鼻涕] bítì nasal mucus; snivel 流[流] liú to flow; to disseminate; to circulate or spread; to move or drift; to degenerate; to banish or send into exile; stream of water or sth resembling one; class, rate or grade 豆[豆] dòu bean; pea; CL:棵[ke1],粒[li4]; sacrificial vessel 沈[沈] chén variant of 沉[chen2] 撤掉[撤掉] chèdiào to cut; to throw out; to depose (from office); to tear off 复仇[復仇] fùchóu to avenge; vengeance //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep12/25 words - 1 min 孑孓[孑孓] jiéjué mosquito larva 不独[不獨] bùdú not only 轻狂[輕狂] qīngkuáng frivolous 摇晃[搖晃] yáohuàng to rock; to shake; to sway 枯木[枯木] kūmù dead tree 赐[賜] cì to confer; to bestow; to grant 梦境[夢境] mèngjìng dreamland 蹉跎[蹉跎] cuōtuó (literary) to slip; (of looks etc) to fade away; (of time) to slip away; to squander (time, opportunities); to dillydally 慈悲[慈悲] cíbēi mercy 赤裸[赤裸] chìluǒ naked; bare 靡[靡] mǐ extravagant; go with fashion; not 颓[頹] tuí to crumble; to collapse; to decline; to decay; decadent; dejected; dispirited; balding 痛心[痛心] tòngxīn grieved; pained 肠[腸] cháng intestines 愿[願] yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire; hoped-for; ready; willing 烟[煙] yān cigarette or pipe tobacco; CL:根[gen1]; smoke; mist; vapour; CL:縷|缕[lu:3]; tobacco plant; (of the eyes) to be irritated by smoke 还愿[還願] huányuàn to redeem a vow (to a deity); to fulfill a promise; votive 风趣[風趣] fēngqù charm; humor; wit; humorous; witty 美艳[美艷] měiyàn beautiful and alluring; glamorous; gorgeous 冷面[冷面] lěngmiàn grim; stern; harsh 眨眼[眨眼] zhǎyǎn to blink; to wink; in the twinkling of an eye 枯萎[枯萎] kūwěi to wilt; to wither; wilted; withered; drained; enervated; exhausted 渡[渡] dù to cross; to pass through; to ferry 私奔[私奔] sībēn to elope 含苞待放[含苞待放] hánbāodàifàng in bud; budding //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep12/50 words - 8 min 欲[欲] yù to wish for; to desire; variant of 慾|欲[yu4] 弥[彌] mí full; to fill; completely; more 彰[彰] zhāng clear; conspicuous; manifest 迷人[迷人] mírén fascinating; enchanting; charming; tempting 艳情[艷情] yànqíng romantic love; romance; erotic (novel etc) 透[透] tòu to penetrate; to pass through; thoroughly; completely; transparent; to appear; to show 渗[滲] shèn to seep; to ooze; to horrify 似[似] sì to seem; to appear; to resemble; similar; -like; pseudo-; (more) than 缺氧[缺氧] quēyǎng lacking oxygen; anaerobic 乖张[乖張] guāizhāng recalcitrant; unreasonable; peevish 贪恋[貪戀] tānliàn to cling to; to be reluctant to give up (sth); to have a fondness for (an indulgence etc) 怨[怨] yuàn to blame; to complain 忧[憂] yōu to worry; to concern oneself with; worried; anxiety; sorrow; (literary) to observe mourning 徒[徒] tú disciple; apprentice; believer; on foot; bare or empty; to no avail; only; prison sentence 擦掉[擦掉] cādiào to wipe 擦[擦] cā to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish 抹[抹] mǒ to smear; to wipe; to erase; classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc 厚实[厚實] hòushi thick; substantial; sturdy; solid 着手[著手] zhuóshǒu to put one's hand to it; to start out on a task; to set out 紧扣[緊扣] jǐnkòu to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc) 冲向[衝嚮] chōngxiàng to charge into 灭火[滅火] mièhuǒ to extinguish a fire; firefighting 关子[關子] guānzi climax (in a story) 言喻[言喻] yányù to describe; to put into words 地瓜[地瓜] dìguā sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas); yam (family Dioscoreaceae) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep12/75 words - 14 min 枣[棗] zǎo jujube; dates 山东[山東] Shāndōng Shandong, province in northeast China, short name 魯|鲁[Lu3], capital Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2] 希腊[希臘] Xīlà Greece 掉线[掉線] diàoxiàn to get disconnected (from the Internet) 傍晚[傍晚] bàngwǎn in the evening; when night falls; towards evening; at night fall; at dusk 爱问[愛問] Àiwèn iAsk.com, the search engine of Sina 新浪 喇叭[喇叭] lǎba horn (automobile etc); loudspeaker; brass wind instrument; trumpet; suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4] 播报[播報] bōbào to announce; to read (the news) 针[針] zhēn needle; pin; injection; stitch; CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1] 草莓[草莓] cǎoméi strawberry; CL:顆|颗[ke1]; (Tw) hickey; love bite 落寞[落寞] luòmò lonely; desolate 沮丧[沮喪] jǔsàng dispirited; dejected; dismayed 语气[語氣] yǔqì tone; manner of speaking; mood; CL:個|个[ge4] 迷惘[迷惘] míwǎng perplexed; at a loss 叙事[敘事] xùshì narrative 朗读[朗讀] lǎngdú to read aloud 一来[一來] yīlái firstly, ... 积累[積累] jīlěi to accumulate; accumulation; cumulative; cumulatively 胸腔[胸腔] xiōngqiāng thoracic cavity 大拇指[大拇指] dàmuzhǐ thumb 扣[扣] kòu to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash, spike or dunk (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); (fig.) to tag a label on sb; (Tw) (loanword) code 晓得[曉得] xiǎode to know 奋力[奮力] fènlì to do everything one can; to spare no effort; to strive 伪装[偽裝] wěizhuāng to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage 触[觸] chù to touch; to make contact with sth; to stir up sb's emotions //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep12/88 words - 21 min 挣扎[掙扎] zhēngzhá to struggle 不祥[不祥] bùxiáng ominous; inauspicious 预感[預感] yùgǎn to have a premonition; premonition 魔王[魔王] mówáng devil king; evil person 火锅[火鍋] huǒguō hotpot 评比[評比] píngbǐ to evaluate (by comparison) 制[製] zhì to manufacture; to make 分班[分班] fēnbān to divide people into groups, teams, squads etc 冲进[衝進] chōngjìn to rush in; to charge in 天后[天后] Tiānhòu Tin Hau, Empress of Heaven, another name for the goddess Matsu 媽祖|妈祖[Ma1 zu3]; Tin Hau (Hong Kong area around the MTR station with same name) 答卷[答卷] dájuàn completed examination paper; answer sheet; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1] 逆袭[逆襲] nìxí counterattack 发给[發給] fāgěi to issue; to grant; to distribute //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/25 words - 11 min 落幕[落幕] luòmù the curtain drops; the end of the show 一层[一層] yīcéng layer 玻璃罩[玻璃罩] bōlizhào glass cover; bell glass 罩[罩] zhào cover; fish trap (basket); shade 鸡蛋[雞蛋] jīdàn (chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] 世上[世上] shìshàng on earth 哪像[哪像] nǎxiàng unlike; in contrast to 仍然[仍然] réngrán still; yet 忧伤[憂傷] yōushāng distressed; laden with grief 实际上[實際上] shíjìshàng in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; in practice 全身[全身] quánshēn whole body; em (typography) 确保[確保] quèbǎo to ensure; to guarantee 指正[指正] zhǐzhèng to point out mistakes or weak points for correction; to comment; criticism 自责[自責] zìzé to blame oneself 仨[仨] sā three (colloquial equivalent of 三個|三个) 调查[調查] diàochá investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 自我安慰[自我安慰] zìwǒ'ānwèi to comfort oneself; to console oneself; to reassure oneself 一说[一說] yīshuō an expression of opinion; according to some 忧患[憂患] yōuhuàn suffering; misery; hardship 死于安乐[死於安樂] sǐyú'ānlè see 生於憂患,死於安樂|生于忧患,死于安乐[sheng1 yu2 you1 huan4 , si3 yu2 an1 le4] 开心果[開心果] kāixīnguǒ pistachio nuts; fig. amusing person 好受[好受] hǎoshòu feeling better; to be more at ease 批评[批評] pīpíng to criticize; criticism; CL:個|个[ge4] 不怎么[不怎麼] bùzěnme not very; not particularly 狠心[狠心] hěnxīn callous; heartless //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/50 words - 17 min 是非[是非] shìfēi right and wrong; quarrel 使[使] shǐ to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth; envoy; messenger 拿出[拿出] náchū to take out; to put out; to provide; to put forward (a proposal); to come up with (evidence) 客观[客觀] kèguān objective; impartial 适配[適配] shìpèi adaptation 沟[溝] gōu ditch; gutter; groove; gully; ravine; CL:道[dao4] 光着[光著] guāngzhe bare; naked 仙气[仙氣] xiānqì magic breath 现代舞[現代舞] xiàndàiwǔ modern dance 光脚[光腳] guāngjiǎo bare feet 委员[委員] wěiyuán committee member; committee; council; CL:個|个[ge4] 天线宝宝[天線寶寶] TiānxiànBǎobǎo Teletubbies 贵妃[貴妃] guìfēi senior concubine; imperial consort 蜻蜓[蜻蜓] qīngtíng dragonfly 贞[貞] zhēn chaste 欧美[歐美] ŌuMěi Europe and America; the West 洋气[洋氣] yángqì Western style; foreign flavor; trendy; fashionable 随时随地[隨時隨地] suíshísuídì anytime and anywhere 即[即] jí namely; that is; i.e.; prompt; at once; at present; even if; prompted (by the occasion); to approach; to come into contact; to assume (office); to draw near 有趣[有趣] yǒuqù interesting; fascinating; amusing 松开[鬆開] sōngkāi to release; to let go; to loosen; to untie; to come loose 唉[唉] āi interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!); to sigh 删[刪] shān to delete 麻痹[麻痺] mábì paralysis; palsy; numbness; to benumb; (fig.) to lull; negligent; apathetic 枕头[枕頭] zhěntou pillow //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/75 words - 25 min 订[訂] dìng to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper etc); to order 年份[年份] niánfen particular year; certain year; given year 饲料[飼料] sìliào feed; fodder 重来[重來] chónglái to start over; to do sth all over again 公害[公害] gōnghài public hazard, nuisance 借口[借口] jièkǒu to use as an excuse; on the pretext; excuse; pretext 屁[屁] pì fart; flatulence; nonsense; (usu. in the negative) what; (not) a damn thing 宕机[宕機] dàngjī to crash (of a computer); Taiwanese term for 當機|当机[dang4 ji1] 唷[唷] yo final particle expressing exhortation, admiration etc 哎唷[哎唷] āiyō interjection of pain or surprise; also written 哎喲|哎哟 仙[仙] xiān immortal 观赏[觀賞] guānshǎng to look at sth with pleasure; to watch (sth marvelous); ornamental 位列[位列] wèiliè to rank 东东[東東] dōngdōng (coll.) thing; item; stuff 顺位[順位] shùnwèi rank; place; position 难以置信[難以置信] nányǐzhìxìn hard to believe; incredible 点评[點評] diǎnpíng to comment; a point by point commentary 手指[手指] shǒuzhǐ finger; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 协作[協作] xiézuò cooperation; coordination 顺畅[順暢] shùnchàng smooth and unhindered; fluent 热情[熱情] rèqíng cordial; enthusiastic; passion; passionate; passionately 轰炸[轟炸] hōngzhà to bomb; to bombard; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] 烦恼[煩惱] fánnǎo to be worried; to be distressed; worries 学姐[學姐] xuéjiě senior or older female schoolmate 如痴如醉[如癡如醉] rúchīrúzuì lit. as if drunk and stupefied (idiom); fig. intoxicated by sth; obsessed with; mad about sth //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/100 words - 33 min 想必[想必] xiǎngbì presumably; probably; in all likelihood; surely 嘚[嘚] dē (onom.) for the sound of horsehoofs 有别[有別] yǒubié different; distinct; unequal; variable 日式[日式] Rìshì Japanese style 校服[校服] xiàofú school uniform 冷冷[冷冷] lěnglěng coldly 提出[提出] tíchū to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to post (on a website); to withdraw (cash) 改动[改動] gǎidòng to alter; to modify; to revise 限度[限度] xiàndù limitation; limit 盆[盆] pén basin; flower pot; unit of volume equal to 12 斗[dou3] and 8 升[sheng1], approx 128 liters; CL:個|个[ge4] 冰水[冰水] bīngshuǐ iced water 爸妈[爸媽] bàmā dad and mom 大地[大地] dàdì earth; mother earth 解放[解放] jiěfàng to liberate; to emancipate; liberation; refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949; CL:次[ci4] 天性[天性] tiānxìng nature; innate tendency 姿势[姿勢] zīshì posture; position 当成[當成] dàngchéng to consider as; to take to be 加试[加試] jiāshì to add material to an exam; supplementary exam 呲[呲] cī (coll.) to scold; to rebuke 拿捏[拿捏] nániē to grasp; (dialect) affecting shyness; coy; to create difficulties 马尾[馬尾] mǎwěi ponytail (hairstyle); horse's tail; slender fibers like horse's tail (applies to various plants) 揪揪[揪揪] jiūjiū creased and crumpled; depressed 调戏[調戲] tiáoxì to take liberties with a woman; to dally; to assail a woman with obscenities 蛰[蟄] zhé to hibernate 台词[臺詞] táicí an actor's lines; dialogue; Taiwanese word //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/125 words - 41 min 闯关[闖關] chuǎngguān to crash through a barrier 小伙[小伙] xiǎohuǒ young guy; lad; youngster; CL:個|个[ge4] 迥异[迥異] jiǒngyì totally different 专属[專屬] zhuānshǔ to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal 校园[校園] xiàoyuán campus 宝贝儿[寶貝兒] bǎobèir5 erhua variant of 寶貝|宝贝[bao3 bei4] 豆角[豆角] dòujiǎo string bean; snap bean; green bean 排骨[排骨] páigǔ pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs; (coll.) skinny person 指点[指點] zhǐdiǎn to point out; to indicate; to give directions; to show how (to do sth); to censure; to pick at 大胆[大膽] dàdǎn brazen; audacious; outrageous; bold; daring; fearless 侠[俠] xiá knight-errant; brave and chivalrous; hero; heroic 秧歌[秧歌] yāngge Yangge, a popular rural folk dance 熊熊[熊熊] xióngxióng raging; flaming 低估[低估] dīgū to underestimate; to underrate 酱紫[醬紫] jiàngzǐ dark reddish purple; Internet slang abbr. for 這樣子|这样子[zhe4 yang4 zi5] 玉米[玉米] yùmǐ corn; maize; CL:粒[li4] 水稻[水稻] shuǐdào rice; paddy; CL:株[zhu1] 小麦[小麥] xiǎomài wheat; CL:粒[li4] 土豆[土豆] tǔdòu potato; CL:個|个[ge4]; (Tw) peanut; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 红豆[紅豆] hóngdòu azuki bean; red bean 薯[薯] shǔ potato; yam 红薯[紅薯] hóngshǔ sweet potato 鸡腿[雞腿] jītuǐ chicken leg; drumstick; CL:根[gen1] 盒饭[盒飯] héfàn meal in a partitioned box 锁定[鎖定] suǒdìng to lock (a door); to close with a latch; to lock into place; a lock; a latch; to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten); to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection); to focus attention on; to target //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/150 words - 49 min 百分之[百分之] bǎifēnzhī percent 呗[唄] bei modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm; modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way 死命[死命] sǐmìng doom; death; desperately 脊椎[脊椎] jǐzhuī vertebra; backbone 立马[立馬] lìmǎ at once; immediately; promptly; swiftly 错位[錯位] cuòwèi to misplace; displacement (e.g. of broken bones); out of alignment; faulty contact; erroneous judgment; inversion (medical, e.g. breach delivery) 当晚[當晚] dāngwǎn on that evening 将要[將要] jiāngyào will; shall; to be going to 直视[直視] zhíshì to look straight at 前方[前方] qiánfāng ahead; the front 先头[先頭] xiāntóu in advance; ahead; before; previously 中医[中醫] Zhōngyī traditional Chinese medical science; a doctor trained in Chinese medicine 牵引[牽引] qiānyǐn to pull; to draw (a cart); to tow 节骨眼[節骨眼] jiēguyǎn (dialect) critical juncture; crucial moment; Taiwan pr. [jie2 gu5 yan3] 增加[增加] zēngjiā to raise; to increase 负担[負擔] fùdān burden; to bear a burden 扶[扶] fú to support with the hand; to help sb up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help 尽管[儘管] jǐnguǎn despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 熟练[熟練] shúliàn practiced; proficient; skilled; skillful 扭伤[扭傷] niǔshāng a sprain; a crick; to sprain 医生[醫生] yīshēng doctor; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 对劲[對勁] duìjìn suitable; to one's liking; to get along together 提问[提問] tíwèn to question; to quiz; to grill 除非[除非] chúfēi only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in the case that; unless 昏倒[昏倒] hūndǎo to faint //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/175 words - 52 min 要么[要麼] yàome or; either one or the other 纸灰[紙灰] zhǐhuī ash from burnt paper 劈叉[劈叉] pǐchà the splits (move in dancing); to do the splits; Taiwan pr. [pi3 cha1] 鲜活[鮮活] xiānhuó vivid; lively; (of food ingredients) live or fresh 枝丫[枝丫] zhīyā variant of 枝椏|枝桠[zhi1 ya1] 凋零[凋零] diāolíng withered; wilted; to wither; to fade; to decay 无暇[無暇] wúxiá too busy; to have no time for; fully occupied 谜底[謎底] mídǐ answer to a riddle 代价[代價] dàijià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing) 余晖[餘暉] yúhuī twilight; afterglow 沾[沾] zhān to moisten; to be infected by; to receive benefit or advantage through a contact; to touch 远行[遠行] yuǎnxíng a long journey; far from home 桥[橋] qiáo bridge; CL:座[zuo4] 世[世] shì life; age; generation; era; world; lifetime; epoch; descendant; noble 迟[遲] chí late; delayed; slow 掌心[掌心] zhǎngxīn hollow of the palm 烟波[煙波] yānbō mist covered water 佛[佛] Fó Buddha; Buddhism 执着[執著] zhízhuó to be strongly attached to; to be dedicated; to cling to 怎能[怎能] zěnnéng how can? 附和[附和] fùhè to agree; to go along with; to echo (what sb says) 寿[壽] shòu long life; old age; age; life; birthday; funerary 苦海[苦海] kǔhǎi lit. sea of bitterness; abyss of worldly suffering (Buddhist term); depths of misery 囚[囚] qiú prisoner 翠[翠] cuì bluish-green; green jade //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/200 words - 68 min 影[影] yǐng picture; image; film; movie; photograph; reflection; shadow; trace 无用[無用] wúyòng useless; worthless 盟[盟] méng oath; pledge; union; to ally; league, a subdivision corresponding to prefecture in Inner Mongolia 谓[謂] wèi to speak; to say; to name; to designate; meaning; sense 中游[中游] zhōngyóu the middle stretches of a river; middle level; middle echelon; midstream 上头[上頭] shàngtou above; on top of; on the surface of 充分[充分] chōngfèn ample; sufficient; adequate; full; fully; to the full 脑瓜[腦瓜] nǎoguā skull; brain; head; mind; mentality; ideas 定位[定位] dìngwèi to orientate; to position; to categorize (as); to characterize (as); positioning; position; niche 形态[形態] xíngtài shape; form; pattern; morphology 取得[取得] qǔdé to acquire; to get; to obtain 成果[成果] chéngguǒ result; achievement; gain; profit; CL:個|个[ge4] 理所当然[理所當然] lǐsuǒdāngrán as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right 生还[生還] shēnghuán to return alive; to survive 品尝[品嘗] pǐncháng to taste a small amount; to sample 一家[一家] yījiā the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group 吸氧[吸氧] xīyǎng to breathe; to absorb oxygen 稍稍[稍稍] shāoshāo somewhat; a little; slightly 领先[領先] lǐngxiān to lead; to be in front 气馁[氣餒] qìněi to be discouraged 每人[每人] měirén each person; everybody; per person 屹立[屹立] yìlì to tower; to stand straight (of person's bearing) 松树[松樹] sōngshù pine; pine tree; CL:棵[ke1] 来回[來回] láihuí to make a round trip; return journey; back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly 怅[悵] chàng regretful; upset; despair; depressed //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/225 words - 72 min 失[失] shī to lose; to miss; to fail 行进[行進] xíngjìn to advance; forward motion 传染[傳染] chuánrǎn to infect; contagious 笨[笨] bèn stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy 咨询[咨詢] zīxún to consult; to seek advice; consultation; (sales) inquiry (formal) 免费[免費] miǎnfèi free (of charge) 圈圈[圈圈] quānquan to draw a circle; cliques; circles 吓坏[嚇壞] xiàhuài to be terrified; to terrify sb 座右铭[座右銘] zuòyòumíng motto; maxim 放手一搏[放手一搏] fàngshǒuyībó to put one's all into the fight 看重[看重] kànzhòng to regard as important; to care about 搞砸[搞砸] gǎozá to mess (sth) up; to foul up; to spoil 湖北[湖北] Húběi Hubei Province (Hupeh) in central China, abbr. 鄂[E4], capital Wuhan 武漢|武汉[Wu3 han4] 广西[廣西] Guǎngxī Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区 in South Central China, on the border with Vietnam, abbr. 桂, capital Nanning 南寧|南宁; until 1959, Guangxi province 宁夏[寧夏] Níngxià Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, abbr. 寧|宁[Ning2], capital Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1] 河南[河南] Hénán Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. 豫, capital Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1] 贵州[貴州] Guìzhōu Guizhou province (Kweichow) in south central China, abbr. to 黔[Qian2] or 貴|贵[Gui4], capital Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2] 云南[雲南] Yúnnán Yunnan province in southwest China, bordering on Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, abbr. 滇[dian1] or 雲|云, capital Kunming 昆明 小镇[小鎮] xiǎozhèn small town; village 乡村[鄉村] xiāngcūn rustic; village; countryside 到时[到時] dàoshí at that (future) time 理智[理智] lǐzhì reason; intellect; rationality; rational 自私[自私] zìsī selfish; selfishness 寂寞[寂寞] jìmò lonely; lonesome; (of a place) quiet; silent 深情[深情] shēnqíng deep emotion; deep feeling; deep love //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/250 words - 77 min 容忍[容忍] róngrěn to put up with; to tolerate 天份[天份] tiānfèn variant of 天分[tian1 fen4] 次数[次數] cìshù number of times; frequency; order number (in a series); power (math.); degree of a polynomial (math.) 传译[傳譯] chuányì to translate; to interpret 伙伴[伙伴] huǒbàn partner; companion; comrade 打动[打動] dǎdòng to move (to pity); arousing (sympathy); touching 怀抱[懷抱] huáibào to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) 年前[年前] niánqián before the end of the year; before the new year 沸[沸] fèi to boil 羊[羊] yáng sheep; goat; CL:頭|头[tou2],隻|只[zhi1] 狼[狼] láng wolf; CL:匹[pi3],隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2] 板栗[板栗] bǎnlì Chinese chestnut 潇洒[瀟灑] xiāosǎ confident and at ease; free and easy 鞭策[鞭策] biāncè to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress) 平底锅[平底鍋] píngdǐguō frying pan 卖力[賣力] màilì to work hard; to do one's very best; to throw oneself into the task at hand 评鉴[評鑒] píngjiàn evaluation; assessment 对得起[對得起] duìdeqǐ not to let sb down; to treat sb fairly; be worthy of 追寻[追尋] zhuīxún to pursue; to track down; to search 最初[最初] zuìchū first; primary; initial; original; at first; initially; originally 理想[理想] lǐxiǎng an ideal; a dream; ideal; perfect 布景[佈景] bùjǐng (stage) set 从前[從前] cóngqián previously; formerly; once upon a time 挥[揮] huī to wave; to brandish; to command; to conduct; to scatter; to disperse 挥手[揮手] huīshǒu to wave (one's hand) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/275 words - 79 min 废纸[廢紙] fèizhǐ waste paper 必经[必經] bìjīng unavoidable; the only (road, entrance etc) 终点[終點] zhōngdiǎn the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus; CL:個|个[ge4] 虚伪[虛偽] xūwěi false; hypocritical; artificial; sham 匆匆[匆匆] cōngcōng hurriedly 发誓[發誓] fāshì to vow; to pledge; to swear 了不起[了不起] liǎobuqǐ amazing; terrific; extraordinary 北京[北京] Běijīng Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China; Peking; PRC government 上海[上海] Shànghǎi Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬|沪[Hu4] 广州[廣州] Guǎngzhōu Guangzhou subprovincial city and capital of Guangdong; Canton 深圳[深圳] Shēnzhèn Shenzhen subprovincial city in Guangdong, special economic zone close to Hong Kong 夜半[夜半] yèbàn midnight 忽然[忽然] hūrán suddenly; all of a sudden 无边[無邊] wúbiān without boundary; not bordered 逃[逃] táo to escape; to run away; to flee 清澈[清澈] qīngchè clear; limpid 遥远[遙遠] yáoyuǎn distant; remote 飞越[飛越] fēiyuè to fly across; to fly over; to fly past; (literary) (of one's spirits) to soar 高山[高山] gāoshān high mountain; alpine 谎[謊] huǎng lies; to lie 一套[一套] yītào suit; a set; a collection; of the same kind; the same old stuff; set pattern of behavior 房子[房子] fángzi house; building (single- or two-story); apartment; room; CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1] 抚平[撫平] fǔpíng to flatten; to smooth down; to unwrinkle; (fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds); to heal (scars) 伤痕[傷痕] shānghén scar; bruise 耗尽[耗盡] hàojìn to exhaust; to use up; to deplete; to drain //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep13/288 words - 86 min 面目[面目] miànmù appearance; facial features; look 可憎[可憎] kězēng disgusting 相见[相見] xiāngjiàn to see each other; to meet in person 主旋律[主旋律] zhǔxuánlǜ theme or subject (music) 取代[取代] qǔdài to replace; to supersede; to supplant; (chemistry) substitution 尚未[尚未] shàngwèi not yet; still not 心痛[心痛] xīntòng to feel distressed about sth; heartache; cardiac pain 真真[真真] zhēnzhēn really; in fact; genuinely; scrupulously 砂糖[砂糖] shātáng granulated sugar 洋芋[洋芋] yángyù (dialect) potato 酒窝[酒窩] jiǔwō dimple; also written 酒渦|酒涡[jiu3 wo1] 糟[糟] zāo dregs; draff; pickled in wine; rotten; messy; ruined 迅速[迅速] xùnsù rapid; speedy; fast //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep14/25 words - 20 min 换成[換成] huànchéng to exchange (sth) for (sth else); to replace with; to convert into 泪痕[淚痕] lèihén tear stains 疑问[疑問] yíwèn question; interrogation; doubt 讽刺[諷刺] fěngcì to satirize; to mock; irony; satire; sarcasm 并列[並列] bìngliè to stand side by side; to be juxtaposed 干冰[乾冰] gānbīng dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2); CL:塊|块[kuai4] 奢华[奢華] shēhuá luxurious; sumptuous; lavish 一方面[一方面] yīfāngmiàn on the one hand 拉开[拉開] lākāi to pull open; to pull apart; to space out; to increase 倒数[倒數] dàoshǔ to count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats) 出乎意料[出乎意料] chūhūyìliào beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected 上镜[上鏡] shàngjìng photogenic; to appear on film or in the media 未能[未能] wèinéng cannot; to fail to; unable to 分数[分數] fēnshù (exam) grade; mark; score; fraction 无缘[無緣] wúyuán to have no opportunity; no way (of doing sth); no chance; no connection; not placed (in a competition); (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc 有毒[有毒] yǒudú poisonous 人心[人心] rénxīn popular feeling; the will of the people 房[房] fáng house; room; CL:間|间[jian1]; branch of an extended family; classifier for family members (or concubines) 其貌不扬[其貌不揚] qímàobùyáng (idiom) nothing special to look at; unprepossessing 合理[合理] hélǐ rational; reasonable; fair 等于[等於] děngyú to equal; to be tantamount to 分配[分配] fēnpèi to distribute; to assign; to allocate; to partition (a hard drive) 依据[依據] yījù according to; basis; foundation 无比[無比] wúbǐ incomparable; matchless 名为[名為] míngwéi to be called; to be known as //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep14/50 words - 27 min 遥[遙] yáo distant; remote; far; far away 伸手[伸手] shēnshǒu to reach out with one's hand; to hold out a hand; (fig.) to beg; to get involved; to meddle 下降[下降] xiàjiàng to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease 班级[班級] bānjí class (group of students); grade (in school) 安于现状[安於現狀] ānyúxiànzhuàng to take things as they are (idiom); to leave a situation as it is; to be happy with the status quo 促使[促使] cùshǐ to induce; to promote; to urge; to impel; to bring about; to provoke; to drive (sb to do sth); to catalyze; to actuate; to contribute to (some development) 落下[落下] luòxià to fall; to drop; to land (of projectile) 七十[七十] qīshí seventy; 70 极光[極光] jíguāng aurora (astronomy) 极地[極地] jídì polar region 束[束] shù to bind; bunch; bundle; classifier for bunches, bundles, beams of light etc; to control 冲出[衝出] chōngchū to rush out 冲冲[沖沖] chōngchōng excitedly 并[併] bìng to combine; to amalgamate 备战[備戰] bèizhàn prepared against war; to prepare for war; warmongering 缓冲[緩衝] huǎnchōng buffer; to cushion; to adjust to sharp changes 势必[勢必] shìbì to be bound to; undoubtedly will 蹦[蹦] bèng to jump; to bounce; to hop 要命[要命] yàomìng to cause sb's death; very; extremely; frightening; annoying 不得[不得] bùdé must not; may not; not to be allowed; cannot 嘎[嘎] gá cackling sound 恰巧[恰巧] qiàqiǎo fortunately; unexpectedly; by coincidence 要得[要得] yàodé good; fine 幕[幕] mù curtain or screen; canopy or tent; headquarters of a general; act (of a play) 评判[評判] píngpàn to judge (a competition); to appraise //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep14/67 words - 39 min 吃奶[吃奶] chīnǎi to suck the breast (for milk) 会心[會心] huìxīn knowing (of a smile, look etc) 不至于[不至於] bùzhìyú unlikely to go so far as to; not as bad as 善事[善事] shànshì good deeds 颜[顏] yán color; face; countenance 哈哈[哈哈] hāhā (onom.) laughing out loud 预定[預定] yùdìng to schedule in advance 铁杆[鐵桿] tiěgǎn iron rod; zealous; die-hard 主播[主播] zhǔbō anchor (TV) 轻微[輕微] qīngwēi slight; light; trivial; to a small extent 焦虑[焦慮] jiāolǜ anxious; worried; apprehensive 低调[低調] dīdiào low pitch; quiet (voice); subdued; low-key; low-profile 误读[誤讀] wùdú to misread; (fig.) to misunderstand; to misinterpret 归类[歸類] guīlèi to classify; to categorize 冷落[冷落] lěngluò desolate; unfrequented; to treat sb coldly; to snub; to cold shoulder 崛起[崛起] juéqǐ to rise abruptly (to a towering position); to tower over; to spring up; to emerge suddenly; the emergence (e.g. of a power) 追逐[追逐] zhuīzhú to chase; to pursue vigorously //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/25 words - 15 min 强度[強度] qiángdù strength; intensity; CL:個|个[ge4] 降[降] jiàng to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend 降[降] xiáng to surrender; to capitulate; to subdue; to tame 不止[不止] bùzhǐ incessantly; without end; more than; not limited to 志气[志氣] zhìqì ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit 形状[形狀] xíngzhuàng form; shape; CL:個|个[ge4] 德[德] dé virtue; goodness; morality; ethics; kindness; favor; character; kind 恍惚[恍惚] huǎnghū absent-minded; distracted; dazzled; vaguely; dimly 甘心[甘心] gānxīn to be willing to; to resign oneself to 活泼[活潑] huópo lively; vivacious; brisk; active; (chemistry) reactive 唱法[唱法] chàngfǎ singing style; singing method 整齐划一[整齊劃一] zhěngqíhuàyī to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom) 即便[即便] jíbiàn even if; even though; right away; immediately 过关[過關] guòguān to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard) 注重[注重] zhùzhòng to pay attention to; to emphasize 不必要[不必要] bùbìyào needless; unnecessary 一行[一行] yīxíng party; delegation 近距离[近距離] jìnjùlí close range 着重[著重] zhuózhòng to put emphasis on; to stress 应付[應付] yìngfu to deal with; to cope 锻炼[鍛鍊] duànliàn to toughen; to temper; to engage in physical exercise; to work out; (fig.) to develop one's skills; to train oneself 勤[勤] qín diligent; industrious; hardworking; frequent; regular; constant 昨晚[昨晚] zuówǎn yesterday evening; last night 放在心上[放在心上] fàngzàixīnshàng to care about; to take seriously; to take to heart 督促[督促] dūcù to supervise and urge completion of a task; to urge on 衬[襯] chèn (of garments) against the skin; to line; lining; to contrast with; to assist financially //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/50 words - 24 min 五颜六色[五顏六色] wǔyánliùsè multi-colored; every color under the sun 联系[聯繫] liánxì connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with; to integrate; to link; to touch 也罢[也罷] yěbà (reduplicated) whether... or...; never mind; fine (indicating acceptance or resignation) 跟人[跟人] gēnrén to marry (of woman) 倾诉[傾訴] qīngsù to say everything (that is on one's mind) 您好[您好] nínhǎo hello (polite) 拨打[撥打] bōdǎ to call; to dial 通话[通話] tōnghuà to hold a conversation; to talk over the telephone; phone call 盛会[盛會] shènghuì pageant; distinguished meeting 老板娘[老闆娘] lǎobǎnniáng female proprietor; lady boss; boss's wife 贝尔[貝爾] Bèi'ěr Bell (person name) 超出[超出] chāochū to exceed; to overstep; to go too far; to encroach 输赢[輸贏] shūyíng win or loss; outcome 呼唤[呼喚] hūhuàn to call out (a name etc); to shout 播出[播出] bōchū to broadcast; to air (a TV program etc) 过年[過年] guònián to celebrate the Chinese New Year 做菜[做菜] zuòcài to cook; cooking 第二次[第二次] dì'èrcì the second time; second; number two 灰色[灰色] huīsè gray; ash gray; grizzly; pessimistic; gloomy; dispirited; ambiguous 底层[底層] dǐcéng ground or first floor; bottom (of a pile); lowest rung (of society) 听不见[聽不見] tīngbujiàn not be able to hear 流鼻涕[流鼻涕] liúbítì to have a runny nose 堵住[堵住] dǔzhù to block up 时差[時差] shíchā time difference; time lag; jet lag 尽[儘] jǐn to the greatest extent; (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme; to be within the limits of; to give priority to //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/75 words - 29 min 前线[前線] qiánxiàn front line; military front; workface; cutting edge 武汉[武漢] Wǔhàn Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province 专家[專家] zhuānjiā expert; specialist; CL:個|个[ge4] 拎包[拎包] līnbāo handbag or shopping bag (dialect) 生病[生病] shēngbìng to fall ill 生意[生意] shēngyì life force; vitality 咖啡店[咖啡店] kāfēidiàn café; coffee shop 市场[市場] shìchǎng marketplace; market (also in abstract) 观光区[觀光區] guānguāngqū tourist region; sightseeing area 摊子[攤子] tānzi booth; vendor's stall; organizational structure; scale of operations 咖啡[咖啡] kāfēi coffee (loanword); CL:杯[bei1] 阻止[阻止] zǔzhǐ to prevent; to block 爷爷[爺爺] yéye (coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4] 八十[八十] bāshí eighty; 80 搜[搜] sōu to search 老爷子[老爺子] lǎoyézi my (you etc) old father; polite appellation for an elderly male 积水[積水] jīshuǐ to collect water; to be covered with water; to pond; accumulated water; ponding 年龄[年齡] niánlíng (a person's) age; CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4] 废[廢] fèi to abolish; to abandon; to abrogate; to discard; to depose; to oust; crippled; abandoned; waste 非得[非得] fēiděi (followed by a verb phrase, then – optionally – 不可, or 不行 etc) must 考试[考試] kǎoshì to take an exam; exam; CL:次[ci4] 银幕[銀幕] yínmù movie screen 开导[開導] kāidǎo to talk sb round; to straighten sth out; to enlighten 钢琴[鋼琴] gāngqín piano; CL:架[jia4],臺|台[tai2] 摸爬滚打[摸爬滾打] mōpágǔndǎ to go through challenging experiences; to become seasoned (in one's profession etc) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/100 words - 36 min 这不[這不] zhèbu (coll.) As a matter of fact, ... (used to introduce evidence for what one has just asserted) 海底[海底] hǎidǐ seabed; seafloor; bottom of the ocean 上游[上游] shàngyóu upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream 一类[一類] yīlèi same type; category 1 (i.e. class A) 海平面[海平面] hǎipíngmiàn sea level 俯卧撑[俯臥撐] fǔwòchēng press-up (physical exercise); push-up 停下来[停下來] tíngxiàlái to stop 由于[由於] yóuyú due to; as a result of; thanks to; owing to; since; because 疫情[疫情] yìqíng epidemic situation 延后[延後] yánhòu to postpone; to defer; to delay 转变[轉變] zhuǎnbiàn to change; to transform; shift; transformation; CL:個|个[ge4] 连线[連線] liánxiàn electrical lead; connecting line; (Tw) to connect (to a network, device etc); to go online; connection; (congressional) caucus 相会[相會] xiānghuì to meet together 生下[生下] shēngxià to give birth to 见面会[見面會] jiànmiànhuì meet and greet 阐述[闡述] chǎnshù to expound (a position); to elaborate (on a topic); to treat (a subject) 各个[各個] gègè every; various; separately, one by one 平衡[平衡] pínghéng balance; equilibrium 瑕疵[瑕疵] xiácī blemish; flaw; defect 前提[前提] qiántí premise; precondition; prerequisite 名单[名單] míngdān list of names 候选[候選] hòuxuǎn candidate (attributive) 麦粒肿[麥粒腫] màilìzhǒng sty (eyelid swelling) 肿[腫] zhǒng to swell; swelling; swollen 消肿[消腫] xiāozhǒng to reduce swelling; detumescence; (fig.) to streamline (a bloated bureaucracy etc) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/125 words - 50 min 瓶[瓶] píng bottle; vase; pitcher; CL:個|个[ge4]; classifier for wine and liquids 半个[半個] bànge half of sth 评定[評定] píngdìng to evaluate; to make one's judgment 判决[判決] pànjué judgment (by a court of law); to pass judgment on; to sentence 沉[沉] chén to submerge; to immerse; to sink; to keep down; to lower; to drop; deep; profound; heavy 沉静[沉靜] chénjìng peaceful; quiet; calm; gentle 场合[場合] chǎnghé situation; occasion; context; setting; location; venue 大鱼大肉[大魚大肉] dàyúdàròu dishes with generous amounts of meat and fish; lavish meal 后背[後背] hòubèi the back (human anatomy); the back part of sth 学员[學員] xuéyuán student; member of an institution of learning; officer cadet 领取[領取] lǐngqǔ to receive; to draw; to get 升[升] shēng to ascend; to rise to the rank of; to promote; to hoist; liter; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗[dou3] 适应[適應] shìyìng to adapt; to fit; to suit 施加[施加] shījiā to exert (effort or pressure) 发抖[發抖] fādǒu to tremble; to shake; to shiver 要晕[要暈] yāoyūn confused; dazed 厥[厥] jué to faint; to lose consciousness; his; her; its; their 扯[扯] chě to pull; to tear; (of cloth, thread etc) to buy; to chat; to gossip; (coll.) (Tw) ridiculous; hokey 厚度[厚度] hòudù thickness 打通[打通] dǎtōng to open access; to establish contact; to remove a block; to put through (a phone connection) 班长[班長] bānzhǎng class monitor; squad leader; team leader; CL:個|个[ge4] 粉色[粉色] fěnsè pink; white; erotic; beautiful woman; powdered (with make-up) 落泪[落淚] luòlèi to shed tears; to weep 融[融] róng to melt; to thaw; to blend; to merge; to be in harmony 这下[這下] zhèxià this time //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/150 words - 61 min 溜号[溜號] liūhào (coll.) to slink off 弧度[弧度] húdù radian; arc; curve; curvature 搁[擱] gē to place; to put aside; to shelve 嘴皮子[嘴皮子] zuǐpízi lit. lips; fig. glib talk 冲劲[衝勁] chòngjìn dynamism; drive 甘于[甘於] gānyú to be willing to; to be ready to; to be content with; accepting (of restriction, sacrifice, risk etc) 薄弱[薄弱] bóruò weak; frail 吊儿郎当[吊兒郎當] diàor5lángdāng sloppy 用功[用功] yònggōng diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort 埋头[埋頭] máitóu to immerse oneself in; engrossed in sth; to lower the head (e.g. to avoid rain); countersunk (of screws, rivets etc) 掉队[掉隊] diàoduì to fall behind; to drop out 争气[爭氣] zhēngqì to work hard for sth; to resolve on improvement; determined not to fall short 唱和[唱和] chànghè antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus); sung reply (in agreement with first voice); to reply with a poem in the same rhythm 雀跃[雀躍] quèyuè excited; in high spirits 身后[身後] shēnhòu posthumous; one's social background; behind the body 融入[融入] róngrù to blend into; to integrate; to assimilate; to merge 老样子[老樣子] lǎoyàngzi old situation; things as they were 其余[其餘] qíyú the rest; the others; remaining; remainder; apart from them 说到[說到] shuōdào to talk about; to mention; (preposition) as for 原有[原有] yuányǒu original; former 赞同[贊同] zàntóng to approve of; to endorse; (vote) in favor 消化[消化] xiāohuà to digest; digestion; digestive 一共[一共] yīgòng altogether 升降[昇降] shēngjiàng rising and falling 跑步[跑步] pǎobù to run; to jog; (military) to march at the double //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/175 words - 71 min 蹲马步[蹲馬步] dùnmǎbù to do a martial-art squat 法[法] fǎ law; method; way; Buddhist teaching; Legalist 惯性[慣性] guànxìng inertia 懈怠[懈怠] xièdài slack; lazy; remiss 肉眼[肉眼] ròuyǎn naked eye; layman's eyes 倒下[倒下] dǎoxià to collapse; to topple over 加点[加點] jiādiǎn to work extra hours; to do overtime 无怨无悔[無怨無悔] wúyuànwúhuǐ no complaints; to have no regrets 发放[發放] fāfàng to provide; to give; to grant 加速[加速] jiāsù to speed up; to expedite 阵[陣] zhèn disposition of troops; wave; spate; burst; spell; short period of time; classifier for events or states of short duration 仗[仗] zhàng weaponry; to hold (a weapon); to wield; to rely on; to depend on; war; battle 钉子户[釘子戶] dīngzihù householder who refuses to vacate his home despite pressure from property developers 到处[到處] dàochù everywhere 严谨[嚴謹] yánjǐn rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit 坦然[坦然] tǎnrán calm; undisturbed 汗水[汗水] hànshuǐ sweat; perspiration 短期[短期] duǎnqī short term; short-term 成效[成效] chéngxiào effect; result 过多[過多] guòduō too many; excessive 珍[珍] zhēn precious thing; treasure; culinary delicacy; rare; valuable; to value highly 鞠躬[鞠躬] jūgōng to bow; (literary) to bend down 超越[超越] chāoyuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend 小妹妹[小妹妹] xiǎomèimei little sister; little girl; (coll.) vulva 灰心[灰心] huīxīn to lose heart; to be discouraged //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep15/194 words - 85 min 警惕[警惕] jǐngtì to be on the alert; vigilant; alert; on guard; to warn 概括[概括] gàikuò to summarize; to generalize; briefly; CL:個|个[ge4] 磕[磕] kē to tap; to knock (against sth hard); to knock (mud from boots, ashes from a pipe etc) 绕过[繞過] ràoguò to detour; to bypass; to circumvent; to avoid; to wind around (of a road etc) 湖[湖] hú lake; CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4] 六月[六月] Liùyuè June; sixth month (of the lunar year) 与其[與其] yǔqí rather than...; 與其|与其[yu3 qi2] A 不如[bu4 ru2] B (rather than A, better to B) 不比[不比] bùbǐ unlike 划[划] huá to row; to paddle; profitable; worth (the effort); it pays (to do sth) 辜负[辜負] gūfù to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint 分子[分子] fēnzǐ molecule; (math) numerator of a fraction 取暖[取暖] qǔnuǎn to warm oneself (by a fire etc) 耽误[耽誤] dānwu to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with 蹭课[蹭課] cèngkè (coll.) to sit in on a class 手肘[手肘] shǒuzhǒu elbow 毽子[毽子] jiànzi jianzi (Asian shuttlecock game) 家教[家教] jiājiào family education; upbringing; to bring sb up; private tutor 降级[降級] jiàngjí to demote; to relegate; to degrade 沉甸甸[沉甸甸] chéndiàndiàn heavy //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep16/25 words - 7 min 架[架] jià to support; frame; rack; framework; classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios etc 机[機] jī machine; engine; opportunity; intention; aircraft; pivot; crucial point; flexible (quick-witted); organic; CL:臺|台[tai2] 蒸[蒸] zhēng to evaporate; (of cooking) to steam; torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old); finely chopped firewood (old) 馒头[饅頭] mántou steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; CL:個|个[ge4] 漂[漂] piāo to float; to drift 漂[漂] piào elegant; polished 晋[晉] jìn to move forward; to promote; to advance 也就是说[也就是說] yějiùshìshuō in other words; that is to say; so; thus 冠[冠] guān hat; crown; crest; cap 懂得[懂得] dǒngde to understand; to know; to comprehend 长跑[長跑] chángpǎo long-distance running 配速[配速] pèisù (loanword) pace (running) 挎[挎] kuà to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side) 出局[出局] chūjú to send off (player for a foul); to knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tournament); to eliminate; to call out; to kill off; to pull out of (a competition); to retire (a runner in baseball); out (i.e. man out in baseball) 招数[招數] zhāoshù move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 著數|着数[zhao1 shu4] 似曾相识[似曾相識] sìcéngxiāngshí déjà vu (the experience of seeing exactly the same situation a second time); seemingly familiar; apparently already acquainted 会议[會議] huìyì meeting; conference; CL:場|场[chang3],屆|届[jie4] 席[席] xí woven mat; seat; banquet; place in a democratic assembly; classifier for banquets, conversations etc 拉长[拉長] lācháng to lengthen; to pull sth out longer 不一[不一] bùyī to vary; to differ 略[略] lüè plan; strategy; outline; summary; slightly; rather; to rob; to plunder; to summarize; to omit 显著[顯著] xiǎnzhù outstanding; notable; remarkable; statistically significant 拍摄[拍攝] pāishè to film; to shoot (a picture) 杂志[雜誌] zázhì magazine; CL:本[ben3],份[fen4],期[qi1] 媒体[媒體] méitǐ media, esp. news media 大片[大片] dàpiàn wide expanse; large area; vast stretch; extending widely; blockbuster movie //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep16/50 words - 20 min 转化[轉化] zhuǎnhuà to change; to transform; isomerization (chemistry) 片子[片子] piānzi film; movie; film reel; phonograph record; X-ray image 呵[呵] hē expel breath; my goodness 说不出[說不出] shuōbuchū unable to say 肉麻[肉麻] ròumá sickening; corny; sappy; maudlin; fulsome (of praise) 露齿[露齒] lùchǐ to grin; also pr. [lou4 chi3] 阵亡[陣亡] zhènwáng to die in battle 用尽[用盡] yòngjìn to exhaust; to use up completely 异国他乡[異國他鄉] yìguótāxiāng foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate 拼音[拼音] pīnyīn phonetic writing; pinyin (Chinese romanization) 备注[備註] bèizhù remark; note 外国人[外國人] wàiguórén foreigner 先天[先天] xiāntiān inborn; innate; natural 劣势[劣勢] lièshì inferior; disadvantaged 柜子[櫃子] guìzi cupboard; cabinet 失落[失落] shīluò to lose (sth); to drop (sth); to feel a sense of loss; frustrated; disappointment; loss 半天[半天] bàntiān half of the day; a long time; quite a while; midair; CL:個|个[ge4] 歇[歇] xiē to rest; to take a break; to stop; to halt; (dialect) to sleep; a moment; a short while 松气[鬆氣] sōngqì to relax one's efforts 仪式[儀式] yíshì ceremony 候补[候補] hòubǔ to wait to fill a vacancy; reserve (candidate); alternate; substitute 片段[片段] piànduàn fragment (of speech etc); extract (from book etc); episode (of story etc) 除此之外[除此之外] chúcǐzhīwài apart from this; in addition to this 象征[象徵] xiàngzhēng emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for 会见[會見] huìjiàn to meet with (sb who is paying a visit); CL:次[ci4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep16/75 words - 34 min 一筹莫展[一籌莫展] yīchóumòzhǎn to be unable to find a solution; to be at wits' end 袖子[袖子] xiùzi sleeve 可可[可可] kěkě cocoa (loanword) 爱爱[愛愛] ài'ai (coll.) to make love 来着[來著] láizhe auxiliary showing sth happened in the past 多余[多餘] duōyú superfluous; unnecessary; surplus 变心[變心] biànxīn to cease to be faithful 好容易[好容易] hǎoróngyì with great difficulty; to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc) 滋味[滋味] zīwèi taste; flavor; feeling 阿卡贝拉[阿卡貝拉] ākǎbèilā a cappella (loanword) 贴纸[貼紙] tiēzhǐ sticker 较[較] jiào to compare; to dispute; compared to; (before adj.) relatively; comparatively; rather; also pr. [jiao3] 切[切] qiē to cut; to slice; tangent (math) 切[切] qiè definitely; absolutely (not); (scoffing or dismissive interjection) Yeah, right.; Tut!; to grind; close to; eager; to correspond to; see also 反切[fan3 qie4] 福利[福利] fúlì material benefit; benefit in kind; (social) welfare 后边[後邊] hòubian back; rear; behind 百年[百年] bǎinián hundred years; century; lifetime 充足[充足] chōngzú adequate; sufficient; abundant 敬佩[敬佩] jìngpèi to esteem; to admire 人品[人品] rénpǐn moral standing; moral quality; character; personality; appearance; looks (colloquial); bearing 中心点[中心點] zhōngxīndiǎn center; central point; focus 分水岭[分水嶺] fēnshuǐlǐng dividing range; drainage divide; (fig.) dividing line; watershed 解锁[解鎖] jiěsuǒ to unlock; to release 十万[十萬] shíwàn hundred thousand 裙子[裙子] qúnzi skirt; CL:條|条[tiao2] 裤子[褲子] kùzi trousers; pants; CL:條|条[tiao2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep16/84 words - 45 min 认定[認定] rèndìng to maintain (that sth is true); to determine (a fact); determination (of an amount); of the firm opinion; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; to identify with 全体[全體] quántǐ all; entire 照样[照樣] zhàoyàng as before; (same) as usual; in the same manner; still; nevertheless 短片[短片] duǎnpiàn short film; video clip 不舍[不捨] bùshě reluctant to part with (sth or sb); unwilling to let go of 客户[客戶] kèhù client; customer 墨镜[墨鏡] mòjìng sunglasses; CL:隻|只[zhi1],雙|双[shuang1],副[fu4] 拐[拐] guǎi to turn (a corner etc); to kidnap; to swindle; to misappropriate; walking stick; crutch; seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1]) 里边[裡邊] lǐbian inside //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/25 words - 7 min 发布[發布] fābù to release; to issue; to announce; to distribute 宽[寬] kuān lenient; wide; broad 独木桥[獨木橋] dúmùqiáo single-log bridge; (fig.) difficult path 妥协[妥協] tuǒxié to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise 被迫[被迫] bèipò to be compelled; to be forced 垫[墊] diàn pad; cushion; mat; to pad out; to fill a gap; to pay for sb; to advance (money) 漠[漠] mò desert; unconcerned 坨[坨] tuó see 坨子[tuo2 zi5] 对岸[對岸] duì'àn opposite bank (of a body of water) 睫毛膏[睫毛膏] jiémáogāo mascara 防水[防水] fángshuǐ waterproof 豪言壮语[豪言壯語] háoyánzhuàngyǔ bold, visionary words 好久不见[好久不見] hǎojiǔbujiàn long time no see 过于[過於] guòyú too much; excessively 纸巾[紙巾] zhǐjīn paper towel; napkin; facial tissue; CL:張|张[zhang1],包[bao1] 化妆[化妝] huàzhuāng to put on makeup 保住[保住] bǎozhù to preserve; to save 出汗[出汗] chūhàn to perspire; to sweat 线上[線上] xiànshàng online 全球[全球] quánqiú entire; total; global; the (whole) world; worldwide 会计师[會計師] kuàijìshī accountant 事务所[事務所] shìwùsuǒ office; firm 普[普] pǔ general; popular; everywhere; universal 第三方[第三方] dìsānfāng third party 机构[機構] jīgòu mechanism; structure; organization; agency; institution; CL:所[suo3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/50 words - 15 min 商定[商定] shāngdìng to agree; to decide after consultation; to come to a compromise 公证[公證] gōngzhèng notarization; notarized; acknowledgement 广东[廣東] Guǎngdōng Guangdong province (Kwangtung) in south China, short name 粵|粤[Yue4], capital Guangzhou 廣州|广州 主管[主管] zhǔguǎn in charge; responsible for; person in charge; manager 合伙人[合伙人] héhuǒrén partner; associate 斌[斌] bīn variant of 彬[bin1] 女士[女士] nǚshì lady; madam; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]; Miss; Ms 开封[開封] Kāifēng Kaifeng prefecture-level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former provincial capital of Henan; old name Bianliang 汴梁 拆[拆] chāi to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open 单项[單項] dānxiàng single-item 汇总[彙總] huìzǒng summary; to summarize; to collect (data, receipts etc); to gather and report; also written 匯總|汇总 得出[得出] déchū to obtain (results); to arrive at (a conclusion) 折磨[折磨] zhémó to torment; to torture 总共[總共] zǒnggòng altogether; in sum; in all; in total 治愈[治癒] zhìyù to cure 选举[選舉] xuǎnjǔ to elect; election; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4] 热身[熱身] rèshēn to warm up (sports); (fig.) to prepare; to get in condition 避免[避免] bìmiǎn to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from 数不多[數不多] shùbùduō a small number; one of a very few 编写[編寫] biānxiě to compile 高手[高手] gāoshǒu expert; past master; dab hand 云集[雲集] yúnjí to gather (in a crowd); to converge; to swarm 外国[外國] wàiguó foreign (country); CL:個|个[ge4] 友人[友人] yǒurén friend 难倒[難倒] nándǎo to baffle; to confound; to stump //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/75 words - 25 min 大哭[大哭] dàkū to cry loudly 午餐[午餐] wǔcān lunch; luncheon; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 瞅[瞅] chǒu (dialect) to look at 倘若[倘若] tǎngruò provided that; supposing that; if 全力以赴[全力以赴] quánlìyǐfù to do at all costs; to make an all-out effort 前途[前途] qiántú prospects; future outlook; journey 依次[依次] yīcì in order; in succession 失败者[失敗者] shībàizhě loser 坎坷[坎坷] kǎnkě bumpy (of a road); rough (of life); to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes 进一步[進一步] jìnyībù one step further; to move forward a step; further onwards 路面[路面] lùmiàn pavement 大步[大步] dàbù large strides 区间[區間] qūjiān interval (math.) 山腰[山腰] shānyāo halfway up a mountain; lit. waist of mountain 没脸[沒臉] méiliǎn ashamed; embarrassed; not having the face (to meet people); not daring (out of shame) 植入[植入] zhírù to implant 寝[寢] qǐn to lie down 敲[敲] qiāo to hit; to strike; to tap; to rap; to knock; to rip sb off; to overcharge 吊[弔] diào a string of 100 cash (arch.); to lament; to condole with; variant of 吊[diao4] 单杠[單槓] dāngàng bar; bold line; horizontal bar (gymnastics event) 猜不透[猜不透] cāibutòu to be unable to guess or make out 人手[人手] rénshǒu manpower; staff; human hand 荷[荷] hé lotus 塘[塘] táng dyke; embankment; pool or pond; hot-water bathing pool 商演[商演] shāngyǎn commercial performance //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/100 words - 29 min 服务[服務] fúwù to serve; service; CL:項|项[xiang4] 停机[停機] tíngjī (of a machine) to stop; to shut down; to park a plane; to finish shooting (a TV program etc); to suspend a phone line; (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit 话费[話費] huàfèi call charge 鸟[鳥] niǎo bird; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2]; (dialect) to pay attention to; (intensifier) damned; goddam 屎[屎] shǐ stool; feces; ear wax; nasal mucus 惊险[驚險] jīngxiǎn thrilling; a thriller 跌宕[跌宕] diēdàng uninhibited; free and unconstrained; rhythmical 协调[協調] xiétiáo to coordinate; to harmonize; to fit together; to match (colors etc); harmonious; concerted 舞姿[舞姿] wǔzī dancer's posture and movement 剪辑[剪輯] jiǎnjí to edit (video images, film) 大可不必[大可不必] dàkěbùbì need not; unnecessary 同款[同款] tóngkuǎn similar (model); merchandise similar to that used by a celebrity etc 糟糕[糟糕] zāogāo too bad; how terrible; what bad luck; terrible; bad 上火[上火] shànghuǒ to get angry; to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM) 刷牙[刷牙] shuāyá to brush one's teeth 食堂[食堂] shítáng dining hall; CL:個|个[ge4],間|间[jian1] 开业[開業] kāiyè to open a business; to open a practice; open (for business) 美食[美食] měishí culinary delicacy; fine food; gourmet food 煮[煮] zhǔ to cook; to boil 调味料[調味料] tiáowèiliào seasoning; condiment; flavoring; dressing; essences 招牌[招牌] zhāopai signboard; shop sign; reputation of a business 凤爪[鳳爪] fèngzhǎo chicken feet (cuisine) 香肠[香腸] xiāngcháng sausage; CL:根[gen1] 增长[增長] zēngzhǎng to grow; to increase 心机[心機] xīnjī thinking; scheme //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/125 words - 35 min 卯[卯] mǎo mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon); 4th earthly branch: 5-7 a.m., 2nd solar month (6th March-4th April), year of the Rabbit; ancient Chinese compass point: 90° (east); variant of 鉚|铆[mao3]; to exert one's strength 气死[氣死] qìsǐ to infuriate; to be furious; to die from an excess of anger 肉[肉] ròu meat; flesh; pulp (of a fruit); (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy; (of a person) flabby; irresolute; Kangxi radical 130 脂肪[脂肪] zhīfáng fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food) 瑟瑟[瑟瑟] sèsè trembling; rustling 世界各地[世界各地] shìjiègèdì all over the world; everywhere; in all parts of the world 巴黎[巴黎] Bālí Paris, capital of France 悉尼[悉尼] Xīní Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia 时装[時裝] shízhuāng fashion; fashionable clothes 活动[活動] huódòng to exercise; to move about; to operate; to use connections (personal influence); loose; shaky; active; movable; activity; campaign; maneuver; behavior; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 吃喝玩乐[吃喝玩樂] chīhēwánlè to eat, drink and be merry (idiom); to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure 美人[美人] měirén beauty; belle 眉[眉] méi eyebrow; upper margin 张嘴[張嘴] zhāngzuǐ to open one's mouth (to speak, esp. to make a request); to gape 动不动[動不動] dòngbudòng (typically followed by 就[jiu4]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc); at the drop of a hat 源泉[源泉] yuánquán fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin 班上[班上] bānshàng (in the) class 维他命[維他命] wéitāmìng vitamin (loanword) 颜值[顏值] yánzhí attractiveness index (rating of how good-looking sb is) 谐[諧] xié harmonious 呵呵[呵呵] hēhē (onom.) gentle laughter; chuckle 无忧无虑[無憂無慮] wúyōuwúlǜ carefree and without worries (idiom) 自律[自律] zìlǜ self-discipline; self-regulation; autonomy (ethics); autonomic (physiology) 初出茅庐[初出茅廬] chūchūmáolú venturing from one's thatched hut for the first time (idiom); young and inexperienced; novice; greenhorn 矛盾[矛盾] máodùn contradiction; CL:個|个[ge4]; conflicting views; contradictory //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/150 words - 51 min 对立[對立] duìlì to oppose; to set sth against; to be antagonistic to; antithetical; relative opposite; opposing; diametrical 个体[個體] gètǐ individual 付[付] fù to pay; to hand over to; classifier for pairs or sets of things 笃定[篤定] dǔdìng certain; confident (of some outcome); calm and unhurried 日出[日出] rìchū sunrise 早餐[早餐] zǎocān breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4] 闻到[聞到] wéndào to smell; to sniff sth out; to perceive by smelling 听上去[聽上去] tīngshàngqu to sound (difficult, worthwhile etc); to seem 十九[十九] shíjiǔ nineteen; 19 关联[關聯] guānlián related; linked; affiliated 据悉[據悉] jùxī according to reports; it is reported (that) 劝退[勸退] quàntuì to try to persuade sb to give up (their job, plans etc) 教导[教導] jiàodǎo to instruct; to teach; guidance; teaching 埋藏[埋藏] máicáng to bury; to hide by burying; hidden 早起[早起] zǎoqǐ to get up early 不用说[不用說] bùyòngshuō needless to say; it goes without saying 击败[擊敗] jībài to defeat; to beat 场景[場景] chǎngjǐng scene; scenario; setting 要冲[要衝] yàochōng road hub; major crossroad 遇见[遇見] yùjiàn to meet 来信[來信] láixìn incoming letter; send a letter here 史上[史上] shǐshàng in history 重磅[重磅] zhòngbàng heavyweight; serious 秉承[秉承] bǐngchéng to take orders; to receive commands; to carry on (a tradition) 课余[課餘] kèyú after school; extracurricular //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/175 words - 54 min 提供[提供] tígōng to offer; to supply; to provide; to furnish 平台[平臺] píngtái platform; terrace; flat-roofed building 宗旨[宗旨] zōngzhǐ objective; aim; goal 学生会[學生會] xuéshenghuì student union 公开[公開] gōngkāi public; to publish; to make public 部门[部門] bùmén department; branch; section; division; CL:個|个[ge4] 穿搭[穿搭] chuāndā (Tw) to wear selected items of clothing in combination to achieve a particular look; fashion styling 游乐场[遊樂場] yóulèchǎng playground 部长[部長] bùzhǎng head of a (government etc) department; section chief; section head; secretary; minister; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 唠嗑[嘮嗑] làokē (dialect) to chat; to gossip 马戏团[馬戲團] mǎxìtuán circus 游乐园[遊樂園] yóulèyuán theme park 抓走[抓走] zhuāzǒu to arrest 半截[半截] bànjié half (of sth); halfway through 短裤[短褲] duǎnkù short pants; shorts 静止[靜止] jìngzhǐ still; immobile; static; stationary 本命年[本命年] běnmìngnián year of one's birth sign, according to the cycle of 12 animals of the earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1] 袜子[襪子] wàzi socks; stockings; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4],雙|双[shuang1] 手里[手裡] shǒulǐ in hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands 输给[輸給] shūgěi to lose to (sb); to be outdone by 竞争对手[競爭對手] jìngzhēngduìshǒu rival; competitor 幺[么] yāo youngest; most junior; tiny; one (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers, esp. on telephone or in military); one or ace on dice or dominoes; variant of 吆[yao1], to shout 蛾子[蛾子] ézi moth 一度[一度] yīdù for a time; at one time; one time; once 时装秀[時裝秀] shízhuāngxiù fashion show //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/200 words - 59 min 晚点[晚點] wǎndiǎn (of trains etc) late; delayed; behind schedule; light dinner 中暑[中暑] zhòngshǔ sunstroke; heatstroke 快点儿[快點兒] kuàidiǎnr5 erhua variant of 快點|快点[kuai4 dian3] 预备[預備] yùbèi to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory 配音[配音] pèiyīn dubbing (filmmaking) 消遣[消遣] xiāoqiǎn to while the time away; amusement; pastime; recreation; to make sport of 情报[情報] qíngbào information; intelligence 奶奶[奶奶] nǎinai (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother); (respectful) mistress of the house; CL:位[wei4]; (coll.) boobies; breasts 孙子[孫子] sūnzi grandson; son's son 盘[盤] pán plate; dish; tray; board; hard drive (computing); to build; to coil; to check; to examine; to transfer (property); to make over; classifier for food: dish, helping; to coil; classifier for coils of wire; classifier for games of chess 樱桃[櫻桃] yīngtáo cherry 丸子[丸子] wánzi pills; balls; meatballs 发言[發言] fāyán to make a speech; statement; utterance; CL:個|个[ge4] 走秀[走秀] zǒuxiù a fashion show; to walk the runway (in a fashion show) 坡[坡] pō slope; CL:個|个[ge4]; sloping; slanted 老奶奶[老奶奶] lǎonǎinai (coll.) father's father's mother; paternal great-grandmother; respectful form of address for an old woman 尊老爱幼[尊老愛幼] zūnlǎo'àiyòu respect the old and cherish the young 水上[水上] shuǐshàng on water; aquatic 乐园[樂園] lèyuán paradise 猫王[貓王] MāoWáng Elvis Presley (1935-1977), US pop singer and film star; transliterated as 埃爾維斯·普雷斯利|埃尔维斯·普雷斯利[Ai1 er3 wei2 si1 · Pu3 lei2 si1 li4] 第三位[第三位] dìsānwèi third place 泡脚[泡腳] pàojiǎo foot bath; foot soak 看中[看中] kànzhòng to have a preference for; to fancy; to choose after consideration; to settle on 养生[養生] yǎngshēng to maintain good health; to raise a child or animal; curing (of concrete etc) 超模[超模] chāomó supermodel //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/225 words - 63 min 潮[潮] cháo tide; current; damp; moist; humid 方[方] fāng square; power or involution (math.); upright; honest; fair and square; direction; side; party (to a contract, dispute etc); place; method; prescription (medicine); just when; only or just; classifier for square things; abbr. for square or cubic meter 潮流[潮流] cháoliú tide; current; trend 启事[啟事] qǐshì announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website); to post information; a notice 一家人[一家人] yījiārén household; the whole family 整整齐齐[整整齊齊] zhěngzhěngqíqí neat and tidy 胡子[鬍子] húzi beard; mustache or whiskers; facial hair; CL:撮[zuo3],根[gen1]; (coll.) bandit 老虎[老虎] lǎohǔ tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 稳重[穩重] wěnzhòng steady; earnest; staid 函数[函數] hánshù function (math.) 方程式[方程式] fāngchéngshì equation 天书[天書] tiānshū imperial edict; heavenly book (superstition); obscure or illegible writing; double dutch 作业[作業] zuòyè school assignment; homework; work; task; operation; CL:個|个[ge4]; to operate 崴脚[崴腳] wǎijiǎo to sprain one's ankle 六亲不认[六親不認] liùqīnbùrèn not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives 步伐[步伐] bùfá pace; (measured) step; march 传呼机[傳呼機] chuánhūjī pager; beeper 田园[田園] tiányuán fields; countryside; rural; bucolic 模特[模特] mótè (fashion) model (loanword) 当红[當紅] dānghóng currently popular (of movie stars, singers etc) 包邮[包郵] bāoyóu shipping included 日系[日系] Rìxì Japanese section (of school); Japanese-related (business) 鸭子[鴨子] yāzi duck; male prostitute (slang) 掐死[掐死] qiāsǐ to throttle; to choke to death 薅[薅] hāo to weed; to grip or clutch //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/250 words - 74 min 下班[下班] xiàbān to finish work; to get off work 佼佼者[佼佼者] jiǎojiǎozhě well-known figure; excellent (person, company etc) 对唱[對唱] duìchàng in duet; answering phrase; antiphonal answer 怪物[怪物] guàiwu monster; freak; eccentric person 肌[肌] jī flesh; muscle 刮目相看[刮目相看] guāmùxiāngkàn to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth; to sit up and take notice (of sb's improved performance etc) 真牛[真牛] zhēnniú (slang) really cool, awesome 发夹[髮夾] fàjiā hair clip 大关[大關] dàguān strategic pass; barrier or mark (i.e. a level considered impressive, usually a round figure such as 10,000); instrument of torture used to break limbs 脸皮[臉皮] liǎnpí face; cheek 行动[行動] xíngdòng operation; action; CL:個|个[ge4]; to move about; mobile 感想[感想] gǎnxiǎng impressions; reflections; thoughts; CL:通[tong4],個|个[ge4] 几次[幾次] jǐcì several times 给予[給予] jǐyǔ to accord; to give; to show (respect) 花费[花費] huāfèi expense; cost; to spend (time or money); expenditure 精力[精力] jīnglì energy 松懈[鬆懈] sōngxiè to relax; to relax efforts; to slack off; to take it easy; complacent; undisciplined 花式[花式] huāshì fancy 比心[比心] bǐxīn (Internet slang) to form a hand heart using one's thumb and forefinger (or by using both hands) 拉丁[拉丁] lādīng Latin; (in former times) to press-gang; to kidnap and force people into service 谚语[諺語] yànyǔ proverb 循[循] xún to follow; to adhere to; to abide by 此[此] cǐ this; these 天际[天際] tiānjì horizon 深奥[深奧] shēn'ào profound; abstruse; recondite; profoundly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep17/259 words - 77 min 每当[每當] měidāng whenever; every time; on every 泥土[泥土] nítǔ earth; soil; mud; clay 星辰[星辰] xīngchén stars 肩负[肩負] jiānfù to shoulder (a burden); to bear; to suffer (a disadvantage) 重任[重任] zhòngrèn heavy responsibility 执[執] zhí to execute (a plan); to grasp 苟且[苟且] gǒuqiě perfunctory; careless; drifting along; resigned to one's fate; improper (relations); illicit (sex) 一往无前[一往無前] yīwǎngwúqián to advance courageously (idiom); to press forward 名堂[名堂] míngtang item (in a program of entertainments); trick (act of mischief); worthwhile result; accomplishment; sth significant but not immediately apparent; sth more than meets the eye //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep18/25 words - 20 min 开场[開場] kāichǎng to begin; to open; to start; beginning of an event 威猛[威猛] wēiměng bold and powerful 骤[驟] zhòu sudden; unexpected; abrupt; suddenly; Taiwan pr. [zou4] 记忆犹新[記憶猶新] jìyìyóuxīn to remain fresh in one's memory (idiom) 走廊[走廊] zǒuláng corridor; aisle; hallway; passageway; veranda 油[油] yóu oil; fat; grease; petroleum; to apply tung oil, paint or varnish; oily; greasy; glib; cunning 指出[指出] zhǐchū to indicate; to point out 闯入[闖入] chuǎngrù to intrude; to charge in; to gate-crash 打倒[打倒] dǎdǎo to overthrow; to knock down; Down with ... ! 积分[積分] jīfēn integral (calculus); accumulated points (in sports, at school etc); total credits earned by student; bonus points in a benefit scheme 洗脸[洗臉] xǐliǎn to wash your face 梦寐以求[夢寐以求] mèngmèiyǐqiú to yearn for sth even in one's dreams (idiom); to long for sth day and night 善待[善待] shàndài to treat well 品质[品質] pǐnzhì character; intrinsic quality (of a person); quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc) 领头羊[領頭羊] lǐngtóuyáng bellwether 电波[電波] diànbō electric wave; alternating current 并排[並排] bìngpái side by side; abreast 剩余[剩餘] shèngyú remainder; surplus 餐巾纸[餐巾紙] cānjīnzhǐ paper napkin; serviette 上学[上學] shàngxué to go to school; to attend school 圆满[圓滿] yuánmǎn satisfactory; consummate; perfect 不理[不理] bùlǐ to refuse to acknowledge; to pay no attention to; to take no notice of; to ignore 稿[稿] gǎo manuscript; draft; stalk of grain 魔力[魔力] mólì magic; magic power 胆小[膽小] dǎnxiǎo cowardice; timid //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep18/50 words - 34 min 出声[出聲] chūshēng to utter; to give voice 依靠[依靠] yīkào to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on 承诺[承諾] chéngnuò to promise; to undertake to do something; commitment 五月份[五月份] wǔyuèfèn May 当做[當做] dàngzuò to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as 达成[達成] dáchéng to reach (an agreement); to accomplish 一个半[一個半] yīgebàn one and a half 外地[外地] wàidì parts of the country other than where one is 竭尽全力[竭盡全力] jiéjìnquánlì to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost 大姐[大姐] dàjiě big sister; elder sister; older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker) 签到[簽到] qiāndào to register; to sign in 地下室[地下室] dìxiàshì basement; cellar 结巴[結巴] jiēba to stutter 煎熬[煎熬] jiān'áo to suffer; to torture; to torment; ordeal; suffering; torture; torment 十七[十七] shíqī seventeen; 17 席位[席位] xíwèi a seat (in a theater, stadium etc); parliamentary or congressional seat 除[除] chú to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipe out; to divide; except; not including 夹缝[夾縫] jiāfèng crack; crevice 迄今为止[迄今為止] qìjīnwéizhǐ so far; up to now; still (not) 问心无愧[問心無愧] wènxīnwúkuì lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience 舍不得[捨不得] shěbude to hate to do sth; to hate to part with; to begrudge 地带[地帶] dìdài zone; CL:個|个[ge4] 通往[通往] tōngwǎng to lead to 上个[上個] shàngge first (of two parts); last (week etc); previous; the above 告一段落[告一段落] gàoyīduànluò to come to the end of a phase (idiom) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep18/69 words - 37 min 清零[清零] qīnglíng (computing) to clear memory; to reset; to zero (a hard drive) 孩子们[孩子們] háizimen children 即将来临[即將來臨] jíjiāngláilín imminent 绕[繞] rào to wind; to coil (thread); to rotate around; to spiral; to move around; to go round (an obstacle); to by-pass; to make a detour; to confuse; to perplex 纯净[純淨] chúnjìng pure; clean; unmixed 电[電] diàn electric; electricity; electrical 发出[發出] fāchū to issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce (a sound); to let out (a laugh) 拍卖会[拍賣會] pāimàihuì auction; CL:場|场[chang3] 言行[言行] yánxíng words and actions; what one says and what one does 举止[舉止] jǔzhǐ bearing; manner; mien 银行[銀行] yínháng bank; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4] 行长[行長] hángzhǎng bank president 打听[打聽] dǎting to ask about; to make some inquiries; to ask around 资产[資產] zīchǎn property; assets 倾家荡产[傾家蕩產] qīngjiādàngchǎn to lose a family fortune (idiom) 项链[項鏈] xiàngliàn necklace; CL:條|条[tiao2] 珠宝[珠寶] zhūbǎo pearls; jewels; precious stones 好过[好過] hǎoguò to have an easy time; (feel) well 花瓶[花瓶] huāpíng flower vase; fig. just a pretty face; CL:對|对[dui4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/25 words - 18 min 道别[道別] dàobié leave-taking; to say goodbye 瞄准[瞄準] miáozhǔn to take aim at; to target 比例[比例] bǐlì proportion; scale 大虫[大蟲] dàchóng tiger 虫子[蟲子] chóngzi insect; bug; worm; CL:條|条[tiao2],隻|只[zhi1] 挺身而出[挺身而出] tǐngshēn'érchū to step forward bravely 想不开[想不開] xiǎngbukāi cannot figure out; to be unable to take a lighter view; to take things too hard; to be depressed; to fret over trifles 最远[最遠] zuìyuǎn furthest; most distant; at maximum distance 惊悚[驚悚] jīngsǒng horror (movie); thriller 第六感[第六感] dìliùgǎn sixth sense (i.e. intuition, premonition, telepathy etc) 蹑手蹑脚[躡手躡腳] nièshǒunièjiǎo to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom) 睡梦中[睡夢中] shuìmèngzhōng fast asleep; dreaming 任凭[任憑] rènpíng no matter what; despite; to allow (sb to act arbitrarily) 惊醒[驚醒] jīngxǐng to rouse; to be woken by sth; to wake with a start; to sleep lightly 丁[丁] dīng fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; fourth in order; letter "D" or Roman "IV" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 195°; butyl; cubes (of food) 哐啷[哐啷] kuānglāng (onom.) clang; clatter; bang; crash; clank 伤人[傷人] shāngrén to injure sb 欠揍[欠揍] qiànzòu to need a spanking 背包[背包] bēibāo knapsack; rucksack; infantry pack; field pack; blanket roll; CL:個|个[ge4] 土壤[土壤] tǔrǎng soil 简单明了[簡單明瞭] jiǎndānmíngliǎo clear and simple; in simple terms 独来独往[獨來獨往] dúláidúwǎng coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator; keeping to oneself; unsociable; maverick 惯[慣] guàn accustomed to; used to; indulge; to spoil (a child) 后期[後期] hòuqī late stage; later period 接单[接單] jiēdān to take a customer's order; (of a taxi driver) to accept a booking; (of a delivery rider) to accept a delivery job //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/50 words - 25 min 看得见[看得見] kàndéjiàn can see; visible 逗[逗] dòu to stay; to stop; to tease (play with); amusing; short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma (also written 讀|读[dou4]) 出手[出手] chūshǒu to dispose of; to spend (money); to undertake a task 早饭[早飯] zǎofàn breakfast; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 午饭[午飯] wǔfàn lunch; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 晚饭[晚飯] wǎnfàn evening meal; dinner; supper; CL:份[fen4],頓|顿[dun4],次[ci4],餐[can1] 依旧[依舊] yījiù as before; still 迷惑[迷惑] míhuo to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle 八字眉[八字眉] bāzìméi sloping eyebrows, formed like character for "eight" 于是[於是] yúshì thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 诚恳[誠懇] chéngkěn sincere; honest; cordial 本子[本子] běnzi book; notebook; edition; CL:本[ben3] 分为[分為] fēnwéi to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide 种草[種草] zhòngcǎo (Internet slang) to recommend a product to sb 辣条[辣條] làtiáo spicy sticks, a snack food similar to beef jerky but made with flour or dried beancurd instead of meat 看齐[看齊] kànqí to follow sb's example; to emulate; (of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment for parade formation) 服输[服輸] fúshū to concede; to admit defeat; to admit sth is wrong after insisting it is right 习[習] xí to practice; to study; habit 立志[立志] lìzhì to be determined; to be resolved 扎扎实实[扎扎實實] zhāzhashíshí firm; solid; reliable; real; practical 翻阅[翻閱] fānyuè to thumb through; to flip through (a book) 一点一滴[一點一滴] yīdiǎnyīdī bit by bit; every little bit 安利[安利] ānlì to recommend (a product etc); to promote 难得[難得] nándé seldom; rare; hard to come by 感性[感性] gǎnxìng perception; perceptual; sensibility; sensitive; emotional; sentimental //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/75 words - 34 min 到场[到場] dàochǎng to show up; present (at the scene) 泥巴[泥巴] níbā mud 走进[走進] zǒujìn to enter 庆祝[慶祝] qìngzhù to celebrate 民间舞[民間舞] mínjiānwǔ folk dance 如愿以偿[如願以償] rúyuànyǐcháng to have one's wish fulfilled 考进[考進] kǎojìn to gain entry by passing an exam; to be admitted to (a college etc) 北京舞蹈学院[北京舞蹈學院] BěijīngWǔdǎoXuéyuàn Beijing Dance Academy 闻[聞] wén to hear; news; well-known; famous; reputation; fame; to smell; to sniff at 私[私] sī personal; private; selfish 搭理[搭理] dāli variant of 答理[da1 li5] 睡衣[睡衣] shuìyī night clothes; pajamas 萝卜[蘿蔔] luóbo radish (Raphanus sativus), esp. white radish 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]; CL:條|条[tiao2] 头饰[頭飾] tóushì head ornament 正能量[正能量] zhèngnéngliàng positive energy; positivity 聚会[聚會] jùhuì party; gathering; to meet; to get together 无情[無情] wúqíng pitiless; ruthless; merciless; heartless 素[素] sù raw silk; white; plain, unadorned; vegetarian (food); essence; nature; element; constituent; usually; always; ever 胜负[勝負] shèngfù victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle 衣柜[衣櫃] yīguì wardrobe; armoire; CL:個|个[ge4] 加速度[加速度] jiāsùdù acceleration 筷子[筷子] kuàizi chopsticks; CL:對|对[dui4],根[gen1],把[ba3],雙|双[shuang1] 嘴里[嘴裡] zuǐlǐ mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips; speech; words 同志[同志] tóngzhì comrade; (slang) homosexual; CL:個|个[ge4] 啰[囉] luo (final exclamatory particle) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/100 words - 38 min 喂[餵] wèi to feed 喜洋洋[喜洋洋] xǐyángyáng radiant with joy 啷[啷] lāng (onom.) bang; clank; see 哐啷, clatter 挑起[挑起] tiǎoqǐ to provoke; to stir up; to incite 扁担[扁擔] biǎndan carrying pole; shoulder pole; CL:根[gen1] 咣[咣] guāng (onom.) bang; door banging shut 岗[崗] gǎng mound; policeman's beat 黑乎乎[黑乎乎] hēihūhū variant of 黑糊糊[hei1 hu1 hu1] 有色[有色] yǒusè colored; non-white; non-ferrous (metals) 来袭[來襲] láixí to invade; (of a storm etc) to strike; to hit 雨衣[雨衣] yǔyī raincoat; CL:件[jian4] 发亮[發亮] fāliàng to shine; shiny 鞋子[鞋子] xiézi shoe 新款[新款] xīnkuǎn new style; latest fashion; new model 设计师[設計師] shèjìshī designer; architect 的款[的款] díkuǎn reliable funds 一带[一帶] yīdài region; district 养眼[養眼] yǎngyǎn visually attractive; eye candy; easy on the eyes; to protect the eyes 事故[事故] shìgù accident; CL:樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3],次[ci4] 洗手[洗手] xǐshǒu to wash one's hands; to go to the toilet 莲花白[蓮花白] liánhuābái (dialect) cabbage 洞[洞] dòng cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers); CL:個|个[ge4] 唐僧[唐僧] Tángsēng Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645 无表情[無表情] wúbiǎoqíng expressionless; wooden (expression); blank (face) 妖魔鬼怪[妖魔鬼怪] yāomóguǐguài demons and ghosts; ghouls and bogies //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/125 words - 40 min 女的[女的] nǚde woman 立正[立正] lìzhèng to stand straight; attention! (order to troops) 稍息[稍息] shàoxī Stand at ease! (military); Taiwan pr. [shao1 xi1] 嗑[嗑] kè to crack (seeds) between one's teeth 瓜子[瓜子] guāzǐ melon seeds 搭车[搭車] dāchē to ride (in a vehicle); to get a lift; to hitch-hike 洗剪吹[洗剪吹] xǐjiǎnchuī shampoo, haircut and blow-dry 剪刀[剪刀] jiǎndāo scissors; CL:把[ba3] 膜[膜] mó membrane; film 腮红[腮紅] sāihóng rouge (cosmetics) 倒闭[倒閉] dǎobì to go bankrupt; to close down 西瓜[西瓜] xīguā watermelon; CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4],個|个[ge5] 一连串[一連串] yīliánchuàn a succession of; a series of 羽绒服[羽絨服] yǔróngfú down-filled garment 经纪[經紀] jīngjì to manage (a business); manager; broker 名模[名模] míngmó top model 便利店[便利店] biànlìdiàn convenience store 乔装打扮[喬裝打扮] qiáozhuāngdǎbàn to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit 看书[看書] kànshū to read; to study 狗仔[狗仔] gǒuzǎi paparazzi 栗[慄] lì afraid; trembling 七彩[七彩] qīcǎi seven colors; a variety of colors; multi-colored; rainbow-colored 帝国[帝國] dìguó empire; imperial 风云[風雲] fēngyún weather; unstable situation 歌剧院[歌劇院] gējùyuàn opera house //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/150 words - 44 min 动物[動物] dòngwù animal; CL:隻|只[zhi1],群[qun2],個|个[ge4] 放学[放學] fàngxué to dismiss students at the end of the school day 三人行[三人行] sānrénxíng (slang) threesome 知识[知識] zhīshi knowledge; CL:門|门[men2]; intellectual 下课[下課] xiàkè to finish class; to get out of class 嘻[嘻] xī laugh; giggle; (interjection expressing admiration, surprise etc) 花果山[花果山] HuāguǒShān Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4], tourist destination; (also the name of mountains in other parts of China) 纳新[納新] nàxīn to accept the new; to take fresh (air); fig. to accept new members (to reinvigorate the party); new blood 寝室[寢室] qǐnshì bedroom; dormitory; CL:間|间[jian1] 任命[任命] rènmìng to appoint; (job) appointment; CL:紙|纸[zhi3] 外卖[外賣] wàimài to go; take out (relates to food bought at a restaurant) 涮[涮] shuàn to rinse; to trick; to fool sb; to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table) 灵验[靈驗] língyàn efficacious; effective; (of a prediction) accurate; correct 叫声[叫聲] jiàoshēng yelling (sound made by person); barking; braying; roaring (sound made by animals) 小米[小米] xiǎomǐ millet 食物[食物] shíwù food; CL:種|种[zhong3] 抢生意[搶生意] qiǎngshēngyi to undercut competitors; to hustle; to compete for business 紧缺[緊缺] jǐnquē in short supply; scarce 控[控] kòng to control; to accuse; to charge; to sue; to invert a container to empty it; (suffix) (slang) buff; enthusiast; devotee; -phile or -philia 直勾勾[直勾勾] zhígōugōu (of one's gaze) fixed; staring 美味[美味] měiwèi delicious; delicious food; delicacy 小龙[小龍] xiǎolóng snake (as one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals 生肖[sheng1 xiao4]) 坎[坎] kǎn pit; threshold; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing water; ☵ 尽情[盡情] jìnqíng as much as one likes 享用[享用] xiǎngyòng to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/175 words - 51 min 进食[進食] jìnshí to take a meal; to eat 吞[吞] tūn to swallow; to take 汤[湯] tāng soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled 底[底] dǐ background; bottom; base; end (of the month, year etc); remnants; (math.) radix; base 黄瓜[黃瓜] huángguā cucumber; CL:條|条[tiao2] 心酸[心酸] xīnsuān to feel sad 酱料[醬料] jiàngliào sauce 终究[終究] zhōngjiū in the end; after all is said and done 味[味] wèi taste; smell; classifier for drugs (in TCM) 点菜[點菜] diǎncài to order dishes (in a restaurant) 敏[敏] mǐn quick; nimble; agile; clever; smart 撒娇[撒嬌] sājiāo to act like a spoiled child; to throw a tantrum; to act coquettishly 菜瓜[菜瓜] càiguā snake melon; loofah 水果[水果] shuǐguǒ fruit; CL:個|个[ge4] 葡萄[葡萄] pútao grape 候选人[候選人] hòuxuǎnrén candidate; CL:名[ming2] 接到[接到] jiēdào to receive (letter etc) 记性[記性] jìxing memory (ability to retain information) 不费吹灰之力[不費吹灰之力] bùfèichuīhuīzhīlì as easy as blowing off dust; effortless; with ease 臆想[臆想] yìxiǎng subjective idea 对待[對待] duìdài to treat; treatment 总而言之[總而言之] zǒng'éryánzhī in short; in a word; in brief 条件[條件] tiáojiàn condition; circumstances; term; factor; requirement; prerequisite; qualification; CL:個|个[ge4] 原则[原則] yuánzé principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4] 弹幕[彈幕] dànmù barrage (military); "bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time; danmaku (video game subgenre) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/200 words - 59 min 露面[露面] lòumiàn to show one's face; to appear (in public) 当作[當作] dàngzuò to treat as; to regard as 不咋的[不咋的] bùzǎde (dialect) not that great; not up to much; nothing special 亲朋好友[親朋好友] qīnpénghǎoyǒu friends and family; kith and kin 外界[外界] wàijiè the outside world; external 流逝[流逝] liúshì (of time) to pass; to elapse 流沙[流沙] liúshā quicksand 看不起[看不起] kànbuqǐ to look down upon; to despise 迫[迫] pò to force; to compel; to approach or go towards; urgent; pressing 洒脱[灑脫] sǎtuō free and at ease; natural; unconstrained 自恋[自戀] zìliàn narcissism 回馈[回饋] huíkuì to repay a favor; to give back; feedback 铁石心肠[鐵石心腸] tiěshíxīncháng to have a heart of stone; hard-hearted; unfeeling 敞开[敞開] chǎngkāi to open wide; unrestrictedly 心扉[心扉] xīnfēi inner heart; soul 编剧[編劇] biānjù to write a play; scenario; dramatist; screenwriter 懒得[懶得] lǎndé not to feel like (doing sth); disinclined to 脱离[脫離] tuōlí to separate oneself from; to break away from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany) 天气[天氣] tiānqì weather 外套[外套] wàitào coat; jacket; CL:件[jian4] 匀[勻] yún even; well-distributed; uniform; to distribute evenly; to share 拯救[拯救] zhěngjiù to save; to rescue 安全感[安全感] ānquángǎn sense of security 堆积[堆積] duījī to pile up; to heap; accumulation 战场[戰場] zhànchǎng battlefield; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/225 words - 64 min OS[OS] OS (in a soap opera or movie) voice-over that makes a character's unspoken thoughts audible to the audience 玩意[玩意] wányì toy; plaything; thing; act; trick (in a performance, stage show, acrobatics etc) 摆设[擺設] bǎishè to arrange; to set out; to decorate; to display; decorative items 险[險] xiǎn danger; dangerous; rugged 题[題] tí topic; problem for discussion; exam question; subject; to inscribe; to mention; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4] 大会[大會] dàhuì general assembly; general meeting; convention; CL:個|个[ge4],屆|届[jie4] 狠狠[狠狠] hěnhěn resolutely; firmly; ferociously; ruthlessly 生人[生人] shēngrén stranger; living person; to give birth; to be born (in a certain time or place) 勿[勿] wù do not 嘤[嚶] yīng calling of birds 认知[認知] rènzhī cognition; cognitive; understanding; perception; awareness; to be cognizant of; to recognize; to realize 撒[撒] sā to let go; to cast; to let loose; to discharge; to give expression to 撒[撒] sǎ to scatter; to sprinkle; to spill 博爱[博愛] bó'ài universal fraternity (or brotherhood); universal love 爱美[愛美] àiměi love of beauty; wishing to appear beautiful; to set store by one's appearance 包袱[包袱] bāofu wrapping cloth; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden; funny part; punchline 叶[葉] yè leaf; page; lobe; (historical) period; classifier for small boats 锁骨[鎖骨] suǒgǔ collarbone; clavicle 链[鏈] liàn chain; cable (unit of length: 100 fathoms, about 185 m); chain (unit of length: 66 feet, about 20 m); to chain; to enchain 羽毛[羽毛] yǔmáo feather; plumage; plume 袖[袖] xiù sleeve; to tuck inside one's sleeve 妆容[妝容] zhuāngróng a look (achieved by applying makeup) 采[採] cǎi to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather 采访[採訪] cǎifǎng to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover 系统[系統] xìtǒng system; CL:個|个[ge4] 紊乱[紊亂] wěnluàn disorder; chaos //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep19/249 words - 68 min 思路[思路] sīlù train of thought; thinking; reason; reasoning 中断[中斷] zhōngduàn to cut short; to break off; to discontinue; to interrupt 急需[急需] jíxū to urgently need; urgent need 重启[重啟] chóngqǐ to reopen; to restart Tony[Tony] t'ony (slang) hairdresser 喷[噴] pēn to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt 阴影[陰影] yīnyǐng (lit. and fig.) shadow 粉底[粉底] fěndǐ foundation (cosmetics) 深色[深色] shēnsè dark; dark colored 相当[相當] xiāngdāng equivalent to; appropriate; considerably; to a certain extent; fairly; quite 饶[饒] ráo rich; abundant; exuberant; to add for free; to throw in as bonus; to spare; to forgive; despite; although 槽[槽] cáo trough; manger; groove; channel; (Tw) (computing) hard drive 青铜[青銅] qīngtóng bronze (alloy of copper 銅|铜 and tin 錫|锡[xi1]) 否认[否認] fǒurèn to declare to be untrue; to deny 卸[卸] xiè to unload; to unhitch; to remove or strip; to get rid of 尝[嘗] cháng to taste; to try; to experience; already; ever; once 面包[麵包] miànbāo bread; CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4] 热量[熱量] rèliàng heat; quantity of heat; calorific value 物[物] wù thing; object; matter; abbr. for physics 物理 蛋糕[蛋糕] dàngāo cake; CL:塊|块[kuai4],個|个[ge4] 早日[早日] zǎorì soon; shortly; on a day quite soon; promptly 极了[極了] jíle extremely; exceedingly 欸[欸] ǎi sigh; exclamation Eh! 敷[敷] fū to spread; to lay out; to apply (powder, ointment etc); sufficient (to cover); enough //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep20/25 words - 12 min 凄凉[淒涼] qīliáng desolate (place) 和好[和好] héhǎo to become reconciled; on good terms with each other 反思[反思] fǎnsī to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment 愚蠢[愚蠢] yúchǔn silly; stupid 共有[共有] gòngyǒu to have altogether; in all 留给[留給] liúgěi to set aside for 重担[重擔] zhòngdàn heavy burden; difficult task; great responsibility 流血[流血] liúxuè to bleed; to shed blood 流汗[流汗] liúhàn to sweat 心里话[心裡話] xīnlihuà (to express one's) true feelings; what is on one's mind; secret mind 来得[來得] láide to emerge (from a comparison); to come out as; to be competent or equal to 有价值[有價值] yǒujiàzhí valuable 承包[承包] chéngbāo to contract; to undertake (a job) 高唱[高唱] gāochàng to sing loudly; fig. to mouth slogans 寄出[寄出] jìchū to mail; to send by post 明信片[明信片] míngxìnpiàn postcard 相比[相比] xiāngbǐ to compare 歇脚[歇腳] xiējiǎo to stop on the way for a rest 译[譯] yì to translate; to interpret 主持人[主持人] zhǔchírén TV or radio presenter; host; anchor 准[准] zhǔn to allow; to grant; in accordance with; in the light of 生出[生出] shēngchū to give birth; to grow (whiskers etc); to generate; to produce 所在[所在] suǒzài place; location; (after a noun) place where it is located 荣誉[榮譽] róngyù honor; credit; glory; (honorable) reputation; honorary 传给[傳給] chuángěi to pass on to; to transfer to; to hand on to; to pass to (in football etc) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep20/50 words - 17 min 斗志[鬥志] dòuzhì will to fight; fighting spirit 上边[上邊] shàngbian the top; above; overhead; upwards; the top margin; above-mentioned; those higher up 摩拳擦掌[摩拳擦掌] móquáncāzhǎng fig. to rub one's fists and wipe one's palms (idiom); to roll up one's sleeves for battle; eager to get into action or start on a task 强劲[強勁] qiángjìng strong; powerful; robust 鼓手[鼓手] gǔshǒu drummer 放水[放水] fàngshuǐ to turn on the water; to let water out; to throw a game (sports) 师姐[師姐] shījiě senior female fellow student or apprentice; daughter (older than oneself) of one's teacher 御[御] yù to resist; imperial; (classical) to drive (a chariot); to manage; to govern 萝莉[蘿莉] luólì a Lolita (young, cute girl) 捧场[捧場] pěngchǎng to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge); to root for sb; to sing sb's praises; to flatter 加快[加快] jiākuài to accelerate; to speed up 永动机[永動機] yǒngdòngjī a perpetual motion machine 熬[熬] áo to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure 鹰[鷹] yīng eagle; falcon; hawk 回放[回放] huífàng to replay; to play back 变速[變速] biànsù to change speed; to shift gear; variable-speed 缓慢[緩慢] huǎnmàn slow; slow-moving 魔鬼[魔鬼] móguǐ devil 狰狞[猙獰] zhēngníng malevolent; fierce; sinister 鼻子[鼻子] bízi nose; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 变形[變形] biànxíng deformation; to become deformed; to change shape; to morph 脸部[臉部] liǎnbù face 独苗[獨苗] dúmiáo only child; sole scion 全军覆没[全軍覆沒] quánjūnfùmò total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout 大奖[大獎] dàjiǎng prize; award //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep20/75 words - 26 min 电池[電池] diànchí battery; CL:節|节[jie2],組|组[zu3] 振作[振作] zhènzuò to bestir oneself; to pull oneself together; to cheer up; to uplift; to stimulate 马达[馬達] mǎdá motor (loanword) 按摩[按摩] ànmó massage; to massage 抽奖[抽獎] chōujiǎng to draw a prize; a lottery; a raffle 第三十[第三十] dìsānshí thirtieth 瞬息万变[瞬息萬變] shùnxīwànbiàn in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change 保有[保有] bǎoyǒu to keep; to retain 分成[分成] fēnchéng to divide (into); to split a bonus; to break into; tenths; percentage allotment 十二[十二] shí'èr twelve; 12 竞[競] jìng to compete; to contend; to struggle 哎呦[哎呦] āiyōu (interjection of surprise, pain, annoyance etc); Oh my!; Uh-oh!; Ah!; Ouch! 撸[擼] lū (dialect) to rub one's hand along; to fire (an employee); to reprimand 限定[限定] xiàndìng to restrict to; to limit 想见[想見] xiǎngjiàn to infer; to gather 踏[踏] tà to tread; to stamp; to step on; to press a pedal; to investigate on the spot 舞曲[舞曲] wǔqǔ dance music 迷幻[迷幻] míhuàn psychedelic; hallucinatory 合成器[合成器] héchéngqì synthesizer 非你莫属[非你莫屬] fēinǐmòshǔ it's yours exclusively (idiom); you are the one; only you deserve it; only you can do it 大街小巷[大街小巷] dàjiēxiǎoxiàng great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhere in the city 神曲[神曲] shénqū medicated leaven (used in TCM to treat indigestion) 俏皮[俏皮] qiàopi smart; charming; attractive; witty; facetious; ironic 讲述[講述] jiǎngshù to talk about; to narrate; to give an account 热恋[熱戀] rèliàn to fall head over heels in love; to be passionately in love //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep20/100 words - 36 min 十面埋伏[十面埋伏] ShímiànMáifú Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece); House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋[Zhang1 Yi4 mou2]) 诗词[詩詞] shīcí verse 电子[電子] diànzǐ electronic; electron (particle physics) 融合[融合] rónghé a mixture; an amalgam; fusion; welding together; to be in harmony with (nature); to harmonize with; to fit in 元素[元素] yuánsù element; element of a set; chemical element 芭乐[芭樂] bālè guava (loanword from Taiwanese) 老套[老套] lǎotào hackneyed; well-worn (phrase etc); same old story; stereotypical fashion 志愿[志願] zhìyuàn aspiration; ambition; to volunteer 高考[高考] gāokǎo college entrance exam (especially as abbr. for 普通高等學校招生全國統一考試|普通高等学校招生全国统一考试[Pu3 tong1 Gao1 deng3 Xue2 xiao4 Zhao1 sheng1 Quan2 guo2 Tong3 yi1 Kao3 shi4]); (Tw) entrance exam for senior government service posts (abbr. for 公務人員高等考試|公务人员高等考试) 打勾[打勾] dǎgōu to check; to tick; (old) to buy 交卷[交卷] jiāojuàn to hand in one's examination script 填写[填寫] tiánxiě to fill in a form; to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form) 要有[要有] yàoyǒu to need; to require; must have 为例[為例] wéilì used in the construction 以...為例|以...为例, "to take ... as an example" 则[則] zé (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but; then; standard; norm; principle; to imitate; to follow; classifier for written items 挑选[挑選] tiāoxuǎn to choose; to select 抢手[搶手] qiǎngshǒu (of goods) popular; in great demand 事业[事業] shìyè undertaking; project; activity; (charitable, political or revolutionary) cause; publicly funded institution, enterprise or foundation; career; occupation; CL:個|个[ge4] 这年头[這年頭] zhèniántou (coll.) nowadays 拔[拔] bá to pull up; to pull out; to draw out by suction; to select; to pick; to stand out (above level); to surpass; to seize 山河[山河] shānhé mountains and rivers; the whole country 盖世[蓋世] gàishì unrivalled; matchless 人为[人為] rénwéi artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort 奉陪[奉陪] fèngpéi (honorific) to accompany; to keep sb company 独树一帜[獨樹一幟] dúshùyīzhì lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner; to stand out; to develop one's own school; to have attitude of one's own //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep20/115 words - 37 min 突显[突顯] tūxiǎn conspicuous; to make sth stand out; make sth prominent 动感[動感] dònggǎn sense of movement (often in a static work of art); dynamic; vivid; lifelike 浓厚[濃厚] nónghòu dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) 鼓点[鼓點] gǔdiǎn drum beat; rhythm 相碰撞[相碰撞] xiāngpèngzhuàng to collide with one another 置身[置身] zhìshēn to place oneself; to stay 吼[吼] hǒu to roar; to howl; to shriek; roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage 橘色[橘色] júsè orange (color) 孤岛[孤島] gūdǎo isolated island 细腻[細膩] xìnì exquisite; meticulous 慵懒[慵懶] yōnglǎn languid; indolent 小女人[小女人] xiǎonǚrén dainty and delicate girl; concubine 清新[清新] qīngxīn fresh and clean 轻快[輕快] qīngkuài light and quick; brisk; spry; lively; effortless; relaxed; agile; blithe 暗恋[暗戀] ànliàn to be secretly in love with //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/25 words - 13 min 不合[不合] bùhé to not conform to; to be unsuited to; to be out of keeping with; should not; ought out 付给[付給] fùgěi to deliver; to pay 无动于衷[無動於衷] wúdòngyúzhōng aloof; indifferent; unconcerned 天鹅[天鵝] tiān'é swan 泳[泳] yǒng swimming; to swim 搀[攙] chān to take by the arm and assist; to mix; to blend; to dilute; to adulterate 激[激] jī to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent 碰瓷[碰瓷] pèngcí (coll.) to scam sb by setting up an "accident" in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting "expensive" porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car) 胜[勝] shèng victory; success; to beat; to defeat; to surpass; victorious; superior to; to get the better of; better than; surpassing; superb (of vista); beautiful (scenery); wonderful (view); (Taiwan pr. [sheng1]) able to bear; equal to (a task) 券[券] quàn bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half); contract; deed (i.e. title deeds); ticket; voucher; certificate 在握[在握] zàiwò (fig.) to hold in one's hands; to be within grasp 火药味[火藥味] huǒyàowèi smell of gunpowder; (fig.) combative tone; belligerence 浓[濃] nóng concentrated; dense; strong (smell etc) 品味[品味] pǐnwèi to sample; to taste; to appreciate; one's taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion, food and drink etc); good taste 待会儿[待會兒] dāihuìr5 in a moment; later; also pr. [dai1 hui3 r5] or [dai1 hui5 r5] 选中[選中] xuǎnzhòng to choose; to pick; to settle upon; to decide upon a candidate; to be selected for some role 行使[行使] xíngshǐ to exercise (a right etc) 大将[大將] dàjiàng a general or admiral 风范[風範] fēngfàn air; manner; model; paragon; demeanor 楼上[樓上] lóushàng upstairs 上楼[上樓] shànglóu to go upstairs 主意[主意] zhǔyi plan; idea; decision; CL:個|个[ge4]; Beijing pr. [zhu2 yi5] 分叉[分叉] fēnchà fork; bifurcation; to divide 破碎[破碎] pòsuì to smash to pieces; to shatter 扔[扔] rēng to throw; to throw away //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/50 words - 19 min 速战速决[速戰速決] sùzhànsùjué a blitzkrieg strategy (idiom); to resolve sth in the shortest time possible; to get sth done quickly 孩童[孩童] háitóng child 作数[作數] zuòshù valid; counting (as valid) 忆[憶] yì to recollect; to remember; memory 假话[假話] jiǎhuà a lie; untrue statement; misstatement 逼近[逼近] bījìn to press on towards; to close in on; to approach; to draw near 一号[一號] yīhào first day of the month; toilet; (slang) top (in a homosexual relationship) 嘉宾[嘉賓] jiābīn esteemed guest; honored guest; guest (on a show) 牵手[牽手] qiānshǒu to hold hands 牌子[牌子] páizi sign; trademark; brand 损失[損失] sǔnshī loss; damage; CL:個|个[ge4]; to lose; to suffer damage 猪蹄[豬蹄] zhūtí pig trotters 气人[氣人] qìrén to anger; to annoy 不举[不舉] bùjǔ erectile dysfunction; impotence 暂[暫] zàn temporary; Taiwan pr. [zhan4] 想来[想來] xiǎnglái it may be assumed that 身高[身高] shēngāo (a person's) height 增高[增高] zēnggāo to heighten; to raise; to increase; to rise 系数[係數] xìshù coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio 用命[用命] yòngmìng to follow orders; to abide by; to obey 叉[叉] chā fork; pitchfork; prong; pick; cross; intersect; "X" 记仇[記仇] jìchóu to hold a grudge 咱[咱] zán I or me; we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to) 蓄势待发[蓄勢待發] xùshìdàifā to wait for action after having accumulated power, energy etc 人气[人氣] rénqì popularity; personality; character //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/75 words - 34 min 拎[拎] līn to lift; to carry in one's hand; Taiwan pr. [ling1] 出击[出擊] chūjī to sally; to attack 待定[待定] dàidìng to await a decision; to be pending 毒奶[毒奶] dúnǎi poisoned milk; contaminated milk; refers to 2008 PRC scandal involving milk products adulterated with melamine 三聚氰胺[san1 ju4 qing2 an4] 大满贯[大滿貫] dàmǎnguàn grand slam 游移[游移] yóuyí to wander; to shift around; to waver; to vacillate 鼓起勇气[鼓起勇氣] gǔqǐyǒngqì to summon one's courage 百发百中[百發百中] bǎifābǎizhòng lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits; to carry out a task with great precision; to shoot with unfailing accuracy; be a crack shot (idiom) 心仪[心儀] xīnyí to admire 强扭的瓜不甜[強扭的瓜不甜] qiǎngniǔdeguābùtián lit. if you have to use force to break a melon off the vine, it won't taste sweet (because it's only when the melon is ripe that it can be removed with just a slight twist) (idiom); fig. if sth is not meant to be, it's no use trying to force it to happen 慎重[慎重] shènzhòng cautious; careful; prudent 焦灼[焦灼] jiāozhuó (literary) deeply worried 沦落[淪落] lúnluò to degenerate; impoverished; to fall (into poverty); to be reduced (to begging) 地步[地步] dìbù stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved); situation; leeway 心思[心思] xīnsi mind; thoughts; inclination; mood 认命[認命] rènmìng to accept misfortunes as decreed by fate; to be resigned to sth 抛弃[拋棄] pāoqì to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb) 所属[所屬] suǒshǔ one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with); subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself); belonging to; affiliated; under one's command 女强人[女強人] nǚqiángrén successful career woman; able woman 藕[藕] ǒu root of lotus 万箭穿心[萬箭穿心] wànjiànchuānxīn lit. to have one's heart pierced by thousands of arrows (idiom); fig. overcome with sorrow; to lambaste; to rip sb to shreds 此处[此處] cǐchù this place; here (literary) 添加[添加] tiānjiā to add; to increase 满满当当[滿滿當當] mǎnmǎndāngdāng brim full; completely packed 属[屬] shǔ category; genus (taxonomy); family members; dependents; to belong to; subordinate to; affiliated with; be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals); to be; to prove to be; to constitute //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/100 words - 42 min 孤苦伶仃[孤苦伶仃] gūkǔlíngdīng solitary and impoverished (idiom) 满员[滿員] mǎnyuán full complement; at full strength; no vacancies 一次性[一次性] yīcìxìng one-off (offer); one-time; single-use; disposable (goods) 地下[地下] dìxià underground; subterranean; covert 解答[解答] jiědá answer; explanation; solution (to a math equation) 不通[不通] bùtōng to be obstructed; to be blocked up; to be impassable; to make no sense; to be illogical 毫不犹豫[毫不猶豫] háobùyóuyù without the slightest hesitation 全票[全票] quánpiào full-priced ticket; by unanimous vote 毋庸[毋庸] wúyōng no need for 置疑[置疑] zhìyí to doubt 和平[和平] hépíng peace; peaceful 板子[板子] bǎnzi board; plank; bamboo or birch for corporal punishment 诠释[詮釋] quánshì to interpret; to comment and explain; to annotate; to perform (i.e. interpret a theatrical role); to decode; interpretation; annotation 样板[樣板] yàngbǎn template; prototype; model; example 扮[扮] bàn to disguise oneself as; to dress up; to play (a role); to put on (an expression) 戏剧化[戲劇化] xìjùhuà theatrical 刁难[刁難] diāonàn to be hard on sb; to deliberately make things difficult 戴上[戴上] dàishang to put on (hat etc) 围观[圍觀] wéiguān to stand in a circle and watch 情不自禁[情不自禁] qíngbùzìjīn unable to restrain emotions; cannot help 仰[仰] yǎng to face upward; to look up; to admire; to rely on 看热闹[看熱鬧] kànrènao to enjoy watching a bustling scene; to go where the crowds are 各样[各樣] gèyàng many different types 取胜[取勝] qǔshèng to score a victory; to prevail over one's opponents 毛遂自荐[毛遂自薦] MáoSuìzìjiàn Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/125 words - 53 min 买一送一[買一送一] mǎiyīsòngyī buy one, get one free; two for the price of one 退出[退出] tuìchū to withdraw; to abort; to quit; to log out (computing) 良心[良心] liángxīn conscience 四次[四次] sìcì fourth; four times; quartic 女郎[女郎] nǚláng young woman; maiden; girl; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 怒吼[怒吼] nùhǒu to bellow; to rave; to snarl 掉过[掉過] diàoguò to swap places 总决赛[總決賽] zǒngjuésài finals (sports) 干枯[乾枯] gānkū withered; dried up 沙漠[沙漠] shāmò desert; CL:個|个[ge4] 板[板] bǎn board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); CL:塊|块[kuai4]; accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious 错开[錯開] cuòkāi to stagger (times) 忍心[忍心] rěnxīn to have the heart to do sth; to steel oneself to a task 持[持] chí to hold; to grasp; to support; to maintain; to persevere; to manage; to run (i.e. administer); to control 义气[義氣] yìqì spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice; code of brotherhood; also pr. [yi4 qi5] 分给[分給] fēngěi to divide (and give to others) 意识[意識] yìshí consciousness; awareness; to be aware; to realize 崩塌[崩塌] bēngtā talus slide; to crumble (of scree slope); to collapse; landslide 白马王子[白馬王子] báimǎwángzǐ Prince Charming; knight in shining armor 打卡[打卡] dǎkǎ (of an employee) to clock on (or off); to punch in (or out) 采用[採用] cǎiyòng to adopt; to employ; to use 形式[形式] xíngshì outer appearance; form; shape; formality; CL:個|个[ge4] 视为[視為] shìwéi to view as; to see as; to consider to be; to deem 弃权[棄權] qìquán to abstain from voting; to forfeit; to waive one's right to vote; to abdicate 红色[紅色] hóngsè red (color); revolutionary //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/150 words - 57 min 牛魔王[牛魔王] Niúmówáng Gyuumao 逊色[遜色] xùnsè inferior (often in the combination 毫無遜色|毫无逊色, not in the least inferior) 逊[遜] xùn to abdicate; modest; yielding; unpretentious; inferior to; (slang) to suck 小鸡[小雞] xiǎojī chick 入睡[入睡] rùshuì to fall asleep 恐龙[恐龍] kǒnglóng dinosaur; CL:頭|头[tou2]; (slang) ugly person 强项[強項] qiángxiàng key strength; strong suit; specialty 不利[不利] bùlì unfavorable; disadvantageous; harmful; detrimental 兮[兮] xī (particle in old Chinese similar to 啊) 骓[騅] zhuī (literary) piebald horse 逝[逝] shì (of time) to pass; to die 奈[奈] nài how can one help 之下[之下] zhīxià under; beneath; less than 截[截] jié to cut off (a length); to stop; to intercept; section; chunk; length 一星半点[一星半點] yīxīngbàndiǎn just the tiniest bit; a hint of 埋伏[埋伏] máifú to ambush; to lie in wait for; to lie low; ambush 检验[檢驗] jiǎnyàn to inspect; to examine; to test 澎湃[澎湃] péngpài to surge 乘法[乘法] chéngfǎ multiplication 败[敗] bài to defeat; to damage; to lose (to an opponent); to fail; to wither 风度[風度] fēngdù elegance (for men); elegant demeanor; grace; poise 偏偏[偏偏] piānpiān (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would wish) unfortunately; as it happened; (indicates that sth is the opposite of what would be normal or reasonable) stubbornly; contrarily; against reason; (indicates that sb or a group is singled out) precisely; only; of all people 两倍[兩倍] liǎngbèi twice as much; double the amount 张力[張力] zhānglì tension 侵略[侵略] qīnlüè invasion; encroachment //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep21/168 words - 64 min 护理[護理] hùlǐ to nurse; to tend and protect 决不[決不] juébù not at all; simply (can) not 相互[相互] xiānghù each other; mutual 优[優] yōu excellent; superior 多种[多種] duōzhǒng many kinds of; multiple; diverse; multi- 纯[純] chún pure; simple; unmixed; genuine 侧面[側面] cèmiàn lateral side; side; aspect; profile 走路[走路] zǒulù to walk; to go on foot 适[適] shì to fit; suitable; proper; just (now); comfortable; well; to go; to follow or pursue 恐[恐] kǒng afraid; frightened; to fear 个头[個頭] gètóu size; height 释[釋] shì to explain; to release; Buddha (abbr. for 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2]); Buddhism 困扰[困擾] kùnrǎo to perplex; to disturb; to cause complications 计时[計時] jìshí to measure time; to time; to reckon by time 空翻[空翻] kōngfān flip; somersault 扒[扒] bā to peel; to skin; to tear; to pull down; to cling to (sth on which one is climbing); to dig 霸道[霸道] bàdào the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. for 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent 睛[睛] jīng eye; eyeball //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep22/25 words - 6 min 四面楚歌[四面楚歌] sìmiànChǔgē lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom); fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help 古今[古今] gǔjīn then and now; ancient and modern 交替[交替] jiāotì to replace; alternately; in turn 盛宴[盛宴] shèngyàn feast 东征[東征] dōngzhēng punitive expedition to the east 西[西] xī west 翩翩[翩翩] piānpiān elegant; graceful; smart; to dance lightly 羁绊[羈絆] jībàn trammels; fetters; yoke; to restrain; to hinder; restraint 承蒙[承蒙] chéngméng to be indebted (to sb) 悠然[悠然] yōurán unhurried; leisurely 自酌[自酌] zìzhuó to enjoy a cup of wine by oneself 饮[飲] yǐn to drink 处事[處事] chǔshì to handle affairs; to deal with 荆轲[荊軻] JīngKē Jing Ke (-227 BC), celebrated in verse and fiction as would-be assassin of King Ying Zheng of Qin 秦嬴政 (later the First Emperor 秦始皇) 四面[四面] sìmiàn all sides 口吻[口吻] kǒuwěn tone of voice; connotation in intonation; accent (regional etc); snout; muzzle; lips; protruding portion of an animal's face 使坏[使壞] shǐhuài to play dirty tricks; to be up to mischief 投影[投影] tóuyǐng to project; a projection 论[論] lùn opinion; view; theory; doctrine; to discuss; to talk about; to regard; to consider; per; by the (kilometer, hour etc) 斗[鬥] dòu to fight; to struggle; to condemn; to censure; to contend; to put together; coming together 必胜[必勝] bìshèng to be certain of victory; to be bound to prevail 奈何[奈何] nàihé to do something to sb; to deal with; to cope; how?; to no avail 处境[處境] chǔjìng situation (of a person) 引[引] yǐn to draw (e.g. a bow); to pull; to stretch sth; to extend; to lengthen; to involve or implicate in; to attract; to lead; to guide; to leave; to provide evidence or justification for; old unit of distance equal to 10 丈[zhang4], one-thirtieth of a km or 33.33 meters 时机[時機] shíjī fortunate timing; occasion; opportunity //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep22/50 words - 16 min 魔障[魔障] Mózhàng Mara (the demon of temptation) 玩意儿[玩意兒] wányìr5 erhua variant of 玩意[wan2 yi4] 慢半拍[慢半拍] mànbànpāi (music) a half-beat behind; (fig.) rather slow (in performing a task, comprehending etc) 洗漱[洗漱] xǐshù to wash the face and rinse the mouth 归[歸] guī to return; to go back to; to give back to; (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by; to belong to; to gather together; (used between two identical verbs) despite; to marry (of a woman) (old); division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor 做手[做手] zuòshǒu to put one's hand to sth; to set about; skillful hands; worker; writer 忙不过来[忙不過來] mángbùguòlái to have more work than one can deal with; to have one's hands full 极大[極大] jídà maximum; enormous 减轻[減輕] jiǎnqīng to lighten; to ease; to alleviate 出发点[出發點] chūfādiǎn starting point; (fig.) basis; motive 无能为力[無能為力] wúnéngwéilì impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless 男子汉[男子漢] nánzǐhàn man (i.e. manly, masculine) 烦人[煩人] fánrén to annoy; annoying; irritating; troublesome 弦[弦] xián bow string; string of musical instrument; watchspring; chord (segment of curve); hypotenuse; CL:根[gen1] 绷[綳] bēng variant of 繃|绷[beng1]; variant of 繃|绷[beng3] 拴[拴] shuān to tie up 绳[繩] shéng rope; CL:根[gen1] 蚂蚱[螞蚱] màzha (dialect) locust; grasshopper 骗人[騙人] piànrén to cheat sb; a scam 踹[踹] chuài to kick; to trample; to tread on 衰[衰] shuāi to decline; to wane; to become weak or feeble 事变[事變] shìbiàn incident; unforeseen event; events (in general) 宽心[寬心] kuānxīn relieved; comforted; to relieve anxieties; at ease; relaxed; reassuring; happy 采集[採集] cǎijí to gather; to collect; to harvest 授权[授權] shòuquán to authorize //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep22/75 words - 25 min 实时[實時] shíshí (in) real time; instantaneous 点击[點擊] diǎnjī to hit; to press; to strike (on the keyboard); to click (a web page button) 下方[下方] xiàfāng underneath; below; the underside; world of mortals; to descend to the world of mortals (of Gods) 按钮[按鈕] ànniǔ push button 猖狂[猖狂] chāngkuáng savage; furious 比才[比才] Bìcái Bizet (name); Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French musician, composer of opera Carmen 愧疚[愧疚] kuìjiù to feel guilty; to feel ashamed of oneself; to be remorseful 兼备[兼備] jiānbèi have both 导致[導致] dǎozhì to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about 理科[理科] lǐkē the sciences (as opposed to the humanities 文科[wen2 ke1]) 供血[供血] gōngxuè to donate blood 聚齐[聚齊] jùqí to meet together; to assemble (of a group of people) 齐心协力[齊心協力] qíxīnxiélì to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts; to pull together; to work as one 母老虎[母老虎] mǔlǎohǔ tigress; (fig.) fierce woman; vixen 憋屈[憋屈] biēqū sullen 抗压[抗壓] kàngyā to resist pressure or stress; pressure-resistant 含[含] hán to keep; to contain; to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing) 热泪[熱淚] rèlèi hot tears 不善[不善] bùshàn bad; ill; not good at; not to be pooh-poohed; quite impressive 言辞[言辭] yáncí words; expression; what one says 杀手[殺手] shāshǒu killer; murderer; hit man; (sports) formidable player 渗入[滲入] shènrù to permeate 古筝[古箏] gǔzhēng zither or guzheng; large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times 琵琶[琵琶] pípa pipa, Chinese lute, with 4 strings, a large pear-shaped body and a fretted fingerboard 沉淀[沉澱] chéndiàn to settle; to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep22/90 words - 31 min 决斗[決鬥] juédòu to duel; a duel; decisive struggle 扫地[掃地] sǎodì to sweep the floor; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low 扫[掃] sǎo to sweep 扫[掃] sào broom 马桶[馬桶] mǎtǒng chamber pot; wooden pan used as toilet; toilet bowl 信服[信服] xìnfú to have faith in; to believe in; to have confidence in; to respect 温[溫] wēn warm; lukewarm; temperature; to warm up; mild; soft; tender; to review (a lesson etc); fever (TCM); old variant of 瘟[wen1] 幸[幸] xìng fortunate; lucky 新年[新年] xīnnián New Year; CL:個|个[ge4] 入住[入住] rùzhù to check in (at a hotel etc) 酒店[酒店] jiǔdiàn wine shop; pub (public house); hotel; restaurant; (Tw) hostess club 蒙[矇] mēng to deceive; to cheat; to hoodwink; to make a wild guess 线索[線索] xiànsuǒ trail; clues; thread (of a story) 玄机[玄機] xuánjī profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism); mysterious principles 栽赃[栽贓] zāizāng to frame sb (by planting sth on them) 卧底[臥底] wòdǐ to hide (as an undercover agent); an insider (in a gang of thieves); a mole //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/25 words - 10 min 经得起[經得起] jīngdeqǐ to be able to withstand; to be able to endure 招呼[招呼] zhāohu to call out to; to greet; to say hello to; to inform; to take care of; to take care that one does not 二号[二號] èrhào 2nd day of the month 五号[五號] wǔhào the fifth; fifth day of a month 傻子[傻子] shǎzi idiot; fool 魔性[魔性] móxìng (neologism c. 2014) irresistibly quirky; compelling in its wackiness 囡[囡] nān child; daughter 荣获[榮獲] rónghuò be honored with 对照[對照] duìzhào to contrast; to compare; to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts); to check 褒[褒] bāo to praise; to commend; to honor; (of clothes) large or loose 鉴[鑒] jiàn variant of 鑑|鉴[jian4] 点缀[點綴] diǎnzhuì to decorate; to adorn; sprinkled; studded; only for show 傲娇[傲嬌] àojiāo (coll.) presenting as unfriendly and blunt, but warm and tender inside (loanword from Japanese "tsundere") 门面[門面] ménmian shop front; facade; CL:間|间[jian1]; prestige 瞄[瞄] miáo to take aim; (fig.) to aim one's looks at; to glance at 自拔[自拔] zìbá to free oneself; to extricate oneself from a difficult situation 咧[咧] lie modal particle expressing exclamation 太阳穴[太陽穴] tàiyángxué temple (on the sides of human head) 虚弱[虛弱] xūruò weak; in poor health 愤怒[憤怒] fènnù angry; indignant; wrath; ire 遭遇[遭遇] zāoyù to meet with; to encounter; (bitter) experience 权力[權力] quánlì power; authority 威严[威嚴] wēiyán dignified; imposing; august; awe-inspiring; awe; prestige; dignity 换气[換氣] huànqì to take a breath (in swimming); to ventilate 黏住[黏住] niánzhù cling //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/50 words - 20 min 诀窍[訣竅] juéqiào secret; trick; knack; key 忽视[忽視] hūshì to neglect; to ignore 咬字[咬字] yǎozì to pronounce (clearly or otherwise); to enunciate 字尾[字尾] zìwěi suffix 支教[支教] zhījiào program bringing education to underdeveloped areas; to work in such a program 忐忑[忐忑] tǎntè nervous; apprehensive 隐形眼镜[隱形眼鏡] yǐnxíngyǎnjìng contact lens; CL:隻|只[zhi1],副[fu4] 湿[濕] shī moist; wet 探望[探望] tànwàng to visit; to call on sb; to look around 过问[過問] guòwèn to show an interest in; to get involved with 无名氏[無名氏] wúmíngshì anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc) 离去[離去] líqù to leave; to exit 忍耐[忍耐] rěnnài to endure; to bear with; to exercise patience; to restrain oneself; patience; endurance 包容[包容] bāoróng to pardon; to forgive; to show tolerance; to contain; to hold; inclusive 自顾自[自顧自] zìgùzì each minding his own business 始终如一[始終如一] shǐzhōngrúyī unswerving from start to finish (idiom) 里头[裡頭] lǐtou inside; interior 贴近[貼近] tiējìn to press close to; to snuggle close; intimate 频率[頻率] pínlǜ frequency 感应[感應] gǎnyìng response; reaction; interaction; irritability (biol.); induction (elec.); inductance 奔[奔] bēn to hurry; to rush; to run quickly; to elope 解开[解開] jiěkāi to untie; to undo; to solve (a mystery) 差点[差點] chàdiǎn almost; nearly 短时间[短時間] duǎnshíjiān short term; short time 至关重要[至關重要] zhìguānzhòngyào extremely important; vital; crucial; essential //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/75 words - 29 min 梦见[夢見] mèngjiàn to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream 俏[俏] qiào good-looking; charming; (of goods) in great demand; (coll.) to season (food) 大风[大風] dàfēng gale; CL:場|场[chang2] 大浪[大浪] dàlàng billow; surge 亲自[親自] qīnzì personally; in person; oneself 放马过来[放馬過來] fàngmǎguòlái bring it on!; give me all you got! 心虚[心虛] xīnxū lacking in confidence; diffident; to have a guilty conscience 交错[交錯] jiāocuò to crisscross; to intertwine 选择性[選擇性] xuǎnzéxìng selective; selectiveness; selectivity 人证[人證] rénzhèng witness testimony 课程[課程] kèchéng course; academic program; CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2] 对了[對了] duìle Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention); Oh, by the way, ... 胜算[勝算] shèngsuàn odds of success; stratagem that ensures success; to be sure of success 赋予[賦予] fùyǔ to assign; to entrust (a task); to give; to bestow 嘣[嘣] bēng sound of an explosion; sound of sth throbbing or bursting 僵直[僵直] jiāngzhí stiff; rigid; inflexible 胳膊[胳膊] gēbo arm; CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2],雙|双[shuang1] 僵[僵] jiāng rigid; deadlock; stiff (corpse) 掰[掰] bāi to break off or break open sth with one's hands; (fig.) to break off (a relationship) 缺乏[缺乏] quēfá to lack; to be short of; lack; shortage 齐全[齊全] qíquán complete; comprehensive 逆境[逆境] nìjìng adversity; predicament 偏科[偏科] piānkē to overemphasize some topic (at the expense of others); overdoing it; to go overboard 多数[多數] duōshù majority; most 相反[相反] xiāngfǎn opposite; contrary //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/100 words - 46 min 末班车[末班車] mòbānchē last bus or train; last chance 车站[車站] chēzhàn rail station; bus stop; CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4] 做法[做法] zuòfǎ way of handling sth; method for making; work method; recipe; practice; CL:個|个[ge4] 抓紧[抓緊] zhuājǐn to grasp firmly; to pay special attention to; to rush in; to make the most of 好比[好比] hǎobǐ to be just like; can be compared to 凝重[凝重] níngzhòng dignified; grave (expression); imposing (attitude); heavy (atmosphere); (music etc) deep and resounding 超生[超生] chāoshēng to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy; to be reincarnated; to be lenient 炬[炬] jù torch 闲聊[閑聊] xiánliáo to chat; idle gossip 暗箭[暗箭] ànjiàn attack by a hidden enemy; a stab in the back 丢人[丟人] diūrén to lose face 百分之一百[百分之一百] bǎifēnzhīyībǎi one hundred percent; totally (effective) 双腿[雙腿] shuāngtuǐ legs; both legs; two legs 摁[摁] èn to press (with finger) 好几年[好幾年] hǎojǐnián several years 看开[看開] kànkāi to come to accept an unpleasant fact; to get over sth; to cheer up 过度[過度] guòdù excessive; over-; excess; going too far; extravagant; intemperate; overdue 拘泥[拘泥] jūnì to be a stickler for formalities; to rigidly adhere to; to cling to; constrained; ill at ease 丢弃[丟棄] diūqì to discard; to abandon 收听[收聽] shōutīng to listen to (a radio broadcast) 海边[海邊] hǎibiān coast; seaside; seashore; beach 停下[停下] tíngxià to stop 蹲下[蹲下] dūnxià to squat down; to crouch 长相[長相] zhǎngxiàng appearance; looks; profile; countenance 秀色可餐[秀色可餐] xiùsèkěcān a feast for the eyes (idiom); (of women) gorgeous; graceful; (of scenery) beautiful //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/125 words - 53 min 可塑性[可塑性] kěsùxìng plasticity 满脸[滿臉] mǎnliǎn across one's whole face 情调[情調] qíngdiào sentiment; tone and mood; taste 关掉[關掉] guāndiào to switch off; to shut off 打断[打斷] dǎduàn to interrupt; to break off; to break (a bone) 怯懦[怯懦] qiènuò timid; gutless; weakling 寻求[尋求] xúnqiú to seek; to look for 吧嗒[吧嗒] bāda (onom.) patter, splatter, click; to smack one's lips; to pull (on a pipe) 惊慌[驚慌] jīnghuāng to panic; to be alarmed 手足无措[手足無措] shǒuzúwúcuò at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered 绝世[絕世] juéshì unique; exceptional 胜任[勝任] shèngrèn qualified; competent (professionally); to be up to a task 观念[觀念] guānniàn notion; thought; concept; sense; views; ideology; general impressions 当回事[當回事] dànghuíshì to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously"); to treat conscientiously 卑微[卑微] bēiwēi petty and low 生疏[生疏] shēngshū unfamiliar; strange; out of practice; not accustomed 荣幸[榮幸] róngxìng honored (to have the privilege of ...) 绿叶[綠葉] lǜyè (fig.) actor playing a supporting role 叒[叒] ruò old variant of 若[ruo4]; obedient; ancient mythical tree 叕[叕] zhuó to join together; to lack; narrow and shallow 详细[詳細] xiángxì detailed; in detail; minute 琼瑶[瓊瑤] QióngYáo Chiung Yao (1938-), Taiwanese writer 版本[版本] bǎnběn version; edition; release 抽纸[抽紙] chōuzhǐ paper tissue (in a box) 换人[換人] huànrén to replace sb (personnel, sports team player etc); substitution //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/150 words - 60 min 修改[修改] xiūgǎi to amend; to alter; to modify 衬衣[襯衣] chènyī shirt; CL:件[jian4] 气流[氣流] qìliú stream of air; airflow; slipstream; draft; breath; turbulence (of aircraft) 划破[劃破] huápò to cut open; to rip; to streak across (lightning, meteor etc); to pierce (scream, searchlight etc) 海域[海域] hǎiyù sea area; territorial waters; maritime space 摘下[摘下] zhāixià to take off; to remove (one's hat, a door from its hinges etc); to pick (a piece of fruit from a tree etc); (sports) to pick off (a rebound etc) 睡醒[睡醒] shuìxǐng to wake up 南京[南京] Nánjīng Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏; capital of China at different historical periods 洛杉矶[洛杉磯] Luòshānjī Los Angeles, California 透过[透過] tòuguò to pass through; to penetrate; by means of; via 无上[無上] wúshàng supreme 不在意[不在意] bùzàiyì to pay no attention to; not to mind 宠爱[寵愛] chǒng'ài to dote on sb 偏爱[偏愛] piān'ài to be partial towards sth; to favor; to prefer; preference; favorite 试探[試探] shìtàn to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out 吻别[吻別] wěnbié to kiss goodbye 脱下[脫下] tuōxià to take off (clothing) 纽扣[紐扣] niǔkòu button 绅士[紳士] shēnshì gentleman 婧[婧] jìng (of woman) slender; delicate; virtuous 艳[艷] yàn colorful; splendid; gaudy; amorous; romantic; to envy 吃力[吃力] chīlì to entail strenuous effort; to toil at a task; strenuous; laborious; strain 淑女[淑女] shūnǚ wise and virtuous woman; lady 媚[媚] mèi flatter; charm 恰到好处[恰到好處] qiàdàohǎochù it's just perfect; it's just right //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/175 words - 69 min 柔美[柔美] róuměi gentle and beautiful 低声[低聲] dīshēng in a low voice; softly 摸底[摸底] mōdǐ to have a clear view (of a situation); to fish for information; fact-finding 溺爱[溺愛] nì'ài to spoil; to pamper; to dote on 宠坏[寵壞] chǒnghuài to spoil (a child etc) 青睐[青睞] qīnglài (lit.) to fix one's gaze on; (fig.) to show interest in; (favorable) attention; favor 看待[看待] kàndài to look upon; to regard 第一眼[第一眼] dìyīyǎn at first glance; at first sight 写完[寫完] xiěwán to finish writing 停顿[停頓] tíngdùn to halt; to break off; pause (in speech) 头绪[頭緒] tóuxù outline; main threads 打退堂鼓[打退堂鼓] dǎtuìtánggǔ lit. to beat the return drum (idiom); fig. to give up; to turn tail 别着急[別著急] biézháojí Don't worry! 方案[方案] fāng'àn plan; program (for action etc); proposal; proposed bill; CL:個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 第一步[第一步] dìyībù step one; first step 急迫[急迫] jípò urgent; pressing; imperative 填词[填詞] tiáncí to compose a poem (to a given tune) 压缩[壓縮] yāsuō to compress; compression 连音[連音] liányīn tuplet (music); sandhi (phonetics) 凸显[凸顯] tūxiǎn to present clearly; to give prominence to; to magnify; clear and obvious 看不懂[看不懂] kànbudǒng unable to make sense of what one is looking at 僵局[僵局] jiāngjú impasse; deadlock 效率[效率] xiàolǜ efficiency 奋笔疾书[奮筆疾書] fènbǐjíshū to write at a tremendous speed 关键字[關鍵字] guānjiànzì keyword //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep23/182 words - 69 min 总能[總能] zǒngnéng total energy 延伸[延伸] yánshēn to extend; to spread 看懂[看懂] kàndǒng to understand what one is reading or watching 不争气[不爭氣] bùzhēngqì to be disappointing; to fail to live up to expectations 主流[主流] zhǔliú main stream (of a river); fig. the essential point; main viewpoint of a matter; mainstream (culture etc) 醉[醉] zuì intoxicated 精神支柱[精神支柱] jīngshénzhīzhù moral pillars; spiritual props //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep24/25 words - 15 min 勾人[勾人] gōurén sexy; seductive 香味[香味] xiāngwèi fragrance; bouquet; sweet smell; CL:股[gu3] 姨母[姨母] yímǔ mother's sister; maternal aunt 全景[全景] quánjǐng panoramic view 庄重[莊重] zhuāngzhòng grave; solemn; dignified 一个样[一個樣] yīgeyàng same as 一樣|一样[yi1 yang4]; the same 悬念[懸念] xuánniàn suspense in a movie, play etc; concern for sb's welfare 取得胜利[取得勝利] qǔdéshènglì to prevail; to achieve victory; to be victorious 起床[起床] qǐchuáng to get out of bed; to get up 特地[特地] tèdì specially; for a special purpose 疑虑[疑慮] yílǜ hesitation; misgivings; doubt 错乱[錯亂] cuòluàn in disorder; deranged (mentally) 当天[當天] dāngtiān on that day 广播[廣播] guǎngbō broadcast; CL:個|个[ge4]; broadcasting; to broadcast; (formal) to propagate; to publicize 体操[體操] tǐcāo gymnastic; gymnastics 澡[澡] zǎo bath 难以[難以] nányǐ hard to (predict, imagine etc) 海里[海里] hǎilǐ nautical mile 相依[相依] xiāngyī to be interdependent 万里[萬里] wànlǐ far away; thousands of miles; 10000 li 时间线[時間線] shíjiānxiàn timeline 心境[心境] xīnjìng mood; mental state; frame of mind 较大[較大] jiàodà comparatively large 背道而驰[背道而馳] bèidào'érchí to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run counter to 笼罩[籠罩] lǒngzhào to envelop; to shroud //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep24/50 words - 20 min 焦急[焦急] jiāojí anxiety; anxious 浮躁[浮躁] fúzào fickle and impatient; restless; giddy; scatterbrained 游离[遊離] yóulí to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component) 不好受[不好受] bùhǎoshòu unpleasant; hard to take 机械[機械] jīxiè machine; machinery; mechanical; (old) cunning; scheming 式[式] shì type; form; pattern; style 时段[時段] shíduàn time interval; work shift; time slot; the twelve two-hour divisions of the day 用来[用來] yònglái to be used for 直面[直面] zhímiàn to face (reality, danger etc) 弱点[弱點] ruòdiǎn weak point; failing 心结[心結] xīnjié a matter that gnaws at one's mind; preoccupation; sore point; rancor 油腻[油膩] yóunì grease; greasy food; oily; rich (of food); fatty; greasy and dirty; a slippery character 负面[負面] fùmiàn negative; the negative side 平庸[平庸] píngyōng mediocre; indifferent; commonplace 抓紧时间[抓緊時間] zhuājǐnshíjiān to snatch time; to rush; to hurry (up); to seize the moment 连轴转[連軸轉] liánzhóuzhuàn lit. to continuously revolve; to work non-stop; to work around the clock (idiom) 当当[噹噹] dāngdāng (onom.) ding dong 当[噹] dāng (onom.) dong; ding dong (bell) 马不停蹄[馬不停蹄] mǎbùtíngtí unrelenting; without stopping to rest 折返[折返] zhéfǎn to turn back 遇[遇] yù to meet; to encounter; to treat; to receive; opportunity; chance 兼顾[兼顧] jiāngù to attend simultaneously to two or more things; to balance (career and family, family and education etc) 轮流[輪流] lúnliú to alternate; to take turns 秒表[秒表] miǎobiǎo stopwatch 崽[崽] zǎi child; young animal //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep24/75 words - 32 min 操心[操心] cāoxīn to worry about 相亲相爱[相親相愛] xiāngqīnxiāng'ài to be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions 和气[和氣] héqi friendly; polite; amiable 遗落[遺落] yíluò to leave behind (inadvertently); to forget; to omit; to leave out 遗迹[遺跡] yíjì trace; vestige; historical remains; remnant 象形[象形] xiàngxíng pictogram; one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters; Chinese character derived from a picture; sometimes called hieroglyph 刻骨铭心[刻骨銘心] kègǔmíngxīn lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom); fig. etched in one's memory; unforgettable 冰河时期[冰河時期] bīnghéshíqī ice age 疗愈[療癒] liáoyù to heal; therapy 废墟[廢墟] fèixū ruins 文明[文明] wénmíng civilized; civilization; culture; CL:個|个[ge4] 一线[一線] yīxiàn front line 推理[推理] tuīlǐ reasoning; inference; to infer; to deduce 难解[難解] nánjiě hard to solve; hard to dispel; hard to understand; hard to undo 谜[謎] mí riddle 柔情[柔情] róuqíng gentle feelings; tender sentiments 更迭[更迭] gēngdié to alternate; to change 四季[四季] sìjì four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬 青涩[青澀] qīngsè underripe; (fig.) young and inexperienced 模拟[模擬] mónǐ imitation; to simulate; to imitate; analog (device, as opposed to digital) 暖意[暖意] nuǎnyì warmth 朝夕[朝夕] zhāoxī morning and night; all the time 平行[平行] píngxíng parallel; of equal rank; simultaneous 万千[萬千] wànqiān myriad; multitudinous; multifarious 点儿[點兒] diǎnr5 erhua variant of 點|点[dian3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep24/84 words - 38 min 唱功[唱功] chànggōng singing skill 里人[里人] lǐrén person from the same village, town or province; peasant (derog.); (of a school of thought etc) follower 招人[招人] zhāorén to be infectious; to recruit 反超[反超] fǎnchāo to reverse (the score); to pull off a comeback; to take the lead 随意[隨意] suíyì as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious 豁出去[豁出去] huōchuqu to throw caution to the wind; to press one's luck; to go for broke 无缝[無縫] wúfèng seamless 发起[發起] fāqǐ to originate; to initiate; to launch (an attack, an initiative etc); to start; to propose sth (for the first time) 首选[首選] shǒuxuǎn first choice; premium; to come first in the imperial examinations //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep25/25 words - 15 min 里拉[里拉] lǐlā lira (monetary unit) (loanword) 偶[偶] ǒu accidental; image; pair; mate 社长[社長] shèzhǎng president or director (of association etc) 锤[鎚] chuí variant of 錘|锤[chui2] 霹雳[霹靂] pīlì clap of thunder; thunderbolt; (slang) awesome; shocking; terrifying 幼稚园[幼稚園] yòuzhìyuán kindergarten (Tw) 品学兼优[品學兼優] pǐnxuéjiānyōu excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for behavior (at school); a paragon of virtue and learning 活力[活力] huólì energy; vitality; vigor; vital force 老小[老小] lǎoxiǎo the old and the young; the youngest member of the family 调包[調包] diàobāo see 掉包[diao4 bao1] 鬼脸[鬼臉] guǐliǎn wry face; to grimace; to pull a face; comic face; face mask; devil mask 脸色[臉色] liǎnsè complexion; look 减少[減少] jiǎnshǎo to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower 燃起[燃起] ránqǐ to ignite; to light; fig. to spark off (hopes, controversy, flames of revolution) 开小会[開小會] kāixiǎohuì to whisper and chat (instead of listening during a meeting or lecture) 不差[不差] bùchà not bad; OK 其它[其它] qítā other; the others; else; other than it; in addition to the thing mentioned above 泄气[洩氣] xièqì to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat 啪[啪] pā (onom.) bang; pop; pow 斗志昂扬[鬥志昂揚] dòuzhì'ángyáng having high fighting spirit 验收[驗收] yànshōu to inspect and accept; acceptance 库[庫] kù warehouse; storehouse; (file) library 摘取[摘取] zhāiqǔ to pluck; to take 悟空[悟空] WùKōng Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers from the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 You2 Ji4] 出世[出世] chūshì to be born; to come into being; to withdraw from worldly affairs //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep25/50 words - 20 min 天底下[天底下] tiāndǐxia in this world; under the sun 加深[加深] jiāshēn to deepen 当前[當前] dāngqián current; today's; modern; present; to be facing (us) 往外[往外] wǎngwài out; outbound; departing 试着[試著] shìzhe (coll.) to try to 手指头[手指頭] shǒuzhǐtou fingertip; finger 参差不齐[參差不齊] cēncībùqí unevenly matched (idiom); scraggly; jagged 一一[一一] yīyī one by one; one after another 破解[破解] pòjiě to break (a bond, constraint etc); to explain; to unravel; to decipher; to decode; to crack (software) 焕[煥] huàn brilliant; lustrous 灿烂[燦爛] cànlàn to glitter; brilliant; splendid 猛然[猛然] měngrán suddenly; abruptly 酥软[酥軟] sūruǎn weak (of body or limbs); limp; gone soft 小鸟[小鳥] xiǎoniǎo penis (kiddie term) 欣然[欣然] xīnrán gladly; cheerfully 赞叹[讚嘆] zàntàn to exclaim in admiration 嫣然[嫣然] yānrán beautiful; sweet; engaging 颤[顫] chàn to tremble; to shiver; to shake; to vibrate; Taiwan pr. [zhan4] 跃然[躍然] yuèrán to show forth; to appear as a vivid image; to stand out markedly 饱餐[飽餐] bǎocān to eat and eat; to stuff oneself 矜持[矜持] jīnchí reserved; aloof 怦然[怦然] pēngrán with a sudden shock, bang etc 撩起[撩起] liāoqǐ to raise; to lift up (curtains, clothing etc) 盎然[盎然] àngrán abundant; full; overflowing; exuberant 呐喊[吶喊] nàhǎn shout; rallying cry; cheering; to shout //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep25/75 words - 40 min 罪[罪] zuì guilt; crime; fault; blame; sin 宛若[宛若] wǎnruò to be just like 天仙[天仙] tiānxiān immortal (esp. female); deity; fairy; Goddess; fig. beautiful woman 眨[眨] zhǎ to blink; to wink 尔[爾] ěr thus; so; like that; you; thou 出师[出師] chūshī to finish apprenticeship; to graduate; to send out troops (under a commander) 特写[特寫] tèxiě feature article; close-up (filmmaking, photography etc) 初恋[初戀] chūliàn first love 男朋友[男朋友] nánpéngyou boyfriend 抢走[搶走] qiǎngzǒu to snatch (esp related to a robbery) 屏蔽[屏蔽] píngbì to screen; to block (sth or sb); to shield; (protective) shield 董事长[董事長] dǒngshìzhǎng chairman of the board; chairman 捣乱[搗亂] dǎoluàn to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally 街上[街上] jiēshang on the street; in town 靓[靚] liàng attractive; good-looking 指手画脚[指手畫腳] zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands; to criticize or give orders summarily 老子[老子] lǎozi father; daddy; "I, your father" (in anger, or out of contempt); I (used arrogantly or jocularly) 老娘[老娘] lǎoniáng my old mother; I, this old woman; my old lady (colloquial); maternal grandmother; midwife 白眼[白眼] báiyǎn to give a supercilious look; roll of the eyes 整队[整隊] zhěngduì to dress (troops); to line up (to arrange in a straight line) 凶悍[兇悍] xiōnghàn violent; fierce and tough; shrewish (woman) 躁[躁] zào hot-tempered; impatient 凝聚[凝聚] níngjù to condense; to coagulate; coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; coherent 哭笑不得[哭笑不得] kūxiàobùdé lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom); both funny and extremely embarrassing; between laughter and tears 水手[水手] shuǐshǒu mariner; sailor; seaman //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep25/97 words - 48 min 活下去[活下去] huóxiàqù to survive; to keep on living 咸[鹹] xián salted; salty; stingy; miserly 孜[孜] zī hard-working; industrious 白糖[白糖] báitáng (refined) white sugar 椒[椒] jiāo pepper 达人[達人] dárén expert; person who takes things philosophically 来得及[來得及] láidejí there's still time; able to do sth in time 叮咛[叮嚀] dīngníng to warn; to urge; to exhort; to give instructions carefully and insistently 抗[抗] kàng to resist; to fight; to defy; anti- 组成[組成] zǔchéng to form; to make up; to constitute 小半[小半] xiǎobàn a portion smaller than a half; the lesser part; the smaller part 紫薇[紫薇] zǐwēi crape myrtle 方言[方言] fāngyán topolect; dialect 幽幽[幽幽] yōuyōu faint; indistinct 谷[谷] gǔ valley 溢出[溢出] yìchū to overflow; to spill over; (computing) overflow 合一[合一] héyī to unite 推动[推動] tuīdòng to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote; to actuate; CL:個|个[ge4] 揍[揍] zòu to beat up; to break to pieces 教练[教練] jiàoliàn instructor; sports coach; trainer; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 欲望[慾望] yùwàng desire; longing; appetite; craving 唤醒[喚醒] huànxǐng to wake sb; to rouse //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep26/25 words - 7 min 刻画[刻畫] kèhuà to portray 解渴[解渴] jiěkě to quench 周末[週末] zhōumò weekend 愈合[愈合] yùhé to heal; to fuse 闯进[闖進] chuǎngjìn to burst in 雕刻[雕刻] diāokè to carve; to engrave; carving 米开朗基罗[米開朗基羅] Mǐkāilǎngjīluó Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor 序曲[序曲] xùqǔ overture 饶有兴趣[饒有興趣] ráoyǒuxìngqù engrossing 定律[定律] dìnglǜ scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy); (in human affairs) a generalization based on observation (e.g. "power corrupts") 日记[日記] rìjì diary; CL:則|则[ze2],本[ben3],篇[pian1] 天边[天邊] tiānbiān horizon; ends of the earth; remotest places 泰式[泰式] Tàishì Thai-style (of food, massage etc) 桃花[桃花] táohuā peach blossom; (fig.) love affair 糖果[糖果] tángguǒ candy; CL:粒[li4] 椰果[椰果] yēguǒ nata de coco (a chewy jelly made from fermented coconut water) 油盐酱醋[油鹽醬醋] yóuyánjiàngcù (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar; (fig.) the trivia of everyday life 电玩[電玩] diànwán video game 表[表] biǎo exterior surface; family relationship via females; to show (one's opinion); a model; a table (listing information); a form; a meter (measuring sth) 臀部[臀部] túnbù butt; buttocks 抗拒[抗拒] kàngjù to resist; to defy; to oppose 臀[臀] tún butt; buttocks 数不清[數不清] shǔbùqīng countless; innumerable 脚印[腳印] jiǎoyìn footprint 制造[製造] zhìzào to manufacture; to make //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep26/50 words - 20 min 拉钩[拉鉤] lāgōu pinky swear 说不上[說不上] shuōbushàng to be unable to say or tell; to not be worth mentioning 略带[略帶] lüèdài having slightly; somewhat carrying 回荡[迴盪] huídàng to resound; to reverberate; to echo 依偎[依偎] yīwēi to nestle against; to snuggle up to 蹲点[蹲點] dūndiǎn (of a cadre etc) to work for a period of time with a grassroots unit to gain firsthand experience; (dialect) taking a crap 史无前例[史無前例] shǐwúqiánlì unprecedented in history 冰点[冰點] bīngdiǎn freezing point 提高[提高] tígāo to raise; to increase; to improve 问安[問安] wèn'ān to pay one's respects; to give regards to 斜角[斜角] xiéjiǎo bevel angle; oblique angle 斜面[斜面] xiémiàn inclined plane 规定[規定] guīdìng provision; to fix; to set; to formulate; to stipulate; to provide; regulation; rule; CL:個|个[ge4] 郁闷[鬱悶] yùmèn gloomy; depressed 凭什么[憑什麼] píngshénme (spoken) why?; for which reason? 后脑勺[後腦勺] hòunǎosháo back of the head 朝[朝] cháo imperial or royal court; government; dynasty; reign of a sovereign or emperor; court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor; to make a pilgrimage to; facing; towards 朝[朝] zhāo morning 绝大多数[絕大多數] juédàduōshù absolute majority; overwhelming majority 纠正[糾正] jiūzhèng to correct; to make right 出奇[出奇] chūqí extraordinary; exceptional; unusual 闪光[閃光] shǎnguāng flash 出超[出超] chūchāo trade surplus; favorable balance of trade 无与伦比[無與倫比] wúyǔlúnbǐ incomparable 闪躲[閃躲] shǎnduǒ to dodge; to evade 轨迹[軌跡] guǐjì locus; orbit; trajectory; track //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep26/75 words - 38 min 松[鬆] sōng loose; to loosen; to relax; floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling) 右方[右方] yòufāng right-hand side 平局[平局] píngjú a draw (in competition); a tie 遛[遛] liù to stroll; to walk (an animal) 高跟鞋[高跟鞋] gāogēnxié high-heeled shoes 埋没[埋沒] máimò to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion 尴[尷] gān embarrassed; ill at ease 突如其来[突如其來] tūrúqílái to arise abruptly; to arrive suddenly; happening suddenly 蝴蝶结[蝴蝶結] húdiéjié bow; bowknot 领奖[領獎] lǐngjiǎng to accept a prize; a prize-winner 求助[求助] qiúzhù to request help; to appeal (for help) 憋不住[憋不住] biēbuzhù to be unable to repress sth; to be unable to contain oneself 滴水不漏[滴水不漏] dīshuǐbùlòu lit. not one drop of water can leak out; watertight; rigorous (argument) 犹如[猶如] yóurú similar to; appearing to be 颁奖[頒獎] bānjiǎng to confer an award 典礼[典禮] diǎnlǐ celebration; ceremony 具体[具體] jùtǐ concrete; definite; specific 历历在目[歷歷在目] lìlìzàimù vivid in one's mind (idiom) 分散[分散] fēnsàn to scatter; to disperse; to distribute 轮番[輪番] lúnfān in turn; one after another 发热[發熱] fārè to have a high temperature; feverish; unable to think calmly; to emit heat 惨烈[慘烈] cǎnliè bitter; desperate 凤[鳳] fèng phoenix 惨败[慘敗] cǎnbài to suffer a crushing defeat 惜[惜] xī to cherish; to begrudge; to pity; Taiwan pr. [xi2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep26/100 words - 49 min 悬疑[懸疑] xuányí suspense 首次[首次] shǒucì first; first time; for the first time 总和[總和] zǒnghé sum 用处[用處] yòngchu usefulness; CL:個|个[ge4] 欢喜[歡喜] huānxǐ happy; joyous; delighted; to like; to be fond of 边缘[邊緣] biānyuán edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline 跨[跨] kuà to step across; to stride over; to straddle; to span 反省[反省] fǎnxǐng to reflect upon oneself; to examine one's conscience; to question oneself; to search one's soul 撅嘴[撅嘴] juēzuǐ to pout 截然不同[截然不同] jiéránbùtóng entirely different; different as black and white 喘息[喘息] chuǎnxī to gasp for breath; to take a breather 小考[小考] xiǎokǎo quiz 横祸[橫禍] hènghuò unexpected calamity 人质[人質] rénzhì hostage 徒弟[徒弟] túdì apprentice; disciple 口出狂言[口出狂言] kǒuchūkuángyán to speak conceited nonsense; to come out with arrogant claptrap 偌大[偌大] ruòdà so big; such a big 扳回[扳回] bānhuí to pull back; to regain (one's dignity etc); to recover from (an adverse situation); to turn the tables 重庆[重慶] Chóngqìng Chongqing city (Chungking), formerly in Sichuan province, a municipality since 1997, short name 渝[Yu2] 夏季[夏季] xiàjì summer 发布会[發佈會] fābùhuì news conference; briefing 聘[聘] pìn to engage (a teacher etc); to hire; to betroth; betrothal gift; to get married (of woman) 垃圾[垃圾] lājī trash; refuse; garbage; (coll.) of poor quality; Taiwan pr. [le4 se4] 穿上[穿上] chuānshang to put on (clothes etc) 召集[召集] zhàojí to convene; to gather //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep26/104 words - 49 min 半斤八两[半斤八兩] bànjīnbāliǎng not much to choose between the two; tweedledum and tweedledee 外语[外語] wàiyǔ foreign language; CL:門|门[men2] 意味[意味] yìwèi meaning; implication; flavor; overtone; to mean; to imply; (Tw) to get a sense of 法语[法語] Fǎyǔ French (language) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep27/25 words - 11 min 迫不及待[迫不及待] pòbùjídài impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it 乎[乎] hū (classical particle similar to 於|于[yu2]) in; at; from; because; than; (classical final particle similar to 嗎|吗[ma5], 吧[ba5], 呢[ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment) 意料[意料] yìliào to anticipate; to expect 会面[會面] huìmiàn to meet with; meeting 加赛[加賽] jiāsài a play-off; replay 日程[日程] rìchéng schedule; itinerary; CL:個|个[ge4] 自身[自身] zìshēn itself; oneself; one's own 比不上[比不上] bǐbùshàng can't compare with 预料[預料] yùliào to forecast; to anticipate; expectation 神经[神經] shénjīng nerve; mental state; (coll.) unhinged; nutjob 大条[大條] dàtiáo (used to modify 事情[shi4 qing5]) serious; grave 关上[關上] guānshàng to close (a door); to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc) 关门[關門] guānmén to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently) 凶猛[兇猛] xiōngměng fierce; violent; ferocious 地位[地位] dìwèi position; status; place; CL:個|个[ge4] 分明[分明] fēnmíng clear; distinct; evidently; clearly 注视[注視] zhùshì to watch attentively; to gaze at 坐立不安[坐立不安] zuòlìbù'ān lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom); restless; fidgety 唱段[唱段] chàngduàn aria (in opera) 带路[帶路] dàilù to lead the way; to guide; to show the way; fig. to instruct 听从[聽從] tīngcóng to listen and obey; to comply with; to heed; to hearken 指挥[指揮] zhǐhuī to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[ge4] 地儿[地兒] dìr5 place; space 瘾[癮] yǐn addiction; craving 上身[上身] shàngshēn upper part of the body //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep27/50 words - 34 min 窗帘[窗簾] chuānglián window curtains 一览无余[一覽無餘] yīlǎnwúyú to cover all at one glance (idiom); a panoramic view 静悄悄[靜悄悄] jìngqiāoqiāo extremely quiet 丝毫[絲毫] sīháo the slightest amount or degree; a bit 截图[截圖] jiétú screenshot (computing) 留念[留念] liúniàn to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly 灵光[靈光] língguāng divine light (around the Buddha); a halo; a miraculous column of light; (slang) jolly good! 圆形[圓形] yuánxíng round; circular 万分[萬分] wànfēn very much; extremely; one ten thousandth part 扣分[扣分] kòufēn to deduct marks (when grading school work); to have marks deducted; penalty points; to lose points for a penalty or error 捍卫[捍衛] hànwèi to defend; to uphold; to safeguard 尊严[尊嚴] zūnyán dignity; sanctity; honor; majesty 断定[斷定] duàndìng to conclude; to determine; to come to a judgment 必定[必定] bìdìng to be bound to; to be sure to 狠劲[狠勁] hěnjìn to exert all one's force; all-out effort; CL:股[gu3] 评为[評為] píngwéi to elect as; to choose as; to consider as 优胜[優勝] yōushèng winning; superior 显眼[顯眼] xiǎnyǎn conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous 平稳[平穩] píngwěn smooth; steady 假发[假髮] jiǎfà wig 跪下[跪下] guìxia to kneel down 试一试[試一試] shìyīshì to have a try 竞猜[競猜] jìngcāi to try to answer a question (in a quiz, guessing game, riddle etc); quiz game 自知之明[自知之明] zìzhīzhīmíng knowing oneself (idiom); self-knowledge 嗲[嗲] diǎ coy; childish //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep27/75 words - 51 min 领子[領子] lǐngzi shirt collar 发呆[發呆] fādāi to stare blankly; to be stunned; to be lost in thought 直白[直白] zhíbái frank; open; blunt 阻碍[阻礙] zǔ'ài to obstruct; to hinder; to block; obstruction; hindrance 自觉[自覺] zìjué conscious; aware; on one's own initiative; conscientious 防备[防備] fángbèi to guard against 泛红[泛紅] fànhóng to blush; to redden; flushed 哼唱[哼唱] hēngchàng to hum; to croon 沐浴[沐浴] mùyù to take a bath; to bathe; to immerse 扣上[扣上] kòushàng to buckle up; to fasten 手脚[手腳] shǒujiǎo hand and foot; movement of limbs; action; trick; step in a procedure (CL: 道[dao4]) 札[札] zhá thin piece of wood used a writing tablet (in ancient China); a kind of official document (in former times); letter; note; plague 伸[伸] shēn to stretch; to extend 斟酌[斟酌] zhēnzhuó to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to the brim 碎步[碎步] suìbù small quick steps 流窜[流竄] liúcuàn to roam all over the place; to go into every nook and corner; to infiltrate; (of criminals, enemies etc) to be on the run; to flee and try to hide 友[友] yǒu friend 要人[要人] yàorén important person 二轮[二輪] èrlún second round (of a match or election) 告辞[告辭] gàocí to say goodbye; to take one's leave 实话[實話] shíhuà truth 兼职[兼職] jiānzhí to hold concurrent posts; concurrent job; moonlighting 联手[聯手] liánshǒu lit. to join hands; to act together 时髦[時髦] shímáo in vogue; fashionable 摩登[摩登] módēng modern (loanword); fashionable //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep27/100 words - 69 min 地域[地域] dìyù area; district; region 南北[南北] nánběi north and south; north to south 南[南] nán south 北[北] běi north; to be defeated (classical) 丁字步[丁字步] dīngzìbù T-step (basic dance position, with the feet forming a T shape) 鼹鼠[鼴鼠] yǎnshǔ mole (zoology) 改观[改觀] gǎiguān change of appearance; to revise one's point of view 捂脸[捂臉] wǔliǎn facepalm; to do a facepalm 如花[如花] rúhuā flowery 如花似玉[如花似玉] rúhuāsìyù delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (idiom); (of a woman) exquisite 羞涩[羞澀] xiūsè shy; bashful 关机[關機] guānjī to turn off (a machine or device); to finish shooting a film 广[廣] guǎng wide; numerous; to spread 料[料] liào material; stuff; grain; feed; to expect; to anticipate; to guess 辅助[輔助] fǔzhù to assist; to aid; supplementary; auxiliary; subsidiary 独秀[獨秀] dúxiù to surpass; to stand above the crowd 赛点[賽點] sàidiǎn match point (tennis etc) 许愿[許願] xǔyuàn to make a wish; to make a vow; to promise a reward 排舞[排舞] páiwǔ a dance in formation; choreographed dance; line dance 甩手[甩手] shuǎishǒu to swing one's arms; to wash one's hands of sth 出身[出身] chūshēn to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin 一点儿[一點兒] yīdiǎnr5 erhua variant of 一點|一点[yi1 dian3] 敌军[敵軍] díjūn enemy troops; hostile forces; CL:股[gu3] 拭目以待[拭目以待] shìmùyǐdài lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see 调侃[調侃] tiáokǎn to ridicule; to tease; to mock; idle talk; chitchat //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep27/112 words - 73 min 打滚[打滾] dǎgǔn to roll about 竟[竟] jìng unexpectedly; actually; to go so far as to; indeed 无言[無言] wúyán to remain silent; to have nothing to say 个把[個把] gèbǎ one or two; a couple of 牌[牌] pái mahjong tile; playing card; game pieces; signboard; plate; tablet; medal; CL:片[pian4],個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4] 标[標] biāo mark; sign; label; to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc; to bear (a brand name, registration number etc); prize; award; bid; target; quota; (old) the topmost branches of a tree; visible symptom; classifier for military units 老天爷[老天爺] lǎotiānyé God; Heavens 激发[激發] jīfā to arouse; to excite 监督[監督] jiāndū to control; to supervise; to inspect 领导者[領導者] lǐngdǎozhě leader 吃惊[吃驚] chījīng to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed 成都[成都] Chéngdū Chengdu subprovincial city and capital of Sichuan province 四川 in southwest China //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep28/25 words - 29 min 盛衰[盛衰] shèngshuāi to flourish then decline; rise and fall 谈天[談天] tántiān to chat 上星[上星] shàngxīng to broadcast through satellite; satellite (TV etc); shangxing acupoint (DU23) 双面[雙面] shuāngmiàn double-sided; two-faced; double-edged; reversible 武术[武術] wǔshù military skill or technique (in former times); all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development); self-defense; tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage); also called kungfu 功夫; CL:種|种[zhong3] 优美[優美] yōuměi graceful; fine; elegant 散开[散開] sànkāi to separate; to disperse 合上[合上] héshàng to close (box, book, mouth etc) 翻身[翻身] fānshēn to turn over (when lying); (fig.) to free oneself; to emancipate oneself; to bring about a change of one's fortunes 外放[外放] wàifàng extroverted; outgoing; to play audio through speakers (rather than through earphones); (old) to appoint to a post outside the capital 强悍[強悍] qiánghàn valiant 抵达[抵達] dǐdá to arrive; to reach (a destination) 浑身上下[渾身上下] húnshēnshàngxià all over; from head to toe 苦涩[苦澀] kǔsè bitter and astringent; pained; agonized 兴高采烈[興高采烈] xìnggāocǎiliè happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight 视死如归[視死如歸] shìsǐrúguī to view death as a return home; to not be afraid of dying; to face death with equanimity (idiom) 田[田] tián field; farm; CL:片[pian4] 小狗[小狗] xiǎogǒu pup; puppy 离不开[離不開] líbukāi inseparable; inevitably linked to 键盘[鍵盤] jiànpán keyboard 大河[大河] dàhé large river (esp the Yellow River) 拘谨[拘謹] jūjǐn reserved; overcautious 盐[鹽] yán salt; CL:粒[li4] 惊呆[驚呆] jīngdāi stupefied; stunned 好歹[好歹] hǎodǎi good and bad; most unfortunate occurrence; in any case; whatever //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep28/50 words - 49 min 小姑[小姑] xiǎogū husband's younger sister; sister-in-law 娘[娘] niáng mother; young lady; (coll.) effeminate 颠倒[顛倒] diāndǎo to turn upside down; to reverse; back to front; confused; deranged; crazy 终极[終極] zhōngjí ultimate; final 选择题[選擇題] xuǎnzétí multiple-choice question 填空[填空] tiánkòng to fill a job vacancy; to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper) 末[末] mò tip; end; final stage; latter part; inessential detail; powder; dust; opera role of old man 卑[卑] bēi low; base; vulgar; inferior; humble 砰[砰] pēng (onom.) bang; thump 开放[開放] kāifàng to bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality 特例[特例] tèlì special case; isolated example 口袋[口袋] kǒudài pocket; bag; sack; CL:個|个[ge4] 丘比特[丘比特] Qiūbǐtè Cupid, son of Venus and Mars, Roman god of love and beauty 更新[更新] gēngxīn to replace the old with new; to renew; to renovate; to upgrade; to update; to regenerate 臭美[臭美] chòuměi to show off one's good looks shamelessly 喊声[喊聲] hǎnshēng to yell; hubbub 咸[咸] xián all; everyone; each; widespread; harmonious 认出[認出] rènchū recognition; to recognize 小吃[小吃] xiǎochī snack; refreshments; CL:家[jia1] 感悟[感悟] gǎnwù to come to realize; to appreciate (feelings) 憾[憾] hàn regret (sense of loss or dissatisfaction) 杀青[殺青] shāqīng to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc); to finalize; to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves) 燃料[燃料] ránliào fuel 焕发[煥發] huànfā to shine; to glow; to irradiate; to flash 权限[權限] quánxiàn scope of authority; extent of power; (access etc) privileges //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep28/51 words - 49 min 鞠[鞠] jū to bring up; to rear; Taiwan pr. [ju2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep29/25 words - 8 min 握住[握住] wòzhù to grip; to hold 中途[中途] zhōngtú midway 取决[取決] qǔjué to depend upon; to hinge upon 就绪[就緒] jiùxù to be ready; to be in order 国内外[國內外] guónèiwài domestic and international; at home and abroad 桀骜不驯[桀驁不馴] jié'àobùxùn arrogant and obstinate (idiom); unyielding 噪音[噪音] zàoyīn rumble; noise; static (in a signal) 彰显[彰顯] zhāngxiǎn to manifest 表带[表帶] biǎodài watchband; watch strap 遵循[遵循] zūnxún to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance 蹈[蹈] dǎo to tread on; to trample; to stamp; to fulfill; Taiwan pr. [dao4] 矩[矩] jǔ carpenter's square; rule; regulation; pattern; to carve 受困[受困] shòukùn trapped; stranded 极[極] jí extremely; pole (geography, physics); utmost; top 桀[桀] jié (emperor of Xia dynasty); cruel 骜[驁] ào a noble steed (literary); (of a horse) untamed; (fig.) (of a person) headstrong; Taiwan pr. [ao2] 屈从[屈從] qūcóng to capitulate 广袤[廣袤] guǎngmào vast 崭新[嶄新] zhǎnxīn brand new 搁浅[擱淺] gēqiǎn to be stranded (of ship); to run aground; fig. to run into difficulties and stop 唱腔[唱腔] chàngqiāng vocal music (in opera); aria 诗意[詩意] shīyì poetry; poetic quality or flavor 挠痒痒[撓癢癢] náoyǎngyang to tickle 心意[心意] xīnyì regard; kindly feelings; intention 季节[季節] jìjié time; season; period; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep29/50 words - 17 min 注明[注明] zhùmíng to clearly indicate 相应[相應] xiāngyìng to correspond; answering (one another); to agree (among the part); corresponding; relevant; appropriate; (modify) accordingly 例如[例如] lìrú for example; for instance; such as 归属[歸屬] guīshǔ to belong to; to be affiliated to; to fall under the jurisdiction of; a place where one feels that one belongs; one's final destination (where one need look no further) 齐聚一堂[齊聚一堂] qíjùyītáng to get together all at once 大军[大軍] dàjūn army; main forces 首位[首位] shǒuwèi first place 爆表[爆表] bàobiǎo off the charts; extreme; beyond the normal range of measurement 空前[空前] kōngqián unprecedented 阵容[陣容] zhènróng troop arrangement; battle formation; lineup (of a sports team etc) 骗子[騙子] piànzi swindler; a cheat 双子[雙子] Shuāngzǐ Gemini (star sign) 重聚[重聚] chóngjù to meet again 瓢[瓢] piáo dipper; ladle 动静[動靜] dòngjìng (detectable) movement; (sign of) activity; movement and stillness 小学[小學] xiǎoxué elementary school; primary school; CL:個|个[ge4] 不下[不下] bùxià to be not less than (a certain quantity, amount etc) 重现[重現] chóngxiàn to reappear 叨[叨] dāo garrulous 扰[擾] rǎo to disturb 缺席[缺席] quēxí absence; absent 上海话[上海話] Shànghǎihuà Shanghainese; Shanghai dialect 登陆[登陸] dēnglù to land; to come ashore; to make landfall (of typhoon etc); to log in 半路出家[半路出家] bànlùchūjiā switch to a job one was not trained for 正儿八经[正兒八經] zhèng'érbājīng serious; earnest; real; true //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep29/75 words - 39 min 歌唱家[歌唱家] gēchàngjiā singer 放马后炮[放馬後炮] fàngmǎhòupào to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act too late to be effective 功力[功力] gōnglì merit; efficacy; competence; skill; power 羞辱[羞辱] xiūrǔ to baffle; to humiliate; shame; dishonor; humiliation 满人[滿人] Mǎnrén a Manchu 潜在[潛在] qiánzài hidden; potential; latent 看客[看客] kànkè audience; spectators; onlookers 幼[幼] yòu young 狮[獅] shī lion 辛[辛] xīn (of taste) hot or pungent; hard; laborious; suffering; eighth in order; eighth of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; letter "H" or Roman "VIII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 285°; octa 背面[背面] bèimiàn the back; the reverse side; the wrong side 专治[專治] zhuānzhì (of medicine) to use specifically for the treatment of 墨迹[墨跡] mòjì ink marks; original calligraphy or painting of famous person 贴士[貼士] tiēshì (loanword) tip; hint; suggestion; piece of advice 震感[震感] zhèngǎn tremors (from an earthquake) 舞动[舞動] wǔdòng to move as in a dance; to wave (some implement); to flourish; (of eyes, hands etc) to dance; to flutter 量身定制[量身定製] liángshēndìngzhì tailor-made 舞步[舞步] wǔbù dance steps 拉伸[拉伸] lāshēn to draw; to stretch 胃疼[胃疼] wèiténg stomachache 外出[外出] wàichū to go out; to go away (on a trip etc) 对称[對稱] duìchèn symmetry; symmetrical 胸[胸] xiōng chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax 讲解[講解] jiǎngjiě to explain 气球[氣球] qìqiú balloon //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep29/95 words - 52 min 胆小鬼[膽小鬼] dǎnxiǎoguǐ coward 缥缈[縹緲] piǎomiǎo see 飄渺|飘渺[piao1 miao3] 借题发挥[借題發揮] jiètífāhuī to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas; to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss 颓废[頹廢] tuífèi decadent; dispirited; depressed; dejected 身为[身為] shēnwéi in the capacity of; as 贡献[貢獻] gòngxiàn to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution; CL:個|个[ge4] 强壮[強壯] qiángzhuàng strong; sturdy; robust 暗淡[暗淡] àndàn dark; dim (light); dull (color); drab; (fig.) gloomy; bleak 企及[企及] qǐjí to hope to reach; to strive for 吸引力[吸引力] xīyǐnlì attractive force (such as gravitation); sex appeal; attractiveness 机遇[機遇] jīyù opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke of luck 不管怎样[不管怎樣] bùguǎnzěnyàng in any case; no matter what 合影[合影] héyǐng to take a joint photo; group photo 重逢[重逢] chóngféng to meet again; to be reunited; reunion 充斥[充斥] chōngchì to be full of; to flood; to congest 昙花一现[曇花一現] tánhuāyīxiàn lit. the night-blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan (idiom); short-lived 放任[放任] fàngrèn to ignore; to let alone; to indulge 事实上[事實上] shìshíshàng in fact; in reality; actually; as a matter of fact; de facto; ipso facto 必然[必然] bìrán inevitable; certain; necessity 遵守[遵守] zūnshǒu to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an agreement) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep30/25 words - 10 min 发梢[髮梢] fàshāo hair ends 微风[微風] wēifēng breeze; light wind 动手[動手] dòngshǒu to set about (a task); to hit; to punch; to touch 耳语[耳語] ěryǔ to whisper in sb's ear; a whisper 勤奋[勤奮] qínfèn hardworking; diligent 疾[疾] jí sickness; disease; hate; envy; swift 跟拍[跟拍] gēnpāi to document on film the course of events; to follow sb with a camera 布鲁斯[布魯斯] bùlǔsī blues (music) (loanword) 流行音乐[流行音樂] liúxíngyīnyuè pop music 闭合[閉合] bìhé to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel); to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit); closed-loop 秘诀[秘訣] mìjué secret know-how; key (to longevity); secret (of happiness); recipe (for success) 难点[難點] nándiǎn difficulty 揣摩[揣摩] chuǎimó to analyze; to try to figure out; to try to fathom 温习[溫習] wēnxí to review (a lesson etc) 泷[瀧] lóng rapids; waterfall; torrential (rain) 紧绷[緊繃] jǐnbēng to stretch taut; (of muscles etc) taut; strained; tense 过来人[過來人] guòláirén an experienced person; sb who has "been around (the block)"; sb who has personally experienced it 大笑[大笑] dàxiào to laugh heartily; a belly laugh 墨水[墨水] mòshuǐ ink; CL:瓶[ping2] 无名[無名] wúmíng nameless; obscure 邮筒[郵筒] yóutǒng mailbox; pillar box; (old) letter 失恋[失戀] shīliàn to lose one's love; to break up (in a romantic relationship); to feel jilted 独白[獨白] dúbái stage monologue; soliloquy 贝壳[貝殼] bèiké shell; conch; cowry; mother of pearl; hard outer skin; also pr. [bei4 qiao4] 暗藏[暗藏] àncáng to hide; to conceal //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep30/50 words - 21 min 蔚蓝[蔚藍] wèilán azure; sky blue 脚趾[腳趾] jiǎozhǐ toe 趾[趾] zhǐ toe 棒棒哒[棒棒噠] bàngbàngdā (Internet slang) awesome; amazing 追光[追光] zhuīguāng (theater) spotlight 共处[共處] gòngchǔ to coexist; to get along (with others) 愉快[愉快] yúkuài cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted 总合[總合] zǒnghé to collect together; to add up; altogether 不能自已[不能自已] bùnéngzìyǐ unable to control oneself; to be beside oneself 透漏[透漏] tòulòu to divulge; to leak; to reveal 诉说[訴說] sùshuō to recount; to tell of; to relate; (fig.) (of a thing) to stand as testament to (some past history) 平平[平平] píngpíng average; mediocre 体态[體態] tǐtài figure; physique; posture 特意[特意] tèyì specially; intentionally 一味[一味] yīwèi blindly; invariably 秤[秤] chèng steelyard; Roman balance; CL:臺|台[tai2] 何苦[何苦] hékǔ why bother?; is it worth the trouble? 骨头[骨頭] gǔtou bone; CL:根[gen1],塊|块[kuai4]; moral character; bitterness 称[稱] chēng to weigh; to state; to name; name; appellation; to praise 款[款] kuǎn section; paragraph; funds; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]; classifier for versions or models (of a product) 能人[能人] néngrén capable person; Homo habilis, extinct species of upright East African hominid 重量[重量] zhòngliàng weight; CL:個|个[ge4] 五金[五金] wǔjīn metal hardware (nuts and bolts); the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡 上阵[上陣] shàngzhèn to go into battle 一百一[一百一] yībǎiyī faultless; impeccable //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep30/75 words - 25 min 卸货[卸貨] xièhuò to unload; to discharge cargo 指甲[指甲] zhǐjia fingernail 家伙[家伙] jiāhuo household dish, implement or furniture; domestic animal; (coll.) guy; chap; weapon 事儿[事兒] shìr5 one's employment; business; matter that needs to be settled; (northern dialect) (of a person) demanding; trying; troublesome; erhua variant of 事[shi4]; CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1] 护膝[護膝] hùxī kneepad; knee brace 脱掉[脫掉] tuōdiào to remove; to take off; to strip off; to discard; to shed; to come off; to fall off 掉秤[掉秤] diàochèng to lose weight (of cattle) 尾巴[尾巴] wěiba tail; colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] 开合[開合] kāihé to open and close 百度[百度] Bǎidù Baidu, Internet portal and search engine, www.baidu.com, listed as BIDU on NASDAQ since 1999 开水[開水] kāishuǐ boiled water; boiling water 天地良心[天地良心] tiāndìliángxīn in all honesty; truth to tell 到点[到點] dàodiǎn it's time (to do sth); the time has come 干瘦[乾瘦] gānshòu wizened; skinny and shriveled 咏春[詠春] yǒngchūn Wing Chun; same as 詠春拳|咏春拳[yong3 chun1 quan2]; Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art) 脸型[臉型] liǎnxíng shape of face; physiognomy 绑[綁] bǎng to tie; bind or fasten together; to kidnap 健身[健身] jiànshēn to exercise; to keep fit; to work out; physical exercise 粗粮[粗糧] cūliáng coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc) 作息[作息] zuòxī to work and rest 饮食[飲食] yǐnshí food and drink; diet 蛋白[蛋白] dànbái egg white; protein; albumen 食谱[食譜] shípǔ cookbook; recipe; diet; CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4] 曝光[曝光] bàoguāng to expose (photography); (fig.) to expose (a scandal); (advertising) exposure; Taiwan pr. [pu4 guang1] 面食[麵食] miànshí food made from wheat flour, such as noodles, dumplings, buns etc //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep30/100 words - 29 min 胃[胃] wèi stomach; CL:個|个[ge4] 肉类[肉類] ròulèi meat 牛肉[牛肉] niúròu beef 鸡肉[雞肉] jīròu chicken meat 黑糖[黑糖] hēitáng unrefined sugar; brown sugar 饼干[餅乾] bǐnggān biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4] 纤维[纖維] xiānwéi fiber; CL:種|种[zhong3] 忌讳[忌諱] jìhuì taboo; to avoid as taboo; to abstain from 一周[一周] yīzhōu one week; all the way around; a whole cycle 氧[氧] yǎng oxygen (chemistry) 慢跑[慢跑] mànpǎo jogging; to jog; to canter; a slow trot 代谢[代謝] dàixiè replacement; substitution; metabolism (biol.) 窄[窄] zhǎi narrow; narrow-minded; badly off 哑铃[啞鈴] yǎlíng dumbbell (weight) 收紧[收緊] shōujǐn to tighten up (restrictions etc) 项目[項目] xiàngmù item; project; (sports) event; CL:個|个[ge4] 偷懒[偷懶] tōulǎn to goof off; to be lazy 维持[維持] wéichí to keep; to maintain; to preserve 脸蛋[臉蛋] liǎndàn cheek; face 健身房[健身房] jiànshēnfáng gym; gymnasium 器[器] qì device; tool; utensil; CL:臺|台[tai2] 扒开[扒開] bākāi to pry open or apart; to spread (sth) open with both hands 巨[巨] jù very large; huge; tremendous; gigantic 马甲[馬甲] mǎjiǎ corset; sockpuppet (Internet slang); vest (dialect) 该死[該死] gāisǐ Damn it!; damned; wretched //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep30/123 words - 34 min 虐[虐] nüè oppressive; tyrannical 腹[腹] fù abdomen; stomach; belly 纹丝不动[紋絲不動] wénsībùdòng to not move a single jot (idiom) 人间[人間] rénjiān the human world; the earth 惊叹[驚嘆] jīngtàn to exclaim in admiration; a gasp of surprise 卷腹[捲腹] juǎnfù crunch (physical exercise) 灭火器[滅火器] mièhuǒqì fire extinguisher 器械[器械] qìxiè apparatus; instrument; equipment; weapon 补充[補充] bǔchōng to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary; CL:個|个[ge4] 怼[懟] duì dislike; hate 好意[好意] hǎoyì good intention; kindness 糟蹋[糟蹋] zāotà to waste; to defile; to abuse; to insult; to defile; to trample on; to wreck; also pr. [zao1 ta5] 私人[私人] sīrén private; personal; interpersonal; sb with whom one has a close personal relationship; a member of one's clique 开发[開發] kāifā to exploit (a resource); to open up (for development); to develop 才华[才華] cáihuá talent; CL:份[fen4] 老爸[老爸] lǎobà father; dad 老妈[老媽] lǎomā mother; mom 经[經] jīng classics; sacred book; scripture; to pass through; to undergo; to bear; to endure; warp (textile); longitude; menstruation; channel (TCM); abbr. for economics 經濟|经济[jing1 ji4] 商会[商會] shānghuì chamber of commerce 话里有话[話裡有話] huàlǐyǒuhuà to have hidden meaning; implication; more than just the apparent meaning; something hinted 剪掉[剪掉] jiǎndiào to cut off; to cut away; to trim 不能不[不能不] bùnéngbù have to; cannot but 胆子[膽子] dǎnzi courage; nerve; guts //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/25 words - 11 min 丧失[喪失] sàngshī to lose; to forfeit 呃[呃] è (exclamation); to hiccup 往常[往常] wǎngcháng habitually (in the past); as one used to do formerly; as it used to be 偷笑[偷笑] tōuxiào to laugh up one's sleeve 演讲[演講] yǎnjiǎng lecture; to make a speech 背景音乐[背景音樂] bèijǐngyīnyuè background music (BGM); soundtrack; musical setting 猪八戒[豬八戒] ZhūBājiè Zhu Bajie, character in Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记, with pig-like characteristics and armed with a muckrake; Pigsy in Arthur Waley's translation 媳妇[媳婦] xífù daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man); young married woman; young woman 纪录片[紀錄片] jìlùpiàn newsreel; documentary (film or TV program); CL:部[bu4] 玖[玖] jiǔ black jade; nine (banker's anti-fraud numeral) 解脱[解脫] jiětuō to untie; to free; to absolve of; to get free of; to extirpate oneself; (Buddhism) to free oneself of worldly worries 可贵[可貴] kěguì to be treasured; praiseworthy 老江湖[老江湖] lǎojiānghú a much-travelled person, well acquainted with the ways of the world 羞耻[羞恥] xiūchǐ (a feeling of) shame 变声[變聲] biànshēng voice change (at puberty); to alter one's voice (deliberately); to sound different (when angry etc) 假声[假聲] jiǎshēng falsetto; opposite: natural or true voice 真聲|真声[zhen1 sheng1] 去年[去年] qùnián last year 翻天覆地[翻天覆地] fāntiānfùdì sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion; everything turned on its head 蜕变[蛻變] tuìbiàn to transform; to morph; to degenerate; metamorphosis; transmutation; transformation; decay; degeneration 跨年[跨年] kuànián to step into the new year; New Year 口罩[口罩] kǒuzhào mask (surgical etc) 突发[突發] tūfā to burst out suddenly; sudden outburst 沉寂[沉寂] chénjì silence; stillness 孤注一掷[孤注一擲] gūzhùyīzhì to stake all on one throw 档[檔] dàng official records; grade (of goods); file; records; shelves; slot; gap; crosspiece; classifier for crosspieces; classifier for events, affairs etc; Taiwan pr. [dang3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/50 words - 24 min 综艺节目[綜藝節目] zōngyìjiémù variety show 频繁[頻繁] pínfán frequently; often 猜测[猜測] cāicè to guess; to conjecture; to surmise 大喊[大喊] dàhǎn to shout 打球[打球] dǎqiú to play ball; to play with a ball 想方设法[想方設法] xiǎngfāngshèfǎ to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means; to try this, that and the other 解压[解壓] jiěyā decompression (in digital technology); to extract data from a compressed file 仇恨[仇恨] chóuhèn to hate; hatred; enmity; hostility 通宵[通宵] tōngxiāo all night; throughout the night 休整[休整] xiūzhěng to rest and reorganize (military) 苦恼[苦惱] kǔnǎo vexed; distressed 实际[實際] shíjì reality; practice; practical; realistic; real; actual 过敏[過敏] guòmǐn oversensitive; allergic; allergy 桃心[桃心] táoxīn heart symbol ♥ 今[今] jīn today; modern; present; current; this; now 后果[後果] hòuguǒ consequences; aftermath 分担[分擔] fēndān to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility) 百慕大[百慕大] Bǎimùdà Bermuda 冷酷无情[冷酷無情] lěngkùwúqíng cold-hearted; unfeeling; callous 遭[遭] zāo to meet by chance (usually with misfortune); classifier for events: time, turn, incident 游走[遊走] yóuzǒu wandering; unfixed; to migrate 中天[中天] zhōngtiān culmination (astronomy) 会计[會計] kuàijì accountant; accountancy; accounting 信封[信封] xìnfēng envelope; CL:個|个[ge4] 考卷[考卷] kǎojuàn exam paper //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/75 words - 33 min 止步[止步] zhǐbù to halt; to stop; to go no farther 监控[監控] jiānkòng to monitor 貌似[貌似] màosì to appear to be; to seem as if 自创[自創] zìchuàng to create; to come up with (an idea etc) 瞧[瞧] qiáo to look at; to see; to see (a doctor); to visit 三项[三項] sānxiàng three items; three events; three terms; tri-; trinomial, ternary (math.); triathlon (abbr. for 三項全能|三项全能) 白板[白板] báibǎn whiteboard; tabula rasa; blank slate 疑似[疑似] yísì to be suspected to be; deceptive; plausible but fallacious 演变[演變] yǎnbiàn to develop; to evolve; development; evolution 画像[畫像] huàxiàng portrait; to do a portrait of sb 单纯[單純] dānchún simple; pure; unsophisticated; merely; purely 辫子[辮子] biànzi plait; braid; pigtail; a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent; handle; CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2] 报名[報名] bàomíng to sign up; to enter one's name; to apply; to register; to enroll; to enlist 事先[事先] shìxiān in advance; before the event; beforehand; prior 虾[蝦] xiā shrimp; prawn 龙虾[龍蝦] lóngxiā lobster 计时器[計時器] jìshíqì timer; chronograph; timepiece; clock; timekeeping device (sundial, water clock) 低脂[低脂] dīzhī low fat 乳酸菌[乳酸菌] rǔsuānjūn lactic acid bacteria 发酵[發酵] fājiào to ferment; fermentation 绝配[絕配] juépèi perfect match 均[均] jūn equal; even; all; uniform 回收[回收] huíshōu to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover; to recall (a defective product) 劈开[劈開] pīkāi to cleave; to split open; to spread open (fingers, legs) 籽[籽] zǐ seeds //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/100 words - 41 min 级别[級別] jíbié (military) rank; level; grade 单手[單手] dānshǒu one hand; single-handed 汤圆[湯圓] tāngyuán boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern Festival 歉[歉] qiàn to apologize; to regret; deficient 中装[中裝] zhōngzhuāng Chinese dress 唠叨[嘮叨] láodao to prattle; to chatter away; to nag; garrulous; nagging 白发[白髮] báifà white or gray hair; CL:根[gen1] 报答[報答] bàodá to repay; to requite 催泪[催淚] cuīlèi to move to tears (of a story); tear-provoking (gas); lacrimogen 弟弟[弟弟] dìdi younger brother; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4] 擦干[擦乾] cāgān to wipe dry 卫生纸[衛生紙] wèishēngzhǐ toilet paper; bathroom tissue 蠢[蠢] chǔn stupid; sluggish; clumsy; to wiggle (of worms); to move in a disorderly fashion 昏[昏] hūn muddle-headed; twilight; to faint; to lose consciousness 争分夺秒[爭分奪秒] zhēngfēnduómiǎo lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count 可靠[可靠] kěkào reliable 吵闹[吵鬧] chǎonào noisy; raucous; to shout and scream 牢记[牢記] láojì to keep in mind; to remember 微妙[微妙] wēimiào subtle 人海[人海] rénhǎi a multitude; a sea of people 机率[機率] jīlǜ probability; odds (Tw) 怀孕[懷孕] huáiyùn pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy 混战[混戰] hùnzhàn chaotic warfare; confused fighting; melee; to join in such fighting 变为[變為] biànwéi to change into 退票[退票] tuìpiào to bounce (a check); to return a ticket; ticket refund //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/125 words - 57 min 连环[連環] liánhuán chain 职[職] zhí office; duty 淮[淮] Huái name of a river 几率[幾率] jīlǜ probability; odds 海豹[海豹] hǎibào seal (zoology) 芭蕾[芭蕾] bālěi ballet (loanword) 拉拉[拉拉] lālā lesbian (Internet slang); Labrador retriever 定制[定製] dìngzhì custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made 盲[盲] máng blind 人人[人人] rénrén everyone; every person 伸长[伸長] shēncháng to stretch; to extend 只怕[只怕] zhǐpà I'm afraid that...; perhaps; maybe; very likely 倔[倔] jué crabby; tough 正经[正經] zhèngjīng decent; honorable; proper; serious; according to standards 或多或少[或多或少] huòduōhuòshǎo more or less 不可逆[不可逆] bùkěnì irreversible 伤痛[傷痛] shāngtòng pain (from wound); sorrow 出头[出頭] chūtóu to get out of a predicament; to stick out; to take the initiative; remaining odd fraction after a division; a little more than 脚踝[腳踝] jiǎohuái ankle 微信[微信] Wēixìn Weixin or WeChat (mobile text and voice messaging service developed by Tencent 騰訊|腾讯[Teng2 xun4]) 违背[違背] wéibèi to go against; to be contrary to; to violate 发觉[發覺] fājué to become aware; to detect; to realize; to perceive 唯独[唯獨] wéidú only; just (i.e. it is only that...); all except; unique 颠覆[顛覆] diānfù to topple (i.e. knock over); to capsize; fig. to overturn (a regime, by plotting or subversion); to undermine; to subvert 小学生[小學生] xiǎoxuéshēng primary school student; schoolchild; CL:個|个[ge4],名[ming2]; (fig.) beginner //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/150 words - 72 min 痛处[痛處] tòngchù sore spot; place that hurts 白白[白白] báibái in vain; to no purpose; for nothing; white 寻常[尋常] xúncháng usual; common; ordinary 效[效] xiào effect; efficacy; to imitate 残疾[殘疾] cánjí disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal 毅力[毅力] yìlì perseverance; willpower 小抄[小抄] xiǎochāo cheat sheet; crib sheet 穴[穴] xué cave; cavity; hole; acupuncture point; Taiwan pr. [xue4] 窍[竅] qiào hole; opening; orifice (of the human body); (fig.) key (to the solution of a problem) 颅[顱] lú forehead; skull 掩盖[掩蓋] yǎngài to conceal; to hide behind; to cover up 萌生[萌生] méngshēng to burgeon; to produce; to conceive; to be in the initial stage 奋发图强[奮發圖強] fènfātúqiáng to work energetically for prosperity (of the country) 不但[不但] bùdàn not only (... but also...) 落款[落款] luòkuǎn inscription with name, date, or short sentence, on a painting, gift, letter etc 好心[好心] hǎoxīn kindness; good intentions 辅导[輔導] fǔdǎo to give guidance; to mentor; to counsel; to coach; to tutor 保存[保存] bǎocún to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing) 答[答] dá reply; answer; return; respond; echo 海底捞[海底撈] Hǎidǐlāo Haidilao (aka Hai Di Lao), hot pot restaurant chain founded in Sichuan in 1994 行为[行為] xíngwéi action; conduct; behavior; activity 蒙[蒙] méng to cover; ignorant; to suffer (misfortune); to receive (a favor); to cheat 好物[好物] hǎowù fine goods 箱子[箱子] xiāngzi suitcase; chest; box; case; trunk; CL:隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 考题[考題] kǎotí exam question //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep31/165 words - 77 min 应变[應變] yìngbiàn to meet a contingency; to adapt oneself to changes 袜[襪] wà socks; stockings 抽签[抽籤] chōuqiān to perform divination with sticks; to draw lots; a ballot (in share dealing) 实体[實體] shítǐ entity; substance; thing that has a material existence (as opposed to a conceptual, virtual or online existence); the real thing (as opposed to an image or model of it) 磨牙[磨牙] móyá to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing; (coll.) molar 公然[公然] gōngrán openly; publicly; undisguised 实用[實用] shíyòng practical; functional; pragmatic; applied (science) 变换[變換] biànhuàn to transform; to convert; to vary; to alternate; a transformation 炫[炫] xuàn to dazzle; to boast; to show off; (slang) cool; awesome 个别[個別] gèbié individual; specific; respective; just one or two 封印[封印] fēngyìn seal (on envelopes) 合照[合照] hézhào to pose for a photo 煽情[煽情] shānqíng to stir up emotion; to arouse sympathy; moving 淘汰赛[淘汰賽] táotàisài a knockout competition 卡通[卡通] kǎtōng cartoon (loanword) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep32/25 words - 19 min 路过[路過] lùguò to pass by or through 有幸[有幸] yǒuxìng fortunately 长处[長處] chángchù good aspects; strong points 短板[短板] duǎnbǎn short stave of the barrel (which allows the contents to escape); (fig.) shortcoming; weak point 一时[一時] yīshí a period of time; a while; for a short while; temporary; momentary; at the same time 一世[一世] yīshì generation; period of 30 years; one's whole lifetime; lifelong; age; era; times; the whole world; the First (of numbered European kings) 视角[視角] shìjiǎo viewpoint; angle on sth; perspective 显然[顯然] xiǎnrán clear; evident; obvious(ly) 起身[起身] qǐshēn to get up; to leave; to set forth 背影[背影] bèiyǐng rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object) 跪[跪] guì to kneel 眷顾[眷顧] juàngù to care for; to show concern for; to think longingly (of one's country) 动摇[動搖] dòngyáo to sway; to waver; to rock; to rattle; to destabilize; to pose a challenge to 使者[使者] shǐzhě emissary; envoy 复活[復活] fùhuó to revive; (lit. and fig.) to come back to life; (religion) resurrection 好评[好評] hǎopíng favorable criticism; positive evaluation 隆重[隆重] lóngzhòng grand; prosperous; ceremonious; solemn 态[態] tài (bound form); appearance; shape; form; state; attitude; (grammar) voice 重金[重金] zhòngjīn huge money; extremely rich; very expensive 节省[節省] jiéshěng saving; to save; to use sparingly; to cut down on 花钱[花錢] huāqián to spend money 租[租] zū to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax 腾出[騰出] téngchū to make (some time or space) available (for sb) 装修[裝修] zhuāngxiū to decorate; interior decoration; to fit up; to renovate 口音[口音] kǒuyin voice; accent //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep32/48 words - 40 min 不满[不滿] bùmǎn resentful; discontented; dissatisfied 现状[現狀] xiànzhuàng current situation 不在乎[不在乎] bùzàihu not to care 来源于[來源於] láiyuányú to originate in 难熬[難熬] nán'áo hard to bear; unendurable (pain, suffering) 幕后[幕後] mùhòu behind the scenes 自信心[自信心] zìxìnxīn self-confidence 磨光[磨光] móguāng to polish 波折[波折] bōzhé twists and turns 闪光点[閃光點] shǎnguāngdiǎn lit. flash point; crucial point; essential point 质[質] zhì character; nature; quality; plain; to pawn; pledge; hostage; to question; Taiwan pr. [zhi2] 奢望[奢望] shēwàng an extravagant hope; to have excessive expectations 强忍[強忍] qiángrěn to resist (with great difficulty) 赚钱[賺錢] zhuànqián to earn money; moneymaking 转交[轉交] zhuǎnjiāo to pass on to sb; to carry and give to sb else 人员[人員] rényuán staff; crew; personnel; CL:個|个[ge4] 重组[重組] chóngzǔ to reorganize; to recombine; recombination 出[齣] chū variant of 出[chu1] (classifier for plays or chapters of classical novels) 下周[下週] xiàzhōu next week 心得[心得] xīndé what one has learned (through experience, reading etc); knowledge; insight; understanding; tips; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 查看[查看] chákàn to look over; to examine; to check up; to ferret out 字幕[字幕] zìmù caption; subtitle 下载[下載] xiàzǎi to download; also pr. [xia4 zai4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/25 words - 14 min 变动[變動] biàndòng to change; to fluctuate; change; fluctuation 现有[現有] xiànyǒu currently existing; currently available 表明[表明] biǎomíng to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate; known 搞怪[搞怪] gǎoguài to do sth wacky; wacky; wacky behavior 冲刺[衝刺] chōngcì to sprint; to spurt; to dash; big effort 磨叽[磨嘰] mòji (dialect) to dawdle; to waste time; also written 墨跡|墨迹[mo4 ji5] 雷厉风行[雷厲風行] léilìfēngxíng pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction 唧唧[唧唧] jījī (onom.) chirping of insects, sighing noise etc 弹射[彈射] tánshè to catapult; to launch; to eject (from a plane); to shoot 咚咚[咚咚] dōngdōng (onom.) thud; thumping; thudding; pounding 咚[咚] dōng boom (of a drum) 放飞[放飛] fàngfēi to allow to fly 看上[看上] kànshàng to look upon; to take a fancy to; to fall for 舞者[舞者] wǔzhě dancer 吭[吭] háng throat 吭吭[吭吭] kēngkēng (onom.) coughing, grunting etc 疲劳[疲勞] píláo fatigue; wearily; weariness; weary 巴不得[巴不得] bābude (coll.) to be eager for; to long for; to look forward to 银[銀] yín silver; silver-colored; relating to money or currency 丫[丫] yā fork; branch; bifurcation; girl 鬟[鬟] huán a knot of hair on top of head 配角[配角] pèijué supporting role (in play, film etc); minor role; to play a secondary role (in business etc); to play second fiddle 震[震] zhèn to shake; to vibrate; to jolt; to quake; excited; shocked; one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing thunder; ☳ 猛虎[猛虎] měnghǔ fierce tiger 句点[句點] jùdiǎn period (punctuation); (fig.) endpoint; finish //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/50 words - 31 min 不知不觉[不知不覺] bùzhībùjué unconsciously; unwittingly 够不着[夠不著] gòubuzháo to be unable to reach 够得着[夠得著] gòudezháo to reach; to be up to 重音[重音] zhòngyīn accent (of a word); stress (on a syllable) 高效率[高效率] gāoxiàolǜ high efficiency 未必[未必] wèibì not necessarily; maybe not 行程[行程] xíngchéng journey; course of a journey; distance traveled; trajectory; itinerary; route; course (of history); stroke (of a piston); (Tw) (computing) process 步骤[步驟] bùzhòu procedure; step 霸气[霸氣] bàqì imperious; aggressive; assertive; dictatorial manner; boldness; CL:股[gu3] 贵族[貴族] guìzú lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman; aristocrat; aristocracy 律[律] lǜ law 钻[鑽] zuān to drill; to bore; to get into; to make one's way into; to enter (a hole); to thread one's way through; to study intensively; to dig into; to curry favor for personal gain 钻[鑽] zuàn an auger; diamond 狮子头[獅子頭] shīzitóu lit. lion's head; pork meatballs 眉毛[眉毛] méimao eyebrow; CL:根[gen1] 有戏[有戲] yǒuxì (coll.) promising; likely to turn out well 野人[野人] yěrén savage people 狂放[狂放] kuángfàng wild; unrestrained 撼动[撼動] hàndòng to shake up; to deal a shock; (fig.) to stir (sb's heart) 调动[調動] diàodòng to transfer; to maneuver (troops etc); movement of personnel; to mobilize; to bring into play 顺眼[順眼] shùnyǎn pleasing to the eye; nice to look at 一对[一對] yīduì couple; pair 一言[一言] yīyán one sentence; brief remark 挑衅[挑釁] tiǎoxìn to provoke; provocation 豁[豁] huò clear; open; exempt (from); liberal-minded 强生[強生] Qiángshēng Johnson (surname); Johnson & Johnson (company) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/75 words - 40 min 野生[野生] yěshēng wild; undomesticated 折服[折服] zhéfú to convince; to subdue; to be convinced; to be bowled over 顶点[頂點] dǐngdiǎn summit; peak; (math.) vertex 不顾[不顧] bùgù in spite of; regardless of 南美[南美] NánMěi South America 舔[舔] tiǎn to lick; to lap 智齿[智齒] zhìchǐ wisdom tooth 争霸[爭霸] zhēngbà to contend for hegemony; a power struggle 下意识[下意識] xiàyìshí subconscious mind 间隙[間隙] jiànxì interval; gap; clearance 腰椎[腰椎] yāozhuī lumbar vertebra (lower backbone) 交换[交換] jiāohuàn to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom); commutative (math); to commute 院[院] yuàn courtyard; institution; CL:個|个[ge4] 待遇[待遇] dàiyù treatment; pay; salary; status; rank 说法[說法] shuōfa way of speaking; wording; formulation; one's version (of events); statement; theory; hypothesis; interpretation 声响[聲響] shēngxiǎng sound; noise 嗓门[嗓門] sǎngmén voice; windpipe 客人[客人] kèrén visitor; guest; customer; client; CL:位[wei4] 致[致] zhì to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey 疼痛[疼痛] téngtòng pain; ache; sore 一拥而上[一擁而上] yīyōng'érshàng to swarm around; flocking (to see) 大妈[大媽] dàmā father's elder brother's wife; aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman) 味儿[味兒] wèir5 taste 惧怕[懼怕] jùpà to be afraid 威武[威武] wēiwǔ might; formidable //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/100 words - 42 min 集中[集中] jízhōng to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together 内心深处[內心深處] nèixīnshēnchù deep in one's heart 倒影[倒影] dàoyǐng inverted image; reversed image (e.g. upside down) 已久[已久] yǐjiǔ already a long time 瞳孔[瞳孔] tóngkǒng pupil (of eye) 火焰[火焰] huǒyàn blaze; flame 不屈[不屈] bùqū unyielding; unbending 漫步[漫步] mànbù to wander; to ramble; recreational hiking; to perambulate 王座[王座] wángzuò throne 热烈[熱烈] rèliè enthusiastic; ardent; warm 击碎[擊碎] jīsuì to smash to pieces 结[結] jié knot; sturdy; bond; to tie; to bind; to check out (of a hotel) 绚丽[絢麗] xuànlì gorgeous; magnificent 刷新[刷新] shuāxīn to renovate; to refurbish; to refresh (computer window); to write a new page (in history); to break (a record) 世人[世人] shìrén people (in general); people around the world; everyone 温顺[溫順] wēnshùn docile; meek 穿戴[穿戴] chuāndài to dress; clothing 纱[紗] shā cotton yarn; muslin 刺痛[刺痛] cìtòng stab of pain; sting; fig. stimulus to action; a prick 制伏[制伏] zhìfú to overpower; to overwhelm; to subdue; to check; to control 耳旁风[耳旁風] ěrpángfēng lit. wind past your ear; fig. sth you don't pay much attention to; in one ear and out the other 喧哗[喧嘩] xuānhuá hubbub; clamor; to make a racket 尊贵[尊貴] zūnguì respected; respectable; honorable 惊诧[驚詫] jīngchà to be surprised; to be amazed; to be stunned 覆盖[覆蓋] fùgài to cover //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/125 words - 51 min 乏味[乏味] fáwèi tedious 观点[觀點] guāndiǎn point of view; viewpoint; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4] 狭窄[狹窄] xiázhǎi narrow 广阔[廣闊] guǎngkuò wide; vast 迅猛[迅猛] xùnměng quick and violent 频[頻] pín frequency; frequently; repetitious 相连[相連] xiānglián to link; to join; link; connection 血液[血液] xuèyè blood 燃点[燃點] rándiǎn ignition point (temperature); combustion point 撼天动地[撼天動地] hàntiāndòngdì earth-shaking 宠儿[寵兒] chǒng'ér pet; favorite; darling 幸运儿[幸運兒] xìngyùn'ér winner; lucky guy; person who always gets good breaks 磨炼[磨煉] móliàn see 磨練|磨练[mo2 lian4] 意志力[意志力] yìzhìlì willpower 耐力[耐力] nàilì endurance 考官[考官] kǎoguān an examiner; an official conducting an exam 嬉皮笑脸[嬉皮笑臉] xīpíxiàoliǎn all smiles; smiling mischievously or ingratiatingly 友爱[友愛] yǒu'ài friendly affection; fraternal love 预兆[預兆] yùzhào omen; sign (of sth yet to occur); prior indication; to foreshadow 乱说[亂說] luànshuō to talk drivel; to make irresponsible remarks 纱布[紗布] shābù gauze 鼓气[鼓氣] gǔqì to puff up; to swell up; to inflate; to blow air into sth; (fig.) to encourage; to support 冲动[衝動] chōngdòng to have an urge; to be impetuous; impulse; urge 最高音[最高音] zuìgāoyīn highest voice; highest pitch; highest note 递进[遞進] dìjìn gradual progress; to go forward one stage at a time //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep33/135 words - 55 min 分会[分會] fēnhuì branch 牺牲[犧牲] xīshēng to sacrifice one's life; to sacrifice (sth valued); beast slaughtered as a sacrifice 询问[詢問] xúnwèn to inquire 主人公[主人公] zhǔréngōng hero (of a novel or film); main protagonist 添[添] tiān to add; to increase; to replenish 细心[細心] xìxīn careful; attentive 夜晚[夜晚] yèwǎn night; CL:個|个[ge4] 被窝[被窩] bèiwō quilt wrapped around the body as a tube (traditional bedding); (contemporary) bedding; quilt; blankets; cover; bed 隔天[隔天] gétiān the next day; on alternate days 条理[條理] tiáolǐ arrangement; order; tidiness //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep34/25 words - 12 min 渲染[渲染] xuànrǎn rendering (computing); to add washes of ink or color to a drawing (Chinese painting); to exaggerate; to embellish 寄[寄] jì to send; to mail; to entrust; to depend on; to attach oneself to; to live (in a house); to lodge; foster (son etc) 萤火虫[螢火蟲] yínghuǒchóng firefly; glowworm; lightning bug 闪烁[閃爍] shǎnshuò flickering; twinkling; evasive; vague (of speech) 夜空[夜空] yèkōng night sky 敲开[敲開] qiāokāi to get sth open by tapping or striking it; (figuratively, when followed by sth like ∼的大門|∼的大门) to open the door to ~; to gain access to ~ 敲响[敲響] qiāoxiǎng to sound a bell; to raise the alarm 看穿[看穿] kànchuān see through (a person, scheme, trick etc) 就此[就此] jiùcǐ at this point; thus; from then on 波光[波光] bōguāng gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight 澜[瀾] lán swelling water 春夏秋冬[春夏秋冬] chūnxiàqiūdōng the four seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter 秋[秋] qiū autumn; fall; harvest time 发芽[發芽] fāyá to germinate 枕[枕] zhěn pillow; to pillow; to rest one's head on (Taiwan pr. [zhen4] for this sense) 承载[承載] chéngzài to bear the weight; to sustain 煽[煽] shān to fan into a flame; to incite 点火[點火] diǎnhuǒ to ignite; to light a fire; to agitate; to start an engine; ignition; fig. to stir up trouble 一蹶不振[一蹶不振] yījuébùzhèn one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); a setback leading to total collapse; ruined at a stroke; unable to recover after a minor hitch 厘米[釐米] límǐ centimeter 非要[非要] fēiyào to want absolutely; to insist on (doing something) 运动鞋[運動鞋] yùndòngxié sports shoes; sneakers 单方面[單方面] dānfāngmiàn unilateral 绝交[絕交] juéjiāo to break off relations; to break with sb 跑掉[跑掉] pǎodiào to run away; to take to one's heels //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep34/50 words - 19 min 三言两语[三言兩語] sānyánliǎngyǔ in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly 迂回[迂迴] yūhuí roundabout route; circuitous; tortuous; to outflank; indirect; roundabout 烂透[爛透] làntòu rotten to the core 紧迫[緊迫] jǐnpò pressing; urgent 灾难[災難] zāinàn disaster; catastrophe 兼具[兼具] jiānjù to combine; to have both 胆量[膽量] dǎnliàng courage; boldness; guts 渐弱[漸弱] jiànruò to fade out; gradually weakening; diminuendo; decrescendo 强弱[強弱] qiángruò strong or weak; intensity; amount of force or pressure 误解[誤解] wùjiě to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding 反馈[反饋] fǎnkuì to send back information; feedback 储备[儲備] chǔbèi reserves; to store up 跟风[跟風] gēnfēng to go with the tide; to blindly follow the crowd; to follow the trend 设定[設定] shèdìng to set; to set up; to install; setting; preferences 不清[不清] bùqīng unclear 描绘[描繪] miáohuì to describe; to portray 住嘴[住嘴] zhùzuǐ to hold one's tongue; Shut up! 揭[揭] jiē to take the lid off; to expose; to unmask 琐碎[瑣碎] suǒsuì trifling; trivial; tedious; inconsequential 作祟[作祟] zuòsuì haunted; to haunt; to cause mischief 坠[墜] zhuì to fall; to drop; to weigh down 理性[理性] lǐxìng reason; rationality; rational 吝啬[吝嗇] lìnsè stingy; mean; miserly 主观[主觀] zhǔguān subjective 视野[視野] shìyě field of view; horizon //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep34/74 words - 28 min 真相[真相] zhēnxiàng the truth about sth; the actual facts 原委[原委] yuánwěi the whole story 击退[擊退] jītuì to beat back; to repel 有的是[有的是] yǒudeshì have plenty of; there's no lack of 童真[童真] tóngzhēn childishness; naivete 收割[收割] shōugē to harvest; to reap; to gather in crops 略微[略微] lüèwēi a little bit; slightly 不经意间[不經意間] bùjīngyìjiān without paying attention; without noticing; unconsciously; inadvertently 减小[減小] jiǎnxiǎo to reduce; to decrease; to diminish 操作[操作] cāozuò to work; to operate; to manipulate 脚跟[腳跟] jiǎogēn heel 更改[更改] gēnggǎi to alter 宽松[寬鬆] kuānsōng to relax (policy); relaxed 援手[援手] yuánshǒu assistance; a helping hand; to lend a hand 野猪[野豬] yězhū wild boar (Sus scrofa); CL:頭|头[tou2] 旗袍[旗袍] qípáo Chinese-style dress; cheongsam 失火[失火] shīhuǒ to catch fire; on fire; fire (alarm) 起步[起步] qǐbù to set out; to set in motion; the start (of some activity) 空运[空運] kōngyùn air transport 刚果[剛果] Gāngguǒ Congo 毕业[畢業] bìyè graduation; to graduate; to finish school 放火[放火] fànghuǒ to set on fire; to commit arson; to create a disturbance 秘籍[秘籍] mìjí rare book; cheat code (video games) 杯子[杯子] bēizi cup; glass; CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/25 words - 12 min 冷冷清清[冷冷清清] lěnglěngqīngqīng deserted; desolate; unfrequented; cold and cheerless; lonely; in quiet isolation 纸板[紙板] zhǐbǎn cardboard 丢失[丟失] diūshī to lose; lost 刻板印象[刻板印象] kèbǎnyìnxiàng stereotype 不只[不只] bùzhǐ not only; not merely 心头肉[心頭肉] xīntóuròu favorite 小辫子[小辮子] xiǎobiànzi pigtail; (fig.) a shortcoming or evidence of wrongdoing that can be seized upon by others 哈尼[哈尼] hāní honey (term of endearment) (loanword) 绕口令[繞口令] ràokǒulìng tongue-twister 蓝[藍] lán blue; indigo plant 阴差阳错[陰差陽錯] yīnchāyángcuò an accident arising from many causes (idiom); a freak combination of factors 麻花[麻花] máhuā fried dough twist (crisp snack food made by deep-frying plaited dough); worn out or worn smooth (of clothes) 奥特曼[奧特曼] Àotèmàn Ultraman, Japanese science fiction superhero 主楼[主樓] zhǔlóu main building 内向[內向] nèixiàng reserved (personality); introverted; (economics etc) domestic-oriented 深知[深知] shēnzhī to know well; to be fully aware of 唱票[唱票] chàngpiào to read ballot slips out loud 兰花指[蘭花指] lánhuāzhǐ hand gesture in traditional dances (joined thumb and middle finger, the rest extended) 有点儿[有點兒] yǒudiǎnr5 slightly; a little; somewhat 作出[作出] zuòchū to put out; to come up with; to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc); to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc); to draw (conclusion); to deliver (speech, judgment); to devise (explanation); to extract 祸[禍] huò disaster; misfortune; calamity 停住[停住] tíngzhù to stop; to halt; to cease 劳模[勞模] láomó model worker 珍藏[珍藏] zhēncáng collection; to collect (valuables) 归队[歸隊] guīduì to return to one's unit; to go back to one's station in life //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/50 words - 24 min 傣[傣] Dǎi Dai (ethnic group) 生怕[生怕] shēngpà to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to 蹦出来[蹦出來] bèngchūlai to crop up; to pop up; to emerge abruptly 厮杀[廝殺] sīshā to fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand 居心[居心] jūxīn to harbor (evil) intentions; to be bent on; a tranquil heart or mind 其乐融融[其樂融融] qílèróngróng (of relations) joyous and harmonious 滑铁卢[滑鐵盧] Huátiělú Waterloo (Belgium); Battle of Waterloo (1815); fig. a defeat; failure 冲破[衝破] chōngpò breakthrough; to overcome an obstacle quickly 牢笼[牢籠] láolóng cage; trap (e.g. basket, pit or snare for catching animals); fig. bonds (of wrong ideas); shackles (of past misconceptions); to trap; to shackle 冰封[冰封] bīngfēng to freeze over; to ice over; icebound; to shelve (a proposal etc) 魔咒[魔咒] mózhòu (magical) spell; curse 兽[獸] shòu beast; animal; beastly; bestial 禁锢[禁錮] jìngù to confine; to imprison; prohibition; shackles; fetters 惊异[驚異] jīngyì amazed 盛典[盛典] shèngdiǎn majestic pomp; grand ceremony 舒[舒] shū to stretch; to unfold; to relax; leisurely 甩开[甩開] shuǎikāi to shake off; to get rid of 猝不及防[猝不及防] cùbùjífáng to be caught off guard; without warning 欢[歡] huān joyous; happy; pleased 腔[腔] qiāng cavity of body; barrel (e.g. engine cylinder); compartment; tune; accent of speech 检[檢] jiǎn to check; to examine; to inspect; to exercise restraint 难听[難聽] nántīng unpleasant to hear; coarse; vulgar; offensive; shameful 懵懂[懵懂] měngdǒng confused; ignorant 骄兵必败[驕兵必敗] jiāobīngbìbài lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom); fig. pride goes before a fall 顶级[頂級] dǐngjí top-notch; first-rate //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/75 words - 31 min 连接[連接] liánjiē to link; to join; to attach; connection; a link (on web page) 抽屉[抽屜] chōuti drawer 浴缸[浴缸] yùgāng bathtub 光怪陆离[光怪陸離] guāngguàilùlí monstrous and multicolored; grotesque and variegated 尽收眼底[盡收眼底] jìnshōuyǎndǐ to take in the whole scene at once; to have a panoramic view 折纸[摺紙] zhézhǐ paper folding; origami 飞机[飛機] fēijī airplane; CL:架[jia4] 瓶装[瓶裝] píngzhuāng bottled 发明[發明] fāmíng to invent; an invention; CL:個|个[ge4] 随心所欲[隨心所欲] suíxīnsuǒyù to follow one's heart's desires; to do as one pleases (idiom) 放在眼里[放在眼裡] fàngzàiyǎnlǐ to pay attention to; to care about; to attach importance to 解谜[解謎] jiěmí to solve the riddle 乐趣[樂趣] lèqù delight; pleasure; joy 循规蹈矩[循規蹈矩] xúnguīdǎojǔ to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules inflexibly; to act according to convention 盒子[盒子] hézi box; case 过期[過期] guòqī to be overdue; to exceed the time limit; to expire (as in expiration date) 轰[轟] hōng explosion; bang; boom; rumble; to attack; to shoo away; to expel 欢笑[歡笑] huānxiào to laugh happily; a belly-laugh 盈[盈] yíng full; filled; surplus 迷恋[迷戀] míliàn to be infatuated with; to indulge in 舌头[舌頭] shétou tongue; CL:個|个[ge4]; enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information 赞扬[讚揚] zànyáng to praise; to approve of; to show approval 梳[梳] shū a comb; to comb 岛[島] dǎo island; CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4] 纯白[純白] chúnbái pure white //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/100 words - 52 min 记忆力[記憶力] jìyìlì faculty of memory; ability to remember 小岛[小島] xiǎodǎo isle 沙滩[沙灘] shātān beach; sandy shore; CL:片[pian4] 躲闪[躲閃] duǒshǎn to evade; to dodge (out of the way) 紧闭[緊閉] jǐnbì to close securely; tightly closed; secure 腼腆[靦腆] miǎntiǎn shy; bashful 格格不入[格格不入] gégébùrù (idiom) inharmonious; incompatible 如虎添翼[如虎添翼] rúhǔtiānyì lit. like a tiger that has grown wings; with redoubled power (idiom) 监督人[監督人] jiāndūrén superintendent 堪[堪] kān to endure; may; can 尊重[尊重] zūnzhòng to esteem; to respect; to honor; to value; eminent; serious; proper 职责[職責] zhízé duty; responsibility; obligation 照料[照料] zhàoliào to tend; to take care of sb 心急[心急] xīnjí anxious; impatient 嫦娥[嫦娥] Cháng'é Chang'e, the lady in the moon (Chinese mythology); one of the Chang'e series of PRC lunar spacecraft 光影[光影] guāngyǐng light and shadow; sunlight and shade 稳定度[穩定度] wěndìngdù degree of stability 仙境[仙境] xiānjìng fairyland; wonderland; paradise 生分[生分] shēngfen estranged 蓝天[藍天] lántiān blue sky 脸红[臉紅] liǎnhóng to blush; to redden (with shame, indignation etc) 嗓子眼儿[嗓子眼兒] sǎngziyǎnr5 erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3] 哎哟[哎喲] āiyō hey; ow; ouch; interjection of pain or surprise 个位[個位] gèwèi the units place (or column) in the decimal system 相当于[相當於] xiāngdāngyú equivalent to //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/125 words - 70 min 接着[接著] jiēzhe to catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn 位居[位居] wèijū to be located at 听命[聽命] tīngmìng to obey an order; to take orders; to accept a state of affairs 批发[批發] pīfā wholesale; bulk trade; distribution 溯[溯] sù to go upstream; to trace the source 吟[吟] yín to chant; to recite; to moan; to groan; cry (of certain animals and insects); song (ancient poem) 游泳[游泳] yóuyǒng swimming; to swim 水里[水里] Shuǐlǐ Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan 狗刨[狗刨] gǒupáo dog paddle (swimming style) 水下[水下] shuǐxià under the water; submarine 陆地[陸地] lùdì dry land (as opposed to the sea) 泳装[泳裝] yǒngzhuāng swimsuit 廷[廷] tíng palace courtyard 避讳[避諱] bìhui to avoid a taboo word or topic; to refrain from; to avoid 师兄[師兄] shīxiōng senior male fellow student or apprentice; son (older than oneself) of one's teacher 需求[需求] xūqiú requirement; to require; (economics) demand 谨慎[謹慎] jǐnshèn cautious; prudent 首秀[首秀] shǒuxiù debut 惠[惠] huì favor; benefit; to bestow; (literary) benevolence; (honorific) 小样[小樣] xiǎoyàng galley proof (printing); unimpressive; (coll.) little guy (mild insult also used as an affectionate term) 描写[描寫] miáoxiě to describe; to depict; to portray; description 描述[描述] miáoshù to describe; description 拼图[拼圖] pīntú jigsaw puzzle 归途[歸途] guītú the way back; one's journey home 傲骨[傲骨] àogǔ lofty and unyielding character //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep35/133 words - 74 min 豪气[豪氣] háoqì heroic spirit; heroism 异[異] yì different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising; to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate 巡演[巡演] xúnyǎn (theater etc) to tour; to be on tour; to give itinerant performances; abbr. for 巡迴演出|巡回演出[xun2 hui2 yan3 chu1] 步入[步入] bùrù to step into; to enter 不由[不由] bùyóu can't help (doing sth) 月嫂[月嫂] yuèsǎo woman hired to take care of a newborn child and its mother in the month after childbirth 阿姨[阿姨] āyí maternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child); CL:個|个[ge4] mua[mua] mu'a (onom.) mwah (sound of a kiss) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep36/25 words - 8 min 诚意[誠意] chéngyì sincerity; good faith 免[免] miǎn to excuse sb; to exempt; to remove or dismiss from office; to avoid; to avert; to escape; to be prohibited 地点[地點] dìdiǎn place; site; location; venue; CL:個|个[ge4] 求职[求職] qiúzhí to seek employment 空空荡荡[空空盪盪] kōngkōngdàngdàng deserted 瞥[瞥] piē to shoot a glance; glance; to appear in a flash 人丁[人丁] réndīng number of people in a family; population; (old) adult males; male servants 兴旺[興旺] xīngwàng prosperous; thriving; to prosper; to flourish 正正[正正] zhèngzhèng neat; orderly; just in time 屋子[屋子] wūzi house; room; CL:間|间[jian1] 空荡荡[空蕩蕩] kōngdàngdàng absolutely empty (space); complete vacuum 没事儿[沒事兒] méishìr5 to have spare time; free from work; it's not important; it's nothing; never mind 预警[預警] yùjǐng warning; early warning 庞大[龐大] pángdà huge; enormous; tremendous 不忿[不忿] bùfèn unsatisfied; unconvinced; indignant 门槛[門檻] ménkǎn doorstep; sill; threshold; fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth cheaper) 光速[光速] guāngsù the speed of light 敲定[敲定] qiāodìng to come to a decision; to fix on (a date etc); to determine; to finalize; to nail down (a deal etc) 醒悟[醒悟] xǐngwù to come to oneself; to come to realize; to come to see the truth; to wake up to reality 严[嚴] yán tight (closely sealed); stern; strict; rigorous; severe; father 毫不[毫不] háobù hardly; not in the least; not at all 争抢[爭搶] zhēngqiǎng to fight over; to scramble for 妥[妥] tuǒ suitable; adequate; ready; settled 张口[張口] zhāngkǒu to open one's mouth (to eat, speak etc); to gape; to start talking (esp. to make a request) 趁早[趁早] chènzǎo as soon as possible; at the first opportunity; the sooner the better; before it's too late //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep36/50 words - 17 min 问好[問好] wènhǎo to say hello to; to send one's regards to 接连[接連] jiēlián on end; in a row; in succession 心想事成[心想事成] xīnxiǎngshìchéng to have one's wishes come true; wish you the best! 后门[後門] hòumén the back door; fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure); anus 嘚瑟[嘚瑟] dèse variant of 得瑟[de4 se5] 膨胀[膨脹] péngzhàng to expand; to inflate; to swell 惊现[驚現] jīngxiàn to appear unexpectedly 漏网之鱼[漏網之魚] lòuwǎngzhīyú a fish that escaped the net (idiom); (fig.) sb or sth that slips through the net 路痴[路痴] lùchī person with a poor sense of direction 门口[門口] ménkǒu doorway; gate; CL:個|个[ge4] 试听[試聽] shìtīng audition; to give sb an audition; to check by listening 紧俏[緊俏] jǐnqiào (merchandise) in high demand 豆腐[豆腐] dòufu tofu; bean curd 咽[咽] yàn variant of 嚥|咽[yan4] 糟糠[糟糠] zāokāng chaff, husks, distillers' dregs etc (food eaten by the poor); (fig.) rubbish; junk; (abbr. for 糟糠妻[zao1 kang1 qi1]) wife who goes through the hardships of poverty with her husband 码[碼] mǎ weight; number; code; to pile; to stack; classifier for length or distance (yard), happenings etc 裙[裙] qún skirt; CL:條|条[tiao2] 惦记[惦記] diànjì to think of; to keep thinking about; to be concerned about 热门[熱門] rèmén popular; hot; in vogue 花腔[花腔] huāqiāng florid ornamentation in opera; coloratura 美声[美聲] měishēng bel canto 铁树开花[鐵樹開花] tiěshùkāihuā lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom); a highly improbable or extremely rare occurrence 讶异[訝異] yàyì to be surprised; to be astonished 高材[高材] gāocái great talent; rare capability; person of outstanding ability 应聘[應聘] yìngpìn to accept a job offer; to apply for an advertised position //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep36/70 words - 50 min 某些[某些] mǒuxiē some; certain (things) 首要[首要] shǒuyào the most important; of chief importance 联想[聯想] liánxiǎng to associate (cognitively); to make an associative connection; mental association; word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs 纷纷[紛紛] fēnfēn one after another; in succession; one by one; continuously; diverse; in profusion; numerous and confused; pell-mell 应战[應戰] yìngzhàn to take up a challenge; to face an attack and meet it 敏感[敏感] mǐngǎn sensitive; susceptible 弥足珍贵[彌足珍貴] mízúzhēnguì extremely precious; valuable 结队[結隊] jiéduì to troop (of soldiers etc); convoy 空缺[空缺] kòngquē vacancy 灵活[靈活] línghuó flexible; nimble; agile 登上[登上] dēngshàng to climb over; to ascend onto; to mount 征求[徵求] zhēngqiú to solicit; to seek; to request (opinions, feedback etc); to petition 畅谈[暢談] chàngtán to talk freely; to discuss without inhibition 送命[送命] sòngmìng to lose one's life; to get killed 命题[命題] mìngtí proposition (logic, math.); to assign an essay topic 躺枪[躺槍] tǎngqiāng (Internet slang) to get unjustly ridiculed, attacked, implicated in sth etc while just being present; abbr. for 躺著也中槍|躺着也中枪[tang3 zhe5 ye3 zhong4 qiang1] 联欢会[聯歡會] liánhuānhuì social gathering; party 花心[花心] huāxīn fickle (in love affairs); dissipated; unfaithful; heart of a flower (pistil and stamen) 吃醋[吃醋] chīcù to feel jealous 各奔东西[各奔東西] gèbèndōngxī to go separate ways (idiom); to part ways with sb; Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/25 words - 10 min 长久[長久] chángjiǔ (for a) long time 低落[低落] dīluò downcast; gloomy; to decline 关爱[關愛] guān'ài to show concern and care for 砥砺[砥礪] dǐlì whetstone; (fig.) to hone; to temper; to encourage 但愿[但願] dànyuàn if only (sth were possible); I wish (that) 散场[散場] sànchǎng (of a theater) to empty; (of a show) to end 企划[企劃] qǐhuà to plan; to lay out; to design 没说的[沒說的] méishuōde nothing to pick on; really good; nothing to discuss; settled matter; no problem 据说[據說] jùshuō it is said that; reportedly 收集[收集] shōují to gather; to collect 基地[基地] jīdì base (of operations); industrial or military base; al-Qaeda 不足为奇[不足為奇] bùzúwéiqí not at all surprising (idiom) 罢了[罷了] bàle a modal particle indicating (that's all, only, nothing much) 目[目] mù eye; item; section; list; catalogue; table of contents; order (taxonomy); goal; name; title 涌起[湧起] yǒngqǐ to well up; to boil out; to bubble forth; to spurt 戳破[戳破] chuōpò puncture; to expose 印[印] yìn to print; to mark; to engrave; a seal; a print; a stamp; a mark; a trace; image 备选[備選] bèixuǎn alternative (plan, arrangement, strategy etc) 诚实[誠實] chéngshí honest; honesty; honorable; truthful 视图[視圖] shìtú view 起飞[起飛] qǐfēi (of an aircraft) to take off 海拔[海拔] hǎibá height above sea level; elevation 心地善良[心地善良] xīndìshànliáng kindhearted; good-natured 惊奇[驚奇] jīngqí to be amazed; to be surprised; to wonder 噎住[噎住] yēzhù to choke (on); to choke off (in speech) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/50 words - 19 min 醋坛子[醋罈子] cùtánzi vinegar jar; (fig.) person of a jealous nature 卡片[卡片] kǎpiàn card 不爽[不爽] bùshuǎng not well; out of sorts; in a bad mood; without discrepancy; accurate 浑然不知[渾然不知] húnránbùzhī to be totally oblivious (to sth); to have no idea about sth 当事人[當事人] dāngshìrén persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair) 甩锅[甩鍋] shuǎiguō (Internet slang) to shift the blame; to pass the buck 决赛[決賽] juésài finals (of a competition) 万岁[萬歲] wànsuì Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!; Your Majesty; His Majesty 母亲节[母親節] Mǔqīnjié Mother's Day 冰箱[冰箱] bīngxiāng icebox; freezer cabinet; refrigerator; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 放进[放進] fàngjìn to put into 饮料[飲料] yǐnliào drink; beverage 大餐[大餐] dàcān great meal; banquet 旅游[旅遊] lǚyóu trip; journey; tourism; travel; tour; to travel 韩语[韓語] Hányǔ Korean language (esp. in context of South Korea) 紧密[緊密] jǐnmì inseparably close 同甘共苦[同甘共苦] tónggāngòngkǔ shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows; for better or for worse 经销商[經銷商] jīngxiāoshāng dealer; seller; distributor; broker; agency; franchise (i.e. company); retail outlet 代理[代理] dàilǐ to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position; to act as an agent or proxy; surrogate; (computing) proxy 大锅[大鍋] dàguō a big wok; cauldron 通风[通風] tōngfēng airy; ventilation; to ventilate; to disclose information 反光[反光] fǎnguāng to reflect light 着想[著想] zhuóxiǎng to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr. [zhao2 xiang3] 高大[高大] gāodà tall; lofty 远门[遠門] yuǎnmén (to go to) distant parts; faraway; a distant relative //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/75 words - 25 min 哭诉[哭訴] kūsù to lament; to complain tearfully; to wail accusingly 困苦[困苦] kùnkǔ deprivation; distressed; miserable 舒压[舒壓] shūyā variant of 紓壓|纾压[shu1 ya1] 座谈会[座談會] zuòtánhuì conference; symposium; rap session 举杯[舉杯] jǔbēi to toast sb (with wine etc); to drink a toast 邀请函[邀請函] yāoqǐnghán invitation letter; CL:封[feng1] 不问[不問] bùwèn to pay no attention to; to disregard; to ignore; to let go unpunished; to let off 相声[相聲] xiàngsheng comic dialogue; sketch; crosstalk 掏空[掏空] tāokōng to hollow out; to empty out; to use up; (finance) tunneling 喷火[噴火] pēnhuǒ to shoot flames; to erupt (of volcanoes); flaming (of flowers) 锅盖[鍋蓋] guōgài saucepan lid; (satellite) dish 学妹[學妹] xuémèi junior or younger female schoolmate 由来[由來] yóulái origin 翻拍[翻拍] fānpāi to reproduce photographically; to duplicate; to adapt (as a movie); to remake (a movie); adaptation; reproduction; remake 活生生[活生生] huóshēngshēng real (people); living (artist); while still alive (e.g. skinned alive) 冒昧[冒昧] màomèi bold; presumptuous; to take the liberty of 电视机[電視機] diànshìjī television set; CL:臺|台[tai2] 重温[重溫] chóngwēn to learn sth over again; to review; to brush up; to revive (memories, friendship etc) 当众[當眾] dāngzhòng in public; in front of everybody 处刑[處刑] chǔxíng to sentence; to condemn 魔术师[魔術師] móshùshī magician 鸵鸟[鴕鳥] tuóniǎo ostrich 盛大[盛大] shèngdà grand; majestic; magnificent; Shanda Entertainment (PRC computer game company) 魔术[魔術] móshù magic 天道[天道] tiāndào natural law; heavenly law; weather (dialect) //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/100 words - 34 min 轮回[輪迴] lúnhuí to reincarnate; reincarnation (Buddhism); (of the seasons etc) to follow each other cyclically; cycle; CL:個|个[ge4] 特种兵[特種兵] tèzhǒngbīng commando; special forces soldier 风速[風速] fēngsù wind speed 打中[打中] dǎzhòng to hit (a target) 悔不当初[悔不當初] huǐbùdāngchū to regret one's past deeds (idiom) 誓言[誓言] shìyán to pledge; to promise; oath; vow 跳楼[跳樓] tiàolóu to jump from a building (to kill oneself); fig. to sell at a large discount (in advertising) 设备[設備] shèbèi equipment; facilities; installations; CL:個|个[ge4] 炊事[炊事] chuīshì cooking 可口[可口] kěkǒu tasty; to taste good 饭菜[飯菜] fàncài food 频道[頻道] píndào frequency; (television) channel 眼线笔[眼線筆] yǎnxiànbǐ eyeliner (cosmetics) 曲线[曲線] qūxiàn curve; curved line; indirect; in a roundabout way 结实[結實] jiēshi rugged; sturdy; strong; durable; buff (physique) 战书[戰書] zhànshū written war challenge 茁壮[茁壯] zhuózhuàng healthy and strong; sturdy; thriving; vigorous; robust; flourishing 尬[尬] gà embarrassing; awkwardly 结伴[結伴] jiébàn to go with sb; to form companionships 空调[空調] kōngtiáo air conditioning; air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode); CL:臺|台[tai2] 二维码[二維碼] èrwéimǎ two-dimensional barcode; QR code 邪[邪] xié demonic; iniquitous; nefarious; evil; unhealthy influences that cause disease (Chinese medicine); (coll.) strange; abnormal 魅[魅] mèi demon; magic; to charm 难忘[難忘] nánwàng unforgettable 学说[學說] xuéshuō theory; doctrine //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/125 words - 41 min 定格[定格] dìnggé to fix; to confine to; freeze frame; stop motion (filmmaking) 膏药[膏藥] gāoyao herbal plaster applied to a wound 忍痛[忍痛] rěntòng to suffer; fig. reluctantly 忘掉[忘掉] wàngdiào to forget 懊恼[懊惱] àonǎo annoyed; vexed; upset 漆黑[漆黑] qīhēi pitch-black 十字[十字] shízì cross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten 兄弟姐妹[兄弟姐妹] xiōngdìjiěmèi brothers and sisters; siblings 停止[停止] tíngzhǐ to stop; to halt; to cease 攀爬[攀爬] pānpá to climb 运气[運氣] yùnqi luck (good or bad) 好命[好命] hǎomìng lucky; blessed with good fortune 往死里[往死裡] wǎngsǐlǐ (coll.) (to beat etc) to death 掉下[掉下] diàoxià to drop down; to fall 悬崖[懸崖] xuányá precipice; overhanging cliff 雄鹰[雄鷹] xióngyīng male eagle; tercel (male falcon used in falconry) 绝处逢生[絕處逢生] juéchǔféngshēng to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger; fig. to recover from a seemingly impossible situation; to find a way out of a predicament 要路[要路] yàolù important road; main thoroughfare; fig. key position 蓄[蓄] xù to store up; to grow (e.g. a beard); to entertain (ideas) 刺耳[刺耳] cì'ěr ear-piercing 教育[教育] jiàoyù to educate; to teach; education 逆天[逆天] nìtiān to be in defiance of the natural order 转转[轉轉] zhuànzhuan to stroll 无助[無助] wúzhù helpless; helplessness; feeling useless; no help 睫毛[睫毛] jiémáo eyelashes //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/150 words - 54 min 冷傲[冷傲] lěng'ào icily arrogant 恼[惱] nǎo to get angry 戒[戒] jiè to guard against; to exhort; to admonish or warn; to give up or stop doing sth; Buddhist monastic discipline; ring (for a finger) 放晴[放晴] fàngqíng (of weather) to clear up 锋芒毕露[鋒芒畢露] fēngmángbìlù to show off one's ability 深海[深海] shēnhǎi deep sea 手表[手錶] shǒubiǎo wrist watch; CL:塊|块[kuai4],隻|只[zhi1],個|个[ge4] 人体[人體] réntǐ human body 羞答答[羞答答] xiūdādā bashful 滩[灘] tān beach; shoal; rapids; CL:片[pian4]; classifier for liquids: pool, puddle 补过[補過] bǔguò to make up for an earlier mistake; to make amends 困惑[困惑] kùnhuò bewildered; perplexed; confused; difficult problem; perplexity 挥洒[揮灑] huīsǎ to sprinkle; to shed (tears, blood etc); fig. free, unconstrained; to write in a free style 大海[大海] dàhǎi sea; ocean 彷徨[彷徨] pánghuáng to pace back and forth; to hesitate; to be indecisive 毛线[毛線] máoxiàn knitting wool; wool yarn 过人[過人] guòrén to surpass others; outstanding; (basketball, soccer etc) to get past an opponent 列入[列入] lièrù to include on a list 列表[列表] lièbiǎo list 路程[路程] lùchéng route; path traveled; distance traveled; course (of development) 艰险[艱險] jiānxiǎn difficult and dangerous; hardships and perils 热切[熱切] rèqiè fervent 高大上[高大上] gāodàshàng (slang) high-end, elegant, and classy; abbr. for 高端大氣上檔次|高端大气上档次 毫不客气[毫不客氣] háobùkèqi no trace of politeness; unrestrained (criticism) 古堡[古堡] gǔbǎo ancient castle //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/175 words - 56 min 深邃[深邃] shēnsuì deep (valley or night); abstruse; hidden in depth 琴键[琴鍵] qínjiàn a piano key 抚[撫] fǔ to comfort; to console; to stroke; to caress; an old term for province or provincial governor 欲言又止[欲言又止] yùyányòuzhǐ to want to say sth but then hesitate 回旋[迴旋] huíxuán to turn around; maneuvering room; leeway 前戏[前戲] qiánxì foreplay 天时[天時] tiānshí the time; the right time; weather conditions; destiny; course of time; heaven's natural order 地利[地利] dìlì favorable location; in the right place; productivity of land 诱惑[誘惑] yòuhuò to entice; to lure; to induce; to attract 笑意[笑意] xiàoyì smiling expression 缩小[縮小] suōxiǎo to reduce; to decrease; to shrink 势均力敌[勢均力敵] shìjūnlìdí evenly matched (idiom) 慢慢来[慢慢來] mànmànlái take your time; take it easy 尽兴[盡興] jìnxìng to enjoy oneself to the full; to one's heart's content 霓虹灯[霓虹燈] níhóngdēng neon lamp (loanword) 人行道[人行道] rénxíngdào sidewalk 烂醉如泥[爛醉如泥] lànzuìrúní lit. as drunk as mud; completely drunk 确信[確信] quèxìn to be convinced; to be sure; to firmly believe; to be positive that; definite news 形单影只[形單影隻] xíngdānyǐngzhī lonely soul; solitary 压抑[壓抑] yāyì to constrain or repress emotions; oppressive; stifling; depressing; repression 读懂[讀懂] dúdǒng to read and understand 休假[休假] xiūjià to take a vacation; to go on holiday 收下[收下] shōuxià to accept; to receive 彻夜[徹夜] chèyè the whole night 相框[相框] xiàngkuàng photo frame //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/200 words - 64 min 摆满[擺滿] bǎimǎn to spread over an area 优柔寡断[優柔寡斷] yōuróuguǎduàn indecisive; irresolute 若即若离[若即若離] ruòjíruòlí lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom); fig. to keep one's distance; (of a relationship) lukewarm; vague 老旧[老舊] lǎojiù outmoded; old-fashioned 与否[與否] yǔfǒu whether or not (at the end of a phrase) 五彩[五彩] wǔcǎi five (main) colors (white, black, red, yellow, and blue); multicolored 斑斓[斑斕] bānlán gorgeous; brightly colored; multi-colored 师妹[師妹] shīmèi junior female student or apprentice; daughter (younger than oneself) of one's teacher 小品[小品] xiǎopǐn short, simple literary or artistic creation; essay; skit 措手不及[措手不及] cuòshǒubùjí no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared 故作[故作] gùzuò to pretend; to feign 反话[反話] fǎnhuà irony; ironic remark 绵延[綿延] miányán continuous (esp. of mountain ranges); to stretch long and unbroken; a continuous link; sostenuto (sustained, in music) 不绝[不絕] bùjué unending; uninterrupted 坦诚[坦誠] tǎnchéng candid; frank; plain dealing 必备[必備] bìbèi essential 没品[沒品] méipǐn lacking in class; tacky; tasteless 混合[混合] hùnhé to mix; to blend; hybrid; composite 蒸发[蒸發] zhēngfā to evaporate; evaporation 雨过天晴[雨過天晴] yǔguòtiānqíng sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom); see also 雨過天青|雨过天青[yu3 guo4 tian1 qing1] 行走[行走] xíngzǒu to walk 真情[真情] zhēnqíng real situation; the truth 设想[設想] shèxiǎng to imagine; to assume; to envisage; tentative plan; to have consideration for 无言以对[無言以對] wúyányǐduì to be left speechless; unable to respond 宵[宵] xiāo night //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep37/208 words - 68 min 脱口秀[脫口秀] tuōkǒuxiù (loanword) talk show; stand-up comedy 粘[粘] nián variant of 黏[nian2] 留情[留情] liúqíng to relent (to spare sb's feelings); to show mercy or forgiveness; to forbear; lenient 癫[癲] diān mentally deranged; crazy 这时[這時] zhèshí at this time; at this moment 候[候] hòu to wait; to inquire after; to watch; season; climate; (old) period of five days 一清二楚[一清二楚] yīqīng'èrchǔ to be very clear about sth (idiom) 沉稳[沉穩] chénwěn steady; calm; unflustered //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep38/25 words - 8 min 把式[把式] bǎshì person skilled in a trade; skill 饭碗[飯碗] fànwǎn rice bowl; fig. livelihood; job; way of making a living 看家[看家] kānjiā to look after the house; (of skill, ability) special; outstanding 本领[本領] běnlǐng skill; ability; capability; CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] 烤[烤] kǎo to roast; to bake; to broil 头上[頭上] tóushàng overhead; above 新疆[新疆] Xīnjiāng Xinjiang; Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区 美人鱼[美人魚] měirényú mermaid 生硬[生硬] shēngyìng stiff; harsh 特种[特種] tèzhǒng particular kind; special type 兵[兵] bīng soldiers; a force; an army; weapons; arms; military; warlike; CL:個|个[ge4] 驯化[馴化] xùnhuà to tame; to domesticate 藏匿[藏匿] cángnì to cover up; to conceal; to go into hiding 慢动作[慢動作] màndòngzuò slow motion 花丛[花叢] huācóng cluster of flowers; inflorescence; flowering shrub 穿梭[穿梭] chuānsuō to travel back and forth; to shuttle 留心[留心] liúxīn to be careful; to pay attention to 草[草] cǎo grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless; rough; CL:棵[ke1],撮[zuo3],株[zhu1],根[gen1] 胜利者[勝利者] shènglìzhě victor; winner 口是心非[口是心非] kǒushìxīnfēi duplicity; hypocrisy (idiom) 花言巧语[花言巧語] huāyánqiǎoyǔ graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric 戈[戈] gē dagger-axe; abbr. for 戈瑞[ge1 rui4]; (Tw) abbr. for 戈雷[ge1 lei2] 漩涡[漩渦] xuánwō whirlpool; eddy; vortex; (fig.) maelstrom 探囊取物[探囊取物] tànnángqǔwù to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie; in the bag 显微镜[顯微鏡] xiǎnwēijìng microscope; CL:臺|台[tai2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep38/50 words - 16 min 探测[探測] tàncè to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration 造[造] zào to make; to build; to manufacture; to invent; to fabricate; to go to; party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement); crop; classifier for crops 预[預] yù to advance; in advance; beforehand; to prepare 猫科[貓科] māokē Felidae (the cat family) 天造地设[天造地設] tiānzàodìshè lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth(idiom); ideal; perfect; (of a match) made in heaven; to be made for one another 糅[糅] róu mix 吐露[吐露] tǔlù to tell; to disclose; to reveal 随机[隨機] suíjī according to the situation; pragmatic; random 扇风[扇風] shānfēng to fan oneself; to fan (sb) 写信[寫信] xiěxìn to write a letter 头大[頭大] tóudà to have a big head; (fig.) to get a headache; one's head is swimming 却是[卻是] quèshì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ... 活宝[活寶] huóbǎo buffoon; clown; ridiculous person 光彩[光彩] guāngcǎi luster; splendor; radiance; brilliance 死定[死定] sǐdìng to be screwed; to be toast 联合会[聯合會] liánhéhuì federation 事物[事物] shìwù thing; object; CL:個|个[ge4] 如意[如意] rúyì as one wants; according to one's wishes; ruyi scepter, a symbol of power and good fortune 葆[葆] bǎo dense foliage; to cover 尽心尽力[盡心盡力] jìnxīnjìnlì making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out; to do one's utmost 死死[死死] sǐsǐ rigid; unwavering; unbendable; firm (hold on sth); tenacious 受得了[受得了] shòudeliǎo to put up with; to endure 宠[寵] chǒng to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor 溺[溺] nì to drown; to indulge; addicted to; to spoil (a child) 泛起[泛起] fànqǐ to appear; to emerge; to surface //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep38/75 words - 27 min 踏上[踏上] tàshàng to set foot on; to step on or into 欺[欺] qī to take unfair advantage of; to deceive; to cheat 美心[美心] Měixīn Maxine (name) 善[善] shàn good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at sth; to improve or perfect 走掉[走掉] zǒudiào to leave 各式各样[各式各樣] gèshìgèyàng (of) all kinds and sorts; various 长成[長成] zhǎngchéng to grow up 矮胖[矮胖] ǎipàng short and stout; dumpy; roly-poly 偶然[偶然] ǒurán incidentally; occasional; occasionally; by chance; randomly 顾不上[顧不上] gùbushàng cannot attend to or manage 娇气[嬌氣] jiāoqì delicate; squeamish; finicky 大小姐[大小姐] dàxiǎojie eldest daughter of an affluent family; (polite) your daughter; bossy or indulged young woman; Miss High and Mighty 设身处地[設身處地] shèshēnchǔdì to put oneself in sb else's shoes 铭记[銘記] míngjì to engrave in one's memory 无悔[無悔] wúhuǐ to have no regrets 变幻[變幻] biànhuàn to change irregularly; to fluctuate 沿途[沿途] yántú along the sides of the road; by the wayside 讲到[講到] jiǎngdào to talk about sth 聚[聚] jù to congregate; to assemble; to mass; to gather together; to amass; to polymerize 耍[耍] shuǎ to play with; to wield; to act (cool etc); to display (a skill, one's temper etc) 稀里哗啦[稀裡嘩啦] xīlihuālā (onom.) rustling sound; sound of rain or of sth falling down; in disorder; completely smashed; badly battered; broken to pieces 签约[簽約] qiānyuē to sign a contract or agreement 扶持[扶持] fúchí to help; to assist 歌舞[歌舞] gēwǔ singing and dancing 时空[時空] shíkōng time and place; world of a particular locale and era; (physics) space-time //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep38/100 words - 40 min 离别[離別] líbié to leave (on a long journey); to part from sb 旅途[旅途] lǚtú journey; trip 下车[下車] xiàchē to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc) 左转[左轉] zuǒzhuǎn to turn left 右转[右轉] yòuzhuǎn to turn right 入赘[入贅] rùzhuì to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her family 打雷[打雷] dǎléi to rumble with thunder; clap of thunder 飞逝[飛逝] fēishì (of time) to pass quickly; to be fleeting 转眼[轉眼] zhuǎnyǎn in a flash; in the blink of an eye; to glance 大幅[大幅] dàfú a big margin; substantially 重大[重大] zhòngdà great; important; major; significant 婆媳[婆媳] póxí mother-in-law and daughter-in-law 接地气[接地氣] jiēdìqì in touch with the common people; down-to-earth 众多[眾多] zhòngduō numerous 更上一层楼[更上一層樓] gèngshàngyīcénglóu to take it up a notch; to bring it up a level 提及[提及] tíjí to mention; to raise (a subject); to bring to sb's attention 杂质[雜質] zázhì impurity 自由自在[自由自在] zìyóuzìzài free and easy (idiom); carefree; leisurely 童话[童話] tónghuà children's fairy tales 疼爱[疼愛] téng'ài to love dearly 情绪化[情緒化] qíngxùhuà emotional; sentimental 最为[最為] zuìwéi the most 意气风发[意氣風發] yìqìfēngfā high-spirited; full of mettle 乱动[亂動] luàndòng to fiddle with; to tamper with; to meddle with; to move randomly; to flail about 嬷嬷[嬤嬤] mómo (dialect) elderly lady; wet nurse; Catholic nun //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep38/106 words - 41 min 皇城[皇城] Huángchéng Imperial City, inner part of Beijing, with the Forbidden City at its center 可比[可比] kěbǐ comparable 涂[塗] tú to apply (paint etc); to smear; to daub; to blot out; to scribble; to scrawl; (literary) mud; street 年幼[年幼] niányòu young; underage 朕[朕] zhèn I; we (imperial use); subtle 宫[宮] gōng palace; temple; castration (as corporal punishment); first note in pentatonic scale //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep39/25 words - 20 min 意志[意志] yìzhì will; willpower; determination; CL:個|个[ge4] 五四[五四] wǔsì fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles 合伙[合伙] héhuǒ to act jointly; to form a partnership 薄[薄] bó meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near 乌云[烏雲] wūyún black cloud 专业户[專業戶] zhuānyèhù family firm producing a special product; cottage industry 幸会[幸會] xìnghuì nice to meet you 哏[哏] gén funny; amusing; sth comical 喜气[喜氣] xǐqì hilarity; cheerful atmosphere 一头[一頭] yītóu one head; a head full of sth; one end (of a stick); one side; headlong; directly; rapidly; simultaneously 本名[本名] běnmíng original name; real name; personal name 身份证[身份證] shēnfènzhèng identity card; ID 艺名[藝名] yìmíng stage name (of an actor or actress) 怪不得[怪不得] guàibude no wonder!; so that's why! 系[繫] xì to connect; to arrest; to worry 打鱼[打魚] dǎyú to fish 持之以恒[持之以恆] chízhīyǐhéng to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere 年头[年頭] niántóu start of the year; whole year; a particular year; period; days; epoch; a year's harvest 客厅[客廳] kètīng drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room; CL:間|间[jian1] 遥控器[遙控器] yáokòngqì remote control 电视[電視] diànshì television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4] 遥不可及[遙不可及] yáobùkějí unattainable; far-fetched; out of reach; exceedingly remote or distant 馈[饋] kuì food; to make a present 高举[高舉] gāojǔ to lift up; to hold high 与世无争[與世無爭] yǔshìwúzhēng to stand aloof from worldly affairs //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep39/50 words - 29 min 马到成功[馬到成功] mǎdàochénggōng to win instant success (idiom) 靖[靖] jìng quiet; peaceful; to make tranquil; to pacify 弹舌[彈舌] tánshé to cluck; to trill 荣[榮] róng glory; honor; thriving 审美眼光[審美眼光] shěnměiyǎnguāng an eye for beauty; aesthetic judgment 凶[兇] xiōng terrible; fearful 库存[庫存] kùcún property or cash held in reserve; stock 惊人[驚人] jīngrén astonishing 来意[來意] láiyì one's purpose in coming 深度[深度] shēndù depth; (of a speech etc) profundity; advanced stage of development 情境[情境] qíngjìng situation; context; setting; environment 住院[住院] zhùyuàn to be in hospital; to be hospitalized 母亲[母親] mǔqīn mother; also pr. [mu3 qin5]; CL:個|个[ge4] 告知[告知] gàozhī to inform 悲[悲] bēi sad; sadness; sorrow; grief 野火[野火] yěhuǒ wildfire; (spreading like) wildfire; bush fire; farm fire (for clearing fields) 高架[高架] gāojià overhead; elevated (walkway, highway etc); elevated road 出院[出院] chūyuàn to leave hospital; to be discharged from hospital 徒劳[徒勞] túláo futile 酝酿[醞釀] yùnniàng (of alcohol) to ferment; (of a crisis) to be brewing; to mull over (an issue); to hold exploratory discussions 母爱[母愛] mǔ'ài maternal love 获救[獲救] huòjiù to rescue; to be rescued 医[醫] yī medical; medicine; doctor; to cure; to treat 治好[治好] zhìhǎo to cure 心地[心地] xīndì character //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep39/75 words - 48 min 题目[題目] tímù subject; title; topic; CL:個|个[ge4] 挖掘[挖掘] wājué to excavate; to dig; to unearth 仰慕[仰慕] yǎngmù to admire 号称[號稱] hàochēng to be known as; to be nicknamed; to be purportedly; to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely) 保研[保研] bǎoyán to recommend sb for postgraduate studies; to admit for postgraduate studies without taking the entrance exam 对口[對口] duìkǒu (of two performers) to speak or sing alternately; to be fit for the purposes of a job or task; (of food) to suit sb's taste 池[池] chí pond; reservoir; moat 必经之路[必經之路] bìjīngzhīlù the road one must follow or take; the only way; same as 必由之路[bi4 you2 zhi1 lu4] 时过境迁[時過境遷] shíguòjìngqiān things change with the passage of time (idiom) 员工[員工] yuángōng staff; personnel; employee 忘不了[忘不了] wàngbùliǎo cannot forget 干妈[乾媽] gānmā adoptive mother (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications) 部队[部隊] bùduì army; armed forces; troops; force; unit; CL:個|个[ge4] 结婚[結婚] jiéhūn to marry; to get married; CL:次[ci4] 生子[生子] shēngzǐ to give birth to a child or children 奖杯[獎杯] jiǎngbēi trophy cup 小金[小金] Xiǎojīn Xiaojin county (Tibetan: btsan lha rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan 明目张胆[明目張膽] míngmùzhāngdǎn openly and without fear; brazenly 发自[發自] fāzì to evolve from 二十多[二十多] èrshíduō over 20 对话[對話] duìhuà dialogue; CL:個|个[ge4] 时光机[時光機] shíguāngjī time machine 峻[峻] jùn (of mountains) high; harsh or severe 披荆斩棘[披荊斬棘] pījīngzhǎnjí lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom); fig. to overcome all obstacles on the way; to break through hardships; to blaze a new trail 怒[怒] nù anger; fury; flourishing; vigorous //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep39/100 words - 58 min 鲜[鮮] xiān fresh; bright (in color); delicious; tasty; delicacy; aquatic foods 壹[壹] yī one (banker's anti-fraud numeral) 合同[合同] hétong (business) contract; CL:個|个[ge4] 相亲[相親] xiāngqīn blind date; arranged interview to evaluate a proposed marriage partner (Taiwan pr. [xiang4 qin1]); to be deeply attached to each other 现[現] xiàn to appear; present; now; existing; current 日语[日語] Rìyǔ Japanese language 价值[價值] jiàzhí value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 远见[遠見] yuǎnjiàn vision 势能[勢能] shìnéng potential energy 功利[功利] gōnglì utility 增值[增值] zēngzhí to appreciate (financially); to increase in value; value-added (accountancy) 不见得[不見得] bùjiànde not necessarily; not likely 一炮而红[一炮而紅] yīpào'érhóng to win instant success (idiom); to become an instant hit 背叛[背叛] bèipàn to betray 水滴石穿[水滴石穿] shuǐdīshíchuān dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success; You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up.; Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty. 媒介[媒介] méijiè intermediary; vehicle; vector; medium; media 值钱[值錢] zhíqián valuable; costly; expensive 毁掉[毀掉] huǐdiào to destroy 长短[長短] chángduǎn length; duration; accident; right and wrong; good and bad; long and short 假设[假設] jiǎshè to suppose; to presume; to assume; supposing that ...; if; hypothesis; conjecture 验证[驗證] yànzhèng to inspect and verify; experimental verification; to validate (a theory); to authenticate 两者[兩者] liǎngzhě both sides 迎刃而解[迎刃而解] yíngrèn'érjiě lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom); fig. easily solved 任性[任性] rènxìng willful; headstrong; unruly 走红[走紅] zǒuhóng to be popular; to be in luck; to have good luck; to develop smoothly //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep39/120 words - 76 min 毯[毯] tǎn blanket; rug 摄像机[攝像機] shèxiàngjī video camera; CL:部[bu4] 引导[引導] yǐndǎo to guide; to lead (around); to conduct; to boot; introduction; primer 见解[見解] jiànjiě opinion; view; understanding 第一时间[第一時間] dìyīshíjiān in the first moments (of sth happening); immediately (after an event); first thing 他人[他人] tārén another; sb else; other people 公众[公眾] gōngzhòng public 后患无穷[後患無窮] hòuhuànwúqióng it will cause no end of trouble (idiom) 立场[立場] lìchǎng position; standpoint; CL:個|个[ge4] 消除[消除] xiāochú to eliminate; to remove 长远[長遠] chángyuǎn long-term; long-range 常态[常態] chángtài normal state 舆论[輿論] yúlùn public opinion 语句[語句] yǔjù sentence 女孩儿[女孩兒] nǚháir5 erhua variant of 女孩[nu:3 hai2] 坚守[堅守] jiānshǒu to hold fast to; to stick to 面面相觑[面面相覷] miànmiànxiāngqù to look at each other in dismay (idiom) 小名[小名] xiǎomíng pet name for a child; childhood name 轴[軸] zhóu axis; axle; spool (for thread); roller (for scrolls); classifier for calligraphy rolls etc 出丑[出醜] chūchǒu shameful; scandalous; to be humiliated; to make a fool of sb or oneself; to make sb lose face //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep40/25 words - 20 min 步步[步步] bùbù step by step; at every step 冕[冕] miǎn crown in the form of a horizontal board with hanging decorations; imperial crown 戏剧性[戲劇性] xìjùxìng dramatic 规划[規劃] guīhuà to plan (how to do sth); planning; plan; program 找寻[找尋] zhǎoxún to look for; to seek; to find fault 战绩[戰績] zhànjì military successes; (fig.) success; accomplishment 首字母[首字母] shǒuzìmǔ initial letters 飘逸[飄逸] piāoyì graceful; elegant; to drift; to float 关头[關頭] guāntóu juncture; moment 不离不弃[不離不棄] bùlíbùqì to stand by (sb) (idiom); steadfast loyalty 极其[極其] jíqí extremely 简短[簡短] jiǎnduǎn brief (statement, summary etc); briefly; brevity 伞[傘] sǎn umbrella; parasol; CL:把[ba3] 面的[麵的] miàndī abbr. of 麵包車的士|面包车的士[mian4 bao1 che1 di1 shi4]; minivan taxi 好意思[好意思] hǎoyìsi to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question) 疯疯癫癫[瘋瘋癲癲] fēngfengdiāndiān deranged; erratic 脚踏实地[腳踏實地] jiǎotàshídì to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without flights of fancy; steady and serious character 退步[退步] tuìbù to do less well than before; to make a concession; setback; backward step; leeway; room to maneuver; fallback 入场券[入場券] rùchǎngquàn admission ticket 撕裂[撕裂] sīliè to rip apart; to tear; laceration; rent 筋疲力尽[筋疲力盡] jīnpílìjìn body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired; spent 白头[白頭] báitóu hoary head; old age 一塌糊涂[一塌糊塗] yītāhútu muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition; complete shambles; a total mess 顶峰[頂峰] dǐngfēng peak; summit; fig. high point; masterpiece 伤感[傷感] shānggǎn sad; emotional; sentimental; pathos //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep40/50 words - 31 min 来往[來往] láiwǎng to come and go; to have dealings with; to be in relation with 哽咽[哽咽] gěngyè to choke with emotion; to choke with sobs 到此[到此] dàocǐ hereto; hereunto 敬请[敬請] jìngqǐng please (do sth) (deferential form) 身处[身處] shēnchǔ in (some place); to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc); to find oneself in; placed in; surrounded by 不及[不及] bùjí to fall short of; not as good as; too late 海盐[海鹽] hǎiyán sea salt 海星[海星] hǎixīng starfish; sea star 人鱼[人魚] rényú mermaid; dugong; sea cow; manatee; giant salamander 海狮[海獅] hǎishī sea lion 蜇[蜇] zhē to sting 蘸[蘸] zhàn to dip in (ink, sauce etc) 醋[醋] cù vinegar; jealousy (in love rivalry) 洗澡[洗澡] xǐzǎo to bathe; to take a shower 抑制[抑制] yìzhì to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress 克制[克制] kèzhì to restrain; to control; restraint; self-control 分批[分批] fēnpī to do sth in batches or groups 旱鸭子[旱鴨子] hànyāzi non-swimmer 降服[降服] xiángfú to yield; to surrender 海归[海歸] hǎiguī sb who has come back to China after gaining overseas experience (a pun on 海龜|海龟[hai3 gui1]); to return to China after a period of study or work overseas 全无[全無] quánwú none; completely without 着实[著實] zhuóshí truly; indeed; severely; harshly 下水[下水] xiàshuǐ downstream; to go into the water; to put into water; to launch (a ship); fig. to fall into bad ways; to lead astray; to go to pot 潜[潛] qián hidden; secret; latent; to hide; to conceal; to submerge; to dive 伸展[伸展] shēnzhǎn stretching; extension //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep40/75 words - 38 min 来日[來日] láirì future days; (literary) the next day; (old) past days 气泡[氣泡] qìpào bubble; blister (in metal); (of beverages) sparkling; carbonated 仅供[僅供] jǐngōng only for 逆流而上[逆流而上] nìliú'érshàng to sail against the current; (fig.) to go against the flow 逆水[逆水] nìshuǐ against the current; upstream 原始[原始] yuánshǐ first; original; primitive; original (document etc) 野性[野性] yěxìng wild nature; unruliness 森林[森林] sēnlín forest; CL:片[pian4] 丝绒[絲絨] sīróng velvet 包裹[包裹] bāoguǒ to wrap up; to bind up; bundle; parcel; package; CL:個|个[ge4] 水仙[水仙] shuǐxiān narcissus; daffodil; legendary aquatic immortal; refers to those buried at sea; person who wanders abroad and does not return 目睹[目睹] mùdǔ to witness; to see at first hand; to see with one's own eyes 繁星[繁星] fánxīng many stars; a vast sky full of stars 沉溺[沉溺] chénnì to indulge in; to wallow; absorbed in; deeply engrossed; addicted 波荡[波蕩] bōdàng heave; surge 激昂[激昂] jī'áng impassioned; worked up 安抚[安撫] ānfǔ to placate; to pacify; to appease 拥[擁] yōng to hold; to embrace; to wrap around; to gather around (sb); to throng; to swarm; to support; Taiwan pr. [yong3] 锋利[鋒利] fēnglì sharp (e.g. knife blade); incisive; to the point 便士[便士] biànshì (loanword) pence; penny 迷离[迷離] mílí blurred; hard to make out distinctly 跳进[跳進] tiàojìn to plunge into; to jump into 闲[閑] xián to stay idle; to be unoccupied; not busy; leisure; enclosure 痒[癢] yǎng to itch; to tickle 电脑[電腦] diànnǎo computer; CL:臺|台[tai2] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep40/77 words - 39 min 装扮[裝扮] zhuāngbàn to decorate; to adorn; to dress up; to disguise oneself 校[校] jiào to proofread; to check; to compare 校[校] xiào school; military officer; CL:所[suo3] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/25 words - 14 min 欢迎光临[歡迎光臨] huānyíngguānglín welcome 收工[收工] shōugōng to stop work for the day (generally of laborers); to knock off 薪水[薪水] xīnshuǐ salary; wage 巧妙[巧妙] qiǎomiào ingenious; clever; ingenuity; artifice 剧透[劇透] jùtòu plot leak; spoiler 有水[有水] yǒushuǐ supplied with water (of a house) 情人[情人] qíngrén lover; sweetheart 监[監] jiān to supervise; to inspect; jail; prison 棚[棚] péng shed; canopy; shack 苛刻[苛刻] kēkè harsh; severe; demanding 拦[攔] lán to block sb's path; to obstruct; to flag down (a taxi) 布置[佈置] bùzhì to put in order; to arrange; to decorate; to fix up; to deploy 架构[架構] jiàgòu to construct; to build; infrastructure; architecture; framework 装置[裝置] zhuāngzhì to install; installation; equipment; system; unit; device 全面[全面] quánmiàn all-around; comprehensive; total; overall 往日[往日] wǎngrì former days; the past 起初[起初] qǐchū originally; at first; at the outset 震耳欲聋[震耳欲聾] zhèn'ěryùlóng ear-splitting (idiom); deafening 外露[外露] wàilù exposed; appearing on the outside 幻觉[幻覺] huànjué illusion; hallucination; figment of one's imagination 泳池[泳池] yǒngchí swimming pond 温热[溫熱] wēnrè tepid; to warm up (food etc) 蔓延[蔓延] mànyán to extend; to spread 细致[細緻] xìzhì delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking 肆无忌惮[肆無忌憚] sìwújìdàn absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/50 words - 23 min 酣[酣] hān intoxicated 热度[熱度] rèdù temperature; heat; short-lived enthusiasm 有效[有效] yǒuxiào effective; in effect; valid 麦克[麥克] màikè microphone (loanword) 心想[心想] xīnxiǎng to think to oneself; to think; to assume 果敢[果敢] guǒgǎn courageous; resolute and daring 变乱[變亂] biànluàn turmoil; social upheaval 饱满[飽滿] bǎomǎn full; plump 午夜[午夜] wǔyè midnight 赞不绝口[贊不絕口] zànbùjuékǒu to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven 软肋[軟肋] ruǎnlèi rib cartilage; (fig.) weak spot; soft underbelly 眼色[眼色] yǎnsè signal made with one's eyes; meaningful glance 狂热[狂熱] kuángrè zealotry; fanatical; feverish 体温[體溫] tǐwēn (body) temperature 晃[晃] huǎng to dazzle; to flash past 晃[晃] huàng to sway; to shake; to wander about 重金属[重金屬] zhòngjīnshǔ heavy metal 掉落[掉落] diàoluò to fall down 赐予[賜予] cìyǔ to grant; to bestow 水面[水面] shuǐmiàn water surface 展位[展位] zhǎnwèi relative position of exhibition booth; allocated floor space for display stall; allotted exhibit area 最大化[最大化] zuìdàhuà to maximize 小弟[小弟] xiǎodì little brother; I, your little brother (humble) 厅[廳] tīng (reception) hall; living room; office; provincial government department 牢[牢] láo firm; sturdy; fold (for animals); sacrifice; prison 无处[無處] wúchù nowhere //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/75 words - 35 min 日落[日落] rìluò sundown; sunset 天亮[天亮] tiānliàng dawn; daybreak 升温[升溫] shēngwēn to become hot; temperature rise; (fig.) to intensify; to hot up; to escalate; to get a boost 犯规[犯規] fànguī to break the rules; an illegality; a foul 一贯[一貫] yīguàn consistent; constant; from start to finish; all along; persistent 费劲[費勁] fèijìn to require effort; strenuous 灌[灌] guàn to irrigate; to pour; to install (software); to record (music) 铅[鉛] qiān lead (chemistry) 秀气[秀氣] xiùqi delicate; graceful 棉被[棉被] miánbèi comforter; quilt; CL:條|条[tiao2],面[mian4] 形容词[形容詞] xíngróngcí adjective 轻盈[輕盈] qīngyíng graceful; lithe; light and graceful; lighthearted; relaxed 国王[國王] guówáng king; CL:個|个[ge4] 国度[國度] guódù country; nation 鸡块[雞塊] jīkuài chicken nugget; chicken piece 维[維] wéi to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension; vitamin (abbr. for 維生素|维生素[wei2 sheng1 su4]) 连夜[連夜] liányè that very night; through the night; for several nights in a row 音节[音節] yīnjié syllable 耳环[耳環] ěrhuán earring; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4] 脾气[脾氣] píqi character; temperament; disposition; bad temper; CL:個|个[ge4] 路线[路線] lùxiàn itinerary; route; political line (e.g. right revisionist road); CL:條|条[tiao2] 休闲[休閒] xiūxián leisure; relaxation; not working; idle; to enjoy leisure; to lie fallow T恤[T恤] Txù T-shirt 裂缝[裂縫] lièfèng crack; crevice; CL:道[dao4] 肺[肺] fèi lung; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/100 words - 40 min 血管[血管] xuèguǎn vein; artery; CL:根[gen1] 流入[流入] liúrù to flow into; to drift into; influx; inflow 飞速[飛速] fēisù flying speed; rapid (growth) 运转[運轉] yùnzhuǎn to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around 自找[自找] zìzhǎo to suffer as a consequence of one's own actions; you asked for it; to bring it on oneself (sth unpleasant) 门路[門路] ménlù way of doing sth; the right social connection 临场[臨場] línchǎng to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc); firsthand (experience); impromptu (remarks etc) 才女[才女] cáinǚ talented girl 间奏[間奏] jiānzòu interlude (music) 沼泽[沼澤] zhǎozé marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade 顺从[順從] shùncóng obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer 法则[法則] fǎzé law; rule; code 列车[列車] lièchē (railway) train 乘客[乘客] chéngkè passenger 悲怆[悲愴] bēichuàng sorrow; tragic 改写[改寫] gǎixiě to revise; to edit 空虚[空虛] kōngxū hollow; emptiness; meaningless 深沉[深沉] shēnchén deep; profound; (of a person) reserved; undemonstrative; (of a voice, sound etc) deep; low-pitched 音调[音調] yīndiào pitch of voice (high or low); pitch (of a musical note); tone 顺势[順勢] shùnshì to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently 针对[針對] zhēnduì to target; to focus on; to be aimed at or against; in response to 上手[上手] shàngshǒu to obtain; to master; overhand (serve etc); seat of honor 现学现用[現學現用] xiànxuéxiànyòng to immediately put into practice something one has just learned (idiom) 击打[擊打] jīdǎ to beat; to lash 点拨[點撥] diǎnbō to give instructions; to give advice //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/125 words - 48 min 轨[軌] guǐ course; path; track; rail 昨日[昨日] zuórì yesterday 断开[斷開] duànkāi to break; to sever; to turn off (electric switch) 恍然大悟[恍然大悟] huǎngrándàwù to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light 爆破[爆破] bàopò to blow up; to demolish (using explosives); dynamite; blast 同班[同班] tóngbān to be in the same class; to be in the same squad; classmate 抽查[抽查] chōuchá random inspection; to do a spot check 求取[求取] qiúqǔ to seek after; to strive for 瞩目[矚目] zhǔmù to focus attention upon 不同凡响[不同凡響] bùtóngfánxiǎng lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding; brilliant; out of the common run 稍等[稍等] shāoděng to wait a moment 适当[適當] shìdàng suitable; appropriate 紧急[緊急] jǐnjí urgent; emergency 手忙脚乱[手忙腳亂] shǒumángjiǎoluàn to act with confusion; to be in a flurry; to be flustered 些许[些許] xiēxǔ a few; a little; a bit 途[途] tú way; route; road 别有[別有] biéyǒu to have other...; to have a special ... 醍醐灌顶[醍醐灌頂] tíhúguàndǐng lit. to anoint your head with the purest cream (idiom); fig. to enlighten people with perfect wisdom; flawless Buddhist teaching 困境[困境] kùnjìng predicament; plight 自言自语[自言自語] zìyánzìyǔ to talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize 寒冷[寒冷] hánlěng cold (climate); frigid; very cold 背脊[背脊] bèijǐ the back of the human body 糊涂[糊塗] hútu muddled; silly; confused 停步[停步] tíngbù to come to a stand; to stop 往来[往來] wǎnglái dealings; contacts; to go back and forth //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/150 words - 64 min 收留[收留] shōuliú to offer shelter; to have sb in one's care 懦弱[懦弱] nuòruò cowardly; weak 疯子[瘋子] fēngzi madman; lunatic 奔赴[奔赴] bēnfù to rush to; to hurry to 反骨[反骨] fǎngǔ (physiognomy) protruding bone at the back of the head, regarded as a sign of a renegade nature 融为一体[融為一體] róngwéiyītǐ to fuse together (idiom); hypostatic union (religion) 陷于[陷於] xiànyú caught in (a bad situation); to fall into (trap etc) 平易近人[平易近人] píngyìjìnrén amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going; modest and unassuming; (of writing) plain and simple; easy to understand 有意[有意] yǒuyì to intend; intentionally; interested in 农药[農藥] nóngyào agricultural chemical; farm chemical; pesticide 神速[神速] shénsù lightning speed; amazingly rapid; incredible pace of development 随和[隨和] suíhé amiable; easy-going 听众[聽眾] tīngzhòng audience; listeners 小声[小聲] xiǎoshēng in a low voice; (speak) in whispers 好用[好用] hǎoyòng useful; serviceable; effective; handy; easy to use 适用[適用] shìyòng to be applicable 涉及[涉及] shèjí to involve; to touch upon (a topic) 混乱[混亂] hùnluàn confusion; chaos; disorder 菠萝[菠蘿] bōluó pineapple 头绳[頭繩] tóushéng string to tie hair 小豆[小豆] xiǎodòu see 紅豆|红豆[hong2 dou4] 芽[芽] yá bud; sprout 缝合[縫合] fénghé to sew together; suture (in surgery); to sew up (a wound) 名牌[名牌] míngpái famous brand; nameplate; name tag 针线[針線] zhēnxiàn needle and thread; needlework //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep41/169 words - 72 min 缝[縫] féng to sew; to stitch 缝[縫] fèng seam; crack; narrow slit; CL:道[dao4] 坏掉[壞掉] huàidiào spoilt; ruined 节点[節點] jiédiǎn node 反问[反問] fǎnwèn to ask (a question) in reply; to answer a question with a question; rhetorical question 防御[防禦] fángyù defense; to defend 账[賬] zhàng account; bill; debt; CL:本[ben3],筆|笔[bi3] 案件[案件] ànjiàn case; instance; CL:宗[zong1],樁|桩[zhuang1],起[qi3] 有求必应[有求必應] yǒuqiúbìyìng to grant whatever is asked for; to accede to every plea 丰收[豐收] fēngshōu bumper harvest 心有余悸[心有餘悸] xīnyǒuyújì to have lingering fears; trepidation remaining after a trauma (idiom) 紧握[緊握] jǐnwò to hold firmly, not let go 父爱[父愛] fù'ài paternal love 堵[堵] dǔ to block up (a road, pipe etc); to stop up (a hole); (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress; wall (literary); (classifier for walls) 休息室[休息室] xiūxīshì lobby; lounge 群体[群體] qúntǐ community; colony 才[纔] cái a moment ago; just now; (indicating sth happening later than expected); (preceded by a clause of condition or reason) not until; (followed by a numerical clause) only 似懂非懂[似懂非懂] sìdǒngfēidǒng to not really understand; to half-understand 另类[另類] lìnglèi offbeat; alternative; avant-garde; unconventional; weird 韵脚[韻腳] yùnjiǎo rhyming word ending a line of verse; rhyme //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep42/25 words - 11 min 彩票[彩票] cǎipiào lottery ticket 谈论[談論] tánlùn to discuss; to talk about 穷光蛋[窮光蛋] qióngguāngdàn poor wretch; pauper; destitute man; poverty-stricken peasant; penniless good-for-nothing; impecunious vagabond 大富翁[大富翁] Dàfùwēng Monopoly (game); known as 地產大亨|地产大亨[Di4 chan3 Da4 heng1] in Taiwan 感叹号[感嘆號] gǎntànhào exclamation mark ! (punct.) 低谷[低谷] dīgǔ valley; trough (as opposed to peaks); fig. low point; lowest ebb; nadir of one's fortunes 冲洗[沖洗] chōngxǐ to rinse; to wash; to develop (photographic film) 人情[人情] rénqíng human emotions; social relationship; friendship; favor; a good turn 丧气[喪氣] sàngqi unlucky 仗义[仗義] zhàngyì to uphold justice; to be loyal (to one's friends); to stick by 识[識] shí to know; knowledge; Taiwan pr. [shi4] 神器[神器] shénqì magical object; object symbolic of imperial power; fine weapon 白净[白淨] báijìng (of skin) fair and clear 萌萌哒[萌萌噠] méngméngdā (Internet slang) adorable; cute 崇尚[崇尚] chóngshàng to hold up (as an model); to hold in esteem; to revere; to advocate 不值[不值] bùzhí not worth 当回事儿[當回事兒] dànghuíshìr5 erhua variant of 當回事|当回事[dang4 hui2 shi4] 终生[終生] zhōngshēng throughout one's life; lifetime; lifelong 父[父] fù father 爸[爸] bà father; dad; pa; papa 伤悲[傷悲] shāngbēi sad; sorrowful (literary) 外边[外邊] wàibian outside; outer surface; abroad; place other than one's home 凯旋[凱旋] kǎixuán to return in triumph; to return victorious 笨拙[笨拙] bènzhuō clumsy; awkward; stupid 彩蛋[彩蛋] cǎidàn painted eggshell; Easter egg; (media) Easter egg (hidden feature in software or a movie etc); post-credits scene //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep42/50 words - 27 min 傻瓜[傻瓜] shǎguā idiot; fool 大嗓[大嗓] dàsǎng loud voice 娇羞[嬌羞] jiāoxiū bashful; shy; shyness; modesty 娇[嬌] jiāo lovable; pampered; tender; delicate; frail 压住[壓住] yāzhù to press down; to crush down; to restrain (anger); to keep down (voice) 车祸[車禍] chēhuò traffic accident; car crash; CL:場|场[chang2] 轮椅[輪椅] lúnyǐ wheelchair 拐弯[拐彎] guǎiwān to go round a curve; to turn a corner; fig. a new direction 替补[替補] tìbǔ to replace (a damaged component with a new one, an injured player with a substitute player, full-time workers with casual workers etc); a substitute; a replacement 半工半读[半工半讀] bàngōngbàndú part work, part study; work-study program 家用[家用] jiāyòng home-use; domestic; family expenses; housekeeping money 相像[相像] xiāngxiàng to resemble one another; to be alike; similar 拒[拒] jù to resist; to repel; to refuse 哭哭啼啼[哭哭啼啼] kūkutítí to weep endlessly; interminable wailing 乌龟[烏龜] wūguī tortoise; cuckold 壳[殼] qiào shell; carapace; crust (earth's crust etc); also pr. [ke2] 乌龟壳[烏龜殼] wūguīké tortoise shell 瑜[瑜] yú excellence; luster of gems 大口[大口] dàkǒu big mouthful (of food, drink, smoke etc); open mouth; gulping; gobbling; gaping 享[享] xiǎng to enjoy; to benefit; to have the use of 句号[句號] jùhào full stop; period (punct.) 切切[切切] qièqiè urgently; eagerly; worried; (urge sb to) be sure to; it is absolutely essential to (follow the above instruction) 红包[紅包] hóngbāo money wrapped in red as a gift; bonus payment; kickback; bribe 预算[預算] yùsuàn budget 欣慰[欣慰] xīnwèi to be gratified //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep42/75 words - 37 min 提议[提議] tíyì proposal; suggestion; to propose; to suggest 贺卡[賀卡] hèkǎ greeting card; congratulation card 借用[借用] jièyòng to borrow sth for another use; to borrow an idea for one's own use 当地[當地] dāngdì local 鲜花[鮮花] xiānhuā flower; fresh flowers; CL:朵[duo3] 知情[知情] zhīqíng to know the facts; to understand; to be familiar with the situation 胶片[膠片] jiāopiàn (photographic) film 留作[留作] liúzuò to set aside for; to keep as 纪念[紀念] jìniàn to commemorate; to remember; CL:個|个[ge4] 赤子之心[赤子之心] chìzǐzhīxīn pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn; sincere 打分[打分] dǎfēn to grade; to give a mark 学好[學好] xuéhǎo to follow good examples 孩子气[孩子氣] háiziqì boyish; childish 打成一片[打成一片] dǎchéngyīpiàn to merge; to integrate; to become as one; to unify together 进门[進門] jìnmén to enter a door; to go in; to learn the basics of a subject; to join one's husband's household upon marriage 逃走[逃走] táozǒu to escape; to flee; to run away 课间[課間] kèjiān interval between lessons 豪[豪] háo grand; heroic 消散[消散] xiāosàn to dissipate 皇[皇] huáng emperor; old variant of 惶[huang2] 上口[上口] shàngkǒu to be able to read aloud fluently; to be suitable (easy enough) for reading aloud 谕[諭] yù order (from above) 储[儲] chǔ to store; to save; to have in reserve; heir; Taiwan pr. [chu2] 妃[妃] fēi imperial concubine 庆生[慶生] qìngshēng to celebrate a birthday //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep42/89 words - 38 min 随身[隨身] suíshēn to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one 璧[璧] bì jade annulus 酉时[酉時] yǒushí 5-7 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times) 贵人[貴人] guìrén nobility; person of high rank 神色[神色] shénsè expression; look 跟踪[跟蹤] gēnzōng to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking 碰见[碰見] pèngjiàn to run into; to meet (unexpectedly); to bump into 玉佩[玉佩] yùpèi jade pendant; jade ornament 呈[呈] chéng to present to a superior; memorial; petition; to present (a certain appearance); to assume (a shape); to be (a certain color) 皇上[皇上] huángshang the emperor; Your majesty the emperor; His imperial majesty 急忙[急忙] jímáng hastily 侍女[侍女] shìnǚ maid 说谎[說謊] shuōhuǎng to lie; to tell an untruth 污蔑[污衊] wūmiè to slander; to smear; to tarnish //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/25 words - 19 min 如同[如同] rútóng like; as 措[措] cuò to handle; to manage; to put in order; to arrange; to administer; to execute; to take action on; to plan 惶恐[惶恐] huángkǒng terrified 得意[得意] déyì proud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent 自豪[自豪] zìháo proud (of one's achievements etc) 醒目[醒目] xǐngmù eye-grabbing (headline); striking (illustration) 归位[歸位] guīwèi to put sth back where it belongs; to return to the original position; to return to one's seat (in a classroom) 才学[才學] cáixué talent and learning; scholarship 商务[商務] shāngwù commercial affairs; commercial; commerce; business 直立[直立] zhílì erect; upright; vertical 跟腱[跟腱] gēnjiàn heel tendon of mammals; Achilles tendon 搞定[搞定] gǎodìng to fix; to settle; to wangle 热心[熱心] rèxīn enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic; ardent; warmhearted 市民[市民] shìmín city resident 通告[通告] tōnggào to announce; to give notice 阶梯[階梯] jiētī flight of steps; (fig.) a means of advancement; stepping stone 司[司] sī to take charge of; to manage; department (under a ministry) 温温[溫溫] wēnwēn mild 捕[捕] bǔ to catch; to seize; to capture 扼[扼] è to grip forcefully; to clutch at; to guard; to control; to hold 胳肢窝[胳肢窩] gāzhiwō armpit; also pr. [ge1 zhi5 wo1]; also written 夾肢窩|夹肢窝[ga1 zhi5 wo1] 拖走[拖走] tuōzǒu to drag away 瞌睡[瞌睡] kēshuì drowsy; to doze; to nap 疲乏[疲乏] pífá tired; weary 困倦[困倦] kùnjuàn tired; weary //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/50 words - 24 min 犯困[犯睏] fànkùn (coll.) to get sleepy 好使[好使] hǎoshǐ easy to use; to function well; so that; in order to 提起[提起] tíqǐ to mention; to speak of; to lift; to pick up; to arouse; to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc) 鸽子[鴿子] gēzi pigeon; dove; various birds of the family Columbidae 粤菜[粵菜] Yuècài Cantonese cuisine 对联[對聯] duìlián rhyming couplet; pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway; CL:副[fu4],幅[fu2] 年年有余[年年有餘] niánniányǒuyú lit. (may you) have abundance year after year; (an auspicious saying for the Lunar New Year) 日志[日誌] rìzhì journal; log (computing) 专用[專用] zhuānyòng special; dedicated 因素[因素] yīnsù element; factor; CL:個|个[ge4] 甩掉[甩掉] shuǎidiào to throw off; to abandon; to cast off; to get rid of; to dump 劈腿[劈腿] pǐtuǐ to do the splits (gymnastics); (Tw) two-timing (in romantic relationships); Taiwan pr. [pi1 tui3] 死皮赖脸[死皮賴臉] sǐpílàiliǎn brazen faced (idiom); shameless 奉承[奉承] fèngcheng to fawn on; to flatter; to ingratiate oneself; flattery 起死回生[起死回生] qǐsǐhuíshēng to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery 绝招[絕招] juézhāo unique skill; unexpected tricky move (as a last resort); masterstroke; finishing blow 骚扰[騷擾] sāorǎo to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass 怎么着[怎麼著] zěnmezhāo what?; how?; how about?; whatever; also pr. [zen3 me5 zhe5] 不妙[不妙] bùmiào (of a turn of events) not too encouraging; far from good; anything but reassuring 智慧[智慧] zhìhuì wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence 施放[施放] shīfàng to fire; to discharge; to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas, virus etc) 魔法[魔法] mófǎ enchantment; magic 地狱[地獄] dìyù hell; infernal; underworld 刮风[颳風] guāfēng to be windy 凄美[淒美] qīměi poignant; sad and beautiful //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/75 words - 36 min 谦卑[謙卑] qiānbēi humble 自甘堕落[自甘墮落] zìgānduòluò to abandon oneself (idiom); to let oneself go 爱豆[愛豆] àidòu (slang) idol (loanword) 手足[手足] shǒuzú hands and feet; (fig.) brothers; retinue, henchmen, accomplices 莉[莉] lì jasmine 回升[回升] huíshēng to rise again after a fall; to pick up; rally (stock market etc) 蹿[躥] cuān to leap up; (coll.) to gush out; to spurt out 驯[馴] xùn to attain gradually; to tame; Taiwan pr. [xun2] 望远镜[望遠鏡] wàngyuǎnjìng binoculars; telescope; CL:付[fu4],副[fu4],部[bu4] 观望[觀望] guānwàng to wait and see; to watch from the sidelines; to look around; to survey 偷看[偷看] tōukàn to peep; to peek; to steal a glance 坏事[壞事] huàishì bad thing; misdeed; to ruin things 讨吃[討吃] tǎochī to beg for food 举动[舉動] jǔdòng act; action; activity; move; movement 语音[語音] yǔyīn speech sounds; pronunciation; colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character; phonetic; audio; voice; (Internet) to voice chat; voice message 回复[回復] huífù to reply; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); Re: in reply to (email) 忧虑[憂慮] yōulǜ to worry; anxiety (about) 答谢[答謝] dáxiè to express one's thanks 过滤器[過濾器] guòlǜqì filtering apparatus; (machine) filter 颈[頸] jǐng neck 炸鸡[炸雞] zhájī fried chicken 三七二十一[三七二十一] sānqī'èrshíyī three sevens are twenty-one (idiom); the facts of the matter; the actual situation 不耐烦[不耐煩] bùnàifán impatience; impatient 服软[服軟] fúruǎn to admit defeat; to give in; to acknowledge a mistake; to apologize; to be amenable to persuasion 豪宅[豪宅] háozhái grand residence; mansion //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/100 words - 45 min 走南闯北[走南闖北] zǒunánchuǎngběi to travel extensively 脱俗[脫俗] tuōsú free from vulgarity; refined; outstanding 奢[奢] shē extravagant 剂[劑] jì dose (medicine) 病毒[病毒] bìngdú virus 兄[兄] xiōng elder brother 披[披] pī to drape over one's shoulders; to open; to unroll; to split open; to spread out 精美[精美] jīngměi delicate; fine; refinement 保温[保溫] bǎowēn to keep hot; heat preservation 深受[深受] shēnshòu to receive in no small measure 饥饿[飢餓] jī'è hunger; starvation; famine 补给[補給] bǔjǐ supply; replenishment; to replenish 改为[改為] gǎiwéi to change into 求饶[求饒] qiúráo to beg forgiveness 侥幸[僥倖] jiǎoxìng luckily; by a fluke 愧对[愧對] kuìduì to be ashamed to face (sb); to feel bad about having failed (sb) 碰壁[碰壁] pèngbì to hit a wall; (fig.) to hit a brick wall; to hit a snag; to have the door slammed in one's face 偷偷摸摸[偷偷摸摸] tōutōumōmō surreptitious; sneaky 叱咤风云[叱咤風雲] chìzhàfēngyún lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world; all-powerful 古惑仔[古惑仔] gǔhuòzǎi gangster; hooligan; problem youth; at-risk youth 人形[人形] rénxíng human shape; in human form; of human appearance; doll; puppet 开场白[開場白] kāichǎngbái prologue of play; opening remarks; preamble (of speeches, articles etc) 深厚[深厚] shēnhòu deep; profound 接力[接力] jiēlì relay 求知欲[求知慾] qiúzhīyù desire for knowledge //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/125 words - 59 min 破冰[破冰] pòbīng to break the ice; groundbreaking (in relations) 旋风[旋風] xuànfēng whirlwind; tornado 螺旋[螺旋] luóxuán spiral; helix; screw 捧[捧] pěng to clasp; to cup the hands; to hold up with both hands; to offer (esp. in cupped hands); to praise; to flatter 促进[促進] cùjìn to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost 彦[彥] yàn accomplished; elegant 俊[俊] jùn smart; eminent; handsome; talented 手动[手動] shǒudòng manual; manually operated; manual gear-change 境界[境界] jìngjiè boundary; state; realm 正着[正著] zhèngzháo head-on; red-handed 木头[木頭] mùtou slow-witted; blockhead; log (of wood, timber etc); CL:塊|块[kuai4],根[gen1] 做完[做完] zuòwán to finish; to complete the task 订制[訂製] dìngzhì custom-made; made-to-order; to have something custom made; also written 定製|定制 到齐[到齊] dàoqí to be all present 推出[推出] tuīchū to push out; to release; to launch; to publish; to recommend 撕破[撕破] sīpò to tear; to rip 点子[點子] diǎnzi spot; point; dot; speck; drop (of liquid); droplet; point (of argument); idea; crux; indication; pointer 次要[次要] cìyào secondary 太白[太白] Tàibái Taibai County in Baoji 寶雞|宝鸡[Bao3 ji1], Shaanxi; Venus 接力棒[接力棒] jiēlìbàng relay baton; (fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor) 翻山越岭[翻山越嶺] fānshānyuèlǐng to pass over mountains ridges (idiom); fig. hardships of the journey 时间轴[時間軸] shíjiānzhóu time axis; timeline 光鲜[光鮮] guāngxiān bright and neat 日日[日日] rìrì every day 夜夜[夜夜] yèyè every night //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/150 words - 67 min 废寝忘食[廢寢忘食] fèiqǐnwàngshí to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work 汗流浃背[汗流浹背] hànliújiābèi to sweat profusely (idiom); drenched in sweat 领略[領略] lǐnglüè to have a taste of; to realize; to appreciate 旁白[旁白] pángbái aside (theater); voice-over; background narration 尚[尚] shàng still; yet; to value; to esteem 莫奈[莫奈] Mònài Claude Monet (1840-1926), French impressionist painter 口头[口頭] kǒutóu oral; verbal 声讨[聲討] shēngtǎo to denounce; to condemn 指责[指責] zhǐzé to criticize; to find fault with; to denounce 负累[負累] fùlěi to implicate; to involve 瑰丽[瑰麗] guīlì elegant; magnificent; exceptionally beautiful 拨开[撥開] bōkāi to push aside; to part; to brush away 雕塑[雕塑] diāosù a statue; a Buddhist image; sculpture; to carve 显而易见[顯而易見] xiǎn'éryìjiàn clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying 时隔[時隔] shígé separated in time (usu. followed by a quantity of time) 重返[重返] chóngfǎn to return to 巩固[鞏固] gǒnggù to consolidate; consolidation; to strengthen 同班同学[同班同學] tóngbāntóngxué classmate 淘气[淘氣] táoqì naughty; mischievous 机灵[機靈] jīling clever; quick-witted 宁缺勿滥[寧缺勿濫] nìngquēwùlàn same as 寧缺毋濫|宁缺毋滥[ning4 que1 wu2 lan4] 掉价[掉價] diàojià drop in price; devalued; to have one's status lowered 异口同声[異口同聲] yìkǒutóngshēng different mouths, same voice; to speak in unison (idiom) 不送[不送] bùsòng don't bother to see me out 主任[主任] zhǔrèn director; head; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep43/167 words - 69 min 一本正经[一本正經] yīběnzhèngjīng in deadly earnest; deadpan 新颖[新穎] xīnyǐng lit. new bud; fig. new and original 面[麵] miàn flour; noodles; (of food) soft (not crunchy); (slang) (of a person) ineffectual; spineless 无糖[無糖] wútáng sugar free 名号[名號] mínghào name; good reputation; title 之所以[之所以] zhīsuǒyǐ the reason why 怀有[懷有] huáiyǒu to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc) 远房[遠房] yuǎnfáng distantly related; a distant relative 邻居[鄰居] línjū neighbor; next door; CL:個|个[ge4] 动心[動心] dòngxīn to be moved; to be tempted 倾心[傾心] qīngxīn to admire wholeheartedly; to fall in love with 上心[上心] shàngxīn carefully; meticulously; to set one's heart on sth 上天[上天] shàngtiān Heaven; Providence; God; the day before; the sky above; to fly to the sky; to take off and fly into space; to die; to pass away 吉尼斯[吉尼斯] Jínísī Guinness (name) 蒙娜丽莎[蒙娜麗莎] MéngnàLìshā Mona Lisa 维也纳[維也納] Wéiyěnà Vienna, capital of Austria 艺术品[藝術品] yìshùpǐn art piece; work of art; CL:件[jian4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep44/25 words - 12 min 口头禅[口頭禪] kǒutóuchán Zen saying repeated as cant; (fig.) catchphrase; mantra; favorite expression; stock phrase 前所未有[前所未有] qiánsuǒwèiyǒu unprecedented 吐字[吐字] tǔzì diction; enunciation; to pronounce the words correctly (in opera) 决堤[決隄] juédī (of a watercourse) to breach its dike; (of dikes) to collapse 愤恨[憤恨] fènhèn to hate; hatred; to resent; embittered 气势汹汹[氣勢洶洶] qìshìxiōngxiōng aggressive; truculent; overbearing 对不住[對不住] duìbuzhù to let sb down; to be unfair; I'm sorry; pardon me (formal) 犀利[犀利] xīlì sharp; incisive; penetrating 舅妈[舅媽] jiùmā (coll.) aunt; maternal uncle's wife 消[消] xiāo to disappear; to vanish; to eliminate; to spend (time); have to; need 消气[消氣] xiāoqì to cool one's temper 一瘸一拐[一瘸一拐] yīquéyīguǎi to limp; to hobble 腿脚[腿腳] tuǐjiǎo legs and feet; ability to walk; strides 利索[利索] lìsuo nimble 胯骨[胯骨] kuàgǔ hip bone 酸痛[酸痛] suāntòng to ache 户[戶] hù a household; door; family 摇摇欲坠[搖搖欲墜] yáoyáoyùzhuì tottering; on the verge of collapse 续[續] xù to continue; to replenish 从容[從容] cóngróng to go easy; unhurried; calm; Taiwan pr. [cong1 rong2] 拿走[拿走] názǒu to take away 说到做到[說到做到] shuōdàozuòdào to be as good as one's word (idiom); to keep one's promise 快嘴[快嘴] kuàizuǐ unable to keep one's thoughts to oneself; blabbermouth; CL:張|张[zhang1] 有头有尾[有頭有尾] yǒutóuyǒuwěi where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish. 好处[好處] hǎochu benefit; advantage; gain; profit; also pr. [hao3 chu4]; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep44/44 words - 22 min 落空[落空] luòkōng to fail; to fall through; to come to nothing 否则[否則] fǒuzé if not; otherwise; else; or else 交涉[交涉] jiāoshè to negotiate (with); to have dealings (with) 落选[落選] luòxuǎn to fail to be chosen (or elected); to lose an election 相伴[相伴] xiāngbàn to accompany sb; to accompany each other 孤零零[孤零零] gūlínglíng lone; isolated and without help; all alone; solitary 取名[取名] qǔmíng to name; to be named; to christen; to seek fame 唰[唰] shuā (onom.) swishing; rustling 格式[格式] géshì form; specification; format 火辣辣[火辣辣] huǒlàlà painful heat; scorching; painful heat; rude and forthright; provocative; hot; sexy 猎手[獵手] lièshǒu hunter 猎[獵] liè hunting 豺[豺] chái dog-like animal; ravenous beast; dhole (Cuon Alpinus); jackal 虎[虎] hǔ tiger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 固化[固化] gùhuà to solidify; solidification (chemistry) 仅此而已[僅此而已] jǐncǐ'éryǐ that's all; just this and nothing more 无线[無線] wúxiàn wireless 五月[五月] Wǔyuè May; fifth month (of the lunar year) 整点[整點] zhěngdiǎn time of day exactly on the hour (i.e. 12:00, 1:00 etc); to make an inventory; (math.) point that has integer coordinates //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/25 words - 21 min 规律[規律] guīlǜ rule (e.g. of science); law of behavior; regular pattern; rhythm; discipline 物料[物料] wùliào material 痘[痘] dòu pimple; pustule 正道[正道] zhèngdào the correct path; the right way (Buddhism) 正直[正直] zhèngzhí upright; upstanding; honest 透彻[透徹] tòuchè penetrating; thorough; incisive 魅惑[魅惑] mèihuò to entice; to charm 小妖精[小妖精] xiǎoyāojīng goblin; hussy; floozy 冰山[冰山] bīngshān iceberg; CL:座[zuo4] 理直气壮[理直氣壯] lǐzhíqìzhuàng in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful 棱角[稜角] léngjiǎo edge and corner; protrusion; sharpness (of a protrusion); craggy; ridge corner 整整[整整] zhěngzhěng whole; full 日复一日[日復一日] rìfùyīrì day after day 收入[收入] shōurù to take in; income; revenue; CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4] 电瓶车[電瓶車] diànpíngchē battery-powered vehicle 枯燥[枯燥] kūzào dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust 到此为止[到此為止] dàocǐwéizhǐ to stop at this point; to end here; to call it a day 加重[加重] jiāzhòng to make heavier; to emphasize; (of an illness etc) to become more serious; to aggravate (a bad situation); to increase (a burden, punishment etc) 多重[多重] duōchóng multi- (faceted, cultural, ethnic etc) 泄[泄] xiè to leak (of water or gas); to drip; to drain; to discharge; to leak out; to divulge (secrets); to give vent (to anger, spite etc); to disperse; to reduce 人老珠黄[人老珠黃] rénlǎozhūhuáng (of a woman) old and faded 带刺[帶刺] dàicì thorny; (fig.) barbed; sarcastic 一席之地[一席之地] yīxízhīdì (acknowledged) place; a role to play; niche 师傅[師傅] shīfu master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2] 现象[現象] xiànxiàng phenomenon; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]; appearance //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/50 words - 33 min 关闭[關閉] guānbì to close; to shut 艾特[艾特] àitè at symbol, @ 击掌[擊掌] jīzhǎng to clap one's hands; to clap each other's hands; high five 特邀[特邀] tèyāo special invitation 应有[應有] yīngyǒu proper 李宇春[李宇春] LǐYǔchūn Li Yuchun aka Chris Lee (1984-), Chinese pop singer 因故[因故] yīngù for some reason 衷心[衷心] zhōngxīn heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial 丞[丞] chéng deputy 圆梦[圓夢] yuánmèng to fulfill one's dream; (divination) to predict the future by interpreting a dream; oneiromancy 留有[留有] liúyǒu to remain in existence; to retain 此时此刻[此時此刻] cǐshícǐkè at this very moment 少不了[少不了] shǎobuliǎo cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many 有限公司[有限公司] yǒuxiàngōngsī limited company; corporation 副总裁[副總裁] fùzǒngcái vice-chairman (of an organization); vice president (of a company); deputy governor (of a bank) 负责人[負責人] fùzérén person in charge 淼[淼] miǎo a flood; infinity 庞[龐] páng huge; enormous; tremendous 创始人[創始人] chuàngshǐrén creator; founder; initiator 总裁[總裁] zǒngcái chairman; director-general (of a company etc) 董事[董事] dǒngshì board member 晓[曉] xiǎo dawn; daybreak; to know; to let sb know; to make explicit 英[英] yīng hero; outstanding; excellent; (literary) flower; blossom 京[京] jīng capital city of a country; big; algebraic term for a large number (old); artificial mound (old) 芳[芳] fāng fragrant //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/75 words - 36 min 颖[穎] yǐng head of grain; husk; tip; point; clever; gifted; outstanding 捷[捷] jié victory; triumph; quick; nimble; prompt 森[森] sēn forest 新锐[新銳] xīnruì cutting-edge (in technology, science, fashion, the arts etc); novel and competitive; new and dashing 郭[郭] guō outer city wall 制片人[製片人] zhìpiànrén moviemaker; filmmaker; producer 总经理[總經理] zǒngjīnglǐ general manager; CEO 尼克[尼克] Níkè Nick (name) 纪[紀] jì order; discipline; age; era; period; to chronicle 翔[翔] xiáng to soar; to glide; variant of 詳|详[xiang2] 国庆[國慶] Guóqìng National Day 聂[聶] niè to whisper 晟[晟] shèng brightness of sun; splendor; also pr. [cheng2] 品牌[品牌] pǐnpái brand name; trademark 芬[芬] fēn perfume; fragrance 分部[分部] fēnbù branch; subsection; to subdivide 召集人[召集人] zhàojírén convener 良[良] liáng good; very; very much 说起[說起] shuōqǐ to mention; to bring up (a subject); with regard to; as for 特约[特約] tèyuē specially engaged; employed or commissioned for a special task 黑人[黑人] hēirén black person; an illegal 加倍[加倍] jiābèi to double; to redouble 苏菲[蘇菲] Sūfēi Sophie (name); Sufi (Muslim mystic) 护肤[護膚] hùfū skincare 科[科] kē branch of study; administrative section; division; field; branch; stage directions; family (taxonomy); rules; laws; to mete out (punishment); to levy (taxes etc); to fine sb; CL:個|个[ge4] //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/100 words - 44 min 阿玛尼[阿瑪尼] Āmǎní Armani (fashion designer) 无瑕[無瑕] wúxiá faultless; perfect 釉[釉] yòu glaze (of porcelain) 调色[調色] tiáosè to blend colors; to mix colors 多芬[多芬] Duōfēn Dove (brand) 萃[萃] cuì collect; collection; dense; grassy; thick; assemble; gather 洗发水[洗髮水] xǐfàshuǐ shampoo (liquid) 秀发[秀髮] xiùfà beautiful hair 润[潤] rùn to moisten; to lubricate; to embellish; moist; glossy; sleek 搜索[搜索] sōusuǒ to search (a place); to search (a database etc) 美观[美觀] měiguān pleasing to the eye; beautiful; artistic 都市[都市] dūshì city; metropolis 度假区[度假區] dùjiàqū (vacation) resort 备受[備受] bèishòu to fully experience (good or bad) 征集[徵集] zhēngjí to collect; to recruit 演艺[演藝] yǎnyì performing arts 术[術] shù method; technique 欢天喜地[歡天喜地] huāntiānxǐdì delighted; with great joy; in high spirits 代言人[代言人] dàiyánrén spokesperson 小巧[小巧] xiǎoqiǎo small and exquisite; delicate; fine (features); compact; nifty VCR[VCR] VCR video clip (loanword from "videocassette recorder") 上膛[上膛] shàngtáng roof of the mouth; to load (a gun) 碍事[礙事] àishì (usu used in the negative) to be of importance or to matter; to be in the way; to be a hindrance 发胶[髮膠] fàjiāo hair gel 名叫[名叫] míngjiào called; named //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/125 words - 53 min 开枪[開槍] kāiqiāng to open fire; to shoot a gun 缠绵[纏綿] chánmián touching (emotions); lingering (illness) 绵[綿] mián silk floss; continuous; soft; weak; mild-mannered (dialect) 猎物[獵物] lièwù prey 冷却[冷卻] lěngquè to cool off; cooling 持有[持有] chíyǒu to hold (passport, views etc) 追击[追擊] zhuījī to pursue and attack 先行[先行] xiānxíng to precede others; in advance 开火[開火] kāihuǒ to open fire 扣动[扣動] kòudòng to pull (a trigger) 扳机[扳機] bānjī (gun) trigger 化作[化作] huàzuò to change into; to turn into; to become 诱饵[誘餌] yòu'ěr bait 糖衣[糖衣] tángyī frosting or icing (on cakes etc); sugarcoating 炮弹[炮彈] pàodàn artillery shell; CL:枚[mei2] 射[射] shè to shoot; to launch; to allude to; radio- (chemistry) 心房[心房] xīnfáng heart (as the seat of emotions); cardiac atrium 甜言蜜语[甜言蜜語] tiányánmìyǔ (idiom) sweet words; sweet talk; cajolery 囊[囊] náng sack; purse; pocket (for money) 闲言碎语[閑言碎語] xiányánsuìyǔ idle gossip; irrelevant nonsense; slanderous rumor 声东击西[聲東擊西] shēngdōngjīxī to threaten the east and strike to the west (idiom); to create a diversion 声势[聲勢] shēngshì fame and power; prestige; influence; impetus; momentum 浩大[浩大] hàodà vast; great; large amount 狡诈[狡詐] jiǎozhà craft; cunning; deceitful 全局[全局] quánjú overall situation //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/150 words - 65 min 早晚[早晚] zǎowǎn morning and evening; sooner or later 身手[身手] shēnshǒu skill; talent; agility 实则[實則] shízé actually; in fact 小看[小看] xiǎokàn to look down on; to underestimate 轻佻[輕佻] qīngtiāo frivolous; coquettish 不经意[不經意] bùjīngyì not paying attention; carelessly; by accident 反派[反派] fǎnpài villain (of a drama etc) 轻敌[輕敵] qīngdí to underestimate the enemy 干扰[干擾] gānrǎo to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) 失手[失手] shīshǒu a slip; miscalculation; unwise move; accidentally; by mistake; to lose control; to be defeated 采[采] cǎi color; complexion; looks; variant of 彩[cai3]; variant of 採|采[cai3] 端[端] duān end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level with both hands; to carry; regular 看不出[看不出] kànbuchū can't see; can't make out; unable to tell 一丝一毫[一絲一毫] yīsīyīháo one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit; an iota 炸弹[炸彈] zhàdàn bomb; CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] 险胜[險勝] xiǎnshèng to win by a narrow margin; to barely win; narrow victory 慢性[慢性] mànxìng slow and patient; chronic (disease); slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison) 荨麻疹[蕁麻疹] xúnmázhěn urticaria; nettle rash; hives 金鱼[金魚] jīnyú goldfish 释怀[釋懷] shìhuái to release (tension); relief (from suspense); to dispel (usu. with negative, unable to forget) 花盆[花盆] huāpén flower pot 小拇指[小拇指] xiǎomǔzhǐ little finger; pinkie 灯罩[燈罩] dēngzhào cover of lamp; lampshade; glass cover of oil lamp 下跪[下跪] xiàguì to kneel; to go down on one's knees 台灯[檯燈] táidēng desk lamp; table lamp //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/175 words - 83 min 伴舞[伴舞] bànwǔ to be a dancing partner to sb; to perform as a backup dancer; taxi dancer (hired dancing partner); escort 点明[點明] diǎnmíng to point out 点题[點題] diǎntí to bring out the main theme; to make the point; to bring out the substance concisely 凶神恶煞[兇神惡煞] xiōngshén'èshà fiends (idiom); devils and monsters 威胁[威脅] wēixié to threaten; to menace 戴帽子[戴帽子] dàimàozi to wear a hat; (fig.) to stigmatize; to be branded as 香槟[香檳] xiāngbīn champagne (loanword) 落日[落日] luòrì setting sun 橱窗[櫥窗] chúchuāng display window 任由[任由] rènyóu to let (sb do sth); to allow; regardless of 玩偶[玩偶] wán'ǒu toy figurine; action figure; stuffed animal; doll; (fig.) sb's plaything 内疚[內疚] nèijiù guilty conscience; to feel a twinge of guilt 作怪[作怪] zuòguài (of a ghost) to make strange things happen; to act up; to act behind the scenes; to make mischief; odd; to misbehave (euphemism for having sex) 忽冷忽热[忽冷忽熱] hūlěnghūrè now hot, now cold; (of one's mood, affection etc) to alternate 脱光[脫光] tuōguāng to strip naked; to strip nude; (coll.) to find oneself a partner 彻底[徹底] chèdǐ thorough; thoroughly; complete 计算[計算] jìsuàn to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:個|个[ge4] 商品[商品] shāngpǐn commodity; goods; merchandise; CL:個|个[ge4] 三心二意[三心二意] sānxīn'èryì in two minds about sth (idiom); half-hearted; shilly-shallying 打转[打轉] dǎzhuàn to spin; to rotate; to revolve 可见[可見] kějiàn it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible 抛开[拋開] pāokāi to throw out; to get rid of 症[症] zhèng disease; illness 抽时间[抽時間] chōushíjiān to (try to) find the time to 抽空[抽空] chōukòng to find the time to do sth //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/200 words - 90 min 毕[畢] bì the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished 长裤[長褲] chángkù trousers 局限[局限] júxiàn to limit; to confine; to restrict sth within set boundaries 领带[領帶] lǐngdài necktie; CL:條|条[tiao2] 琴[琴] qín guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] (a type of zither); musical instrument in general 球场[球場] qiúchǎng stadium; sports ground; court; pitch; field; golf course; CL:個|个[ge4],處|处[chu4] 上高[上高] Shànggāo Shanggao county in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi 数学[數學] shùxué mathematics; mathematical 不及格[不及格] bùjígé to fail; to flunk 年级[年級] niánjí grade; year (in school, college etc); CL:個|个[ge4] 科目[科目] kēmù subject 共同努力[共同努力] gòngtóngnǔlì to work together; to collaborate 暑假[暑假] shǔjià summer vacation; CL:個|个[ge4] 抑郁[抑鬱] yìyù depressed; despondent; gloomy; depression 光亮[光亮] guāngliàng bright 公益[公益] gōngyì public good; public welfare 影响力[影響力] yǐngxiǎnglì influence; impact 自学[自學] zìxué self-study; to study on one's own 修图[修圖] xiūtú to retouch images; image retouching 美工[美工] měigōng art design; art designer 幅[幅] fú width; roll; classifier for textiles or pictures 单词[單詞] dāncí word; CL:個|个[ge4] 网站[網站] wǎngzhàn website; network station; node 上传[上傳] shàngchuán to upload 挫折[挫折] cuòzhé setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustration; disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage; to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/225 words - 98 min 讲师[講師] jiǎngshī instructor; lecturer 考上[考上] kǎoshàng to pass a university entrance exam 博士[博士] bóshì doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph.D. 韩寒[韓寒] HánHán Han Han (1982-), PRC blogger, singer and professional rally driver 中华人民共和国[中華人民共和國] ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó People's Republic of China 警官[警官] jǐngguān constable; police officer 二战[二戰] Èrzhàn World War II 考研[考研] kǎoyán to sit an entrance exam for a graduate program 暗号[暗號] ànhào secret signal (sign); countersign; password 书签[書籤] shūqiān bookmark; CL:張|张[zhang1] 跌[跌] diē to fall; to tumble; to trip; (of prices etc) to drop; Taiwan pr. [die2] 赤[赤] chì red; scarlet; bare; naked 初夏[初夏] chūxià early summer 滂沱[滂沱] pāngtuó pouring; flooding 浑浊[渾濁] húnzhuó muddy; turbid 褪[褪] tuì to take off (clothes); to shed feathers; (of color) to fade; to discolor 镌刻[鐫刻] juānkè to engrave 邂逅[邂逅] xièhòu to meet by chance; to run into sb; chance encounter 默念[默念] mòniàn to read silently; to mouth (the words of a prayer etc); to say to oneself; to contemplate inwardly 褪色[褪色] tuìsè to fade (of colors); also pr. [tui4 shai3] 铭刻[銘刻] míngkè a carved inscription 点点滴滴[點點滴滴] diǎndiǎndīdī bit by bit; dribs and drabs; the little details; every aspect 一眨眼[一眨眼] yīzhǎyǎn in a wink 统计[統計] tǒngjì statistics; to count; to add up 演播[演播] yǎnbō broadcast performance; televised or podcast lecture //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/250 words - 109 min 忍者[忍者] rěnzhě ninja 七月[七月] Qīyuè July; seventh month (of the lunar year) 回国[回國] huíguó to return to one's home country 进关[進關] jìnguān inbound customs (international trade) 刹那[剎那] chànà an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second; the twinkling of an eye 辛酸[辛酸] xīnsuān pungent (taste); bitter; fig. sad; miserable 地铁[地鐵] dìtiě subway; metro 国外[國外] guówài abroad; external (affairs); overseas; foreign 下地[下地] xiàdì to go down to the fields; to get up from bed; to leave one's sickbed; to be born 看在眼里[看在眼裡] kànzàiyǎnli to observe; to take it all in 图片[圖片] túpiàn image; picture; photograph; CL:張|张[zhang1] 沙发[沙發] shāfā sofa (loanword); CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1]; (Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post 临走[臨走] línzǒu before leaving; on departure 纸条[紙條] zhǐtiáo slip of paper 懂事[懂事] dǒngshì sensible; thoughtful; intelligent 不由自主[不由自主] bùyóuzìzhǔ can't help; involuntarily (idiom) 台前[台前] táiqián front of the stage 后盾[後盾] hòudùn support; backing 相片[相片] xiàngpiàn image; photograph; CL:張|张[zhang1] 母女[母女] mǔnǚ mother-daughter 聪明伶俐[聰明伶俐] cōngminglínglì clever and quick-witted 证书[證書] zhèngshū credentials; certificate 过奖[過獎] guòjiǎng to overpraise; to flatter 广泛[廣泛] guǎngfàn extensive; wide range 二分[二分] èrfēn second part; the equinox //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/275 words - 116 min 全家[全家] quánjiā whole family 雄起[雄起] xióngqǐ (cry of encouragement); to arise; to stand up; to gain the ascendancy; Come on! 忠实[忠實] zhōngshí faithful 小姨[小姨] xiǎoyí (coll.) wife's younger sister; sister-in-law 影片[影片] yǐngpiàn film; movie; CL:部[bu4] 典藏[典藏] diǎncáng repository of items of cultural significance; collection 宽广[寬廣] kuānguǎng wide; broad; extensive; vast 胸怀[胸懷] xiōnghuái one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast; broad-minded and open; to think about; to cherish 青丝[青絲] qīngsī fine black hair; dried plum (sliced, as cake ingredient) 绒[絨] róng velvet; woolen 蒲公英[蒲公英] púgōngyīng dandelion (Taraxacum mongolicum) 顽皮[頑皮] wánpí naughty 烂漫[爛漫] lànmàn brightly colored; unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally) 无邪[無邪] wúxié without guilt 远处[遠處] yuǎnchù distant place 种子[種子] zhǒngzi seed; CL:顆|颗[ke1],粒[li4] 株[株] zhū tree trunk; stump (tree root); a plant; classifier for trees or plants; strain (biology); to involve others (in shady business) 奔驰[奔馳] bēnchí to run quickly; to speed; to gallop 盛夏[盛夏] shèngxià midsummer; the height of summer 色彩[色彩] sècǎi tint; coloring; coloration; (fig.) flavor; character 霎那[霎那] shànà see 剎那|刹那[cha4 na4] 金色[金色] jīnsè golden; gold (color) 浪花[浪花] lànghuā spray; ocean spray; spindrift; fig. happenings from one's life; CL:朵[duo3] 明亮[明亮] míngliàng bright; shining; glittering; to become clear 炉[爐] lú stove; furnace //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/300 words - 153 min 噼啪[噼啪] pīpā see 劈啪[pi1 pa1] 念念不忘[念念不忘] niànniànbùwàng to keep in mind constantly (idiom) 不虚此行[不虛此行] bùxūcǐxíng the trip has not been made in vain; the trip has been well worthwhile; it's been a worthwhile trip 感知[感知] gǎnzhī perception; awareness 冷暖[冷暖] lěngnuǎn lit. daily changes of temperature; fig. well-being; sb's comfort, health, prosperity etc 通透[通透] tōngtòu penetrating 性情[性情] xìngqíng nature; temperament 乐队[樂隊] yuèduì band; pop group; CL:支[zhi1] 勾起[勾起] gōuqǐ to evoke; to induce; to call to mind; to pick up with a hook 满天星[滿天星] mǎntiānxīng Baby's Breath; Gypsophila paniculata 996[996] jiǔjiǔliù 9am-9pm, six days a week (work schedule) 踏实[踏實] tāshi firmly-based; steady; steadfast; to have peace of mind; free from anxiety; Taiwan pr. [ta4 shi2] 社交[社交] shèjiāo interaction; social contact 悉心[悉心] xīxīn to put one's heart (and soul) into sth; with great care 流言蜚语[流言蜚語] liúyánfēiyǔ rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip; lies and slanders 力挺[力挺] lìtǐng to support; to back 栽培[栽培] zāipéi to grow; to cultivate; to train; to educate; to patronize 坚韧不拔[堅韌不拔] jiānrènbùbá firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding 豆子[豆子] dòuzi bean; pea; CL:顆|颗[ke1] 知觉[知覺] zhījué perception; consciousness 普普通通[普普通通] pǔpǔtōngtōng ordinary; mediocre; nothing special 工种[工種] gōngzhǒng kind of work in production (e.g. benchwork, foundry work etc) 编导[編導] biāndǎo to write and direct (a play, film etc); playwright-director; choreographer-director; scenarist-director 哥们[哥們] gēmen Brothers!; brethren; dude (colloquial); brother (diminutive form of address between males) 教诲[教誨] jiàohuì to instruct //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/325 words - 201 min 坚持不懈[堅持不懈] jiānchíbùxiè to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end 称呼[稱呼] chēnghu to call; to address as; appellation 勇往直前[勇往直前] yǒngwǎngzhíqián to advance bravely 剧院[劇院] jùyuàn theater; CL:家[jia1],座[zuo4] 家乡[家鄉] jiāxiāng hometown; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] 临海[臨海] línhǎi to overlook the sea; on the waterfront 雨伞[雨傘] yǔsǎn umbrella; CL:把[ba3] 晶[晶] jīng crystal 石榴[石榴] shíliu pomegranate 爱护[愛護] àihù to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love and protect 济[濟] jì to cross a river; to aid or relieve; to be of help 饭圈[飯圈] fànquān fan club 摩擦[摩擦] mócā friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony; conflict; also written 磨擦 成全[成全] chéngquán to help sb accomplish his aim; to help sb succeed; to complete; to make whole; to round off 逢[逢] féng to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along; (of an event) to fall on (a particular day); to fawn upon 温文[溫文] wēnwén genteel 祝贺[祝賀] zhùhè to congratulate; congratulations; CL:個|个[ge4] 要点[要點] yàodiǎn main point; essential 隧道[隧道] suìdào tunnel 秘[秘] mì secret; secretary 上辈子[上輩子] shàngbèizi one's ancestors; past generations; a former incarnation 前期[前期] qiánqī preceding period; early stage 鲤鱼[鯉魚] lǐyú carp 合集[合集] héjí collection; compilation 筹[籌] chóu chip (in gambling); token (for counting); ticket; to prepare; to plan; to raise (funds); resource; means //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep45/345 words - 211 min 掉泪[掉淚] diàolèi to shed tears 喷泉[噴泉] pēnquán fountain 整治[整治] zhěngzhì to bring under control; to regulate; to restore to good condition; (coll.) to fix (a person); to prepare (a meal etc) 治[治] zhì to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); to treat (a disease); to wipe out (a pest); to punish; to research 奌[奌] diǎn variant of 點|点[dian3] 新年快乐[新年快樂] xīnniánkuàilè Happy New Year! 桌[桌] zhuō table; desk; classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc 大巴[大巴] dàbā (coll.) large bus; coach; (abbr. for 大型巴士) 减速[減速] jiǎnsù to reduce speed; to slow down; to take it easy 长老[長老] zhǎnglǎo elder; term of respect for a Buddhist monk 吃饱[吃飽] chībǎo to eat one's fill 天台[天台] Tiāntāi Mt Tiantai near Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴 in Zhejiang, the center of Tiantai Buddhism 天台宗; Tiantai county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang 大喊大叫[大喊大叫] dàhǎndàjiào shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly; to rant; to kick up a racket; to conduct vigorous propaganda 挤满[擠滿] jǐmǎn crowded to bursting point; filled to overflowing; jam-packed 玻璃[玻璃] bōli glass; CL:張|张[zhang1],塊|块[kuai4]; (slang) male homosexual 围栏[圍欄] wéilán fencing; railings; fence 恶梦[惡夢] èmèng nightmare 乘以[乘以] chéngyǐ (math.) multiplied with 大年三十[大年三十] dàniánsānshí last day of the lunar year; Chinese New Year's Eve 放假[放假] fàngjià to have a holiday or vacation //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep46/25 words - 29 min 滋[滋] zī to grow; to nourish; to increase; to cause; juice; taste; (dialect) to spout; to spurt 有味[有味] yǒuwèi tasty 划下[劃下] huàxià to underline; to mark 无法形容[無法形容] wúfǎxíngróng unspeakable; indescribable 着迷[著迷] zháomí to be fascinated; to be captivated 钻牛角尖[鑽牛角尖] zuānniújiǎojiān lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs 退路[退路] tuìlù a way out; a way to retreat; leeway 头彩[頭彩] tóucǎi first prize in a lottery 筋[筋] jīn muscle; tendon; veins visible under the skin; sth resembling tendons or veins (e.g. fiber in a vegetable) 人意[人意] rényì people's expectations 仅仅[僅僅] jǐnjǐn barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more) 反反复复[反反復復] fǎnfǎnfùfù repeatedly; time and time again 险阻[險阻] xiǎnzǔ dangerous and difficult (path) 大大咧咧[大大咧咧] dàdàliēliē carefree; offhand; casual 暴雨[暴雨] bàoyǔ torrential rain; rainstorm; CL:場|场[chang2],陣|阵[zhen4] 赴[赴] fù to go; to visit (e.g. another country); to attend (a banquet etc) 焦[焦] jiāo burnt; scorched; charred; worried; anxious; coke; abbr. for 焦耳[jiao1 er3], joule 一帆风顺[一帆風順] yīfānfēngshùn propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip! 楼层[樓層] lóucéng story; floor 心路[心路] xīnlù scheme; artifice; tolerance; intention; motive; train of thought; brains; wit; ideas 历程[歷程] lìchéng course; process 放话[放話] fànghuà to give orders; to spread news or rumors; to leak certain information intentionally 艰辛[艱辛] jiānxīn hardships; arduous; difficult 没心没肺[沒心沒肺] méixīnméifèi simple-minded; thoughtless; heartless; nitwitted 压根[壓根] yàgēn from the start; absolutely; entirely; simply //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep46/34 words - 57 min 词库[詞庫] cíkù word stock; lexicon 火辣[火辣] huǒlà painful heat; scorching; rude and forthright; provocative; hot; sexy 直爽[直爽] zhíshuǎng straightforward; outspoken 饿死[餓死] èsǐ to starve to death; to be very hungry 积压[積壓] jīyā to pile up; to accumulate without being dealt with 皮囊[皮囊] pínáng leather bag 虚情假意[虛情假意] xūqíngjiǎyì false friendship; hypocritical show of affection 第一声[第一聲] dìyīshēng first tone in Mandarin; high, level tone 温婉[溫婉] wēnwǎn sweet-tempered; gentle //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep47/25 words - 36 min 河边[河邊] hébiān river bank 帽子戏法[帽子戲法] màozixìfǎ hat trick (when one player scores three goals) 泣[泣] qì to sob 鬼神[鬼神] guǐshén supernatural beings 话语[話語] huàyǔ words; speech; utterance; discourse 天外[天外] TiānWài abbr. for 天津外國語大學|天津外国语大学[Tian1 jin1 Wai4 guo2 yu3 Da4 xue2] 必修课[必修課] bìxiūkè required course; compulsory course 前来[前來] qiánlái to come (formal); before; previously 暗自[暗自] ànzì inwardly; to oneself; secretly 丫鬟[丫鬟] yāhuan servant girl; maid 后裔[後裔] hòuyì descendant 凑近[湊近] còujìn to approach; to lean close to 跺[跺] duò to stamp one's feet 胃痛[胃痛] wèitòng stomachache 养成[養成] yǎngchéng to cultivate; to raise; to form (a habit); to acquire 入微[入微] rùwēi down to the smallest detail; thoroughgoing; fine and detailed 半月板[半月板] bànyuèbǎn meniscus (anatomy) 损伤[損傷] sǔnshāng to harm; to damage; to injure; impairment; loss; disability 生锈[生銹] shēngxiù to rust; to grow rusty; to corrode; oxidization 何人[何人] hérén who 书生[書生] shūshēng scholar; intellectual; egghead 童[童] tóng child 未卜[未卜] wèibǔ not foreseen; unpredictable; not on the cards 钱财[錢財] qiáncái wealth; money 不翼而飞[不翼而飛] bùyì'érfēi to disappear without trace; to vanish all of a sudden; to spread fast; to spread like wildfire //Youth With You 2 - S1/Ep47/37 words - 37 min 冤枉[冤枉] yuānwang to accuse wrongly; to treat unjustly; injustice; wronged; not worthwhile 凶手[兇手] xiōngshǒu murderer; assassin 大牢[大牢] dàláo prison 英明[英明] yīngmíng wise; brilliant 窦[竇] dòu hole; aperture; (anatomy) cavity; sinus 娥[娥] é good; beautiful 冤[冤] yuān injustice; grievance; wrong 迷晕[迷暈] míyūn to knock sb out with a drug; to render sb unconscious 县令[縣令] xiànlìng county magistrate (during Tang to Qing times) 鼠[鼠] shǔ rat; mouse; CL:隻|只[zhi1] 下毒[下毒] xiàdú to put poison in sth; to poison 案[案] àn (legal) case; incident; record; file; table